#define version_number "1.1" #define banner "This is CTIE, Version 1.1" #define copyright \ "Copyright 2002,2003 Julian Gilbey. All rights reserved. There is no warranty.\n\ Run with the --version option for other important information." \ \ #define false 0 #define true 1 \ #define buf_size 1024 #define max_file_index 32 \ #define xisupper(c) (isupper(c) &&((unsigned char) c<0200) ) \ \ #define spotless 0 #define troublesome 1 #define fatal 2 \ #define max_include_files 20 \ #define max_file_name_length 60 \ #define too_long() {total_include_files--;free(new_inc) ; \ err_print(i,"! Include file name too long") ;goto restart;} \ #define fatal_error(i,s,t) { \ fprintf(stderr,"\n%s",s) ; \ err_print(i,t) ; \ history= fatal; \ exit(wrap_up() ) ; \ } \ \ #define none (-1) \ /*2:*/ #line 89 "./ctie.w" /*8:*/ #line 172 "./ctie.w" #include <stdio.h> /*:8*//*9:*/ #line 180 "./ctie.w" #ifdef __STDC__ #include <stdlib.h> #else #include <malloc.h> #endif /*:9*//*37:*/ #line 715 "./ctie.w" #include <errno.h> /*:37*/ #line 90 "./ctie.w" /*4:*/ #line 124 "./ctie.w" typedef int boolean; typedef char*string; /*:4*//*10:*/ #line 211 "./ctie.w" #define search 0 #define test 1 #define reading 2 #define ignore 3 typedef int in_file_modes; #define unknown 0 #define master 1 #define chf 2 typedef int file_types; /*:10*//*11:*/ #line 229 "./ctie.w" #define normal 0 #define pre 1 #define post 2 typedef int out_md_type; /*:11*//*12:*/ #line 239 "./ctie.w" typedef int file_index; /*:12*//*13:*/ #line 246 "./ctie.w" typedef struct _indsc{ char file_name[max_file_name_length]; long line; FILE*the_file; struct _indsc*parent; }include_description; /*:13*//*14:*/ #line 259 "./ctie.w" typedef struct _idsc{ string file_name; char buffer[buf_size]; in_file_modes mode; long line; file_types type_of_file; include_description*current_include; char*buffer_end; char*limit; char*loc; FILE*the_file; int dont_match; }input_description; /*:14*/ #line 91 "./ctie.w" /*5:*/ #line 134 "./ctie.w" extern int strlen(); extern char*strcpy(); extern int strncmp(); extern char*strncpy(); extern char*strerror(); /*:5*//*28:*/ #line 584 "./ctie.w" void err_print(); /*:28*//*33:*/ #line 673 "./ctie.w" int wrap_up(); /*:33*//*35:*/ #line 696 "./ctie.w" void pfatal_error(); /*:35*//*67:*/ #line 1232 "./ctie.w" void usage_help(); void print_version_and_exit(); /*:67*/ #line 92 "./ctie.w" /*7:*/ #line 162 "./ctie.w" int history= spotless; /*:7*//*15:*/ #line 286 "./ctie.w" int total_include_files= 0; /*:15*//*16:*/ #line 292 "./ctie.w" file_index actual_input,test_input,no_ch; file_types prod_chf= unknown; out_md_type out_mode; /*:16*//*18:*/ #line 309 "./ctie.w" input_description*input_organisation[max_file_index+1]; /*:18*//*22:*/ #line 406 "./ctie.w" boolean input_has_ended= false; /*:22*//*39:*/ #line 742 "./ctie.w" FILE*out_file; string out_name; /*:39*//*66:*/ #line 1217 "./ctie.w" string CTIEHELP[]= { "Usage: ctie -[mc] outfile master changefile(s)", " Create a new master file or change file from the given", " master (C)WEB file and changefiles.", " All filenames are taken literally; no suffixes are added.", "", "-m create a new master file from original (C)WEB and change file(s)", "-c create a master change file for original (C)WEB file from changefile(s)", "--help display this help and exit", "--version display version information and exit", NULL }; /*:66*/ #line 93 "./ctie.w" /*29:*/ #line 589 "./ctie.w" void err_print(i,s) file_index i;char*s; { char*k,*l; fprintf(stderr,*s=='!'?"