% \iffalse % -*- LaTeX -*- %% This is the thmbox package. %% (c) Emmanuel Beffara, 2002--2005 (LPPL) %% %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{url,multicol,alltt} \usepackage{thmbox} \title{Package \texttt{thmbox}} \author{Emmanuel \textsc{Beffara}\\\url{manu@beffara.org}} \date{version 2.0, April 2005} \newtheorem[L]{thm}{Theorem}[section] \newtheorem{cor}[thm]{Corollary} \renewcommand\{{\char`\{} \renewcommand\}{\char`\}} \newcommand\mac[1]{\texttt{\string#1}} \newcommand\kv[2]{\texttt{#1=}$\langle$\textmd{\itshape#2}$\rangle$} \newenvironment{changelog}{% \def\version##1##2{% \stoplist% \par\smallskip\noindent Version ##1 (##2)% \let\stoplist\dostoplist% \startlist} \def\startlist{% \begin{list}{-- }{\topsep=0pt\parsep=0pt\itemsep=0pt}}% \let\stoplist\relax% \def\dostoplist{\end{list}}% }{\stoplist} \begin{document} \DocInput{thmbox.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % %\maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % This package defines an environment \texttt{thmbox} aimed at presenting % theorems, definitions and similar objects in boxes decorated with frames % and various aesthetic features. The standard macro |\newtheorem| is % redefined to use this format. % \end{abstract} % % \section{Documentation} % % The package is loaded like any other, by writing % \begin{quote} % \ttfamily \string\usepackage[\textrm{\itshape options}]\{thmbox\} % \end{quote} % The option \texttt{nothm} prevents the command |\newtheorem| from being % redefined, so theorems defined with this command keep their traditional % aspect. All other options are considered as default formatting options, they % can be redefined at any time using the command |\thmboxoptions|. The % argument of this macro is a list of |key=value| pairs in the \texttt{keyval} % style, as defined in section~\ref{sec:options}. % % \subsection{Examples} % % The package defines an environment |thmbox| that is used as follows: % \begin{multicols}{2} % {\ttfamily\noindent% % \string\begin\{thmbox\}[L]\{The title\}\\ % \strut~~Some text, some more text, a\\ % \strut~~sufficient amount to get a\\ % \strut~~full box with several lines.\\ % \string\end\{thmbox\}} % \columnbreak % \begin{thmbox}[L]{The title} % Some text, some more text, a sufficient amout to get a full box % with several lines. % \end{thmbox} % \end{multicols} % \noindent % The argument |[L]| indicates the style of the box. The two other defined % styles are |[M]| and |[S]|, which make respectively: % \begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{thmbox}[M]{The title} % Some text, some more text, a sufficient amout to get a full box % with several lines. % \end{thmbox} % \columnbreak % \begin{thmbox}[S]{The title} % Some text, some more text, a sufficient amout to get a full box % with several lines. % \end{thmbox} % \end{multicols} % \noindent % Any other option from the previous list can be used in the optional % argument. % % \medskip % % By default, loading the package \texttt{thmbox} replaces the definition of % the \LaTeX\ command |\newtheorem|. This feature can be turned off by the % option \texttt{nothm}. The new version has the same syntax as the standard % one with an extra optional argument at the beginning. This argument can be % used to specify formatting options for the optional argument of the % \texttt{thmbox} environment. For instance, saying % \begin{quote} % \ttfamily \string\newtheorem[L]\{thm\}\{Theorem\}[section] % \end{quote} % will produce the following aspect for the environment \texttt{thm}: % \begin{multicols}{2} % {\ttfamily\noindent% % \string\begin\{thm\}\\ % \strut~~Any continuous function over % \strut~~\$\string\mathbf\{R\}\$ is measurable.\\ % \string\end\{thm\}} % \columnbreak % \begin{thm} % Any continuous function over $\mathbf{R}$ is measurable. % \end{thm} % \end{multicols} % \noindent And with a title, with the defaut style, we get: % \begin{multicols}{2} % {\ttfamily\noindent% % \string\begin\{thm\}[G\string\"odel]\ \string\label\{tg\}\%\\ % \strut~~Any theory that contains first\\ % \strut~~order arithmetics is undecidable.