% truncate.sty  ver 3.6   20-Aug-2001    Donald Arseneau
% This LaTeX program is released to the public domain.
% Truncate text to a specified width:  \truncate [marker]{width}{text}
% If the text is too wide to fit in the specified width, then it is
% truncated, and a continuation marker is shown at the end. The default
% marker, used when the optional "[marker]" parameter is omitted, is
% "\,\dots".  You can change this default by redefining "\TruncateMarker"
% ("\renewcommand{\TruncateMarker}{}").
% Normally, the text (whether truncated or not) is printed flush-left
% in a box with exactly the width specified. The package option "[fit]"
% ("\usepackage[fit]{truncate}") causes the output text to have its
% natural width, up to a maximum of the specified width.
% The text will not normally be truncated in the middle of a word,
% nor at a space specified by the tie "~".  For example:
%     "\truncate{122pt}{This text has been~truncated}"   
% gives
%     "This text has...      "
% You can give one of the package options "[hyphenate]", "[breakwords]",
% or "[breakall]" to allow breaking in the middle of words. The first 
% two only truncate at hyphenation points; with the difference being that 
% "breakwords" suppresses the hyphen character.  On the other hand, 
% "breakall" allows truncation at any character.  For example: 
%     "\truncate{122pt}{This text has been~truncated}" 
% gives
%     "This text has been trun-..."   (hyphenate)
%     "This text has been trun... "   (breakwords)
%     "This text has been trunc..."   (breakall)
% (All of these options work through TeX's hyphenation mechanism.)
\ProvidesPackage{truncate}[2001/08/20 \space ver 3.6]
% [breakwords] allows hyphenation but with invisible hyphen characters
   \expandafter\chardef\csname \string\@TruncHyph T1\endcsname 23
   \expandafter\chardef\csname \string\@TruncHyph OT1\endcsname 223
   \expandafter\chardef\csname \string\@TruncHyph LY1\endcsname 0
   \def\@Trunc@Post{\hyphenpenalty\tw@ \exhyphenpenalty\tw@
     \doublehyphendemerits\z@ \finalhyphendemerits\z@
     \the\@Trunc@RestHyph % set invisible hyphenchars for all fonts used
% [breakall] is like breakwords, but all characters are treated like
% the letter "c"; the default language 0 patterns allow hyphenation
% c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c.  This means we don't need special patterns!
      \@tempcnta\z@ \chardef\c`\c % in knuth patterns, c allows hyphens
      \loop \lccode\@tempcnta\c \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
      \ifnum\@tempcnta<\@cclvi \repeat}%
    \def\@Trunc@Pre{% force US english
      \lefthyphenmin\@ne \righthyphenmin\@ne
      \language\z@ % default English language
% [hyphenate] ordinary hyphenation for breakpoints
\DeclareOption{hyphenate}{% takes precedence over breakwords
% [fit] use true size of truncated text, not requested size.
   \ifdim\wd\z@>\hsize \hbox to\hsize{\unhbox\z@}\else \box\z@ \fi}}
% Defaults:
\def\@Trunc@Rebox{\hbox to\hsize{\unhbox\z@\unskip\unskip\@tempa\hfil}}



\newcommand{\truncate}[3][\TruncateMarker]{% #1=marker #2=width #3=text
  \parbox[b]{#2}{\tolerance9999 \emergencystretch .216\hsize
   \vbadness\maxdimen \vfuzz\vsize % no overfull warnings
   \hbadness\maxdimen \hfuzz\vsize
   %  set up hyphenchar switching for all fonts used.
   \edef\@tempb{\the\@Trunc@RestHyph}% save whole stack
   \@Trunc@SaveHChar % do it for current font
    % First set text in a hbox to see if it fits.
    \setbox\z@\@@line{\ignorespaces #3\unskip\hfil}%
    \ifnum\badness>\@M  % text does not fit
      \advance\rightskip \z@\@plus\p@
      \parfillskip-\@ne\rightskip \@plus\@ne fil 
      \parshape \tw@ \z@\hsize \z@\maxdimen \linepenalty60
      %% \let\par\relax -- don't do this because \vskip causes infinite loop
      \@Trunc@Pre % must set language before paragraph
      \noindent \vadjust{\penalty-\@MM}% for splitting off first line
      \nobreak\hskip\z@skip % allow first word hyphenation
      \ignorespaces #3% the text
      \pretolerance\hyphenpenalty \@Trunc@Post % set up `hyphenation'
       \egroup \def\@tempa{#1}% use truncation marker
       \egroup \let\@tempa\@empty% no linebreak, so all text fits; no marker
      \box\z@ \egroup \let\@tempa\@empty
   \setbox\@tempboxa\vsplit\z@ to\z@ \unvbox\@tempboxa
   \let\@Trunc@HC\@firstofone \the\@Trunc@RestHyph % restore hyphenchars
   \global\@Trunc@RestHyph\expandafter{\@tempb}% restore the stack itself
% (Note that the text may be proessed twice.  I could avoid that
% if there are problems with global counters etc.)

% we save (implicit global) hyphenchar settings for each font on a 
% manual stack -- the token register \@Trunc@RestHyph -- before changing
% them.  We execute \@Trunc@RestHyph to set them to the invisible 
% characters and then again to restore them.  (I can't imagine this
% will ever be required.)
%  \hyphenchar\font\z@
% select an invisible character for hyphenation.  Use \textcompwordmark, if
% any; use selected numbers for certain encodings (OT1 uses a *missing*
% character); use a space otherwise.
      {32}% If no appropriate character, guess space character may be blank
      {\csname \string\@TruncHyph\f@encoding\endcsname}%