$Id: psout.w 1400 2010-10-13 11:26:37Z taco $
% Copyright 2008-2009 Taco Hoekwater.
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
% along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% TeX is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
% METAFONT is a trademark of Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
% PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

% Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac
\def\hang{\hangindent 3em\noindent\ignorespaces}
\def\textindent#1{\hangindent2.5em\noindent\hbox to2.5em{\hss#1 }\ignorespaces}
\def\pct!{{\char`\%}} % percent sign in ordinary text
\font\tenlogo=logo10 % font used for the METAFONT logo
\def\MF{{\tenlogo META}\-{\tenlogo FONT}}
\def\MP{{\tenlogo META}\-{\tenlogo POST}}
\def\round{\mathop{\rm round}\nolimits}
\mathchardef\vbv="026A % synonym for `\|'
\def\[#1]{} % from pascal web
\def\(#1){} % this is used to make section names sort themselves better
\def\9#1{} % this is used for sort keys in the index via @@:sort key}{entry@@>

\let\?=\relax % we want to be able to \write a \?

\def\title{MetaPost \ps\ output}
\def\topofcontents{\hsize 5.5in
  \vglue -30pt plus 1fil minus 1.5in
  \def\?##1]{\hbox to 1in{\hfil##1.\ }}
\def\botofcontents{\vskip 0pt plus 1fil minus 1.5in}

@d true 1
@d false 0
@d null_font 0
@d null 0
@d unity   0200000 /* $2^{16}$, represents 1.00000 */
@d el_gordo   017777777777 /* $2^{31}-1$, the largest value that \MP\ likes */
@d incr(A)   (A)=(A)+1 /* increase a variable by unity */
@d decr(A)   (A)=(A)-1 /* decrease a variable by unity */
@d negate(A)   (A)=-(A) /* change the sign of a variable */
@d odd(A)   ((A)%2==1)
@d print_err(A) mp_print_err(mp,(A))
@d max_quarterword 0x3FFF /* largest allowable value in a |quarterword| */

#include <w2c/config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "avl.h"
#include "mplib.h"
#include "mplibps.h" /* external header */
#include "mpmp.h" /* internal header */
#include "mppsout.h" /* internal header */
#include "mpmath.h" /* internal header */
@<Static variables in the outer block@>

@ There is a small bit of code from the backend that bleads through
to the frontend because I do not know how to set up the includes
properly. That is the |typedef struct psout_data_struct * psout_data|.

@ @(mppsout.h@>=
#include "avl.h"
typedef struct psout_data_struct {
} psout_data_struct ;
@<Exported function headers@>

@ @c
static boolean mp_isdigit (int a) {
  return (a>='0'&&a<='9');
static int mp_tolower (int a) {
  if (a>='A' && a <='Z') 
    return a - 'A' + 'a';
  return a;
static int mp_strcasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2) {
  int r;
  char *ss1, *ss2, *c;
  ss1 = mp_strdup(s1); 
  c = ss1;
  while (*c != '\0') {
    *c = (char)mp_tolower(*c); c++;
  ss2 = mp_strdup(s2);
  c = ss2;
  while (*c != '\0') {
    *c = (char)mp_tolower(*c); c++;
  r = strcmp(ss1,ss2);
  free (ss1); free(ss2);
  return r;

@ @<Exported function headers@>=
void mp_ps_backend_initialize (MP mp) ;
void mp_ps_backend_free (MP mp) ;

@c void mp_ps_backend_initialize (MP mp) {
  mp->ps = mp_xmalloc(mp,1,sizeof(psout_data_struct));
  @<Set initial values@>;
void mp_ps_backend_free (MP mp) {
  @<Dealloc variables@>;
  mp->ps = NULL;

@ Writing to ps files

integer ps_offset;
  /* the number of characters on the current \ps\ file line */

@ @<Set initial values@>=
mp->ps->ps_offset = 0;


@d wps(A)     (mp->write_ascii_file)(mp,mp->output_file,(A))
@d wps_chr(A) do { 
  char ss[2]; 
  ss[0]=(char)(A); ss[1]=0; 
  (mp->write_ascii_file)(mp,mp->output_file,(char *)ss); 
} while (0)
@d wps_cr     (mp->write_ascii_file)(mp,mp->output_file,"\n")
@d wps_ln(A)  { wterm_cr; (mp->write_ascii_file)(mp,mp->output_file,(A)); }

static void mp_ps_print_ln (MP mp) { /* prints an end-of-line */

@ @c
static void mp_ps_print_char (MP mp, int s) { /* prints a single character */
  if ( s==13 ) {
    wps_cr; mp->ps->ps_offset=0;
  } else {
    wps_chr(s); incr(mp->ps->ps_offset);

@ @c
static void mp_ps_do_print (MP mp, const char *ss, size_t len) { /* prints string |s| */
  size_t j = 0;
  if (len>255) {
     while ( j<len ){
       mp_ps_print_char(mp, ss[j]); incr(j);
  } else {
    static char outbuf[256];
    strncpy(outbuf, ss, len+1);
    while ( j<len ){ 
      if ( *(outbuf+j) == 13 ) {
        *(outbuf+j) = '\n';
      } else {

@ Deciding where to break the ps output line. 

@d ps_room(A) if (mp->ps->ps_offset>0 && (mp->ps->ps_offset+(int)(A))>mp->max_print_line ) {
  mp_ps_print_ln(mp); /* optional line break */

static void mp_ps_print (MP mp, const char *ss) {
  mp_ps_do_print(mp, ss, strlen(ss));
static void mp_ps_dsc_print (MP mp, const char *dsc, const char *ss) {
  if (mp->ps->ps_offset==0) {
    mp_ps_do_print(mp, "%%+ ", 4);
    mp_ps_do_print(mp, dsc, strlen(dsc));
    mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
  mp_ps_do_print(mp, ss, strlen(ss));

@ The procedure |print_nl| is like |print|, but it makes sure that the
string appears at the beginning of a new line.

static void mp_ps_print_nl (MP mp, const char *s) { /* prints string |s| at beginning of line */
  if ( mp->ps->ps_offset>0 ) mp_ps_print_ln(mp);
  mp_ps_print(mp, s);

@ The following procedure, which prints out the decimal representation of a
given integer |n|, has been written carefully so that it works properly
if |n=0| or if |(-n)| would cause overflow. It does not apply |mod| or |div|
to negative arguments, since such operations are not implemented consistently
by all \PASCAL\ compilers.

static void mp_ps_print_int (MP mp,integer n) { /* prints an integer in decimal form */
  integer m; /* used to negate |n| in possibly dangerous cases */
  char outbuf [24]; /* dig[23], plus terminating \0 */
  unsigned char dig[23];  /* digits in a number, for rounding */
  int k = 0; /* index to current digit; we assume that $|n|<10^{23}$ */
  int l = 0; 
  if ( n<0 ) { 
    mp_ps_print_char(mp, '-');
    if ( n>-100000000 ) {
    } else  { 
	  m=-1-n; n=m / 10; m=(m % 10)+1; k=1;
      if ( m<10 ) {
        dig[0]=(unsigned char)m;
      } else { 
        dig[0]=0; incr(n);
  do {  
    dig[k]=(unsigned char)(n % 10); n=n / 10; incr(k);
  } while (n!=0);
  /* print the digits */
  while ( k-->0 ){ 
    outbuf[l++] = (char)('0'+dig[k]);
  outbuf[l] = '\0';

@ \MP\ also makes use of a trivial procedure to print two digits. The
following subroutine is usually called with a parameter in the range |0<=n<=99|.

static void mp_ps_print_dd (MP mp,integer n) { /* prints two least significant digits */
  n=abs(n) % 100; 
  mp_ps_print_char(mp, '0'+(n / 10));
  mp_ps_print_char(mp, '0'+(n % 10));

@ Conversely, here is a procedure analogous to |print_int|. If the output
of this procedure is subsequently read by \MP\ and converted by the
|round_decimals| routine above, it turns out that the original value will
be reproduced exactly. A decimal point is printed only if the value is
not an integer. If there is more than one way to print the result with
the optimum number of digits following the decimal point, the closest
possible value is given.

The invariant relation in the \&{repeat} loop is that a sequence of
decimal digits yet to be printed will yield the original number if and only if
they form a fraction~$f$ in the range $s-\delta\L10\cdot2^{16}f<s$.
We can stop if and only if $f=0$ satisfies this condition; the loop will
terminate before $s$ can possibly become zero.

static void mp_ps_print_scaled (MP mp,scaled s) { 
  scaled delta; /* amount of allowable inaccuracy */
  if ( s<0 ) { 
	mp_ps_print_char(mp, '-'); 
    negate(s); /* print the sign, if negative */
  mp_ps_print_int(mp, s / unity); /* print the integer part */
  s=10*(s % unity)+5;
  if ( s!=5 ) { 
    mp_ps_print_char(mp, '.');
    do {  
      if ( delta>unity )
        s=s+0100000-(delta / 2); /* round the final digit */
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, '0'+(s / unity)); 
      s=10*(s % unity); 
    } while (s>delta);

@* \[44a] Dealing with font encodings.

First, here are a few helpers for parsing files

@d check_buf(size, buf_size)
    if ((unsigned)(size) > (unsigned)(buf_size)) {
      char S[128];
      mp_snprintf(S,128,"buffer overflow: (%u,%u) at file %s, line %d",
               (unsigned)(size),(unsigned)(buf_size), __FILE__,  __LINE__ );

@d append_char_to_buf(c, p, buf, buf_size) do {
    if (c == 9)
        c = 32;
    if (c == 13 || c == EOF)
        c = 10;
    if (c != ' ' || (p > buf && p[-1] != 32)) {
        check_buf(p - buf + 1, (buf_size));
        *p++ = (char)c; 
} while (0)

@d append_eol(p, buf, buf_size) do {
    check_buf(p - buf + 2, (buf_size));
    if (p - buf > 1 && p[-1] != 10)
        *p++ = 10;
    if (p - buf > 2 && p[-2] == 32) {
        p[-2] = 10;
    *p = 0;
} while (0)

@d remove_eol(p, buf) do {
    p = strend(buf) - 1;
    if (*p == 10)
        *p = 0;
} while (0)

@d skip(p, c)   if (*p == c)  p++
@d strend(s)    strchr(s, 0)
@d str_prefix(s1, s2)  (strncmp((s1), (s2), strlen(s2)) == 0)

@ @<Types...@>=
typedef struct {
    boolean loaded;             /* the encoding has been loaded? */
    char *file_name;                 /* encoding file name */
    char *enc_name;              /* encoding true name */
    integer objnum;             /* object number */
    char **glyph_names;
    integer tounicode;          /* object number of associated ToUnicode entry */
} enc_entry;



#define ENC_BUF_SIZE  0x1000
char enc_line[ENC_BUF_SIZE];
void * enc_file;

@d enc_eof()       (mp->eof_file)(mp,mp->ps->enc_file)
@d enc_close()     (mp->close_file)(mp,mp->ps->enc_file)

static int enc_getchar(MP mp) {
  size_t len = 1;
  unsigned char abyte=0;
  void *byte_ptr = &abyte;  
  return abyte;

@ @c 
static boolean mp_enc_open (MP mp, char *n) {
  mp->ps->enc_file=(mp->open_file)(mp,n, "r", mp_filetype_encoding);
  if (mp->ps->enc_file!=NULL)
    return true;
   return false;
static void mp_enc_getline (MP mp) {
  char *p;
  int c;
  if (enc_eof ()) {
    print_err("unexpected end of file");
  p = mp->ps->enc_line;
  do {
    c = enc_getchar (mp);
    append_char_to_buf (c, p, mp->ps->enc_line, ENC_BUF_SIZE);
  } while (c != 10);
  append_eol (p, mp->ps->enc_line, ENC_BUF_SIZE);
  if (p - mp->ps->enc_line < 2 || *mp->ps->enc_line == '%')
    goto RESTART;
static void mp_load_enc (MP mp, char *enc_name, 
                  char **enc_encname, char **glyph_names){
  char buf[ENC_BUF_SIZE], *p, *r;
  int names_count;
  char *myname;
  unsigned save_selector = mp->selector;
  if (!mp_enc_open (mp,enc_name)) {
      char err [256];
      mp_snprintf(err,255, "cannot open encoding file %s for reading", enc_name);
      mp_print (mp,err);
  mp_print (mp,"{");
  mp_print (mp, enc_name);
  mp_enc_getline (mp);
  if (*mp->ps->enc_line != '/' || (r = strchr (mp->ps->enc_line, '[')) == NULL) {
    remove_eol (r, mp->ps->enc_line);
    print_err ("invalid encoding vector (a name or `[' missing): `");
  while (*(r-1)==' ') r--; /* strip trailing spaces from encoding name */
  myname = mp_xmalloc(mp,(size_t)(r-mp->ps->enc_line),1);
  *enc_encname = myname;
  while (*r!='[') r++;
  r++;                        /* skip '[' */
  names_count = 0;
  skip (r, ' ');
  for (;;) {
    while (*r == '/') {
      for (p = buf, r++;
           *r != ' ' && *r != 10 && *r != ']' && *r != '/'; *p++ = *r++);
        *p = 0;
      skip (r, ' ');
      if (names_count > 256) {
        print_err ("encoding vector contains more than 256 names");
      if (mp_xstrcmp (buf, notdef) != 0)
        glyph_names[names_count] = mp_xstrdup (mp,buf);
    if (*r != 10 && *r != '%') {
      if (str_prefix (r, "] def"))
        goto DONE;
      else {
        remove_eol (r, mp->ps->enc_line);
          ("invalid encoding vector: a name or `] def' expected: `");
    mp_enc_getline (mp);
    r = mp->ps->enc_line;
  enc_close ();
  mp_print (mp,"}");
  mp->selector = save_selector;
static void mp_read_enc (MP mp, enc_entry * e) {
    if (e->loaded)
    e->enc_name = NULL;
    mp_load_enc (mp,e->file_name, &e->enc_name, e->glyph_names);
    e->loaded = true;

@ |write_enc| is used to write either external encoding (given in map file) or
 internal encoding (read from the font file); 
 the 2nd argument is a pointer to the encoding entry; 
static void mp_write_enc (MP mp, enc_entry * e) {
    int i;
    size_t s, foffset;
    char **g;
    if (e->objnum != 0)     /* the encoding has been written already */
     e->objnum = 1;
     g = e->glyph_names;

    mp_ps_print(mp,"\n%%%%BeginResource: encoding ");
    mp_ps_print(mp, e->enc_name);
    mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/");
    mp_ps_print(mp, e->enc_name);
    mp_ps_print(mp, " [ ");
    mp_ps_print_ln (mp);
    foffset = strlen(e->file_name)+3;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      s = strlen(g[i]);
      if (s+1+foffset>=80) {
   	    mp_ps_print_ln (mp);
    	foffset = 0;
      foffset += s+2;
      mp_ps_print(mp, g[i]);
      mp_ps_print_char(mp,' ');
    if (foffset>75)
 	   mp_ps_print_ln (mp);
    mp_ps_print_nl (mp,"] def\n");

@ All encoding entries go into AVL tree for fast search by name.

avl_tree enc_tree;


@<Static variables in the outer block@>=
static char notdef[] = ".notdef";

@ @<Set initial...@>=
mp->ps->enc_tree = NULL;

@ @c
static int comp_enc_entry (void *p, const void *pa, const void *pb) {
    return strcmp (((const enc_entry *) pa)->file_name,
                   ((const enc_entry *) pb)->file_name);
static void *destroy_enc_entry (void *pa) {
    enc_entry *p;
    int i;
    p = (enc_entry *) pa;
    mp_xfree (p->file_name);
    if (p->glyph_names != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            if (p->glyph_names[i] != notdef)
                mp_xfree (p->glyph_names[i]);
    mp_xfree (p->enc_name);
    mp_xfree (p->glyph_names);
    mp_xfree (p);
    return NULL;

@ Not having an |mp| instance here means that lots of |malloc| and 
|strdup| checks are needed. Spotted by Peter Breitenlohner.

static void *copy_enc_entry (const void *pa) {
    const enc_entry *p;
    enc_entry *q;
    int i;
    p = (const enc_entry *) pa;
    q = malloc (sizeof (enc_entry));
    if (q!=NULL) {
        if (p->enc_name!=NULL) {
            q->enc_name = strdup (p->enc_name);
	    if (q->enc_name == NULL)
	        return NULL;
        q->loaded = p->loaded;
	if (p->file_name != NULL) {
	    q->file_name = strdup (p->file_name);
	    if (q->file_name == NULL)
	        return NULL;
        q->objnum = p->objnum;
        q->tounicode = p->tounicode;
        q->glyph_names = malloc (256 * sizeof (char *));
        if (p->glyph_names == NULL)
            return NULL;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
            if (p->glyph_names[i] != NULL) {
                q->glyph_names[i] = strdup(p->glyph_names[i]);
	        if (q->glyph_names[i] == NULL)
	            return NULL;
    return (void *)q;

static enc_entry * mp_add_enc (MP mp, char *s) {
    int i;
    enc_entry tmp, *p;

    if (mp->ps->enc_tree == NULL) {
      mp->ps->enc_tree = avl_create (comp_enc_entry,
                                     malloc, free, NULL);
    tmp.file_name = s;
    p = (enc_entry *) avl_find (&tmp, mp->ps->enc_tree);
    if (p != NULL)              /* encoding already registered */
        return p;
    p = mp_xmalloc (mp,1,sizeof (enc_entry));
    p->loaded = false;
    p->file_name = mp_xstrdup (mp,s);
    p->objnum = 0;
    p->tounicode = 0;
    p->glyph_names = mp_xmalloc (mp,256,sizeof (char *));
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        p->glyph_names[i] = mp_xstrdup(mp, notdef);
    assert (avl_ins (p, mp->ps->enc_tree, avl_false)>0);
    return avl_find (&tmp, mp->ps->enc_tree);

@ cleaning up... 

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void enc_free (MP mp);

@ @c static void enc_free (MP mp) {
    if (mp->ps->enc_tree != NULL)
      avl_destroy (mp->ps->enc_tree);

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_reload_encodings (MP mp) ;
static void mp_font_encodings (MP mp, font_number lastfnum, boolean encodings_only) ;

@ @c void mp_reload_encodings (MP mp) {
  font_number f;
  enc_entry *e;
  fm_entry *fm_cur;
  font_number lastfnum = mp->last_fnum;
  for (f=null_font+1;f<=lastfnum;f++) {
    if (mp->font_enc_name[f]!=NULL ) {
    if (mp_has_fm_entry (mp,f,&fm_cur)) { 
      if (fm_cur != NULL && fm_cur->ps_name != NULL &&is_reencoded (fm_cur)) {
	e = fm_cur->encoding;
	mp_read_enc (mp,e);
static void mp_font_encodings (MP mp, font_number lastfnum, boolean encodings_only) {
  font_number f;
  enc_entry *e;
  fm_entry *fm;
  for (f=null_font+1;f<=lastfnum;f++) {
    if (mp_has_font_size(mp,f) && mp_has_fm_entry (mp,f, &fm)) { 
      if (fm != NULL && (fm->ps_name != NULL)) {
	if (is_reencoded (fm)) {
	  if (encodings_only || (!is_subsetted (fm))) {
	    e = fm->encoding;
	    mp_write_enc (mp, e);
            /* clear for next run */
            e->objnum = 0;

@* \[44b] Parsing font map files.

@d FM_BUF_SIZE     1024

void * fm_file;
size_t fm_byte_waiting;
size_t fm_byte_length;
unsigned char *fm_bytes;

@ This is comparable to t1 font loading (see below) but because the first
thing done is not calling |fm_getchar()| but |fm_eof()|, the initial value
of length has to be one more than waiting.

@<Set initial ...@>=

@d fm_eof()        (mp->ps->fm_byte_waiting>=mp->ps->fm_byte_length)
@d fm_close()      do { 
   mp->ps->fm_bytes = NULL;
} while (0)
@d valid_code(c)   (c >= 0 && c < 256)

static int fm_getchar (MP mp) {
  if (mp->ps->fm_bytes == NULL) {
    void *byte_ptr ;
    mp->ps->fm_byte_length = (size_t)ftell(mp->ps->fm_file);
    mp->ps->fm_bytes = mp_xmalloc(mp, mp->ps->fm_byte_length, 1);
    byte_ptr = (void *)mp->ps->fm_bytes;
  return *(mp->ps->fm_bytes+mp->ps->fm_byte_waiting++);

@ @<Types...@>=
enum _ltype { MAPFILE, MAPLINE };
typedef struct mitem {
    int mode;                   /* |FM_DUPIGNORE| or |FM_REPLACE| or |FM_DELETE| */
    int type;                   /* map file or map line */
    char *map_line;              /* pointer to map file name or map line */
    int lineno;                 /* line number in map file */
} mapitem;

@ @<Glob...@>=
mapitem *mitem;
fm_entry *fm_cur;
fm_entry *loaded_tfm_found;
fm_entry *avail_tfm_found;
fm_entry *non_tfm_found;
fm_entry *not_avail_tfm_found;

@ @<Set initial...@>=
mp->ps->mitem = NULL;

@ @<Declarations@>=
static const char nontfm[] = "<nontfm>";

@d read_field(r, q, buf) do {
    q = buf;
    while (*r != ' ' && *r != '\0')
        *q++ = *r++;
    *q = '\0';
    skip (r, ' ');
} while (0)

@d set_field(F) do {
    if (q > buf)
        fm->F = mp_xstrdup(mp,buf);
    if (*r == '\0')
        goto DONE;
} while (0)

@d cmp_return(a, b)
    if (a > b)
        return 1;
    if (a < b)
        return -1

@d do_strdup(a) (a==NULL ? NULL : strdup(a))

static fm_entry *new_fm_entry (MP mp) {
    fm_entry *fm;
    fm = mp_xmalloc (mp,1,sizeof(fm_entry));
    fm->tfm_name = NULL;
    fm->ps_name = NULL;
    fm->flags = 4;
    fm->ff_name = NULL;
    fm->subset_tag = NULL;
    fm->encoding = NULL;
    fm->tfm_num = null_font;
    fm->tfm_avail = TFM_UNCHECKED;
    fm->type = 0;
    fm->slant = 0;
    fm->extend = 0;
    fm->ff_objnum = 0;
    fm->fn_objnum = 0;
    fm->fd_objnum = 0;
    fm->charset = NULL;
    fm->all_glyphs = false;
    fm->links = 0;
    fm->pid = -1;
    fm->eid = -1;
    return fm;

static void *copy_fm_entry (const void *p) {
    fm_entry *fm;
    const fm_entry *fp;
    fp = (const fm_entry *)p;
    fm = malloc (sizeof(fm_entry));
    if (fm==NULL)
      return NULL;
    memcpy(fm, fp, sizeof(fm_entry));
    fm->tfm_name   = do_strdup(fp->tfm_name);
    fm->ps_name    = do_strdup(fp->ps_name);
    fm->ff_name    = do_strdup(fp->ff_name);
    fm->subset_tag = do_strdup(fp->subset_tag);
    fm->charset    = do_strdup(fp->charset);
    return (void *)fm;

static void * delete_fm_entry (void *p) {
    fm_entry *fm = (fm_entry *)p;
    mp_xfree (fm->tfm_name);
    mp_xfree (fm->ps_name);
    mp_xfree (fm->ff_name);
    mp_xfree (fm->subset_tag);
    mp_xfree (fm->charset);
    mp_xfree (fm);
    return NULL;

static ff_entry *new_ff_entry (MP mp) {
    ff_entry *ff;
    ff = mp_xmalloc (mp,1,sizeof(ff_entry));
    ff->ff_name = NULL;
    ff->ff_path = NULL;
    return ff;

static void *copy_ff_entry (const void *p) {
    ff_entry *ff;
    const ff_entry *fp;
    fp = (const ff_entry *)p;
    ff = (ff_entry *)malloc (sizeof(ff_entry));
    if (ff == NULL) 
      return NULL;
    ff->ff_name = do_strdup(fp->ff_name);
    ff->ff_path = do_strdup(fp->ff_path);
    return ff;

static void * delete_ff_entry (void *p) {
    ff_entry *ff = (ff_entry *)p;
    mp_xfree (ff->ff_name);
    mp_xfree (ff->ff_path);
    mp_xfree (ff);
    return NULL;

static char *mk_base_tfm (MP mp, char *tfmname, int *i) {
    static char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
    char *p = tfmname, *r = strend (p) - 1, *q = r;
    while (q > p && mp_isdigit (*q))
    if (!(q > p) || q == r || (*q != '+' && *q != '-'))
        return NULL;
    check_buf (q - p + 1, SMALL_BUF_SIZE);
    strncpy (buf, p, (size_t) (q - p));
    buf[q - p] = '\0';
    *i = atoi (q);
    return buf;

@ @<Declarations@>=
static boolean mp_has_fm_entry (MP mp,font_number f, fm_entry **fm);

@ @c
boolean mp_has_fm_entry (MP mp,font_number f, fm_entry **fm) {
    fm_entry *res = NULL;
    res = mp_fm_lookup (mp, f);
    if (fm != NULL) {
       *fm =res;
    return (res != NULL);

@ @<Glob...@>=
avl_tree tfm_tree;
avl_tree ps_tree;
avl_tree ff_tree;

@ @<Set initial...@>=
mp->ps->tfm_tree = NULL;
mp->ps->ps_tree = NULL;
mp->ps->ff_tree = NULL;

@ AVL sort |fm_entry| into |tfm_tree| by |tfm_name |

static int comp_fm_entry_tfm (void *p, const void *pa, const void *pb) {
    return strcmp (((const fm_entry *) pa)->tfm_name,
                   ((const fm_entry *) pb)->tfm_name);

@ AVL sort |fm_entry| into |ps_tree| by |ps_name|, |slant|, and |extend|

@c static int comp_fm_entry_ps (void *p, const void *pa, const void *pb) {
    int i;
    const fm_entry *p1 = (const fm_entry *) pa;
    const fm_entry *p2 = (const fm_entry *) pb;
    assert (p1->ps_name != NULL && p2->ps_name != NULL);
    if ((i = strcmp (p1->ps_name, p2->ps_name)))
        return i;
    cmp_return (p1->slant, p2->slant);
    cmp_return (p1->extend, p2->extend);
    if (p1->tfm_name != NULL && p2->tfm_name != NULL &&
        (i = strcmp (p1->tfm_name, p2->tfm_name)))
        return i;
    return 0;

@ AVL sort |ff_entry| into |ff_tree| by |ff_name|

@c static int comp_ff_entry (void *p, const void *pa, const void *pb) {
    return strcmp (((const ff_entry *) pa)->ff_name,
                   ((const ff_entry *) pb)->ff_name);

@ @c static void create_avl_trees (MP mp) {
    if (mp->ps->tfm_tree == NULL) {
        mp->ps->tfm_tree = avl_create (comp_fm_entry_tfm,
                                      malloc, free, NULL);
        assert (mp->ps->tfm_tree != NULL);
    if (mp->ps->ps_tree == NULL) {
        mp->ps->ps_tree = avl_create (comp_fm_entry_ps, 
                                      malloc, free, NULL);
        assert (mp->ps->ps_tree != NULL);
    if (mp->ps->ff_tree == NULL) {
        mp->ps->ff_tree = avl_create (comp_ff_entry, 
                                      malloc, free, NULL);
        assert (mp->ps->ff_tree != NULL);

@ The function |avl_do_entry| is not completely symmetrical with regards
to |tfm_name| and |ps_name handling|, e. g. a duplicate |tfm_name| gives a
|goto exit|, and no |ps_name| link is tried. This is to keep it compatible
with the original version.

