% \iffalse
% ====================================================================
% \fi
% \subsection{The \texttt{wgexport} class}
% \label{sec:impl:util}
% This document class is used for exporting game component to be used
% in a VASSAL module
% libraries.
% \iffalse
% Class identification and load \texttt{wargame} package
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% We need a few utilities before we get to the actual environment.
% First, we need a tools to write out literal left and right curly
% braces.  We do a bit of catcode hackery to accomplish that. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\catcode`<=1 \catcode`>=2
\catcode`{=12 \catcode`}=12
%    \end{macrocode}
% Above, we temporarily set the tab, and left and right curly brace
% characters to be regular letters (12), and the catcodes of less than
% and greater than to be those of left and right curly braces
% respectively.  We then define the macros \cs{@tabchar},
% \cs{@lbchar}, and \cs{@rbchar} to produce literal characters.
% \LaTeX already has \cs{@percentchar}. 
% Everything we do should go inside this environment.  The single
% optional argument is the file name stem of the output JSON file.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \mk@w{\mk@i \@lbchar "name":"End of list", "category": "<<eol>>",
      "subcategory": "" \@rbchar }
%    \end{macrocode}
% Preceed all images (\textsf{tikzpicture}) with this command
% First argument is the name of the image.  This can be anything.
% Note that for counters, if the name ends in \texttt{flipped} then it
% is considered the backside of a counter.
% Second argument is the type of image. Recognised types are
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \texttt{board}   for boards
% \item \texttt{oob}     for OOBs
% \item \texttt{chart}   for charts
% \item \texttt{counter} for counters
% \item \texttt{front}   for front page
% \end{itemize}
% Other types can be used, and the images will be exported, but the
% Python script pays no particular attention to those then.  Use for
% example to prepare images for help or the like.
% The third argument is the sub type.  This is most relevant for the
% counters.  Sub types can be anything, but since the counters will
% receive different prototypes based on the sub type, it makes sense
% to divide into sub types a la
% \begin{itemize}
% \item factions
% \item common markers
% \end{itemize}
% The faction sub types should just be the name of the faction.
% E.g., Allies, Axis, Soviet, NATO, Warsaw Pact.  Spaces should not
% matter.
% For common markers, there are a few names that are recognised
% specifically by the Python script.  These are
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \texttt{common}
% \item \texttt{all}
% \item \texttt{marker}
% \item \texttt{markers}
% \end{itemize}
% Counters that has these sub-types will no be considered to belong
% to any faction.
% Note that the Python script uses the faction names to guess the
% players of the game, and uses them in several places.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \chit@dbg{2}{Making image `#2' of type `#3'/`#4' on page \thepage}%
  \mk@w{ \@lbchar}%
  \mk@w{ \space "name": "#2",}%
  \mk@w{ \space "category": "#3",}%
  \mk@w{ \space "subcategory": "#4", }%
  \mk@w{ \space "number": \thepage #1}%
  \mk@w{ \space \@rbchar,}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Make separate images for each counter (single sided).
% First optional argument is the group to put the chits into.
