% skills.sty
% A LaTeX2e package for preparing proficiency tests.

%% skills.sty
%% Copyright (c) 2020 Pierre-Amiel Giraud
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2003/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% This work consists of the files skills.sty and skillsdoc.tex.

% The user's guide for skills.sty is in the file skillsdoc.tex.

%%% Pierre-Amiel Giraud
%%% History & Geography teacher
%%% Chambery Middle School
%%% 33140 Villenave d'Ornon
%%% pierre-amiel.giraud@ac-bordeaux.fr

% The newest version of this package should always be available
% from its git repository: https://framagit.org/pagiraud/skills

\ProvidesPackage{skills}[2020/10/21 Easing the making of proficiency tests]

% Different defaults if exam class is used %
	%New question function : \skillquestion
	\NewDocumentCommand \skillquestion {o o}
			{\question \skills{#1}}
		{\question[#2] \skills{#1}}

% Build upon the package glossaries functionalities %
% to ease skills evaluation.						%

% Allowing to change the default counter




% Allowing to avoid the making of the glossary
\newif\if@makenoidxglossaries \@makenoidxglossariesfalse
\DeclareOption*{}%Ne pas charger une option inconnue




	% Make the glossaries with standard compilation

% Definiton of the skill table (basically, a glossary style)
% \renewglossarystyle{skillstable}{def} can be used to custom it.
		\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\descriptionname} & \pagelistname & \skilllevelname \tabularnewline\hline}%
		\glsentryitem{##1}\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}} &
		\glossentrydesc{##1}\glspostdescription\space & ##2 &\tabularnewline\hline
%	\renewcommand{\subglossentry}[3]{%
%		&
%		\glssubentryitem{##2}%
%		\glstarget{##2}{\strut}\glossentrydesc{##2}\glspostdescription\space &
%		##3 & \tabularnewline
%	}%

% So that no space is left to display a glossary title

% Print the skills table
	\printnoidxglossary[type=skills, style=skillstable, sort=#1]}

% Code to define a new skill as a new glossary entry
\newcommand{\skilldef}[3]{\newglossaryentry{#1}{type=skills, name=#2,description={#3}}}

% Code to use a defined skill as a glossary reference

% Configuring the way skills are displayed along the evaluation %

% Define the skills enclosement in the question


% A function to ease skills enclosement modification by users

% The separator betwenn skills in the question
\newcommand{\skillssep}{ }

% Putting it all together
	\@for \el:=#1\do{\nextitem\skill{\el}}%

% Shortcuts for the three possibilities offered for points in the exam class

% Two more shortcut for displaying only skills, without any decoration





	{% If skills are to be printed in the margin
		{%If skills are to be printed in the left margin
			{ %If skills are to be printed in a box in the left margin
			{ %If skills are to be printed without a box in the left margin
		{ %Else : if skills are to be printed in the right margin
			{% If skills are to be printed in a box in the right margin
			{% If skills are to be printed without a box in the right margin
	} % Endif
	{% Else : skills are to be printed inline
		{% If skills are to be printed inline in a box
		{%If skills are to be printed inline without a box (default)








% The case of global skills
% \renewcommand*{\glsgobblenumber}[1]{#1}% uncomment for testing

		%     \def\@glsnumberformat{glsnumberformat}% DELETED
		\def\@glsnumberformat{glsgobblenumber}% NEW
		\edef\@gls@counter{\csname glo@#2@counter\endcsname}%

	\@for \el:=#1\do{\globalskill{\el}}%

% Localization. Work on it is needed %

% English (no localization)

% French