@d LINK_TFM            0x01
@d LINK_PS             0x02
@d set_tfmlink(fm)     ((fm)->links |= LINK_TFM)
@d set_pslink(fm)      ((fm)->links |= LINK_PS)
@d has_tfmlink(fm)     ((fm)->links & LINK_TFM)
@d has_pslink(fm)      ((fm)->links & LINK_PS)

static int avl_do_entry (MP mp, fm_entry * fp, int mode) {
    fm_entry *p;
    char s[128];
    /* handle |tfm_name| link */

    if (strcmp (fp->tfm_name, nontfm)) {
        p = (fm_entry *) avl_find (fp, mp->ps->tfm_tree);
        if (p != NULL) {
            if (mode == FM_DUPIGNORE) {
               mp_snprintf(s,128,"fontmap entry for `%s' already exists, duplicates ignored",
                goto exit;
            } else {            /* mode == |FM_REPLACE| / |FM_DELETE| */
                if (mp_has_font_size(mp,p->tfm_num)) {
                        "fontmap entry for `%s' has been used, replace/delete not allowed",
                    goto exit;
                (void) avl_del (p,mp->ps->tfm_tree,NULL);
                p = NULL;
        if (mode != FM_DELETE) {
            if (p==NULL) {
                assert (avl_ins(fp, mp->ps->tfm_tree, avl_false)>0);
            set_tfmlink (fp);

    /* handle |ps_name| link */

    if (fp->ps_name != NULL) {
        assert (fp->tfm_name != NULL);
        p = (fm_entry *) avl_find (fp, mp->ps->ps_tree);
        if (p != NULL) {
            if (mode == FM_DUPIGNORE) {
                    "ps_name entry for `%s' already exists, duplicates ignored",
                goto exit;
            } else {            /* mode == |FM_REPLACE| / |FM_DELETE| */
                if (mp_has_font_size(mp,p->tfm_num)) {
                    /* REPLACE/DELETE not allowed */
                        "fontmap entry for `%s' has been used, replace/delete not allowed",
                    goto exit;
                (void)avl_del (p,mp->ps->ps_tree,NULL);
                p= NULL;
        if (mode != FM_DELETE) {
            if (p==NULL) {
                assert (avl_ins(fp, mp->ps->ps_tree, avl_false)>0);
            set_pslink (fp);
    if (!has_tfmlink (fp) && !has_pslink (fp))  /* e. g. after |FM_DELETE| */
        return 1;               /* deallocation of |fm_entry| structure required */
        return 0;

@ consistency check for map entry, with warn flag 

static int check_fm_entry (MP mp, fm_entry * fm, boolean warn) {
    int a = 0;
    char s[128];
    assert (fm != NULL);
    if (fm->ps_name != NULL) {
        if (is_basefont (fm)) {
            if (is_fontfile (fm) && !is_included (fm)) {
                if (warn) {
                    mp_snprintf(s,128, "invalid entry for `%s': "
                         "font file must be included or omitted for base fonts",
                a += 1;
        } else {                /* not a base font */
            /* if no font file given, drop this entry */
            /* |if (!is_fontfile (fm)) {
	         if (warn) {
                        "invalid entry for `%s': font file missing",
                a += 2;
    if (is_truetype (fm) && is_reencoded (fm) && !is_subsetted (fm)) {
        if (warn) {
                "invalid entry for `%s': only subsetted TrueType font can be reencoded",
        a += 4;
    if ((fm->slant != 0 || fm->extend != 0) &&
        (is_truetype (fm))) {
        if (warn) { 
                 "invalid entry for `%s': " 
                 "SlantFont/ExtendFont can be used only with embedded T1 fonts",
        a += 8;
    if (abs (fm->slant) > 1000) {
        if (warn) {
                "invalid entry for `%s': too big value of SlantFont (%d/1000.0)",
                 fm->tfm_name, (int)fm->slant);
        a += 16;
    if (abs (fm->extend) > 2000) {
        if (warn) {
                "invalid entry for `%s': too big value of ExtendFont (%d/1000.0)",
                 fm->tfm_name, (int)fm->extend);
        a += 32;
    if (fm->pid != -1 &&
        !(is_truetype (fm) && is_included (fm) &&
          is_subsetted (fm) && !is_reencoded (fm))) {
        if (warn) {
                "invalid entry for `%s': "
                 "PidEid can be used only with subsetted non-reencoded TrueType fonts",
        a += 64;
    return a;

@ returns true if s is one of the 14 std. font names; speed-trimmed. 

@c static boolean check_basefont (char *s) {
    static const char *basefont_names[] = {
        "Courier",              /* 0:7 */
        "Courier-Bold",         /* 1:12 */
        "Courier-Oblique",      /* 2:15 */
        "Courier-BoldOblique",  /* 3:19 */
        "Helvetica",            /* 4:9 */
        "Helvetica-Bold",       /* 5:14 */
        "Helvetica-Oblique",    /* 6:17 */
        "Helvetica-BoldOblique",        /* 7:21 */
        "Symbol",               /* 8:6 */
        "Times-Roman",          /* 9:11 */
        "Times-Bold",           /* 10:10 */
        "Times-Italic",         /* 11:12 */
        "Times-BoldItalic",     /* 12:16 */
        "ZapfDingbats"          /* 13:12 */
    static const int Index[] =
        { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 8, 0, -1, 4, 10, 9, -1, -1, 5, 2, 12, 6,
        -1, 3, -1, 7
    const size_t n = strlen (s);
    int k = -1;
    if (n > 21)
        return false;
    if (n == 12) {              /* three names have length 12 */
        switch (*s) {
        case 'C':
            k = 1;              /* Courier-Bold */
        case 'T':
            k = 11;             /* Times-Italic */
        case 'Z':
            k = 13;             /* ZapfDingbats */
            return false;
    } else
        k = Index[n];
    if (k > -1 && !strcmp (basefont_names[k], s))
        return true;
    return false;

@d is_cfg_comment(c) (c == 10 || c == '*' || c == '#' || c == ';' || c == '%')

@c static void fm_scan_line (MP mp) {
    int a, b, c, j, u = 0, v = 0;
    float d;
    fm_entry *fm;
    char fm_line[FM_BUF_SIZE], buf[FM_BUF_SIZE];
    char *p, *q, *r, *s;
    char warn_s[128];
    switch (mp->ps->mitem->type) {
    case MAPFILE:
        p = fm_line;
        do {
            c = fm_getchar (mp);
            append_char_to_buf (c, p, fm_line, FM_BUF_SIZE);
        } while (c != 10);
        *(--p) = '\0';
        r = fm_line;
    case MAPLINE:
        r = mp->ps->mitem->map_line;
        assert (0);
    if (*r == '\0' || is_cfg_comment (*r))
    fm = new_fm_entry (mp);
    read_field (r, q, buf);
    set_field (tfm_name);
    p = r;
    read_field (r, q, buf);
    if (*buf != '<' && *buf != '"')
        set_field (ps_name);
        r = p;                  /* unget the field */
    if (mp_isdigit (*r)) {         /* font flags given */
        fm->flags = atoi (r);
        while (mp_isdigit (*r))
    while (1) {                 /* loop through "specials", encoding, font file */
        skip (r, ' ');
        switch (*r) {
        case '\0':
            goto DONE;
        case '"':              /* opening quote */
            u = v = 0;
            do {
                skip (r, ' ');
                if (sscanf (r, "%f %n", &d, &j) > 0) {
                    s = r + j;  /* jump behind number, eat also blanks, if any */
                    if (*(s - 1) == 'E' || *(s - 1) == 'e')
                        s--;    /* e. g. 0.5ExtendFont: \%f = 0.5E */
                    if (str_prefix (s, "SlantFont")) {
                        d *= (float)1000.0;    /* correct rounding also for neg. numbers */
                        fm->slant = (short int) (d > 0 ? d + 0.5 : d - 0.5);
                        r = s + strlen ("SlantFont");
                    } else if (str_prefix (s, "ExtendFont")) {
                        d *= (float)1000.0;
                        fm->extend = (short int) (d > 0 ? d + 0.5 : d - 0.5);
                        if (fm->extend == 1000)
                            fm->extend = 0;
                        r = s + strlen ("ExtendFont");
                    } else {    /* unknown name */
                        for (r = s; 
                             *r != ' ' && *r != '"' && *r != '\0'; 
                             r++); /* jump over name */
                        c = *r; /* remember char for temporary end of string */
                        *r = '\0';
                            "invalid entry for `%s': unknown name `%s' ignored",
                             fm->tfm_name, s);
                        *r = (char)c;
                } else
                    for (; *r != ' ' && *r != '"' && *r != '\0'; r++);
            while (*r == ' ');
            if (*r == '"')      /* closing quote */
            else {
                    "invalid entry for `%s': closing quote missing",
                goto bad_line;
        case 'P':              /* handle cases for subfonts like 'PidEid=3,1' */
            if (sscanf (r, "PidEid=%i, %i %n", &a, &b, &c) >= 2) {
                fm->pid = (short int)a;
                fm->eid = (short int)b;
                r += c;
            } /* fallthrough */
        default:               /* encoding or font file specification */
            a = b = 0;
            if (*r == '<') {
                a = *r++;
                if (*r == '<' || *r == '[')
                    b = *r++;
            read_field (r, q, buf);
            /* encoding, formats: '8r.enc' or '<8r.enc' or '<[8r.enc' */
            if (strlen (buf) > 4 && mp_strcasecmp (strend (buf) - 4, ".enc") == 0) {
                fm->encoding = mp_add_enc (mp, buf);
                u = v = 0;      /* u, v used if intervening blank: "<< foo" */
            } else if (strlen (buf) > 0) {      /* file name given */
                /* font file, formats:
                 * subsetting:    '<cmr10.pfa'
                 * no subsetting: '<<cmr10.pfa'
                 * no embedding:  'cmr10.pfa'
                if (a == '<' || u == '<') {
		            set_included (fm);
		        if ((a == '<' && b == 0) || (a == 0 && v == 0))
		            set_subsetted (fm);
		            /* otherwise b == '<' (or '[') => no subsetting */
                set_field (ff_name);
                u = v = 0;
            } else {
                u = a;
                v = b;
    if (fm->ps_name != NULL && check_basefont (fm->ps_name))
        set_basefont (fm);
    if (is_fontfile (fm)
        && mp_strcasecmp (strend (fm_fontfile (fm)) - 4, ".ttf") == 0)
        set_truetype (fm);
    if (check_fm_entry (mp,fm, true) != 0)
        goto bad_line;
       Until here the map line has been completely scanned without errors;
       fm points to a valid, freshly filled-out |fm_entry| structure.
       Now follows the actual work of registering/deleting.
    if (avl_do_entry (mp, fm, mp->ps->mitem->mode) == 0) {   /* if success */
        delete_fm_entry (fm);
    delete_fm_entry (fm);

@c static void fm_read_info (MP mp) {
    char *n;
    char s[256];
    if (mp->ps->tfm_tree == NULL)
        create_avl_trees (mp);
    if (mp->ps->mitem->map_line == NULL)    /* nothing to do */
    mp->ps->mitem->lineno = 1;
    switch (mp->ps->mitem->type) {
    case MAPFILE:
        n = mp->ps->mitem->map_line;
        mp->ps->fm_file = (mp->open_file)(mp, n, "r", mp_filetype_fontmap);
        if (!mp->ps->fm_file) {
            mp_snprintf(s,256,"cannot open font map file %s",n);
        } else {
            unsigned save_selector = mp->selector;
            mp_print (mp, "{");
            mp_print (mp, n);
            while (!fm_eof ()) {
                fm_scan_line (mp);
            fm_close ();
            mp_print (mp,"}");
            mp->selector = save_selector;
            mp->ps->fm_file = NULL;
        /* mp_xfree(n); */
    case MAPLINE:
        fm_scan_line (mp);
        assert (0);
    mp->ps->mitem->map_line = NULL;         /* done with this line */

@ @c static void init_fm (fm_entry * fm, font_number f) {
    if (fm->tfm_num == null_font ) {
        fm->tfm_num = f;
        fm->tfm_avail = TFM_FOUND;

@ @<Exported function ...@>=
fm_entry * mp_fm_lookup (MP mp, font_number f);

@ @c 
fm_entry * mp_fm_lookup (MP mp, font_number f) {
    char *tfm;
    fm_entry *fm;
    fm_entry tmp;
    int e;
    if (mp->ps->tfm_tree == NULL)
        fm_read_info (mp);        /* only to read default map file */
    tfm = mp->font_name[f];
    assert (strcmp (tfm, nontfm));
    /* Look up for full <tfmname>[+-]<expand> */
    tmp.tfm_name = tfm;
    fm = (fm_entry *) avl_find (&tmp, mp->ps->tfm_tree);
    if (fm != NULL) {
        init_fm (fm, f);
        return (fm_entry *) fm;
    tfm = mk_base_tfm (mp, mp->font_name[f], &e);
    if (tfm == NULL)            /* not an expanded font, nothing to do */
        return NULL;

    tmp.tfm_name = tfm;
    fm = (fm_entry *) avl_find (&tmp, mp->ps->tfm_tree);
    if (fm != NULL) {           /* found an entry with the base tfm name, e.g. cmr10 */
      return (fm_entry *) fm; /* font expansion uses the base font */
    return NULL;

@  Early check whether a font file exists. Used e. g. for replacing fonts
   of embedded PDF files: Without font file, the font within the embedded
   PDF-file is used. Search tree |ff_tree| is used in 1st instance, as it
   may be faster than the |kpse_find_file()|, and |kpse_find_file()| is called
   only once per font file name + expansion parameter. This might help
   keeping speed, if many PDF pages with same fonts are to be embedded.

   The |ff_tree| contains only font files, which are actually needed,
   so this tree typically is much smaller than the |tfm_tree| or |ps_tree|.

static ff_entry *check_ff_exist (MP mp, fm_entry * fm) {
    ff_entry *ff;
    ff_entry tmp;

    assert (fm->ff_name != NULL);
    tmp.ff_name = fm->ff_name;
    ff = (ff_entry *) avl_find (&tmp, mp->ps->ff_tree);
    if (ff == NULL) {           /* not yet in database */
        ff = new_ff_entry (mp);
        ff->ff_name = mp_xstrdup (mp,fm->ff_name);
        ff->ff_path = mp_xstrdup (mp,fm->ff_name);
        assert(avl_ins (ff, mp->ps->ff_tree, avl_false)>0);
        ff = (ff_entry *) avl_find (&tmp, mp->ps->ff_tree);
    return ff;

@ Process map file given by its name or map line contents. Items not
beginning with [+-=] flush default map file, if it has not yet been
read. Leading blanks and blanks immediately following [+-=] are ignored.

@c static void mp_process_map_item (MP mp, char *s, int type) {
    char *p;
    int mode;
    if (*s == ' ')
        s++;                    /* ignore leading blank */
    switch (*s) {
    case '+':                  /* +mapfile.map, +mapline */
        mode = FM_DUPIGNORE;    /* insert entry, if it is not duplicate */
    case '=':                  /* =mapfile.map, =mapline */
        mode = FM_REPLACE;      /* try to replace earlier entry */
    case '-':                  /* -mapfile.map, -mapline */
        mode = FM_DELETE;       /* try to delete entry */
        mode = FM_DUPIGNORE;    /* like +, but also: */
        mp->ps->mitem->map_line = NULL;     /* flush default map file name */
    if (*s == ' ')
        s++;                    /* ignore blank after [+-=] */
    p = s;                      /* map item starts here */
    switch (type) {
    case MAPFILE:              /* remove blank at end */
        while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ')
        *p = '\0';
    case MAPLINE:              /* blank at end allowed */
        assert (0);
    if (mp->ps->mitem->map_line != NULL)    /* read default map file first */
        fm_read_info (mp);
    if (*s != '\0') {           /* only if real item to process */
        mp->ps->mitem->mode = mode;
        mp->ps->mitem->type = type;
        mp->ps->mitem->map_line = s;
        fm_read_info (mp);

@ @<Exported function headers@>=
void mp_map_file (MP mp, str_number t);
void mp_map_line (MP mp, str_number t);
void mp_init_map_file (MP mp, int is_troff);

@ @c 
void mp_map_file (MP mp, str_number t) {
  char *ss = mp_str (mp,t);
  char *s = mp_xstrdup(mp, ss);
  mp_process_map_item (mp, s, MAPFILE);
void mp_map_line (MP mp, str_number t) {
  char *ss = mp_str (mp,t);
  char *s = mp_xstrdup(mp,ss);
  mp_process_map_item (mp, s, MAPLINE);

@c void mp_init_map_file (MP mp, int is_troff) {
    char *r;
    mp->ps->mitem = mp_xmalloc (mp,1,sizeof(mapitem));
    mp->ps->mitem->mode = FM_DUPIGNORE;
    mp->ps->mitem->type = MAPFILE;
    mp->ps->mitem->map_line = NULL;
    r = (mp->find_file)(mp,"mpost.map", "r", mp_filetype_fontmap);
    if (r != NULL) {
      mp->ps->mitem->map_line = mp_xstrdup (mp,"mpost.map");
    } else {
      if (is_troff) {
	     mp->ps->mitem->map_line = mp_xstrdup (mp,"troff.map");
      } else {
	     mp->ps->mitem->map_line = mp_xstrdup (mp,"pdftex.map");

@ @<Dealloc variables@>=
if (mp->ps->mitem!=NULL) {

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void fm_free (MP mp);

@ @c
static void fm_free (MP mp) {
    if (mp->ps->tfm_tree != NULL)
        avl_destroy (mp->ps->tfm_tree);
    if (mp->ps->ps_tree != NULL)
        avl_destroy (mp->ps->ps_tree);
    if (mp->ps->ff_tree != NULL)
        avl_destroy (mp->ps->ff_tree);

@ The file |ps_tab_file| gives a table of \TeX\ font names and corresponding
PostScript names for fonts that do not have to be downloaded, i.e., fonts that
can be used when |internal[prologues]>0|.  Each line consists of a \TeX\ name,
one or more spaces, a PostScript name, and possibly a space and some other junk.
This routine reads the table, updates |font_ps_name| entries starting after
|last_ps_fnum|, and sets |last_ps_fnum:=last_fnum|.  

@d ps_tab_name "psfonts.map"  /* locates font name translation table */

@<Exported function ...@>=
void mp_read_psname_table (MP mp) ;

@ @c 
void mp_read_psname_table (MP mp) {
  font_number k;
  char *s;
  if (mp->ps->mitem == NULL) {
    mp->ps->mitem = mp_xmalloc (mp,1,sizeof(mapitem));
    mp->ps->mitem->mode = FM_DUPIGNORE;
    mp->ps->mitem->type = MAPFILE;
    mp->ps->mitem->map_line = NULL;
  s = mp_xstrdup (mp,ps_tab_name);
  mp->ps->mitem->map_line = s; 
  fm_read_info (mp);
  for (k=mp->last_ps_fnum+1;k<=mp->last_fnum;k++) {
    if (mp_has_fm_entry(mp, k, NULL)) {
      mp->font_ps_name[k] = mp_fm_font_name(mp,k);

@ The traditional function is a lot shorter now.

@* \[44c] Helper functions for Type1 fonts.

typedef char char_entry;
typedef unsigned char  Byte;
typedef Byte  Bytef;

@ @<Glob...@>=
char_entry *char_ptr, *char_array;
size_t char_limit;
char *job_id_string;

@ @<Set initial...@>=
mp->ps->char_array = NULL;
mp->ps->job_id_string = NULL;

@d Z_NULL  0  

void mp_set_job_id (MP mp) {
    char *name_string, *format_string, *s;
    size_t slen;
    if (mp->ps->job_id_string != NULL)
    if ( mp->job_name==NULL )
       mp->job_name = mp_xstrdup(mp,"mpout");
    name_string = mp_xstrdup (mp,mp->job_name);
    format_string = mp_xstrdup (mp, mp->mem_ident);
    if (format_string == NULL) 
      format_string = mp_xstrdup (mp, "");	
    slen = SMALL_BUF_SIZE +
        strlen (name_string) +
        strlen (format_string);
    s = mp_xmalloc (mp,slen, sizeof (char));
    @= /*@@-bufferoverflowhigh@@*/ @>
    sprintf (s,"%.4u/%.2u/%.2u %.2u:%.2u %s %s",
               ((unsigned)internal_value(mp_time)>>16) / 60, 
               ((unsigned)internal_value(mp_time)>>16) % 60,
                name_string, format_string);
    @= /*@@=bufferoverflowhigh@@*/ @>
    mp->ps->job_id_string = mp_xstrdup (mp,s);
    mp_xfree (s);
    mp_xfree (name_string);
    mp_xfree (format_string);
static void fnstr_append (MP mp, const char *ss) {
    size_t n = strlen (ss) + 1;
    alloc_array (char, n, SMALL_ARRAY_SIZE);
    strcat (mp->ps->char_ptr, ss);
    mp->ps->char_ptr = strend (mp->ps->char_ptr);

@ @<Exported function headers@>=
void mp_set_job_id (MP mp) ;

@ @<Dealloc variables@>=

@ this is not really a true crc32, but it should be just enough to keep
  subsets prefixes somewhat disjunct

static unsigned long crc32 (unsigned long oldcrc, const Byte *buf, size_t len) {
  unsigned long ret = 0;
  size_t i;
  if (oldcrc==0)
	ret = (unsigned long)((23<<24)+(45<<16)+(67<<8)+89);
      for (i=0;i<len;i++)
	  ret = (ret<<2)+buf[i];
  return ret;
static boolean mp_char_marked (MP mp,font_number f, eight_bits c) {
  integer b; /* |char_base[f]| */
  if ( (c>=mp->font_bc[f])&&(c<=mp->font_ec[f])&&(mp->font_info[b+c].qqqq.b3!=0) )
    return true;
    return false;

static void make_subset_tag (MP mp, fm_entry * fm_cur, char **glyph_names, font_number tex_font)
    char tag[7];
    unsigned long crc;
    int i;
    size_t l ;
    if (mp->ps->job_id_string ==NULL)
      mp_fatal_error(mp, "no job id!");
    l = strlen (mp->ps->job_id_string) + 1;
    alloc_array (char, l, SMALL_ARRAY_SIZE);
    strcpy (mp->ps->char_array, mp->ps->job_id_string);
    mp->ps->char_ptr = strend (mp->ps->char_array);
    if (fm_cur->tfm_name != NULL) {
        fnstr_append (mp," TFM name: ");
        fnstr_append (mp,fm_cur->tfm_name);
    fnstr_append (mp," PS name: ");
    if (fm_cur->ps_name != NULL)
        fnstr_append (mp,fm_cur->ps_name);
    fnstr_append (mp," Encoding: ");
    if (fm_cur->encoding != NULL && (fm_cur->encoding)->file_name != NULL)
        fnstr_append (mp,(fm_cur->encoding)->file_name);
        fnstr_append (mp,"built-in");
    fnstr_append (mp," CharSet: ");
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        if (mp_char_marked (mp,tex_font, (eight_bits)i) && 
	                                  glyph_names[i] != notdef && 
                                          strcmp(glyph_names[i],notdef) != 0) {
            if (glyph_names[i]!=NULL) {
		fnstr_append (mp,"/");
		fnstr_append (mp,glyph_names[i]);
    if (fm_cur->charset != NULL) {
        fnstr_append (mp," Extra CharSet: ");
        fnstr_append (mp, fm_cur->charset);
    crc = crc32 (0L, Z_NULL, 0);
    crc = crc32 (crc, (Bytef *) mp->ps->char_array, strlen (mp->ps->char_array));
    /* we need to fit a 32-bit number into a string of 6 uppercase chars long;
     * there are 26 uppercase chars ==> each char represents a number in range
     * |0..25|. The maximal number that can be represented by the tag is
     * $26^6 - 1$, which is a number between $2^28$ and $2^29$. Thus the bits |29..31|
     * of the CRC must be dropped out.
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        tag[i] = (char)('A' + crc % 26);
        crc /= 26;
    tag[6] = 0;
    fm_cur->subset_tag = mp_xstrdup (mp,tag);

@d external_enc()      (fm_cur->encoding)->glyph_names
@d is_used_char(c)     mp_char_marked (mp, tex_font, (eight_bits)c)
@d end_last_eexec_line() 
    mp->ps->hexline_length = HEXLINE_WIDTH;
    mp->ps->t1_eexec_encrypt = false
@d t1_log(s)           mp_print(mp,s)
@d t1_putchar(c)       wps_chr(c)
@d embed_all_glyphs(tex_font)  false
@d t1_char(c)          c
@d extra_charset()     mp->ps->dvips_extra_charset
@d update_subset_tag()
@d fixedcontent        true

#define PRINTF_BUF_SIZE     1024
char *dvips_extra_charset;
char *cur_enc_name;
unsigned char *grid;
char *ext_glyph_names[256];
char print_buf[PRINTF_BUF_SIZE];
size_t t1_byte_waiting;
size_t t1_byte_length;
unsigned char *t1_bytes;

