%% BEGIN tp-test.tex %% %% LaTeX2e test file for pst-text.sty. %% %% This file is based on tp-test.tex. %% %% Changes: %% 1. July 97: adapted to LaTeX2e %% (St. Klupsch, ) %% \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{times} %% the text feature works best with Postscript Fonts :-) %% this package is part of the psnfss-System, %% (ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/macros/latex/packages/psnfss) %% don't worry if you don't have the package - %% Place a '%' in front to continue :-) \usepackage{pstricks,pst-text} \begin{document} The first sample shows that math works. I let the line be drawn to make the sample clearer. \begin{verbatim} \large \pstextpath[c]% {\pscurve[linecolor=gray](0,1)(4,3)(6,2)(9,0)(12,1)(15,1)}% {$S_\alpha=\Omega(\gamma_\beta)$ is a connected snarf and $B=(\otimes,\rightarrow,\theta)$ is Boolean left subideal.} \end{verbatim} \vskip 3.5cm \begin{large} \pstextpath[c]% {\pscurve[linecolor=gray](0,1)(4,3)(6,2)(9,0)(12,1)(15,1)}% {$S_\alpha=\Omega(\gamma_\beta)$ is a connected snarf and $B=(\otimes,\rightarrow,\theta)$ is Boolean left subideal.} \end{large} \vskip 1cm \begin{verbatim} \psset{linestyle=none} \pstextpath[c]{\psarcn(0,0){73pt}{180}{0}}% {Centre National de la} \pstextpath[c]{\psarc(0,0){73pt}{180}{0}}% {Recherche Scientifique} \end{verbatim} \begin{center} \vskip 2cm \Huge \psset{linestyle=none} \pstextpath[c]{\psarcn(0,0){75pt}{180}{0}}% {Centre National de la} \pstextpath[c]{\psarc(0,0){75pt}{180}{0}}% {Recherche Scientifique} \vskip 2cm \end{center} \begin{center} \pstextpath[c](0,0){\psarcn[linestyle=none](0,-6){4}{180}{0}}% {\parbox{3.5in}{In principle, it is possible to use parbox, but let's see what really happens. It seems hard to believe that someone would want to do this.}} \end{center} \end{document} %% END tp-test.tex