% % \iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass[a4paper]{tclldoc} \newcommand{\eemenu}{\textsf{EE} menu} \DeclareRobustCommand\Alpha{\textit{Alpha}} \DeclareRobustCommand\AlphaEight{\textit{Alpha\,8}} \DeclareRobustCommand\AlphaTk{\textit{Alphatk}} \DeclareRobustCommand\AlphaTcl{\textit{Alpha\Tcllogo}} \DeclareRobustCommand\TclAE{\Tcllogo\AE} \DeclareRobustCommand\package[1]{\textsf{#1}} \providecommand{\href}[2]{#2} \usepackage{xdoc2} \newenvironment{details}[1]{% \description \def\commandmethod{#1}% }{\enddescription} \makeatletter \newcommand{\detailitem}{% \XD@grab@arguments{\@detailitem}{\XD@grab@harmless\relax}% } \def\@detailitem#1{% \item[\texttt{#1}% \IndexEntry{\LevelSame{\commandmethod\ method}% \LevelSorted{#1}{\texttt{#1} detail}% }{main}{\TheXDIndexNumber}% ]% } \makeatother % \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{0.7cm} \CodelineIndex \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} \begin{document} \DocInput{eemenu.dtx} \PrintIndex \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % \title{The \eemenu} % \author{Lars Hellstr\"om} % \date{17 July 2003} % \maketitle % % % \begin{abstract} % The \eemenu\ package for the \Alpha\ family of text editors provides % commands for sending small pieces of code from a source file window % to various interpreters. It can handle multiple languages and % multiple source file formats. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % % \section{Introduction} % % When writing code for an interpreted language, it is a great % convenience to be able to test arbitrary pieces of code by sending % them to a relevant interpreter and examining the results. Many of % \Alpha's modes provide such functionality, but not always with the % full generality one would need. Furthermore these features are usually % tied to the specific mode and thus become much less convenient if code % in several different languages are mixed in the same file. The % \eemenu\ provides a general mechanism for constructing new commands % of this kind, thereby making it possible to better tailor them for the % case at hand. % % % \subsection{Using an \eemenu\ command} % % The basic usage is straightforward: you select a piece of text and % invoke one of the \eemenu\ commands. This will \emph{extract} % the part of that selection which is code and send it to the relevant % interpreter, where it will be \emph{evaluated}. (Indeed, the \textsf{EE} % in \eemenu\ is for ``extract and evaluate''.) You will also get % a \emph{report} (by default a message on the status line) about the % result of the command. This is all quite similar to how the % \textsf{Evaluate} command in the \Tcllogo\ menu works, but it is much % more general. % % Two very natural questions at this point are of course ``How does it % know what part of the selection is `code'?'' and ``How does it know % which the `relevant interpreter' is?''. The answer to both these % questions is that this information is built into the particular command % you invoke. Just as the standard \textsf{Evaluate} command has its % definition of what `code' is (the entire selection is code) and which % the `relevant interpreter' is (\Alpha's internal \Tcllogo\ % interpreter), each \eemenu\ command has built-in definitions of % these things. The difference is that with \textsf{Evaluate} you would % have to do some programming to change these things, whereas with the % \eemenu\ commands you don't, since there is a multitude of ways in % which each part of the exatract-and-evaluate process can be configured. % % To begin with, each \eemenu\ command consists of four pieces which % are quite independent of each other. When the \emph{extract} piece is % called it looks at the selection and returns the next line of code in % it, or says that there are no more code lines that can be extracted. % What happens to the extracted lines of code is of no concern to the % extractor. The \emph{evaluate} piece takes a list of lines and sends % them to an interpreter (internal or external). It also compiles a % sort of report on the result of the evaluation, based on the reply % (if there was any) that it recieves from the interpreter. This is % then given to the \emph{reporter}, which displays the report (or more % often, for brevity, the central part of the report) to the user. The % fourth piece is called the \emph{completeness test} and determines % whether a list of code lines constitute a unit that can be evaluated. % % The way it goes is that lines are extracted until the completeness % test says OK, then the lines are sent for evaluation and the report on % evaluation is sent to the reporter, after which the whole thing starts % again and lines are extracted until the form a new complete unit, % which is then evaluated, and so on. The \eemenu\ command doesn't stop % until all code lines in the selection have been extracted or evaluation % reports an error. % If there is an error in evaluation then the report will say so, and % futhermore the cursor will be moved to the beginning of the first % line in the code unit that failed to evaluate correctly. Furthermore % the pin will be moved to the end of the selection, so that a simple % \textsf{Hilite} will reselect the part of the original selection that % still has not been successfully evaluated. If there wasn't any % selection to start with then the extractor behaves as if the entire % file was selected. % % % \subsection{Editing and invoking \eemenu\ commands} % % Each of the four pieces of what a command does are handled by a % \emph{method}. There are extraction methods, completeness test % methods, evaluation methods, and report methods, all of which can be % combined arbitrarily to make up a new \eemenu\ command. This is done % in the \textsf{Edit Commands} dialog, which is brought up by % choosing that item in the \textsf{EE} menu. % % The \textsf{Edit Commands} dialog has one page for each \eemenu\ % command that is defined. At the bottom of the dialog there is a row % of four buttons \textsf{New}, \textsf{Duplicate}, \textsf{Rename}, and % \textsf{Delete} which add, remove, or rename \eemenu\ commands. Above % those are four pop-up menus, in which one chooses which four methods % the command should consist of. Above these are four other items which % control how the command is invoked. % % There are two ways of invoking an \eemenu\ command. One possibility % is to choose it directly in the \textsf{EE} menu, although it is not % necessarily the case that all commands are available there. Whether a % command is available is controlled through the \textsf{Put in menu} % item on the \textsf{Edit Commands} dialog page of that command. The % other possibility of invoking a command is through a key binding, and % that is controlled through the three remaining items \textsf{Active}, % \textsf{Command keybinding}, and \textsf{Binding mode} in the % \textsf{Edit Commands} dialog. The \textsf{Command keybinding} item % controls which key binding one should use for a command. The % \textsf{Binding mode} item is used to specify a mode for this % binding; a binding without mode will be global. Finally, a command is % said to be \emph{active} if there is a key binding to it. The % \textsf{Active} item controls whether the command should be active by % default (at startup). % % For temporary activation and deactivation of commands, one should % instead use the \textsf{Active Commands} submenu of the \textsf{EE} % menu. This submenu lists all \eemenu\ commands. Those that are % currently active have a check mark next to them, and selecting an item % in this menu toggles activation state of that command. If two commands % have the same binding then activating one will deactivate the other. % % Besides the items mentioned above, the \textsf{Edit Commands} dialog % also has a \textsf{Details} button in the lower left corner. This % button is very important, since it brings up a subdialog that shows % all the method-specific settings. The methods and their details are % described below, but it should be observed here that it is to a large % extent these detail settings that decide, amogst other things, what % text should count as extractable code and which interpreter should % evaluate the code. To get back from the details subdialog to the main % \textsf{Edit Commands} dialog, one presses the \textsf{Back} button. % The details subdialog is logically a part (which is normally hidden) % of the main \textsf{Edit Commands} dialog. Changes to items in the % dialog, whether those appear in the main dialog or in the subdialog, % are kept if one presses \textsf{OK} in the main dialog and forgotten % if one presses the \textsf{Cancel} button. % % % \subsection{Extraction methods and their details} % % The default extraction method is the \textsf{Raw} method. It % considers the entire selection to be extractable code and has no % detail settings. % % The \textsf{Regexp} extraction method uses line-oriented regular % expressions to decide what is extractable code. This extraction % process works in two steps. First the lines in the selection are % tested against a filter, and those lines that passes are considered to % contain code. The filter works in one of three modes: \texttt{off} % (all lines pass), \texttt{grep} (only those lines that match a % specific regular expression passes), and \texttt{anti-grep} (only % those lines that \emph{don't} match a specific regular expression % passes). The filter mode and the regular expression used in the % filter are the two detail settings that affect the filter. % The second step in \textsf{Regexp} extraction is to feed each line % that passes the filter through |regsub|. This can be used to remove % from the lines some piece of text that is markup rather than part of % the code. Both the search and the replace regular expressions in this % step are detail settings of the \textsf{Regexp} extraction method. % % The \textsf{Docstrip} extraction method, finally, emulates what the % \textsf{docstrip} program\footnote{\textsf{docstrip} is part of the % standard \LaTeX\ distribution.} would do with the selection. It % recognises all kinds of guards and processes them correctly, but it % does not attempt to evaluate the guard expressions---instead it will % ask the user whether modules guarded by a given expression should be % included whenever it needs to know this. The values assigned to the % guard expressions will be forgotten each time the entire selection % is evaluated without error. Unlike \textsf{docstrip} the program, % \textsf{Docstrip} the extraction method will not include lines % beginning with |%%| in what is extracted, since those anyway only % contains comments. % % Besides the filtering that \textsf{docstrip} the program would do, % \textsf{Docstrip} the extraction method has two extra filtering % mechanisms that are designed mainly to prevent user errors. The first % is that extraction will only take place if the file name matches one % listed in the \textsf{File patterns} detail. The default pattern is % \texttt{*.dtx} which is usually what one wants, but changing it to % \texttt{*} will let anything through. The second mechanism, which is % off by default, sees to that code lines will only be considered for % extraction if they appear to be in an environment for code lines % (such as \texttt{macrocode}). This is useful if you in places tend to % leave a few lines of documentation not commented out during % development. To activate this mechanism, check the \textsf{Filter by % environments} detail. The \textsf{Source environments} detail is the % list of environments that are OK to extract from. % % As an example of how this works, consider a file that looks as % follows: % \DontCheckModules\iffalse %<*example> %<<EXAMPLE % \fi\begin{macrocode} % Text text text text text % \begin{tcl} set a A %<*andB> append a B %</andB> append a C %<*andD> append a D %</andB> expr $a string length $a % \end{tcl} % text text text. % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %EXAMPLE %</example> % \fi \CheckModules % If lines 1--7 above are selected and the \textsf{dtx -\textgreater\ % internal Tcl} command is invoked (the \eemenu\ by default binds this % to \textsf{Cmd--L}), then three messages will flash by on the % status line, the last (and therefore the lasting) of which is the % message \texttt{Tcl eval OK: ABC}. If using instead a command that % uses the \textsf{Log Window} report method, then in addition to this % one would have the following lines added to the log window: % \begin{trivlist}\item\small % |% set a A|\\ % |A|\\[\smallskipamount] % |% append a B|\\ % |AB|\\[\smallskipamount] % |% append a C|\\ % |ABC| % \end{trivlist} % The |%| lines show the commands that were evaluated and the % lines after these contain the respective results of these commands. % Before the |append a B| command is evaluated, \Alpha\ will stop and % ask % \begin{quote} % \textsf{Should \textless andB\textgreater\ modules be included?} % \end{quote} % In the case above the answer given was `Yes'; if it had been `No' then % the |append a B| command would neither be logged nor evaluated, and % the result of the |append a C| command would have been |AC|. % % If one continues by selecting lines 9--12 and invokes the same % command again then the status line will settle for the message % ``\texttt{Tcl\ eval\ error:\ syntax\ error\ in\ expression\ "ABCD"}'', % the insertion point will be moved to the beginning of line 11, and % the following information will be found in the log: % \begin{trivlist}\item\small % |% append a D|\\ % |ABCD|\\[\smallskipamount] % |% expr $a|\\ % |Error: syntax error in expression "ABCD"|\\ % |Error info:|\\ % |syntax error in expression "ABCD"|\\ % | while executing|\\ % |"expr $a"| % \end{trivlist} % If then line 11 is changed to |expr {$a}|, lines 11--12 are again % selected (e.g. using \textsf{Mark Hilite}), and the command is invoked % then logged material will be: % \begin{trivlist}\item\small % |% expr {$a}|\\ % |ABCD|\\[\smallskipamount] % |% string length $a|\\ % |4| % \end{trivlist} % % Finally, if lines 3--12 are selected and the command is invoked then % the user will be asked the following questions: % \begin{itemize} % \item \textsf{Should \textless andB\textgreater\ modules be included?} % (Possible answers are `Yes' and `No'.) % \item \textsf{Should \textless andD\textgreater\ modules be included?} % (Possible answers are `Yes' and `No'.) % \item \textsf{Module nesting error: \textless*andD\textgreater\ % module ended by \textless/andB\textgreater. For which % guards should the positions be pushed?} % (Possible answers are `None', `Start', `End', and `Both'.) % \end{itemize} % In the last case, the extraction method has noticed that the guard % expressions that began (\textsf{andD}) and ended (\textsf{andB}) a % module are not equal (which is an error). Answering `Both' here will % push the positions of (the beginning of) both guard lines (8 and 10) onto % the bookmark stack so that they can easily be jumped to and corrected % later. After this, the \eemenu\ command will continue as if nothing had % happened. % % % \subsection{Completeness tests} % % The three completeness tests that come with \eemenu\ are % \textsf{\Tcllogo\ Info Complete}, \textsf{Entire Selection}, and % \textsf{Every Line}. The first of these uses the |info complete| % command in \Alpha's built-in \Tcllogo\ interpreter test whether the % list of lines extracted so far constitute a complete \Tcllogo\ % script. \textsf{Entire Selection} and \textsf{Every Line} don't look % at the extracted lines at all however; instead the \textsf{Entire % Selection} test waits until the entire selection has been extracted % before it says it does constitute a complete unit, whereas % \textsf{Every Line} thinks every line is a complete unit. None of % these methods have any details. % % % \subsection{Evaluation methods} % % The list of available evaluation methods depends very much on the % current platform. The basic \eemenu\ package contains code for four % methods named \textsf{Internal Tcl}, \textsf{Do Script AE}, \textsf{Tk % Send}, and \textsf{Windoze DDE}, but only those for which the % underlying command can be found in the interpreter are actually % defined. The effect is usually that only two methods are available: % the \textsf{Internal Tcl} method and one method which depends on the % platform. % % The \textsf{Internal Tcl} method joins the lines of code with % linefeeds and passes the resulting string to \Alpha's internal % \Tcllogo\ interpreter for evaluation (at the global level). Errors % are caught and reported with a complete |errorInfo|. There are no % details for this method. % % The \textsf{Do Script AE} method sends a \texttt{dosc} AppleEvent with % the code to evaluate; hence it is only available on Mac~OS. The target % application for this event is one of the detail settings. The `Wait % for reply' detail setting controls whether the AppleEvent requests a % reply (not all target applications will provide one). If no reply is % requested then the report will only tell how many lines were sent. % If a reply is requested then that reply will be the report. Finally, % there are three detail settings that control how the list of lines % are converted to the string put in the \texttt{dosc} AppleEvent. The % lines can be joined using either of the following four strings: line % feed, carriage return, carriage return plus line feed, or just a % single space. It is also possible to specify a prefix and a suffix, % which are strings put before and after the extracted code that should % be evaluated. % % The \textsf{Tk Send} method uses the Tk |send| command to communicate % with the target interpreter; hence it is probably only useful with % \AlphaTk\ in an X-windows environment (typically on some Unix platform). % Most of the details work as for the \textsf{Do Script AE} method, but % there is a difference in how the target is identified. One detail % setting is the string used for identifying the target, but since the % names of targets for |send| are made unique on each server, there is % a chance that the intended target has not got the expected name. In % that case, a mechanism called `aliasing' will be invoked. It usually % displays a list of the available targets (which includes the option to % start a new Wish process) for the user to choose from, and the target % detail setting will then be considered to be an \emph{alias} for the % actual name of that target. If the alias behaviour is to ``Ask once'' % then this choice will be remembered as long as \Alpha\ is running, but % if it is to ``Ask each time'' then it will only work for this invocation % of the \eemenu\ command. The behaviour can also be to fail, in which % case the command stops as for an error without presenting the user with % a list of available targets. % % The \textsf{Windoze DDE} method uses Dynamic Data Exchange to communicate % with the target interpreter; hence it is probably only useful with % \AlphaTk\ on the Windows platform. Most of the details work as for the % \textsf{Tk Send} method, but there are a few extra details that have % to do with how the target is identified. The target is identified with % two details called \textsf{Service} and \textsf{Target}. For sending % commands to a \Tcllogo\ interpreter it seems like the \textsf{Service} % should be \texttt{TclEval} and the \textsf{Target} is assigned as the % \textsf{Target} for the \textsf{Tk Send} method, but the \Tcllogo\ % manual seems to suggest that the normal case is that the % \textsf{Service} is the name of an application and the % \textsf{Target} the name of a document open in that application (I % haven't had any chance to try it out in practice). Aliasing works as % for the \textsf{Tk Send} method, but since the target isn't % necessarily a \Tcllogo sh or Wish in this case, the actual command for % launching the new target must be configurable as well. This is the % purpose of the \textsf{Launch command} detail, whose value is a piece % of \Tcllogo\ code that \Alpha\ evaluates at the global level whenever % the user requests that a new target is launched. It is typically an % |exec| command. % % I am well aware that there are interpreters for which neither of these % methods may be appropriate. The method concept has however deliberately % been designed so that separate \AlphaTcl\ extensions can define new % methods that are just as easily available as the built-in ones. I % recommend that anyone who finds the available methods insufficient % tries to work out how one might otherwise communicate with the target % interpreter, so that the capabilities of \eemenu\ can be extended. One % particular possibility that should be explored is to (on Unix) hook up % interpreters as `slaves' of \Alpha\ (seizing control of % \texttt{stdin}, \texttt{stdout}, and \texttt{stderr}), so that the % target interpreter thinks it is getting text typed at an interactive % prompt. Since one would typically not want to start a new such `slave' % for each time an \eemenu\ command is invoked, it would probably be % necessary to add some functionality for managing slaves to the % \eemenu. % % % \subsection{Report methods} % % The default report method is \textsf{Status Line}, which shows the % most recent evaluation result on the status line. This is often % sufficient when all you're interested in is whether there was an % error or not. % % The \textsf{Log Window} report method creates a detailed log of the % commands evaluated and the results returned. This can be useful for % example when one is trying to debug a complex mathematical calculation % with several intermediate results. The first two details of this % method---\textsf{Window name} and \textsf{Window mode}---refer to the % window used to log the results. The logged text is inserted at the % end of this window. If no window with the specified name exists, then % a new one with mode \textsf{Window mode} and the shell flag set is % opened. The other details---\textsf{Prompt} and % \textsf{Antiprompt}---are text strings that are prepended to the % lines inserted into the log window. The \textsf{Prompt} is prepended % to extracted code lines, whereas the \textsf{Antiprompt} is prepended % to result lines. % % % \subsection{Writing new methods} % % A method consists of a couple of procedures which reside in a child % namespace of the \texttt{eemenu} namespace. Declaring a new method % simply amounts to writing these procedures and defining the detail % settings for the method. The general relation between method names and % namespace names is explained in Subsection~\ref{Ssec:Namespaces}. It % is suggested that one uses the \texttt{eemenu}\namespaceseparator % \texttt{define\_detail} command of Subsection~\ref{Ssec:CmdDialogs} % for defining detail settings. Different kinds of methods need to % provide different procedures for the main executive to call. The % interfaces used are described in the beginnings of % Sections~\ref{Sec:Extraction}--\ref{Sec:Report}. % % % % % \section{Main menu functionality} % % The rest of this paper describes the implementation of \eemenu\ and % its methods. The information here is useful mainly for those who want % to extend \eemenu\ by writing additional methods for it or otherwise % modify the code, but it could of course be of interest also for % advanced users. % % % \subsection{Initialization} % % \changes{v\,0.1}{2001/12/15}{Renamed package from \textsf{Eval~Menu} % to \textsf{EE~Menu}. (LH)} % \changes{v\,0.3}{2003/04/02}{Updated code for \AlphaTcl\,8. (LH)} % \changes{v\,0.3.1}{2003/07/19}{Added help. (LH)} % % \begin{tcl} %<*pkg> alpha::menu eeMenu 0.3.1 global "EE" { auto_load eemenu::main } { eemenu::init_bindings eemenu::build_menu } { eval eemenu::deactivate [array names eemenu::cmdA] } requirements { %<atcl7> alpha::package require AlphaTcl 7.5b1 %<!atcl7> alpha::package require AlphaTcl 8.0d1 } uninstall {this-file} help { The EE menu provides commands for sending small pieces of code from a source file window to various interpreters. It can handle multiple languages and multiple source file formats. The commands are built by combining four simple pieces called methods. The choice of methods and parameters for methods to use in a command is completely configurable through a dialog. It is also possible to write extensions that define additional methods and provide these through the same easy interface. See the file eemenu.dtx for the full documentation. } maintainer\ %<atcl7> [list "Lars Hellstr[text::Ascii 154 1]m" Lars.Hellstrom@math.umu.se] %<!atcl7> [list "Lars Hellstr\u00f6m" Lars.Hellstrom@math.umu.se] namespace eval eemenu {} % \end{tcl} % \setnamespace{eemenu} % % % \subsection{Methods and namespaces} % \label{Ssec:Namespaces} % % Each method for doing something is put in its own namespace, which % must be a child of the |eemenu| namespace. % % \begin{proc}{Prettify} % \begin{proc}{Unprettify} % In dialogs and preferences, method names are kept in ``prettified'' % form, similar to that used in most of \Alpha's menus. Since the % preference values must be restored to ``unpretty'' form before they % can be used, \eemenu\ has two procedures of its own that handle % these conversions, although the conversion is almost always the same % as the conversion that the standard |quote::Prettify| procedure % would make. The syntaxes are % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::Prettify| \word{unpretty string}\\ % |eemenu::Unprettify| \word{pretty string} % \end{quote} % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::Prettify str { set a [string toupper [string index $str 0]] regsub -all {([^A-Z])([A-Z])} [string range $str 1 end] {\1 \2} b regsub -all {((La|Bib|Oz|CMac) )?Te X} $a$b {\2TeX } a return $a } proc eemenu::Unprettify str { regsub -all { } $str {} a return "[string tolower [string index $a 0]][string range $a 1 end]" } % \end{tcl} % For these procedures to be inverses of each other, unpretty strings % must begin with a lower case letter and not contain any spaces. % \end{proc}\end{proc} % % \begin{arrayvar}{extract}[method] % \begin{arrayvar}{complete}[method] % \begin{arrayvar}{evaluate}[method] % \begin{arrayvar}{report}[method] % A method declares itself by setting its entry in the |extract|, % |complete|, |evaluate|, or |report| respectively array. The % entries in these arrays are lists of dialog item names, more % precisely the names of those setting details that are relevant for % the method in question. The indices into these arrays are unpretty % method names. % \end{arrayvar}\end{arrayvar}\end{arrayvar}\end{arrayvar} % % Most method types employ a model with distinct ``begin'', ``iterate'', % and ``end'' procedures that the main executive calls. For each command % and method, the ``begin'' is called first once, then the ``iterate'' % may be called any number of times, and last the ``end'' is called once. % The details to use for the method are only provided in the call to % ``begin'' as that procedure is expected to store the relevant data % into variables private to the method (residing in its namespace). In % most cases, the actual code being evaluated is only handled by the % ``iterate'' procedure, and only the ``end'' procedure gets to know % how it all turned out. % % In many methods, some of these procedures do nothing at all. This is % then because there is nothing that needs to be done for that particular % method. % % \begin{proc}{multiupvar} % The |multiupvar| procedure does |upvar #0| for a number of % variables, prepending the namespace of the caller to each of the % \word{other-var} arguments of |upvar|. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::multiupvar| \word{my-var}\regplus % \end{quote} % \changes{v\,0.2}{2002/12/26}{Corrected a minor bug: one must look % at the first element in the list that info level returns. (LH)} % \begin{tcl} %<*!atcl7> proc eemenu::multiupvar {args} { foreach var $args {uplevel 1 [list variable $var]} } %</!atcl7> %<*atcl7> proc eemenu::multiupvar {args} { if {[info level]>1} then { set ns [lindex [info level -1] 0] set t [string last :: $ns] if {$t<0} then {set ns {}} else { set ns [string range $ns 0 [expr {$t+1}]] } } else {set ns {}} set t 1 set call [list upvar #0] foreach var $args {lappend call ${ns}${var} $var} uplevel 1 $call } %</atcl7> % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \subsection{The main executive} % % \begin{arrayvar}{cmdA}[command name] % The |cmdA| array stores all definitions of \eemenu\ commands. The % indices into the array are the command names. The entries are % key--value lists which contain the settings for the command. % % The \describestring[key]{active}|active|, % \describestring[key]{binding}|binding|, and % \describestring[key]{mode}|mode| keys have to do with the key % binding for this command. If |active| is |1| then the binding should % be made upon startup. |binding| is the actual binding to use. |mode| % is the mode for which the binding should be made; if this is % |<none>| then the binding should be global. % % The \describestring[key]{in_menu}|in_menu| key controls whether % this command should appear as a command in the main \textsf{EE} % menu. % % The \describestring[key]{extractor}|extractor|, % \describestring[key]{complete}|complete|, % \describestring[key]{evaluator}|evaluator|, and % \describestring[key]{reporter}|reporter| keys store the particular % methods that are used by the command. The values are prettified % method names. For each of these keys there is also an \dots|_extra| % key whose value is the key--value list of detail settings for that % method. The exact names are \describestring[key]{extract_extra} % |extract_extra|, \describestring[key]{complete_extra} % |complete_extra|, \describestring[key]{eval_extra}|eval_extra|, and % \describestring[key]{report_extra}|report_extra|. % % If the |cmdA| array isn't set then it will be initialised in % Section~\ref{Sec:DefCmdA}. % \end{arrayvar} % % % % \begin{proc}{main} % The |main| procedure is meant to be called from key binding scripts % and menu procs to actually carry out an \eemenu\ command. The % syntax is % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::main| \word{command name} \meta{selection-args} % \end{quote} % The \word{command name} is the name of the \eemenu\ command. The % \meta{selection-args} can be used to specify what the command % should extract from; they are passed straight on to the extraction % method |start| procedure. % % If there was an error during the execution of the command then |main| % terminates with an error. There is no particular result from this % procedure. % % The first part of |main| calls the begin procedures of the methods % used. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::main {command args} { global eemenu::cmdA if {![info exists eemenu::cmdA($command)]} then { error "Command '$command' undefined." } array set CMD [set eemenu::cmdA($command)] % \smallskip set extract [eemenu::Unprettify $CMD(extractor)] set cmpl [eemenu::Unprettify $CMD(complete)] set eval [eemenu::Unprettify $CMD(evaluator)] set report [eemenu::Unprettify $CMD(reporter)] % \smallskip set win\ [eval [list eemenu::${extract}::start $CMD(extract_extra)] $args] upvar #0 eemenu::${cmpl}::complete complete eemenu::${report}::log_open $CMD(report_extra) $win % \end{tcl} % The main part of |main| is the following loop over extracted lines. % The |res| variable stores the last result returned by the evaluation % method. The |safe| variable is a boolean for whether the current % position should be considered safe. The |lines| variable contains % the lines extracted but not yet evaluated. The |at_end| variable is % |0| until the end of the extractable portion of the code has been % encountered. % \begin{tcl} set res [eemenu::${eval}::begin $CMD(eval_extra) $win] eval [list eemenu::${report}::log_result] $res set lines [list] set safe 1 while {![lindex $res 0]} { % \end{tcl} % First extract the next line of code and append it to |lines|. % \begin{tcl} set at_end [catch {eemenu::${extract}::next $safe} line] if {$at_end == 1} then { global errorInfo return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo } elseif {$at_end == 0} then { lappend lines $line } elseif {![llength $lines]} then {break} % \end{tcl} % Secondly check if there is a complete block of code in |lines|. % \begin{tcl} set safe [expr $complete] if {$at_end && !$safe} then { set safe [expr {![dialog::yesno -y No -n Yes\ "The last [llength $lines] lines do not appear to be a\ complete block of code. Evaluate anyway?"]}] if {!$safe} then { set res [list 1 "" ""] break } } % \end{tcl} % Finally log code, evaluate it, and log the result. This should % happen when |lines| contains a complete block of code. If there is % no error in evaluating the code then the current position will be % safe at the next iteration of the loop, and if there is an error % then the loop will not be iterated anyway. Hence the use of |safe| % is correct. % \begin{tcl} if {$safe} then { eemenu::${report}::log_code $lines set res [eemenu::${eval}::item $lines] eval [list eemenu::${report}::log_result] $res set lines [list] } } % \end{tcl} % If an error has already been detected then it doesn't matter if % |end| evaluates without error, but it could also be that no error % results are returned before |end|. % \begin{tcl} if {[lindex $res 0]} then { eval [list eemenu::${report}::log_result] [eemenu::${eval}::end] } else { set res [eemenu::${eval}::end] eval [list eemenu::${report}::log_result] $res } eemenu::${extract}::finish [lindex $res 0] eemenu::${report}::log_close } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \subsection{The key bindings} % % There is a small system for managing the \eemenu\ key bindings. There % are two reasons for this: deactivating a command should only unbind a % binding if that binding is really currently used for that command, % and the \textsf{Active~Commands} submenu should match the actual % bindings. % % \begin{proc}{binding_index} % The |binding_index| procedure makes an index into the |binding| array. % The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::binding_index| \word{mode} \word{binding} % \end{quote} % Both an empty string and |<none>| as \word{mode} are interpreted as % ``global''. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::binding_index {mode binding} { if {"<none>"==$mode} then {set mode ""} set mode [string range "[string trim $mode] " 0 3] return "$mode$binding" } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{arrayvar}{binding} % The |binding| array is used to keep track of which command is % currently using a particular binding. The entries in this array are % command names. The indices have the form % \begin{quote} % \meta{mode}\meta{binding} % \end{quote} % where \meta{mode} is the mode and \meta{binding} is the menu-style % code for the binding. \meta{mode} is padded on the right with % spaces to exactly four characters. The \meta{mode} for global % bindings is four spaces. % \end{arrayvar} % % \begin{proc}{init_bindings} % The |init_bindings| procedure initialises the |binding| array and % the actual key bindings to match the data in the |cmdA| array. It % should be called when the menu is activated, but before the menu % itself is built. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::init_bindings {} { eemenu::multiupvar cmdA binding foreach cmd [array names cmdA] { % \end{tcl} % Only commands that are active needs to be considered. % \begin{tcl} array set A $cmdA($cmd) if {!$A(active)} then {continue} % \end{tcl} % The state of the binding must also be determined. It could be that % some other \textsf{EE~Menu} command is using the same binding, in % which case the user should be informed of this. % \begin{tcl} set idx [eemenu::binding_index $A(mode) $A(binding)] if {[info exists binding($idx)] &&\ ![dialog::yesno "To activate '$cmd', I must first deativate\ '$binding($idx)'. Proceed?"]}\ % then {continue} % \end{tcl} % Now the binding can be made for the command. % \begin{tcl} set binding($idx) $cmd set call [keys::bindKey $A(binding)] lappend call [list eemenu::main $cmd] if {[string compare "<none>" $A(mode)]} then {lappend call $A(mode)} eval $call } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{deactivate} % The |deactivate| procedure has the syntax % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::deactivate| \word{\eemenu\ command}\regplus % \end{quote} % It deactivates the bindings for all commands listed as arguments % and updates the \textsf{Active Commands} submenu accordingly. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::deactivate {args} { eemenu::multiupvar binding cmdA foreach cmd $args { % \end{tcl} % First make sure the binding is actually active. % \begin{tcl} array set A $cmdA($cmd) set idx [eemenu::binding_index $A(mode) $A(binding)] if {![info exists binding($idx)] ||\ [string compare $binding($idx) $cmd]} then {continue} % \end{tcl} % Then unset everything that has to do with it. % \begin{tcl} unset binding($idx) set call [keys::unbindKey $A(binding)] lappend call "" if {[string compare "<none>" $A(mode)]} then {lappend call $A(mode)} eval $call markMenuItem -m "Active Commands" $cmd off } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{activate} % The |activate| procedure activates the bindings for the \eemenu\ % commands listed as arguments. It has the syntax % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::activate| \word{noisy} \word{\eemenu\ command}\regplus % \end{quote} % The procedure notices and handles the case that the binding for an % already active command coincides with that of some command to % activate, usually by deactivating the active command. The \word{noisy} % argument controls how it will behave in this. If \word{noisy} is |0| % then it will merely show a list of deactivations on the status bar, % but if it is |1| then it will put up a dialog and ask first. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::activate {noisy args} { eemenu::multiupvar binding cmdA set deactiveL [list] foreach cmd $args { % \end{tcl} % First determine the state of the binding. % \begin{tcl} array set A $cmdA($cmd) set idx [eemenu::binding_index $A(mode) $A(binding)] if {[info exists binding($idx)]} then { if {![string compare $binding($idx) $cmd]} then {continue} % \end{tcl} % In this case the binding is being used by some other command. % Should that be deactivated? % \begin{tcl} if {$noisy && ![dialog::yesno "To activate '$cmd', I must\ first deativate '$binding($idx)'. Proceed?"]} then {continue} % \end{tcl} % Here we know it should. Deactivation can be simplified since the % binding will anyway be overwritten later. % \begin{tcl} lappend deactiveL $binding($idx) markMenuItem -m "Active Commands" $binding($idx) off } % \end{tcl} % Now activate the binding, as was the original intention. % \begin{tcl} set binding($idx) $cmd set call [keys::bindKey $A(binding)] lappend call [list eemenu::main $cmd] if {[string compare "<none>" $A(mode)]} then {lappend call $A(mode)} eval $call markMenuItem -m "Active Commands" $binding($idx) on\ [text::Ascii 18 1] } if {!$noisy && [llength $deactiveL]} then { status::msg "Deactivated commands: [join $deactiveL ", "]" } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \subsection{Building and handling the menu} % % \begin{proc}{build_menu} % The |build_menu| procedure builds the menu. It is called when the % menu is initially created and whenever some command settings have % been edited. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::build_menu {} { eemenu::multiupvar cmdA binding set items [list "Edit Commands[text::Ascii 201 1]"] if {[array size cmdA] > 0} then { %<atcl7> set cmdL [lsort -ignore [array names cmdA]] %<!atcl7> set cmdL [lsort -dictionary [array names cmdA]] lappend items [list Menu -n "Active Commands" -m\ -p eemenu::menu_proc $cmdL] lappend items "(-)" foreach cmd $cmdL { array set A $cmdA($cmd) if {$A(in_menu)} then {lappend items $cmd} } } global eeMenu Menu -n $eeMenu -m -p eemenu::menu_proc $items if {[array size cmdA]} then { foreach idx [array names binding] { markMenuItem -m "Active Commands" $binding($idx) on\ [text::Ascii 18 1] } } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{menu_proc} % The |menu_proc| handles selection of items in the \emph{EE} menu and % its submenu. The syntax is the standard % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::menu_proc| \word{menu} \word{item} % \end{quote} % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::menu_proc {menu item} { global eeMenu eemenu::multiupvar cmdA binding switch -- $menu $eeMenu { switch -- $item "Edit Commands" { eemenu::edit_commands } default { eemenu::main $item } } "Active Commands" { array set A $cmdA($item) set idx [eemenu::binding_index $A(mode) $A(binding)] if {[info exists binding($idx)] &&\ ![string compare $binding($idx) $item]} then { eemenu::deactivate $item } else { eemenu::activate 1 $item } } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \subsection{The command dialogs} % \label{Ssec:CmdDialogs} % % The dialog for editing command settings has two levels. On the top % level, the dialog has one page per command. This dialog allows one to % select methods, but does not show any detail settings for the methods. % The other level has one page for each method type (or less) and shows % only the detail settings for that method. % % \begin{arrayvar}{detail_typeA} % \begin{arrayvar}{detail_helpA} % \begin{arrayvar}{detail_keyA} % The |detail_typeA| and |detail_helpA| arrays define the items in the % setting details dialog. They are sent as arguments to % |dialog::handle|, and thus the indices have the form % \meta{page}|,|\meta{name}. The \meta{page} is either |Extract| % for the extraction method page, |Complete| for the completion % method page, |Evaluate| for the evaulation method page, or |Report| % for the report method page. The |detail_keyA| array gives the keys % associated with the items. % \end{arrayvar}\end{arrayvar}\end{arrayvar} % % \begin{arrayvar}{detail_defaultA} % The |detail_defaultA| array is indexed by the name of a detail page % (|Extract|, |Complete|, |Evaluate|, or |Report|). The entries are % key--value lists that constitute suggested defaults for the % \dots|_extra| items in the main dialog. % \begin{tcl} array set eemenu::detail_defaultA\ {Extract {} Complete {} Evaluate {} Report {}} % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayvar} % % \begin{proc}{define_detail} % The |define_detail| procedure is a helper to simplify the definition % of items in the detail dialogs by handling internally all the odd % variable names that are involved. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::define_detail| \word{page} \word{name} \word{key} % \word{type} \word{value}\regopt\ \word{help}\regopt % \end{quote} % \word{page} and \word{name} specify the item. \word{key}, % \word{type}, \word{value}, and \word{help} are what will be stored % into the arrays. The return value is precisely \word{name}, so that % one can put that in the |extract|, |complete|, |evaluate|, or % |report| array in the same command as the item is defined. % % It is OK to define the same item several times, provided that the % definitions are equal (or different only in the \word{value}s or % in that one has a \word{help} and the other doesn't), but it is an % error if they are different. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::define_detail {page name key type {val ""} {help ""}} { upvar #0 eemenu::detail_typeA typeA eemenu::detail_helpA helpA\ eemenu::detail_keyA keyA eemenu::detail_defaultA valA set error "" set idx "$page,$name" if {![info exists keyA($idx)]} then { set keyA($idx) $key } elseif {"$key" != "$keyA($idx)"} then { append error " Different keys: '$keyA($idx)' and '$key'." } if {![info exists typeA($idx)]} then { set typeA($idx) $type } elseif {"$type" != "$typeA($idx)"} then { append error " Different types: '$typeA($idx)' and '$type'." } if {[string length $val]} then { if {[info exists valA($page)]} then {array set A $valA($page)} if {![info exists A($key)] || ![string length $A($key)]} then { set A($key) $val set valA($page) [array get A] } } if {[string length $help]} then { if {![info exists helpA($idx)]} then { set helpA($idx) $help } elseif {"$help" != "$helpA($idx)"} then { append error " Different help texts: '$helpA($idx)' and '$help'." } } if {[string length $error]} then { dialog::alert "The detail setting '$name' for '$page' methods\ has conficting definitions.$error This is an error that should be fixed; for now, the second definition will be ignored." } return $name } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \begin{proc}{edit_commands} % The |edit_commands| procedure puts up a dialog that lets the user % edit the command settings. It takes no arguments and returns nothing. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::edit_commands {} { global eemenu::extract eemenu::complete eemenu::evaluate\ eemenu::report % \end{tcl} % The first thing to do is to determine the layout for command pages. % \begin{tcl} set layout [list] lappend layout [list active flag Active "Is the binding active?"] lappend layout [list binding binding "Command keybinding"] lappend layout [list mode mode "Binding mode"] lappend layout [list in_menu flag "Put in menu"] % \smallskip %<*atcl7> set M [list] foreach method [lsort -ignore [array names eemenu::extract]] { lappend M [eemenu::Prettify $method] } lappend layout [list extractor [list menu $M] "Extraction method"] lappend layout [list extract_extra [list hidden keyval] extract_extra] % \smallskip set M [list] foreach method [lsort -ignore [array names eemenu::complete]] { lappend M [eemenu::Prettify $method] } lappend layout [list complete [list menu $M] "Completion test"] lappend layout [list complete_extra [list hidden keyval] complete_extra] % \smallskip set M [list] foreach method [lsort -ignore [array names eemenu::evaluate]] { lappend M [eemenu::Prettify $method] } lappend layout [list evaluator [list menu $M] "Evaluation method"] lappend layout [list eval_extra [list hidden keyval] eval_extra] % \smallskip set M [list] foreach method [lsort -ignore [array names eemenu::report]] { lappend M [eemenu::Prettify $method] } lappend layout [list reporter [list menu $M] "Report method"] lappend layout [list report_extra [list hidden keyval] report_extra] %</atcl7> %<*!atcl7> set M [list] foreach method [lsort -dictionary [array names eemenu::extract]] { lappend M [eemenu::Prettify $method] } lappend layout [list extractor [list menu $M] "Extraction method"] lappend layout [list extract_extra [list hidden keyval] extract_extra] % \smallskip set M [list] foreach method [lsort -dictionary [array names eemenu::complete]] { lappend M [eemenu::Prettify $method] } lappend layout [list complete [list menu $M] "Completion test"] lappend layout [list complete_extra [list hidden keyval] complete_extra] % \smallskip set M [list] foreach method [lsort -dictionary [array names eemenu::evaluate]] { lappend M [eemenu::Prettify $method] } lappend layout [list evaluator [list menu $M] "Evaluation method"] lappend layout [list eval_extra [list hidden keyval] eval_extra] % \smallskip set M [list] foreach method [lsort -dictionary [array names eemenu::report]] { lappend M [eemenu::Prettify $method] } lappend layout [list reporter [list menu $M] "Report method"] lappend layout [list report_extra [list hidden keyval] report_extra] %</!atcl7> % \end{tcl} % Then the call to |dialog::make_paged| can be constructed (in the % |call| variable), but as it is convenient to do that in order, the % page arguments (which are the easiest) will be constructed last. % \begin{tcl} global dialog::ellipsis if {![info exists dialog::ellipsis]} then {auto_load dialog::make_paged} set call [list dialog::make_paged] set buttons [list] lappend buttons "New${dialog::ellipsis}" "Add new command"\ {eemenu::add_command ""} lappend buttons "Duplicate${dialog::ellipsis}"\ "Duplicate this command" {eemenu::add_command $currentpage} lappend buttons "Rename${dialog::ellipsis}"\ "Rename this command" {eemenu::rename_command} lappend buttons "Delete${dialog::ellipsis}"\ "Delete this command" { if {[dialog::yesno "Are you sure you want to\ delete '$currentpage'?"]} { set pages [dialog::delete_pages $pages\ [list $currentpage] delta_pages] } } lappend buttons "Details${dialog::ellipsis}"\ "Setting details for this command" { eemenu::command_details $dial $currentpage } lappend call -addbuttons $buttons -changeditems mods\ -alpha7pagelimit 2 % \end{tcl} % Finally the page arguments to |dialog::make_paged| can be appended % and the actuall call made. % \begin{tcl} global eemenu::cmdA %<atcl7> foreach cmd [lsort -ignore [array names eemenu::cmdA]] { %<!atcl7> foreach cmd [lsort -dictionary [array names eemenu::cmdA]] { lappend call [list $cmd [set eemenu::cmdA($cmd)] $layout] } set res [eval $call] % \end{tcl} % If |make_paged| terminates with an error (the user pressed % \textsf{Cancel}) then processing of this procedure should stop here. % Thus the |eval| above is quite in order. % % After that, the settings should be updated. The first step is to % deactivate those commands whose activation state, binding, or mode % has changed, since that has to be done before the old settings % are cleared. % \begin{tcl} set call [list eemenu::deactivate] newforeach {cmd keys} $mods { if {[lsearch -regexp $keys {^(active|binding|mode)$}]>=0 &&\ [info exists eemenu::cmdA($cmd)]} then { lappend call $cmd } } if {[llength $call]>1} then {eval $call} % \end{tcl} % Now the new settings can replace the old. % \begin{tcl} unset eemenu::cmdA array set eemenu::cmdA $res % \end{tcl} % Then what remains is (i) to inform \Alpha\ that the changed command % settings need to be saved, (ii) to make bindings for those commands % that are active, and (iii) to add or remove items from the menu. % \begin{tcl} set call [list eemenu::activate 0] set build_menu 0 %<atcl7> newforeach {cmd keys} $mods { %<!atcl7> foreach {cmd keys} $mods { prefs::modified eemenu::cmdA($cmd) if {![info exists eemenu::cmdA($cmd)]}\ then {set build_menu 1; continue} array set A [set eemenu::cmdA($cmd)] if {$A(active) &&\ [lsearch -regexp $keys {^(active|binding|mode)$}]>=0}\ then {lappend call $cmd} if {[lsearch -exact $keys in_menu]>=0} then {set build_menu 1} } if {[llength $call]>2} then {eval $call} if {$build_menu} then {eemenu::build_menu} } % \end{tcl} % The conditions used above rely to some extent on the fact that % \emph{all} items on a dialog page that is added or deleted count as % having been changed. % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{add_command} % The |add_command| procedure is called by a button script to add a % new command page to the dialog. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::add_command| \word{template} % \end{quote} % where \word{template} is the name of a command whose settings should % be copied, or an empty string if the default settings should be used. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::add_command {templ} { set name [getline "Name of new command"] if {![string length $name]} then {return} %<atcl7> newforeach {page items} [uplevel 1 {set pages}] { %<!atcl7> foreach {page items} [uplevel 1 {set pages}] { if {![string compare $page $name]} then { alternote "That name is already in use!" return } } % \end{tcl} % By default, make new commands inactive and don't put them in the % menu. This is to avoid silly errors in case the user wants to do % a ``backup'' of a command. % \begin{tcl} set keyvals [list active 0 in_menu 0] if {[string length $templ]} then { set dial [uplevel 1 {set dial}] set cpage [uplevel 1 {set currentpage}] %<atcl7> newforeach {key item}\ %<!atcl7> foreach {key item}\ {binding {Command keybinding} mode {Binding mode} extractor {Extraction method} extract_extra extract_extra complete {Completion test} complete_extra complete_extra evaluator {Evaluation method} eval_extra eval_extra reporter {Report method} report_extra report_extra} { lappend keyvals $key [dialog::valGet $dial "${cpage},${item}"] } } else { lappend keyvals binding "" mode "" extractor "Raw" upvar #0 eemenu::detail_defaultA defaultA lappend keyvals extract_extra $defaultA(Extract) lappend keyvals complete "Entire Selection" complete_extra\ $defaultA(Complete) lappend keyvals evaluator "Internal Tcl" eval_extra\ $defaultA(Evaluate) lappend keyvals reporter "Status Line" report_extra $defaultA(Report) } uplevel 1 [list dialog::add_page $name $keyvals [uplevel 2 set layout]] uplevel 1 [list set currentpage $name] } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{rename_command} % The |rename_command| procedure is called by a button script to rename % an existing command. There are no arguments. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::rename_command {} { upvar 1 currentpage cpage dial dial set name [getline "New name for command '$cpage'"] if {![string length $name]} then {return} %<atcl7> newforeach {page items} [uplevel 1 {set pages}] { %<!atcl7> foreach {page items} [uplevel 1 {set pages}] { if {![string compare $page $name]} then { alternote "That name is already in use!" return } } % \end{tcl} % Technically, the page with the old name is deleted and a new page % with the new name is added. The keyvals have to saved to a list in % between. % \begin{tcl} set keyvals [list] %<atcl7> newforeach {key item} {active Active in_menu {Put in menu}\ %<!atcl7> foreach {key item} {active Active in_menu {Put in menu}\ binding {Command keybinding} mode {Binding mode}\ extractor {Extraction method} extract_extra extract_extra\ complete {Completion test} complete_extra complete_extra\ evaluator {Evaluation method} eval_extra eval_extra\ reporter {Report method} report_extra report_extra} { lappend keyvals $key [dialog::valGet $dial "${cpage},${item}"] } uplevel 1 { set pages [dialog::delete_pages $pages [list $currentpage]\ delta_pages] } uplevel 1 [list dialog::add_page $name $keyvals [uplevel 2 set layout]] set cpage $name } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{command_details} % The |command_details| procedure is called by a button script to let % the user see and edit the details of a command. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::command_details| \word{dialog ref.} \word{command} % \end{quote} % The \word{dialog ref.} is the reference to pass on to % |dialog::valGet| and the like, as that is the only way to access the % data that should be shown in the dialog. The \word{command} is the % name of the command whose details should be shown, which is also the % \meta{page} part of the array index that |dialog::valGet| needs. % % Most of this procedure consists of moving data from the data % structures of one dialog to those of another, and back again. More % precisely, data is taken from the \dots|_extra| items in the main % dialog and put (using |array set|) into the local arrays |A1|, |A2|, % |A3|, and |A4|. Then those entries in these arrays which correspond % to details for the current set of methods are stored as dialog item % values for |dial2|. At the end, those |dial2| items values that were % changed are copied back to the corresponding |A| array, and then % these arrays are put back (using |array get|) into the corresponding % \dots|_extra| items in the main dialog. % % At the same time as the data are copied from the main dialog to the % details dialog, the list of pages and items in the latter is being % built. The information about this is taken from the |extract|, % |complete|, |evaluate|, and |report| arrays. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::command_details {dial command} { global eemenu::detail_typeA eemenu::detail_helpA\ eemenu::detail_keyA eemenu::extract eemenu::complete\ eemenu::evaluate eemenu::report set pages [list] set dial2 [dialog::create] % \end{tcl} % Exactly the same processing is done for all four pages of the % details dialog, but since the location of the source data varies a % bit irregularly between the pages, it is easiest to make a table of % which variables and indices should be used. There is one line per % page in the |newforeach| below. % \begin{tcl} %<atcl7> newforeach {which page layoutarr data arr} { %<!atcl7> foreach {which page layoutarr data arr} { {Extraction method} Extract eemenu::extract extract_extra A1 {Completion test} Complete eemenu::complete complete_extra A2 {Evaluation method} Evaluate eemenu::evaluate eval_extra A3 {Report method} Report eemenu::report report_extra A4 } { set method [eemenu::Unprettify\ [dialog::valGet $dial ${command},${which}]] set L [set ${layoutarr}($method)] if {[llength $L]} then { lappend pages $page $L array set $arr [dialog::valGet $dial ${command},${data}] foreach l $L { set v [set eemenu::detail_keyA($page,$l)] if {[info exists ${arr}($v)]} then { dialog::valSet $dial2 "$page,$l" [set ${arr}($v)] } else { % \end{tcl} % It turns out \AlphaEight\ doesn't like an empty string as value for % a checkbox, so the value is explicitly set to |0| for flags. % \changes{v\,0.3}{2003/04/11}{Added special default for flag items. % A similar fix should be put in the dialogs code. (LH)} % \begin{tcl} switch -- [set eemenu::detail_typeA($page,$l)] flag { dialog::valSet $dial2 "$page,$l" 0 } default { dialog::valSet $dial2 "$page,$l" "" } } } } } % \smallskip if {![llength $pages]} then { dialog::alert "There are no details for these methods." dialog::cleanup $dial2 return } dialog::handle $pages eemenu::detail_typeA $dial2\ eemenu::detail_helpA page [list]\ [list [list "Back" "Return to overall dialog" ""] right first] % \smallskip set L [dialog::changed_items $dial2] foreach item $L { switch -glob $item { Extract,* {set arr A1} Complete,* {set arr A2} Evaluate,* {set arr A3} Report,* {set arr A4} } set ${arr}([set eemenu::detail_keyA($item)])\ [dialog::valGet $dial2 $item] } %<atcl7> newforeach {page data arr} { %<!atcl7> foreach {page data arr} { Extract extract_extra A1 Complete complete_extra A2 Evaluate eval_extra A3 Report report_extra A4 } { if {[lsearch -glob $L "${page},*"] >= 0} then { dialog::valChanged $dial "${command},${data}" [array get $arr] } } dialog::cleanup $dial2 } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \subsection{\texttt{dialogsNew} patch} % % In the testing stage, I discovered that the |edit_commands| procedure % managed to overstress \Alpha7's |dialog| command almost without % trying. It is probably the large number of popup menus that is causing % trouble, but regardless of the cause, I found that I couldn't use this % dialog if it tried to show more than two commands. % % The \textsf{Edit Filesets} command faces a similar limitation and to % work around that there is a separate \textsf{Edit A Fileset} command. % As I didn't feel that much like reconstructing the \textsf{Edit % Commands} dialog however, I instead redesigned |dialog::make_paged| % so that \emph{it} automatically splits the dialog when there are too % many pages in it. The redesigned |make_paged| will however probably % not make it into Alpha\Tcllogo\ before v\,7.6d3 and at the moment % that seems like a bit restrictive to me. Hence \emph{EE~Menu} will % patch the \texttt{dialogsNew} code if this change hasn't already % been incorporated. % % \begin{tcl} %<*dialogspatch&atcl7> if {![llength [info commands dialog::make_paged]]} then { auto_load dialog::make_paged } if {![regexp -- -alpha7pagelimit [info body dialog::make_paged]]} then { % \end{tcl} % The following is copied from \texttt{dialogsNew.dtx} v\,1.4. % % \setnamespace{dialog} % % \begin{proc}{make_paged} % The |make_paged| procedure is similar to the |make| procedure, but % its argument argument structure is slightly different, its return % value is very different, and it does have a couple of features that % |make| doesn't (such as adding or removing pages or items in a % dialog). The basic syntax is the same % \begin{quote} % |dialog::make_paged| \meta{option}\regstar\ \word{page}\regplus % \end{quote} % but here each \word{page} is a list with the structure % \begin{quote} % \word{page name} \word{key--value list} \word{item list} % \end{quote} % and each \word{item list} in turn is a list of items, each of with % are themselves lists and have the structure % \begin{quote} % \word{key} \word{type} \word{name} \word{help}\regopt % \end{quote} % The return value is a list with the structure % \begin{quote} % \begin{regexp}[\regplus]\word{page name} % \word{key--value list}\end{regexp} % \end{quote} % and in both cases the \word{key--value list} has the format of a % list returned by |array get|, i.e., % \begin{quote} % \begin{regexp}[\regstar]\word{key} \word{value}\end{regexp} % \end{quote} % % Rather than (as with |make|) including the value of an item in its % \word{item} list, that list contains a \word{key} which references % a value stored in the \word{key--value list} of that page. The idea % with this is that the input and output formats for values should be % the same, so that the caller has little overhead in converting from % one data format to another. The \word{key--value list} format is % furthermore flexible in that is completely insensitive to changes % that add, remove, or rearrange items within a page. Extra % key--value pairs in the input are ignored and an empty string is % substituted as value for pairs that are missing. % % The \meta{option}s understood by |make_paged| are % \begin{quote} % |-ok| \word{OK button title}\\ % |-cancel| \word{cancel button title}\\ % |-title| \word{dialog window title}\\ % |-defaultpage| \word{name of default page}\\ % |-addbuttons| \word{button list}\\ % |-width| \word{dialog window width}\\ % |-alpha7pagelimit| \word{maximal number of pages}\\ % |-debug| \word{debug level}\\ % |-changedpages| \word{var-name}\\ % |-changeditems| \word{var-name} % \end{quote} % Those that are common with |make| work exactly the same. The % |-changedpages| option specifies that the caller wants to know on % which pages something was changed. The \word{var-name} is the name % of a variable in the caller's local context which will be set to % the list of (names of) pages where some item value was changed. The % |-changeditems| option is similar, but here the variable will be set % to a list with the structure % \begin{quote} % \begin{regexp}[\regstar]\word{page name} % \word{key list}\end{regexp} % \end{quote} % where the \word{key list}s are lists of the \emph{keys} of items on % that page whose values were changed. % % \begin{tcl} proc dialog::make_paged {args} { % \end{tcl} % % |make_paged| largely has the same local variables as |make|, but % there are some additions. The major arrays are % \begin{description} % \item[\texttt{pageA}] % The index into this array is the name of a page. An entry % contains the list of names of items on that page. % \item[\texttt{typeA}] % The index into this array has the form % \meta{page}|,|\meta{item}, where \meta{page} is the name of a % page and \meta{item} is the name of an item on that page. An % entry contains the type of that item. % \item[\texttt{keyA}] % The index has the same form as in the |typeA| array. An entry % contains the \word{key} for that item. % \item[\texttt{helpA}] % The index has the same form as in the |typeA| array. An entry % contains the help text for that entry, but an item needs not % have an entry in this array (it can be left unset). % \end{description} % There are a couple of additional scalar variables that are of % interest. % \begin{description} % \item[\texttt{retCode}, \texttt{retVal}] % When the |retCode| variable is set, the dialog is logically % closed and the procedure returns. If the variable is set to |0| % then |make| executes a normal return and the returned value will % be the list of item values. If the variable is set to anything % else then that will used for the |-code| option of |return| and % the returned value will be taken from the |retVal| variable, % which must then be initalised. % \item[\texttt{dial}] % This contains the reference string to use with |valGet|, % |valSet|, and friends when accessing the values of items in % the dialog. % \item[\texttt{currentpage}] % This contains the name of the current page in the dialog. % \item[\texttt{delta\_pages}] % This is the list of all pages which have been added to or % deleted from the dialog since it was called. The |add_page| and % |delete_page| procedures both directly access this list. It is % needed to get the information for the |-changedpages| and % |-changeditems| correct. % \item[\texttt{pages}] % This is a list of pages and items to show in the dialog. It is % similar to the result of |array get pageA|, but the order of % pages is as specified in the call and hidden pages are not % included. % \item[\texttt{opts(-addbuttons)}] % This is \word{button list} specified by the caller. Button % scripts can modify this list to change the text on their button. % \item[\texttt{state}] % This is initialized to |0| before the first time the dialog is % shown and then the procedure leaves it alone. Button scripts may % change it to keep track of what ``state'' (mostly: which % items\slash pages are currently hidden) the dialog is in. % \item[\texttt{splitstate}] % This is the dialog splitting state and works as for % |dialog::make|. % \item[\texttt{optionL}] % The list of additional options to pass to |dialog::handle|. % \end{description} % % The first part of |dialog::make_paged| processes the arguments. % \begin{tcl} set opts(-ok) OK set opts(-cancel) Cancel set opts(-title) "" set opts(-width) 400 set opts(-debug) 0 getOpts {-title -defaultpage -ok -cancel -addbuttons -width -debug\ -alpha7pagelimit -changedpages -changeditems} set dial [dialog::create] % \end{tcl} % The page arguments are interpreted by the |add_page| procedure. % Since these pages aren't new in the sense that is relevant for the % |delta_pages| list, that variable is reset afterwards. The % |splitstate| variable is implicitly updated by |add_page|. % \begin{tcl} set pages [list] set delta_pages [list] if {[info exists opts(-alpha7pagelimit)] && [info tclversion]<8.0}\ then { set splitstate below } else { set splitstate off } foreach pagearg $args { eval [list dialog::add_page] $pagearg } set delta_pages [list] if {$splitstate=="page"} then {set splitstate menu} if {[info exists opts(-defaultpage)]} then { set currentpage $opts(-defaultpage) } else { set currentpage [lindex $pages 0] } set optionL [list -width $opts(-width) -title $opts(-title)] set main_buttons [list\ % [list $opts(-ok) "Click here to use the current settings."\ {set retCode 0}\ % $opts(-cancel) "Click here to discard any\ changes you've made to the settings."\ {set retCode 1; set retVal "cancel"}]\ % first right] set view_button [list [list {View dialog page}\ {Click here to see the items on this page.}\ {set splitstate page}]] set back_button [list [list "Back"\ {Click here to go back to the pages menu.}\ {set splitstate menu}] first right] % \end{tcl} % % The second part is the loop which lets the user edit the settings. % \begin{tcl} set state 0 while {![info exists retCode]} { switch -exact -- $splitstate off - below { if {[info exists opts(-addbuttons)]} then { set script [dialog::handle $pages typeA $dial helpA\ currentpage $optionL [list $opts(-addbuttons)]\ $main_buttons] } else { set script [dialog::handle $pages typeA $dial helpA\ currentpage $optionL $main_buttons] } } menu { set altpages [list] set n 1 foreach item $pages { if {$n} then { lappend altpages $item set n 0 } else { lappend altpages {} set n 1 } } set script [dialog::handle $altpages typeA $dial helpA\ currentpage $optionL $view_button $main_buttons] } page { % \end{tcl} % This is a small test to make sure that the value of |currentpage| % is valid. If it isn't then one should return to the |menu| state. % \begin{tcl} if {![info exists pageA($currentpage)]} then { set splitstate menu continue } set altpages [list $currentpage $pageA($currentpage)] if {[info exists opts(-addbuttons)]} then { set script [dialog::handle $altpages typeA $dial helpA\ currentpage $optionL [list $opts(-addbuttons)]\ $back_button] } else { set script [dialog::handle $altpages typeA $dial helpA\ currentpage $optionL $back_button] } } if {[catch $script err]} then { % \end{tcl} % The rest of this loop is simply for gracefully handling errors that % occur when button scripts are evaluated. % \begin{tcl} global errorInfo set errinfo $errorInfo if {$opts(-debug)} then { tclLog "Error in button script '$script'" tclLog $err } dialog::cleanup $dial return -code 1 -errorinfo $errinfo\ "Error '$err' when evaluating button script." } } % \end{tcl} % % The third part is as in |make| responsible for constructing the result % to return (at normal returns). Unlike the case with |make|, the % return value covers only the items currently in |pages|. This % part is also responsible for constructing the lists of changed % pages and items. Two important variables in this are |cS| and |cA|. % |cS| is an array which is used to test whether a certain item has % been changed (via |valChanged|), but the only thing that matters is % whether an entry has been set or not. |cA| is an array indexed by % page name, whereas the entries are lists of keys of items on that % page which have been changed. % \begin{tcl} if {$retCode==0} then { set retVal [list] global dialog::mute_types foreach page $delta_pages { foreach name $pageA($page) { lappend cA($page) $keyA($page,$name) } } foreach item [dialog::changed_items $dial] {set cS($item) ""} newforeach {page items} $pages { set res [list] foreach name $items { set T "$page,$name" if {[lsearch -exact ${dialog::mute_types}\ [lindex $typeA($T) 0]] < 0} then { lappend res $keyA($T) [dialog::valGet $dial $T] if {[info exists cS($T)]} then { lunion cA($page) $keyA($T) } } } lappend retVal $page $res } if {[info exists opts(-changedpages)]} then { upvar 1 $opts(-changedpages) cp set cp [array names cA] } if {[info exists opts(-changeditems)]} then { upvar 1 $opts(-changeditems) ci set ci [array get cA] } } dialog::cleanup $dial return -code $retCode $retVal } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{add_page} % The |add_page| procedure can be called from within the |make_paged| % procedure to add a new page to the dialog. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |dialog::add_page| \word{page name} \word{key--value list} % \word{item list} \word{position}\regopt % \end{quote} % Here the \word{page name}, \word{key--value list}, and \word{item % list} coincide with those parts of a \word{page} argument of % |make_paged|. % % |add_page| works by modifying the arrays |typeA|, |keyA|, |helpA|, % and |pageA|, the lists |pages| and |delta_pages|, and the variable % |splitstate| in the caller's local context. It also uses the value % in the |dial| variable there as an argument to |valSet| and the % |opts| array to access the |-alpha7pagelimit| value. All of these % variables are assumed to function as they do in the |make_paged| % procedure. % % The \word{position} argument can be used to specify where in the % |pages| list that the new page should be inserted. It defaults to % |end|, which puts the new page last. Otherwise the argument should % be numeric: |0| means put first, |1| means put second, |2| means put % third, etc. % % If |splitstate| is |below| and the number of pages equals (or is % greater than) the |-alpha7pagelimit| then the |splitstate| is % changed to |page|. If |splitstate| is |menu| then it is also % changed to |page|. % \begin{tcl} proc dialog::add_page {page keyvalL itemsL {pos end}} { upvar pageA pageA typeA typeA helpA helpA keyA keyA\ dial dial pages pages delta_pages delta_pages\ splitstate splitstate opts opts array set local $keyvalL set pageA($page) [list] lunion delta_pages $page foreach item $itemsL { set key [lindex $item 0] set name [lindex $item 2] set keyA($page,$name) $key if {[info exists local($key)]} then { dialog::valSet $dial $page,$name $local($key) } else { dialog::valSet $dial $page,$name "" } set typeA($page,$name) [lindex $item 1] if {[llength $item]>3} then { set helpA($page,$name) [lindex $item 3] } lappend pageA($page) $name } if {$pos!="end"} then { set pages [linsert $pages [expr {2*$pos}] $page $pageA($page)] } else { lappend pages $page $pageA($page) } if {$splitstate=="menu" || ($splitstate=="below" &&\ [llength $pages]>2*$opts(-alpha7pagelimit))} then { set splitstate page } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{delete_pages} % In one sense, this procedure does the opposite of |add_page|, but % it can be used to achieve different effects as well. Basically it % takes a list of page names and items, in the format for the first % argument of |handle|, and returns the same list with some pages % removed. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |dialog::delete_pages| \word{pages} \word{delete-list} % \word{deleted-var}\regopt % \end{quote} % where the \word{delete-list} is the list of names of pages to % remove. \word{deleted-var} is, if it is given, the name of a % variable in the caller's local context containing a list of page % names. The deleted pages are then unioned with this list. The most % common value for \word{deleted-var} is |delta_pages|. % % If there is a \word{deleted-var} argument then this procedure might % also modify the |splitstate| variable in the caller's local % context. A value of |page| is changed to |menu| or |below| depending % on how meny pages are returned and the value of % |opts(-alpha7pagelimit)| in the caller's local context. (Both these % variables must exist if |delete_pages| is called with a % \word{deleted-var} argument.) % \begin{tcl} proc dialog::delete_pages {pages deleteL {deletedvar {}}} { set res [list] if {[string length $deletedvar]} then {upvar 1 $deletedvar diffL} newforeach {page items} $pages { if {[lsearch -exact $deleteL $page] == -1} then { lappend res $page $items } else { lunion diffL $page } } if {[string length $deletedvar]} then { upvar splitstate state opts(-alpha7pagelimit) limit switch -exact -- $state page - menu { if {[llength $res]<=2*$limit} then { set state below } else { set state menu } } } return $res } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \begin{tcl} } %</dialogspatch&atcl7> % \end{tcl} % \setnamespace{eemenu} % % % \section{Extraction methods} % \label{Sec:Extraction} % % The extraction method is mainly a source of input for an \eemenu\ % command, but it is also responsible for providing some feedback to the % user in the event that an error occurs. This feedback should take the % simple form of positioning the cursor at the beginning of the first % piece of code that could not be evaluated successfully. Extraction % methods are therefore expected to constantly keep track of the % position where the cursor should be put if an error occurs: this is % called the \emph{safe} position. As no other part of an \eemenu\ % cares about positions, these are regarded as internal matters for % the extraction mathod. The feedback from the main executive is % restricted to answers to the simple questions ``Is the current position % safe?'' and ``Did an error occur?'' % % Extractions are begun by a call to the % \describestring[proc][eemenu::\meta{method}]{start}|start| % procedure, which has the syntax % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::|\meta{method}|::start| \word{settings} % \word{window}\regopt\ % \begin{regexp}[\regopt]\word{start} \word{end}\end{regexp} % \end{quote} % The \word{settings} is the |extract_extra| list of the command, and % contain the settings that should be used until the next call to % |start|. This list may contain key--value pairs for details not used % by the current method (but which presumably are used by others), and % it needs not contain key--value pairs for every detail that the % current method uses. Therefore the method should provide defaults % when necessary. % % The \word{window} is the name of the window from which code should be % extracted. If this is omitted then the extraction should default to % using the current window. The \word{start} and \word{end} are % positions of the beginning and end respectively of the interval from % which code should be extracted, but they are normally not used. When % these are omitted then the method may do whatever seems reasonable, % but the following algorith is recommended: % \begin{itemize} % \item If there is a selection in the window, then substitute the % position of its beginning for \word{start} and the position of its % end for \word{end}. % \item Otherwise do the entire window, i.e., let \word{start} be the % |minPos| and \word{end} be the |maxPos|. % \end{itemize} % The main reason that \word{start} and \word{end} at all exist as % arguments is that this simplifies testing and debugging, but it also % enables virtual methods to make their own decisions about from where % the code should be extracted. % % The |start| procedure returns the file name (complete path, no count) % of the source window. This is passed on to the begin procedures of % other methods, but most of them ignore it anyway. If something is % wrong with the arguments supplied to it then |start| terminates with % an error. % % To actually extract a line, the main executive calls the % \describestring[proc][eemenu::\meta{method}]{next}|next| procedure, % which has the syntax % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::|\meta{method}|::next| \word{is safe} % \end{quote} % This procedure returns the next extractable code line, or terminates % with return code 9 if there is no more line. % \changes{v\,0.2}{2002/12/26}{Throwing abort instead of error, since % it otherwise catches too many real errors. (LH)} % The \word{is safe} argument is |1| if the current position should be % considered safe and |0| otherwise. % % Extraction is terminated by a call to the % \describestring[proc][eemenu::\meta{method}]{finish}|finish| % procedure. This has the syntax % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::|\meta{method}|::finish| \word{error?} % \end{quote} % where the \word{error?} argument is |1| if there was an error in % evaluation and |0| otherwise. This procedure does not return any data. % % % \subsection{Some position utilities} % % \textit{\textbf{Note:} The procedures in this subsection were probably % not a good idea to start with, so they are no longer included by % default.} For the historically interested reader, it may be remarked % that the code below predates the addition in \AlphaTcl\,7.6 of |-w| % options to most standard position procedures. % % Extraction procedures should generally not assume that the window from % which code is being extracted is the current window. The reason for % this is that if \Alpha\ is evaulating internally then the extracted % code may bring some other window to front or, more commonly, create a % new window (which will by default go on top of all others). This is % kind of tricky since many of \Alpha's commands for working with % positions implicitly assume that the positions are in the current % window, but it can be delt with by storing positions are a pair % |{|\word{row} \word{column}|}| instead, as the |rowColToPos| command % which converts this to a standard position does accept a window % argument. % % Handling explicitly such positions is however more work that it % should be, so here follows some generic utility procs to deal with % positions specified as lists with the structure % \begin{quote} % \word{window} \word{row} \word{column} \word{standard pos}\regopt % \end{quote} % Here, \word{window} is a full window name (as returned by the % |win::Current| procedure), whereas \word{row} and \word{column} % are integers. The optional \word{standard pos} element is the standard % position (that which should be used in calls to \Alpha\ primitives) if % it has been computed by a call to |rowColToPos|. If it has not been % computed then this element should not be present in the list. % % For \AlphaTk, there isn't much point in a distinction between the % ``standard'' and row--column position formats as standard % positions there are composed from a row and a column anyway. % % These procedures are put in the % \describestring[namespace]{pos}|pos| namespace, as there is nothing % in them that is specific to \eemenu. % \begin{tcl} %<*rowcol> namespace eval pos {} % \end{tcl} % \setnamespace{pos} % % \begin{proc}{incr_row} % \begin{proc}{incr_col} % The |incr_row| and |incr_col| procedures increment the row and % column respectively component of a position list. Their syntaxes are % \begin{quote} % |pos::incr_row| \word{pos-var} \word{row increment}\\ % |pos::incr_col| \word{pos-var} \word{column increment} % \end{quote} % Incrementing the column can not cause the row to be incremented. % Incrementing the row sets the column to |0|. The minimal column % value is |0| and the minimal row value is |1|. There are no % maximums in either. % \begin{tcl} proc pos::incr_row {var diff} { upvar 1 $var V set t [expr {[lindex $V 1] + $diff}] if {$t<1} then { set V [list [lindex $V 0] 1 0] } else { set V [list [lindex $V 0] $t 0] } } proc pos::incr_col {var diff} { upvar 1 $var V set t [expr {[lindex $V 2] + $diff}] set V [lrange $V 0 1] if {$t<0} then {lappend V 0} else {lappend V $t} } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc}\end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{get_standard} % The |get_standard| procedure returns the standard position % corresponding the row--column position stored in a variable. It has % the syntax % \begin{quote} % |pos::get_standard| \word{pos-var} % \end{quote} % \begin{tcl} proc pos::get_standard {var} { upvar 1 $var V if {[llength $V]<4} then { lappend V [eval [list rowColToPos -w] $V] } return [lindex $V 3] } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{polyset} % The |polyset| procedure is used to convert a list of standard % positions in a certain window to row--column form and store those % in variables, also given as a list. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |pos::polyset| \word{window} \word{var-list} \word{pos-list} % \end{quote} % If there are more elements in the \word{var-list} than in the % \word{pos-list} then the remaining elements will not be set. % % The reason this procedure works on lists is that \Alpha\ cannot % (or at least will not) determine the row and column for a position % unless that is in the current window. Therefore this procedure might % have to temporarily bring some other window to front to do its stuff. % \begin{tcl} proc pos::polyset {win varL posL} { if {$win != [win::Current]} then { set top [win::Current] bringToFront $win } set N [llength $varL] if {$N > [llength $posL]} then {set N [llength $posL]} for {set n 0} {$n < $N} {incr n} { upvar 1 [lindex $varL $n] V set V [concat [list $win]\ [posToRowCol [lindex $posL $n]] [lindex $posL $n]] } if {[info exists top]} then {bringToFront $top} } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{RC_compare} % The |RC_compare| procedure can be used to compare two row--column % positions. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |pos::RC_compare| \word{first pos} \word{second pos} % \end{quote} % and the result is as for |string compare|. It is an error if the % \word{window} elements of the two arguments are different. % \begin{tcl} proc pos::RC_compare {a b} { if {"[lindex $a 0]" != "[lindex $b 0]"} then { error "Not the same <window>." } if {[lindex $a 1] < [lindex $b 1]} then { return -1 } elseif {[lindex $a 1] > [lindex $b 1]} then { return 1 } elseif {[lindex $a 2] < [lindex $b 2]} then { return -1 } elseif {[lindex $a 2] > [lindex $b 2]} then { return 1 } else { return 0 } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \begin{proc}[eemenu]{get_extract_positions} % The |get_extract_positions| procedure interprets the three optional % arguments for a |start| procedure and sets two specified variables % in the caller's local context to the row--column positions % corresponding to the beginning and the end respectively of interval % from which code should be extracted. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::get_extract_positions| \word{start-var} \word{end-var} % \word{window}\regopt\ % \begin{regexp}[\regopt]\word{start} \word{end}\end{regexp} % \end{quote} % This procedure returns the complete window name (including count). % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::get_extract_positions {startvar endvar {win ""}\ {startpos ""} {endpos ""}} { if {![string length $win]} then {set win [win::Current]} if {![string length $startpos]} then { set startpos [getPos -w $win] set endpos [selEnd -w $win] if {[pos::compare $startpos == $endpos]} then { set startpos [minPos] set endpos [maxPos -w $win] } } uplevel 1 [list pos::polyset $win [list $startvar $endvar]\ [list $startpos $endpos]] return $win } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}[eemenu]{get_text} % The |get_text| procedure is mainly a wrapper around the |getText| % command. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::get_text| \word{start-var} \word{end-var} % \end{quote} % where \word{start-var} and \word{end-var} are names of variables % in the caller's local context of row--column positions. The return % value is the text between those positions. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::get_text {startvar endvar} { upvar 1 $startvar S $endvar E if {"[lindex $S 0]" != "[lindex $E 0]"} then { error "Not the same <window>." } getText -w [lindex $S 0] [pos::get_standard S] [pos::get_standard E] } %</rowcol> % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % % % \subsection{Raw extraction} % % \begin{arrayentry}[eemenu]{extract}{raw} % Raw extraction has no details. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::extract(raw) [list] namespace eval eemenu::raw {} % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayentry} % \setnamespace{eemenu::raw} % % \subsubsection{Row--column based extraction} % % This was my original implementation of raw extraction. Unfortunately % it seems that |rowColToPos| is rather slow in \AlphaEight. Hence % there is an alternative implementation below. % % \begin{proc}{start} % \begin{variable}{cur_pos} % \begin{variable}{safe_pos} % \begin{variable}{end_pos} % As this |start| procedure has no details to deal with, it only % has to initialize the three position variables |cur_pos| (current % position), |safe_pos| (most recent safe position), and |end_pos| % (the end position). % \begin{tcl} %<*rowcol> proc eemenu::raw::start {details args} { eemenu::multiupvar cur_pos safe_pos end_pos set win\ [eval [list eemenu::get_extract_positions cur_pos end_pos] $args] set safe_pos $cur_pos return [win::StripCount $win] } % \end{tcl} % \end{variable}\end{variable}\end{variable}\end{proc} % % % \begin{proc}{next} % The |next| procedure is also as simple as it can possibly be. The % only nontrivial thing about it is that it removes carriage returns % and linefeeds at the end of the text returned by % |eemenu::get_text|. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::raw::next {at_safe} { eemenu::multiupvar cur_pos safe_pos end_pos if {[pos::RC_compare $cur_pos $end_pos]>=0} then {return -code 9 "Done"} set this $cur_pos if {$at_safe} then {set safe_pos $this} pos::incr_row cur_pos 1 if {[pos::RC_compare $cur_pos $end_pos]>0} then { set cur_pos $end_pos } string trimright [eemenu::get_text this cur_pos] "\n\r" } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{finish} % The |finish| procedure is slightly trickier that it has to be. % Rather than doing a |goto| to the safe position, it does a |select| % followed by a |markHilite|, with the end position as end, so that % the mark will be at the end. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::raw::finish {was_error} { if {!$was_error} then {return} eemenu::multiupvar safe_pos end_pos bringToFront [lindex $safe_pos 0] select [pos::get_standard safe_pos] [pos::get_standard end_pos] markHilite } %</rowcol> % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \subsubsection{Queued extraction} % % This alternative implementation of the \textsf{raw} method is based on % extracting a bit more than one would usually need and store the % surplus in a queue of lines that haven't been extracted yet. % % \begin{variable}{line_queue} % \begin{variable}{window} % \begin{variable}{cur_pos} % \begin{variable}{from_pos} % \begin{variable}{safe_pos} % \begin{variable}{end_pos} % The |window| variable holds the name of the window from which text % is being extracted. % The |line_queue| variable is the text that has been gotten from the % window but not yet been properly extracted, split into lines. The % last line is incomplete and thus text must be added to the queue % whenever it has length less than two. % % The |cur_pos| variable is the standard position of the beginning of % the first line in |line_queue|. The |from_pos| variable is the % first position after the last piece of data in |line_queue|. The % |safe_pos| is the last position reported to be safe and the |end_pos| % is the position at which extraction should stop. % \end{variable}\end{variable}\end{variable}\end{variable}\end{variable} % \end{variable} % % \begin{proc}{start} % As this |start| procedure has no details to deal with, it only % has to initialize the six above variables. % \changes{v\,0.3}{2003/05/28}{Storing the tail of the file name, not % the whole path. This avoids unnecessary file system accesses. (LH) % Cf. bug 919.} % \changes{v\,0.3.1}{2003/07/19}{Using complete paths in \AlphaTk, due % to bug~1026. (LH)} % \begin{tcl} %<*!rowcol> proc eemenu::raw::start {details {win ""} {startpos ""} {endpos ""}} { eemenu::multiupvar line_queue window cur_pos from_pos safe_pos end_pos global alpha::platform if {![string length $win]} then {set win [win::Current]} switch -- ${alpha::platform} alpha { set win_tail [file tail $win] } default { set win_tail $win } if {![string length $startpos]} then { set startpos [getPos -w $win_tail] set endpos [selEnd -w $win_tail] if {[pos::compare $startpos == $endpos]} then { set startpos [minPos] set endpos [maxPos -w $win_tail] } } set line_queue [list ""] set window $win_tail set cur_pos $startpos set from_pos $startpos set safe_pos $startpos set end_pos $endpos return [win::StripCount $win] } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \begin{proc}{next} % The |next| procedure first retrieves data from the window (if % necessary) and then it extracts the first line from the queue. Data % beyond the |end_pos| are never read into the queue. % % There are two versions of this procedure to account for the new % addition of a |-w| option to |pos::compare| and |pos::math|. % \changes{v\,0.1.2}{2002/12/26}{Fixed a bug concerning pos::compare, % where string compare syntax was used. (LH, who is sure he has % fixed this bug before.)} % \begin{tcl} %<*atcl7> if {[alpha::package vsatisfies -loose\ [alpha::package versions AlphaTcl] 7.6d2]} then { %</atcl7> proc eemenu::raw::next {at_safe} { eemenu::multiupvar line_queue window cur_pos from_pos safe_pos\ end_pos if {[llength $line_queue] < 2} then { if {[pos::compare -w $window $cur_pos >= $end_pos]} then { return -code 9 "Done" } set next_pos [pos::math -w $window $from_pos + 1024] if {[pos::compare -w $window $next_pos >= $end_pos]} then { set next_pos $end_pos } set text [lindex $line_queue end] append text [getText -w $window $from_pos $next_pos] set line_queue [split $text "\n\r"] set from_pos $next_pos } if {$at_safe} then {set safe_pos $cur_pos} set line [lindex $line_queue 0] set line_queue [lreplace $line_queue 0 0] set cur_pos\ [pos::math -w $window $cur_pos + [expr {[string length $line]+1}]] set line } %<*atcl7> } else { proc eemenu::raw::next {at_safe} { eemenu::multiupvar line_queue window cur_pos from_pos safe_pos end_pos if {[llength $line_queue] < 2} then { if {[pos::compare $cur_pos >= $end_pos]} then { return -code 9 "Done" } set next_pos [pos::math $from_pos + 1024] if {[pos::compare $next_pos >= $end_pos]} then { set next_pos $end_pos } set text [lindex $line_queue end] append text [getText -w $window $from_pos $next_pos] set line_queue [split $text "\n\r"] set from_pos $next_pos } if {$at_safe} then {set safe_pos $cur_pos} set line [lindex $line_queue 0] set line_queue [lreplace $line_queue 0 0] set cur_pos [pos::math $cur_pos + [expr {[string length $line]+1}]] set line } } %</atcl7> % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{finish} % This |finish| procedure clears the |line_queue|. It should usually % be empty already, but better safe than sorry! % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::raw::finish {was_error} { eemenu::multiupvar line_queue window safe_pos end_pos set line_queue [list] if {!$was_error} then {return} bringToFront $window select $safe_pos $end_pos markHilite } %</!rowcol> % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \subsection{Regexp extraction} % % Regular expression extraction adds two features to what the raw % extraction does. One is the filter---only lines meeting a certain % condition are extracted, the others are skipped---and the other is the % substitution---each line returned is first fed through a |regsub|. % It would of course be possible to implement this from scratch, but it % is more instructive (and slightly shorter) to base it on the |raw| % method. % % \begin{arrayentry}[eemenu]{extract}{regexp} % Regular expression extraction has four detail settings. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::extract(regexp) [list\ % \end{tcl} % The first % two are used in a ``filter'' that selects which lines will be % extracted: % \begin{details}{Extraction} % \detailitem{filter_mode} % This is the mode of operation for the filter. There are three % possible values: |off| (no filtering, all lines are extracted), % |grep| (only lines matching the |filterRE| regular expression % are extracted), and |anti-grep| (only lines \emph{not} matching % the |filterRE| regular expression are extracted). % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Extract "Filter mode"\ filter_mode [list menu [list off grep anti-grep]] off]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{filterRE} % This is the regular expression for the filter % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Extract "Filter regular expression"\ filterRE var]\ % \end{tcl} % \end{details} % The last two are used in a straightforward |regsub| that is applied % to each extracted line before it is returned to the main executive. % \begin{details}{Extraction} % \detailitem{searchRE} % This is the regular expression searched for in the line. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Extract "Search (regexp):" searchRE var]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{replaceRE} % This is the regular expression for the replacement. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Extract "Replace (regexp):" replaceRE var]] % \end{tcl} % \end{details} % \end{arrayentry} % \begin{tcl} namespace eval eemenu::regexp {} % \end{tcl} % \setnamespace{eemenu::regexp} % % \begin{proc}{start} % \begin{arrayvar}{detA} % This |start| procedure stores its details in the |D| array and calls % the |evalmemu::raw::start| procedure to handle everything else. % Note how it provides defaults for the detail settings it % unconditionally uses, in case these are not present in the % \word{details}. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::regexp::start {details args} { global eemenu::regexp::detA array set eemenu::regexp::detA\ {filter_mode off searchRE {} replaceRE {}} array set eemenu::regexp::detA $details eval [list eemenu::raw::start $details] $args } % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayvar}\end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{next} % The |next| procedure starts with a loop that continues until it % finds a line that passes the filter. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::regexp::next {at_safe} { upvar #0 eemenu::regexp::detA D while {1} { set line [eemenu::raw::next $at_safe] switch -- $D(filter_mode) { off {break} grep {if {[regexp -- $D(filterRE) $line]} then {break}} anti-grep { if {![regexp -- $D(filterRE) $line]} then {break} } } } % \end{tcl} % Then it applies the |regsub| to the line. % \begin{tcl} regsub -all -- $D(searchRE) $line $D(replaceRE) line return $line } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{finish} % The |finish| procedure simply calls its equivalent for the |raw| % method. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::regexp::finish {err} {eemenu::raw::finish $err} % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % % \subsection{Docstrip extraction} % % Docstrip extraction is a descendant of the extraction mechanisms from % the \textsf{dtxload} package. % % % \begin{arrayentry}[eemenu]{extract}{docstrip} % There are three detail settings for |docstrip| extraction. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::extract(docstrip) [list\ % \end{tcl} % \begin{details}{Extraction} % \detailitem{filePatL} % This is a list of file patterns that the file name is tested % against using |string match|. If none of them fits then % extraction is stopped before is begins. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Extract "File patterns" filePatL var\ "*.dtx" "List of glob-style file patterns the window must match"]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{lookAtEnvs} % If this is checked then extraction will be further conditioned % by that the code line is in one of the environements listed in % the next setting. I find this very convenient, since I often % forget to comment out some lines here and there in the file. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Extract "Filter by environments"\ lookAtEnvs flag 0]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{sourceEnvsL} % The list of environments from which code may be extracted. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Extract "Source environments"\ sourceEnvsL var {tcl tcl*}]] % \end{tcl} % \end{details} % \end{arrayentry} % \begin{tcl} namespace eval eemenu::docstrip {} % \end{tcl} % \setnamespace{eemenu::docstrip} % % \begin{variable}{cur_pos} % \begin{variable}{safe_pos} % \begin{variable}{end_pos} % The |cur_pos|, |safe_pos|, and |end_pos| variables are as for the % |raw| mathod. A special case is however that |safe_pos| will never % be inside a verbatim section, even if it is safe there, since the % extraction wouldn't remember that is was inside a verbatim section % if it was restarted. Therefore the \word{is safe} argument to |next| % will be ignored in verbatim sections. % % These variables are only used by the \Module{rowcol} variant. % \end{variable}\end{variable}\end{variable} % % \begin{variable}{module_included} % \begin{variable}{in_code_env} % \begin{variable}{in_verbatim} % The |module_included| variable keeps track of whether the current % position is in an included module. It is |1| if the current % position should be included and |0| if it shouldn't. % The |in_code_env| variable is used for keeping track of the markup % context of the currently considered line in the file when the % |lookAtEnvs| setting is on. |in_code_env| is set to |1| when a % |\begin{|\meta{env}|}| for an \meta{env} in the |sourceEnvsL| is % scanned, and set to |0| when an |\end{|\meta{env}|}| is scanned. % The |in_verbatim| variable is |1| when the current position is in % a \textsf{docstrip} verbatim module and |0| (which is the normal % case) otherwise. % \end{variable}\end{variable}\end{variable} % % \begin{variable}{module_stack} % \begin{variable}{next_module_idx} % The |module_stack| variable is keeps track of how modules % are nested around the currently considered line. The variable is a % stack implemented as a list in which the last element corresponds to % the innermost module. Each element in this list is itself a list % with the structure % \begin{quote} % \word{expression} \word{start pos.} \word{previous}\regopt % \end{quote} % The \word{expression} is the guard expression, as a string. The % \word{start pos.} is the (row--column) position in the file where % the module started. % Finally, the \word{previous} is a boolean value which % records the inclusion status (value of |module_included|) % that was in force before the module was entered. % % The |next_module_idx| variable holds the index in the % |module_stack| list of the next module whose expression has not yet % been evaluated; it is equal to |llength ${module_stack}| if all % module expressions have been evaluated. Those elements in the % |module_stack| list which have index $\geq$ |next_module_idx| do % not have a \word{previous} element. % \end{variable}\end{variable} % % % \begin{proc}{start} % The |docstrip| extraction |start| procedure is by far the most % complicated, due to the many mechanisms it must initialize. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::docstrip::start {details args} { eemenu::multiupvar detA module_included module_stack\ next_module_idx in_code_env in_verbatim % \end{tcl} % First there are the position variables % \begin{tcl} %<*rowcol> eemenu::multiupvar cur_pos safe_pos end_pos set win [win::StripCount\ [eval [list eemenu::get_extract_positions cur_pos end_pos] $args]] set safe_pos $cur_pos %</rowcol> %<*!rowcol> set win [eval [list eemenu::raw::start $details] $args] %</!rowcol> % \end{tcl} % and secondly the setting details % \begin{tcl} array set detA {filePatL *.dtx lookAtEnvs 0} array set detA $details % \end{tcl} % Then the method must check whether the detail setting permit % extracting from this window. If not, the procedure raises an error % (which isn't caught by |eemenu::main|). % \begin{tcl} set ok 0 foreach pat $detA(filePatL) { if {[string match $pat $win]} then {set ok 1; break} } if {!$ok} then { status::msg "Can't extract from that window. Must be\ [join $detA(filePatL) " or "]." return -code 9 "Bad window name" } % \end{tcl} % Now that it has been established that extraction will take place, % the various variables defining the ``state of \textsf{dostrip}'' % must be initialised. Four of them have standard values at start and % present no problem. % \begin{tcl} set module_included 1 set in_verbatim 0 set module_stack [list] set next_module_idx 0 % \end{tcl} % The |in_code_env| variable is however another matter, as the % reasonable value for it depends very much on what characters follow % the start position. The special value |-1| for |in_code_env| means % ``change to |0| or |1| as appropriate when you get the first line''. % \begin{tcl} if {!$detA(lookAtEnvs)} then { set in_code_env 1 } else { %<*rowcol> set t_pos $cur_pos pos::incr_col t_pos 2 switch -regexp -- [eemenu::get_text cur_pos t_pos] { ^%< {set in_code_env 1} ^% {set in_code_env 0} default {set in_code_env 1} } %</rowcol> %<!rowcol> set in_code_env -1 set detA(envsRE) {\\(begin|end) *\{(} foreach env $detA(sourceEnvsL) { append detA(envsRE) [quote::Regfind $env] "|" } append detA(envsRE) ")\}(.