% Second optional argument is options to give to each Tikz picture
% environment.  Third, mandatory, argument is the list of chit
% identifiers to render. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    % \ifwg@chit@drop
      \path ($(current bounding box.north east)+(45:\wg@drop@margin)$)
      -- ($(current bounding box.south west)+(225:\wg@drop@margin)$);
  \chit@dbg{2}{chits to make images of `#3'}%
  \foreach[count=\ti from 0] \t/\x in #3{%
    \chit@dbg{2}{^^JRow: `\t' (`\x')}
    \ifx\t\empty\else% Ignore empty rows
      \chit@dbg{5}{^^JSubcategory: `\x' (default `#1')}
      % Take sub-category or default
      \foreach \u/\m in \t{% 
        \ifx\u\empty\else% Ignore empty cells 
                \chit@dbg{2}{Next chit `\u' with possible multiplicity
                \chit@dbg{1}{Next chit `\u' not `\chit@blank',
                  `\chit@oob@vspacer', `\chit@oob@spacer'}
                \ifx\m\@empty\def\m{1}\fi% If no multiplicity defined 
                \ifx\u\m\def\m{1}\fi% If the same as unit
                \chit@dbg{2}{Next chit `\u' multiplicity `\m'}%
                %% We only make one copy of the chit, since we can duplicate
                %% it in VASSAL
                  \begin{tikzpicture}[chit has drop=false,#2]
                %% \foreach \n in {1,...,\m}{% Make a number of copies 
                %% \ifx\u\chit@blank%
                %%   \chit@dbg{3}{Ignoring blank chit:\u}%
                %% \else%
                %%   \info{\u}{counter}{#2}
                %%   \begin{tikzpicture}
                %%     \chit[\u=\ti](\c,\r)%
                %%   \end{tikzpicture}
                %% \fi%
                %% }%
      \chit@dbg{2}{End of inner loop}%  
  \chit@dbg{2}{End of outer loop}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Make separate images for each counter (double sided).  The back-side
% counters must be defined by append `\texttt{ flipped}' the front
% face name.
% First optional argument is the group to put the chits into.
% Second optional argument is options to give to each Tikz picture
% environment.  Third, mandatory, argument is the list of chit
% identifiers to render. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \foreach[count=\ti from 0] \t/\x in #3{%
    \ifx\t\empty\else% Ignore empty rows
      \chit@dbg{5}{^^JSubcategory: `\x' (default `#1')}
      % Take sub-category or default
      \foreach \u/\m in \t{% 
        \ifx\u\empty\else% Ignore empty cells 
                \chit@dbg{2}{Next chit `\u' with possible multiplicity `\m'}%
                \ifx\m\@empty\def\m{1}\fi% If not multiplicity defined 
                \ifx\u\m\def\m{1}\fi% If the same as unit
                \chit@dbg{2}{Next chit `\u' multiplicity `\m'}%
                %% Flipped chit
                \edef\s{\u\space flipped}%
                %% We only make one copy of the chit, since we can duplicate
                %% it in VASSAL
                  \begin{tikzpicture}[chit has drop=false,#2]%
                  \begin{tikzpicture}[chit has drop=false,#2]%
                %% \foreach \n in {1,...,\m}{% Make a number of copies 
                %% \ifx\u\chit@blank%
                %%   \chit@dbg{3}{Ignoring blank chit:\u}%
                %% \else%
                %%   \info{\u}{counter}{#2}
                %%   \begin{tikzpicture}
                %%     \chit[\u=\ti](\c,\r)%
                %%   \end{tikzpicture}
                %% \fi%
                %% }%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Special for boards, we have the environment \textsf{boardimage}.
% Like \cs{info} we must specify the name and sub-category of the
% board, but the category is assumed to be \texttt{board} (though the
% optional argument can specify a different category).
% Within this environment some specific styles are defined that allows
% the user to specify VASSAL zones on the board.  For this to work
% properly, the parent \textsf{tikzpicture} \emph{must} have the style
% \texttt{zoned}.  This style will record the bounding box of the
% picture which we will need to calculate VASSAL coordinates later
% on.
% Other styles are \texttt{zone scope}, to be applied to
% \texttt{scope}s in the picture, and \texttt{zone path} to be applied
% to \texttt{path}s (or \cs{draw}, \cs{fill}, or the like) in the
% picture.  These will record coordinates of these elements in side
% the picture.  The Python script will then define VASSAL zones based
% on these coordinates.
% For \texttt{zone scope} applied to a \texttt{scope}, what is
% recorded are
% \begin{itemize}
% \item The current coordinate transformation matrix
% \item The current translation
% \item The bounding box, within the current transformation and
%   translation. 
% \end{itemize}
% To define a zone in the board, simply enclose it in a
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{scope}[zone scope=name]
%   ...