\n%s":"%s",s); if(i>=0)/*30:*/ #line 611 "./ctie.w" { register input_description*inp_desc= input_organisation[i]; register include_description*inc_desc= inp_desc->current_include; if(inc_desc!=NULL){ fprintf(stderr,". (l. %ld of include file %s",inc_desc->line, inc_desc->file_name); fprintf(stderr," included from l. %ld of %s file %s)\n", inp_desc->line, inp_desc->type_of_file==master?"master":"change", inp_desc->file_name); } else fprintf(stderr,". (l. %ld of %s file %s)\n",inp_desc->line, inp_desc->type_of_file==master?"master":"change", inp_desc->file_name); l= (inp_desc->loc>=inp_desc->limit?inp_desc->limit:inp_desc->loc); if(l> inp_desc->buffer){ for(k= inp_desc->buffer;k<l;k++) if(*k=='\t')putc(' ',stderr); else putc(*k,stderr); putc('\n',stderr); for(k= inp_desc->buffer;k<l;k++) putc(' ',stderr); } for(k= l;k<inp_desc->limit;k++) putc(*k,stderr); putc('\n',stderr); } /*:30*/ #line 595 "./ctie.w" else putc('\n',stderr); fflush(stderr); history= troublesome; } /*:29*//*36:*/ #line 699 "./ctie.w" void pfatal_error(s,t) char*s,*t; { char*strerr= strerror(errno); fprintf(stderr,"\n%s%s",s,t); if(strerr)fprintf(stderr," (%s)\n",strerr); else fprintf(stderr,"\n"); history= fatal; exit(wrap_up()); } /*:36*/ #line 94 "./ctie.w" /*19:*/ #line 328 "./ctie.w" boolean get_line(i,do_includes) file_index i;boolean do_includes; { register input_description*inp_desc= input_organisation[i]; register FILE*fp; if(inp_desc->mode==ignore)return false; restart: if(inp_desc->current_include!=NULL){ register include_description*inc_desc= inp_desc->current_include; fp= inc_desc->the_file; /*24:*/ #line 426 "./ctie.w" { register int c; register char*k; if(feof(fp)) /*25:*/ #line 452 "./ctie.w" { include_description*temp= inc_desc->parent; fclose(fp); free(inc_desc); total_include_files--; inp_desc->current_include= temp; goto restart; } /*:25*/ #line 432 "./ctie.w" inp_desc->limit= k= inp_desc->buffer; while(k<=inp_desc->buffer_end&&(c= getc(fp))!=EOF&&c!='\n') if((*(k++)= c)!=' ')inp_desc->limit= k; if(k> inp_desc->buffer_end) if((c= getc(fp))!=EOF&&c!='\n'){ ungetc(c,fp);inp_desc->loc= inp_desc->buffer; err_print(i,"! Input line too long"); } if(c==EOF&&inp_desc->limit==inp_desc->buffer) /*25:*/ #line 452 "./ctie.w" { include_description*temp= inc_desc->parent; fclose(fp); free(inc_desc); total_include_files--; inp_desc->current_include= temp; goto restart; } /*:25*/ #line 444 "./ctie.w" inc_desc->line++; } /*:24*/ #line 342 "./ctie.w" } else{ fp= inp_desc->the_file; /*20:*/ #line 366 "./ctie.w" { register int c; register char*k; if(feof(fp)) /*21:*/ #line 394 "./ctie.w" { inp_desc->mode= ignore; inp_desc->limit= NULL; if(inp_desc->type_of_file==master)input_has_ended= true; fclose(fp); return false; } /*:21*/ #line 372 "./ctie.w" inp_desc->limit= k= inp_desc->buffer; while(k<=inp_desc->buffer_end&&(c= getc(fp))!=EOF&&c!='\n') if((*(k++)= c)!=' ')inp_desc->limit= k; if(k> inp_desc->buffer_end) if((c= getc(fp))!=EOF&&c!='\n'){ ungetc(c,fp);inp_desc->loc= inp_desc->buffer; err_print(i,"! Input line too long"); } if(c==EOF&&inp_desc->limit==inp_desc->buffer) /*21:*/ #line 394 "./ctie.w" { inp_desc->mode= ignore; inp_desc->limit= NULL; if(inp_desc->type_of_file==master)input_has_ended= true; fclose(fp); return false; } /*:21*/ #line 384 "./ctie.w" /*23:*/ #line 414 "./ctie.w" inp_desc->line++; if(inp_desc->type_of_file==master&&inp_desc->line%100==0){ if(inp_desc->line%500==0)printf("%ld",inp_desc->line); else putchar('.'); fflush(stdout); } /*:23*/ #line 387 "./ctie.w" } /*:20*/ #line 346 "./ctie.w" } if(do_includes) /*26:*/ #line 467 "./ctie.w" { inp_desc->loc= inp_desc->buffer; *inp_desc->limit= ' '; if(*inp_desc->buffer=='@'&& (inp_desc->buffer[1]=='i'||inp_desc->buffer[1]=='I')){ inp_desc->loc= inp_desc->buffer+2; *inp_desc->limit= '"'; while(*inp_desc->loc==' '||*inp_desc->loc=='\t') inp_desc->loc++; if(inp_desc->loc>=inp_desc->limit){ err_print(i,"! Include file name not given"); goto restart; } if(total_include_files>=max_include_files){ err_print(i,"! Too many nested includes"); goto restart; } total_include_files++; /*27:*/ #line 507 "./ctie.w" { include_description*new_inc; char temp_file_name[max_file_name_length]; char*file_name_end; char*k,*kk; int l; new_inc= (include_description*)malloc(sizeof(include_description)); if(new_inc==NULL) fatal_error(i,"! No memory for new include descriptor",""); new_inc->line= 0; k= new_inc->file_name; file_name_end= k+max_file_name_length-1; if(*inp_desc->loc=='"'){ inp_desc->loc++; while(*inp_desc->loc!='"'&&k<=file_name_end) *k++= *inp_desc->loc++; if(inp_desc->loc==inp_desc->limit) k= file_name_end+1; }else while(*inp_desc->loc!=' '&&*inp_desc->loc!='\t'&& *inp_desc->loc!='"'&&k<=file_name_end)*k++= *inp_desc->loc++; if(k> file_name_end)too_long(); *k= '\0'; if((new_inc->the_file= fopen(new_inc->file_name,"r"))!=NULL){ new_inc->parent= inp_desc->current_include; inp_desc->current_include= new_inc; goto restart; } kk= getenv("CWEBINPUTS"); if(kk!=NULL){ if((l= strlen(kk))> max_file_name_length-2)too_long(); strcpy(temp_file_name,kk); } else{ #ifdef CWEBINPUTS if((l= strlen(CWEBINPUTS))> max_file_name_length-2)too_long(); strcpy(temp_file_name,CWEBINPUTS); #else l= 0; #endif } if(l> 0){ if(k+l+2>=file_name_end)too_long(); for(;k>=new_inc->file_name;k--)*(k+l+1)= *k; strcpy(new_inc->file_name,temp_file_name); new_inc->file_name[l]= '/'; if((new_inc->the_file= fopen(new_inc->file_name,"r"))!=NULL){ new_inc->parent= inp_desc->current_include; inp_desc->current_include= new_inc; goto restart; } } total_include_files--; free(new_inc); err_print(i,"! Cannot open include file"); goto restart; } /*:27*/ #line 488 "./ctie.w" ; } } /*:26*/ #line 351 "./ctie.w" return true; } /*:19*//*32:*/ #line 663 "./ctie.w" int wrap_up() { /*34:*/ #line 682 "./ctie.w" switch(history){ case spotless: printf("\n(No errors were found.)\n");break; case troublesome: printf("\n(Pardon me, but I think I spotted something wrong.)\n");break; case fatal:printf("(That was a fatal error, my friend.)\n"); } /*:34*/ #line 666 "./ctie.w" ; if(history> spotless)return 1; else return 0; } /*:32*//*42:*/ #line 791 "./ctie.w" boolean lines_dont_match(i,j) file_index i,j; { register input_description*iptr= input_organisation[i], *jptr= input_organisation[j]; if(iptr->limit-iptr->buffer!=jptr->limit-jptr->buffer) return true; return strncmp(iptr->buffer,jptr->buffer,iptr->limit-iptr->buffer); } /*:42*//*43:*/ #line 808 "./ctie.w" void init_change_file(i) file_index i; { register input_description*inp_desc= input_organisation[i]; char ccode; inp_desc->limit= inp_desc->buffer; /*44:*/ #line 827 "./ctie.w" while(1){ if(!get_line(i,false))return; if(inp_desc->limit<inp_desc->buffer+2)continue; if(inp_desc->buffer[0]!