\\ % \string\end\{thm\}} % \columnbreak % \begin{thm}[Gödel] % \label{tg}Any theory that contains first order arithmetics is % undecidable. % \end{thm} % \end{multicols} % \noindent % The default style for theorem boxes is ``|M|'', so writing % \begin{quote} % \ttfamily \string\newtheorem\{cor\}[thm]\{Corollary\} % \end{quote} % will lead to this: % \begin{multicols}{2} % {\ttfamily\noindent% % \string\begin\{cor\}\\ % \strut~~Second order arithmetics\\ % \strut~~is undecidable.\\ % \string\end\{cor\}} % \columnbreak % \begin{cor} % Second order arithmetics is undecidable. % \end{cor} % \end{multicols} % The package also redefines the |proof| environment. The text inside such an % enivronment is written smaller, with extra margins, with a black square sign % at the end. The aspect is the following: % \begin{multicols}{2} % {\ttfamily\noindent% % \string\begin\{proof\}\\ % \strut~~This is a consequence of the\\ % \strut~~inclusion of PA into AF2,\\ % \strut~~since Peano arithmetics is % \strut~~undecidable.\\ % \string\end\{proof\}} % \columnbreak % \begin{proof} % This is a consequence of the inclusion of PA into AF2, % since Peano arithmetics is undecidable. % \end{proof} % \end{multicols} % \noindent The |proof| environment takes an optional argument: % \begin{multicols}{2} % {\ttfamily\noindent% % \string\begin\{proof\}[of \string\ref\{tg\}]\\ % \strut~~This is a rather technical\\ % \strut~~story of encodings.\\ % \string\end\{proof\}} % \columnbreak % \begin{proof}[of \ref{tg}] % This is a rather technical story of encodings. % \end{proof} % \end{multicols} % \noindent The |example| environment has mostly the same behaviour as % |proof|: % \begin{multicols}{2} % {\ttfamily\noindent% % \string\begin\{example\}\\ % \strut~~An approach consists in\\ % \strut~~encoding Turing machines.\\ % \string\end\{example\}} % \par\columnbreak % \noindent Bla bla bla. % \begin{example} % An approach consists in encoding Turing machines. % \end{example} % Ploum plam. % \end{multicols} % \noindent Its optional argument can be used to write something else than % ``Example''. The alternative method is to redefine |\examplename|. % \begin{multicols}{2} % {\ttfamily\noindent% % \string\begin\{example\}[Idea]\\ % \strut~~One could also proceed by\\ % \strut~~encoding \$\string\lambda\$-calculus.\\ % \string\end\{example\}} % \columnbreak % \begin{example}[Idea] % One could also proceed by encoding $\lambda$-calculus. % \end{example} % \end{multicols} % % \begin{leftbar} % As an extra, on the model of the |thmbox| environment, the package % provides an environment |leftbar| that formats its contents with an extra % margin and a running vertical rule in the left. % \end{leftbar} % % \subsection{Options} % \label{sec:options} % % The following general options are available: % \begin{description} % \item[\kv{style}{letter}] % indicates which style should be used when drawing the boxes. The letter % may be one of the following: % \begin{description} % \item[\tt S]: a vertical bar on the left of the text % \item[\tt M]: a bar on the left and a short horizontal bar at the % bottom of the text % \item[\tt L]: a vertical bar on each side and a horizontal bar at the % bottom % \end{description} % The default value for this parameter is |M|. The options |S|, |M|, |L| are % shortcuts for |style=S|, |style=M| and |style=L|. % \item[\kv{cut}{bool}] % indicates if boxes may be cut at page breaks (true by default), % \texttt{nocut} is equivalent to \texttt{cut=false} % \end{description} % The following options are used to change style of the header and contents: % \begin{description} % \item[\kv{underline}{bool}] % indicates if the title of boxes should be underlined (true by default), % \texttt{nounderline} is equivalent to \texttt{underline=false} % \item[\kv{headstyle}{text}] % defines how the header of the theorems is formatted. In the text, |#1| % represents the environment name (i.e. ``Theorem'') and |#2| represent the % number. The default value is ``|\bfseries\boldmath#1 #2|''. % \item[\kv{titlestyle}{text}] % defines how the optional title of theorems is formatted. In the text, % |#1| represents the title. The default value is ``| (\textit{#1})|''. % \item[\kv{bodystyle}{text}] % defines how the text of theorems and