-- -- polyglossia-cjk-spacing.lua -- part of polyglossia v2.3 -- 2024/09/23 -- local glyph_id = node.id"glyph" local hbox_id = node.id"hlist" local vbox_id = node.id"vlist" local glue_id = node.id"glue" local penalty_id = node.id"penalty" local whatsit_id = node.id"whatsit" local math_id = node.id"math" -- -- attr_cjk: variant = plain: 0, JP/classic: 1, KR/modern: 2, SC: 3, TC: 4 -- local attr_cjk = luatexbase.attributes["xpg@attr@cjkspacing"] -- -- attr_josa: ONLY For Korean. DO NOT declare \newattribute for other langs -- local attr_josa = luatexbase.attributes["xpg@attr@autojosa"] -- -- characters after which linebreak is not allowed -- local nobr_after = { [0x28] = 1, -- ( LEFT PARENTHESIS [0x3C] = 1, -- < LESS-THAN SIGN [0x5B] = 1, -- [ LEFT SQUARE BRACKET [0x60] = 1, -- ` GRAVE ACCENT [0x7B] = 1, -- { LEFT CURLY BRACKET [0xAB] = 1, -- « LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK [0x2018] = 1, -- ‘ LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK [0x201C] = 1, -- “ LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK [0x2329] = 1, -- 〈 LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET [0x3008] = 1, -- 〈 LEFT ANGLE BRACKET [0x300A] = 1, -- 《 LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET [0x300C] = 1, -- 「 LEFT CORNER BRACKET [0x300E] = 1, -- 『 LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET [0x3010] = 1, -- 【 LEFT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET [0x3014] = 1, -- 〔 LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET [0x3016] = 1, -- 〖 LEFT WHITE LENTICULAR BRACKET [0x3018] = 1, -- 〘 LEFT WHITE TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET [0x301A] = 1, -- 〚 LEFT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET [0x301D] = 1, -- 〝 REVERSED DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK [0xFE17] = 1, -- ︗ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT WHITE LENTICULAR BRACKET [0xFE35] = 1, -- ︵ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT PARENTHESIS [0xFE37] = 1, -- ︷ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT CURLY BRACKET [0xFE39] = 1, -- ︹ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET [0xFE3B] = 1, -- ︻ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET [0xFE3D] = 1, -- ︽ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET [0xFE3F] = 1, -- ︿ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT ANGLE BRACKET [0xFE41] = 1, -- ﹁ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT CORNER BRACKET [0xFE43] = 1, -- ﹃ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET [0xFE47] = 1, -- ﹇ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT SQUARE BRACKET [0xFE59] = 1, -- ﹙ SMALL LEFT PARENTHESIS [0xFE5B] = 1, -- ﹛ SMALL LEFT CURLY BRACKET [0xFE5D] = 1, -- ﹝ SMALL LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET [0xFF08] = 1, -- ( FULLWIDTH LEFT PARENTHESIS [0xFF3B] = 1, -- [ FULLWIDTH LEFT SQUARE BRACKET [0xFF5B] = 1, -- { FULLWIDTH LEFT CURLY BRACKET [0xFF5F] = 1, -- ⦅ FULLWIDTH LEFT WHITE PARENTHESIS [0xFF62] = 1, -- 「 HALFWIDTH LEFT CORNER BRACKET } -- -- characters before which linebreak is not allowed -- (currently, not much differences among the followings) -- 1: normal chars -- 2: hangul jamo vowels and trailing consonants plus combinings -- 3: kana small letters -- 0: dashes (suppress visible spacing after this char) -- local nobr_before = setmetatable({ [0x21] = 1, -- ! EXCLAMATION MARK [0x22] = 1, -- " QUOTATION MARK [0x27] = 1, -- ' APOSTROPHE [0x29] = 1, -- ) RIGHT PARENTHESIS [0x2C] = 1, -- , COMMA [0x2D] = 0, -- - HYPHEN-MINUS [0x2E] = 1, -- . FULL STOP [0x2F] = 0, -- / SOLIDUS [0x3A] = 1, -- : COLON [0x3B] = 1, -- ; SEMICOLON [0x3E] = 1, -- > GREATER-THAN SIGN [0x3F] = 1, -- ? QUESTION MARK [0x5C] = 0, -- \ REVERSE SOLIDUS [0x5D] = 