='@')continue; ccode= inp_desc->buffer[1]; if(xisupper(ccode))ccode= tolower(ccode); if(ccode=='x')break; if(ccode=='y'||ccode=='z'||ccode=='i'){ inp_desc->loc= inp_desc->buffer+2; err_print(i,"! Missing @x in change file"); } } /*:44*/ #line 816 "./ctie.w" /*45:*/ #line 844 "./ctie.w" do{ if(!get_line(i,true)){ err_print(i,"! Change file ended after @x"); return; } }while(inp_desc->limit==inp_desc->buffer); /*:45*/ #line 817 "./ctie.w" inp_desc->dont_match= 0; } /*:43*//*46:*/ #line 857 "./ctie.w" void put_line(j) file_index j; { char*ptr= input_organisation[j]->buffer; char*lmt= input_organisation[j]->limit; while(ptr<lmt)putc(*ptr++,out_file); putc('\n',out_file); } /*:46*//*47:*/ #line 872 "./ctie.w" boolean e_of_ch_module(i) file_index i; { register input_description*inp_desc= input_organisation[i]; if(inp_desc->limit==NULL){ err_print(i,"! Change file ended without @z"); return true; }else if(inp_desc->limit>=inp_desc->buffer+2) if(inp_desc->buffer[0]=='@'&& (inp_desc->buffer[1]=='Z'||inp_desc->buffer[1]=='z')) return true; return false; } /*:47*//*48:*/ #line 893 "./ctie.w" boolean e_of_ch_preamble(i) file_index i; { register input_description*inp_desc= input_organisation[i]; if(inp_desc->limit>=inp_desc->buffer+2&&inp_desc->buffer[0]=='@') if(inp_desc->buffer[1]=='Y'||inp_desc->buffer[1]=='y'){ if(inp_desc->dont_match> 0){ inp_desc->loc= inp_desc->buffer+2; fprintf(stderr,"\n! Hmm... %d ",inp_desc->dont_match); err_print(i,"of the preceding lines failed to match"); } return true; } return false; } /*:48*//*59:*/ #line 1105 "./ctie.w" void usage_error() { /*60:*/ #line 1118 "./ctie.w" printf("%s\n",banner); printf("%s\n",copyright); /*:60*/ #line 1108 "./ctie.w" ; fprintf(stderr,"Usage: ctie -[mc] outfile master changefile(s)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Type ctie --help for more information\n"); exit(1); } /*:59*/ #line 95 "./ctie.w" /*3:*/ #line 101 "./ctie.w" main(argc,argv) int argc;string*argv; { /*17:*/ #line 300 "./ctie.w" actual_input= 0; out_mode= normal; /*:17*/ #line 105 "./ctie.w" ; /*61:*/ #line 1135 "./ctie.w" { if(argc> max_file_index+5-1)usage_error(); no_ch= -1; while(--argc> 0){ argv++; if(strcmp("-help",*argv)==0||strcmp("--help",*argv)==0) /*64:*/ #line 1202 "./ctie.w" usage_help(); /*:64*/ #line 1142 "./ctie.w" ; if(strcmp("-version",*argv)==0||strcmp("--version",*argv)==0) /*65:*/ #line 1208 "./ctie.w" { print_version_and_exit("CTIE",version_number); } /*:65*/ #line 1144 "./ctie.w" ; if(**argv=='-')/*62:*/ #line 1158 "./ctie.w" if(prod_chf!=unknown)usage_error(); else switch(*(*argv+1)){ case'c':case'C':prod_chf= chf;break; case'm':case'M':prod_chf= master;break; default:usage_error(); } /*:62*/ #line 1145 "./ctie.w" else/*63:*/ #line 1172 "./ctie.w" { if(no_ch==(-1)){ out_name= *argv; }else{ register input_description*inp_desc; inp_desc= (input_description*)malloc(sizeof(input_description)); if(inp_desc==NULL) fatal_error(-1,"! No memory for input descriptor",""); inp_desc->mode= search; inp_desc->line= 0; inp_desc->type_of_file= chf; inp_desc->limit= inp_desc->buffer; inp_desc->buffer[0]= ' '; inp_desc->loc= inp_desc->buffer+1; inp_desc->buffer_end= inp_desc->buffer+buf_size-2; inp_desc->file_name= *argv; inp_desc->current_include= NULL; input_organisation[no_ch]= inp_desc; } no_ch++; } /*:63*/ #line 1146 "./ctie.w" } if(no_ch<=0||prod_chf==unknown)usage_error(); } /*:61*/ #line 106 "./ctie.w" /*60:*/ #line 1118 "./ctie.w" printf("%s\n",banner); printf("%s\n",copyright); /*:60*/ #line 107 "./ctie.w" ; /*40:*/ #line 750 "./ctie.w" { input_organisation[0]->the_file= fopen(input_organisation[0]->file_name,"r"); if(input_organisation[0]->the_file==NULL) pfatal_error("! Cannot open master file ", input_organisation[0]->file_name); printf("(%s)\n",input_organisation[0]->file_name); input_organisation[0]->type_of_file= master; get_line(0,true); } /*:40*/ #line 108 "./ctie.w" /*41:*/ #line 768 "./ctie.w" { file_index i; i= 1; while(i<no_ch){ input_organisation[i]->the_file= fopen(input_organisation[i]->file_name,"r"); if(input_organisation[i]->the_file==NULL) pfatal_error("! Cannot open change file ", input_organisation[i]->file_name); printf("(%s)\n",input_organisation[i]->file_name); init_change_file(i); i++; } } /*:41*/ #line 109 "./ctie.w" /*38:*/ #line 729 "./ctie.w" { out_file= fopen(out_name,"w"); if(out_file==NULL){ pfatal_error("! Cannot open/create output file",""); } } /*:38*/ #line 110 "./ctie.w" /*57:*/ #line 1074 "./ctie.w" actual_input= 0; input_has_ended= false; while(input_has_ended==false||actual_input!