% \iffalse
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% \fi
% \subsubsection{Pictures in compound nodes}
% \begin{Macro}{\wg@pic}
%   The macro \cs{wg@pic} will render a \texttt{pic}. This is used by
%   the \texttt{natoapp6cs}, \texttt{chit}, and \texttt{hex} node
%   shapes extensively.
%   The arguments are
%   \begin{enumerate}
%   \item Prefix
%   \item Position
%   \item Fixed options
%   \item User options
%   \item Picture. 
%   \end{enumerate}
%   That is, the macro expects calls like 
%   \begin{Syntax}
%     \cs{wg@pic}\oarg{options}\meta{picture}\cs{@endwg@pic}\marg{prefix}\marg{position}\marg{options}
%   \end{Syntax}
%    Note the \cs{@endwg@pic} at the end of the call to swallow up
%    \meta{picture}.   Typically this macro is used as
%    \begin{Syntax}
%      \cs{edef}\cs{args}\{\meta{something}\}
%      \cs{expandafter}\cs{wg@pic}\cs{args}\cs{@endwg@pic}\marg{prefix}\parg{position}\marg{options}
%    \end{Syntax}
%    where \meta{something} typically expands to \oarg{user
%    option}\meta{picture}
%    First, the top-level macro \cs{wg@pic} that looks for user
%    options.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% This macro then forwards to \cs{wg@@pic} to gobble up
% \meta{picture}.
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item User options
% \item Arguments
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \wg@dbg{2}{Options: `#1', picture: `#2'}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item User options
% \item Arguments
% \item Prefix
% \item Coordinates
% \item Fixed options
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifx|#2|\wg@dbg{3}{No picture given}%
    \wg@dbg{3}{^^JWG Pic:
      ^^J  User options:  #1
      ^^J  Picture:       #2
      ^^J  Prefix:        #3
      ^^J  Coordinates:   #4
      ^^J  Fixed options: #5}%
    % \wg@dbg{2}{\string\pic[#5,#1] at (#4) {#3#2}}%
    \pic[#5,#1] at (#4) {#3#2};%
        \pic[draw=none,fill=none,transform shape] at (#4) {#3#2};%
      \wg@dbg{5}{Clipping to local bounding box}%
      \clip (L.south west) rectangle (L.north east);%
      \pgf@relevantforpicturesizefalse \global\wg@s@vefalse%
  \wg@dbg{3}{End of WG Pic}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{Macro}
% \begin{Macro}{\wg@pic@all}
%   This macro sets all pictures in a list.
%   \begin{enumerate}
%   \item List
%   \item Prefix
%   \item Position
%   \item Styles
%   \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \wg@dbg{2}{WG picture loop
    ^^J  List:    \meaning#1
    ^^J  Prefix:  `#2'
    ^^J  Position: `#3'
    ^^J  Styles:   `#4'}
  \foreach \p in #1{%
    \wg@dbg{2}{WG picture element: \meaning\p}%
    \expandafter\wg@pic\p\@endwg@pic {#2}{#3}{#4}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{Macro}
% \iffalse
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% \fi
% \subsubsection{Nodes in compound nodes}
% \begin{Macro}{\wg@node}
%   The macro \cs{wg@node} will render a \texttt{node}. This can be
%   used by the \texttt{natoapp6cs}, \texttt{chit}, and \texttt{hex}
%   node shapes.
%   The arguments are
%   \begin{enumerate}
%   \item Prefix
%   \item Position
%   \item Fixed options
%   \item User options
%   \item Body. 
%   \end{enumerate}
%   That is, the macro expects calls like 
%   \begin{Syntax}
%     \cs{wg@node}\oarg{options}\meta{body}\cs{@endwg@node}\marg{prefix}\marg{position}\marg{options}
%   \end{Syntax}
%    Note the \cs{@endwg@node} at the end of the call to swallow up
%    \meta{body}.   Typically this macro is used as
%    \begin{Syntax}
%      \cs{edef}\cs{args}\{\meta{something}\}
%      \cs{expandafter}\cs{wg@node}\cs{args}\cs{@endwg@node}\marg{prefix}\parg{position}\marg{options}
%    \end{Syntax}
%    where \meta{something} typically expands to \oarg{user
%    option}\meta{body}
%    First, the top-level macro \cs{wg@node} that looks for user
%    options.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% This macro then forwards to \cs{wg@@node} to gobble up
% \meta{body}.
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item User options
% \item Arguments
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \wg@dbg{2}{Options: `#1', body: `#2'}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item User options
% \item Arguments
% \item Prefix
% \item Coordinates
% \item Fixed options
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifx|#2|\wg@dbg{3}{No body given}%
    \wg@dbg{3}{^^JWG Pic:
      ^^J  User options:  #1
      ^^J  Body:          #2
      ^^J  Prefix:        #3
      ^^J  Coordinates:   #4
      ^^J  Fixed options: #5}%
    % \wg@dbg{2}{\string\pic[#5,#1] at (#4) {#3#2}}%
    \node[#5,#1] at (#4) {#3#2};%
  \wg@dbg{3}{End of WG Node}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{Macro}
% \begin{Macro}{\wg@node@all}
%   This macro sets all pictures in a list.
%   \begin{enumerate}
%   \item List
%   \item Prefix
%   \item Position
%   \item Styles
%   \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \wg@dbg{2}{WG picture loop
    ^^J  List:    \meaning#1
    ^^J  Prefix:  `#2'
    ^^J  Position: `#3'
    ^^J  Styles:   `#4'}
  \foreach \p in #1{%
    \wg@dbg{2}{WG picture element: \meaning\p}%
    \expandafter\wg@node\p\@endwg@node {#2}{#3}{#4}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{Macro}
% \iffalse
% --------------------------------------------------------------------