*)\$" } return $win } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{arrayentry}{detA}{envsRE} % The |envsRE| entry in the |detA| array is used for storing the % regular expression that is used when searching for code environment % markup in comment lines. % \end{arrayentry} % % Next comes a couple of utility procs that are called from the |next| % procedure. % % \begin{arrayvar}{known}[expression] % The |known| array records the values of all known expressions, % i.e., those expressions about whose values the user has been % inquired. The entries are either |0| (for ``don't include'') or % |1| (for ``include''). Note that this array is not initialised by % the |start| procedure---instead is cleared by the |finish| % procedure if no error occurred. % \end{arrayvar} % % \begin{proc}{eval_guard} % The |eval_guard| procedure takes the string that is a guard % expression as argument. It returns |1| if the expression evaluates % to true and |0| if it evaluates to false. % % If the expression has an entry in the |known| array then the % |eval_guard| procedure returns that value, and if it does not the % user is inquired for the value. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::docstrip::eval_guard {e} { global eemenu::docstrip::known if {![info exists eemenu::docstrip::known($e)]} then { set eemenu::docstrip::known($e)\ [dialog::yesno "Should <$e> modules be included?"] } set eemenu::docstrip::known($e) } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \begin{proc}{push_module} % The |push_module| procedure pushes a block module onto the % module stack, but it does not modify the value of % |module_included|. The syntax is % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::docstrip::push_module| \word{expression} \word{position} % \end{quote} % where \word{expression} is the expression string and % \word{position} is the position (row--column or standard, depending % on which kind of positions are being used) where the guard begins. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::docstrip::push_module {e p} { global eemenu::docstrip::module_stack lappend eemenu::docstrip::module_stack [list $e $p] } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{pop_module} % The |pop_module| procedure pops a block module off the module % stack and checks that the modules are properly nested. Its % syntax is % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::docstrip::pop_module| \word{expression} \word{position} % \end{quote} % where \word{expression} is the expression string of the module to % pop and \word{position} is the position (row--column or standard, % depending on which kind of positions are being used) where the % end of module guard begins. % % If the module nesting is incorrect then the user is presented with % a dialog with buttons for pushing the positions of the incorrect % modules. It is not an error if the module stack is empty, since it % is perfectly reasonable that the beginning of the code to evaluate % is in the middle of a module. % % \changes{ \textsf{dtxload} v\,1.11}{2001/05/11}{Corrected ugly bug % which messed up the value of \texttt{next\_module\_idx}. (LH)} % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::docstrip::pop_module {e p} { eemenu::multiupvar module_stack module_included next_module_idx set len [llength $module_stack] if {$len==0} then {return} set L [lindex $module_stack [expr {$len-1}]] if {[lindex $L 0] != $e} then { switch [buttonAlert "Module nesting error: <*[lindex $L 0]>\ module ended by </$e>. For which guards should the positions\ be pushed?" None Start End Both]\ { Start {eemenu::docstrip::push_bookmarks [lindex $L 1]} End {eemenu::docstrip::push_bookmarks $p} Both {eemenu::docstrip::push_bookmarks [lindex $L 1] $p} } } set module_stack [lreplace $module_stack end end] if {$len<=$next_module_idx} then { set next_module_idx [llength $module_stack] } if {[llength $L]>2} then { set module_included [lindex $L 2] } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{push_bookmarks} % The |push_bookmarks| procedure pushes one or several positions % (row--column or standard, depending on which kind of positions are % being used) onto the bookmarks stack. The arguments are the % positions to push. % \changes{v\,0.3}{2003/05/28}{Changed some \texttt{win::Current} to % \texttt{win::CurrentTail}. This avoids unnecessary file system % accesses. (LH) Cf. bug 919.} % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::docstrip::push_bookmarks {args} { global markStack markName %<!rowcol> upvar #0 eemenu::raw::window win set topWin [win::CurrentTail] foreach pos $args { set name mark$markName incr markName %<*rowcol> set win [lindex $pos 0] if {"[win::CurrentTail]" != "$win"} then {bringToFront $win} createTMark $name [pos::get_standard pos] set fileName [win::Current] set markStack [linsert $markStack 0\ [list $fileName $name [pos::get_standard pos]]] %</rowcol> %<*!rowcol> if {[string compare [win::CurrentTail] $win]}\ then {bringToFront $win} createTMark $name $pos set fileName [win::Current] set markStack [linsert $markStack 0 [list $fileName $name $pos]] %</!rowcol> } if {[string compare [win::CurrentTail] $topWin]}\ then {bringToFront $topWin} } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{update_included} % Simply pushing a module onto the module stack does not update the % |module_included| variable; that is instead done by the % |update_included| procedure, which should be called right before the % value of |module_included| is used. The reason for this arrangement % is that it avoids evaluating guard expressions whose values do not % matter. % % |update_included| has no arguments. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::docstrip::update_included {} { eemenu::multiupvar module_stack module_included next_module_idx while {$module_included && $next_module_idx<[llength $module_stack]} { set L [lindex $module_stack $next_module_idx] lappend L $module_included set module_stack\ [lreplace $module_stack $next_module_idx $next_module_idx $L] incr next_module_idx set module_included [eemenu::docstrip::eval_guard [lindex $L 0]] } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{variable}{end_verb_line} % The |end_verb_line| variable stores the line which terminates % verbatim mode. It is only initialised when verbatim mode is begun. % \end{variable} % % \begin{proc}{next} % The overall structure of the |next| procedure is that of an endless % loop, from which the code |break|s out when it has found an % extractable line. Should this loop run into the |end_pos| it % terminates instead with a |return -code 9|. The local variable % |next_pos| stores the position of the beginning of the next line. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::docstrip::next {is_safe} { eemenu::multiupvar detA module_included in_code_env\ in_verbatim module_stack next_module_idx end_verb_line %<*rowcol> eemenu::multiupvar cur_pos safe_pos end_pos set next_pos $cur_pos %</rowcol> %<!rowcol> upvar #0 eemenu::raw::cur_pos raw_cur_pos while {1} { %<*rowcol> pos::incr_row next_pos 1 if {[pos::RC_compare $next_pos $end_pos]>0} then { set next_pos $end_pos } if {[pos::RC_compare $cur_pos $next_pos]>=0} then { return -code 9 "Done" } % \end{tcl} % No matter what state the extraction process is in, it will need to % look at the current line, so it is extracted and put in the |line| % variable. Spaces at end of the line are ignored for compatibility % with the \TeX\ \package{docstrip} (\TeX\ throws away spaces at the % end of a line as part of the reading process, so \package{docstrip} % cannot see them). % \begin{tcl} set line [string trimright [eemenu::get_text cur_pos next_pos]\ "\r\n "] %</rowcol> % \end{tcl} % In the standard positions implementation, getting text from the % window is instead done by calling |eemenu::raw::next|. The position % at the beginning of the line (the value of |eemenu::raw::cur_pos| % before the call to |eemenu::raw::next|) is saved since it might be % needed for making bookmarks later. % \begin{tcl} %<*!rowcol> set cur_pos $raw_cur_pos set line [eemenu::raw::next [expr {$is_safe && !$in_verbatim}]] set line [string trimright $line "\r\n "] if {$in_code_env<0} then { switch -glob -- $line { %<* {set in_code_env 1} %* {set in_code_env 0} default {set in_code_env 1} } } %</!rowcol> % \end{tcl} % Verbatim mode is pretty simple. Either a line is an extractable % code line or it is the end of verbatim mode guard. % \begin{tcl} if {$in_verbatim} then { if {![string compare $line $end_verb_line]} then { set in_verbatim 0 } elseif {$module_included && $in_code_env} then { break } } else { % \end{tcl} % In non-verbatim mode, lines are classified based on the first few % characters of the line. % \begin{tcl} switch -glob -- $line { % \end{tcl} % Lines that begin with |%<<| are \package{docstrip} guard lines that % start verbatim mode. The part of the guard line which comes after % the |%<<| is called an end-tag. Verbatim mode ends with the next line % which consists of a percent character followed by this end-tag % \begin{tcl} %<<* { eemenu::docstrip::update_included %<*rowcol> if {$module_included && $in_code_env && $is_safe} then { set safe_pos $cur_pos } %</rowcol> set in_verbatim 1 set end_verb_line "%[string range $line 3 end]" } % \end{tcl} % Lines that begin with |%<*| or |%</| are \package{docstrip} guard % lines that delimit block modules, but they do not contain any code % themselves. The module is pushed onto or popped off the module stack % when the guard line is encountered, but evaluating the guard % expression is deferred until its value is needed. % \begin{tcl} %<[*/]* { if {![regexp {^%<(\*|/)([^>]+)>} $line foo modifier\ expression]}\ then { if {[dialog::yesno "Malformed guard line '$line'\ encountered. Push position?"]}\ % then {eemenu::docstrip::push_bookmarks $cur_pos} } elseif {$modifier=="*"} then { eemenu::docstrip::push_module $expression $cur_pos } else { eemenu::docstrip::pop_module $expression $cur_pos } } % \end{tcl} % Other lines that begin with |%<| are also \package{docstrip} % guard lines, but in these cases the guard is followed by some code % and the guard only affects the code on that particular line. There % must be a |>| somewhere on the line, and the part of the line after % the |>| is code that \package{docstrip} can extract. % \begin{tcl} %<* { if {![regexp {^%<(-|\+|)([^>]+)>(.*)$} $line\ foo modifier expression code]}\ then { if {[dialog::yesno "Malformed guard line '$line'\ encountered. Push position?"]}\ then {eemenu::docstrip::push_bookmarks $cur_pos} } elseif {$in_code_env} then { eemenu::docstrip::update_included if {$module_included &&\ [eemenu::docstrip::eval_guard $expression] !=\ ($modifier=="-")} then { set line $code break } } } % \end{tcl} % Remaining lines that begin with |%| are considered comment lines, % but they could technically be metacomment lines (begin with |%%|). % In that case \package{docstrip} would copy the line, but as there % is little point in using this \package{docstrip} features for % lines that the \Tcllogo\ interpreter would be interested in, % the |docstrip| extraction method ignores that subtlety. Comment % lines are ignored unless the |lookAtEnvs| details is |1|, in which % case they are scanned for code environment markup. % \begin{tcl} %* { while {$detA(lookAtEnvs) &&\ [regexp -- $detA(envsRE) $line foo type env line]} { set in_code_env [expr {"$type"=="begin"}] } } % \end{tcl} % Finally, all lines that do not begin with a |%| are code lines. % \begin{tcl} default { if {$in_code_env} then { eemenu::docstrip::update_included if {$module_included} then {break} } } } } % \end{tcl} % That ends the large |switch| command and the large |if|. Now all % that remains in the loop is to update |cur_pos|. % \begin{tcl} %<rowcol> set cur_pos $next_pos } % \end{tcl} % Whenever the procedure gets past the loop, the line that has been % extracted is in |line| and the only thing that remains is to update % the positions. % \begin{tcl} %<*rowcol> if {$is_safe && !$in_verbatim} then {set safe_pos $cur_pos} set cur_pos $next_pos %</rowcol> return $line } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{finish} % In addition to the |raw| method |finish| procedure, this |finish| % also unsets the |known| array when there wasn't an error. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::docstrip::finish {was_error} { %<!rowcol> eemenu::raw::finish $was_error if {$was_error} then { %<*rowcol> eemenu::multiupvar safe_pos end_pos bringToFront [lindex $safe_pos 0] select [pos::get_standard safe_pos] [pos::get_standard end_pos] markHilite %</rowcol> } else { global eemenu::docstrip::known catch {unset eemenu::docstrip::known} } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \section{Completeness tests} % % \setnamespace{eemenu} % % Unlike the other method types, completion methods are not implemented % as procedures that can be called, but as an expression string stored % in a global variable. The string in question is called % \describestring[var.][eemenu::\meta{method}]{complete}|complete| % and it will be evaluated as an \emph{expression} in the local context % of the |main| procedure. The reason for this different set-up is that % these methods are usually much simpler to handle that way. % % Completion methods are expected to get their data from the following % variables: % \begin{description} % \item[\texttt{lines}] % A list of the lines that have been extracted by not yet evaluated. % This is (at least in theory) what the completion method is testing % for being complete. % \item[\texttt{at\_end}] % A boolean. It is |0| if the extraction has not yet reached the % end, and then it is set to |1|. % \item[\texttt{CMD(complete\_extra)}] % The key--value list of detail settings for completion methods. % None of the methods currently implemented have any detail settings. % \end{description} % % \begin{arrayentry}{complete}{entireSelection} % \setnamespace{eemenu::entireSelection} % \begin{variable}{complete} % The |entireSelection| method says `No' until the entire selection % has been extracted, then `Yes'. It has no detail settings. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::complete(entireSelection) [list] namespace eval eemenu::entireSelection {} set eemenu::entireSelection::complete {$at_end} % \end{tcl} % \end{variable}\end{arrayentry} % % \begin{arrayentry}{complete}{everyLine} % \setnamespace{eemenu::everyLine} % \begin{variable}{complete} % The |everyLine| method says `Yes' after every line. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::complete(everyLine) [list] namespace eval eemenu::everyLine {} set eemenu::everyLine::complete {1} % \end{tcl} % \end{variable}\end{arrayentry} % % \begin{arrayentry}{complete}{tclInfoComplete} % \setnamespace{eemenu::tclInfoComplete} % \begin{variable}{complete} % The |tclInfoComplete| method is the only one (defined so far) which % actually cares to look at what has been extracted. It calls the % |info complete| of \Alpha's \Tcllogo\ interpreter. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::complete(tclInfoComplete) [list] namespace eval eemenu::tclInfoComplete {} set eemenu::tclInfoComplete::complete\ {[info complete [join $lines \n]\n]} % \end{tcl} % \end{variable}\end{arrayentry} % % % \section{Evaluation methods} % % The evaluation\slash execution method is what actually does anything % (all the other methods just move data around). From an input\slash % output perspective it takes the input from the extraction method and % generates the output that the report method should handle. Like % extraction methods, evaluation methods must declare three procedures % for |main| to call. These are: |begin|, |item|, and |end|. All of % these procedures return a \emph{result list}, which has the structure % \begin{quote} % \word{error?} \word{passing} \word{permanent} % \end{quote} % \word{error?} is a boolean that the main executive interprets to see % if there was an error. It is |0| when there wasn't an error. % \word{passing} and \word{permanent} are result strings. \word{passing} % should be suitable for output channels where new results replace old, % whereas \word{permanent} should be suitable for output channels where % the results are appended to each other. If the \word{passing} string % is empty then there is no reason to have it replace a previous % \word{passing} string. If the \word{permanent} string is nonempty % then it must end with a newline character. % % The \describestring[proc][eemenu::\meta{method}]{begin}|begin| % procedure is called to initialize the evaluation process. It has the % syntax % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::|\meta{method}|::begin| \word{details} \word{source} % \end{quote} % where the \word{details} is the key--value list of setting details % and \word{source} is the source window name as returned by the % extraction method |start| procedure. If the result of |begin| has a % nonzero \word{error?} then the corresponding |end| procedure will not % be called. % % The \describestring[proc][eemenu::\meta{method}]{item}|item| % procedure recieves a bunch of code to evaluate. It has the syntax % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::|\meta{method}|::item| \word{lines} % \end{quote} % where \word{lines} is the list of lines of code to evaluate. The % \describestring[proc][eemenu::\meta{method}]{end}|end| procedure is % called when no more lines of code will be sent for evaluation. |end| % takes no arguments. % % It is not necessarily in the call to |item| that the code gets % evaluated. The obvious alternative is that |item| simply stores the % code somewhere, for example by writing it to a temporary file, and % that it is the call to |end| that actually causes the code to be % evaluated. This is an important reason why all the procedures have the % same format for returned data. % % % % \subsection{Internal evaluation} % % The |internalTcl| evaluation method sends the code to \Alpha's internal % \Tcllogo\ interpreter and evaluates it there. % % \begin{arrayentry}[eemenu]{evaluate}{internalTcl} % There are no details for this method. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::evaluate(internalTcl) [list] % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayentry} % \begin{tcl} namespace eval eemenu::internalTcl {} % \end{tcl} % \setnamespace{eemenu::internalTcl} % % \begin{proc}{begin} % \begin{proc}{end} % Neither the |begin| nor the |end| procedure does anything. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::internalTcl::begin {details source} { list 0 "" "" } proc eemenu::internalTcl::end {} {list 0 "" ""} % \end{tcl} % \end{proc}\end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{item} % The |item| procedure actually evaluates the code and suitably % formats the result. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::internalTcl::item {lines} { set code [catch [list uplevel #0 [join $lines \n]] res] if {$code == 1} then { % \end{tcl} % If there was an error, the last part of the value of |errorInfo| % will be due to the |uplevel| command. As that command was not % requested by the user, it would be confusing and it is therefore % best to remove it. % \begin{tcl} global errorInfo set L [split $errorInfo \n] set L [lrange $L 0 [expr {[llength $L] - 4}]] list 1 "Tcl eval error: $res"\ "Error: $res\nError info:\n[join $L \n]\n" % \end{tcl} % When there wasn't an error, a distinction is made between the case % of an empty string result (very common, e.g.\ from |proc|) and that % of a nonempty string result. This might seem inconsistent, but in % practice it looks much better. % \begin{tcl} } elseif {[string length $res]} then { list 0 "Tcl eval OK: $res" "$res\n" } else { list 0 "Tcl eval OK." "" } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % % \subsection{DoScript AppleEvent evaluation} % % The |doScriptAE| evaluation method sends a |dosc| AppleEvent to some % external application, to have the script evaluated that way. Of % course, this only works if \TclAE\ is available, so this method is % only defined if that is the case. % \begin{tcl} %<atcl7>if {[llength [info commands tclAE::send]]} then { %<!atcl7>if {![catch {package require tclAE}]} then { % \end{tcl} % % \begin{arrayentry}[eemenu]{evaluate}{doScriptAE} % The details for the |doScriptAE| method roughly fall into three % categories: what is the target application, how should the % extracted lines be combined to a script, and what about a reply? % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::evaluate(doScriptAE) [list\ % \end{tcl} % \begin{details}{Evaluate} % \detailitem{targetApp} % This is the appspec of the target application. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Target application"\ targetApp appspec]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{joinString} % The extracted lines is a list, but the script to send should be % a string, so they will have to be joined somehow. This item % offers a choice between some common forms of whitespace. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Join lines using"\ joinString [list menuindex [list Lf Cr CrLf Space]] 1]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{prefix} % This will be prepended to the script sent. It can for example be % used to add some command that takes care of the result. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Prefix" prefix var]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{suffix} % This will be appended to the script sent. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Suffix" suffix var]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{replyQ} % This flag controls whether the method should request a reply to % the AE sent. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Wait for reply" replyQ flag]] % \end{tcl} % \end{details} % \end{arrayentry} % \begin{tcl} namespace eval eemenu::doScriptAE {} % \end{tcl} % \setnamespace{eemenu::doScriptAE} % % % \begin{arrayvar}{A} % The |doScriptAE| method keeps its detail settings, and some derived % quantities, in the |A| array. Those are all the global variables it % has. % \end{arrayvar} % % % \begin{proc}{begin} % The main task of this |begin| procedure is to make sure that the % target application is running. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::doScriptAE::begin {details source} { upvar #0 eemenu::doScriptAE::A A array set A {prefix {} suffix {} joinString 1 targetApp {} replyQ 0} array set A $details % \end{tcl} % The |targetApp| is either a quoted application signature or a full % path name. Exactly what will have to be done gets affected by this. % \begin{tcl} if {[regexp {'(....)'} $A(targetApp) foo sig]} then { set err [catch {app::ensureRunning $sig} passing] if {$err == 1} then {set permanent $passing} else { set permanent "" set A(app) $A(targetApp) } } else { set tail [file tail $A(targetApp)] %<*atcl7> if {[info tclversion]<8.0} then { set running\ [regexp "\{\"[quote::Regfind $tail]\" \"" [processes]] } else { %</atcl7> set running 0 foreach pr [processes] { if {![string compare $tail [lindex $pr 0]]} then { set running 1 break } } %<atcl7> } set err 0 set permanent "" set A(app) $tail if {$running} then { set passing "App is running." } elseif {![catch {launch $A(targetApp)} passing]} then { set passing "Launched '$A(targetApp)'" } else { set err 1 if {![file exists $A(targetApp)]} then { set passing "File '$A(targetApp)' not found." } set permanent $passing unset A(app) } } % \end{tcl} % The |joinString| is also decoded. % \begin{tcl} set A(joinString) [lindex [list \n \r \r\n " "] $A(joinString)] return [list $err $passing $permanent] } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{item} % The |item| procedure is mainly about formatting data on its way % back and forth. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::doScriptAE::item {lines} { upvar #0 eemenu::doScriptAE::A A set script "$A(prefix)[join $lines $A(joinString)]$A(suffix)" if {$A(replyQ)} then { if {[catch {tclAE::build::resultData -t 30000 $A(app) misc dosc\ ---- [tclAE::build::TEXT $script]} res]} then { list 1 "Error: $res" "Error: $res\n" } elseif {[string length $res]} then { list 0 $res "$res\n" } else { list 0 "Eval OK." "" } } else { tclAE::send $A(app) misc dosc ---- [tclAE::build::TEXT $script] list 0 "Sent [llength $lines] lines." "" } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{end} % The |end| procedure does nothing % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::doScriptAE::end {} {list 0 "" ""} % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % This ends the |if| begun at the top of this subsection. % \begin{tcl} } % \end{tcl} % % % \subsection{\texttt{send} evaluation} % % The \texttt{send} command can be used to communicate with other Tk % applications via an X-windows server. This is a bit restrictive, but % it is anyway what \AlphaTk\ uses for remote execution of \Tcllogo\ % code, so I suppose it is what we've got. Right now this method is % defined whenever the |send| command exists, but it is not uncommon % that the definition of |send| merely provides communication between % different interpreters in the same application. % \begin{tcl} if {[llength [info commands send]] && [info tclversion]>=8.0} then { % \end{tcl} % % \begin{arrayentry}[eemenu]{evaluate}{tkSend} % Many details for the |doScriptAE| method have natural counterparts % for the |tkSend| method, the main difference lies in the % identification of the target. Whereas \TclAE\ uses static % information (creator code or file name) to identify the target, the % name used by the |send| command is in principle dynamic. The % relevant identifier may change between different times that an % \textsf{EE~menu} command is used. This is handled by providing a % fallback for unknown targets. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::evaluate(tkSend) [list\ % \end{tcl} % \begin{details}{Evaluate} % \detailitem{target} % This is a string that identifies the target. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Target" target var]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{aliasing} % This detail controls how the |tkSend| method should behave when % |begin| is called but the specified target isn't available. % ``Ask each time'' means present the user with a list of available % targets each time |begin| is called, and use what the user % selected there. ``Ask once'' is similar, but the choice will be % remembered as an \emph{alias} for the specified target (until % \Alpha\ is quited or the alias target no longer is available). % ``Fail'' means fail immediately. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Alias behaviour"\ aliasing [list menu [list "Ask once" "Ask each time" "Fail"]]\ "Ask once" "The thing to do when the target is unavailable."]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{joinString} % The extracted lines is a list, but the script to send should be % a string, so they will have to be joined somehow. This item % offers a choice between some common forms of whitespace. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Join lines using"\ joinString [list menuindex [list Lf Cr CrLf Space]] 0]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{prefix} % This will be prepended to the script sent. It can for example be % used to add some command that takes care of the result. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Prefix" prefix var]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{suffix} % This will be appended to the script sent. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Suffix" suffix var]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{replyQ} % This flag controls whether the method should wait for the % remote shell to return a result. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Wait for reply" replyQ flag 1]] % \end{tcl} % \end{details} % \end{arrayentry} % \begin{tcl} namespace eval eemenu::tkSend {} % \end{tcl} % \setnamespace{eemenu::tkSend} % % \begin{arrayvar}{alias} % The |alias| array is used to keep track of which targets are treated % as aliases for other targets. The index is a value of the % \texttt{target} detail, the entry value is what it should be % replaced by. % \end{arrayvar} % % \begin{variable}{last_target} % The |last_target| variable contains the name of the most recently % selected target. This is so that the relevant |listpick| dialog % can ``remember'' the user's preference in this respect. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::tkSend::last_target {} % \end{tcl} % \end{variable} % % \begin{arrayvar}{A} % The |tkSend| method keeps its detail settings, and some derived % quantities, in the |A| array for convenience of access. % \end{arrayvar} % % % \begin{proc}{begin} % The main task of this |begin| procedure is to verify that the target % is available. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::tkSend::begin {details source} { eemenu::multiupvar A alias last_target array set A {prefix {} suffix {} joinString 1 target {} replyQ 1\ aliasing "Ask once"} array set A $details % \end{tcl} % The treatment of aliases depend on the |aliasing| setting. If it is % \texttt{Ask once} then an alias will be used even if a target with % the given name is available. The rationale for this is that the user % has specified that the commands should be sent to that application. % \begin{tcl} set T [lsort -dictionary [winfo interps]] switch -- $A(aliasing) "Ask each time" { if {[lsearch -exact $T $A(target)]>=0} then { set target $A(target) } } "Fail" { if {[lsearch -exact $T $A(target)]>=0} then { set target $A(target) } else { set passing "Target '$A(target)' unavailable." return [list 1 $passing $passing] } } default { set target $A(target) if {[info exists alias($target)]} then { set target $alias($target) } if {[lsearch -exact $T $target]<0} then {unset target} } % \end{tcl} % If the local |target| variable is not set at this point then it is % time to ask the user. % \begin{tcl} if {![info exists target]} then { if {[catch {listpick -p "Target '$A(target)' unavailable.\ Please pick a new one." -L [list $last_target]\ [linsert $T end "------------------" "Launch new shell"]}\ target]} then { return [list 1 "Canceled" ""] } switch -exact -- $target\ "------------------" - "Launch new shell" { set before [clock seconds] app::launchElseTryThese [uplevel #0 {set tclshSigs}] tclshSig\ {Please locate the remote Tcl application} while {![string compare $T\ [lsort -dictionary [winfo interps]]] &&\ [clock seconds] - $before < 60} {update} set T2 [lsort -dictionary [winfo interps]] if {![string compare $T $T2]} then { return [list 1 {Timed out; no new shell started within\ 60 seconds.} ""] } foreach target $T2 t $T { if {[string compare $target $t]} then {break} } set passing "Launched new shell '$target'." } default { set passing "Sending code to '$target'." } % \end{tcl} % The last |foreach| above locates the first |target| in |$T2| which % is not in |$T|. This |foreach| is the reason this code requires % \Tcllogo\,8. % % Now the target should be stored in the necessary variables. % \begin{tcl} set last_target $target if {![string compare $A(aliasing) "Ask once"]} then { set alias($A(target)) $target } } else { set passing "Sending code to '$target'." } set A(target) $target % \end{tcl} % The |joinString| is also decoded. % \begin{tcl} set A(joinString) [lindex [list \n \r \r\n " "] $A(joinString)] return [list 0 $passing ""] } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{item} % The |item| procedure is mainly about formatting data on its way % back and forth. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::tkSend::item {lines} { upvar #0 eemenu::tkSend::A A set script "$A(prefix)[join $lines $A(joinString)]$A(suffix)" if {$A(replyQ)} then { if {[catch {send $A(target) $script} res]} then { list 1 "Error: $res" "Error: $res\n" } elseif {[string length $res]} then { list 0 "Eval OK: $res" "$res\n" } else { list 0 "Eval OK." "" } } else { send -async $A(target) $script list 0 "Sent [llength $lines] lines." "" } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{end} % The |end| procedure does nothing % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::tkSend::end {} {list 0 "" ""} % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % This ends the |if| begun at the top of this subsection. % \begin{tcl} } % \end{tcl} % % \subsubsection*{Test code} % % The code below fakes definitions of |send| and |winfo interps| using % \Tcllogo\AE\ and |processes| for the purpose of testing the above code. % \begin{tcl} %<*sendtest> proc send {target cmd args} { set sync 1 if {![string compare $target -async]} then { set sync 0 set target $cmd set cmd [lindex $args 0] } set cmd [tclAE::build::TEXT $cmd] if {$sync} then { tclAE::build::resultData -t 30000 $target misc dosc ---- $cmd } else { tclAE::send $target misc dosc ---- $cmd } } proc winfo {subcmd args} { if {[string compare $subcmd "interps"]} then { error "Unimplemented winfo subcommand: $subcmd" } set res [list] global tclshSigs foreach pr [processes] { if {[lsearch -exact $tclshSigs [lindex $pr 1]]>=0} then { lappend res [file tail [lindex $pr 0]] } } return $res } %</sendtest> % \end{tcl} % % % \subsection{\texttt{dde} evaluation} % % Dynamic Data Exchange (\texttt{dde}) is, as I understand it, the % Windoze equivalent of AppleEvents, although the events sent have much % less structure. The machinery needed here is quite similar to that % for \texttt{send} evaluation, but there are a few extra details that % can be set. % \changes{v\,0.1.1}{2002/07/21}{Renamed the \textsf{Dde} method to % \textsf{Windoze DDE}. (LH)} % % \begin{tcl} if {[llength [info commands dde]] && [info tclversion]>=8.0} then { % \end{tcl} % % \begin{arrayentry}[eemenu]{evaluate}{windozeDDE} % The details for the |windozeDDE| method constitute a superset of those for % the |tkSend| method. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::evaluate(windozeDDE) [list\ % \end{tcl} % \begin{details}{Evaluate} % \detailitem{service} % This is a string that specifies the service to use. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Service" service var "TclEval"]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{target} % This is a string that identifies the target application, or as % it appears to be called, the ``topic''. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Target" target var]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{aliasing} % This detail controls how the |windozeDDE| method should behave when % |begin| is called but the specified target isn't available. % ``Ask each time'' means present the user with a list of available % targets each time |begin| is called, and use what the user % selected there. ``Ask once'' is similar, but the choice will be % remembered as an \emph{alias} for the specified target (until % \Alpha\ is quited or the alias target no longer is available). % ``Fail'' means fail immediately. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Alias behaviour"\ aliasing [list menu [list "Ask once" "Ask each time" "Fail"]]\ "Ask once" "The thing to do when the target is unavailable."]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{launchCmd} % This is a \Tcllogo\ command which, when executed by \Alpha, % should launch an application that provides a new target for % the given service. The command is evaluated at a global level. % If it is an empty string, then no option for launching will be % presented in the target selection dialog. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Launch command" launchCmd var2]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{joinString} % The extracted lines is a list, but the script to send should be % a string, so they will have to be joined somehow. This item % offers a choice between some common forms of whitespace. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Join lines using"\ joinString [list menuindex [list Lf Cr CrLf Space]] 2]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{prefix} % This will be prepended to the script sent. It can for example be % used to add some command that takes care of the result. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Prefix" prefix var]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{suffix} % This will be appended to the script sent. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Suffix" suffix var]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{request} % This is the name of the item to request as result from the % evaluation. If it is an empty string then no request is made. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Evaluate "Requested data" request var]] % \end{tcl} % \end{details} % \end{arrayentry} % \begin{tcl} namespace eval eemenu::windozeDDE {} % \end{tcl} % \setnamespace{eemenu::windozeDDE} % % \begin{arrayvar}{alias} % The |alias| array is used to keep track of which targets are treated % as aliases for other targets. The index is a value of the % \texttt{target} detail, the entry value is what it should be % replaced by. % \end{arrayvar} % % \begin{variable}{last_target} % The |last_target| variable contains the name of the most recently % selected target. This is so that the relevant |listpick| dialog % can ``remember'' the user's preference in this respect. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::windozeDDE::last_target {} % \end{tcl} % \end{variable} % % \begin{arrayvar}{A} % The |windozeDDE| method keeps its detail settings, and some derived % quantities, in the |A| array for convenience of access. % \end{arrayvar} % % % \begin{proc}{begin} % The main task of this |begin| procedure is to verify that the target % is available. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::windozeDDE::begin {details source} { eemenu::multiupvar A alias last_target array set A {service {} target {} aliasing "Ask once" launchCmd {}\ prefix {} suffix {} joinString 2 request {}} array set A $details if {![string length $A(service)]} then { return [list 1 "No service has been specified." ""] } % \end{tcl} % The treatment of aliases depend on the |aliasing| setting. If it is % \texttt{Ask once} then an alias will be used even if a target with % the given name is available. The rationale for this is that the user % has specified that the commands should be sent to that application. % \begin{tcl} set T [list] foreach st [dde services $A(service) {}] {lappend T [lindex $st 1]} set T [lsort -dictionary $T] switch -- $A(aliasing) "Ask each time" { if {[lsearch -exact $T $A(target)]>=0} then { set target $A(target) } } "Fail" { if {[lsearch -exact $T $A(target)]>=0} then { set target $A(target) } else { set passing "Target '$A(target)' unavailable." return [list 1 $passing $passing] } } default { set target $A(target) if {[info exists alias($target)]} then { set target $alias($target) } if {[lsearch -exact $T $target]<0} then {unset target} } % \end{tcl} % If the local |target| variable is not set at this point then it is % time to ask the user. % \begin{tcl} if {![info exists target]} then { set T2 $T if {[string length $A(launchCmd)]} then { if {[llength $T2]} then {lappend T2 "------------------"} lappend T2 "Launch another" } if {![llength $T2]} then { return [list 1 "No '$A(service)' targets are, or could be\ made, available." ""] } if {[catch {listpick -p "Target '$A(target)' unavailable.\ Please pick a new one." -L [list $last_target] $T2}\ target]} then { return [list 1 "Canceled" ""] } switch -exact -- $target\ "------------------" - "Launch another" { set before [clock seconds] uplevel #0 $A(launchCmd) set target {} while {[clock seconds] - $before < 60 &&\ ![string length $target]} { foreach st [dde services $A(service) {}] { if {[lsearch -exact $T [lindex $st 1]]<0} then { set target [lindex $st 1] break } } update } if {![string length $target]} then { return [list 1 {Timed out; no new target launched within\ 60 seconds.} ""] } set passing "Launched new shell '$target'." } default { set passing "Sending code to '$target'." } % \end{tcl} % The last |foreach| above locates the first |target| in |$T2| which % is not in |$T|. This |foreach| is the reason this code requires % \Tcllogo\,8. % % Now the target should be stored in the necessary variables. % \begin{tcl} set last_target $target if {![string compare $A(aliasing) "Ask once"]} then { set alias($A(target)) $target } } else { set passing "Sending code to '$target'." } set A(target) $target % \end{tcl} % The |joinString| is also decoded. % \begin{tcl} set A(joinString) [lindex [list \n \r \r\n " "] $A(joinString)] return [list 0 $passing ""] } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{item} % The |item| procedure is mainly about formatting data on its way % back and forth. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::windozeDDE::item {lines} { upvar #0 eemenu::windozeDDE::A A set script "$A(prefix)[join $lines $A(joinString)]$A(suffix)" if {[catch {dde execute $A(service) $A(target) $script} res]} then { list 1 "dde error: $res" "$res\n" } elseif {![string length $A(request)]} then { list 0 "Sent [llength $lines] lines." "" } else { if {[catch {dde request $A(service) $A(target) $A(request)} res]}\ then { list 1 "dde error: $res" "dde error: $res\n" } elseif {[string length $res]} then { list 0 $res "$res\n" } else { list 0 "Eval OK." "" } } } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{end} % The |end| procedure does nothing % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::windozeDDE::end {} {list 0 "" ""} % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % This ends the |if| begun at the top of this subsection. % \begin{tcl} } % \end{tcl} % % \subsubsection*{Test code} % % The code below fakes a definition of |dde| using |interp|. % \begin{tcl} %<*ddetest> proc dde {subcmd args} { switch -- $subcmd servername { error "dde servername is not implemented." } execute { if {[llength $args] != 3} then { error "Wrong number of arguments for dde execute." } if {"TclEval" != [lindex $args 0]} then { error "Unknown servername: [lindex $args 0]" } interp eval [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] } poke { if {[llength $args] != 4} then { error "Wrong number of arguments for dde poke." } if {"TclEval" != [lindex $args 0]} then { error "Unknown servername: [lindex $args 0]" } interp eval [lindex $args 1]\ [list set [lindex $args 2] [lindex $args 3]] } request { if {[llength $args] != 3} then { error "Wrong number of arguments for dde request." } if {"TclEval" != [lindex $args 0]} then { error "Unknown servername: [lindex $args 0]" } interp eval [lindex $args 1] [list set [lindex $args 2]] } services { if {[llength $args] != 2} then { error "Wrong number of arguments for dde services." } set server [lindex $args 0] if {[string length $server] && $server != "TclEval"} then { return "" } set topic [lindex $args 1] if {![string length $topic]} then { set res [list] foreach slave [interp slaves] { lappend res [list TclEval $slave] } return $res } elseif {[interp exists $topic]} then { return [list [list TclEval $topic]] } else { return "" } } default { error "Unimplemented subcommand: $subcmd" } } %</ddetest> % \end{tcl} % % % \section{Report methods} % \label{Sec:Report} % % The report method takes care of sending output to the user. Like % extraction and evaluation methods there is one `begin' procedure % |log_open| and one `end' procedure |log_close| for each method, but % there are actually two `iterate' procedures. This is because the % extracted code is logged using |log_code| \emph{before} it is % evaluated, whereas the result is only known after the code has been % evaluated and is then logged using |log_result|. % % The \describestring[proc][eemenu::\meta{method}]{log_open}|log_open| % procedure has the syntax % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::|\meta{method}|::log_open| \word{details} \word{source} % \end{quote} % where the \word{details} is the key--value list of setting details % and \word{source} is the source window name as returned by the % extraction method |start| procedure. There is no result from this % procedure, but if there is something wrong with its argument then it % may stop the \eemenu\ command by returning with an error. % % The reason the \word{source} argument is provided is that some report % methods might want to make some aspect of their output, such as for % example a window title or log file name, dependent on the input source. % Neither the |statusLine| nor the |logWindow| method do this, though. % % The \describestring[proc][eemenu::\meta{method}]{log_code}|log_code| % procedure has the syntax % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::|\meta{method}|::log_code| \word{lines} % \end{quote} % where \word{lines} is the list of lines that will be sent to the % evaluation method. The % \describestring[proc][eemenu::\meta{method}]{log_result}|log_result| % procedure has the syntax % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::|\meta{method}|::log_result| \word{error?} % \word{passing result} \word{permanent result} % \end{quote} % where the \word{error?} is |1| if there was an evaluation error and % |0| otherwise. The \word{passing result} is a result string that % describes the current state of the evaluation process; it is meant % to be replaced by the next \word{passing result} the next time % |log_result| is called. By constrast the \word{permanent result} is % meant to be accumulated for each call to |log_result|. Whether a % report method uses one or the other (or both) depends on which makes % most sense for the output channels it employs. If the \word{passing % result} string is empty then it should not replace a previous % \word{passing result} string. If the \word{permanent} string is % nonempty then it must end with a newline character. % % The \describestring[proc][eemenu::\meta{method}]{log_close}|log_close| % procedure is responsible for cleaning up after the method, but only % to the extent that this is necessary. If |log_open| opened a file then % |log_close| should close it, but if |log_open| merely opened a window % then |log_close| should most likely not close it since the user will % want to see what is written in that window. The syntax is simply % \begin{quote} % |eemenu::|\meta{method}|::log_close| % \end{quote} % and there is no result from the procedure. % % % % \subsection{Status line reports} % % The |statusLine| method shows the \word{passing result}s on the % status line, but does nothing else. % % \setnamespace{eemenu::statusLine} % \begin{arrayentry}[eemenu]{report}{statusLine} % There are no details settings for this method. % \begin{tcl} namespace eval eemenu::statusLine {} set eemenu::report(statusLine) [list] % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayentry} % % \begin{proc}{log_open} % \begin{proc}{log_close} % \begin{proc}{log_code} % \begin{proc}{log_result} % Only the |log_result| procedure needs to do anything. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::statusLine::log_open {details source} {} proc eemenu::statusLine::log_close {} {} proc eemenu::statusLine::log_code {lines} {} proc eemenu::statusLine::log_result {was_err passing permanent} { if {[string length $passing]} then {status::msg $passing} } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc}\end{proc}\end{proc}\end{proc} % % % \subsection{Log window reports} % % The |logWindow| method opens a particular window and inserts % everything that is logged there. % % \begin{arrayentry}[eemenu]{report}{logWindow} % There are three detail settings for |logWindow| reports. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::report(logWindow) [list\ % \end{tcl} % \begin{details}{Report} % \detailitem{winName} % This is the name of the log window. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Report "Window name" winName var "Log"]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{winMode} % This is the mode to use for the log window. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Report "Window mode" winMode mode "Text"]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{prompt} % This is a ``prompt'' string that will be put at the beginning of % each code line. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Report "Prompt" prompt var\ "[text::Ascii 200 1] "]\ % \end{tcl} % \detailitem{antiprompt} % This is a string that will be put at the beginning of each line % that is not a code line. % \begin{tcl} [eemenu::define_detail Report "Antiprompt" antiprompt var ""]] % \end{tcl} % \end{details} % \end{arrayentry} % \begin{tcl} namespace eval eemenu::logWindow {} % \end{tcl} % \setnamespace{eemenu::logWindow} % % \begin{arrayvar}{A} % The |logWindow| method keeps its detail settings in the |A| % array. Those are all the global variables it has. % \end{arrayvar} % % \begin{proc}{log_open} % This procedure opens the log window (if it isn't open already) % and positions the cursor at the end of the window. This is % assumed to be at the beginning of a line. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::logWindow::log_open {details source} { upvar #0 eemenu::logWindow::A A array set A {winName {Log window} prompt {} antiprompt {}} array set A $details set win $A(winName) if {[lsearch -exact [winNames] $win] == -1} then { set call [list new -n $win -shell 1] if {[mode::exists $A(winMode)]} then {lappend call -m $A(winMode)} eval $call } set t [maxPos -w $win] select -w $win $t $t } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{log_code} % The |log_code| procedure inserts the lines at the current position % in the file. This will be at the end of the file, unless the % evaluation modifies this. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::logWindow::log_code {lines} { upvar #0 eemenu::logWindow::A A insertText -w $A(winName) "$A(prompt)[join $lines "\n$A(prompt)"]\n" } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{log_result} % The |log_result| procedure inserts the \word{permanent result} at % the current position in the file. If the |antiprompt| is % nonempty then the result is first broken into lines and then % reassembled, however. It also displays the \word{passing result} on % the status line (this has to be done last, since |insertText| % clears the status line). % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::logWindow::log_result {was_err passing permanent} { if {[string length $permanent]} then { upvar #0 eemenu::logWindow::A A if {[string length $A(antiprompt)]} then { set L [lreplace [split $permanent \n\r] end end] set permanent "[join $L "\n$A(antiprompt)"]\n" } insertText -w $A(winName) "$A(antiprompt)$permanent" } if {[string length $passing]} then {status::msg $passing} } % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % \begin{proc}{log_close} % This procedure does nothing. % \begin{tcl} proc eemenu::logWindow::log_close {} {} % \end{tcl} % \end{proc} % % % \section{Default command definitions} % \label{Sec:DefCmdA} % % This section contains some examples of \eemenu\ commands and % it also provides defaults for the |cmdA| array. % % \setnamespace{eemenu} % % \begin{arrayvar}{cmdA} % If this array is already set then there is no need to source the % rest of the file. % \begin{tcl} if {[info exists eemenu::cmdA]} then {return} % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayvar} % % % \begin{arrayentry}{cmdA}{dtx -> internal Tcl} % This is the command that corresponds most closely to that provided % by the old \textsf{dtxload} package. % \begin{tcl} set {eemenu::cmdA(dtx -> internal Tcl)} [list\ % \end{tcl} % By default the command is active and bound to \textsf{Cmd--L} in % \TeX\ mode, but it is not put in the menu. % \begin{tcl} active 1 binding /L<O mode TeX\ in_menu 0\ % \end{tcl} % The extraction method is docstripping. Only code in \texttt{.dtx} % files that is furthermore in a \texttt{tcl} or \texttt{tcl*} % environment is kept. Again, these are the defaults in the % \textsf{dtxload} package. % \begin{tcl} extractor Docstrip extract_extra [list\ filePatL *.dtx sourceEnvsL {tcl tcl*} lookAtEnvs 1\ ]\ % \end{tcl} % The command uses |info complete| to test if it has got a complete % command, sends the extracted code to \Alpha's internal \Tcllogo\ % interpreter, and logs the result on the status line. % \begin{tcl} complete "Tcl Info Complete" complete_extra {}\ % evaluator "Internal Tcl" eval_extra {}\ % reporter "Status Line" report_extra {}\ % ] % \end{tcl} % Of course, this default setting needs to be saved. % \begin{tcl} prefs::modified {eemenu::cmdA(dtx -> internal Tcl)} % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayentry} % % % \begin{arrayentry}{cmdA}{dtx -> remote Tcl} % This is a command that I have lately found to be increasingly useful. % The functionality was provided in the \textsf{dtxload} package, but % it was always slightly awkward as it was not a distinct command. % Instead the |evaluateRemotely| variable was used as a selector % between this and the previous command. % % Since these two commands are anyway quite similar, I'll copy % settings from the above, only changing those that are different. % \begin{tcl} catch {unset A} array set A [set {eemenu::cmdA(dtx -> internal Tcl)}] % \end{tcl} % Since keys combinations are sort of in short supply, this command % is by default inactive but has the same binding and mode as its % \textsf{internal~Tcl} counterpart. This means that if one of these % commands is activated then the other is automatically deactivated % and so it is anyway easy to switch between them. I also put this % remote \Tcllogo\ command in the menu. % \begin{tcl} set A(active) 0 set A(in_menu) 1 % \end{tcl} % % Communication with remote interpreters is a messy business, due to % the many technical details one has do deal with. It is also very % platform-dependent. The Mac\,OS settings are however not too % complicated, much thanks to \TclAE. % \changes{v\,0.3}{2003/06/01}{Corrected condition used for selecting % remote evaluation method. (LH)} % \begin{tcl} if {[info exists eemenu::evaluate(doScriptAE)]} then { set A(evaluator) "Do Script AE" set A(eval_extra)\ [list targetApp '${tclshSig}' joinString 0 replyQ 1] } \ % \end{tcl} % % The Windoze settings are the most complicated. One reason for this % is that |dde execute| does not return the result of the script, so % that a separate call is needed for this. % \begin{tcl} elseif {[info exists eemenu::evaluate(windozeDDE)]} then { set A(evaluator) "Windoze DDE" set A(eval_extra) [list\ % service TclEval target Tcl_1 launchCmd\ {exec $tclshSig [file join $HOME Tools winRemoteShell.tcl] &}\ % joinString 0 prefix "catch \{" suffix "\} alpha_result"\ request alpha_result] } \ % \end{tcl} % % Finally, there are the settings for |send|, which are used on all % other platforms. % \begin{tcl} else { set A(evaluator) "Tk Send" set A(eval_extra) [list target wish joinString 0 replyQ 1] } % \end{tcl} % Then all that remains is to store the settings into the |cmdA| array. % \begin{tcl} set {eemenu::cmdA(dtx -> remote Tcl)} [array get A] prefs::modified {eemenu::cmdA(dtx -> remote Tcl)} unset A % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayentry} % % \begin{arrayentry}{cmdA}{Tcl example in AIDA} % AIDA probably isn't that well known, but in brief it is an % experimental source format for \Alpha\ documentation, which can % be converted to plain text, \LaTeX, HTML, and some other formats too. % Verbatim text lines (as needed for code examples) can of course be % included expressed in AIDA; the required markup is mainly that each % such line begins with the two characters \verb"(|". Such code can % easily be extracted using the regexp extractor. % % This code is no longer included, since AIDA isn't much used anymore. % \begin{tcl} %<*aidacode> set {eemenu::cmdA(Tcl example in AIDA)} [list\ % extractor Regexp extract_extra [list\ % \end{tcl} % The filter should get the lines matching the expression, i.e., it % should work in \texttt{grep} mode, and the characters that are % matched should be removed. % \begin{tcl} filter_mode grep filterRE {^\(\|} searchRE {^\(\|} replaceRE {}]\ % \end{tcl} % Evaluation is internally in \Alpha, and the completion test can use % |info complete|. % \begin{tcl} complete "Tcl Info Complete" complete_extra {}\ % evaluator "Internal Tcl" eval_extra {}\ % \end{tcl} % Then there's the matter of how to report the result. Since that % hasn't been used yet, it seems a good idea to try to use a log % window here. % \begin{tcl} reporter "Log Window" report_extra {winName {AIDA example log}\ winMode Tcl prompt {% } antiprompt {}}\ % \end{tcl} % Finally there's the matter of the binding and the menu. There isn't % anything new here, except that the binding is only made active if % \texttt{AIDA} mode is installed (since modes not installed will % sometimes be interpreted as |<none>|, i.e., global). % \begin{tcl} active [mode::exists AIDA] binding /L<O mode AIDA in_menu 1] prefs::modified {eemenu::cmdA(Tcl example in AIDA)} %</aidacode> % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayentry} % % \begin{arrayentry}{cmdA}{Tcl Wiki} % When editing a page on the \Tcllogo'ers Wiki~\cite{TclWiki} or the % \AlphaTcl\ Wiki~\cite{AlphaTclWiki}, one occasionally finds the need % to test some piece of \Tcllogo\ code on that page. This is down to a % single keypress with the following command, that extracts lines of % verbatim text from a Wiki page and feeds them to the internal % interpreter. % % The syntax of verbatim lines on the \Tcllogo'ers Wiki is % basically ``any line that starts with a space'', but unfortunately % there are a few exceptions. The equivalents of \LaTeX\ \verb|\item|s % for \texttt{itemize} or \texttt{enumerate} are coded as lines that % begin with three spaces, a \texttt{*} or \meta{digit}\texttt{.} % respectively, and another space. The equivalents of \LaTeX\ % \verb|\item|s for \texttt{description} are coded as lines that % begin with \emph{at least} three spaces, some other characters, a % colon, and another three spaces (exactly). It is possible to write a % regular expression to filter out such lines. % \begin{tcl} set {eemenu::cmdA(Tcl Wiki)} [list\ % extractor Regexp extract_extra [list\ % \end{tcl} % The filter works in \texttt{anti-grep} mode, and has to filter out % four different types of non-code lines. There is however no need % for further substitutions on the code lines. % \begin{tcl} filter_mode anti-grep searchRE {} replaceRE {}\ filterRE {^[^ ]|^ (\*|[0-9]\.) |^ .+: [^ ]} ]\ % \end{tcl} % Evaluation is internally in \Alpha, and the completion test can use % |info complete|. % \begin{tcl} complete "Tcl Info Complete" complete_extra {}\ % evaluator "Internal Tcl" eval_extra {}\ % \end{tcl} % Then there's the matter of how to report the result. Since that % hasn't been used yet, it seems a good idea to try to use a log % window here. % \begin{tcl} reporter "Log Window" report_extra {winName {Wiki code log}\ winMode Tcl prompt {% } antiprompt {}}\ % \end{tcl} % Finally there's the matter of the binding and the menu. There isn't % anything new here, except that the binding is only made active if % \texttt{Wiki} mode is installed (since modes not installed will % sometimes be interpreted as |<none>|, i.e., global). % \begin{tcl} mode Wiki active [mode::exists Wiki] binding /L<O in_menu 1] prefs::modified {eemenu::cmdA(Tcl Wiki)} % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayentry} % % Finally, let's try something which isn't \Tcllogo. % % \begin{arrayentry}{cmdA}{Mathematica} % It is a fairly small modification to make a command which sends % DoScript AEs to Mathematica instead of Wish. There's probably a way % to do this using |dde| too, but I don't know what that could be. % % Since Mathematica code presumably concerns rather mathematical % problems, the comments to the code is likely to contain fairly % advanced mathematical formulae. This makes the \texttt{.dtx} % format an interesting choice for source format, and hence I choose % to use docstripping as extraction method. As there is no special % environment for Mathematica code, the source environments are the % generic \texttt{macrocode} and \texttt{macrocode*}. % \begin{tcl} set eemenu::cmdA(Mathematica) [list\ % extractor Docstrip extract_extra [list\ filePatL *.dtx sourceEnvsL {macrocode macrocode*} lookAtEnvs 1\ ]\ % \end{tcl} % The extracted code is sent in a DoScript AppleEvent to the % Mathematica kernel. Unfortunately the kernel doesn't seem to % produce any result, so we'll have to leave it at that. Since there % is no convenient way of testing whether something is a complete % command in this case, all code from the entire selection is sent in % one event. % \begin{tcl} evaluator "Do Script AE" eval_extra\ [list targetApp 'Math' joinString 1 replyQ 0]\ % complete "Entire Selection" complete_extra {}\ % reporter "Status Line" report_extra {}\ % \end{tcl} % The binding and menu settings are the same as for the remote % \Tcllogo\ command. % \begin{tcl} active 0 binding /L<O mode TeX in_menu 0] % \end{tcl} % Of course, this default setting needs to be saved. % \begin{tcl} prefs::modified {eemenu::cmdA(Mathematica)} % \end{tcl} % \end{arrayentry} % % % \begin{thebibliography}{9} % \bibitem{TclWiki} % The \Tcllogo'ers Wiki, % \href{http://purl.org/tcl/wiki/}{\textsc{http:}/\slash % \texttt{purl.org}\slash \texttt{tcl}\slash \texttt{wiki}/} % \bibitem{AlphaTclWiki} % \AlphaTcl\ Wiki, \href{http://alphatcl.sourceforge.net/wikit/} % {\textsc{http:}/\slash \texttt{alphatcl.sourceforge.net}\slash % \texttt{wikit}/} % \end{thebibliography} % % \endinput