/* i386 assembly routines for inner loop fraction routines in Metafont and MetaPost. Included from texmfmp.c. By Wayne Sullivan <wgs@maths.ucd.ie>. */ /* Converted to inline assembler for Visual C++ [45].xx by Fabrice Popineau <Fabrice.Popineau@supelec.fr> */ __declspec(naked) fraction __stdcall ztakefraction(integer p, integer q) { __asm { push ebp mov ebp,esp xor ecx,ecx mov eax, p ; mov eax, [ebp+8] cmp eax, 0x80000000 jz LL5 imul q or edx,edx jns LL2 neg edx neg eax sbb edx, ecx inc ecx LL2: add eax, 0x08000000 adc edx, 0 cmp edx, 0x07ffffff ja LL3 shrd eax,edx,28 LL1: jecxz LL4 neg eax LL4: mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret 8 LL5: inc ecx LL3: mov eax, 0x7fffffff mov aritherror, 1 jmp LL1 } } __declspec(naked) integer __stdcall ztakescaled(integer p, scaled q) { __asm { push ebp mov ebp,esp ; mov eax, [ebp+8] xor ecx,ecx mov eax, p cmp eax, 0x80000000 jz LL5 imul q or edx,edx jns LL12 neg edx neg eax sbb edx,ecx inc ecx LL12: add eax, 0x00008000 adc edx, 0x0 cmp edx, 0x00007fff ja LL3 shrd eax,edx,16 LL1: jecxz LL4 neg eax LL4: mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret 8 LL5: inc ecx LL3: mov eax, 0x7fffffff mov aritherror, 1 jmp LL1 } } __declspec(naked) scaled __stdcall zmakescaled(integer p, integer q) { __asm { mov cx, 16 push ebp mov ebp,esp push ebx ; mov edx, [ebp+8] mov edx, p xor eax,eax or edx,edx jns LL32 inc ch neg edx LL32: ; mov ebx, [ebp+12] mov ebx,q or ebx,ebx jns LL33 dec ch neg ebx or ebx,ebx js LL34 LL33: or edx,edx js LL34 shrd eax,edx,cl shr edx,cl cmp edx,ebx jae LL34 div ebx add edx,edx inc edx sub ebx,edx adc eax, 0 jc LL34 cmp eax, 0x7fffffff ja LL34 LL31: or ch,ch jz LL35 neg eax LL35: pop ebx mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret 8 LL34: mov eax, 0x7fffffff mov aritherror, 1 jmp LL31 } } __declspec(naked) fraction __stdcall zmakefraction(integer p, integer q) { __asm { mov cx, 4 push ebp mov ebp,esp push ebx mov edx, p ; mov [ebp+8],edx xor eax,eax or edx,edx jns LL32 inc ch neg edx LL32: ; mov [ebp+12],ebx mov ebx, q or ebx,ebx jns LL33 dec ch neg ebx or ebx,ebx js LL34 LL33: or edx,edx js LL34 shrd eax,edx, cl shr edx,cl cmp edx,ebx jae LL34 div ebx add edx,edx inc edx sub ebx,edx adc eax, 0 jc LL34 cmp eax, 0x7fffffff ja LL34 LL31: or ch,ch jz LL35 neg eax LL35: pop ebx mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret 8 LL34: mov eax, 0x7fffffff mov aritherror, 1 jmp LL31 } }