% pdf.ins --- DOCSTRIP installation script for writepdf.
\input docstrip

% Redefine the \MetaPrefix; it should be something which starts a
% until-end-of-line comment:

% Redefine the file preamble and postamble; this is necessary because 
% otherwise the old \metaPrefix is inserted at the beginning of these 
% lines.

In other words:
 * This Source is not the True Source. *
The True Source is pdf.dtx in 

It is preferred that you apply the distribution and modification 
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) for this file, 
but you may alternatively choose to apply BSD/Tcl-style license 
conditions (either is OK). The latest version of the LPPL is in
and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX 
version 1999/12/01 or later.



% Actually make the files:

\Msg{*  To complete installation,}
\Msg{*  place pdfwrite.tcl in a Tcl library directory}
\Msg{*  and run pkg_mkIndex to rebuild the package}
\Msg{*  index.}
