# Makefile for CTANGLE and CWEAVE, pc/big versions, using
# Borland C++ 3.1 and Borland Make.
# (This file contributed by Barry Schwartz, trashman@crud.mn.org,
#  24 Jul 94.)

CC = bcc

# Redundant Load Suppression (-Z) is turned off, because it seems to
# break the code.  Likewise for Copy Propagation (-Op).  (These
# optimizations don't seem to cause any problems in common.w, but
# better safe than sorry--compile everything with them turned off.)
OPT = -O2-p -Z-

# Compile with symbols.  That way you'll be able to use the debugger if
# you run into trouble.  You can always use tdstrip later, to remove the
# symbols.
DEBUG = -v

LCFLAGS = -mc -Ff=5000 -d -w-pro $(DEBUG)

LINK = $(CC) $(LCFLAGS) -e

# Where to find an "old" version of ctangle, for bootstrapping.  The first
# time you make ctangle, you may have to edit the distributed ctangle.c
# and/or common.c by hand to reduce the size of one or more arrays.
# This will give you a functional ctangle.exe, which you can use to bootstrap
# the "real" ctangle.exe.
CTANGLE = ctangle

all default: ctangle.exe cweave.exe

ctangle.exe: ctangle.obj common.obj
	$(LINK)$* $**

cweave.exe: cweave.obj common.obj
	$(LINK)$* $**

common.obj: common.w comm-bs.ch
	$(CTANGLE) common.w comm-bs.ch
	$(COMPILE) -c common.c

ctangle.obj: ctangle.w common.h ctang-bs.ch
	$(CTANGLE) ctangle.w ctang-bs.ch
	$(COMPILE) -c ctangle.c

cweave.obj: cweave.w common.h cweav-bs.ch
	$(CTANGLE) cweave.w cweav-bs.ch
	$(COMPILE) -c cweave.c