-- -- polyglossia-punct.lua -- part of polyglossia v2.3 -- 2024/09/23 -- require('polyglossia') -- just in case... local add_to_callback = luatexbase.add_to_callback local declare_callback_rule = luatexbase.declare_callback_rule local new_attribute = luatexbase.new_attribute local node = node local insert_node_before = node.insert_before local insert_node_after = node.insert_after local remove_node = node.remove local has_attribute = node.has_attribute local node_copy = node.copy local new_node = node.new local end_of_math = node.end_of_math local getnext = node.getnext local getprev = node.getprev -- node types according to node.types() local glue_code = node.id"glue" local glyph_code = node.id"glyph" local penalty_code = node.id"penalty" local kern_code = node.id"kern" local math_code = node.id"math" -- we need some node subtypes local userkern = 1 local userskip = 0 local removable_skip = { [0] = true, -- userskip [13] = true, -- spaceskip [14] = true, -- xspaceskip } -- we make a new node, so that we can copy it later on local kern_node = new_node(kern_code) kern_node.subtype = userkern -- this kern can be removed later on local function get_kern_node(dim) local n = node_copy(kern_node) n.kern = dim return n end local glue_node = new_node(glue_code) glue_node.subtype = userskip local function get_glue_node(dim, stretch, shrink) local n = node_copy(glue_node) n.width = dim n.stretch = stretch n.shrink = shrink return n end local penalty_node = new_node(penalty_code) penalty_node.penalty = 10000 local function get_penalty_node() return node_copy(penalty_node) end -- all possible space characters according to section 6.2 of the Unicode Standard -- https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode12.0.0/ch06.pdf local space_chars = { [0x20] = true, -- space [0xA0] = true, -- no-break space [0x1680] = true, -- ogham space mark [0x2000] = true, -- en quad [0x2001] = true, -- em quad [0x2002] = true, -- en space [0x2003] = true, -- em space [0x2004] = true, -- three-per-em-space [0x2005] = true, -- four-per-em space [0x2006] = true, -- six-per-em space [0x2007] = true, -- figure space [0x2008] = true, -- punctuation space [0x2009] = true, -- thin space [0x200A] = true, -- hair space [0x202F] = true, -- narrow no-break space [0x205F] = true, -- medium mathematical space [0x3000] = true -- ideographic space } -- all left bracket characters, referenced by their Unicode slot local left_bracket_chars = { [0x28] = true, -- left parenthesis [0x5B] = true, -- left square bracket [0x7B] = true, -- left curly bracket [0x27E8] = true -- mathematical left angle bracket } -- all right bracket characters, referenced by their Unicode slot local right_bracket_chars = { [0x29] = true, -- right parenthesis [0x5D] = true, -- right square bracket [0x7D] = true, -- right curly bracket [0x27E9] = true -- mathematical right angle bracket } -- question and exclamation marks, referenced by their Unicode slot local question_exclamation_chars = { [0x21] = true, -- exclamation mark ! [0x3F] = true, -- question mark ? [0x203C] = true, -- double exclamation mark ‼ [0x203D] = true, -- interrobang ‽ [0x2047] = true, -- double question mark ⁇ [0x2048] = true, -- question exclamation mark ⁈ [0x2049] = true -- exclamation question mark ⁉ } -- from nodes-tst.lua, adapted local function somespace(n) if n then local id, subtype = n.id, n.subtype if id == glue_code then -- it is dangerous to remove all the type of glue return removable_skip[subtype] elseif id == kern_code then -- remove only user's kern return subtype == userkern elseif id == glyph_code then return space_chars[n.char] end end end local function someleftbracket(n) if n then local id = n.id if id == glyph_code then return left_bracket_chars[n.char] end end end local function somerightbracket(n) if n then local id = n.id if id == glyph_code then return right_bracket_chars[n.char] end end end local function question_exclamation_sequence(n1, n2) if n1 and n2 then local id1 = n1.id local id2 = n2.id if id1 == glyph_code and id2 == glyph_code then return question_exclamation_chars[n1.char] and question_exclamation_chars[n2.char] end end end -- idem local function somepenalty(n, value) if n then local id = n.id if id == penalty_code then if value then return n.penalty == value else return true end end end end local punct_attr = new_attribute("polyglossia_punct") local lang_id = {} local lang_counter = 0 local left_space = {} local right_space = {} local function ensure_lang_id(lang) if not lang_id[lang] then lang_counter = lang_counter + 1 lang_id[lang] = lang_counter end return lang_id[lang] end local function clear_spaced_characters(lang) local id = ensure_lang_id(lang) left_space[id] = {} right_space[id] = {} end local function illegal_unit(unit) if unit then texio.write_nl('Illegal spacing unit "'..unit..'".') else texio.write_nl('Spacing unit is a nil value.') end end local function add_left_spaced_character(lang, char, kern, unit, rubber) -- The parameter kern is a number meant as a fraction of the unit. -- The unit can be "quad" (1em) or "space" (interword space). -- The parameter rubber is a Boolean value indicating if the inserted space is -- stretchable and