=0) /*49:*/ #line 917 "./ctie.w" { file_index test_file; /*50:*/ #line 934 "./ctie.w" { register input_description*inp_desc; while(actual_input> 0&&e_of_ch_module(actual_input)){ inp_desc= input_organisation[actual_input]; if(inp_desc->type_of_file==master){ fatal_error(-1,"! This can't happen: change file is master file",""); } inp_desc->mode= search; init_change_file(actual_input); while((input_organisation[actual_input]->mode!=reading &&actual_input> 0)) actual_input--; } } /*:50*/ #line 921 "./ctie.w" if(input_has_ended&&actual_input==0)break; /*51:*/ #line 960 "./ctie.w" test_input= none; test_file= actual_input; while(test_input==none&&test_file<no_ch-1){ test_file++; switch(input_organisation[test_file]->mode){ case search: if(lines_dont_match(actual_input,test_file)==false){ input_organisation[test_file]->mode= test; test_input= test_file; } break; case test: if(lines_dont_match(actual_input,test_file)){ input_organisation[test_file]->dont_match++; } test_input= test_file; break; case reading: break; case ignore: break; } } /*:51*/ #line 923 "./ctie.w" /*52:*/ #line 993 "./ctie.w" if(prod_chf==chf){ while(1){ /*53:*/ #line 1007 "./ctie.w" if(out_mode==normal){ if(test_input!=none){ fprintf(out_file,"@x\n"); out_mode= pre; }else break; } /*:53*/ #line 996 "./ctie.w" /*54:*/ #line 1021 "./ctie.w" if(out_mode==pre){ if(test_input==none){ fprintf(out_file,"@y\n"); out_mode= post; }else{ if(input_organisation[actual_input]->type_of_file==master) put_line(actual_input); break; } } /*:54*/ #line 997 "./ctie.w" /*55:*/ #line 1040 "./ctie.w" if(out_mode==post){ if(input_organisation[actual_input]->type_of_file==chf){ if(test_input==none)put_line(actual_input); break; }else{ fprintf(out_file,"@z\n\n"); out_mode= normal; } } /*:55*/ #line 998 "./ctie.w" } }else if(test_input==none)put_line(actual_input); /*:52*/ #line 924 "./ctie.w" /*56:*/ #line 1055 "./ctie.w" get_line(actual_input,true); if(test_input!=none){ get_line(test_input,true); if(e_of_ch_preamble(test_input)==true){ get_line(test_input,true); input_organisation[test_input]->mode= reading; actual_input= test_input; test_input= none; } } /*:56*/ #line 925 "./ctie.w" } /*:49*/ #line 1078 "./ctie.w" if(out_mode==post) fprintf(out_file,"@z\n"); /*:57*/ #line 111 "./ctie.w" /*58:*/ #line 1087 "./ctie.w" { file_index i; for(i= 1;i<no_ch;i++){ if(input_organisation[i]->mode!=ignore){ input_organisation[i]->loc= input_organisation[i]->buffer; err_print(i,"! Change file entry did not match"); } } } /*:58*/ #line 112 "./ctie.w" exit(wrap_up()); } /*:3*/ #line 96 "./ctie.w" /*:2*//*68:*/ #line 1237 "./ctie.w" void usage_help() { string*message= CTIEHELP; while(*message){ fputs(*message,stdout); putchar('\n'); ++message; } putchar('\n'); exit(0); } /*:68*//*69:*/ #line 1252 "./ctie.w" void print_version_and_exit(name,version) string name,version; { printf("%s %s\n",name,version); puts("Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Julian Gilbey."); puts("There is NO warranty. This is free software. See the source"); puts("code of CTIE for redistribution conditions."); exit(0); } /*:69*/