Changes for CTANGLE for MSDOS and Borland C++ 3.1 using the following options (and perhaps others): -mc -w-pro -Ff=5000 -Z- -O-p The options -Z- and -O-p explicitly turn off optimizations that break the code. (See The main purpose of these changes is to support MSDOS with full-size arrays by using "huge" pointers. (This file contributed by Barry Schwartz,, 28 Jun 94; revised 24 Jul 94.) @x Section 1. The ``banner line'' defined here should be changed whenever \.{CTANGLE} is modified. @d banner "This is CTANGLE (Version 3.64)\n" @y The ``banner line'' defined here should be changed whenever \.{CTANGLE} is modified. @d banner "This is CTANGLE (Version 3.64pc/big)\n" @z @x Section 4. @ The following parameters were sufficient in the original \.{TANGLE} to handle \TEX/, so they should be sufficient for most applications of \.{CTANGLE}. If you change |max_bytes|, |max_names| or |hash_size| you should also change them in the file |"common.w"|. @d max_bytes 90000 /* the number of bytes in identifiers, index entries, and section names; used in |"common.w"| */ @d max_toks 270000 /* number of bytes in compressed \CEE/ code */ @d max_names 4000 /* number of identifiers, strings, section names; must be less than 10240; used in |"common.w"| */ @d max_texts 2500 /* number of replacement texts, must be less than 10240 */ @d hash_size 353 /* should be prime; used in |"common.w"| */ @d longest_name 1000 /* section names shouldn't be longer than this */ @d stack_size 50 /* number of simultaneous levels of macro expansion */ @d buf_size 100 /* for \.{CWEAVE} and \.{CTANGLE} */ @y @ The following parameters were sufficient in the original \.{TANGLE} to handle \TEX/, so they should be sufficient for most applications of \.{CTANGLE}. If you change |max_bytes|, |max_names| or |hash_size| you should also change them in the file |"common.w"|. (This is a modified version of \.{CTANGLE}, and in fact one of the parameters has been reduced in value. The parameter |max_toks| has been reduced from 270000 [which was sufficient to handle \TEX/] to 170000, so that \.{CTANGLE} may be run on {\mc MSDOS} systems that are tight on memory. Consider, for instance, an 80286-based machine with several TSRs and drivers, trying to run \.{CTANGLE} from a makefile.) @d max_bytes 90000 /* the number of bytes in identifiers, index entries, and section names; used in |"common.w"| */ @d max_toks 170000 /* number of bytes in compressed \CEE/ code */ @d max_names 4000 /* number of identifiers, strings, section names; must be less than 10240; used in |"common.w"| */ @d max_texts 2500 /* number of replacement texts, must be less than 10240 */ @d hash_size 353 /* should be prime; used in |"common.w"| */ @d longest_name 1000 /* section names shouldn't be longer than this */ @d stack_size 50 /* number of simultaneous levels of macro expansion */ @d buf_size 100 /* for \.{CWEAVE} and \.{CTANGLE} */ @z @x Section 9. @d chunk_marker 0 @<Common code...@>= typedef struct name_info { char *byte_start; /* beginning of the name in |byte_mem| */ struct name_info *link; union { struct name_info *Rlink; /* right link in binary search tree for section names */ char Ilk; /* used by identifiers in \.{CWEAVE} only */ } dummy; char *equiv_or_xref; /* info corresponding to names */ } name_info; /* contains information about an identifier or section name */ typedef name_info *name_pointer; /* pointer into array of \&{name\_info}s */ typedef name_pointer *hash_pointer; extern char byte_mem[]; /* characters of names */ extern char *byte_mem_end; /* end of |byte_mem| */ extern name_info name_dir[]; /* information about names */ extern name_pointer name_dir_end; /* end of |name_dir| */ extern name_pointer name_ptr; /* first unused position in |byte_start| */ extern char *byte_ptr; /* first unused position in |byte_mem| */ extern name_pointer hash[]; /* heads of hash lists */ extern hash_pointer hash_end; /* end of |hash| */ extern hash_pointer h; /* index into hash-head array */ extern name_pointer id_lookup(); /* looks up a string in the identifier table */ extern name_pointer section_lookup(); /* finds section name */ extern void print_section_name(), sprint_section_name(); @y @d chunk_marker 0 @f huge extern @<Common code...@>= typedef struct name_info { char huge* byte_start; /* beginning of the name in |byte_mem| */ struct name_info *link; union { struct name_info *Rlink; /* right link in binary search tree for section names */ char Ilk; /* used by identifiers in \.{CWEAVE} only */ } dummy; union { char *equiv_member; char huge* xref_member; } ptr_union; /* info corresponding to names */ } name_info; /* contains information about an identifier or section name */ typedef name_info *name_pointer; /* pointer into array of \&{name\_info}s */ typedef name_pointer *hash_pointer; extern char huge byte_mem[]; /* characters of names */ extern char huge* byte_mem_end; /* end of |byte_mem| */ extern name_info name_dir[]; /* information about names */ extern name_pointer name_dir_end; /* end of |name_dir| */ extern name_pointer name_ptr; /* first unused position in |byte_start| */ extern char huge* byte_ptr; /* first unused position in |byte_mem| */ extern name_pointer hash[]; /* heads of hash lists */ extern hash_pointer hash_end; /* end of |hash| */ extern hash_pointer h; /* index into hash-head array */ extern name_pointer id_lookup(); /* looks up a string in the identifier table */ extern name_pointer section_lookup(); /* finds section name */ extern void print_section_name(), sprint_section_name(); @z @x Section 16. eight_bits *tok_start; /* pointer into |tok_mem| */ sixteen_bits text_link; /* relates replacement texts */ } text; typedef text *text_pointer; @y eight_bits huge* tok_start; /* pointer into |tok_mem| */ sixteen_bits text_link; /* relates replacement texts */ } text; typedef text *text_pointer; @z @x Section 17. eight_bits tok_mem[max_toks]; eight_bits *tok_mem_end=tok_mem+max_toks-1; eight_bits *tok_ptr; /* first unused position in |tok_mem| */ @y eight_bits huge tok_mem[max_toks]; eight_bits huge* tok_mem_end; eight_bits huge* tok_ptr; /* first unused position in |tok_mem| */ @z @x Section 18. text_info->tok_start=tok_ptr=tok_mem; text_ptr=text_info+1; text_ptr->tok_start=tok_mem; /* this makes replacement text 0 of length zero */ @y tok_mem_end=tok_mem+max_toks-1; text_info->tok_start=tok_ptr=tok_mem; text_ptr=text_info+1; text_ptr->tok_start=tok_mem; /* this makes replacement text 0 of length zero */ @z @x Section 19. @d equiv equiv_or_xref /* info corresponding to names */ @y @d equiv ptr_union.equiv_member /* info corresponding to names */ @z @x Section 27. eight_bits *end_field; /* ending location of replacement text */ eight_bits *byte_field; /* present location within replacement text */ @y eight_bits huge* end_field; /* ending location of replacement text */ eight_bits huge* byte_field; /* present location within replacement text */ @z @x Section 49. out_char(cur_char) eight_bits cur_char; { char *j, *k; /* pointer into |byte_mem| */ @y out_char(cur_char) eight_bits cur_char; { char huge* j, huge* k; /* pointer into |byte_mem| */ @z