similar environments is formatted, it % is inserted before the text in those environments. The default value is % ``|\slshape\noindent|''. % \end{description} % The following options define the various spacings: % \begin{description} % \item[\kv{leftmargin}{dim}, \kv{rightmargin}{dim}] % defines the horizontal space between the margin of the surrounding text % and that of the text inside the box (defaut value is |\parskip| for the % left margin and 0pt for the right margin) % \item[\kv{hskip}{dim}, \kv{vskip}{dim}] % defines the horizontal and vertical space between the frame of the box % and its contents (default value is~0.4em for both) % \item[\kv{thickness}{dim}] % defines the thickness of the bars (defaut value is~0.6pt) % \end{description} % % \subsection{Change log} % % \begin{changelog} % \version{2.0}{2005/04/24} % \item first CTAN release % \item replaced |preskip| and |postskip| by |left|/|rightmargin| and % |h|/|vskip| % \item new option |headstyle| % \version{1.91}{2004/06/08} % \item translated everything to english % \item cleaned interface, switched to |keyval|, added parameters % \version{1.3}{2002/09/09} % \item added option |nothm| % \version{1.2}{2002/05/24} % \item added option |nocut| % \version{1.1}{2002/03/08} % \item proper \LaTeX\ interface with |\newtheorem| % \version{1.0}{around 2001} % \item first version as an independent package % \end{changelog} % % % \pagebreak % \section{Implementation} % % First of all, we have to repect the protocol of \LaTeXe\ packages, by % checking the format and introducing ourselves: % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{thmbox}[2005/04/24 v2.0 fancy theorem outlining] % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Formatting options} % % \begin{macro}{\thmboxoptions} % Parameters are set using the \texttt{keyval} mechanism. All options are in % the set named \texttt{thmbox}. The macro |\thmboxoptions| can be used to % change the default parameters at any time. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{keyval} \newcommand\thmboxoptions{\setkeys{thmbox}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@style} % The style of the current box is stored by a |\let| in the macro % |\thmbox@style|, it can be changed using the \texttt{style} option. % \begin{macrocode} \let\thmbox@style=M \define@key{thmbox}{style}{\let\thmbox@style=#1} % \end{macrocode} % For compatibility with previous versions, we provide shortcuts for each % style: % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{thmbox}{S}[]{\let\thmbox@style=S} \define@key{thmbox}{M}[]{\let\thmbox@style=M} \define@key{thmbox}{L}[]{\let\thmbox@style=L} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@leftmargin} % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@rightmargin} % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@hskip} % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@vskip} % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@thickness} % Next we have presentation parameters. The variables |\thmbox@leftmargin| and % |\thmbox@rightmargin| are the extra margins to put between the surrounding % text and the text of the box. The thickness of the frame is defined by % |\thmbox@thickness|, its spacing with the contents is |\thmbox@hskip| % horizontally and |\thmbox@vskip| vertically. % \begin{macrocode} \newdimen\thmbox@leftmargin \thmbox@leftmargin=\parindent \newdimen\thmbox@rightmargin \thmbox@rightmargin=0pt \newdimen\thmbox@hskip \thmbox@hskip=.4em \newdimen\thmbox@vskip \thmbox@vskip=.4em \newdimen\thmbox@thickness \thmbox@thickness=.6pt % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % These parameters can be set using the keyval interface: % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{thmbox}{leftmargin}{\thmbox@leftmargin=#1\relax} \define@key{thmbox}{rightmargin}{\thmbox@rightmargin=#1\relax} \define@key{thmbox}{hskip}{\thmbox@hskip=#1\relax} \define@key{thmbox}{vskip}{\thmbox@vskip=#1\relax} \define@key{thmbox}{thickness}{\thmbox@thickness=#1\relax} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\ifthmbox@cut} % The boolean |\ifthmbox@cut| indicates whether the boxes may be cut on page % breaks or if they must be kept in one block. By default, cutting boxes is % allowed. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifthmbox@cut \thmbox@cuttrue % \end{macrocode} % This can be changed using the \texttt{cut} option, the option \texttt{nocut} % is equivalent to \texttt{cut=false}. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{thmbox}{cut}[true]{% \expandafter\let\expandafter\ifthmbox@cut\csname if#1\endcsname} \define@key{thmbox}{nocut}[]{\thmbox@cutfalse} \DeclareOption{cut}{\thmbox@cuttrue} \DeclareOption{nocut}{\thmbox@cutfalse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ifthmbox@underline} % The boolean |\ifthmbox@underline| indicates if the title of boxes should be % underlined. It is activated by default and can be changed using the option % \texttt{underline}. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifthmbox@underline \thmbox@underlinetrue \define@key{thmbox}{underline}[true]{% \expandafter\let\expandafter\ifthmbox@underline\csname if#1\endcsname} \define@key{thmbox}{nounderline}[]{\thmbox@underlinefalse} \DeclareOption{underline}{\thmbox@underlinetrue} \DeclareOption{nounderline}{\thmbox@underlinefalse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@headstyle} % The macro |\thmbox@headstyle| defines how the header of theorems is % formatted, the arguments are the kind of enviromnent (i.e. ``theorem'') and % its number. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\thmbox@headstyle[2]{\bfseries\boldmath#1 #2} % \end{macrocode} % This macro can be redefined using the option \texttt{headstyle}: % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{thmbox}{headstyle}{\def\thmbox@headstyle##1##2{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@titlestyle} % The macro |\thmbox@titlestyle| defines how the title of theorems is % formatted, after the theorem number. Its argument is the text to be % formatted. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\thmbox@titlestyle[1]{ (\textit{#1\/})} % \end{macrocode} % This macro can be redefined using the option \texttt{titlestyle}: % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{thmbox}{titlestyle}{\def\thmbox@titlestyle##1{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@bodystyle} % The macro |\thmbox@bodystyle| defines formatting options for the body of % theorem-like environments. It is inserted before the text. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\thmbox@bodystyle{\slshape\noindent} % \end{macrocode} % This macro can be redefined using the option \texttt{bodystyle}: % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{thmbox}{bodystyle}{\def\thmbox@bodystyle{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Package options} % % The only package option is \texttt{nothm}, which prevents from redefining % the standard |\newtheorem| command. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifthmbox@newtheorem \thmbox@newtheoremtrue \DeclareOption{nothm}{\thmbox@newtheoremfalse} % \end{macrocode} % All other package options are considered to be formatting options and are % parsed using the \texttt{keyval} package. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption*{\expandafter\thmboxoptions\expandafter{\CurrentOption}} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Formatting} % % We now define the code for formatting boxes. % When a box is to be cut, the idea is the following: we assume the box % |\thmbox@box| to contain the whole text, with an aribtrary height. First we % compare the height of the box to the available space on the current page. If % there is enough space, we simply place the box at once with the decorations % around it. Otherwise, we cut the box at the available height, place the % first part on the page, and proceed with the remaining text. The following % steps are similar except that the available space is the height of the whole % page. % % The drawback with this method, apart from the fact that it cannot produce % page breaks as good as \TeX's page builder does, is that the construction % cannot be nested. Putting a box of that kind into another works as long as % there is no page break, but has unpredictable results when a page break % occurs. If we wanted to allow nested boxes, we would have to completely % rethink the system, and it would result in a much heavier code. Is this % really necessary? % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@box} % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@box@} % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@dim} % We first introduce internal variables. We will use two boxes and a length % register for computations during formatting. % \begin{macrocode} \newbox\thmbox@box \newbox\thmbox@box@ \newdimen\thmbox@dim % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@put} % Placing a box after appropriate cutting is performed by the macro % |\thmbox@put|. Its argument is the register that holds the box to be placed. % The effect is simply to insert the appropriate spaces and rules, according % to the value of |\thmbox@style|, and switch back to vertical mode. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@put#1{ \vskip\z@% \noindent% \hbox{% {\dimen0=\thmbox@leftmargin% \advance\dimen0-\thmbox@hskip% \advance\dimen0-\thmbox@thickness% \hskip\dimen0}% \vrule width \thmbox@thickness% \hskip\thmbox@hskip% \box#1% \ifx\thmbox@style L% \hskip\thmbox@hskip% \vrule width \thmbox@thickness% \fi}% \par\nobreak} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@start} % The first step as described above is always applied to the box % |\thmbox@box|, and |\thmbox@box@| is reserved for the part that is cut out % by a |\vsplit|. The macro |\thmbox@start| performs the first step in the % process of formatting a complete box. A difficult point occurs here: if the % box is to be inserted at the beginning of a page, it may happen that % |\output| has not been called yet, so the height of the current vertical % material (the value of |\pagetotal|) may exceed the page height (contained % in |\vsize|). In this case, the available space on the page must be computed % as $2\times|\vsize|-|\pagetotal|$ instead of $|\vsize|-|\pagetotal|$. This % explains the conditional at the beginning of the macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@start{% \ifthmbox@cut% \ifdim\pagetotal>\vsize% \thmbox@dim=2\vsize% \else% \thmbox@dim=\vsize% \fi% \advance\thmbox@dim -\pagetotal% \ifdim\thmbox@dim>\ht\thmbox@box% \thmbox@put\thmbox@box% \else% \setbox\thmbox@box@=\vsplit\thmbox@box to \thmbox@dim% \thmbox@put\thmbox@box@% \thmbox@page% \fi% \else% \thmbox@put\thmbox@box% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@page} % The following steps are for the case when a box is placed at the beginning % of an empty page. They are handled by the macro |\thmbox@page|, which % systematically inserts a page break before the box (unless the box is empty, % which may happen after cutting near the end of a box). % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@page{% \ifvoid\thmbox@box% \else% \eject% \ifdim\vsize<\ht\thmbox@box% \setbox\thmbox@box@=\vsplit\thmbox@box to \vsize% \thmbox@put\thmbox@box@% \thmbox@page% \else% \thmbox@put\thmbox@box% \fi% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % After the formatting of text boxes, we have to handle the header of the box % as well as the part below the last box, where there may be a horizontal % rule. % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@head} % The macro |\thmbox@head| produces a header with the text in its argument. A % horizontal rule is possibly placed below, after a space of % |\thmbox@vskip|. This space is produced by adding an invisible vertical % rule in the title so that the size of the space does not depend on the text. % Finally we add an invisible horizontal rule to switch back to vertical mode % without making a new paragraph. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@head#1{% \par\noindent\vbox{% \setbox\thmbox@box@=\hbox{% \vrule width 0mm height 0mm depth \thmbox@vskip% #1}% \copy\thmbox@box@% \ifthmbox@underline% \hrule width \wd\thmbox@box@ height \thmbox@thickness% \fi}% \hrule height 0mm\relax} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\thmbox@tail} % The terminal par of the box is produced by the macro |\thmbox@tail|. As % opposed to the previous one, this one is very dependent on the style of the % box. However we assume is is called only with a style equal to |M| or |L|, % and not for the style |S|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@tail{% \hrule height 0mm% \ifx\thmbox@style M% \thmbox@dim=1cm% \else\ifx\thmbox@style L% \thmbox@dim=\hsize% \advance\thmbox@dim-\thmbox@leftmargin% \advance\thmbox@dim-\thmbox@rightmargin% \advance\thmbox@dim2\thmbox@hskip% \advance\thmbox@dim2\thmbox@thickness% \fi\fi% \noindent% {\dimen0=\thmbox@leftmargin% \advance\dimen0-\thmbox@hskip% \advance\dimen0-\thmbox@thickness% \hskip\dimen0}% \vrule width \thmbox@dim height \thmbox@thickness% \par} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{\LaTeX\ interface} % % \subsubsection{Environnements} % % \begin{macro}{thmbox} % Now that the previous commands are defined, we can actually define the % \texttt{thmbox} environment. The prefix part is used to set the formatting % options and produce the header, then start a vertical box with appropriate % width for the contents of the text. The postfix part closes this box, % formats it using the previously defined commands, and possibly inserts % material at the end. % % The code contains groupings that may appear unnecessary, around |#2| in the % header and around the environment's contents. They are here to obtain a % satisfactory behaviour when using colours. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{thmbox}[2][]{% \parskip\z@% \setkeys{thmbox}{#1}% \ifx\thmbox@style S\else\ifx\thmbox@style M\else\ifx\thmbox@style L\else% \PackageWarning{thmbox}{\thmbox@style\ is not a valid style for \string\thmbox, using M}% \let\thmbox@style=M% \fi\fi\fi% \thmbox@head{{#2}}\nobreak\relax% \thmbox@dim=\hsize% \advance\thmbox@dim-\leftskip% \advance\thmbox@dim-\rightskip% \setbox\thmbox@box=\vbox\bgroup% \hsize=\thmbox@dim% \advance\hsize -\thmbox@leftmargin% \advance\hsize -\thmbox@rightmargin% \textwidth=\hsize% \linewidth=\hsize% \vskip\thmbox@vskip% \begingroup}{\endgroup% \vskip\thmbox@vskip% \egroup% \thmbox@start% \ifx\thmbox@style S\else\thmbox@tail\fi% \@endparenv} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{leftbar} % The definitions used for wrapping boxes allow for easily defining an % evironment that places a vertical bar on the side of the text. The code of % this enivonment is basically that of \texttt{thmbox} without the header and % tail material: % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{leftbar}[1][]{% \setkeys{thmbox}{#1}% \par\vskip\thmbox@vskip% \setbox\thmbox@box=\vbox\bgroup% \hsize=\textwidth% \advance\hsize -\thmbox@leftmargin% \advance\hsize -\thmbox@rightmargin% \begingroup}{\endgroup% \vskip\thmbox@vskip% \egroup% \thmbox@start% \vskip\thmbox@vskip\par} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{\LaTeX\ theorems} % % \begin{macro}{\newboxtheorem} % In order to use this package transparently in a \LaTeX\ text, we define the % command |\newboxtheorem| on the model of the standard |\newtheorem| command. % The code of this version respects the semantics of the original one, with % two possible syntaxes: % \begin{itemize} % \item |\newtheorem{|\textit{environment}|}[|\ignorespaces% % \textit{counter}|]{|\textit{title}|}| % to use an already existing counter, % \item |\newtheorem{|\textit{environment}|}{|\ignorespaces% % \textit{title}|}[|\textit{coupter}|]| % to create a new counter that possibly depends on an existsing one. % \end{itemize} % We add an optional first argument that contains formatting options for the % boxes used in a particular kind of theorem. The definition of this macro is % in a very \LaTeX ish style\dots % \begin{macrocode} \def\newboxtheorem{% \@ifnextchar[{\thmbox@newA}{\thmbox@newA[]}}% % \end{macrocode} % The sub-macros eventually call |\thmbox@new|, which performs the actual % theorem definition according to four arguments, respectively the formatting % options, the environment name, the title used and the name of \LaTeX\ % counter. % \end{macro} % % The macro |\thmbox@newA| is used when options are specified. We store the % options in the macro |\thmbox@temp| for stability. This is needed because it % may contain an option of the form |titlestyle={...