1, -- ] RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET [0x7D] = 1, -- } RIGHT CURLY BRACKET [0x7E] = 0, -- ~ TILDE [0xB7] = 1, -- · MIDDLE DOT [0xBB] = 1, -- » RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK [0x2013] = 0, -- – EN DASH [0x2014] = 0, -- — EM DASH [0x2015] = 0, -- ― HORIZONTAL BAR [0x2019] = 1, -- ’ RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK [0x201D] = 1, -- ” RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK [0x2025] = 0, -- ‥ TWO DOT LEADER [0x2026] = 0, -- … HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS [0x232A] = 1, -- 〉 RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET [0x3001] = 1, -- 、 IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA [0x3002] = 1, -- 。 IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP [0x3005] = 1, -- 々 IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK [0x3009] = 1, -- 〉 RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET [0x300B] = 1, -- 》 RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET [0x300D] = 1, -- 」 RIGHT CORNER BRACKET [0x300F] = 1, -- 』 RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET [0x3011] = 1, -- 】 RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET [0x3015] = 1, -- 〕 RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET [0x3017] = 1, -- 〗 RIGHT WHITE LENTICULAR BRACKET [0x3019] = 1, -- 〙 RIGHT WHITE TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET [0x301B] = 1, -- 〛 RIGHT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET [0x301C] = 1, -- 〜 WAVE DASH [0x301E] = 1, -- 〞 DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK [0x301F] = 1, -- 〟 LOW DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK [0x3035] = 1, -- 〵 VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK LOWER HALF [0x303B] = 1, -- 〻 VERTICAL IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK [0x303C] = 1, -- 〼 MASU MARK [0x3041] = 3, -- ぁ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL A [0x3043] = 3, -- ぃ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL I [0x3045] = 3, -- ぅ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL U [0x3047] = 3, -- ぇ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL E [0x3049] = 3, -- ぉ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL O [0x3063] = 3, -- っ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL TU [0x3083] = 3, -- ゃ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YA [0x3085] = 3, -- ゅ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YU [0x3087] = 3, -- ょ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YO [0x308E] = 3, -- ゎ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL WA [0x3095] = 3, -- ゕ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL KA [0x3096] = 3, -- ゖ HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL KE [0x3099] = 2, -- COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND MARK [0x309A] = 2, -- COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK [0x309B] = 2, -- ゛ KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND MARK [0x309C] = 2, -- ゜ KATAKANA-HIRAGANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK [0x309D] = 1, -- ゝ HIRAGANA ITERATION MARK [0x309E] = 1, -- ゞ HIRAGANA VOICED ITERATION MARK [0x30A0] = 1, -- ゠ KATAKANA-HIRAGANA DOUBLE HYPHEN [0x30A1] = 3, -- ァ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL A [0x30A3] = 3, -- ィ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL I [0x30A5] = 3, -- ゥ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL U [0x30A7] = 3, -- ェ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL E [0x30A9] = 3, -- ォ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL O [0x30C3] = 3, -- ッ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL TU [0x30E3] = 3, -- ャ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YA [0x30E5] = 3, -- ュ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YU [0x30E7] = 3, -- ョ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YO [0x30EE] = 3, -- ヮ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL WA [0x30F5] = 3, -- ヵ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL KA [0x30F6] = 3, -- ヶ KATAKANA LETTER SMALL KE [0x30FB] = 1, -- ・ KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT [0x30FC] = 1, -- ー KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK [0x30FD] = 1, -- ヽ KATAKANA ITERATION MARK [0x30FE] = 1, -- ヾ KATAKANA VOICED ITERATION MARK [0xFE30] = 0, -- ︰ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL TWO DOT LEADER [0xFE31] = 0, -- ︱ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL EM DASH [0xFE32] = 0, -- ︲ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL EN DASH [0xFE36] = 1, -- ︶ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT PARENTHESIS [0xFE38] = 1, -- ︸ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT CURLY BRACKET [0xFE3A] = 1, -- ︺ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET [0xFE3C] = 1, -- ︼ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET [0xFE3E] = 1, -- ︾ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET [0xFE40] = 1, -- ﹀ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET [0xFE42] = 1, -- ﹂ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT CORNER BRACKET [0xFE44] = 1, -- ﹄ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET [0xFE48] = 1, -- ﹈ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET [0xFE5A] = 1, -- ﹚ SMALL RIGHT PARENTHESIS [0xFE5C] = 1, -- ﹜ SMALL RIGHT CURLY BRACKET [0xFE5E] = 1, -- ﹞ SMALL RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET [0xFF01] = 1, -- ! FULLWIDTH EXCLAMATION MARK [0xFF09] = 1, -- ) FULLWIDTH RIGHT PARENTHESIS [0xFF0C] = 1, -- , FULLWIDTH COMMA [0xFF0E] = 1, -- . FULLWIDTH FULL STOP [0xFF1A] = 1, -- : FULLWIDTH COLON [0xFF1B] = 1, -- ; FULLWIDTH SEMICOLON [0xFF1F] = 1, -- ? FULLWIDTH QUESTION MARK [0xFF3D] = 1, -- ] FULLWIDTH RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET [0xFF5D] = 1, -- } FULLWIDTH RIGHT CURLY BRACKET [0xFF60] = 1, -- ⦆ FULLWIDTH RIGHT WHITE PARENTHESIS [0xFF61] = 1, -- 。 HALFWIDTH IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP [0xFF63] = 1, -- 」 HALFWIDTH RIGHT CORNER BRACKET [0xFF64] = 1, -- 、 HALFWIDTH IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA [0xFF65] = 1, -- ・ HALFWIDTH KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT [0xFF9E] = 2, -- ゙ HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK [0xFF9F] = 2, -- ゚ HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK }, { __index = function(_,c) if c >= 0x1160 and c <= 0x11FF then return 2 end if c >= 0xD7B0 and c <= 0xD7FF then return 2 end if c >= 0x302A and c <= 0x302F then return 2 end -- tone marks if c >= 0x31F0 and c <= 0x31FF then return 3 end if c >= 0xFF67 and c <= 0xFF70 then return 3 end if c >= 0xFE00 and c <= 0xFE0F then return 2 end -- variation selectors if c >= 0xFE10 and c <= 0xFE19 and not (c == 0xFE17) then return 1 end if c >= 0xFE50 and c <= 0xFE58 then return 1 end if c >= 0xE0100 and c <= 0xE01EF then return 2 end -- variation selecters end }) -- -- whether 'c' is a cjk character -- local function is_cjk (c) return c >= 0xAC00 and c <= 0xD7FF or c >= 0x1100 and c <= 0x11FF or c >= 0xA960 and c <= 0xA97F or c >= 0x2E80 and c <= 0x9FFF or c >= 0xF900 and c <= 0xFAFF or c >= 0xFE10 and c <= 0xFE1F or c >= 0xFE30 and c <= 0xFE6F or c >= 0xFF00 and c <= 0xFFEF or c >= 0x1F100 and c <= 0x1F2FF or c >= 0x20000 and c <= 0x2FA1F or c >= 0x30000 and c <= 0x323AF or nobr_after[c] and c > 0x2014 or nobr_before[c] and c > 0x2014 end -- -- classify cjk characters -- 1: openings -- 2: closings -- 3: centered chars -- 4: full stops -- 5: ellipses -- 