@ @<Set initial ...@>=

@d t1_ungetchar()  mp->ps->t1_byte_waiting--
@d t1_eof()        (mp->ps->t1_byte_waiting>=mp->ps->t1_byte_length)
@d t1_close()      do { 
   mp->ps->t1_bytes = NULL;
} while (0)
@d valid_code(c)   (c >= 0 && c < 256)

static int t1_getchar (MP mp) {
  if (mp->ps->t1_bytes == NULL) {
    void *byte_ptr ;
    mp->ps->t1_byte_length = (size_t)ftell(mp->ps->t1_file);
    mp->ps->t1_bytes = mp_xmalloc(mp, mp->ps->t1_byte_length, 1);
    byte_ptr = (void *)mp->ps->t1_bytes;
  return *(mp->ps->t1_bytes+mp->ps->t1_byte_waiting++);

@ @<Static variables in the outer block@>=
static const char *standard_glyph_names[256] =
    { notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef,
    notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef,
    notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef,
    notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef,
    "space", "exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign",
    "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quoteright", "parenleft",
    "parenright", "asterisk", "plus", "comma", "hyphen", "period",
    "slash", "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
    "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon", "less",
    "equal", "greater", "question", "at", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",
    "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q",
    "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft",
    "backslash", "bracketright", "asciicircum", "underscore",
    "quoteleft", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k",
    "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v",
    "w", "x", "y", "z", "braceleft", "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde",
    notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef,
    notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef,
    notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef,
    notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef,
    notdef, notdef, notdef, "exclamdown", "cent",
    "sterling", "fraction", "yen", "florin", "section", "currency",
    "quotesingle", "quotedblleft", "guillemotleft",
    "guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl", notdef, "endash",
    "dagger", "daggerdbl", "periodcentered", notdef,
    "paragraph", "bullet", "quotesinglbase", "quotedblbase",
    "quotedblright", "guillemotright", "ellipsis", "perthousand",
    notdef, "questiondown", notdef, "grave", "acute", "circumflex",
    "tilde", "macron", "breve", "dotaccent", "dieresis", notdef,
    "ring", "cedilla", notdef, "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "caron", "emdash",
    notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef,
    notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef,
    notdef, "AE", notdef, "ordfeminine", notdef, notdef,
    notdef, notdef, "Lslash", "Oslash", "OE", "ordmasculine", notdef,
    notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef, "ae", notdef, notdef,
    notdef, "dotlessi", notdef, notdef, "lslash", "oslash", "oe",
    "germandbls", notdef, notdef, notdef, notdef };
static const char charstringname[] = "/CharStrings";

@ @<Glob...@>=
char **t1_glyph_names;
char *t1_builtin_glyph_names[256];
char charsetstr[0x4000];
boolean read_encoding_only;
int t1_encoding;

@ @c
#define T1_BUF_SIZE   0x100

#define CS_HSTEM            1
#define CS_VSTEM            3
#define CS_VMOVETO          4
#define CS_RLINETO          5
#define CS_HLINETO          6
#define CS_VLINETO          7
#define CS_RRCURVETO        8
#define CS_CLOSEPATH        9
#define CS_CALLSUBR         10
#define CS_RETURN           11
#define CS_ESCAPE           12
#define CS_HSBW             13
#define CS_ENDCHAR          14
#define CS_RMOVETO          21
#define CS_HMOVETO          22
#define CS_VHCURVETO        30
#define CS_HVCURVETO        31
#define CS_1BYTE_MAX        (CS_HVCURVETO + 1)

#define CS_DOTSECTION       CS_1BYTE_MAX + 0
#define CS_VSTEM3           CS_1BYTE_MAX + 1
#define CS_HSTEM3           CS_1BYTE_MAX + 2
#define CS_SEAC             CS_1BYTE_MAX + 6
#define CS_SBW              CS_1BYTE_MAX + 7
#define CS_DIV              CS_1BYTE_MAX + 12
#define CS_POP              CS_1BYTE_MAX + 17
#define CS_2BYTE_MAX        (CS_SETCURRENTPOINT + 1)
#define CS_MAX              CS_2BYTE_MAX

@ @<Types...@>=
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef struct {
    byte nargs;                 /* number of arguments */
    boolean bottom;             /* take arguments from bottom of stack? */
    boolean clear;              /* clear stack? */
    boolean valid;
} cc_entry;                     /* CharString Command */
typedef struct {
    char *glyph_name;                 /* glyph name (or notdef for Subrs entry) */
    byte *data;
    unsigned short len;         /* length of the whole string */
    unsigned short cslen;       /* length of the encoded part of the string */
    boolean is_used;
    boolean valid;
} cs_entry;

@d t1_c1 52845
@d t1_c2 22719

unsigned short t1_dr, t1_er;
unsigned short t1_cslen;
short t1_lenIV;

@ @<Types...@>=
typedef char t1_line_entry;
typedef char t1_buf_entry;

@ @<Glob...@>=
t1_line_entry *t1_line_ptr, *t1_line_array;
size_t t1_line_limit;
t1_buf_entry *t1_buf_ptr, *t1_buf_array;
size_t t1_buf_limit;
int cs_start;
cs_entry *cs_tab, *cs_ptr, *cs_notdef;
char *cs_dict_start, *cs_dict_end;
int cs_count, cs_size, cs_size_pos;
cs_entry *subr_tab;
char *subr_array_start, *subr_array_end;
int subr_max, subr_size, subr_size_pos;

@ @<Set initial...@>=
mp->ps->t1_line_array = NULL;
mp->ps->t1_buf_array = NULL;

 This list contains the begin/end tokens commonly used in the 
 /Subrs array of a Type 1 font.                                

@<Static variables in the outer block@>=
static const char *cs_token_pairs_list[][2] = {
    {" RD", "NP"},
    {" -|", "|"},
    {" RD", "noaccess put"},
    {" -|", "noaccess put"},
    {NULL, NULL}

@ @<Glob...@>=
const char **cs_token_pair;
boolean t1_pfa, t1_cs, t1_scan, t1_eexec_encrypt, t1_synthetic;
int t1_in_eexec;  /* 0 before eexec-encrypted, 1 during, 2 after */
int t1_block_length;
int last_hexbyte;
void *t1_file;
int hexline_length;


@<Set initial ...@>=
mp->ps->hexline_length = 0;

@d t1_prefix(s)        str_prefix(mp->ps->t1_line_array, s)
@d t1_buf_prefix(s)    str_prefix(mp->ps->t1_buf_array, s)
@d t1_suffix(s)        str_suffix(mp->ps->t1_line_array, mp->ps->t1_line_ptr, s)
@d t1_buf_suffix(s)    str_suffix(mp->ps->t1_buf_array, mp->ps->t1_buf_ptr, s)
@d t1_charstrings()    strstr(mp->ps->t1_line_array, charstringname)
@d t1_subrs()          t1_prefix("/Subrs")
@d t1_end_eexec()      t1_suffix("mark currentfile closefile")
@d t1_cleartomark()    t1_prefix("cleartomark")

static void end_hexline (MP mp) {
  if (mp->ps->hexline_length >= HEXLINE_WIDTH) {
    mp->ps->hexline_length = 0;
static void t1_check_pfa (MP mp) {
    const int c = t1_getchar (mp);
    mp->ps->t1_pfa = (c != 128) ? true : false;
    t1_ungetchar ();
static int t1_getbyte (MP mp)
    int c = t1_getchar (mp);
    if (mp->ps->t1_pfa)
        return c;
    if (mp->ps->t1_block_length == 0) {
        if (c != 128)
         mp_fatal_error (mp, "invalid marker");
        c = t1_getchar (mp);
        if (c == 3) {
            while (!t1_eof ())
                (void)t1_getchar (mp);
            return EOF;
        mp->ps->t1_block_length = t1_getchar (mp) & 0xff;
        mp->ps->t1_block_length |= (int)(((unsigned)t1_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 8);
        mp->ps->t1_block_length |= (int)(((unsigned)t1_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 16);
        mp->ps->t1_block_length |= (int)(((unsigned)t1_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 24);
        c = t1_getchar (mp);
    return c;
static int hexval (int c) {
    if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
        return c - 'A' + 10;
    else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
        return c - 'a' + 10;
    else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
        return c - '0';
        return -1;
static byte edecrypt (MP mp, byte cipher) {
    byte plain;
    if (mp->ps->t1_pfa) {
        while (cipher == 10 || cipher == 13)
            cipher = (byte)t1_getbyte (mp);
        mp->ps->last_hexbyte = cipher = (byte)(((byte)hexval (cipher) << 4) + 
           hexval (t1_getbyte (mp)));
    plain = (byte)(cipher ^ (mp->ps->t1_dr >> 8));
    mp->ps->t1_dr = (unsigned short)((cipher + mp->ps->t1_dr) * t1_c1 + t1_c2);
    return plain;
static byte cdecrypt (byte cipher, unsigned short *cr)
    const byte plain = (byte)(cipher ^ (*cr >> 8));
    *cr = (unsigned short)((cipher + *cr) * t1_c1 + t1_c2);
    return plain;
static byte eencrypt (MP mp, byte plain)
    const byte cipher = (byte)(plain ^ (mp->ps->t1_er >> 8));
    mp->ps->t1_er = (unsigned short)((cipher + mp->ps->t1_er) * t1_c1 + t1_c2);
    return cipher;

static byte cencrypt (byte plain, unsigned short *cr)
    const byte cipher = (byte)(plain ^ (*cr >> 8));
    *cr = (unsigned short)((cipher + *cr) * t1_c1 + t1_c2);
    return cipher;

static char *eol (char *s) {
    char *p = strend (s);
    if (p!=NULL && p - s > 1 && p[-1] != 10) {
        *p++ = 10;
        *p = 0;
    return p;
static float t1_scan_num (MP mp, char *p, char **r)
    float f;
    char s[128];
    skip (p, ' ');
    if (sscanf (p, "%g", &f) != 1) {
        remove_eol (p, mp->ps->t1_line_array); 
 	    mp_snprintf(s,128, "a number expected: `%s'", mp->ps->t1_line_array);
    if (r != NULL) {
        for (; mp_isdigit (*p) || *p == '.' ||
             *p == 'e' || *p == 'E' || *p == '+' || *p == '-'; p++);
        *r = p;
    return f;

static boolean str_suffix (const char *begin_buf, const char *end_buf,
                           const char *s)
    const char *s1 = end_buf - 1, *s2 = strend (s) - 1;
    if (*s1 == 10)
    while (s1 >= begin_buf && s2 >= s) {
        if (*s1-- != *s2--)
            return false;
    return s2 < s;


@d alloc_array(T, n, s) do {
    size_t nn = (size_t)n;
    if (mp->ps->T##_array == NULL) {
        mp->ps->T##_limit = s;
        if (nn > mp->ps->T##_limit)
            mp->ps->T##_limit = nn;
        mp->ps->T##_array = mp_xmalloc (mp,mp->ps->T##_limit,sizeof(T##_entry));
        mp->ps->T##_ptr = mp->ps->T##_array;
    else if ((size_t)(mp->ps->T##_ptr - mp->ps->T##_array) + nn > mp->ps->T##_limit) {
        size_t last_ptr_index;
        last_ptr_index = (size_t)(mp->ps->T##_ptr - mp->ps->T##_array);
        mp->ps->T##_limit *= 2;
        mp->ps->T##_limit += s;
        if ((size_t)(mp->ps->T##_ptr - mp->ps->T##_array) + nn > mp->ps->T##_limit)
            mp->ps->T##_limit = (size_t)(mp->ps->T##_ptr - mp->ps->T##_array) + nn;
        mp->ps->T##_array = mp_xrealloc(mp,mp->ps->T##_array,mp->ps->T##_limit, sizeof(T##_entry));
        mp->ps->T##_ptr = mp->ps->T##_array + last_ptr_index;
} while (0)

static void t1_getline (MP mp) {
    int c, l, eexec_scan;
    char *p;
    static const char eexec_str[] = "currentfile eexec";
    static int eexec_len = 17;  /* |strlen(eexec_str)| */
    if (t1_eof ())
        mp_fatal_error (mp,"unexpected end of file");
    mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = mp->ps->t1_line_array;
    alloc_array (t1_line, 1, T1_BUF_SIZE);
    mp->ps->t1_cslen = 0;
    eexec_scan = 0;
    c = t1_getbyte (mp);
    if (c == EOF)
        goto EXIT;
    while (!t1_eof ()) {
        if (mp->ps->t1_in_eexec == 1)
            c = edecrypt (mp,(byte)c);
        alloc_array (t1_line, 1, T1_BUF_SIZE);
        append_char_to_buf (c, mp->ps->t1_line_ptr, mp->ps->t1_line_array, mp->ps->t1_line_limit);
        if (mp->ps->t1_in_eexec == 0 && eexec_scan >= 0 && eexec_scan < eexec_len) {
            if (mp->ps->t1_line_array[eexec_scan] == eexec_str[eexec_scan])
                eexec_scan = -1;
        if (c == 10 || (mp->ps->t1_pfa && eexec_scan == eexec_len && c == 32))
        if (mp->ps->t1_cs && mp->ps->t1_cslen == 0 && 
            (mp->ps->t1_line_ptr - mp->ps->t1_line_array > 4) &&
            (t1_suffix (" RD ") || t1_suffix (" -| "))) {
            p = mp->ps->t1_line_ptr - 5;
            while (*p != ' ')
            l = (int)t1_scan_num (mp, p + 1, 0);
            mp->ps->t1_cslen = (unsigned short)l;
            mp->ps->cs_start = (int)(mp->ps->t1_line_ptr - mp->ps->t1_line_array);
                  /* |mp->ps->cs_start| is an index now */
            alloc_array (t1_line, l, T1_BUF_SIZE);
            while (l-- > 0) {
                *mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = (t1_line_entry)edecrypt (mp,(byte)t1_getbyte (mp));
        c = t1_getbyte (mp);
    alloc_array (t1_line, 2, T1_BUF_SIZE);      /* |append_eol| can append 2 chars */
    append_eol (mp->ps->t1_line_ptr, mp->ps->t1_line_array, mp->ps->t1_line_limit);
    if (mp->ps->t1_line_ptr - mp->ps->t1_line_array < 2)
        goto RESTART;
    if (eexec_scan == eexec_len)
        mp->ps->t1_in_eexec = 1;
    /* ensure that |mp->ps->t1_buf_array| has as much room as |t1_line_array| */
    mp->ps->t1_buf_ptr = mp->ps->t1_buf_array;
    alloc_array (t1_buf, mp->ps->t1_line_limit, mp->ps->t1_line_limit);

static void t1_putline (MP mp)
    char ss[256];
    int ss_cur = 0;
    static const char *hexdigits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    char *p = mp->ps->t1_line_array;
    if (mp->ps->t1_line_ptr - mp->ps->t1_line_array <= 1)
    if (mp->ps->t1_eexec_encrypt) {
        while (p < mp->ps->t1_line_ptr) {
            byte b = eencrypt (mp,(byte)*p++);
	    if (ss_cur>=253) {
               ss[ss_cur] = '\0';
               (mp->write_ascii_file)(mp,mp->output_file,(char *)ss); 
               ss_cur = 0;
            ss[ss_cur++] = hexdigits[b / 16];
            ss[ss_cur++] = hexdigits[b % 16];
            mp->ps->hexline_length += 2;
            if (mp->ps->hexline_length >= HEXLINE_WIDTH) {
                ss[ss_cur++] = '\n';
                mp->ps->hexline_length = 0;
    } else {
        while (p < mp->ps->t1_line_ptr) {
	    if (ss_cur>=255) {
               ss[ss_cur] = '\0';
               (mp->write_ascii_file)(mp,mp->output_file,(char *)ss); 
               ss_cur = 0;
            ss[ss_cur++] = (char)(*p++);
    ss[ss_cur] = '\0';
    (mp->write_ascii_file)(mp,mp->output_file,(char *)ss); 

static void t1_puts (MP mp, const char *s)
    if (s != mp->ps->t1_line_array)
        strcpy (mp->ps->t1_line_array, s);
    mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = strend (mp->ps->t1_line_array);
    t1_putline (mp);

static void t1_init_params (MP mp, const char *open_name_prefix,
                           char *cur_file_name) {
  if ((open_name_prefix != NULL) && strlen(open_name_prefix)) {
    t1_log (open_name_prefix);
    t1_log (cur_file_name);
    mp->ps->t1_lenIV = 4;
    mp->ps->t1_dr = 55665;
    mp->ps->t1_er = 55665;
    mp->ps->t1_in_eexec = 0;
    mp->ps->t1_cs = false;
    mp->ps->t1_scan = true;
    mp->ps->t1_synthetic = false;
    mp->ps->t1_eexec_encrypt = false;
    mp->ps->t1_block_length = 0;
    t1_check_pfa (mp);
static void  t1_close_font_file (MP mp, const char *close_name_suffix) {
  if ((close_name_suffix != NULL) && strlen(close_name_suffix)) {
    t1_log (close_name_suffix);
  t1_close ();

static void  t1_check_block_len (MP mp, boolean decrypt) {
    int l, c;
    char s[128];
    if (mp->ps->t1_block_length == 0)
    c = t1_getbyte (mp);
    if (decrypt)
        c = edecrypt (mp,(byte)c);
    l = mp->ps->t1_block_length;
    if (!(l == 0 && (c == 10 || c == 13))) {
        mp_snprintf(s,128,"%i bytes more than expected were ignored", l+ 1);
        while (l-- > 0)
          (void)t1_getbyte (mp);
static void  t1_start_eexec (MP mp, fm_entry *fm_cur) {
    int i;
    if (!mp->ps->t1_pfa)
     t1_check_block_len (mp, false);
    for (mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = mp->ps->t1_line_array, i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      (void)edecrypt (mp, (byte)t1_getbyte (mp));
      *mp->ps->t1_line_ptr++ = 0;
    mp->ps->t1_eexec_encrypt = true;
	if (!mp->ps->read_encoding_only)
	  if (is_included (fm_cur))
        t1_putline (mp);          /* to put the first four bytes */
static void  t1_stop_eexec (MP mp) {
    int c;
    end_last_eexec_line ();
    if (!mp->ps->t1_pfa)
      t1_check_block_len (mp,true);
    else {
        c = edecrypt (mp, (byte)t1_getbyte (mp));
        if (!(c == 10 || c == 13)) {
           if (mp->ps->last_hexbyte == 0)
              t1_puts (mp,"00");
              mp_warn (mp,"unexpected data after eexec");
    mp->ps->t1_cs = false;
    mp->ps->t1_in_eexec = 2;
static void  t1_modify_fm (MP mp) {
  mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = eol (mp->ps->t1_line_array);

static void  t1_modify_italic (MP mp) {
  mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = eol (mp->ps->t1_line_array);

@ @<Types...@>=
typedef struct {
    const char *pdfname;
    const char *t1name;
    float value;
    boolean valid;
} key_entry;


static key_entry font_keys[FONT_KEYS_NUM] = {
    {"Ascent", "Ascender", 0, false},
    {"CapHeight", "CapHeight", 0, false},
    {"Descent", "Descender", 0, false},
    {"FontName", "FontName", 0, false},
    {"ItalicAngle", "ItalicAngle", 0, false},
    {"StemV", "StdVW", 0, false},
    {"XHeight", "XHeight", 0, false},
    {"FontBBox", "FontBBox", 0, false},
    {"", "", 0, false},
    {"", "", 0, false},
    {"", "", 0, false}

@d ASCENT_CODE         0
@d DESCENT_CODE        2
@d FONTNAME_CODE       3
@d STEMV_CODE          5
@d XHEIGHT_CODE        6
@d FONTBBOX1_CODE      7
@d FONTBBOX2_CODE      8
@d FONTBBOX3_CODE      9
@d FONTBBOX4_CODE      10

static void  t1_scan_keys (MP mp, font_number tex_font,fm_entry *fm_cur) {
    int i, k;
    char *p, *r;
    key_entry *key;
    if (fm_extend (fm_cur) != 0 || fm_slant (fm_cur) != 0) {
        if (t1_prefix ("/FontMatrix")) {
            t1_modify_fm (mp);
        if (t1_prefix ("/ItalicAngle")) {
            t1_modify_italic (mp);
    if (t1_prefix ("/FontType")) {
        p = mp->ps->t1_line_array + strlen ("FontType") + 1;
        if ((i = (int)t1_scan_num (mp,p, 0)) != 1) {
            char s[128];
            mp_snprintf(s,125,"Type%d fonts unsupported by metapost", i);
    for (key = font_keys; key - font_keys < MAX_KEY_CODE; key++)
        if (str_prefix (mp->ps->t1_line_array + 1, key->t1name))
    if (key - font_keys == MAX_KEY_CODE)
    key->valid = true;
    p = mp->ps->t1_line_array + strlen (key->t1name) + 1;
    skip (p, ' ');
    if ((k = (int)(key - font_keys)) == FONTNAME_CODE) {
        if (*p != '/') {
          char s[128];
      	  remove_eol (p, mp->ps->t1_line_array);
          mp_snprintf(s,128,"a name expected: `%s'", mp->ps->t1_line_array);
        r = ++p;                /* skip the slash */
        if (is_included (fm_cur)) {
	  /* save the fontname */
	  strncpy (mp->ps->fontname_buf, p, FONTNAME_BUF_SIZE);
	  for (i=0; mp->ps->fontname_buf[i] != 10; i++);
	  if(is_subsetted (fm_cur)) {
	    if (fm_cur->encoding!=NULL && fm_cur->encoding->glyph_names!=NULL)
	      make_subset_tag (mp,fm_cur, fm_cur->encoding->glyph_names, tex_font);
	      make_subset_tag (mp,fm_cur, mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names, tex_font);

	    alloc_array (t1_line, (size_t)(r-mp->ps->t1_line_array)+6+1+strlen(mp->ps->fontname_buf)+1, 
	    strncpy (r, fm_cur->subset_tag , 6);
	    *(r+6) = '-';
	    strncpy (r+7, mp->ps->fontname_buf, strlen(mp->ps->fontname_buf)+1);
	    mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = eol (r);
	  } else {
	    /* |for (q = p; *q != ' ' && *q != 10; *q++);|*/
	    /*|*q = 0;|*/
	    mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = eol (r);
    if ((k == STEMV_CODE || k == FONTBBOX1_CODE)
        && (*p == '[' || *p == '{'))
    if (k == FONTBBOX1_CODE) {
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            key[i].value = t1_scan_num (mp, p, &r);
            p = r;
    key->value = t1_scan_num (mp, p, 0);
static void  t1_scan_param (MP mp, font_number tex_font,fm_entry *fm_cur)
    static const char *lenIV = "/lenIV";
    if (!mp->ps->t1_scan || *mp->ps->t1_line_array != '/')
    if (t1_prefix (lenIV)) {
        mp->ps->t1_lenIV = (short int)t1_scan_num (mp,mp->ps->t1_line_array + strlen (lenIV), 0);
    t1_scan_keys (mp, tex_font,fm_cur);
static void  copy_glyph_names (MP mp, char **glyph_names, int a, int b) {
    if (glyph_names[b] != notdef)
        mp_xfree (glyph_names[b]);
    glyph_names[b] = mp_xstrdup (mp,glyph_names[a]);
static void  t1_builtin_enc (MP mp) {
    int i, a, b, c, counter = 0;
    char *r, *p;
     * At this moment "/Encoding" is the prefix of |mp->ps->t1_line_array|
    if (t1_suffix ("def")) {    /* predefined encoding */
        (void)sscanf (mp->ps->t1_line_array + strlen ("/Encoding"), "%256s", mp->ps->t1_buf_array);
        if (strcmp (mp->ps->t1_buf_array, "StandardEncoding") == 0) {
            for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
                if (mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[i] != notdef)
                mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[i] =
                    mp_xstrdup (mp,standard_glyph_names[i]);
            mp->ps->t1_encoding = ENC_STANDARD;
        } else {
            char s[128];
            mp_snprintf(s,128, "cannot subset font (unknown predefined encoding `%s')",
    } else
        mp->ps->t1_encoding = ENC_BUILTIN;
     * At this moment "/Encoding" is the prefix of |mp->ps->t1_line_array|, and the encoding is
     * not a predefined encoding
     * We have two possible forms of Encoding vector. The first case is
     *     /Encoding [/a /b /c...] readonly def
     * and the second case can look like
     *     /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for
     *     dup 0 /x put
     *     dup 1 /y put
     *     ...
     *     readonly def
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        if (mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[i] != notdef) {
            mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[i] = mp_xstrdup(mp, notdef);
    if (t1_prefix ("/Encoding [") || t1_prefix ("/Encoding[")) {        /* the first case */
        r = strchr (mp->ps->t1_line_array, '[') + 1;
        skip (r, ' ');
        for (;;) {
            while (*r == '/') {
                for (p = mp->ps->t1_buf_array, r++;
                     *r != 32 && *r != 10 && *r != ']' && *r != '/';
                     *p++ = *r++);
                *p = 0;
                skip (r, ' ');
                if (counter > 255) {
                        (mp, "encoding vector contains more than 256 names");
                if (strcmp (mp->ps->t1_buf_array, notdef) != 0) {
                    if (mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[counter] != notdef)
                    mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[counter] = mp_xstrdup (mp,mp->ps->t1_buf_array);
            if (*r != 10 && *r != '%') {
                if (str_prefix (r, "] def")
                    || str_prefix (r, "] readonly def"))
                else {
                    char s[128];
                    remove_eol (r, mp->ps->t1_line_array);
                    mp_snprintf(s,128,"a name or `] def' or `] readonly def' expected: `%s'",
            t1_getline (mp);
            r = mp->ps->t1_line_array;
    } else {                    /* the second case */
        p = strchr (mp->ps->t1_line_array, 10);
        for (;p!=NULL;) {
            if (*p == 10) {
                t1_getline (mp);
                p = mp->ps->t1_line_array;
               check for `dup <index> <glyph> put'
            if (sscanf (p, "dup %i%256s put", &i, mp->ps->t1_buf_array) == 2 &&
                *mp->ps->t1_buf_array == '/' && valid_code (i)) {
                if (strcmp (mp->ps->t1_buf_array + 1, notdef) != 0) {
                    if (mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[i] != notdef)
                    mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[i] = 
                      mp_xstrdup (mp,mp->ps->t1_buf_array + 1);
                p = strstr (p, " put") + strlen (" put");
                skip (p, ' ');
               check for `dup dup <to> exch <from> get put'
            else if (sscanf (p, "dup dup %i exch %i get put", &b, &a) == 2
                     && valid_code (a) && valid_code (b)) {
                copy_glyph_names (mp,mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names, a, b);
                p = strstr (p, " get put") + strlen (" get put");
                skip (p, ' ');
               check for `dup dup <from> <size> getinterval <to> exch putinterval'
            else if (sscanf
                     (p, "dup dup %i %i getinterval %i exch putinterval",
                      &a, &c, &b) == 3 && valid_code (a) && valid_code (b)
                     && valid_code (c)) {
                for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                    copy_glyph_names (mp,mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names, a + i, b + i);
                p = strstr (p, " putinterval") + strlen (" putinterval");
                skip (p, ' ');
               check for `def' or `readonly def'
            else if ((p == mp->ps->t1_line_array || (p > mp->ps->t1_line_array && p[-1] == ' '))
                     && strcmp (p, "def\n") == 0)
               skip an unrecognizable word
            else {
                while (*p != ' ' && *p != 10)
                skip (p, ' ');

static void  t1_check_end (MP mp) {
    if (t1_eof ())
    t1_getline (mp);
    if (t1_prefix ("{restore}"))
        t1_putline (mp);

@ @<Set initial values...@>=
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
     mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[i] = strdup(notdef);

@ @<Types...@>=
typedef struct {
    char *ff_name;              /* base name of font file */
    char *ff_path;              /* full path to font file */
} ff_entry;

@ @c
static boolean t1_open_fontfile (MP mp, fm_entry *fm_cur,const char *open_name_prefix) {
    ff_entry *ff;
    ff = check_ff_exist (mp, fm_cur);
    mp->ps->t1_file = NULL;
    if (ff->ff_path != NULL) {
        mp->ps->t1_file = (mp->open_file)(mp,ff->ff_path, "r", mp_filetype_font);
    if (mp->ps->t1_file == NULL) {
        char err [256];
        mp_snprintf(err, 255, "cannot open Type 1 font file %s for reading", ff->ff_path);
        mp_warn (mp,err);
        return false;
    t1_init_params (mp,open_name_prefix,fm_cur->ff_name);
    mp->ps->fontfile_found = true;
    return true;

static void  t1_scan_only (MP mp, font_number tex_font, fm_entry *fm_cur) {
    do {
        t1_getline (mp);
        t1_scan_param (mp,tex_font, fm_cur);
    while (mp->ps->t1_in_eexec == 0);
    t1_start_eexec (mp,fm_cur);
    do {
        t1_getline (mp);
        t1_scan_param (mp,tex_font, fm_cur);
    while (!(t1_charstrings () || t1_subrs ()));

static void  t1_include (MP mp, font_number tex_font, fm_entry *fm_cur) {
    do {
        t1_getline (mp);
        t1_scan_param (mp,tex_font, fm_cur);
        t1_putline (mp);
    while (mp->ps->t1_in_eexec == 0);
    t1_start_eexec (mp,fm_cur);
    do {
        t1_getline (mp);
        t1_scan_param (mp,tex_font, fm_cur);
        t1_putline (mp);
    while (!(t1_charstrings () || t1_subrs ()));
    mp->ps->t1_cs = true;
    do {
        t1_getline (mp);
        t1_putline (mp);
    while (!t1_end_eexec ());
    t1_stop_eexec (mp);
    if (fixedcontent) {         /* copy 512 zeros (not needed for PDF) */
        do {
            t1_getline (mp);
            t1_putline (mp);
        while (!t1_cleartomark ());
        t1_check_end (mp);        /* write "{restore}if" if found */

@d check_subr(SUBR) if (SUBR >= mp->ps->subr_size || SUBR < 0) {
        char s[128];
        mp_snprintf(s,128,"Subrs array: entry index out of range (%i)",SUBR);

static const char **check_cs_token_pair (MP mp) {
    const char **p = (const char **) cs_token_pairs_list;
    for (; p[0] != NULL; ++p)
        if (t1_buf_prefix (p[0]) && t1_buf_suffix (p[1]))
            return p;
    return NULL;

static void cs_store (MP mp, boolean is_subr) {
    char *p;
    cs_entry *ptr;
    int subr;
    for (p = mp->ps->t1_line_array, mp->ps->t1_buf_ptr = mp->ps->t1_buf_array; *p != ' ';
         *mp->ps->t1_buf_ptr++ = *p++);
    *mp->ps->t1_buf_ptr = 0;
    if (is_subr) {
        subr = (int)t1_scan_num (mp, p + 1, 0);
        check_subr (subr);
        ptr = mp->ps->subr_tab + subr;
    } else {
        ptr = mp->ps->cs_ptr++;
        if (mp->ps->cs_ptr - mp->ps->cs_tab > mp->ps->cs_size) {
          char s[128];
          mp_snprintf(s,128,"CharStrings dict: more entries than dict size (%i)",mp->ps->cs_size);
        ptr->glyph_name = mp_xstrdup (mp,mp->ps->t1_buf_array + 1);
    /* copy " RD " + cs data to |mp->ps->t1_buf_array| */
    memcpy (mp->ps->t1_buf_array, mp->ps->t1_line_array + mp->ps->cs_start - 4,
            (size_t) (mp->ps->t1_cslen + 4));
    /* copy the end of cs data to |mp->ps->t1_buf_array| */
    for (p = mp->ps->t1_line_array + mp->ps->cs_start + mp->ps->t1_cslen, mp->ps->t1_buf_ptr =
         mp->ps->t1_buf_array + mp->ps->t1_cslen + 4; *p != 10; *mp->ps->t1_buf_ptr++ = *p++);
    *mp->ps->t1_buf_ptr++ = 10;
    if (is_subr && mp->ps->cs_token_pair == NULL)
        mp->ps->cs_token_pair = check_cs_token_pair (mp);
    ptr->len = (unsigned short)(mp->ps->t1_buf_ptr - mp->ps->t1_buf_array);
    ptr->cslen = mp->ps->t1_cslen;
    ptr->data = mp_xmalloc (mp, (size_t)ptr->len , sizeof (byte));
    memcpy (ptr->data, mp->ps->t1_buf_array, (size_t)ptr->len);
    ptr->valid = true;

#define store_subr(mp)    cs_store(mp,true)
#define store_cs(mp)      cs_store(mp,false)

#define CC_STACK_SIZE       24

static double cc_stack[CC_STACK_SIZE], *stack_ptr = cc_stack;
static cc_entry cc_tab[CS_MAX];
static boolean is_cc_init = false;

#define cc_pop(N)                       \
    if (stack_ptr - cc_stack < (N))     \
        stack_error(N);                 \
    stack_ptr -= N

#define stack_error(N) {                \
    char s[256];                        \
    mp_snprintf(s,255,"CharString: invalid access (%i) to stack (%i entries)", \
                 (int) N, (int)(stack_ptr - cc_stack));                  \
    mp_warn(mp,s);                    \
    goto cs_error;                    \

#define cc_get(N)   ((N) < 0 ? *(stack_ptr + (N)) : *(cc_stack + (N)))

#define cc_push(V)  *stack_ptr++ = (double)(V)
#define cc_clear()  stack_ptr = cc_stack

#define set_cc(N, B, A, C) \
    cc_tab[N].nargs = A;   \
    cc_tab[N].bottom = B;  \
    cc_tab[N].clear = C;   \
    cc_tab[N].valid = true

static void cc_init (void) {
    int i;
    if (is_cc_init)
    for (i = 0; i < CS_MAX; i++)
        cc_tab[i].valid = false;
    set_cc (CS_HSTEM, true, 2, true);
    set_cc (CS_VSTEM, true, 2, true);
    set_cc (CS_VMOVETO, true, 1, true);
    set_cc (CS_RLINETO, true, 2, true);
    set_cc (CS_HLINETO, true, 1, true);
    set_cc (CS_VLINETO, true, 1, true);
    set_cc (CS_RRCURVETO, true, 6, true);
    set_cc (CS_CLOSEPATH, false, 0, true);
    set_cc (CS_CALLSUBR, false, 1, false);
    set_cc (CS_RETURN, false, 0, false);
       |set_cc(CS_ESCAPE,          false,  0, false);|
    set_cc (CS_HSBW, true, 2, true);
    set_cc (CS_ENDCHAR, false, 0, true);
    set_cc (CS_RMOVETO, true, 2, true);
    set_cc (CS_HMOVETO, true, 1, true);
    set_cc (CS_VHCURVETO, true, 4, true);
    set_cc (CS_HVCURVETO, true, 4, true);
    set_cc (CS_DOTSECTION, false, 0, true);
    set_cc (CS_VSTEM3, true, 6, true);
    set_cc (CS_HSTEM3, true, 6, true);
    set_cc (CS_SEAC, true, 5, true);
    set_cc (CS_SBW, true, 4, true);
    set_cc (CS_DIV, false, 2, false);
    set_cc (CS_CALLOTHERSUBR, false, 0, false);
    set_cc (CS_POP, false, 0, false);
    set_cc (CS_SETCURRENTPOINT, true, 2, true);
    is_cc_init = true;


@d cs_getchar(mp)    cdecrypt(*data++, &cr)

@d mark_subr(mp,n)    cs_mark(mp,0, n)
@d mark_cs(mp,s)      cs_mark(mp,s, 0)
@d SMALL_BUF_SIZE      256

static void cs_warn (MP mp, const char *cs_name, int subr, const char *fmt, ...) {
    char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
    char s[300];
    va_list args;
    va_start (args, fmt);
    @= /*@@-bufferoverflowhigh@@*/ @>
    (void)vsprintf (buf, fmt, args);
    @= /*@@=bufferoverflowhigh@@*/ @>
    va_end (args);
    if (cs_name == NULL) {
        mp_snprintf(s,299,"Subr (%i): %s", (int) subr, buf);
    } else {
       mp_snprintf(s,299,"CharString (/%s): %s", cs_name, buf);

static void cs_mark (MP mp, const char *cs_name, int subr)
    byte *data;
    int i, b, cs_len;
    integer a, a1, a2;
    unsigned short cr;
    static integer lastargOtherSubr3 = 3;       /* the argument of last call to
                                                   OtherSubrs[3] */
    cs_entry *ptr;
    cc_entry *cc;
    if (cs_name == NULL) {
        check_subr (subr);
        ptr = mp->ps->subr_tab + subr;
        if (!ptr->valid)
    } else {
        if (mp->ps->cs_notdef != NULL &&
            (cs_name == notdef || strcmp (cs_name, notdef) == 0))
            ptr = mp->ps->cs_notdef;
        else {
            for (ptr = mp->ps->cs_tab; ptr < mp->ps->cs_ptr; ptr++)
                if (strcmp (ptr->glyph_name, cs_name) == 0)
            if (ptr == mp->ps->cs_ptr) {
                char s[128];
                mp_snprintf (s,128,"glyph `%s' undefined", cs_name);
            if (ptr->glyph_name == notdef)
                mp->ps->cs_notdef = ptr;
    /* only marked CharString entries and invalid entries can be skipped;
       valid marked subrs must be parsed to keep the stack in sync */
    if (!ptr->valid || (ptr->is_used && cs_name != NULL))
    ptr->is_used = true;
    cr = 4330;
    cs_len = (int)ptr->cslen;
    data = ptr->data + 4;
    for (i = 0; i < mp->ps->t1_lenIV; i++, cs_len--)
        (void)cs_getchar (mp);
    while (cs_len > 0) {
        b = cs_getchar (mp);
        if (b >= 32) {
            if (b <= 246)
                a = b - 139;
            else if (b <= 250) {
                a = (int)((unsigned)(b - 247) << 8) + 108 + cs_getchar (mp);
            } else if (b <= 254) {
                a = -(int)((unsigned)(b - 251) << 8) - 108 - cs_getchar (mp);
            } else {
                cs_len -= 4;
                a = (cs_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 24;
                a |= (cs_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 16;
                a |= (cs_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 8;
                a |= (cs_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 0;
                if (sizeof (integer) > 4 && (a & 0x80000000))
                    a |= ~0x7FFFFFFF;
            cc_push (a);
        } else {
            if (b == CS_ESCAPE) {
                b = cs_getchar (mp) + CS_1BYTE_MAX;
            if (b >= CS_MAX) {
                cs_warn (mp,cs_name, subr, "command value out of range: %i",
                         (int) b);
                goto cs_error;
            cc = cc_tab + b;
            if (!cc->valid) {
                cs_warn (mp,cs_name, subr, "command not valid: %i", (int) b);
                goto cs_error;
            if (cc->bottom) {
                if (stack_ptr - cc_stack < cc->nargs)
                    cs_warn (mp,cs_name, subr,
                             "less arguments on stack (%i) than required (%i)",
                             (int) (stack_ptr - cc_stack), (int) cc->nargs);
                else if (stack_ptr - cc_stack > cc->nargs)
                    cs_warn (mp,cs_name, subr,
                             "more arguments on stack (%i) than required (%i)",
                             (int) (stack_ptr - cc_stack), (int) cc->nargs);
            switch (cc - cc_tab) {
            case CS_CALLSUBR:
                a1 = (integer)cc_get (-1);
                cc_pop (1);
                mark_subr (mp,a1);
                if (!mp->ps->subr_tab[a1].valid) {
                    cs_warn (mp,cs_name, subr, "cannot call subr (%i)", (int) a1);
                    goto cs_error;
            case CS_DIV:
                cc_pop (2);
                cc_push (0);
            case CS_CALLOTHERSUBR:
              a1 = (integer)cc_get (-1);
                if (a1 == 3)
                  lastargOtherSubr3 = (integer)cc_get (-3);
                a1 = (integer)cc_get (-2) + 2;
                cc_pop (a1);
            case CS_POP:
                cc_push (lastargOtherSubr3);
                /* the only case when we care about the value being pushed onto
                   stack is when POP follows CALLOTHERSUBR (changing hints by
            case CS_SEAC:
                a1 = (integer)cc_get (3);
                a2 = (integer)cc_get (4);
                cc_clear ();
                mark_cs (mp,standard_glyph_names[a1]);
                mark_cs (mp,standard_glyph_names[a2]);
                if (cc->clear)
                    cc_clear ();
  cs_error:                    /* an error occured during parsing */
    cc_clear ();
    ptr->valid = false;
    ptr->is_used = false;

static void t1_subset_ascii_part (MP mp, font_number tex_font, fm_entry *fm_cur)
    int i, j;
    t1_getline (mp);
    while (!t1_prefix ("/Encoding")) {
	t1_scan_param (mp,tex_font, fm_cur);
	/* Patch the initial font directory cacheing mechanism found in some
         * pfb fonts.
	 * Even though the T1 spec does not explicitly state that 'FontDirectory'
   	 * should appear at the start of a line, luckily this is standard practise.
	if (t1_prefix ("FontDirectory")) {
          char *endloc, *p;
	  char new_line[T1_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
          p = mp->ps->t1_line_array;
          while ((endloc = strstr(p,fm_cur->ps_name)) != NULL) {
	     int n = (endloc-mp->ps->t1_line_array) + strlen(fm_cur->subset_tag) + 2 + strlen(fm_cur->ps_name);
	     if (n >= T1_BUF_SIZE)  {
               mp_fatal_error (mp, "t1_subset_ascii_part: buffer overrun detected.");
	     p = endloc + strlen(fm_cur->ps_name);
	  if (strlen(new_line) + strlen(p) + 1 >= T1_BUF_SIZE )  {
	     mp_fatal_error (mp, "t1_subset_ascii_part: buffer overrun detected.");
          strcat(new_line, p);
          mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = mp->ps->t1_line_array + strlen(mp->ps->t1_line_array);
	  t1_putline (mp);
	} else {
	  t1_putline (mp);
        t1_getline (mp);
    t1_builtin_enc (mp);
    if (is_reencoded (fm_cur))
        mp->ps->t1_glyph_names = external_enc ();
        mp->ps->t1_glyph_names = mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names;
    if ((!is_subsetted (fm_cur)) && mp->ps->t1_encoding == ENC_STANDARD)
        t1_puts (mp,"/Encoding StandardEncoding def\n");
    else {
            (mp,"/Encoding 256 array\n0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for\n");
        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 256; i++) {
            if (is_used_char (i) && mp->ps->t1_glyph_names[i] != notdef &&
                                    strcmp(mp->ps->t1_glyph_names[i],notdef) != 0) {
                mp_snprintf (mp->ps->t1_line_array, (int)mp->ps->t1_line_limit,
                             "dup %i /%s put\n", (int) t1_char (i),
        /* We didn't mark anything for the Encoding array. */
        /* We add "dup 0 /.notdef put" for compatibility   */
        /* with Acrobat 5.0.                               */
        if (j == 0)
            t1_puts (mp,"dup 0 /.notdef put\n");
        t1_puts (mp,"readonly def\n");
    do {
        t1_getline (mp);
        t1_scan_param (mp,tex_font, fm_cur);
        if (!t1_prefix ("/UniqueID"))   /* ignore UniqueID for subsetted fonts */
            t1_putline (mp);
    while (mp->ps->t1_in_eexec == 0);

#define t1_subr_flush(mp)  t1_flush_cs(mp,true)
#define t1_cs_flush(mp)    t1_flush_cs(mp,false)

static void cs_init (MP mp) {
    mp->ps->cs_ptr = mp->ps->cs_tab = NULL;
    mp->ps->cs_dict_start = mp->ps->cs_dict_end = NULL;
    mp->ps->cs_count = mp->ps->cs_size = mp->ps->cs_size_pos = 0;
    mp->ps->cs_token_pair = NULL;
    mp->ps->subr_tab = NULL;
    mp->ps->subr_array_start = mp->ps->subr_array_end = NULL;
    mp->ps->subr_max = mp->ps->subr_size = mp->ps->subr_size_pos = 0;

static void init_cs_entry ( cs_entry * cs) {
    cs->data = NULL;
    cs->glyph_name = NULL;
    cs->len = 0;
    cs->cslen = 0;
    cs->is_used = false;
    cs->valid = false;

static void t1_mark_glyphs (MP mp, font_number tex_font);

static void t1_read_subrs (MP mp, font_number tex_font, fm_entry *fm_cur, int read_only)
    int i, s;
    cs_entry *ptr;
    t1_getline (mp);
    while (!(t1_charstrings () || t1_subrs ())) {
        t1_scan_param (mp,tex_font, fm_cur);
        if (!read_only)
          t1_putline (mp);
        t1_getline (mp);
    mp->ps->t1_cs = true;
    mp->ps->t1_scan = false;
    if (!t1_subrs ())
    mp->ps->subr_size_pos = (int)(strlen ("/Subrs") + 1);
    /* |subr_size_pos| points to the number indicating dict size after "/Subrs" */
    mp->ps->subr_size = (int)t1_scan_num (mp,mp->ps->t1_line_array + mp->ps->subr_size_pos, 0);
    if (mp->ps->subr_size == 0) {
        while (!t1_charstrings ())
            t1_getline (mp);
	/*    |subr_tab = xtalloc (subr_size, cs_entry);| */
	mp->ps->subr_tab = (cs_entry *)mp_xmalloc (mp,(size_t)mp->ps->subr_size, sizeof (cs_entry));
    for (ptr = mp->ps->subr_tab; ptr - mp->ps->subr_tab < mp->ps->subr_size; ptr++)
        init_cs_entry (ptr);
    mp->ps->subr_array_start = mp_xstrdup (mp,mp->ps->t1_line_array);
    t1_getline (mp);
    while (mp->ps->t1_cslen) {
        store_subr (mp);
        t1_getline (mp);
    /* mark the first four entries without parsing */
    for (i = 0; i < mp->ps->subr_size && i < 4; i++)
        mp->ps->subr_tab[i].is_used = true;
    /* the end of the Subrs array might have more than one line so we need to
       concatnate them to |subr_array_end|. Unfortunately some fonts don't have
       the Subrs array followed by the CharStrings dict immediately (synthetic
       fonts). If we cannot find CharStrings in next |POST_SUBRS_SCAN| lines then
       we will treat the font as synthetic and ignore everything until next
       Subrs is found
#define POST_SUBRS_SCAN     5
    s = 0;
    *mp->ps->t1_buf_array = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < POST_SUBRS_SCAN; i++) {
        if (t1_charstrings ())
        s += (int)(mp->ps->t1_line_ptr - mp->ps->t1_line_array);
        alloc_array (t1_buf, s, T1_BUF_SIZE);
        strcat (mp->ps->t1_buf_array, mp->ps->t1_line_array);
        t1_getline (mp);
    mp->ps->subr_array_end = mp_xstrdup (mp,mp->ps->t1_buf_array);
    if (i == POST_SUBRS_SCAN) { /* CharStrings not found;
                                   suppose synthetic font */
        for (ptr = mp->ps->subr_tab; ptr - mp->ps->subr_tab < mp->ps->subr_size; ptr++)
            if (ptr->valid)
                mp_xfree (ptr->data);
        mp_xfree (mp->ps->subr_tab);
        mp_xfree (mp->ps->subr_array_start);
        mp_xfree (mp->ps->subr_array_end);
        cs_init (mp);
        mp->ps->t1_cs = false;
        mp->ps->t1_synthetic = true;
        while (!(t1_charstrings () || t1_subrs ()))
            t1_getline (mp);
        goto FOUND;

@ @c
static void t1_flush_cs (MP mp, boolean is_subr)
    char *p;
    byte *r, *return_cs = NULL;
    cs_entry *tab, *end_tab, *ptr;
    char *start_line, *line_end;
    int count, size_pos;
    unsigned short cr, cs_len = 0; /* to avoid warning about uninitialized use of |cs_len| */
    if (is_subr) {
        start_line = mp->ps->subr_array_start;
        line_end =  mp->ps->subr_array_end;
        size_pos =  mp->ps->subr_size_pos;
        tab =  mp->ps->subr_tab;
        count =  mp->ps->subr_max + 1;
        end_tab =  mp->ps->subr_tab + count;
    } else {
        start_line =  mp->ps->cs_dict_start;
        line_end =  mp->ps->cs_dict_end;
        size_pos =  mp->ps->cs_size_pos;
        tab =  mp->ps->cs_tab;
        end_tab =  mp->ps->cs_ptr;
        count =  mp->ps->cs_count;
    mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = mp->ps->t1_line_array;
    for (p = start_line; p - start_line < size_pos;)
        *mp->ps->t1_line_ptr++ = *p++;
    while (mp_isdigit (*p))
    mp_snprintf (mp->ps->t1_line_ptr, (int)mp->ps->t1_line_limit, "%u", (unsigned)count);
    strcat (mp->ps->t1_line_ptr, p);
    mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = eol (mp->ps->t1_line_array);
    t1_putline (mp);

    /* create |return_cs| to replace unsused subr's */
    if (is_subr) {
        cr = 4330;
        cs_len = 0;
        return_cs = mp_xmalloc (mp, (size_t)(mp->ps->t1_lenIV + 1) , sizeof(byte));
        if ( mp->ps->t1_lenIV >= 0) {
            for (cs_len = 0, r = return_cs; 
                 cs_len<(unsigned short)mp->ps->t1_lenIV; cs_len++, r++)
                *r = cencrypt (0x00, &cr);
            *r = cencrypt (CS_RETURN, &cr);
        } else {
            *return_cs = CS_RETURN;

    for (ptr = tab; ptr < end_tab; ptr++) {
        if (ptr->is_used) {
            if (is_subr)
                mp_snprintf (mp->ps->t1_line_array, (int)mp->ps->t1_line_limit,
                             "dup %i %u", (int) (ptr - tab), ptr->cslen);
                mp_snprintf (mp->ps->t1_line_array, (int)mp->ps->t1_line_limit,
                             "/%s %u", ptr->glyph_name, ptr->cslen);
            p = strend (mp->ps->t1_line_array);
            memcpy (p, ptr->data, (size_t)ptr->len);
            mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = p + ptr->len;
            t1_putline (mp);
        } else {
            /* replace unsused subr's by |return_cs| */
            if (is_subr) {
                mp_snprintf (mp->ps->t1_line_array, (int)mp->ps->t1_line_limit,
                         "dup %i %u%s ", (int) (ptr - tab),
                         cs_len,  mp->ps->cs_token_pair[0]);
                p = strend (mp->ps->t1_line_array);
                memcpy (p, return_cs, (size_t)cs_len);
                mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = p + cs_len;
                t1_putline (mp);
                mp_snprintf (mp->ps->t1_line_array, (int)mp->ps->t1_line_limit, 
                           " %s",  mp->ps->cs_token_pair[1]);
                mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = eol (mp->ps->t1_line_array);
                t1_putline (mp);
        mp_xfree (ptr->data);
        if (ptr->glyph_name != notdef)
            mp_xfree (ptr->glyph_name);
    mp_snprintf (mp->ps->t1_line_array, (int)mp->ps->t1_line_limit, "%s", line_end);
    mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = eol (mp->ps->t1_line_array);
    t1_putline (mp);
    if (is_subr)
        mp_xfree (return_cs);
    mp_xfree (tab);
    mp_xfree (start_line);
    mp_xfree (line_end);
    if (is_subr) {
      mp->ps->subr_array_start = NULL;
      mp->ps->subr_array_end = NULL;
      mp->ps->subr_tab = NULL;
    } else {
      mp->ps->cs_dict_start = NULL;
      mp->ps->cs_dict_end = NULL;
      mp->ps->cs_tab = NULL;

static void t1_mark_glyphs (MP mp, font_number tex_font)
    int i;
    char *charset = extra_charset ();
    char *g, *s, *r;
    cs_entry *ptr;
    if (mp->ps->t1_synthetic || embed_all_glyphs (tex_font)) {  /* mark everything */
        if (mp->ps->cs_tab != NULL)
            for (ptr = mp->ps->cs_tab; ptr < mp->ps->cs_ptr; ptr++)
                if (ptr->valid)
                    ptr->is_used = true;
        if (mp->ps->subr_tab != NULL) {
            for (ptr = mp->ps->subr_tab; ptr - mp->ps->subr_tab < mp->ps->subr_size; ptr++)
                if (ptr->valid)
                    ptr->is_used = true;
            mp->ps->subr_max = mp->ps->subr_size - 1;
    mark_cs (mp,notdef);
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        if (is_used_char (i)) {
            if (mp->ps->t1_glyph_names[i] == notdef || 
                strcmp(mp->ps->t1_glyph_names[i],notdef)==0) {
                char S[128];
                mp_snprintf(S,128, "character %i is mapped to %s", i, notdef);
            } else
                mark_cs (mp,mp->ps->t1_glyph_names[i]);
    if (charset == NULL)
        goto SET_SUBR_MAX;
    g = s = charset + 1;        /* skip the first '/' */
    r = strend (g);
    while (g < r) {
        while (*s != '/' && s < r)
        *s = 0;                 /* terminate g by rewriting '/' to 0 */
        mark_cs (mp,g);
        g = s + 1;
    if (mp->ps->subr_tab != NULL)
        for (mp->ps->subr_max = -1, ptr = mp->ps->subr_tab; 
	         ptr - mp->ps->subr_tab < mp->ps->subr_size; 
            if (ptr->is_used && ptr - mp->ps->subr_tab > mp->ps->subr_max)
                mp->ps->subr_max = (int)(ptr - mp->ps->subr_tab);

static void t1_do_subset_charstrings (MP mp, font_number tex_font) 
    cs_entry *ptr;
    mp->ps->cs_size_pos = (int)(
        strstr (mp->ps->t1_line_array, charstringname) + strlen (charstringname)
        - mp->ps->t1_line_array + 1);
    /* |cs_size_pos| points to the number indicating
       dict size after "/CharStrings" */
    mp->ps->cs_size = (int)t1_scan_num (mp,mp->ps->t1_line_array + mp->ps->cs_size_pos, 0);
    mp->ps->cs_ptr = mp->ps->cs_tab = mp_xmalloc (mp,(size_t)mp->ps->cs_size, sizeof(cs_entry));
    for (ptr = mp->ps->cs_tab; ptr - mp->ps->cs_tab < mp->ps->cs_size; ptr++)
        init_cs_entry (ptr);
    mp->ps->cs_notdef = NULL;
    mp->ps->cs_dict_start = mp_xstrdup (mp,mp->ps->t1_line_array);
    t1_getline (mp);
    while (mp->ps->t1_cslen) {
        store_cs (mp);
        t1_getline (mp);
    mp->ps->cs_dict_end = mp_xstrdup (mp,mp->ps->t1_line_array);
    t1_mark_glyphs (mp,tex_font);

static void t1_subset_charstrings (MP mp, font_number tex_font) 
    cs_entry *ptr;
    t1_do_subset_charstrings (mp, tex_font);
    if (mp->ps->subr_tab != NULL) {
        if (mp->ps->cs_token_pair == NULL) 
                (mp, "This Type 1 font uses mismatched subroutine begin/end token pairs.");
        t1_subr_flush (mp);
    for (mp->ps->cs_count = 0, ptr = mp->ps->cs_tab; ptr < mp->ps->cs_ptr; ptr++)
        if (ptr->is_used)
    t1_cs_flush (mp);

static void t1_subset_end (MP mp)
    if (mp->ps->t1_synthetic) {         /* copy to "dup /FontName get exch definefont pop" */
        while (!strstr (mp->ps->t1_line_array, "definefont")) {
            t1_getline (mp);
            t1_putline (mp);
        while (!t1_end_eexec ())
            t1_getline (mp);      /* ignore the rest */
        t1_putline (mp);          /* write "mark currentfile closefile" */
    } else
        while (!t1_end_eexec ()) {      /* copy to "mark currentfile closefile" */
            t1_getline (mp);
            t1_putline (mp);
    t1_stop_eexec (mp);
    if (fixedcontent) {         /* copy 512 zeros (not needed for PDF) */
        while (!t1_cleartomark ()) {
            t1_getline (mp);
            t1_putline (mp);
        if (!mp->ps->t1_synthetic)      /* don't check "{restore}if" for synthetic fonts */
            t1_check_end (mp);    /* write "{restore}if" if found */

static int t1_updatefm (MP mp, font_number f, fm_entry *fm)
  char *s, *p;
  mp->ps->read_encoding_only = true;
  if (!t1_open_fontfile (mp,fm,NULL)) {
	return 0;
  t1_scan_only (mp,f, fm);
  s = mp_xstrdup(mp,mp->ps->fontname_buf);
  p = s;
  while (*p != ' ' && *p != 0) 
  fm->ps_name = s;
  t1_close_font_file (mp,"");
  return 1;

static void  writet1 (MP mp, font_number tex_font, fm_entry *fm_cur) {
	unsigned save_selector = mp->selector;
    mp->ps->read_encoding_only = false;
    if (!is_included (fm_cur)) {        /* scan parameters from font file */
      if (!t1_open_fontfile (mp,fm_cur,"{"))
   	    t1_scan_only (mp,tex_font, fm_cur);
        t1_close_font_file (mp,"}");
    if (!is_subsetted (fm_cur)) {       /* include entire font */
      if (!t1_open_fontfile (mp,fm_cur,"<<"))
	  t1_include (mp,tex_font,fm_cur);
        t1_close_font_file (mp,">>");
    /* partial downloading */
    if (!t1_open_fontfile (mp,fm_cur,"<"))
    t1_subset_ascii_part (mp,tex_font,fm_cur);
    t1_start_eexec (mp,fm_cur);
    cc_init ();
    cs_init (mp);
    t1_read_subrs (mp,tex_font, fm_cur, false);
    t1_subset_charstrings (mp,tex_font);
    t1_subset_end (mp);
    t1_close_font_file (mp,">");
    mp->selector = save_selector; 

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void t1_free (MP mp);

@ @c
static void  t1_free (MP mp) {
  int k;

  mp_xfree (mp->ps->subr_array_start);
  mp_xfree (mp->ps->subr_array_end);
  mp_xfree (mp->ps->cs_dict_start);
  mp_xfree (mp->ps->cs_dict_end);

  mp_xfree (mp->ps->t1_line_array);
  mp_xfree (mp->ps->char_array);

  mp->ps->t1_line_array = mp->ps->t1_line_ptr = NULL;
  mp->ps->t1_line_limit = 0;
  mp_xfree (mp->ps->t1_buf_array);
  mp->ps->t1_buf_array = mp->ps->t1_buf_ptr = NULL;
  mp->ps->t1_buf_limit = 0;
  for (k=0;k<=255;k++) {
    if (mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[k] != notdef)
    mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names[k] = notdef; 

@* Embedding Charstrings.

The SVG backend uses some routines that use an ascii representation of
a type1 font. First, here is the type associated with it:

@<Types ...@>=
typedef struct mp_ps_font {
  int font_num; /* just to put something in */
  char **t1_glyph_names;
  cs_entry *cs_tab;
  cs_entry *cs_ptr;
  cs_entry *subr_tab;
  int subr_size;
  int t1_lenIV;
  int slant;
  int extend;
  @<Variables for the charstring parser@>
} mp_ps_font;

@ The parser creates a structure and fills it.


mp_ps_font *mp_ps_font_parse (MP mp, int tex_font) {
  mp_ps_font *f;
  fm_entry *fm_cur;
  char msg[128];
  (void)mp_has_fm_entry (mp, (font_number)tex_font, &fm_cur);
  if (fm_cur == NULL) {
    mp_snprintf(msg,128,"fontmap entry for `%s' not found", mp->font_name[tex_font]);
    return NULL;
  if (is_truetype(fm_cur) ||
	 (fm_cur->ps_name == NULL && fm_cur->ff_name == NULL) ||
      (!is_included(fm_cur))) {
    mp_snprintf(msg,128,"font `%s' cannot be embedded", mp->font_name[tex_font]);
    return NULL;
  if (!t1_open_fontfile (mp,fm_cur,"<")) { /* message handled there */
    return NULL;
  f = mp_xmalloc(mp, 1, sizeof(struct mp_ps_font));
  f->font_num = tex_font;
  f->t1_glyph_names = NULL;
  f->cs_tab   = NULL;
  f->cs_ptr   = NULL;
  f->subr_tab = NULL;
  f->orig_x = f->orig_y = 0.0;
  f->slant = (int)fm_cur->slant;
  f->extend = (int)fm_cur->extend;
  t1_getline (mp);
  while (!t1_prefix ("/Encoding")) {
    t1_scan_param (mp, (font_number)tex_font, fm_cur);
    t1_getline (mp);
  t1_builtin_enc (mp);
  if (is_reencoded (fm_cur)) {
	mp_read_enc (mp, fm_cur->encoding);;
    f->t1_glyph_names = external_enc ();
  } else {
    f->t1_glyph_names = mp->ps->t1_builtin_glyph_names;
  do {
    t1_getline (mp);
    t1_scan_param (mp, (font_number)tex_font, fm_cur);
  } while (mp->ps->t1_in_eexec == 0);

  /* t1_start_eexec (mp,fm_cur); */
  cc_init ();
  cs_init (mp);
  /* the boolean is needed to make sure that |t1_read_subrs| 
     doesn't output stuff */
  t1_read_subrs (mp, (font_number)tex_font, fm_cur, true);
  mp->ps->t1_synthetic = true ;
  t1_do_subset_charstrings (mp, (font_number)tex_font);
  f->cs_tab = mp->ps->cs_tab;
  mp->ps->cs_tab = NULL;
  f->cs_ptr = mp->ps->cs_ptr;
  mp->ps->cs_ptr = NULL;
  f->subr_tab = mp->ps->subr_tab;
  mp->ps->subr_tab = NULL;   
  f->subr_size = mp->ps->subr_size;   
  mp->ps->subr_size = mp->ps->subr_size_pos = 0;   
  f->t1_lenIV = mp->ps->t1_lenIV;
  t1_close_font_file (mp,">");
  return f;

@ @<Exported function headers@>=
mp_ps_font *mp_ps_font_parse (MP mp, int tex_font);

@ Freeing the structure

void mp_ps_font_free (MP mp, mp_ps_font *f) {
  cs_entry *ptr;
  for (ptr = f->cs_tab; ptr < f->cs_ptr; ptr++) {
    if (ptr->glyph_name != notdef)
       mp_xfree (ptr->glyph_name);
  f->cs_tab  = NULL;  
  for (ptr = f->subr_tab; ptr - f->subr_tab < f->subr_size; ptr++) {
    if (ptr->glyph_name != notdef)
       mp_xfree (ptr->glyph_name);
  f->subr_tab  = NULL;  

@ @<Exported function headers@>=
void mp_ps_font_free (MP mp, mp_ps_font *f);

@ Parsing Charstrings.

@<Variables for the charstring parser@>=
double cur_x, cur_y; /* current point */
double orig_x, orig_y; /* origin (for seac) */
mp_edge_object *h; /* the whole picture */
mp_graphic_object *p; /* the current subpath in the picture */
mp_knot pp; /* the last known knot in the subpath */

@ @c
mp_edge_object *mp_ps_do_font_charstring (MP mp, mp_ps_font *f, char *nam) {
  mp_edge_object *h = NULL;
  f->h = NULL; f->p = NULL; f->pp = NULL; /* just in case */
  f->cur_x = f->cur_y = 0.0;
  f->orig_x = f->orig_y = 0.0;
  if (nam==NULL) {
    mp_warn(mp,"nonexistant glyph requested");
    return h;
  if (cs_parse(mp,f,nam, 0)) {
    h = f->h;
  } else {
    char err[256];
    mp_snprintf(err,255,"Glyph interpreter failed (missing glyph '%s'?)", nam);
    if (f->h != NULL) { 
  f->h = NULL; f->p = NULL; f->pp = NULL;
  return h;

mp_edge_object *mp_ps_font_charstring (MP mp, mp_ps_font *f, int c) {
  char *s = NULL;
  if (f != NULL && f->t1_glyph_names != NULL && c>=0 && c<256) 
    s = f->t1_glyph_names[c];
  return mp_ps_do_font_charstring(mp,f,s);

@ @<Exported function headers@>=
mp_edge_object *mp_ps_font_charstring (MP mp, mp_ps_font *f, int c);
mp_edge_object *mp_ps_do_font_charstring (MP mp, mp_ps_font *f, char *n);

boolean cs_parse (MP mp, mp_ps_font *f, const char *cs_name, int subr);

@d scaled_from_double(a) (scaled)((a)*65536.0)
@d double_from_scaled(a) (double)((a)/65536.0)

@d start_subpath(f,dx,dy) do {  
  assert(f->pp == NULL);
  assert(f->p == NULL);
  f->pp = mp_xmalloc(mp, 1, sizeof (struct mp_knot_data));
  f->pp->data.types.left_type = mp_explicit;
  f->pp->data.types.right_type = mp_explicit;
  f->pp->x_coord = scaled_from_double(f->cur_x + dx);
  f->pp->y_coord = scaled_from_double(f->cur_y + dy);
  f->pp->left_x = f->pp->right_x = f->pp->x_coord;
  f->pp->left_y = f->pp->right_y = f->pp->y_coord;
  f->pp->next = NULL;
  f->cur_x += dx;
  f->cur_y += dy;
  f->p = mp_new_graphic_object(mp,mp_fill_code);
  gr_path_p((mp_fill_object *)f->p) = f->pp;
} while (0)

@d finish_subpath() do {
  if (f->p != NULL) {
    if (f->h->body == NULL) {
      f->h->body = f->p;
    } else {
      mp_graphic_object *q = f->h->body;
      while (gr_link(q) != NULL)
        q = gr_link(q);
      q->next = f->p;
  if (f->p!=NULL) {
    mp_knot r, rr;
    r = gr_path_p((mp_fill_object *)f->p); 
    rr = r;
    if (r && r->x_coord == f->pp->x_coord &&  r->y_coord == f->pp->y_coord ) {
      while ( rr->next != f->pp) 
        rr = rr->next;
      rr->next = r;
      r->left_x = f->pp->left_x;
      r->left_y = f->pp->left_y;
  f->p = NULL;
  f->pp = NULL;
} while (0)

@d add_line_segment(f,dx,dy) do {
   assert(f->pp != NULL);
   n = mp_xmalloc(mp,1, sizeof (struct mp_knot_data));
   n->data.types.left_type = mp_explicit;
   n->data.types.right_type = mp_explicit;
   n->next = gr_path_p((mp_fill_object *)f->p); /* loop */  
   n->x_coord = scaled_from_double(f->cur_x + dx);
   n->y_coord = scaled_from_double(f->cur_y + dy);
   n->right_x = n->x_coord;
   n->right_y = n->y_coord;
   n->left_x = n->x_coord;
   n->left_y = n->y_coord;
   f->pp->next = n;
   f->pp = n;
   f->cur_x += dx;
   f->cur_y += dy;
} while (0)

@d add_curve_segment(f,dx1,dy1,dx2,dy2,dx3,dy3) do {
   n = mp_xmalloc(mp, 1, sizeof (struct mp_knot_data));
   n->data.types.left_type = mp_explicit;
   n->data.types.right_type = mp_explicit; 
   n->next = gr_path_p((mp_fill_object *)f->p); /* loop */  
   n->x_coord = scaled_from_double(f->cur_x + dx1 + dx2 + dx3);
   n->y_coord = scaled_from_double(f->cur_y + dy1 + dy2 + dy3);
   n->right_x = n->x_coord;
   n->right_y = n->y_coord;
   n->left_x = scaled_from_double(f->cur_x + dx1 + dx2);
   n->left_y = scaled_from_double(f->cur_y + dy1 + dy2);
   f->pp->right_x = scaled_from_double(f->cur_x + dx1);
   f->pp->right_y = scaled_from_double(f->cur_y + dy1);
   f->pp->next = n;
   f->pp = n;
   f->cur_x += dx1 + dx2 + dx3;
   f->cur_y += dy1 + dy2 + dy3;
} while (0)

@d cs_no_debug(A) cs_do_debug(mp,f,A,#A)
@d cs_debug(A) 

void cs_do_debug (MP mp, mp_ps_font *f, int i, char *s);

@ @c
void cs_do_debug (MP mp, mp_ps_font *f, int i, char *s) {
   int n = cc_tab[i].nargs;
   (void)mp; /* for -Wall */
   (void)f; /* for -Wall */
   while (n>0) {
      fprintf (stdout,"%d ", (int)cc_get((-n)));
   fprintf (stdout,"%s\n", s);

boolean cs_parse (MP mp, mp_ps_font *f, const char *cs_name, int subr)
  byte *data;
  int i, b, cs_len;
  integer a, a1, a2;
  unsigned short cr;
  static integer lastargOtherSubr3 = 3;

  cs_entry *ptr;
  cc_entry *cc;
  mp_knot n;

  if (cs_name == NULL) {
     ptr = f->subr_tab + subr;
  } else {
    i = 0;
    for (ptr = f->cs_tab; ptr < f->cs_ptr; ptr++, i++) {
      if (strcmp (ptr->glyph_name, cs_name) == 0)
    ptr = f->cs_tab+i; /* this is the right charstring */
  if (ptr==f->cs_ptr)
    return false;
  data = ptr->data + 4;
  cr = 4330;
  cs_len = (int)ptr->cslen;
  for (i = 0; i < f->t1_lenIV; i++, cs_len--)
      (void)cs_getchar (mp);

  while (cs_len > 0) {
    b = cs_getchar(mp);
    if (b >= 32) {
       if (b <= 246)
           a = b - 139;
       else if (b <= 250) {
           a = (int)((unsigned)(b - 247) << 8) + 108 + cs_getchar (mp);
       } else if (b <= 254) {
           a = -(int)((unsigned)(b - 251) << 8) - 108 - cs_getchar (mp);
       } else {
           cs_len -= 4;
           a = (cs_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 24;
           a |= (cs_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 16;
           a |= (cs_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 8;
           a |= (cs_getchar (mp) & 0xff) << 0;
           if (sizeof (integer) > 4 && (a & 0x80000000))
               a |= ~0x7FFFFFFF;
       cc_push (a);
   } else {
       if (b == CS_ESCAPE) {
           b = cs_getchar (mp) + CS_1BYTE_MAX;
       if (b >= CS_MAX) {
           cs_warn (mp,cs_name, subr, "command value out of range: %i",
                    (int) b);
           goto cs_error;
       cc = cc_tab + b;
       if (!cc->valid) {
           cs_warn (mp,cs_name, subr, "command not valid: %i", (int) b);
           goto cs_error;
       if (cc->bottom) {
           if (stack_ptr - cc_stack < cc->nargs)
               cs_warn (mp,cs_name, subr,
                        "less arguments on stack (%i) than required (%i)",
                        (int) (stack_ptr - cc_stack), (int) cc->nargs);
           else if (stack_ptr - cc_stack > cc->nargs)
               cs_warn (mp,cs_name, subr,
                        "more arguments on stack (%i) than required (%i)",
                        (int) (stack_ptr - cc_stack), (int) cc->nargs);
      switch (cc - cc_tab) {
      case CS_CLOSEPATH: /* - CLOSEPATH |- */
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_HLINETO: /* |- dx HLINETO  |- */
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_HVCURVETO: /* |- dx1 dx2 dy2 dy3 HVCURVETO |- */
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_RLINETO: /* |- dx dy RLINETO |- */
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_RRCURVETO: /* |- dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 dx3 dy3 RRCURVETO |- */
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_VHCURVETO: /* |- dy1 dx2 dy2 dx3 VHCURVETO |- */
        add_curve_segment(f,0, cc_get(-4),cc_get(-3),cc_get(-2),cc_get(-1),0);
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_VLINETO: /* |- dy VLINETO |- */
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_HMOVETO: /* |- dx HMOVETO  |- */
	/* treating in-line moves as 'line segments' work better than attempting 
           to split the path up in two separate sections, at least for now. */
        if (f->pp == NULL) { /* this is the first */
        } else {  
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_RMOVETO:  /* |- dx dy RMOVETO |- */
        if (f->pp == NULL) { /* this is the first */
        } else {  
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_VMOVETO: /* |- dy VMOVETO |- */
        if (f->pp == NULL) { /* this is the first */
        } else {  
        cc_clear ();
        /* hinting commands */
      case CS_DOTSECTION: /* - DOTSECTION |- */
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_HSTEM:  /* |- y dy HSTEM |- */
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_HSTEM3: /* |- y0 dy0 y1 dy1 y2 dy2 HSTEM3 |- */
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_VSTEM:  /* |- x dx VSTEM |- */
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_VSTEM3: /* |- x0 dx0 x1 dx1 x2 dx2 VSTEM3 |- */
        cc_clear ();
        /* start and close commands */
      case CS_SEAC: /* |- asb adx ady bchar achar SEAC |- */
        { double adx, ady, asb;
          asb = cc_get (0);
          adx = cc_get (1);
          ady = cc_get (2);
          a1 = (integer)cc_get (3);
          a2 = (integer)cc_get (4);
          cc_clear ();
          (void)cs_parse(mp,f,standard_glyph_names[a1],0); /* base */
          f->orig_x += (adx - asb);
          f->orig_y += ady;
      case CS_ENDCHAR: /* - ENDCHAR |- */
        cc_clear ();
        return true;
      case CS_HSBW:  /* |- sbx wx HSBW |- */
        if (!f->h) {
          f->h = mp_xmalloc(mp, 1,sizeof(mp_edge_object));
          f->h->body = NULL; f->h->next = NULL;
          f->h->parent = mp;
          f->h->filename = NULL;
          f->h->minx = f->h->miny = f->h->maxx = f->h->maxy = 0;
        f->cur_x = cc_get(-2) + f->orig_x;
        f->cur_y = 0.0 + f->orig_y;
        f->orig_x = f->cur_x;
        f->orig_y = f->cur_y;
        cc_clear ();
      case CS_SBW: /* |- sbx sby wx wy SBW |- */
        if (!f->h) {
          f->h = mp_xmalloc(mp, 1,sizeof(mp_edge_object));
          f->h->body = NULL; f->h->next = NULL;
          f->h->parent = mp;
          f->h->filename = NULL;
          f->h->minx = f->h->miny = f->h->maxx = f->h->maxy = 0;
        f->cur_x = cc_get(-4) + f->orig_x;
        f->cur_y = cc_get(-3) + f->orig_y;
        f->orig_x = f->cur_x;
        f->orig_y = f->cur_y;
        cc_clear ();
        /* arithmetic */
      case CS_DIV:  /* num1 num2 DIV quotient */
        { double num,den,res;
          num = cc_get (-2);
          den = cc_get (-1);
          res = num/den;
          cc_pop (2);
          cc_push (res);
        /* subrs */
      case CS_CALLSUBR: /* subr CALLSUBR - */
        a1 = (integer)cc_get (-1);
        cc_pop (1);
      case CS_RETURN: /* - RETURN - */
        return true;
      case CS_CALLOTHERSUBR: /* arg1 ... argn n othersubr CALLOTHERSUBR - */
        a1 = (integer)cc_get (-1);
        if (a1 == 3)
          lastargOtherSubr3 = (integer)cc_get (-3);
        a1 = (integer)cc_get(-2) + 2;
        cc_pop (a1);
      case CS_POP: /* - POP number */
        cc_push (lastargOtherSubr3);
	/* totally ignoring setcurrentpoint actually works better for most fonts ? */
        cc_clear ();
        if (cc->clear)
          cc_clear ();
  return true;
cs_error:   /* an error occured during parsing */
  cc_clear ();
  ptr->valid = false;
  ptr->is_used = false;
  return false;

@* \[44d] Embedding fonts.

@ The |tfm_num| is officially of type |font_number|, but that
type does not exist yet at this point in the output order.

typedef struct {
    char *tfm_name;             /* TFM file name */
    char *ps_name;              /* PostScript name */
    integer flags;              /* font flags */
    char *ff_name;              /* font file name */
    char *subset_tag;           /* pseudoUniqueTag for subsetted font */
    enc_entry *encoding;        /* pointer to corresponding encoding */
    unsigned int tfm_num;       /* number of the TFM refering this entry */
    unsigned short type;        /* font type (T1/TTF/...) */
    short slant;                /* SlantFont */
    short extend;               /* ExtendFont */
    integer ff_objnum;          /* FontFile object number */
    integer fn_objnum;          /* FontName/BaseName object number */
    integer fd_objnum;          /* FontDescriptor object number */
    char *charset;              /* string containing used glyphs */
    boolean all_glyphs;         /* embed all glyphs? */
    unsigned short links;       /* link flags from |tfm_tree| and |ps_tree| */
    short tfm_avail;            /* flags whether a tfm is available */
    short pid;                  /* Pid for truetype fonts */
    short eid;                  /* Eid for truetype fonts */
} fm_entry;

boolean fontfile_found;
boolean is_otf_font;
char fontname_buf[FONTNAME_BUF_SIZE];

@d F_INCLUDED          0x01
@d F_SUBSETTED         0x02
@d F_TRUETYPE          0x04
@d F_BASEFONT          0x08

@d set_included(fm)    ((fm)->type |= F_INCLUDED)
@d set_subsetted(fm)   ((fm)->type |= F_SUBSETTED)
@d set_truetype(fm)    ((fm)->type |= F_TRUETYPE)
@d set_basefont(fm)    ((fm)->type |= F_BASEFONT)

@d is_included(fm)     ((fm)->type & F_INCLUDED)
@d is_subsetted(fm)    ((fm)->type & F_SUBSETTED)
@d is_truetype(fm)     ((fm)->type & F_TRUETYPE)
@d is_basefont(fm)     ((fm)->type & F_BASEFONT)
@d is_reencoded(fm)    ((fm)->encoding != NULL)
@d is_fontfile(fm)     (fm_fontfile(fm) != NULL)
@d is_t1fontfile(fm)   (is_fontfile(fm) && !is_truetype(fm))

@d fm_slant(fm)        (fm)->slant
@d fm_extend(fm)       (fm)->extend
@d fm_fontfile(fm)     (fm)->ff_name

static boolean mp_font_is_reencoded (MP mp, font_number f);
static boolean mp_font_is_included (MP mp, font_number f);
static boolean mp_font_is_subsetted (MP mp, font_number f);

@ @c
boolean mp_font_is_reencoded (MP mp, font_number f) {
  fm_entry *fm;
  if (mp_has_font_size(mp,f) && mp_has_fm_entry (mp, f, &fm)) { 
    if (fm != NULL 
	&& (fm->ps_name != NULL)
	&& is_reencoded (fm))
      return true;
  return false;
boolean mp_font_is_included (MP mp, font_number f) {
  fm_entry *fm;
  if (mp_has_font_size(mp,f) && mp_has_fm_entry (mp, f, &fm)) { 
    if (fm != NULL 
	&& (fm->ps_name != NULL && fm->ff_name != NULL) 
	&& is_included (fm))
      return true;
  return false;
boolean mp_font_is_subsetted (MP mp, font_number f) {
  fm_entry *fm;
  if (mp_has_font_size(mp,f) && mp_has_fm_entry (mp, f,&fm)) { 
    if (fm != NULL 
  	  && (fm->ps_name != NULL && fm->ff_name != NULL) 
	  && is_included (fm) && is_subsetted (fm))
      return true;
  return false;

@ @<Declarations@>=
static char * mp_fm_encoding_name (MP mp, font_number f);
static char * mp_fm_font_name (MP mp, font_number f);
static char * mp_fm_font_subset_name (MP mp, font_number f);

@c char * mp_fm_encoding_name (MP mp, font_number f) {
  enc_entry *e;
  fm_entry *fm;
  if (mp_has_fm_entry (mp, f, &fm)) { 
    if (fm != NULL && (fm->ps_name != NULL)) {
      if (is_reencoded (fm)) {
   	    e = fm->encoding;
      	if (e->enc_name!=NULL)
     	  return mp_xstrdup(mp,e->enc_name);
      } else {
	    return NULL;
  print_err ("fontmap encoding problems for font ");
  return NULL;
char * mp_fm_font_name (MP mp, font_number f) {
  fm_entry *fm;
  if (mp_has_fm_entry (mp, f,&fm)) { 
    if (fm != NULL && (fm->ps_name != NULL)) {
      if (mp_font_is_included(mp, f) && !mp->font_ps_name_fixed[f]) {
	   /* find the real fontname, and update |ps_name| and |subset_tag| if needed */
        if (t1_updatefm(mp,f,fm)) {
	      mp->font_ps_name_fixed[f] = true;
	    } else {
	      print_err ("font loading problems for font ");
      return mp_xstrdup(mp,fm->ps_name);
  print_err ("fontmap name problems for font ");
  return NULL;

static char * mp_fm_font_subset_name (MP mp, font_number f) {
  fm_entry *fm;
  if (mp_has_fm_entry (mp, f, &fm)) { 
    if (fm != NULL && (fm->ps_name != NULL)) {
      if (is_subsetted(fm)) {
  	    char *s = mp_xmalloc(mp,strlen(fm->ps_name)+8,1);
 	    return s;
      } else {
        return mp_xstrdup(mp,fm->ps_name);
  print_err ("fontmap name problems for font ");
  return NULL;

@ @<Declarations@>=
static integer mp_fm_font_slant (MP mp, font_number f);
static integer mp_fm_font_extend (MP mp, font_number f);

@c static integer mp_fm_font_slant (MP mp, font_number f) {
  fm_entry *fm;
  if (mp_has_fm_entry (mp, f, &fm)) { 
    if (fm != NULL && (fm->ps_name != NULL)) {
      return fm->slant;
  return 0;
static integer mp_fm_font_extend (MP mp, font_number f) {
  fm_entry *fm;
  if (mp_has_fm_entry (mp, f, &fm)) { 
    if (fm != NULL && (fm->ps_name != NULL)) {
      return fm->extend;
  return 0;

@ @<Declarations@>=
static boolean mp_do_ps_font (MP mp, font_number f);

@ @c static boolean mp_do_ps_font (MP mp, font_number f) {
  fm_entry *fm_cur;
  (void)mp_has_fm_entry (mp, f, &fm_cur); /* for side effects */
  if (fm_cur == NULL)
    return true;
  if (is_truetype(fm_cur) ||
	 (fm_cur->ps_name == NULL && fm_cur->ff_name == NULL)) {
    return false;
  if (is_included(fm_cur)) {
    mp_ps_print_nl(mp,"%%BeginResource: font ");
    if (is_subsetted(fm_cur)) {
      mp_ps_print(mp, fm_cur->subset_tag);
    mp_ps_print(mp, fm_cur->ps_name);
    writet1 (mp,f,fm_cur);
  return true;

@ Included subset fonts do not need and encoding vector, make
sure we skip that case.

static void mp_list_used_resources (MP mp, int prologues, int procset);

@ @c static void mp_list_used_resources (MP mp, int prologues, int procset) {
  font_number f; /* fonts used in a text node or as loop counters */
  int ff;  /* a loop counter */
  int ldf; /* the last \.{DocumentFont} listed (otherwise |null_font|) */
  boolean firstitem;
  if ( procset>0 )
    mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%DocumentResources: procset mpost");
    mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%DocumentResources: procset mpost-minimal");
  for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++) {
    if ( (mp_has_font_size(mp,f))&&(mp_font_is_reencoded(mp,f)) ) {
	  for (ff=ldf;ff>=null_font;ff--) {
        if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,(font_number)ff) )
          if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_enc_name[f],mp->font_enc_name[ff])==0 )
            goto FOUND;
      if ( mp_font_is_subsetted(mp,f) )
        goto FOUND;
      if ( (size_t)mp->ps->ps_offset+1+strlen(mp->font_enc_name[f])>
           (size_t)mp->max_print_line )
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%+ encoding");
      if ( firstitem ) {
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%+ encoding");
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
      mp_ps_dsc_print(mp, "encoding", mp->font_enc_name[f]);
  for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++) {
    if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,f) ) {
      for (ff=ldf;ff>=null_font;ff--) {
        if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,(font_number)ff) )
          if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_name[f],mp->font_name[ff])==0 )
            goto FOUND2;
      if ( (size_t)mp->ps->ps_offset+1+strlen(mp->font_ps_name[f])>
	       (size_t)mp->max_print_line )
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%+ font");
      if ( firstitem ) {
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%+ font");
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
	  if ( (prologues==3)&& (mp_font_is_subsetted(mp,f)) ) {
        char *s = mp_fm_font_subset_name(mp,f);
        mp_ps_dsc_print(mp, "font", s);
      } else {
        mp_ps_dsc_print(mp, "font", mp->font_ps_name[f]);

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_list_supplied_resources (MP mp, int prologues, int procset);

@ @c static void mp_list_supplied_resources (MP mp, int prologues, int procset) {
  font_number f; /* fonts used in a text node or as loop counters */
  int ff; /* a loop counter */
  int ldf; /* the last \.{DocumentFont} listed (otherwise |null_font|) */
  boolean firstitem;
  if ( procset>0 )
    mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset mpost");
    mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset mpost-minimal");
  for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++) {
    if ( (mp_has_font_size(mp,f))&&(mp_font_is_reencoded(mp,f)) )  {
       for (ff=ldf;ff>= null_font;ff++) {
         if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,(font_number)ff) )
           if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_enc_name[f],mp->font_enc_name[ff])==0 )
             goto FOUND;
      if ( (prologues==3)&&(mp_font_is_subsetted(mp,f)))
        goto FOUND;
      if ( (size_t)mp->ps->ps_offset+1+strlen(mp->font_enc_name[f])>(size_t)mp->max_print_line )
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%+ encoding");
      if ( firstitem ) {
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%+ encoding");
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
      mp_ps_dsc_print(mp, "encoding", mp->font_enc_name[f]);
  if (prologues==3) {
    for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++) {
      if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,f) ) {
        for (ff=ldf;ff>= null_font;ff--) {
          if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,(font_number)ff) )
            if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_name[f],mp->font_name[ff])==0 )
               goto FOUND2;
        if ( ! mp_font_is_included(mp,f) )
          goto FOUND2;
        if ( (size_t)mp->ps->ps_offset+1+strlen(mp->font_ps_name[f])>(size_t)mp->max_print_line )
          mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%+ font");
        if ( firstitem ) {
          mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%+ font");
        mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
	    if ( mp_font_is_subsetted(mp,f) ) {
          char *s = mp_fm_font_subset_name(mp,f);
          mp_ps_dsc_print(mp, "font", s);
        } else {
          mp_ps_dsc_print(mp, "font", mp->font_ps_name[f]);

@ @<Declarations...@>=
static void mp_list_needed_resources (MP mp, int prologues);

@ @c static void mp_list_needed_resources (MP mp, int prologues) {
  font_number f; /* fonts used in a text node or as loop counters */
  int ff; /* a loop counter */
  int ldf; /* the last \.{DocumentFont} listed (otherwise |null_font|) */
  boolean firstitem;
  for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++ ) {
    if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,f)) {
      for (ff=ldf;ff>=null_font;ff--) {
        if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,(font_number)ff) )
          if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_name[f],mp->font_name[ff])==0 )
             goto FOUND;
      if ((prologues==3)&&(mp_font_is_included(mp,f)) )
        goto FOUND;
      if ( (size_t)mp->ps->ps_offset+1+strlen(mp->font_ps_name[f])>(size_t)mp->max_print_line )
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%+ font");
      if ( firstitem ) {
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%DocumentNeededResources: font");
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
      mp_ps_dsc_print(mp, "font", mp->font_ps_name[f]);
  if ( ! firstitem ) {
    for (f=null_font+1;f<= mp->last_fnum;f++) {
      if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,f) ) {
        for (ff=ldf;ff>=null_font;ff-- ) {
          if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,(font_number)ff) )
            if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_name[f],mp->font_name[ff])==0 )
              goto FOUND2;
        if ((prologues==3)&&(mp_font_is_included(mp,f)) )
          goto FOUND2;
        mp_ps_print(mp, "%%IncludeResource: font ");
        mp_ps_print(mp, mp->font_ps_name[f]);

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_write_font_definition (MP mp, font_number f, int prologues);


@d applied_reencoding(A) ((mp_font_is_reencoded(mp,(A)))&&
    ((! mp_font_is_subsetted(mp,(A)))||(prologues==2)))

@c static void mp_write_font_definition(MP mp, font_number f, int prologues) {
  if ( (applied_reencoding(f))||(mp_fm_font_slant(mp,f)!=0)||
       (mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_name[f],"zpzdr-reversed")==0) ) {
    if ( (mp_font_is_subsetted(mp,f))&&
	 (mp_font_is_included(mp,f))&&(prologues==3)) {
      char *s = mp_fm_font_subset_name(mp,f);
      mp_ps_name_out(mp, s,true);
    } else {
      mp_ps_name_out(mp, mp->font_ps_name[f],true);
    mp_ps_print(mp, " fcp");
    if ( applied_reencoding(f) ) {
      mp_ps_print(mp, "/Encoding ");
      mp_ps_print(mp, mp->font_enc_name[f]);
      mp_ps_print(mp, " def ");
    if ( mp_fm_font_slant(mp,f)!=0 ) {
      mp_ps_print_int(mp, mp_fm_font_slant(mp,f));
      mp_ps_print(mp, " SlantFont ");
    if ( mp_fm_font_extend(mp,f)!=0 ) {
      mp_ps_print_int(mp, mp_fm_font_extend(mp,f));
      mp_ps_print(mp, " ExtendFont ");
    if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_name[f],"psyrgo")==0 ) {
      mp_ps_print(mp, " 890 ScaleFont ");
      mp_ps_print(mp, " 277 SlantFont ");
    if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_name[f],"zpzdr-reversed")==0 ) {
      mp_ps_print(mp, " FontMatrix [-1 0 0 1 0 0] matrix concatmatrix /FontMatrix exch def ");
      mp_ps_print(mp, "/Metrics 2 dict dup begin ");
      mp_ps_print(mp, "/space[0 -278]def ");
      mp_ps_print(mp, "/a12[-904 -939]def ");
      mp_ps_print(mp, "end def ");
    mp_ps_print(mp, "currentdict end");
    mp_ps_print(mp, " exch definefont pop");

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_ps_print_defined_name (MP mp, font_number f, int prologues);

@c static void mp_ps_print_defined_name(MP mp, font_number f, int prologues) {
  mp_ps_print(mp, " /");
  if ((mp_font_is_subsetted(mp,f))&&
      (mp_font_is_included(mp,f))&&(prologues==3)) {
    char *s = mp_fm_font_subset_name(mp,f);
    mp_ps_print(mp, s);
  } else {
    mp_ps_print(mp, mp->font_ps_name[f]);
  if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_name[f],"psyrgo")==0 )
    mp_ps_print(mp, "-Slanted");
  if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_name[f],"zpzdr-reversed")==0 ) 
    mp_ps_print(mp, "-Reverse");
  if ( applied_reencoding(f) ) { 
    mp_ps_print(mp, "-");
    mp_ps_print(mp, mp->font_enc_name[f]); 
  if ( mp_fm_font_slant(mp,f)!=0 ) {
    mp_ps_print(mp, "-Slant_"); mp_ps_print_int(mp, mp_fm_font_slant(mp,f)) ;
  if ( mp_fm_font_extend(mp,f)!=0 ) {
    mp_ps_print(mp, "-Extend_"); mp_ps_print_int(mp, mp_fm_font_extend(mp,f)); 

@ @<Include encodings and fonts for edge structure~|h|@>=
@<Embed fonts that are available@>

@ @<Embed fonts that are available@>=
@<Make |cur_fsize| a copy of the |font_sizes| array@>;
do {  
  for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++) {
    if ( cur_fsize[f]!=null ) {
      if (prologues==3 ) {
        if ( ! mp_do_ps_font(mp,f) ) {
	      if ( mp_has_fm_entry(mp,f, NULL) ) {
            print_err("Font embedding failed");
      if (cur_fsize[f]==mp_void)
      if ( cur_fsize[f]!=null ) { mp_unmark_font(mp, f); done_fonts=false; }
  if ( ! done_fonts )
    @<Increment |next_size| and apply |mark_string_chars| to all text nodes with
      that size index@>;
} while (! done_fonts);

@ @<Increment |next_size| and apply |mark_string_chars| to all text nodes...@>=
  mp_apply_mark_string_chars(mp, h, next_size);

@ We also need to keep track of which characters are used in text nodes
in the edge structure that is being shipped out.  This is done by procedures
that use the left-over |b3| field in the |char_info| words; i.e.,
|char_info(f)(c).b3| gives the status of character |c| in font |f|.

enum mp_char_mark_state {mp_unused=0, mp_used};

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_mark_string_chars (MP mp,font_number f, char *s, size_t l) ;

@ @c
void mp_mark_string_chars (MP mp,font_number f, char *s, size_t l) {
  integer b; /* |char_base[f]| */
  int bc,ec; /* only characters between these bounds are marked */
  unsigned char *k; /* an index into string |s| */
  k=(unsigned char *)s;
  while (l-->0){ 
    if ( (*k>=bc)&&(*k<=ec) )

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_unmark_font (MP mp,font_number f) ;

@ @c
void mp_unmark_font (MP mp,font_number f) {
  int k; /* an index into |font_info| */
  for (k= mp->char_base[f]+mp->font_bc[f];

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_print_improved_prologue (MP mp, mp_edge_object *h, int p1, int procset) ;

@ @c
void mp_print_improved_prologue (MP mp, mp_edge_object *h, int prologues, int procset) {
  quarterword next_size; /* the size index for fonts being listed */
  mp_node *cur_fsize; /* current positions in |font_sizes| */
  boolean done_fonts; /* have we finished listing the fonts in the header? */
  font_number f; /* a font number for loops */
  cur_fsize = mp_xmalloc(mp,(size_t)(mp->font_max+1),sizeof(mp_node));
  mp_list_used_resources(mp, prologues, procset);
  mp_list_supplied_resources(mp, prologues, procset);
  mp_list_needed_resources(mp, prologues);
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%EndComments");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%BeginProlog");
  if ( procset>0 )
    mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%BeginResource: procset mpost");
    mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%BeginResource: procset mpost-minimal");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/bd{bind def}bind def"
                  "/fshow {exch findfont exch scalefont setfont show}bd");
  if ( procset>0 ) @<Print the procset@>;
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/fcp{findfont dup length dict begin"
                  "{1 index/FID ne{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall}bd");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/fmc{FontMatrix dup length array copy dup dup}bd"
                   "/fmd{/FontMatrix exch def}bd");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/Amul{4 -1 roll exch mul 1000 div}bd"
                  "/ExtendFont{fmc 0 get Amul 0 exch put fmd}bd");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/ScaleFont{dup fmc 0 get"
                  " Amul 0 exch put dup dup 3 get Amul 3 exch put fmd}bd");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/SlantFont{fmc 2 get dup 0 eq{pop 1}if"
	              " Amul FontMatrix 0 get mul 2 exch put fmd}bd");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%EndResource");
  @<Include encodings and fonts  for edge structure~|h|@>;
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%EndProlog");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%BeginSetup");
  for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++) {
    if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,f) ) {
      if ( mp_has_fm_entry(mp,f,NULL) ) {
        mp_write_font_definition(mp,f, prologues);
        mp_ps_name_out(mp, mp->font_name[f],true);
        mp_ps_print_defined_name(mp,f, prologues);
        mp_ps_print(mp, " def");
      } else {
	    char s[256];
        mp_snprintf(s,256,"font %s cannot be found in any fontmapfile!", mp->font_name[f]);
        mp_ps_name_out(mp, mp->font_name[f],true);
        mp_ps_name_out(mp, mp->font_name[f],true);
        mp_ps_print(mp, " def");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%EndSetup");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%Page: 1 1");

@ @<Declarations@>=
static font_number mp_print_font_comments (MP mp , mp_edge_object *h, int prologues);

static font_number mp_print_font_comments (MP mp , mp_edge_object *h, int prologues) {
  quarterword next_size; /* the size index for fonts being listed */
  mp_node *cur_fsize; /* current positions in |font_sizes| */
  int ff; /* a loop counter */
  boolean done_fonts; /* have we finished listing the fonts in the header? */
  font_number f; /* a font number for loops */
  scaled ds; /* design size and scale factor for a text node */
  int ldf=0; /* the last \.{DocumentFont} listed (otherwise |null_font|) */
  cur_fsize = mp_xmalloc(mp,(size_t)(mp->font_max+1),sizeof(mp_node));
  if ( prologues>0 ) {
    @<Give a \.{DocumentFonts} comment listing all fonts with non-null
      |font_sizes| and eliminate duplicates@>;
  } else { 
    @<Make |cur_fsize| a copy of the |font_sizes| array@>;
    do {  done_fonts=true;
      for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++) {
        if ( cur_fsize[f]!=null ) {
          @<Print the \.{\%*Font} comment for font |f| and advance |cur_fsize[f]|@>;
        if ( cur_fsize[f]!=null ) { mp_unmark_font(mp, f); done_fonts=false;  };
      if ( ! done_fonts ) {
        @<Increment |next_size| and apply |mark_string_chars| to all text nodes with
          that size index@>;
    } while (! done_fonts);
  return (font_number)ldf;

@ @<Make |cur_fsize| a copy of the |font_sizes| array@>=
for (f=null_font+1;f<= mp->last_fnum;f++)

@ It's not a good idea to make any assumptions about the |font_ps_name| entries,
so we carefully remove duplicates.  There is no harm in using a slow, brute-force

@<Give a \.{DocumentFonts} comment listing all fonts with non-null...@>=
  for (f=null_font+1;f<= mp->last_fnum;f++) {
    if ( mp->font_sizes[f]!=null ) {
      if ( ldf==null_font ) 
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%DocumentFonts:");
      for (ff=ldf;ff>=null_font;ff--) {
        if ( mp->font_sizes[ff]!=null )
          if ( mp_xstrcmp(mp->font_ps_name[f],mp->font_ps_name[ff])==0 )
            goto FOUND;
      if ( (size_t)mp->ps->ps_offset+1+strlen(mp->font_ps_name[f])>(size_t)mp->max_print_line )
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%+");
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
      mp_ps_print(mp, mp->font_ps_name[f]);

@ @c
static void mp_hex_digit_out (MP mp,quarterword d) { 
  if ( d<10 ) mp_ps_print_char(mp, d+'0');
  else mp_ps_print_char(mp, d+'a'-10);

@ We output the marks as a hexadecimal bit string starting at 

static halfword mp_ps_marks_out (MP mp,font_number f);


static halfword mp_ps_marks_out (MP mp,font_number f) {
  eight_bits bc,ec; /* only encode characters between these bounds */
  int p; /* |font_info| index for the current character */
  int d; /* used to construct a hexadecimal digit */
  unsigned b; /* used to construct a hexadecimal digit */
  @<Restrict the range |bc..ec| so that it contains no unused characters
    at either end@>;
  @<Print the initial label indicating that the bitmap starts at |bc|@>;
  @<Print a hexadecimal encoding of the marks for characters |bc..ec|@>;
  while ( (ec<mp->font_ec[f])&&(mp->font_info[p].qqqq.b3==mp_unused) ) {
    p++; ec++;
  return (ec+1);

@ We could save time by setting the return value before the loop that
decrements |ec|, but there is no point in being so tricky.

@<Restrict the range |bc..ec| so that it contains no unused characters...@>=
while ( (mp->font_info[p].qqqq.b3==mp_unused)&&(bc<ec) ) {
  p++; bc++;
while ( (mp->font_info[p].qqqq.b3==mp_unused)&&(bc<ec) ) { 
  p--; ec--;

@ @<Print the initial label indicating that the bitmap starts at |bc|@>=
mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
mp_hex_digit_out(mp, (quarterword)(bc / 16));
mp_hex_digit_out(mp, (quarterword)(bc % 16));
mp_ps_print_char(mp, ':')


@<Print a hexadecimal encoding of the marks for characters |bc..ec|@>=
b=8; d=0;
for (p=mp->char_base[f]+bc;p<=mp->char_base[f]+ec;p++) {
  if ( b==0 ) {
    mp_hex_digit_out(mp, (quarterword)d);
    d=0; b=8;
  if ( mp->font_info[p].qqqq.b3!=mp_unused ) 
mp_hex_digit_out(mp, (quarterword)d)

@ Here is a simple function that determines whether there are any marked
characters in font~|f|.

static boolean mp_check_ps_marks (MP mp,font_number f) ;

@ @c
static boolean mp_check_ps_marks (MP mp,font_number f) {
  int p; /* |font_info| index for the current character */
  for (p=mp->char_base[f];p<=mp->char_base[f]+mp->font_ec[f];p++) {
    if ( mp->font_info[p].qqqq.b3==mp_used ) 
       return true;
  return false;

@ There used to be a check against |emergency_line_length| here, because
it was believed that processing programs might not know how to deal with
long lines. Nowadays (1.204), we trust backends to do the right thing.

@d mp_link(A)   (A)->link /* the |link| field of a memory word */
@d sc_factor(A) ((mp_font_size_node)(A))->sc_factor_ /* the scale factor stored in a font size node */

@<Print the \.{\%*Font} comment for font |f| and advance |cur_fsize[f]|@>=
  if ( mp_check_ps_marks(mp, f ) ) {
    mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%*Font: ");
    mp_ps_print(mp, mp->font_name[f]);
    mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
    ds=(mp->font_dsize[f] + 8) / 16;
    mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, mp_take_scaled(mp, ds,sc_factor(cur_fsize[f])));
    mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
    mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, ds);
    mp_ps_marks_out(mp, f );

@ @<Print the procset@>=
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/hlw{0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth}bd");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/vlw{0 exch dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop}bd");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/l{lineto}bd/r{rlineto}bd/c{curveto}bd/m{moveto}bd"
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/C{setcmykcolor}bd/G{setgray}bd/R{setrgbcolor}bd"
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/lc{setlinecap}bd/S{stroke}bd/F{fill}bd/q{gsave}bd"
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/sd{setdash}bd/rd{[] 0 setdash}bd/P{showpage}bd/B{q F Q}bd/W{clip}bd");

@ The prologue defines \.{fshow} and corrects for the fact that \.{fshow}
arguments use |font_name| instead of |font_ps_name|.  Downloaded bitmap fonts
might not have reasonable |font_ps_name| entries, but we just charge ahead
anyway.  The user should not make \&{prologues} positive if this will cause
@:prologues_}{\&{prologues} primitive@>

static void mp_print_prologue (MP mp, mp_edge_object *h, int prologues, int procset);

@ @c 
void mp_print_prologue (MP mp, mp_edge_object *h, int prologues, int procset) {
  font_number f;
  font_number ldf ;
  ldf = mp_print_font_comments (mp, h, prologues);
  if ( (prologues==1) && (mp->last_ps_fnum<mp->last_fnum) )
  mp_ps_print(mp, "%%BeginProlog"); mp_ps_print_ln(mp);
  if ( (prologues>0)||(procset>0) ) {
    if ( ldf!=null_font ) {
      if ( prologues>0 ) {
        for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++) {
          if ( mp_has_font_size(mp,f) ) {
            mp_ps_name_out(mp, mp->font_name[f],true);
            mp_ps_name_out(mp, mp->font_ps_name[f],true);
            mp_ps_print(mp, " def");
        if ( procset==0 ) {
          mp_ps_print(mp, "/fshow {exch findfont exch scalefont setfont show}bind def");
    if (procset>0 ) {
      mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%BeginResource: procset mpost");
      if ( (prologues>0)&&(ldf!=null_font) )
        "/bd{bind def}bind def/fshow {exch findfont exch scalefont setfont show}bd");
        mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "/bd{bind def}bind def");
      @<Print the procset@>;
      mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%EndResource");
  mp_ps_print(mp, "%%EndProlog");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%Page: 1 1"); mp_ps_print_ln(mp);

@ \MP\ used to have one single routine to print to both `write' files
and the PostScript output. Web2c redefines ``Character |k| cannot be
printed'', and that resulted in some bugs where 8-bit characters were
written to the PostScript file (reported by Wlodek Bzyl).

Also, Hans Hagen requested spaces to be output as "\\040" instead of
a plain space, since that makes it easier to parse the result file
for postprocessing.

@<Character |k| is not allowed in PostScript output@>=
  (k<=' ')||(k>'~')

@ We often need to print a pair of coordinates.

void mp_ps_pair_out (MP mp,scaled x, scaled y) { 
  mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, x); mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
  mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, y); mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_ps_pair_out (MP mp,scaled x, scaled y) ;

@ @c
void mp_ps_print_cmd (MP mp, const char *l, const char *s) {
  if ( internal_value(mp_procset)>0 ) { ps_room(strlen(s)); mp_ps_print(mp,s); }
  else { ps_room(strlen(l)); mp_ps_print(mp, l); };

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_ps_print_cmd (MP mp, const char *l, const char *s) ;

@ @c
void mp_ps_string_out (MP mp, const char *s, size_t l) {
  ASCII_code k; /* bits to be converted to octal */
  mp_ps_print(mp, "(");
  while (l-->0) {
    if ( mp->ps->ps_offset+5>mp->max_print_line ) {
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, '\\');
    if ( (@<Character |k| is not allowed in PostScript output@>) ) {
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, '\\');
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, '0'+(k / 64));
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, '0'+((k / 8) % 8));
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, '0'+(k % 8));
    } else { 
      if ( (k=='(')||(k==')')||(k=='\\') ) 
        mp_ps_print_char(mp, '\\');
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, k);
  mp_ps_print_char(mp, ')');

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_ps_string_out (MP mp, const char *s, size_t l) ;

@ This is a define because the function does not use its |mp| argument.

@d mp_is_ps_name(M,A) mp_do_is_ps_name(A)

static boolean mp_do_is_ps_name (char *s) {
  ASCII_code k; /* the character being checked */
  while ((k=(ASCII_code)*s++)) {
    if ( (k<=' ')||(k>'~') ) return false;
    if ( (k=='(')||(k==')')||(k=='<')||(k=='>')||
       (k=='{')||(k=='}')||(k=='/')||(k=='%') ) return false;
  return true;

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_ps_name_out (MP mp, char *s, boolean lit) ;

@ @c
void mp_ps_name_out (MP mp, char *s, boolean lit) {
  mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
  if ( mp_is_ps_name(mp, s) ) {
    if ( lit ) mp_ps_print_char(mp, '/');
      mp_ps_print(mp, s);
  } else { 
    mp_ps_string_out(mp, s, strlen(s));
    if ( ! lit ) mp_ps_print(mp, "cvx ");
      mp_ps_print(mp, "cvn");

@ These special comments described in the {\sl PostScript Language Reference
Manual}, 2nd.~edition are understood by some \ps-reading programs.
We can't normally output ``conforming'' \ps\ because
the structuring conventions don't allow us to say ``Please make sure the
following characters are downloaded and define the \.{fshow} macro to access

The exact bounding box is written out if |mp_prologues<0|, although this
is not standard \ps, since it allows \TeX\ to calculate the box dimensions
accurately. (Overfull boxes are avoided if an illustration is made to
match a given \.{\char`\\hsize}.)

static void mp_print_initial_comment(MP mp,mp_edge_object *hh, int prologues);

@ @c
void mp_print_initial_comment(MP mp,mp_edge_object *hh, int prologues) {
  scaled t;
  char *s;   
  mp_ps_print(mp, "%!PS");
  if ( prologues>0 ) 
    mp_ps_print(mp, "-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0");
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%BoundingBox: ");
  if ( hh->minx>hh->maxx) {
     mp_ps_print(mp, "0 0 0 0");
  } else if ( prologues<0 ) {
    mp_ps_pair_out(mp, hh->minx,hh->miny);
    mp_ps_pair_out(mp, hh->maxx,hh->maxy);
  } else { 
    mp_ps_pair_out(mp, mp_floor_scaled(mp, hh->minx),mp_floor_scaled(mp, hh->miny));
    mp_ps_pair_out(mp, -mp_floor_scaled(mp, -hh->maxx),-mp_floor_scaled(mp, -hh->maxy));
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%HiResBoundingBox: ");
  if ( hh->minx>hh->maxx ) {
    mp_ps_print(mp, "0 0 0 0");
  } else {
    mp_ps_pair_out(mp, hh->minx,hh->miny);
    mp_ps_pair_out(mp, hh->maxx,hh->maxy);
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%Creator: MetaPost ");
  s = mp_metapost_version();
  mp_ps_print(mp, s);
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%CreationDate: ");
  mp_ps_print_int(mp, mp_round_unscaled(mp, internal_value(mp_year))); 
  mp_ps_print_char(mp, '.');
  mp_ps_print_dd(mp, mp_round_unscaled(mp, internal_value(mp_month))); 
  mp_ps_print_char(mp, '.');
  mp_ps_print_dd(mp, mp_round_unscaled(mp, internal_value(mp_day))); 
  mp_ps_print_char(mp, ':');
  t=mp_round_unscaled(mp, internal_value(mp_time));
  mp_ps_print_dd(mp, t / 60); 
  mp_ps_print_dd(mp, t % 60);
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%Pages: 1");

@ The most important output procedure is the one that gives the \ps\ version of
a \MP\ path.


@ @<Types...@>=
#define gr_left_type(A)  (A)->data.types.left_type
#define gr_right_type(A) (A)->data.types.right_type
#define gr_x_coord(A)    (A)->x_coord
#define gr_y_coord(A)    (A)->y_coord  
#define gr_left_x(A)     (A)->left_x
#define gr_left_y(A)     (A)->left_y
#define gr_right_x(A)    (A)->right_x
#define gr_right_y(A)    (A)->right_y
#define gr_next_knot(A)  (A)->next
#define gr_originator(A) (A)->originator

@ If we want to duplicate a knot node, we can say |copy_knot|:

static mp_knot mp_gr_copy_knot (MP mp,  mp_knot p) {
  mp_knot q; /* the copy */
  q = mp_xmalloc(mp, 1, sizeof (struct mp_knot_data));
  memcpy(q,p,sizeof (struct mp_knot_data));
  return q;

@ The |copy_path| routine makes a clone of a given path.

static mp_knot mp_gr_copy_path (MP mp,  mp_knot p) {
  mp_knot q, pp, qq; /* for list manipulation */
  if (p==NULL) 
    return NULL;
  q=mp_gr_copy_knot(mp, p);
  while ( pp!=p ) { 
    gr_next_knot(qq)=mp_gr_copy_knot(mp, pp);
  return q;

@ When a cyclic list of knot nodes is no longer needed, it can be recycled by
calling the following subroutine.

static void mp_do_gr_toss_knot_list (mp_knot p) ;

@d mp_gr_toss_knot_list(B,A) mp_do_gr_toss_knot_list(A)

void mp_do_gr_toss_knot_list (mp_knot p) {
  mp_knot q; /* the node being freed */
  mp_knot r; /* the next node */
  if (p==NULL)
  do {  
    mp_xfree(q); q=r;
  } while (q!=p);

@ @c
static void mp_gr_ps_path_out (MP mp, mp_knot h) {
  mp_knot p, q; /* for scanning the path */
  scaled d; /* a temporary value */
  boolean curved; /* |true| unless the cubic is almost straight */
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "newpath ","n ");
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, gr_x_coord(h),gr_y_coord(h));
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "moveto","m");
  do {  
    if ( gr_right_type(p)==mp_endpoint ) { 
      if ( p==h ) mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " 0 0 rlineto"," 0 0 r");
    @<Start a new line and print the \ps\ commands for the curve from
      |p| to~|q|@>;
  } while (p!=h);
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " closepath"," p");

@ @<Start a new line and print the \ps\ commands for the curve from...@>=
@<Set |curved:=false| if the cubic from |p| to |q| is almost straight@>;
if ( curved ){ 
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, gr_right_x(p),gr_right_y(p));
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, gr_left_x(q),gr_left_y(q));
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, gr_x_coord(q),gr_y_coord(q));
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "curveto","c");
} else if ( q!=h ){ 
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, gr_x_coord(q),gr_y_coord(q));
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "lineto","l");

@ Two types of straight lines come up often in \MP\ paths:
cubics with zero initial and final velocity as created by |make_path| or
|make_envelope|, and cubics with control points uniformly spaced on a line
as created by |make_choices|.

@d bend_tolerance 131 /* allow rounding error of $2\cdot10^{-3}$ */

@<Set |curved:=false| if the cubic from |p| to |q| is almost straight@>=
if ( gr_right_x(p)==gr_x_coord(p) )
  if ( gr_right_y(p)==gr_y_coord(p) )
    if ( gr_left_x(q)==gr_x_coord(q) )
      if ( gr_left_y(q)==gr_y_coord(q) ) curved=false;
if ( abs(gr_right_x(p)-gr_x_coord(p)-d)<=bend_tolerance )
  if ( abs(gr_x_coord(q)-gr_left_x(q)-d)<=bend_tolerance )
    { d=gr_left_y(q)-gr_right_y(p);
    if ( abs(gr_right_y(p)-gr_y_coord(p)-d)<=bend_tolerance )
      if ( abs(gr_y_coord(q)-gr_left_y(q)-d)<=bend_tolerance ) curved=false;

@ The colored objects use a struct with anonymous fields to express the color parts:

typedef struct {
   int a_val, b_val, c_val, d_val;
} mp_color;

@ The exported form of a dash pattern is simpler than the internal
format, it is closely modelled to the PostScript model. The array of
dashes is ended by a single negative value, because this is not
allowed in PostScript.

typedef struct {
  int offset;
  int *array;
} mp_dash_object ;

@d mp_gr_toss_dashes(A,B) mp_do_gr_toss_dashes(B) 

static void mp_do_gr_toss_dashes(mp_dash_object *dl);

@ @c
void mp_do_gr_toss_dashes(mp_dash_object *dl) {
  if (dl==NULL)   

@ @c
static mp_dash_object *mp_gr_copy_dashes(MP mp, mp_dash_object *dl) {
	mp_dash_object *q = NULL;
	if (dl==NULL)
      return NULL;
	q = mp_xmalloc(mp, 1, sizeof (mp_dash_object));
	memcpy (q,dl,sizeof(mp_dash_object));
	if (dl->array != NULL) {
  	  size_t i = 0;
      while (*(dl->array+i) != -1) i++;
   	  q->array = mp_xmalloc(mp, i, sizeof (scaled));
	  memcpy(q->array,dl->array, (i*sizeof(scaled)));
	return q;

@ Now for outputting the actual graphic objects. First, set up some 
structures and access macros.

@d gr_has_color(A) (gr_type((A))<mp_start_clip_code)

#define gr_type(A)         (A)->type
#define gr_link(A)         (A)->next
#define gr_color_model(A)  (A)->color_model
#define gr_red_val(A)      (A)->color.a_val
#define gr_green_val(A)    (A)->color.b_val
#define gr_blue_val(A)     (A)->color.c_val
#define gr_cyan_val(A)     (A)->color.a_val
#define gr_magenta_val(A)  (A)->color.b_val
#define gr_yellow_val(A)   (A)->color.c_val
#define gr_black_val(A)    (A)->color.d_val
#define gr_grey_val(A)     (A)->color.a_val
#define gr_path_p(A)       (A)->path_p 
#define gr_htap_p(A)       ((mp_fill_object *)A)->htap_p 
#define gr_pen_p(A)        (A)->pen_p
#define gr_ljoin_val(A)    (A)->ljoin
#define gr_lcap_val(A)     ((mp_stroked_object *)A)->lcap
#define gr_miterlim_val(A) (A)->miterlim
#define gr_pre_script(A)   (A)->pre_script
#define gr_post_script(A)  (A)->post_script
#define gr_dash_p(A)       ((mp_stroked_object *)A)->dash_p
#define gr_size_index(A)    ((mp_text_object *)A)->size_index
#define gr_text_p(A)       ((mp_text_object *)A)->text_p 
#define gr_text_l(A)       ((mp_text_object *)A)->text_l 
#define gr_font_n(A)       ((mp_text_object *)A)->font_n 
#define gr_font_name(A)    ((mp_text_object *)A)->font_name 
#define gr_font_dsize(A)   ((mp_text_object *)A)->font_dsize 
#define gr_width_val(A)    ((mp_text_object *)A)->width
#define gr_height_val(A)   ((mp_text_object *)A)->height
#define gr_depth_val(A)    ((mp_text_object *)A)->depth
#define gr_tx_val(A)       ((mp_text_object *)A)->tx
#define gr_ty_val(A)       ((mp_text_object *)A)->ty
#define gr_txx_val(A)      ((mp_text_object *)A)->txx
#define gr_txy_val(A)      ((mp_text_object *)A)->txy
#define gr_tyx_val(A)      ((mp_text_object *)A)->tyx
#define gr_tyy_val(A)      ((mp_text_object *)A)->tyy

@ @(mplibps.h@>=
#define GRAPHIC_BODY                      \
  int type;                               \
  struct mp_graphic_object * next

typedef struct mp_graphic_object {
} mp_graphic_object;

typedef struct mp_text_object {
  char *pre_script;
  char *post_script;
  mp_color color;
  unsigned char color_model;
  unsigned char size_index;
  char *text_p;
  size_t text_l;
  char *font_name ;   
  unsigned int font_dsize ;
  unsigned int font_n ;   
  int width ;
  int height ;
  int depth ;
  int tx ;
  int ty ;
  int txx ;
  int txy ;
  int tyx ;
  int tyy ;
} mp_text_object;

typedef struct mp_fill_object {
  char *pre_script;
  char *post_script;
  mp_color color;
  unsigned char color_model;
  unsigned char ljoin ;   
  mp_knot path_p;
  mp_knot htap_p;
  mp_knot pen_p;
  int miterlim ;
} mp_fill_object;

typedef struct mp_stroked_object {
  char *pre_script;
  char *post_script;
  mp_color color;
  unsigned char color_model;
  unsigned char ljoin ;   
  unsigned char lcap ;   
  mp_knot path_p;
  mp_knot pen_p;
  int miterlim ;
  mp_dash_object *dash_p;
} mp_stroked_object;

typedef struct mp_clip_object {
  mp_knot path_p;
} mp_clip_object;

typedef struct mp_bounds_object {
  mp_knot path_p;
} mp_bounds_object;

typedef struct mp_special_object {
  char *pre_script;
} mp_special_object ;

typedef struct mp_edge_object {
  struct mp_graphic_object * body;
  struct mp_edge_object * next;
  char * filename;
  MP parent;
  int minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
  int width, height, depth, ital_corr;
  int charcode;
} mp_edge_object;

@ @<Exported function headers@>=
mp_graphic_object *mp_new_graphic_object(MP mp, int type);

@ @c
mp_graphic_object *mp_new_graphic_object (MP mp, int type) {
  mp_graphic_object *p;
  size_t size ;
  switch (type) {
  case mp_fill_code:         size = sizeof(mp_fill_object);    break;
  case mp_stroked_code:      size = sizeof(mp_stroked_object); break;
  case mp_text_code:         size = sizeof(mp_text_object);    break;
  case mp_start_clip_code:   size = sizeof(mp_clip_object);    break;
  case mp_start_bounds_code: size = sizeof(mp_bounds_object);  break;
  case mp_special_code:      size = sizeof(mp_special_object); break;
  default:                   size = sizeof(mp_graphic_object); break;
  p = (mp_graphic_object *)mp_xmalloc(mp,1,size);
  gr_type(p) = type;
  return p;

@ We need to keep track of several parameters from the \ps\ graphics state.
@^graphics state@>
This allows us to be sure that \ps\ has the correct values when they are
needed without wasting time and space setting them unnecessarily.

@d gs_red        mp->ps->gs_state->red_field         
@d gs_green      mp->ps->gs_state->green_field	     
@d gs_blue       mp->ps->gs_state->blue_field	     
@d gs_black      mp->ps->gs_state->black_field	     
@d gs_colormodel mp->ps->gs_state->colormodel_field
@d gs_ljoin      mp->ps->gs_state->ljoin_field	     
@d gs_lcap       mp->ps->gs_state->lcap_field	     
@d gs_adj_wx     mp->ps->gs_state->adj_wx_field	     
@d gs_miterlim   mp->ps->gs_state->miterlim_field    
@d gs_dash_p     mp->ps->gs_state->dash_p_field	     
@d gs_dash_init_done mp->ps->gs_state->dash_done_field
@d gs_previous   mp->ps->gs_state->previous_field    
@d gs_width      mp->ps->gs_state->width_field	     

typedef struct _gs_state {
  scaled red_field ;
  scaled green_field ; 
  scaled blue_field ;
  scaled black_field ;
  /* color from the last \&{setcmykcolor} or \&{setrgbcolor} or \&{setgray} command */
  quarterword colormodel_field ;
   /* the current colormodel */
  quarterword ljoin_field ;   
  quarterword lcap_field ;     
   /* values from the last \&{setlinejoin} and \&{setlinecap} commands */
  quarterword adj_wx_field ;
   /* what resolution-dependent adjustment applies to the width */
  scaled miterlim_field ;
   /* the value from the last \&{setmiterlimit} command */
  mp_dash_object * dash_p_field ;
   /* edge structure for last \&{setdash} command */
  boolean dash_done_field ; /* to test for initial \&{setdash} */
  struct _gs_state * previous_field ;
   /* backlink to the previous |_gs_state| structure */
  scaled width_field ;
   /* width setting or $-1$ if no \&{setlinewidth} command so far */
} _gs_state;

@ @<Glob...@>=
struct _gs_state * gs_state;

@ @<Set init...@>=

@ @<Dealloc variables@>=

@ To avoid making undue assumptions about the initial graphics state, these
parameters are given special values that are guaranteed not to match anything
in the edge structure being shipped out.  On the other hand, the initial color
should be black so that the translation of an all-black picture will have no
\&{setcolor} commands.  (These would be undesirable in a font application.)
Hence we use |c=0| when initializing the graphics state and we use |c<0|
to recover from a situation where we have lost track of the graphics state.

@d mp_void (mp_node)(null+1) /* a null pointer different from |null| */

@c static void mp_gs_unknown_graphics_state (MP mp,scaled c) {
  struct _gs_state *p; /* to shift graphic states around */
  if ( (c==0)||(c==-1) ) {
    if ( mp->ps->gs_state==NULL ) {
      mp->ps->gs_state = mp_xmalloc(mp,1,sizeof(struct _gs_state));
    } else {
      while ( gs_previous!=NULL ) {
        p = gs_previous;
    gs_red=c; gs_green=c; gs_blue=c; gs_black=c;
  } else if ( c==1 ) {
    p= mp->ps->gs_state;
    mp->ps->gs_state =  mp_xmalloc(mp,1,sizeof(struct _gs_state));
    memcpy(mp->ps->gs_state,p,sizeof(struct _gs_state));
    gs_previous = p;
  } else if ( c==2 ) {
    p = gs_previous;

@ When it is time to output a graphical object, |fix_graphics_state| ensures
that \ps's idea of the graphics state agrees with what is stored in the object.

static void mp_gr_fix_graphics_state (MP mp, mp_graphic_object *p) ;

@ @c 
void mp_gr_fix_graphics_state (MP mp, mp_graphic_object *p) {
  /* get ready to output graphical object |p| */
  mp_knot pp, path_p; /* for list manipulation */
  mp_dash_object *hh;
  scaled wx,wy,ww; /* dimensions of pen bounding box */
  quarterword adj_wx; /* whether pixel rounding should be based on |wx| or |wy| */
  integer tx,ty; /* temporaries for computing |adj_wx| */
  if ( gr_has_color(p) )
    @<Make sure \ps\ will use the right color for object~|p|@>;
  if ( (gr_type(p)==mp_fill_code)||(gr_type(p)==mp_stroked_code) ) {
    if (gr_type(p)==mp_fill_code) {
      pp = gr_pen_p((mp_fill_object *)p);
      path_p = gr_path_p((mp_fill_object *)p);
    } else {
      pp = gr_pen_p((mp_stroked_object *)p);
      path_p = gr_path_p((mp_stroked_object *)p);
    if ( pp!=NULL )
      if ( pen_is_elliptical(pp) ) {
        @<Generate \ps\ code that sets the stroke width to the
          appropriate rounded value@>;
        @<Make sure \ps\ will use the right dash pattern for |dash_p(p)|@>;
        @<Decide whether the line cap parameter matters and set it if necessary@>;
        @<Set the other numeric parameters as needed for object~|p|@>;
  if ( mp->ps->ps_offset>0 ) mp_ps_print_ln(mp);

@ @<Decide whether the line cap parameter matters and set it if necessary@>=
if ( gr_type(p)==mp_stroked_code ) {
  mp_stroked_object *ts = (mp_stroked_object *)p;
  if ( (gr_left_type(gr_path_p(ts))==mp_endpoint)||(gr_dash_p(ts)!=NULL) )
    if ( gs_lcap!=(quarterword)gr_lcap_val(ts) ) {
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, '0'+gr_lcap_val(ts)); 
      mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " setlinecap"," lc");

@d set_ljoin_miterlim(p) 
  if ( gs_ljoin!=(quarterword)gr_ljoin_val(p) ) {
    mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
    mp_ps_print_char(mp, '0'+gr_ljoin_val(p)); 
    mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " setlinejoin"," lj");
  if ( gs_miterlim!=gr_miterlim_val(p) ) {
    mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
    mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, gr_miterlim_val(p)); 
    mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " setmiterlimit"," ml");

@<Set the other numeric parameters as needed for object~|p|@>=
if ( gr_type(p)==mp_stroked_code ) {
  mp_stroked_object *ts = (mp_stroked_object *)p;
} else {
  mp_fill_object *ts = (mp_fill_object *)p;

@d set_color_objects(pq)
  object_color_model = pq->color_model;
  object_color_a = pq->color.a_val;
  object_color_b = pq->color.b_val;
  object_color_c = pq->color.c_val;
  object_color_d = pq->color.d_val; 

@<Make sure \ps\ will use the right color for object~|p|@>=
  int object_color_model;
  int object_color_a, object_color_b, object_color_c, object_color_d ; 
  if (gr_type(p) == mp_fill_code) {
    mp_fill_object *pq = (mp_fill_object *)p;
  } else if (gr_type(p) == mp_stroked_code) {
    mp_stroked_object *pq = (mp_stroked_object *)p;
  } else {
    mp_text_object *pq = (mp_text_object *)p;

  if ( object_color_model==mp_rgb_model) {
  	if ( (gs_colormodel!=mp_rgb_model)||(gs_red!=object_color_a)||
      (gs_green!=object_color_b)||(gs_blue!=object_color_c) ) {
      gs_red   = object_color_a;
      gs_green = object_color_b;
      gs_blue  = object_color_c;
      gs_black = -1;
      { ps_room(36);
        mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
        mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, gs_red); mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
        mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, gs_green); mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
        mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, gs_blue);
        mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " setrgbcolor", " R");
  } else if ( object_color_model==mp_cmyk_model) {
   if ( (gs_red!=object_color_a)||(gs_green!=object_color_b)||
      (gs_colormodel!=mp_cmyk_model) ) {
      gs_red   = object_color_a;
      gs_green = object_color_b;
      gs_blue  = object_color_c;
      gs_black = object_color_d;
      { ps_room(45);
        mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
        mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, gs_red); 
        mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
        mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, gs_green); 
        mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
        mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, gs_blue); 
	    mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
        mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, gs_black);
        mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " setcmykcolor"," C");
  } else if ( object_color_model==mp_grey_model ) {
   if ( (gs_red!=object_color_a)||(gs_colormodel!=mp_grey_model) ) {
      gs_red   = object_color_a;
      gs_green = -1;
      gs_blue  = -1;
      gs_black = -1;
      { ps_room(16);
        mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
        mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, gs_red);
        mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " setgray"," G");
  } else if ( object_color_model==mp_no_model ) {

@ In order to get consistent widths for horizontal and vertical pen strokes, we
want \ps\ to use an integer number of pixels for the \&{setwidth} parameter.
We set |gs_width| to the ideal horizontal or vertical stroke width and then
generate \ps\ code that computes the rounded value.  For non-circular pens, the
pen shape will be rescaled so that horizontal or vertical parts of the stroke
have the computed width.

Rounding the width to whole pixels is not likely to improve the appearance of
diagonal or curved strokes, but we do it anyway for consistency.  The
\&{truncate} command generated here tends to make all the strokes a little
@:truncate}{\&{truncate} command@>
thinner, but this is appropriate for \ps's scan-conversion rules.  Even with
truncation, an ideal with of $w$~pixels gets mapped into $\lfloor w\rfloor+1$.
It would be better to have $\lceil w\rceil$ but that is ridiculously expensive
to compute in \ps.

@<Generate \ps\ code that sets the stroke width...@>=
@<Set |wx| and |wy| to the width and height of the bounding box for
@<Use |pen_p(p)| and |path_p(p)| to decide whether |wx| or |wy| is more
  important and set |adj_wx| and |ww| accordingly@>;
if ( (ww!=gs_width) || (adj_wx!=gs_adj_wx) ) {
  if ( adj_wx != 0 ) {
    mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' '); mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, ww);
      " 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth"," hlw");
  } else {
    if ( internal_value(mp_procset)>0 ) {
      mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
      mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, ww);
      mp_ps_print(mp, " vlw");
    } else { 
      mp_ps_print(mp, " 0 "); mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, ww);
      mp_ps_print(mp, " dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop");
  gs_width = ww;
  gs_adj_wx = adj_wx;

@ @<Set |wx| and |wy| to the width and height of the bounding box for...@>=
if ( (gr_right_x(pp)==gr_x_coord(pp)) && (gr_left_y(pp)==gr_y_coord(pp)) ) {
  wx = abs(gr_left_x(pp) - gr_x_coord(pp));
  wy = abs(gr_right_y(pp) - gr_y_coord(pp));
} else {
  wx = mp_pyth_add(mp, gr_left_x(pp)-gr_x_coord(pp), gr_right_x(pp)-gr_x_coord(pp));
  wy = mp_pyth_add(mp, gr_left_y(pp)-gr_y_coord(pp), gr_right_y(pp)-gr_y_coord(pp));

@ The path is considered ``essentially horizontal'' if its range of
$y$~coordinates is less than the $y$~range |wy| for the pen.  ``Essentially
vertical'' paths are detected similarly.  This code ensures that no component
of the pen transformation is more that |aspect_bound*(ww+1)|.

@d aspect_bound 10 /* ``less important'' of |wx|, |wy| cannot exceed the other by
    more than this factor */

@d do_x_loc 1
@d do_y_loc 2

@<Use |pen_p(p)| and |path_p(p)| to decide whether |wx| or |wy| is more...@>=
tx=1; ty=1;
if ( mp_gr_coord_rangeOK(path_p, do_y_loc, wy) ) tx=aspect_bound;
else if ( mp_gr_coord_rangeOK(path_p, do_x_loc, wx) ) ty=aspect_bound;
if ( wy / ty>=wx / tx ) { ww=wy; adj_wx=0; }
else { ww=wx; adj_wx=1;  }

@ This routine quickly tests if path |h| is ``essentially horizontal'' or
``essentially vertical,'' where |zoff| is |x_loc(0)| or |y_loc(0)| and |dz| is
allowable range for $x$ or~$y$.  We do not need and cannot afford a full
bounding-box computation.

static boolean mp_gr_coord_rangeOK (mp_knot h, 
                          quarterword  zoff, scaled dz);

@ @c
boolean mp_gr_coord_rangeOK (mp_knot h, 
                          quarterword  zoff, scaled dz) {
  mp_knot p; /* for scanning the path form |h| */
  scaled zlo,zhi; /* coordinate range so far */
  scaled z; /* coordinate currently being tested */
  if (zoff==do_x_loc) {
    while ( gr_right_type(p)!=mp_endpoint ) {
      @<Make |zlo..zhi| include |z| and |return false| if |zhi-zlo>dz|@>;
      p=gr_next_knot(p);  z=gr_left_x(p);
      @<Make |zlo..zhi| include |z| and |return false| if |zhi-zlo>dz|@>;
      @<Make |zlo..zhi| include |z| and |return false| if |zhi-zlo>dz|@>;
      if ( p==h ) break;
  } else {
    while ( gr_right_type(p)!=mp_endpoint ) {
      @<Make |zlo..zhi| include |z| and |return false| if |zhi-zlo>dz|@>;
      p=gr_next_knot(p); z=gr_left_y(p);
      @<Make |zlo..zhi| include |z| and |return false| if |zhi-zlo>dz|@>;
      @<Make |zlo..zhi| include |z| and |return false| if |zhi-zlo>dz|@>;
      if ( p==h ) break;
  return true;

@ @<Make |zlo..zhi| include |z| and |return false| if |zhi-zlo>dz|@>=
if ( z<zlo ) zlo=z;
else if ( z>zhi ) zhi=z;
if ( zhi-zlo>dz ) return false

@ Filling with an elliptical pen is implemented via a combination of \&{stroke}
and \&{fill} commands and a nontrivial dash pattern would interfere with this.
@:stroke}{\&{stroke} command@>
@:fill}{\&{fill} command@>
Note that we don't use |delete_edge_ref| because |gs_dash_p| is not counted as
a reference.