#1...}| which could cause % problems in a |\def|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@newA[#1]#2{% \def\thmbox@temp##1{#1}% \@ifnextchar[{\thmbox@newC{#2}}{\thmbox@newD{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % The macro |\thmbox@newC| corresponds to the case where an existing counter % is used for the new environment. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@newC#1[#2]#3{% \expandafter\thmbox@new\expandafter{\thmbox@temp{####1}}{#1}{#3}{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % The macro |\thmbox@newD| corresponds to the case where a new counter is % created. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@newD#1#2{% \@ifnextchar[{\thmbox@newE{#1}{#2}}{% \newcounter{#1}% \expandafter\thmbox@new\expandafter{\thmbox@temp{####1}}{#1}{#2}{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % The macro |\thmbox@newE| corresponds to the case where the new counter % depends on another counter. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@newE#1#2[#3]{% \newcounter{#1}[#3]% \expandafter\def\csname the#1\endcsname{% \csname the#3\endcsname.\arabic{#1}} \expandafter\thmbox@new\expandafter{\thmbox@temp{####1}}{#1}{#2}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % The macro |\thmbox@new| performs the actual environment definition. % Because of the way we handle the environment's optional argument, we % don't define the new environment using \LaTeX\ macros. The drawback is that % there is no error checking. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@new#1#2#3#4{% \expandafter\def\csname#2\endcsname{% \setkeys{thmbox}{#1}% \@ifnextchar[{\thmbox@beginA{#3}{#4}}{% \thmbox@begin{#3}{#4}{}}}% \expandafter\def\csname end#2\endcsname{% \endthmbox\smallbreak}} % \end{macrocode} % Like previously, the macro |\thmbox@beginA| is used when the optional % argument is present. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@beginA#1#2[#3]{% \thmbox@begin{#1}{#2}{\thmbox@titlestyle{#3}}} % \end{macrocode} % % The macro |\thmbox@begin| is responsible for opening a theorem environment % as defined by the new version of |\newtheorem|. Its arguments contain % respectively options for the box, the name of the element (e.g. % ``Theorem''), the counter used and the text to insert after the number. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmbox@begin#1#2#3{% \medbreak% \refstepcounter{#2}% \thmbox{\thmbox@headstyle{#1}{\csname the#2\endcsname}#3}% \thmbox@bodystyle\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % Optionally (see the package option \texttt{nothm}), this macro replaces the % original |\newtheorem| so that the package can be used without modifying an % already prepared text. % \begin{macrocode} \ifthmbox@newtheorem \let\newtheorem\newboxtheorem \fi % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Examples and proofs} % % \begin{macro}{example} % For examples, we write the text in a smaller face, with an extra left margin % and a mark at the beginning. % \begin{macrocode} \def\example{} \@ifundefined{examplename}{\def\examplename{Example}}{} \renewenvironment{example}[1][\examplename]{% \par\smallbreak\small% \list{\hspace\labelsep\textbf{#1\,:}}{% \leftmargin=\parindent% \labelwidth=\parindent}% \item\relax}{% \endlist} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{proof} % The format of proofs is mostly that of examples, with two differences: the % right margin is also extended, and a black square is placed in this extra % margin at the end of the last line. % \begin{macrocode} \def\proof{} \@ifundefined{proofname}{\def\proofname{Proof}}{} \renewenvironment{proof}[1][]{% \small% \list{\hspace\labelsep\textbf{\proofname\ #1\unskip\,:}}{% \topsep=\smallskipamount% \partopsep=0pt% \leftmargin=\parindent% \rightmargin=\parindent% \listparindent=\parindent% \labelwidth=\parindent}% \item\relax\ignorespaces}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} {\parskip\z@% \par\noindent% \setbox\thmbox@box=\hbox{% \kern .5em\vbox{% \hrule width .7em height .7em \vskip\baselineskip}}% \wd\thmbox@box=0mm% \ht\thmbox@box=0mm% \hfill\box\thmbox@box% \endlist\par} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \Finale