6: exclamation and question marks -- 0: all others -- local charclass = setmetatable({ [0x2018] = 1, [0x201C] = 1, [0x2329] = 1, [0x3008] = 1, [0x300A] = 1, [0x300C] = 1, [0x300E] = 1, [0x3010] = 1, [0x3014] = 1, [0x3016] = 1, [0x3018] = 1, [0x301A] = 1, [0x301D] = 1, [0xFE17] = 1, [0xFE35] = 1, [0xFE37] = 1, [0xFE39] = 1, [0xFE3B] = 1, [0xFE3D] = 1, [0xFE3F] = 1, [0xFE41] = 1, [0xFE43] = 1, [0xFE47] = 1, [0xFF08] = 1, [0xFF3B] = 1, [0xFF5B] = 1, [0xFF5F] = 1, [0xFF62] = 1, [0x2019] = 2, [0x201D] = 2, [0x232A] = 2, [0x3001] = 2, [0x3009] = 2, [0x300B] = 2, [0x300D] = 2, [0x300F] = 2, [0x3011] = 2, [0x3015] = 2, [0x3017] = 2, [0x3019] = 2, [0x301B] = 2, [0x301E] = 2, [0x301F] = 2, [0xFE10] = 2, [0xFE11] = 2, [0xFE18] = 2, [0xFE36] = 2, [0xFE38] = 2, [0xFE3A] = 2, [0xFE3C] = 2, [0xFE3E] = 2, [0xFE40] = 2, [0xFE42] = 2, [0xFE44] = 2, [0xFE48] = 2, [0xFF09] = 2, [0xFF0C] = 2, [0xFF3D] = 2, [0xFF5D] = 2, [0xFF60] = 2, [0xFF63] = 2, [0xFF64] = 2, [0x00B7] = 3, [0x30FB] = 3, [0xFF1A] = 3, [0xFF1B] = 3, [0xFF65] = 3, [0x3002] = 4, [0xFE12] = 4, [0xFF0E] = 4, [0xFF61] = 4, [0x2015] = 5, [0x2025] = 5, [0x2026] = 5, [0xFE19] = 5, [0xFE30] = 5, [0xFE31] = 5, [0xFE15] = 6, [0xFE16] = 6, [0xFF01] = 6, [0xFF1F] = 6, }, { __index = function() return 0 end }) -- -- get character class -- var : variant = plain, JP/classic, KR/modern, SC, TC -- c : codepoint -- local function get_charclass (var, c) if var < 3 then return charclass[c] elseif var == 3 then -- SC : these are left aligned return (c == 0xFF01 or c == 0xFF1F) and 4 -- FULLWIDTH EXCLAMATION/QUESTION MARK or (c == 0xFF1A or c == 0xFF1B) and 2 -- FULLWIDTH COLON/SEMICOLON or charclass[c] end -- TC : these are center aligned return (c == 0x3001 or c == 0xFF0C) and 3 -- IDEOGRAPHIC/FULLWIDTH COMMA or (c == 0x3002 or c == 0xFF0E) and 3 -- IDEOGRAPHIC/FULLWIDTH FULL STOP -- 5 ? or charclass[c] end -- -- table for spacing between char classes -- 1 stands for 0.5*fontsize when variant = JP/classic or SC or TC -- local intercharclass = { [0] = { [0] = nil, {1,1}, nil, {.5,.5} }, { [0] = nil, nil, nil, {.5,.5} }, { [0] = {1,1}, {1,1}, nil, {.5,.5}, nil, {1,1}, {1,1} }, { [0] = {.5,.5},{.5,.5},{.5,.5},{1,.5}, {.5,.5},{.5,.5},{.5,.5} }, { [0] = {1,0}, {1,0}, nil, {1.5,.5},nil, {1,0}, {1,0} }, { [0] = nil, {1,1}, nil, {.5,.5} }, { [0] = {1,1}, {1,1}, nil, {.5,.5} }, } -- -- get a new penalty node -- local function get_new_penalty (p) local penalty = node.new("penalty") penalty.penalty = p return penalty end -- -- get a new glue node -- local function get_new_glue (...) local glue = node.new("glue") node.setglue(glue, ...) return glue end -- -- return 0.5*fontsize of given fontid -- space: true if variant=KR/modern; then 0.5*interword_space -- local function get_font_size (fid, space) local size = font.getparameters(fid) if space then size = size and size.space or 196608 else size = size and size.quad or 655360 end return size/2 end -- -- charclass 1 thru 4 will be packed in \hbox to 0.5em{\hss? curr \hss?} -- when variant ~= plain -- local function glyph_to_box (head, curr, class) local g, h = curr local size = get_font_size(g.font) head, curr = node.remove(head, curr) g.next, g.prev = nil, nil local hss = get_new_glue(0, 65536, 65536, 2, 2) if class == 1 then h, hss.next, g.prev = hss, g, hss elseif class == 2 or class == 4 then h, g.next, hss.prev = g, hss, g else local hss2 = node.copy(hss) h, hss.next, g.prev, g.next, hss2.prev = hss, g, hss, hss2, g end h = nodes.simple_font_handler(h) local box = node.hpack(h, size, "exactly") if curr then head, curr = node.insert_before(head, curr, box) else head, curr = node.insert_after(head, node.tail(head), box) end return head, curr end -- -- insert spacing defined as charclass[a][b] between a and b -- f: fontid -- var: variant = plain, JP/classic, KR/modern, SC, TC -- cc: charclass of current char -- nc: charclass of next char -- nobr: linebreak is not allowed -- local function insert_cjk_penalty_glue (head, curr, f, var, cc, nc, nobr) if nobr or cc == 1 or nc > 1 then local penalty = get_new_penalty(10000) head, curr = node.insert_after(head, curr, penalty) end local factor = get_font_size(f, var == 2) local t = intercharclass[cc][nc] local glue = get_new_glue(t[1]*factor, nil, t[2]*factor) head, curr = node.insert_after(head, curr, glue) return head, curr end -- -- insert inter-character spacing in other normal cases -- f: fontid -- var: variant = plain, JP/classic, KR/modern, SC, TC -- nobr: no linebreak -- x: true between cjk and non-cjk (a little more spacing) -- local function insert_penalty_glue (head, curr, f, var, nobr, x) if nobr then local penalty = get_new_penalty(10000) head, curr = node.insert_after(head, curr, penalty) elseif var == 0 or var == 2 then local penalty = get_new_penalty(50) head, curr = node.insert_after(head, curr, penalty) end local size, glue = get_font_size(f, x and var == 2) if x then glue = get_new_glue(size/2, size/4, size/8) else glue = get_new_glue(0, size/10, size/50) end head, curr = node.insert_after(head, curr, glue) return head, curr end -- -- main process for linebreak and inter-character spacing -- local function cjk_break (head) local curr = head while curr do if attr_cjk and (curr.id == glyph_id or curr.id == math_id and curr.subtype == 1) then local var = node.has_attribute(curr, attr_cjk) if var then local c, f = curr.char or 0, curr.font local cc, cjkc = get_charclass(var, c), is_cjk(c) -- compress cjk punctuations when charclass is 1 thru 4 if var > 0 and cc > 0 and cc < 5 then head, curr = glyph_to_box(head, curr, cc) end local next = node.getnext(curr) while next and next.id == whatsit_id do -- skip whatsit nodes curr, next = next, node.getnext(next) end if next and node.has_attribute(next, attr_cjk) and (next.id == glyph_id or next.id == math_id and next.subtype == 0) then local n = next.char or 0 f = f or next.font or 0 -- in case of curr == math_off -- skip combining. or dash+dash case to suppress stretching if nobr_before[n] == 2 or (nobr_before[c] == 0 and nobr_before[n] == 0) then goto skip_combining end local nc = get_charclass(var, n) local nobr = nobr_before[n] or nobr_after[c] -- insert spacing as of intercharclass if var > 0 and intercharclass[cc][nc] then head, curr = insert_cjk_penalty_glue(head, curr, f, var, cc, nc, nobr) else local cjkn = is_cjk(n) -- if curr or next is cjk char if cjkc or cjkn then -- plain variant / cjk+cjk / nobr cjk+noncjk / after dash -- : insert a 0pt glue if var == 0 or (cjkc and cjkn) or nobr or nobr_before[c] == 0 then head, curr = insert_penalty_glue(head, curr, f, var, nobr) -- other cases: insert a small glue else head, curr = insert_penalty_glue(head, curr, f, var, nobr, true) end end end end end end ::skip_combining:: curr = node.getnext(curr) end return head end -- -- process for reordering hangul tone marks (U+302E, U+302F) -- some hangul fonts (eg. Noto CJK) are so designed that hangul tone marks -- should be moved to the first position of a syllable. -- Currently, this functionality is not provided by luaotfload. -- local function reorder_tm (head) local curr, tone = node.slide(head) while curr do if curr.id == glyph_id and node.has_attribute(curr, attr_cjk) then local f = font.getfont(curr.font) or font.fonts[curr.font] if f and f.hb then -- harfbuzz do the right thing tone = nil else local c, wd = curr.char or 0, curr.width or 0 if (c == 0x302E or c == 0x302F) and wd > 0 then tone = curr elseif tone and not nobr_before[c] then head = node.remove(head, tone) tone.next, tone.prev = nil, nil head, curr = node.insert_before(head, curr, tone) tone = nil end end end curr = node.getprev(curr) end return head end -- -- automatic josa selection -- local josa_table = { -- consonant ㄹ, vowel, other consonants [0xAC00] = {0xC774, 0xAC00, 0xC774}, -- 가 => 이, 가, 이 [0xC740] = {0xC740, 0xB294, 0xC740}, -- 은 => 은, 는, 은 [0xC744] = {0xC744, 0xB97C, 0xC744}, -- 을 => 을, 를, 을 [0xC640] = {0xACFC, 0xC640, 0xACFC}, -- 와 => 과, 와, 과 [0xC73C] = {nil, nil, 0xC73C}, -- 으(로) => , , 으 [0xC774] = {0xC774, nil, 0xC774}, -- 이(라) => 이, , 이 } -- -- helper function for number-like characters -- local function josa_char_num (t, c) c = c % 10 + 0x30 return t[c] or 2 end -- -- decide josa selection -- local josa_code = setmetatable({ [0x30] = 3, [0x31] = 1, [0x33] = 3, [0x36] = 3, [0x37] = 1, [0x38] = 1, [0x4C] = 1, [0x4D] = 3, [0x4E] = 3, [0x6C] = 1, [0x6D] = 3, [0x6E] = 3, [0xFB02] = 1, [0xFB04] = 1, },{ __index = function(t,c) if c >= 0xAC00 and c <= 0xD7A3 then c = (c - 0xAC00) % 28 + 0x11A7 end if c >= 0x11A8 and c <= 0x11FF then if c == 0x11AF then return 1 end return 3 end if c >= 0xD7CB and c <= 0xD7FB then return 3 end if c >= 0x2170 and c <= 0x217F then c = c - 0x10 end if c >= 0x2160 and c <= 0x216F then if c >= 0x216C then return 3 end return josa_char_num(t, c - 0x215F) end if c >= 0x2460 and c <= 0x2473 then return josa_char_num(t, c - 0x245F) end if c >= 0x2474 and c <= 0x2487 then return josa_char_num(t, c - 0x2473) end if c >= 0x2488 and c <= 0x249B then return josa_char_num(t, c - 0x2487) end if c >= 0x249C and c <= 0x24B5 then return t[c - 0x249C + 0x61] or 2 end if c >= 0x24B6 and c <= 0x24CF then return t[c - 0x24B6 + 0x61] or 2 end if c >= 0x24D0 and c <= 0x24E9 then return t[c - 0x24D0 + 0x61] or 2 end if c >= 0x3131 and c <= 0x318E then if c == 0x3139 then return 1 end if c >= 0x314F and c <= 0x3163 or c >= 0x3187 then return 2 end return 3 end if c >= 0x3260 and c <= 0x327E then c = c - 0x60 end if c >= 0x3200 and c <= 0x321E then if c == 0x3203 then return 1 end if c >= 0x320E then return 2 end return 3 end if c >= 0xFF10 and c <= 0xFF19 then return josa_char_num(t, c - 0xFF10) end if c >= 0xFF21 and c <= 0xFF3A then return t[c - 0xFF21 + 0x61] or 2 end if c >= 0xFF41 and c <= 0xFF5A then return t[c - 0xFF41 + 0x61] or 2 end return 2 end }) -- -- obtain char that comes just before the josa -- local function get_prev_char (p) while p do if p.id == glyph_id then local pc = p.char or 0 if not nobr_after[pc] then if not nobr_before[pc] or nobr_before[pc] >= 2 then return pc end end elseif p.id == hbox_id or p.id == vbox_id then local pc = get_prev_char(node.slide(p.head)) if pc then return pc end end p = node.getprev(p) end end -- -- main process of josa selection -- local function auto_josa (head) local curr, tofree = head, {} while curr do if curr.id == glyph_id then local josa = node.has_attribute(curr, attr_josa) if josa then local cc = curr.char or 0 if josa == 0 then josa = josa_code[get_prev_char(node.getprev(curr)) or 0x30] end if cc == 0xC774 then local n = node.getnext(curr) if n and n.char and n.char >= 0xAC00 and n.char <= 0xD7A3 then else cc = 0xAC00 end end local new = josa_table[cc] if new then cc = new[josa] if cc then curr.char = cc else head = node.remove(head, curr) table.insert(tofree, curr) end end node.unset_attribute(curr, attr_josa) end end curr = node.getnext(curr) end for _,v in ipairs(tofree) do node.free(v) end return head end -- -- now register to luatex callbacks -- As char value of glyphs can be changed by opentype GSUB process, -- we have to occupy the first position among callback functions. -- luatexbase.add_to_callback( "pre_shaping_filter", function(head) if attr_josa then head = auto_josa(head) end head = cjk_break(head) if attr_josa then head = reorder_tm(head) end return head end, "polyglossia.lang_cjk_spacing") -- vim:ft=lua:tw=0:sw=4:ts=4:expandtab