@<Make sure \ps\ will use the right dash pattern for |dash_p(p)|@>=
if ( gr_type(p)==mp_fill_code || gr_dash_p(p) == NULL) {
} else { 
if ( hh==NULL ) {
  if ( gs_dash_p!=NULL || gs_dash_init_done == false) {
    mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " [] 0 setdash"," rd");
} else if ( ! mp_gr_same_dashes(gs_dash_p,hh) ) {
  @<Set the dash pattern from |dash_list(hh)| scaled by |scf|@>;

@ The original code had a check here to ensure that the result from
|mp_take_scaled| did not go out of bounds.

@<Set the dash pattern from |dash_list(hh)| scaled by |scf|@>=
{ gs_dash_p=hh;
  if ( (gr_dash_p(p)==NULL) || (hh==NULL) || (hh->array==NULL)) {
    mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " [] 0 setdash"," rd");
  } else { 
	int i;
    mp_ps_print(mp, " [");
    for (i=0; *(hh->array+i) != -1;i++) {
      mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, *(hh->array+i)); 
 	  mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ')	;
    mp_ps_print(mp, "] ");
    mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, hh->offset);
    mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " setdash"," sd");

@ @<Declarations@>=
static boolean mp_gr_same_dashes (mp_dash_object *h, mp_dash_object *hh) ;

@ This function test if |h| and |hh| represent the same dash pattern.

boolean mp_gr_same_dashes (mp_dash_object *h, mp_dash_object *hh) {
  boolean ret=false;
  int i = 0; 
  if ( h==hh ) ret=true;
  else if ( (h==NULL)||(hh==NULL) ) ret=false;
  else if ( h->offset!=hh->offset ) ret=false;
  else if ( h->array == hh->array ) ret=true;
  else if ( h->array == NULL || hh->array == NULL) ret=false;
  else { @<Compare |dash_list(h)| and |dash_list(hh)|@>; }
  return ret;

@ @<Compare |dash_list(h)| and |dash_list(hh)|@>=
  while (*(h->array+i)!=-1 && 
	     *(hh->array+i)!=-1 &&
	     *(h->array+i) == *(hh->array+i)) i++;
  if (i>0) {
    if (*(h->array+i)==-1 && *(hh->array+i) == -1) 

@ When stroking a path with an elliptical pen, it is necessary to transform
the coordinate system so that a unit circular pen will have the desired shape.
To keep this transformation local, we enclose it in a
block. Any translation component must be applied to the path being stroked
while the rest of the transformation must apply only to the pen.
If |fill_also=true|, the path is to be filled as well as stroked so we must
insert commands to do this after giving the path.

static void mp_gr_stroke_ellipse (MP mp,  mp_graphic_object *h, boolean fill_also) ;

@c void mp_gr_stroke_ellipse (MP mp,  mp_graphic_object *h, boolean fill_also) {
  /* generate an elliptical pen stroke from object |h| */
  scaled txx,txy,tyx,tyy; /* transformation parameters */
  mp_knot p; /* the pen to stroke with */
  scaled d1,det; /* for tweaking transformation parameters */
  integer s; /* also for tweaking transformation paramters */
  boolean transformed; /* keeps track of whether gsave/grestore are needed */
  @<Use |pen_p(h)| to set the transformation parameters and give the initial
  @<Tweak the transformation parameters so the transformation is nonsingular@>;
  if (gr_type(h)==mp_fill_code) {
    mp_gr_ps_path_out(mp, gr_path_p((mp_fill_object *)h));
  } else {
    mp_gr_ps_path_out(mp, gr_path_p((mp_stroked_object *)h));
  if ( internal_value(mp_procset)==0 ) {
    if ( fill_also ) mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "gsave fill grestore");
    @<Issue \ps\ commands to transform the coordinate system@>;
    mp_ps_print(mp, " stroke");
    if ( transformed ) mp_ps_print(mp, " grestore");
  } else {
    if ( fill_also ) mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "B"); else mp_ps_print_ln(mp);
    if ( (txy!=0)||(tyx!=0) ) {
      mp_ps_print(mp, " [");
      mp_ps_pair_out(mp, txx,tyx);
      mp_ps_pair_out(mp, txy,tyy);
      mp_ps_print(mp, "0 0] t");
    } else if ((txx!=unity)||(tyy!=unity) )  {
      mp_ps_print(mp, " ");
      mp_ps_print(mp, " s");
    mp_ps_print(mp, " S");
    if ( transformed ) mp_ps_print(mp, " Q");

@ @<Use |pen_p(h)| to set the transformation parameters and give the...@>=
if (gr_type(h)==mp_fill_code) {
  p=gr_pen_p((mp_fill_object *)h);
} else {
  p=gr_pen_p((mp_stroked_object *)h);
if ( (gr_x_coord(p)!=0)||(gr_y_coord(p)!=0) ) {
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, ""); 
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "gsave ","q ");
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, gr_x_coord(p), gr_y_coord(p));
  mp_ps_print(mp, "translate ");
} else {
  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "");
@<Adjust the transformation to account for |gs_width| and output the
  initial \&{gsave} if |transformed| should be |true|@>

@ @<Adjust the transformation to account for |gs_width| and output the...@>=
if ( gs_width!=unity ) {
  if ( gs_width==0 ) { 
    txx=unity; tyy=unity;
  } else { 
    txx=mp_make_scaled(mp, txx,gs_width);
    txy=mp_make_scaled(mp, txy,gs_width);
    tyx=mp_make_scaled(mp, tyx,gs_width);
    tyy=mp_make_scaled(mp, tyy,gs_width);
if ( (txy!=0)||(tyx!=0)||(txx!=unity)||(tyy!=unity) ) {
  if ( (! transformed) ){ 
    mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "gsave ","q ");

@ @<Issue \ps\ commands to transform the coordinate system@>=
if ( (txy!=0)||(tyx!=0) ){ 
  mp_ps_print_char(mp, '[');
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, txx,tyx);
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, txy,tyy);
  mp_ps_print(mp, "0 0] concat");
} else if ( (txx!=unity)||(tyy!=unity) ){ 
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, txx,tyy);
  mp_ps_print(mp, "scale");

@ The \ps\ interpreter will probably abort if it encounters a singular
transformation matrix.  The determinant must be large enough to ensure that
the printed representation will be nonsingular.  Since the printed
representation is always within $2^{-17}$ of the internal |scaled| value, the
total error is at most $4T_{\rm max}2^{-17}$, where $T_{\rm max}$ is a bound on
the magnitudes of |txx/65536|, |txy/65536|, etc.

The |aspect_bound*(gs_width+1)| bound on the components of the pen
transformation allows $T_{\rm max}$ to be at most |2*aspect_bound|.

@<Tweak the transformation parameters so the transformation is nonsingular@>=
det=mp_take_scaled(mp, txx,tyy) - mp_take_scaled(mp, txy,tyx);
if ( abs(det)<d1 ) { 
  if ( det>=0 ) { d1=d1-det; s=1;  }
  else { d1=-d1-det; s=-1;  };
  if ( abs(txx)+abs(tyy)>=abs(txy)+abs(tyy) ) {
    if ( abs(txx)>abs(tyy) ) tyy=tyy+(d1+s*abs(txx)) / txx;
    else txx=txx+(d1+s*abs(tyy)) / tyy;
  } else {
    if ( abs(txy)>abs(tyx) ) tyx=tyx+(d1+s*abs(txy)) / txy;
    else txy=txy+(d1+s*abs(tyx)) / tyx;

@ Here is a simple routine that just fills a cycle.

static void mp_gr_ps_fill_out (MP mp, mp_knot p);

@ @c
void mp_gr_ps_fill_out (MP mp, mp_knot p) { /* fill cyclic path~|p| */
  mp_gr_ps_path_out(mp, p);
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " fill"," F");

@ A text node may specify an arbitrary transformation but the usual case
involves only shifting, scaling, and occasionally rotation.  The purpose
of |choose_scale| is to select a scale factor so that the remaining
transformation is as ``nice'' as possible.  The definition of ``nice''
is somewhat arbitrary but shifting and $90^\circ$ rotation are especially
nice because they work out well for bitmap fonts.  The code here selects
a scale factor equal to $1/\sqrt2$ times the Frobenius norm of the
non-shifting part of the transformation matrix.  It is careful to avoid
additions that might cause undetected overflow.

static scaled mp_gr_choose_scale (MP mp, mp_graphic_object *p) ;

@ @c scaled mp_gr_choose_scale (MP mp, mp_graphic_object *p) {
  /* |p| should point to a text node */
  scaled a,b,c,d,ad,bc; /* temporary values */
  if ( a<0 ) negate(a);
  if ( b<0 ) negate(b);
  if ( c<0 ) negate(c);
  if ( d<0 ) negate(d);
  return mp_pyth_add(mp, mp_pyth_add(mp, d+ad,ad), mp_pyth_add(mp, c+bc,bc));

@ The potential overflow here is caused by the fact the returned value
has to fit in a |name_type|, which is a quarterword. 

@d fscale_tolerance 65 /* that's $.001\times2^{16}$ */

static quarterword mp_size_index (MP mp, font_number f, scaled s) ;

@ @c
quarterword mp_size_index (MP mp, font_number f, scaled s) {
  mp_node p,q; /* the previous and current font size nodes */
  int i; /* the size index for |q| */
  while ( q!=null ) {
    if ( abs(s-sc_factor(q))<=fscale_tolerance ) 
      return (quarterword)i;
      { p=q; q=mp_link(q); incr(i); };
    if ( i==max_quarterword )
      mp_overflow(mp, "sizes per font",max_quarterword);
@:MetaPost capacity exceeded sizes per font}{\quad sizes per font@>
  q=(mp_node)mp_xmalloc(mp, 1, font_size_size);
  mp_link(q) = NULL;
  if ( i==0 ) mp->font_sizes[f]=q;  else mp_link(p)=q;
  return (quarterword)i;

@ @<Declarations@>=
static scaled mp_indexed_size (MP mp,font_number f, quarterword j);

@ @c
scaled mp_indexed_size (MP mp,font_number f, quarterword j) {
  mp_node p; /* a font size node */
  int i; /* the size index for |p| */
  if ( p==null ) mp_confusion(mp, "size");
  while ( (i!=j) ) { 
    incr(i); p=mp_link(p);
    if ( p==null ) mp_confusion(mp, "size");
  return sc_factor(p);

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_clear_sizes (MP mp) ;

@ @c void mp_clear_sizes (MP mp) {
  font_number f;  /* the font whose size list is being cleared */
  mp_node p;  /* current font size nodes */
  for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++) {
    while ( mp->font_sizes[f]!=null ) {
      mp_free_node(mp, p,font_size_size);

@ A text node may specify an arbitrary transformation but the usual case
involves only shifting, scaling, and occasionally rotation.  The purpose
of |choose_scale| is to select a scale factor so that the remaining
transformation is as ``nice'' as possible.  The definition of ``nice''
is somewhat arbitrary but shifting and $90^\circ$ rotation are especially
nice because they work out well for bitmap fonts.  The code here selects
a scale factor equal to $1/\sqrt2$ times the Frobenius norm of the
non-shifting part of the transformation matrix.  It is careful to avoid
additions that might cause undetected overflow.

@ @c static scaled mp_choose_scale (MP mp, mp_graphic_object *p) {
  /* |p| should point to a text node */
  scaled a,b,c,d,ad,bc; /* temporary values */
  if ( (a<0) ) negate(a);
  if ( (b<0) ) negate(b);
  if ( (c<0) ) negate(c);
  if ( (d<0) ) negate(d);
  return mp_pyth_add(mp, mp_pyth_add(mp, d+ad,ad), mp_pyth_add(mp, c+bc,bc));

@ There may be many sizes of one font and we need to keep track of the
characters used for each size.  This is done by keeping a linked list of
sizes for each font with a counter in each text node giving the appropriate
position in the size list for its font.

@d font_size_size sizeof(struct mp_font_size_node_data) /* size of a font size node */

typedef struct mp_font_size_node_data {
  scaled sc_factor_;
} mp_font_size_node_data;
typedef struct mp_font_size_node_data* mp_font_size_node;

@ @<Declarations@>=
static void mp_apply_mark_string_chars(MP mp, mp_edge_object *h, int next_size);

@ @c
void mp_apply_mark_string_chars(MP mp, mp_edge_object *h, int next_size) {
  mp_graphic_object * p;
  while ( p!= NULL ) {
    if ( gr_type(p)==mp_text_code ) {
      if ( gr_font_n(p)!=null_font ) { 
        if ( gr_size_index(p)==(unsigned char)next_size )
          mp_mark_string_chars(mp, gr_font_n(p),gr_text_p(p),gr_text_l(p));

@ @<Unmark all marked characters@>=
for (f=null_font+1;f<=mp->last_fnum;f++) {
  if ( mp->font_sizes[f]!=null ) {
    mp_unmark_font(mp, f);

@ @<Scan all the text nodes and mark the used ...@>=
while ( p!=null ) {
  if ( gr_type(p)==mp_text_code ) {
    f = gr_font_n(p);
    if (f!=null_font ) {
      switch (prologues) {
      case 2:
      case 3:
        mp->font_sizes[f] = mp_void;
        mp_mark_string_chars(mp, f, gr_text_p(p),gr_text_l(p));
   	    if (mp_has_fm_entry(mp,f,NULL) ) {
          if (mp->font_enc_name[f]==NULL )
            mp->font_enc_name[f] = mp_fm_encoding_name(mp,f);
          mp->font_ps_name[f] = mp_fm_font_name(mp,f);
      case 1:
        gr_size_index(p)=(unsigned char)mp_size_index(mp, f,mp_choose_scale(mp, p));
        if ( gr_size_index(p)==0 )
          mp_mark_string_chars(mp, f, gr_text_p(p),gr_text_l(p));

@d pen_is_elliptical(A) ((A)==gr_next_knot((A)))

@<Exported function ...@>=
int mp_gr_ship_out (mp_edge_object *hh, int prologues, int procset, int standalone) ;

@ @c 
int mp_gr_ship_out (mp_edge_object *hh, int qprologues, int qprocset,int standalone) {
  mp_graphic_object *p;
  scaled ds,scf; /* design size and scale factor for a text node */
  font_number f; /* for loops over fonts while (un)marking characters */
  boolean transformed; /* is the coordinate system being transformed? */
  int prologues, procset;
  MP mp = hh->parent;
  if (standalone) {
     mp->jump_buf = malloc(sizeof(jmp_buf));
     if (mp->jump_buf == NULL || setjmp(*(mp->jump_buf)))
       return 0;
  if (mp->history >= mp_fatal_error_stop ) return 1;
  if (qprologues<0) 
	prologues = (int)((unsigned)internal_value(mp_prologues)>>16);
  if (qprocset<0) 
	procset = (int)((unsigned)internal_value(mp_procset)>>16);
  mp_print_initial_comment(mp, hh, prologues);
  p = hh->body;
  @<Unmark all marked characters@>;
  if ( prologues==2 || prologues==3 ) {
  @<Scan all the text nodes and mark the used characters@>;
  if ( prologues==2 || prologues==3 ) {
    mp_print_improved_prologue(mp, hh, prologues, procset);
  } else {
    mp_print_prologue(mp, hh, prologues, procset);
  mp_gs_unknown_graphics_state(mp, 0);
  p = hh->body;
  while ( p!=NULL ) { 
    if ( gr_has_color(p) ) {
      @<Write |pre_script| of |p|@>;
    mp_gr_fix_graphics_state(mp, p);
    switch (gr_type(p)) {
    case mp_fill_code: 
      if ( gr_pen_p((mp_fill_object *)p)==NULL ) {
        mp_gr_ps_fill_out(mp, gr_path_p((mp_fill_object *)p));
      } else if ( pen_is_elliptical(gr_pen_p((mp_fill_object *)p)) )  {
        mp_gr_stroke_ellipse(mp, p,true);
      } else { 
        mp_gr_ps_fill_out(mp, gr_path_p((mp_fill_object *)p));
        mp_gr_ps_fill_out(mp, gr_htap_p(p));
      if ( gr_post_script((mp_fill_object *)p)!=NULL ) {
         mp_ps_print_nl (mp, gr_post_script((mp_fill_object *)p)); 
    case mp_stroked_code:
      if ( pen_is_elliptical(gr_pen_p((mp_stroked_object *)p)) ) 
	    mp_gr_stroke_ellipse(mp, p,false);
      else { 
        mp_gr_ps_fill_out(mp, gr_path_p((mp_stroked_object *)p));
      if ( gr_post_script((mp_stroked_object *)p)!=NULL ) {
        mp_ps_print_nl (mp, gr_post_script((mp_stroked_object *)p)); 
    case mp_text_code: 
      if ( (gr_font_n(p)!=null_font) && (gr_text_l(p)>0) ) {
        if ( prologues>0 )
          scf=mp_gr_choose_scale(mp, p);
          scf=mp_indexed_size(mp, gr_font_n(p), (quarterword)gr_size_index(p));
        @<Shift or transform as necessary before outputting text node~|p| at scale
          factor~|scf|; set |transformed:=true| if the original transformation must
          be restored@>;
        mp_ps_string_out(mp, gr_text_p(p),gr_text_l(p));
        mp_ps_name_out(mp, mp->font_name[gr_font_n(p)],false);
        @<Print the size information and \ps\ commands for text node~|p|@>;
      if ( gr_post_script((mp_text_object *)p)!=NULL ) {
        mp_ps_print_nl (mp, gr_post_script((mp_text_object *)p)); mp_ps_print_ln(mp);
    case mp_start_clip_code: 
      mp_ps_print_nl(mp, ""); mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "gsave ","q ");
      mp_gr_ps_path_out(mp, gr_path_p((mp_clip_object *)p));
      mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " clip"," W");
      if ( internal_value(mp_restore_clip_color)>0 )
        mp_gs_unknown_graphics_state(mp, 1);
    case mp_stop_clip_code: 
      mp_ps_print_nl(mp, ""); mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "grestore","Q");
      if ( internal_value(mp_restore_clip_color)>0 )
        mp_gs_unknown_graphics_state(mp, 2);
        mp_gs_unknown_graphics_state(mp, -1);
    case mp_start_bounds_code:
    case mp_stop_bounds_code:
    case mp_special_code:  
        mp_special_object *ps = (mp_special_object *)p;
        mp_ps_print_nl (mp, gr_pre_script(ps)); 
 	    mp_ps_print_ln (mp);
    } /* all cases are enumerated */
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "showpage","P"); mp_ps_print_ln(mp);
  mp_ps_print(mp, "%%EOF"); mp_ps_print_ln(mp);
  if ( prologues<=0 ) 
  return 1;

@ @(mplibps.h@>=
int mp_ps_ship_out (mp_edge_object *hh, int prologues, int procset) ;

@ @c
int mp_ps_ship_out (mp_edge_object *hh, int prologues, int procset) {
  return mp_gr_ship_out (hh, prologues, procset, (int)true);

@d do_write_prescript(a,b) {
  if ( (gr_pre_script((b *)a))!=NULL ) {
    mp_ps_print_nl (mp, gr_pre_script((b *)a)); 

@<Write |pre_script| of |p|@>=
  if (gr_type(p)==mp_fill_code) { do_write_prescript(p,mp_fill_object); }
  else if (gr_type(p)==mp_stroked_code) { do_write_prescript(p,mp_stroked_object); }
  else if (gr_type(p)==mp_text_code) { do_write_prescript(p,mp_text_object); }

@ @<Print the size information and \ps\ commands for text node~|p|@>=
mp_ps_print_char(mp, ' ');
ds=(mp->font_dsize[gr_font_n(p)]+8) / 16;
mp_ps_print_scaled(mp, mp_take_scaled(mp, ds,scf));
mp_ps_print(mp, " fshow");
if ( transformed ) 
   mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, " grestore"," Q")

@ @<Shift or transform as necessary before outputting text node~|p| at...@>=
if ( transformed ) {
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "gsave [", "q [");
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, mp_make_scaled(mp, gr_txx_val(p),scf),
                     mp_make_scaled(mp, gr_tyx_val(p),scf));
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, mp_make_scaled(mp, gr_txy_val(p),scf),
                     mp_make_scaled(mp, gr_tyy_val(p),scf));
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, gr_tx_val(p),gr_ty_val(p));
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "] concat 0 0 moveto","] t 0 0 m");
} else { 
  mp_ps_pair_out(mp, gr_tx_val(p),gr_ty_val(p));
  mp_ps_print_cmd(mp, "moveto","m");

@ @(mplibps.h@>=
void mp_gr_toss_objects ( mp_edge_object *hh) ;
void mp_gr_toss_object (mp_graphic_object *p) ;

@ @c
void mp_gr_toss_object (mp_graphic_object *p) {
    mp_fill_object *tf;
    mp_stroked_object *ts;
    mp_text_object *tt;
    switch (gr_type(p)) {	
    case mp_fill_code: 
      tf = (mp_fill_object *)p;
    case mp_stroked_code:
      ts = (mp_stroked_object *)p;
      if (gr_dash_p(p)!=NULL) 
        mp_gr_toss_dashes   (mp,gr_dash_p(p));
    case mp_text_code: 
      tt = (mp_text_object *)p;
    case mp_start_clip_code: 
      mp_gr_toss_knot_list(mp,gr_path_p((mp_clip_object *)p));
    case mp_start_bounds_code:
      mp_gr_toss_knot_list(mp,gr_path_p((mp_bounds_object *)p));
    case mp_stop_clip_code: 
    case mp_stop_bounds_code:
    case mp_special_code: 
          mp_xfree(gr_pre_script((mp_special_object *)p));
    } /* all cases are enumerated */

@ @c
void mp_gr_toss_objects (mp_edge_object *hh) {
  mp_graphic_object *p, *q;
  p = hh->body;
  while ( p!=NULL ) { 
    q = gr_link(p);

@ @(mplibps.h@>=
mp_graphic_object *mp_gr_copy_object (MP mp, mp_graphic_object *p) ;

@ @c
mp_graphic_object * 
mp_gr_copy_object (MP mp, mp_graphic_object *p) {
  mp_fill_object *tf;
  mp_stroked_object *ts;
  mp_text_object *tt;
  mp_clip_object *tc;
  mp_bounds_object *tb;
  mp_special_object *tp;
  mp_graphic_object *q = NULL;
  switch (gr_type(p)) {	
  case mp_fill_code: 
    tf = (mp_fill_object *)mp_new_graphic_object(mp, mp_fill_code);
    gr_pre_script(tf)  = mp_xstrdup(mp, gr_pre_script((mp_fill_object *)p));
    gr_post_script(tf) = mp_xstrdup(mp, gr_post_script((mp_fill_object *)p));
    gr_path_p(tf)      = mp_gr_copy_path(mp,gr_path_p((mp_fill_object *)p));
    gr_htap_p(tf)      = mp_gr_copy_path(mp,gr_htap_p(p));
    gr_pen_p(tf)       = mp_gr_copy_path(mp,gr_pen_p((mp_fill_object *)p));
    q = (mp_graphic_object *)tf;
  case mp_stroked_code:
    ts = (mp_stroked_object *)mp_new_graphic_object(mp, mp_stroked_code);
    gr_pre_script(ts)  = mp_xstrdup(mp, gr_pre_script((mp_stroked_object *)p));
    gr_post_script(ts) = mp_xstrdup(mp, gr_post_script((mp_stroked_object *)p));
    gr_path_p(ts)      = mp_gr_copy_path(mp,gr_path_p((mp_stroked_object *)p));
    gr_pen_p(ts)       = mp_gr_copy_path(mp,gr_pen_p((mp_stroked_object *)p));
    gr_dash_p(ts)      = mp_gr_copy_dashes(mp,gr_dash_p(p));
    q = (mp_graphic_object *)ts;
  case mp_text_code: 
    tt = (mp_text_object *)mp_new_graphic_object(mp, mp_text_code);
    gr_pre_script(tt)  = mp_xstrdup(mp, gr_pre_script((mp_text_object *)p));
    gr_post_script(tt) = mp_xstrdup(mp, gr_post_script((mp_text_object *)p));
    gr_text_p(tt)      = mp_xstrldup(mp, gr_text_p(p), gr_text_l(p));
    gr_text_l(tt)      = gr_text_l(p);
    gr_font_name(tt)   = mp_xstrdup(mp, gr_font_name(p));
    q = (mp_graphic_object *)tt;
  case mp_start_clip_code: 
    tc = (mp_clip_object *)mp_new_graphic_object(mp, mp_start_clip_code);
    gr_path_p(tc)      = mp_gr_copy_path(mp,gr_path_p((mp_clip_object *)p));
    q = (mp_graphic_object *)tc;
  case mp_start_bounds_code:
    tb = (mp_bounds_object *)mp_new_graphic_object(mp, mp_start_bounds_code);
    gr_path_p(tb)      = mp_gr_copy_path(mp,gr_path_p((mp_bounds_object *)p));
    q = (mp_graphic_object *)tb;
  case mp_special_code: 
    tp = (mp_special_object *)mp_new_graphic_object(mp, mp_special_code);
    gr_pre_script(tp)  = mp_xstrdup(mp, gr_pre_script((mp_special_object *)p));
    q = (mp_graphic_object *)tp;
  case mp_stop_clip_code: 
    q = mp_new_graphic_object(mp, mp_stop_clip_code);
  case mp_stop_bounds_code:
    q = mp_new_graphic_object(mp, mp_stop_bounds_code);
  } /* all cases are enumerated */
  return q;