% \end{scope}
% \end{verbatim}
% The \meta{name} will be the name of the scope.  If this contains the
% sub-string \texttt{hex} (upper, lower, or mixed case), then the zone
% will get a hex grid with numbering attached to it.
% If the \meta{name} contains the sub-string \texttt{turn} (any case),
% then it is assumed to be a turn track and a rectangular grid will be
% attached.  The column and row separator will be set to \texttt{T},
% so that it won't collide with the main zone.  Similar if \meta{name}
% contains \texttt{oob}, except the separator is set to \texttt{O}. 
% If \meta{name} contains the sub-string \texttt{pool}, then it is
% assumed to be a pool of counters, and \emph{no} grid is attached. 
% For \texttt{zone path} applied to a \texttt{path}, what is recorded
% is the path coordinates (as straight line segments) in the global
% coordinate system.
% Both styles take one argument --- the name of the zone.  If that
% name contains the sub-string \texttt{hex} anywhere in the name, then
% the zone is assumed to contain a hex grid.  Otherwise, a rectangular
% grid (of fixed size) will be applied to it.
% The environment \texttt{boardimage} also records the coordinate
% options currently in use (keys \texttt{hex/first row is},
% \texttt{hex/row direction is}, and so on), as well as the current
% label option (as defined by \texttt{every hex} or \texttt{every hex
% node}).
% The information extracted is written to the
% \cs{jobname}\texttt{.json} file as a sub-object (with name given by
% the first optional argument) of the image object.  In that way, we
% can later on easily get the information from our catalogue of
% images. 
% Note, the styles \texttt{zoned}, \texttt{zone scope}, and
% \texttt{zone path} are defined in \texttt{wargame} to be dummies so
% that one can have them in the definition of the board without
% impact. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "xx": \mxx,}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "xy": \mxy,}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "yx": \myx,}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "yy": \myy,}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "dx": \dx,}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "dy": \dy,}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "lower left":  [\llx,\lly],}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "upper right": [\urx,\ury],}
   \wg@get@global@nchor{#1}{south west}
   \mk@w{ \mk@i "global lower left":  [\tmp@x,\tmp@y],}
   \wg@get@global@nchor{#1}{north east}
   \mk@w{ \mk@i "global upper right": [\tmp@x,\tmp@y]}
  \wg@dbg{10}{^^JMarking `#2' with `#1' - start}
  \coordinate[transform shape] (tmp) at (#2) {};
  \wg@dbg{3}{^^JMarking `#2' with `#1' - `\tmp@x',\tmp@y'}
  \tikzset{zone point={#1}{\tmp@x}{\tmp@y}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% For the key \texttt{zone path} to work, we need to be able to record
% the path as it moves along.  To that end, we make a custom
% decoration that will do that for us, and, once the path is finished,
% write the path to our JSON file. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\pgfdeclaredecoration{record path construction}{initial}{%
  \state{initial}[width=0pt,next state=more]{
    \mk@w{ \mk@i "zone path \wg@record@path@name": \@lbchar}
    \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "path": [\wg@path] \@rbchar,}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now we can make our environment
% The first thing we do is to use the \cs{info} macro to mark the
% image. Then we open our JSON file. We make a short-hand macro for
% writing to that file.  The macro \cs{bd@i} records the current
% indention (which is important in JSON)
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Then, to extract the label option, we make a dummy \texttt{node}
% with the styles \texttt{every hex} and \texttt{every hex node}, so
% we can extract that option. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    every hex/.try,every hex node/.try,
      \node[hex,inner sep=0,outer sep=0]{%
        %\message{^^JHex label: `\meaning\hex@label'}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% The next thing we do is to make an object.  The first things we put
% in are the units used (``cm''), and the grid options.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "zones": \@lbchar}%
  %% Everything is made into centimeters
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "units": "cm",}
  \hex@dbg{3}{Label: `\meaning\mk@label'}
  \@ifundefined{mk@label}{}{\mk@w{ \mk@i "labels": "\mk@label",}}
  %% Write out coordinate options as "coords" object
  \mk@w{ \mk@i"coords": \@lbchar}%
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "row": \@lbchar}%
  \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "offset": \hex@coords@row@off,}%
  \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "factor": \hex@coords@row@fac \@rbchar,}%
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "column": \@lbchar}%
  \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "offset": \hex@coords@col@off,}%