shrinkable (only relevant if the unit is "space"). local id = ensure_lang_id(lang) if unit == "quad" or unit == "space" then left_space[id][char] = {} left_space[id][char]["kern"] = kern left_space[id][char]["unit"] = unit left_space[id][char]["rubber"] = rubber else illegal_unit(unit) end end local function add_right_spaced_character(lang, char, kern, unit, rubber) local id = ensure_lang_id(lang) if unit == "quad" or unit == "space" then right_space[id][char] = {} right_space[id][char]["kern"] = kern right_space[id][char]["unit"] = unit right_space[id][char]["rubber"] = rubber else illegal_unit(unit) end end -- from typo-spa.lua, adapted local function process(head) local current = head while current do local id = current.id if id == glyph_code then local attr = has_attribute(current, punct_attr) if attr then local char, leftspace, rightspace if current.char <= 0x10FFFF then -- greater values may cause problems with utf8.char char = utf8.char(current.char) leftspace = left_space[attr][char] rightspace = right_space[attr][char] end if leftspace or rightspace then local fontparameters = fonts.hashes.parameters[current.font] local unit, stretch, shrink, spacing_node if leftspace and fontparameters then local prev = getprev(current) local space_exception = false if prev then -- do not add space after left (opening) bracket and between question/exclamation marks space_exception = someleftbracket(prev) or question_exclamation_sequence(prev, current) -- TODO: there is a question here: do we override a preceding space or not?... while somespace(prev) do head = remove_node(head, prev) prev = getprev(current) end if somepenalty(prev, 10000) then head = remove_node(head, prev) end end if leftspace.unit == "quad" then unit = fontparameters.quad spacing_node = get_kern_node(leftspace.kern*unit) elseif leftspace.unit == "space" then unit = fontparameters.space if leftspace.rubber then stretch = leftspace.kern*fontparameters.space_stretch shrink = leftspace.kern*fontparameters.space_shrink spacing_node = get_glue_node(leftspace.kern*unit, stretch, shrink) head = insert_node_before(head, current, get_penalty_node()) else spacing_node = get_kern_node(leftspace.kern*unit) end end if not space_exception then head = insert_node_before(head, current, spacing_node) end end if rightspace and fontparameters then local next = getnext(current) local space_exception = false if next then -- do not add space before right (closing) bracket space_exception = somerightbracket(next) local nextnext = getnext(next) if somepenalty(next, 10000) and somespace(nextnext) then head, next = remove_node(head, next) end while somespace(next) do head, next = remove_node(head, next) end end if rightspace.unit == "quad" then unit = fontparameters.quad spacing_node = get_kern_node(rightspace.kern*unit) elseif rightspace.unit == "space" then unit = fontparameters.space if rightspace.rubber then stretch = rightspace.kern*fontparameters.space_stretch shrink = rightspace.kern*fontparameters.space_shrink spacing_node = get_glue_node(rightspace.kern*unit, stretch, shrink) if not space_exception then head, current = insert_node_after(head, current, get_penalty_node()) end else spacing_node = get_kern_node(rightspace.kern*unit) end end if not space_exception then head, current = insert_node_after(head, current, spacing_node) end end end end elseif id == math_code then -- warning: this is a feature of luatex > 0.76 current = end_of_math(current) -- weird, can return nil .. no math end? end current = getnext(current) -- no error even if current is nil end return head end local function activate(lang) local id = ensure_lang_id(lang) -- We set the punctuation attribute to a language id here. This is -- important to be able to intermix languages with different spacings -- in one paragraph. tex.setattribute(punct_attr, id) end add_to_callback("pre_linebreak_filter",process,"polyglossia-punct.process") add_to_callback("hpack_filter",process,"polyglossia-punct.process") declare_callback_rule("pre_linebreak_filter", "polyglossia-punct.process", "before", "luaotfload.node_processor") declare_callback_rule("hpack_filter", "polyglossia-punct.process", "before", "luaotfload.node_processor") local function deactivate() tex.setattribute(punct_attr, -0x7FFFFFFF) -- this value means "unset" -- Though it would make compilation slightly faster, it is not possible to -- safely uncomment the following lines. Imagine the following case: you -- start a paragraph by some spaced punctuation text, then, in the same -- paragraph, you change the language to something else, and thus call the -- following lines. This means that, at the end of the paragraph, the -- function won't be in the callback, so the beginning of the paragraph -- won't be processed by it. -- if priority_in_callback(callback_name, "polyglossia-punct.process") then -- remove_from_callback(callback_name, "polyglossia-punct.process") -- end end polyglossia.activate_punct = activate polyglossia.deactivate_punct = deactivate polyglossia.add_left_spaced_character = add_left_spaced_character polyglossia.add_right_spaced_character = add_right_spaced_character polyglossia.clear_spaced_characters = clear_spaced_characters