/* i386 assembly routines for inner loop fraction routines in Metafont
   and MetaPost. Included from texmfmp.c. By Wayne Sullivan
   <wgs@maths.ucd.ie>.  */

  Converted to inline assembler for Visual C++ [45].xx
  by Fabrice Popineau <Fabrice.Popineau@supelec.fr> */

__declspec(naked) fraction __stdcall ztakefraction(integer p, integer q) {
__asm {
        push ebp
	mov ebp,esp
        xor ecx,ecx
        mov eax, p
;        mov eax, [ebp+8]
        cmp eax, 0x80000000
        jz LL5
        imul q
        or edx,edx
        jns LL2
        neg edx
        neg eax
        sbb edx, ecx
        inc ecx
        add eax, 0x08000000
        adc edx, 0
        cmp edx, 0x07ffffff
        ja LL3
        shrd eax,edx,28
	jecxz LL4
        neg eax
        mov esp,ebp
        pop ebp
	ret 8
	inc ecx
	mov eax, 0x7fffffff
        mov aritherror, 1
        jmp LL1

__declspec(naked) integer __stdcall ztakescaled(integer p, scaled q) {
__asm {
        push ebp
	mov ebp,esp
;        mov eax, [ebp+8]
        xor ecx,ecx
	mov eax, p
        cmp eax, 0x80000000
        jz LL5
        imul q
        or edx,edx
        jns LL12
        neg edx
        neg eax
        sbb edx,ecx
        inc ecx
        add eax, 0x00008000
        adc edx, 0x0
        cmp edx, 0x00007fff
        ja LL3
        shrd eax,edx,16
        jecxz LL4
        neg eax
        mov esp,ebp
        pop ebp
	ret 8
	inc ecx
	mov eax, 0x7fffffff
        mov aritherror, 1
        jmp LL1

__declspec(naked) scaled __stdcall zmakescaled(integer p, integer q) {
  __asm {
        mov cx, 16
        push ebp
        mov ebp,esp
        push ebx
;        mov edx, [ebp+8]
	mov edx, p
        xor eax,eax
        or edx,edx
        jns LL32
        inc ch
        neg edx
;        mov ebx, [ebp+12]
        mov ebx,q
        or ebx,ebx
        jns LL33
        dec ch
        neg ebx
        or ebx,ebx
        js LL34
        or edx,edx
        js LL34
        shrd eax,edx,cl
        shr edx,cl
        cmp edx,ebx
        jae LL34
        div ebx
        add edx,edx
        inc edx
        sub ebx,edx
        adc eax, 0
        jc LL34
        cmp eax, 0x7fffffff
        ja LL34
LL31:    or ch,ch
        jz LL35
        neg eax
        pop ebx
        mov esp, ebp
        pop ebp
        ret 8
        mov eax, 0x7fffffff
	mov aritherror, 1
        jmp LL31

__declspec(naked) fraction __stdcall zmakefraction(integer p, integer q) {
  __asm {
        mov cx, 4
        push ebp
        mov ebp,esp
        push ebx
	mov edx, p
;        mov [ebp+8],edx
        xor eax,eax
        or edx,edx
        jns LL32
        inc ch
        neg edx
;        mov [ebp+12],ebx
        mov ebx, q
        or ebx,ebx
        jns LL33
        dec ch
        neg ebx
        or ebx,ebx
        js LL34
        or edx,edx
        js LL34
        shrd eax,edx, cl
        shr edx,cl
        cmp edx,ebx
        jae LL34
        div ebx
        add edx,edx
        inc edx
        sub ebx,edx
        adc eax, 0
        jc LL34
        cmp eax, 0x7fffffff
        ja LL34
LL31:    or ch,ch
        jz LL35
        neg eax
        pop ebx
        mov esp, ebp
        pop ebp
        ret 8
        mov eax, 0x7fffffff
        mov aritherror, 1
        jmp LL31