  \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "factor": \hex@coords@col@fac,}%
  \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "top short": "\hex@top@short@col",}%
  \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "bottom short": "\hex@bot@short@col" \@rbchar}%
  \mk@w{ \mk@i\@rbchar,}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% We then monkey-patch \cs{boardframe} to also output coordinates to
% our JSON file.  Note that this will probably be embedded in a
% different object. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \mk@w{ \mk@i"board frame": \@lbchar}
    \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "lower left": [\llx,\lly],}
    \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "upper right": [\urx,\ury],}
    \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "margin": \margin,}
    \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "width": \w,}
    \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "height": \h \@rbchar,}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Next, we make the style \texttt{zoned} to be applied to the
% \texttt{tikzpicture} environment.  This records the bounding box of
% the full picture. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    zoned/.code={% Apply to whole picture
        % This needs to be done in the picture!
        /tikz/execute at end picture={%
          \mk@w{ \mk@i "zoned": \@lbchar}
          \mk@bb{current bounding box}
          \mk@w{ \mk@i \@rbchar,}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The next style is the \texttt{zone scope}.  At the start of the
% scope we record the current transformation matrix.  Then we install
% a handler to extract the bounding box at the end of the scope.  Note
% that we increase indention here. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    zone scope/.code={%
      \mk@w{ \mk@i"zone scope ##1": \@lbchar}
      %\bd@w{ \@rbchar,}
        /tikz/local bounding box=wg export box,
        /tikz/execute at end scope={
          \mk@bb{wg export box}
          \mk@w{ \mk@i\@rbchar,}},
      } % pgfkeys
    }, % zone scope
%    \end{macrocode}
% The next style gets the global coordinates of the current (0,0)
% point - f.ex. in a node - and outputs that 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    zone point/.code n args={3}{
      \pgf@xa=##2 cm
      \pgf@ya=##3 cm
      % \pgfpointtransformed{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
      \mk@w{ \mk@i "point\the\mk@point": \@lbchar "name": "##1", "type": "point", "coords":  [\px,\py]
        \@rbchar, }
      %\message{^^JZone point \the\mk@point\space ##1: ##2,##3 -> \px,\py}
    zone oob point/.code n args={3}{
      \pgf@xa=##2 cm
      \pgf@ya=##3 cm
      % \pgfpointtransformed{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
      \mk@w{ \mk@i "point\the\mk@point": \@lbchar "name": "##1",
        "parent": "\wg@export@box", "type": "point", "coords":  [\px,\py]
        \@rbchar, }
      %\message{^^JZone point \the\mk@point\space ##1: ##2,##3 -> \px,\py}
    zone global point/.code n args={3}{
      \mk@w{ \mk@i "point\the\mk@point": \@lbchar "name": "##1", "type": "point", "coords":  [\px,\py]
        \@rbchar, }
%    \end{macrocode}
% The \texttt{zone path} style is a bit more simple, but only because
% the bulk of the work is done in a decoration.  We need to be able to
% pass a name to that decoration, s we make a key for that.  The user
% need not think about that though. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    /pgf/decoration/record path name/.store in=\wg@record@path@name,
    zone path/.style={%
          record path construction,
          record path name=##1}}
    } % zone path
  }% tikzset
%    \end{macrocode}
% That finishes the first part of the environment.  At the end of the
% environment, we simple write the name of the picture, and close our
% JSON output. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "name": "\bd@n" }%
  \mk@w{ \mk@i\@rbchar}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Make battle markers.  Mandatory argument is how many markers,
% optional is the group to add the markers to.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \chit@dbg{2}{Numbered markers: Type=`#1' Max=`#2' Category=`#3'}
  \foreach \i in {1,...,#2}{%
    \xdef\keys{/tikz/#1 \i/.style={/tikz/#1=\i},\keys}
    \xdef\markers{\markers,#1 \i}}
  wg hidden unit/.pic={},
  wg hidden unit/.style={
      no chit drop,
      full=wg hidden unit}}}
% First optional argument are extra styles
% Second is category
% Third is number of markers
  \wg@gennumberm@rkers{battle marker}{#3}{#2}{#1}%
  \chit@dbg{1}{Make a hidden unit and add to Markers category}
    \chitimages[Markers]{{wg hidden unit}}%
    \tikz[scale=.7,transform shape,auto icon more/.try]{%
      \pic{battle marker=0};}%
    \tikz[scale=.4,transform shape,auto icon more/.try]{%
      \pic{eliminate icon};
      \pic[scale=.7,transform shape] at (-.3,0) {battle marker=0};}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Make odds markers.  Mandatory argument is a list of odds and fill colours.
