# This makefile is mainly for my convenience, so that the tarball is
# made with all the right bits. But I'm including it in the distro
# for people who want to see how I make the pdf file.... 
SRC=rrgtrees.dtx rrgtrees.ins Makefile
SIDEEFFECTS=rrgtrees.aux rrgtrees.log rrgtrees.dvi 
DOCS=rrgtrees.pdf README

doc: rrgtrees.pdf
rrgtrees.dvi: rrgtrees.sty rrgtrees.dtx
	latex rrgtrees.dtx
	latex rrgtrees.dtx

rrgtrees.ps: rrgtrees.dvi
	dvips rrgtrees.dvi -o rrgtrees.ps

rrgtrees.pdf: rrgtrees.ps
	ps2pdf rrgtrees.ps rrgtrees.pdf

rrgtrees.sty: $(SRC)
	latex rrgtrees.ins
	-rm $(PRODUCTS) $(DOCS)
tarball: $(SRC) $(DOCS)
	tar -czvf rrgtrees.tgz $(SRC) $(DOCS)