% Optional is the group to add the markers to.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \foreach \o/\f/\n [count=\i] in {#2}{%
    \chit@dbg{3}{Colour no `\i' marker `#1 \n' w/fill `\f' text `\o'}%
    \protected@xdef\keys{/tikz/#1 \n/.style={/tikz/#1={\o,\f}},\keys}
    \xdef\markers{\markers,#1 \n}
% First optional argument are extra styles
% Second is category
% Third is marker list
  \wg@gencolorm@rkers{odds marker}{#3}{#2}{#1}%
  \tikz[scale=.5,transform shape,auto icon more/.try]{%
    \pic{odds marker={?:?,white}}}
  \tikz[scale=.3,transform shape,auto icon more/.try]{%
    \pic[scale=1.2,transform shape] at (-.2,-.2) {battle marker=0};}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Make results markers.  Mandatory argument is a list of results and
% fill colours.  Optional is the group to add the markers to.
% First optional argument are extra styles
% Second is category
% Third is marker list
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \wg@gencolorm@rkers{result marker}{#3}{#2}{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Common icons used by many modules
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \tikzset{auto icon/.style={scale=.4,transform shape,#1}}%
  \tikz[auto icon,auto icon more/.try]{\pic{pool icon};}
  \tikz[auto icon,auto icon more/.try]{\pic{oob icon={#2}{#3}};}%
  \tikz[auto icon,auto icon more/.try]{\pic{flip icon};}%
  \tikz[auto icon,auto icon more/.try]{\pic{eliminate icon};}%
  \tikz[auto icon,auto icon more/.try]{\pic{restore icon};}%
  \tikz[auto icon,scale=.9,auto icon more/.try]{\pic{dice};}%  
  \tikz[auto icon,scale=.7,auto icon more/.try]{%
      scale line widths,
      line width=1pt,
    \foreach \i in {-1,0,1}{
        \draw[black,fill=white] (-.5,0)
      \draw[scale line widths,line width=2pt,fill=white](-.5,0)
      to[out=70,in=110] (.5,0)
      to[out=-110,in=-70] cycle;
      \begin{scope}[even odd rule]
        \clip circle(.2);
        \fill circle(.2) (125:.18) circle(.1);
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Making dice}
% \begin{Syntax}
%   \cs{dice}\oarg{tikz-options}\oarg{node-options}\marg{name}\marg{name}\marg{list}
% \end{Syntax}
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item \meta{tikz-options}
% \item \meta{node-options}
% \item \meta{name} - an identifier - e.g., the same as \meta{shape}.
% \item \meta{shape} - one of \texttt{d4}, \texttt{d6}, \texttt{d8},
%   \texttt{d10}, \texttt{d12}, or \texttt{d20}.
% \item \meta{list} - list of pairs
%   \meta{value}\texttt{/}\meta{printed}, where \meta{value} is the
%   value, and \meta{printed} is the shown value. If \meta{printed} is
%   left out, then \meta{value} is used.
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \@ifnextchar[{\wg@@dice{#1}}{\wg@@dice{#1}[]} %]
  \foreach \v/\p in {#5}{%
      %\node[shape=#4,transform shape,draw=none,fill=black,opacity=.5]
      %at (.05,-.03){};
      \node[shape=#4,#2,transform shape,
      chit drop,
      node contents={\p}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Hooks into chits, etc.}
% TO BE DONE: We could add hook the \texttt{hex} shape that would
% allow us to write out the settings for each of these.  This would
% allow us to make data files that contain the information available
% in the \LaTeX{} code.  
% If one then assumed that for example the upper left corner holds the
% start-up hex, then one could use that information.
% The code below exports the chit information to the JSON file.
% Together with the battle, odds, and result markers stuff above, this
% allows the exporter to almost automatically set up battle odds and
% result calculations.   The fields exported are 
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Left and right identifiers
% \item Upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right
%   identifiers. (some care must be taken if these contains graphics
%   and not just text.)
% \item Factors
% \item NATO symbol
%   \begin{itemize}
%   \item Faction, command, echelon
%   \item Mains
%   \item Left, right, top, and bottom attributes and modifiers
%   \item Below attribute 
%   \end{itemize}
% \end{itemize}
% The exporter can set up prototypes for NATO types, echelons,
% etc. The exporter can also set factors as marks on the units. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  zone turn/.store in=\zone@turn,
  zone mult/.store in=\zone@mult
    \edef\wg@chit@tmp{\csname #2\endcsname}
      \xdef\tmp{\detokenize\expandafter{\wg@chit@tmp} \@empty}}
    % \message{^^J\meaning\@tmp -> \meaning\tmp}
    \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "#1": "\tmp",}}}
  \chit@dbg{3}{Start of Chit Report}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "chit": \@lbchar}
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - ID}
  \@ifundefined{id}{}         {\mk@w{ \mk@i\space "id":      "\id", }}%
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - Symbol: `\meaning\chit@symbol'}
  \@ifundefined{chit@symbol}{}{\mk@w{ \mk@i\space "symbol":  "true", }}%
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - Full: `\meaning\chit@full'}
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - Factors: `\meaning\chit@factors'}
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - Left: `\meaning\chit@left'}
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - Right: : `\meaning\chit@right'}
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - Upper left: `\meaning\chit@upper@left'}
  \@chit@rep@line{upper left}{chit@upper@left}%
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - Lower left: `\meaning\chit@lower@left'}
  \@chit@rep@line{lower left}{chit@lower@left}%
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - Upper right: `\meaning\chit@upper@right}
  \@chit@rep@line{upper right}{chit@upper@right}%
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - Lower right: `\meaning\chit@lower@right'}
  \@chit@rep@line{lower right}{chit@lower@right}%
  \chit@dbg{3}{Report - End comma}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "end": 0}
    \mk@w{ \mk@i \@rbchar }
    \mk@w{ \mk@i \@rbchar, }% NATOAPP6c will follow
  \chit@dbg{3}{End of Chit Report}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Report out NATO App6 symbol settings
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i "natoapp6c": \@lbchar}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i\space "end": 0}
  \mk@w{ \mk@i \@rbchar}
  chit drop margin/.store in=\wg@drop@margin,
  chit drop shadows/.code={
      /tikz/every chit node/.prefix style={chit drop={#1}},
      /tikz/chit has drop=true}
  chit drop shadows/.default=,
  marker drop shadows/.code={
      /tikz/every battle marker/.prefix style={chit drop={#1}},
      /tikz/every odds marker/.prefix style={chit drop={#1}},
      /tikz/every result marker/.prefix style={chit drop={#1}},
      /tikz/auto icon more/.prefix style={no chit drop}}},
  marker drop shadows/.default={
    chit has drop=false,
    shadow xshift=0.04cm,
    shadow yshift=-0.04cm,
    shadow blur radius=0.04cm}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse