1) bugs with known fixes and patches
2) portability to more TeX versions and bugs with no work around
3) bugs with work around
4) new features

1) Bugs With Known Fixes and Patches
a) Improved coordinate system etc.
b) Table of contents / outline (code by Fred Labrosse / Peter Münster)
d) pdflatex support
d) macro names should not appear in slide title
e) Enumerate always produces the numbers in black.
f) Auctex style
g) Compatibility with color
h) Compatibility with listing 
i) Handling of long slide titles
j) Patches to PPRdarkblue
k) \slideparskip (or \parskip)
l) Font encoding on title slide 
m) \label in overlays
n) Frames style: up-and-down movement
o) Logo Placement
p) Title disappears in darkblue w/ slideBW
q) ifInOverlays value not set to false
r) parentheses in bookmark string
s) Title placement depends on title text
t) Automatic counting of number of overlays
u) description and enumerate nesting with \itemsep

2) Portability To More TeX Versions and Bugs With no Work Around
a) Support for vtex
b) A letter size mode
c) Remove extra movement in overlays
d) pst-node node connections in overlays
e) Graphics rotation rotates the whole slide
f) Color broken in center environment
g) Shifted right or cropped
h) Problems with newest hyperref
i) Color and makeindex
j) Misalignments with tabular environments
k) Math is not longer displayed using gs 6.
l) Multiple pictures and a white box
m) Incompatibility with french
n) Incorrect math alignment
o) Repeated chars before subscript skip one
p) \scalebox does not take 2 arguments
q) Problem with prosper and \psgrid
r) Problem with final PDF
s) Problem with epsfig or includegraphics 
t) Output rotation
u) Error displaying ps file in Yap
v) \vfill and \vspace*{\fill}

3) Bugs With Work Around
a) Figure number when using caption

4) New Features
a) \inSlides command
b) A portrait mode
c) A notes mode
d) Generalize \itemstep 
e) Formatting options to commands
f) Turn of slide number
g) Optional hyphenation
h) Navigation buttons
i) Placement and form of slide number
j) Global options
k) Dimensions in PROSPER 
l) Long pages
m) In .dtx format with and .ins file
n) Remove use of \myitem
o) Graphic modeller
p) Add control on \fromSlide and friends
q) Get rid of seminar

5) Things to consider (or stuff PMN does not understand)
a) Article option
b) Hypermedia option
c) Features of prosper demo
d) Problems with glitter, blind, etc
e) Acrobat 5.05 and prosper = no go?
f) As a Style File


1A) Improved coordinate system etc.

  The file Frédéric posted PMN recently

1B) table of contents / outline (code by Fred Labrosse / Peter Münster)

  PMN ideas for functionality would be as follow:
  - \overviewslide produces an overview slide
  - \section, \subsection, \subsection add entries to the overview
    and present the current entry with the command

  From Fred Labrosse <>: You can find a suitable style at 

  Discussion on functionality by Fred Labrosse and Peter Münster
  From Fred Labrosse

    Dear all,
    I am currently trying to produce a way to automatically generate outline
    pages.  I obviously had a look at what Peter Münster did in his
    PPRpmsout.sty and I think I now understand it.  I was wondering whether his
    approach is "better" than the original one in slidesec.sty (obviously,
    "better" needs to be defined ;-).  Peter has ONE command (\pmsec) that adds
    its argument to a list of headings AND generates the outline page with all
    the headings, the crosses, and the tick.  The original slidesec.sty
    separates these two steps; one command adds its argument to the list of
    headings and another command generates the outline page with all the
    headings, the crosses, and the tick.
    I was also wondering whether there could be a starred version of the slide
    environment that would add its title to the list of headings.
    In order for what I will do to be as useful as possible, I would like to
    know what YOU think is the best.

  Answer from Peter Münster

    Of course it's better to have flexibility. Consider \pmsec just as
    a personal hack, to hide the difficulties with the counters and
    the bookmarks in the style file. It would be better to have some
    custom commands for

    * adding headings;
    * making a slide with the outline;
    * robust mechanism for subheadings (or simply the slidetitles like
      in pmsout). 
    * ...
    And the good place for all this is not the style file in my
    opinion. Those commands should be defined in the class-file and in
    the style file there should be some more possibilities to define
    different styles (for the title-slide, outline and other for

    Cheers, Peter
  A later mail (Thu, 21 Mar 2002 15:35:03 +0100) by Jean-Charles
  Bagneris (

     Hi there,
     I am trying to figure out a way to have nested bookmarks in the pdf
     slideshow - because prosper is great, but I really miss *structure* for my
     slideshows (section, subsection etc.)
     Diving in prosper.sty, I can not see any convenient way to do so, except
     ugly hacks of the code.
     1. Did I miss something about structure, bookmarks, ...
     2. Where do I find information about all the macros driving pdf rendering,
     such as \pdfmark and so on ?
     Thanks a lot !

1C) pdflatex Support
  - page by Dekel Tsur (
  - mail ``[Prosper-users] Re: pdflatex and LyX'' by Bas Spitters

  Also, there has been a bug report on SourceForge concerning
    Later version Prosper with pdf-latex
    The result of building prosper-slides with latex is ok, but if I
    try to use pdflatex [pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.1) 3.14159-0.13d] the
    slides are shifted to the right and there are no colors, no
    centered environments, no background, no images, etc
    What's wrong? 
    I tried to make it in the same way as in the slides-examples found
    on -> examples.
    here some version numbers:
    - pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.1) 3.14159-0.13d 
    - TeX (Web2C 7.3.1) 3.14159 
    - CVSId: $Id: TODO,v 1.6 2002/08/05 14:47:04 turtleturtle Exp $ 
    I'm using teTex 1.0.7  

1D) Macro Names Should Not Appear in Slide Title

  The problem is that command names, e.g., \texttt show up in the
  description giving in the PDF outline.  In some few occasions, most
  notable greek letters, that might be convenient, but most of the
  time it is a pain in the butt

  From Brian Elmegaard

    See the \texordfdstring macro on page 44 of
  From Peter Münster

    I remember having encountered similar problems. My solution (it's
    also in


    In fact, the construction in prosper.cls was too complicated for
    me.  When you use the \pdfbookmark command, then not only
    \texorpdfstring but also the command
    "\pdfstringdefDisableCommands" should work. An example for the
    second one can be found in

  Related to this is the following bug report on SourceForge

    [ 501698 ] dashes and such in bookmarks
    This is not a serious bug but it's a bit annoying. 
    The bookmarks of the pdf-file are created from the headings of the
    slides. Good. When I use something like '--' or \texttt{...} in
    the headings, this is put like plaintext into the bookmarks
    too. Ok, for the dashes that's not a real problem, but the 'exttt'
    that appeares in between the text is annoying.

1E) Enumerate always produces the numbers in black.

  Fred Labrosse reported the bug and provided the following patch:

      \ifnum \@enumdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else
            \csname label\@enumctr\endcsname
            {\usecounter\@enumctr\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{\fontText ##1}}}%
    \let\endenumerate =\endlist

                                    \startFontText\bfseries #1}
  It appear to be a general problem that a number of commands does not
  respect the color setting.  Before patching all the commands, we
  should ensure that it does not have to do with the fact that we are
  not using color.

1F) Auctex style

  Developed and mailed on the mailing list.  Furthermore, PMN has some
  possible additions.

1G) Compatibility with color

  The following is provided by David C Sterratt (after discussions
  with PMN)


  Furthermore, semcolor should be asked to load color instead of
  pstricks.  That might turn out to be the tricky part.

1H) Compatibility with listing 

  There are some incompatibilities with the listing package, Fred
  Labrosse seems to know what is needed.

  The bug has also been reported on SourceForge as

    [ 542507 ] Error with listing.sty
    When I try to use listings.sty version 1.0 with prosper, I get an

    Document Class: prosper 2000/11/02, v. 1.0h 
    ! Missing \endcsname inserted. 
    <to be read again> 
    l.11 \lstinline| 

    The used example: 

    \usepackage{listings}[2002/04/01 1.0]%Fehler 
    \lstset{language=[R/3 4.6C]{ABAP}} 
    % ----------------------------------------------------- 
    With version 0.21 (listing.sty) it worked fine. 
    I informed Carsten Heinz (author of listings.sty) about the
    Any idea from here how to solve the problem?

1I) Handling of long slide titles

  On Tue, 2 Jul 2002 10:00:56 -0700 (PDT), "Markus, Janos"
  <> reported

    have another question - when a slide title goes on to the next line,
    instead of the whole title going being shown, the whole title shifts
    upwards a little - as a result the first line of the title gets
    partially obscured - is there any way to fix this?

  and later provided the following solution
    Look into the style file you use (PPRxxxx.sty).
    There is the following definition:
        \parbox{10cm}{\fontTitle{\baselineskip=0pt #1}}}}
    You might want to rename the style file (e.g. to mystyle.sty) and then
    modify the optional parameters of \rput. After thet, you have to modify
    the coordinates, too.
    Opt. parameters of \rput (refer to the pstricks manual)
    l reference-point on the left side
    r right side
    t top
    b bottom
    B baseline
    So, [lt] will set the reference-point of the title in the left upper
    corner, so if the size of the box changes, it won't move up. Accordingly,
    you have to modify the initial coordinates.
    E.g. if you want to have your title not to shift up (the coordinates are
    not adjusted exactly):
        \parbox{10cm}{\fontTitle{\baselineskip=0pt #1}}}}
1J) Patches to PPRdarkblue

  Martin Bernreuther <> reported
  the following on Wed, 10 Jul 2002 12:37:30 +0200

    Looking at
    PPRdarkblue.sty (line 93f):
    IMHO line 93 should be
    rather than
    If you choose slideColor combined with nocolorBG you will
    see bullets with blue instead of white background in the
    first case.
    There is still a problem with the combination
    colorBG and slideBW, since the background is processed
    like nocolorBG but the flag is set to colorBG.
    Maybe slideBW should also set \colorBGfalse in prosper.cls
    or the background should be colored in this case.
    Is there a possibility to use images with transparent background?
    I always adjust the background of my images to the background,
    which is some work and has to be redone if the position changes.

  Is something similar needed to the other style files.

1K) \slideparskip (or \parskip)

  The following two bug reports are from SourceForge

  \slideparskip ignored:
    To globally set the parskip, you are supposed to 
    redefine \slideparskip with the seminar class. 
    This doesn't work with prosper. 
    It seems that the minpage environment resets the 
    parskip value. I fixed this by inserting 
    at 3 places in prosper.cls, after the lines 
    in SlideNormal and SlideOverlay. 
  Unable to set parskip globally:
    Since the slides are set in a minipage, the values of 
    \parskip and \parindent (as well as some other 
    parameters) are reset to zero on every slide. 
    Effectively, there is no way to control the paragraph 
    distance globally. 
    One option would be to ``borrow'' the \slideparskip, 
    \slideparindent, etc from the underlying seminar class 
    and set the values of \parskip, etc to these values 
    after opening the minipage 

  Another bug fix is by Joe B. Wells:

    % The following looniness makes Prosper pay attention to
    % \slideparskip.

1L) Font encoding on title slide  

  From a bug report on SourceForge

    There is a problem with font encodings on the title 
    slide: My `umlaut's get lost in title, institution, 
    This seems to come from the \normalfont call in 
    \maketitle which seems to get confused. I managed to 
    work around this by putting a 
    in my PPR file.  

1M) \label in overlays

  From Marco Lombardi at SourceForge:

  \label ouside overlays 

    Apperently, \label and related macros are not working if overlays
    are not active. I am not totally sure why is this happening. In
    any case I have modified the definition of \label into
    thus adding a new \else block at the end. I guess that a similar
    change is neede for \label@in@display (and perhaps for other

1N) Frames style: up-and-down movement

  The following has been reported on SourceForge:

    When using the "frames" style, the title vertical position is
    referenced to the lower edge of the bounding box rather than to
    the baseline. This results in the titles moving up and down
    depending on whether there are descenders or not.
    Solution: Anchor a \makebox{} using it's baseline (can't use a
    parbox, since they don't have baselines):

1O) Logo Placement

  From SourceForge

    [ 513255 ] Logo Placement
    When you try to include a logo, either with Logo(,){} or with
    defining a new style:
    - the logo never appears anywhere else but in the downleft corner
      (no matter the coordinates you give)
    - the whole slide loses, at the right hand side, space equal to
      the width of the included Logo
    I include my logo with \resizebox{x}{x}{\includegraphics}  

1P) Title disappears in darkblue w/ slideBW

  From SourceForge

    [ 520709 ] Title disappears in darkblue w/ slideBW
    When using the darkblue style, and attempting to make printable
    slides (using slideBW), the first-slide title seems to be
    gone. The reason is that the title font is white, and when using
    slideBW the background of the first slide is white as well. The
    title actually appears, but is invisible.
    The solution is to make title text for slideBW, by the following
    change in PPRdarkblue.sty.
    What was before 
    is changed to 

1Q) ifInOverlays value not set to false

  From SourceForge

    [ 557345 ] ifInOverlays value not set to false
    The overlay command does not appear to set the 
    ifInOverlays value back to false after the overlays in 
    version 1.00.4. This causes the \stepcounter and 
    \refstepcounter commands to not increment the counter. 
    I propose the line "\InOverlaysfalse" should be added 
    just before the final "}" and after the "\fi" in the 
    definition of overlays. This appears to fix the problem.  

1R) parentheses in bookmark string
  Reported on SourceForge:

    [ 582610 ] parentheses in bookmark string
    Unbalanced parentheses in bookmark string cause troubles. The
    uploaded patch will fix the problem.

1S) Title placement depends on title text

  Reported by spizkapa on SourceForge:

    [ 583840 ] Title placement depends on title text
    I think I've found a bug in the code. If one makes two slides one
    with title "hello" and one with title "go home", the first slide
    title will be placed higher than the second one. This is due to
    the letter 'g' hanging off the bottom of the line. It may not be a
    big problem for A4 slides but if you enlarge them (with psresize
    or poster) the difference if more obvious.
    The obvious solution is to use \vspace{-xxpt} to bring the titles
    to the same level. This may be implementable generically in the
    package but I'm unsure how one would go about it.

1T) Automatic counting of number of overlays

  Joe B. Wells has provided the following patch which determines the
  number of overlays needed from the \fromSlide, \onlySlide, and
  \untilSlide on the slide:

    % \recordOverlay{n} tells \overlayslide that overlay n exists.
      {\ifnum #1>\value{maxOverlay}\relax
    % All material after \step appears on the next and subsequent
    % overlays.  This also tells \overlayslide that the overlays exist.
    % This command should probably not exist.  Don't use it.  Just write
    % \step\item where needed.
    % All material after \FromOverlay{n} (until the next such command)
    % will appear on overlay n and all later overlays.  This also tells
    % \overlayslide that overlay n exists.
    % \overlayslide{XYZ}{...} is like doing
    % \overlays{n}{\begin{slide}{XYZ}...\end{slide}} except that you can
    % also use the \step and \FromOverlay commands defined just above and
    % the value of n will be automatically determined from the uses of
    % \step and \FromOverlay.
      {% #1 is TITLE
       % #2 is BODY
       \global\InOverlaystrue % we already _are_ global!!!
       \aftergroup\InOverlaysfalse % this seems completely daft!
           \par\hbox{}% bizarre hack which works around strange Prosper problem
               \par\hbox{}% bizarre hack which works around strange Prosper problem

1U) description and enumerate nesting with \itemsep

  From Frédéric Goualard's TODO: Do the same thing for description and
  enumerate as for itemize to prevent a bug when nesting them in an
  itemsep environment

2A) Support for vtex

  support for VTeX. Up to now, the one provided with the VTeX
  distribution has been written by some guys at VTeX, which means that
  it is likely they are providing an out-of-date version by now.

2B) A letter size mode

  Also reported on SourceForge

    [ 423834 ] Support for letter size

    My understanding is that prosper supports only A4 paper size. It
    would be nice to support letter size as well so that we in the
    U.S. can use it too.

2C) Remove extra movement in overlays

  On 04 Jun 2002 22:27:38 +0200, Ulrik Buchholtz <>
  reported the following

    I'm using prosper version 1.00.4 with turtleturtle's 2001-07-16
    overlays patch. I want to have overlays showing incremental work on an
    equation. However, sometimes there is an unwanted movement of
    already present material. See the difference between page one and two
    in the following minimal example:
    \begin{slide}{Simple example}
    a &\fromSlide{1}{=b} \\
    Notice how the first line of the equation moves to left from page one
    to page two. (I'm viewing the resulting pdf-file with acroread 4.05
    for linux, but I don't think that has any importance.)
    For more complicated settings the effect can be a bit greater.
    I hope that it is clear what I want to do. Is there a better way to do
    it or is there a work-around for this apparent bug?

2D) pst-node node connections in overlays

  Micha reported the following incompatibility with pst-node of

    theres an error displaying overlays containing node connections
    when the symbolic name of a node
    (rnode{foo}{stuff},rode{bar}{stuff}) is given in a slide before
    the node connection itself (ncline{foo}{bar}). Actually the line
    is drawn as soon as the first rnode is available giving me a line
    from the infinit upper left to the defined point.
    By now pst-node is not usable together with prosper.

2E) Graphics rotation rotates the whole slide

  The following is reported by Joerg:
    I am using prosper with the graphicx package and it works well. But when
    I want to include an eps-file with the following command
    not only file.eps is rotated but the complete slide. The same occures
    when I use the rotating package in combination with the sideways
    enviroment and the includegraphics instruction.

  This is also reported on SourceForge

    [ 517880 ] rotating graphics

    Rotating graphics with the graphicx like
    or the sideways envrioment (rotating package) turns not only the
    graphic but the whole slide.

2F) Color broken in center environment 
  The following is reported on SourceForge

    Color broken in center environment 

    \color{blue} text 
    produces black text, not blue (see attached example file). Somehow
    a special "ps: 0. setgray" finds its way into the dvi-file in
    front of "text".

2G) Shifted right or cropped

  The following has been reported on SourceForge.  I might not be
  reproducible since it could be due to local misconfiguration:
    RedHat 7.2 
    teTeX 1.0.7 
    gnu ghostscript 6.51 
    acroread 4.05 
    dvips -Ppdf -G0 
    ps2pdf <no options> 
    It appears that the entire slide is shifted right 
    or cropped. 
    Building the prosper-tour slides results in the caption running
    off the right margin at the "/" the "total pages" number is
    off-page. The pre-compiled prosper-tour.pdf files display fine.
    It's OK when looking at the .ps file with gv, but looking at the
    .pdf file with either acroread or xpdf chops off the right side of
    the page.
    Are the options to ps2pdf that need to be specified?

2H) problems with newest hyperref

  The following is reported on SourceForge

  problems with newest hyperref?:	

    I have just installed the newest hyperref package
    [2001/04/05 v6.71e
    Hypertext links for LaTeX]
    and the newest prosper. I have problems with the
    contemporain style and an old presentation, I made two
    months ago. The problem occurs with the example.tex
    from the prosper class.
    >From the log:
    ! Undefined control sequence.
    <recently read> \@secondoffive 

2I) Color and makeindex

  The following bug report is taken from SourceForge

    (later version) color-package and prosper
    if I use this directive in the preambel 
    the titel on the page created with 
    is always black. 
    Has anyone solved this? 

2J) Misalignments with tabular environments
  The following is submitted by Pietro Braione
  ( on SourceForge

    [ 484291 ] Misalignments with tabular environments
    When \onlySlide / \onlySlide* are used inside a \tabular
    environment, it results in vertical misalignments and differences
    between the formatting of the overlays, which make the animation
    look bad. An example is enclosed.
  It might be solvable with the patches PMN has done to the slides and

2K) math is not longer displayed using gs 6.

  Uwe Brauer reported the following bug on SourceForge

    [ 497606 ] math is not longer displayed using gs 6.
    I am using prosper-1.04 for a while, together with ghoscript 6.02
    and fonts version 6.5 pre complied from ahobe. I did not have any
    problems so far, but todaz for the first time I discovered that in
    the pdf file the mat symbols are presented by a simple line.
    It is not a fault of my acrobat reader, since the file
    prosper-tour.pdf get displayed correctly. However when the
    underlying tex file is compiled math get displayed correctly in
    the ps file, when converting it to pdf via ps2pdf, then gv
    displays math correctly but not acrobat reader.
    I am completly sunned by this. Any help would be strongly
    recommend since I want to present a lecture using prosper within
    10 days.

2L) Multiple pictures and a white box

  Pau reported the following on SourceForge

    [ 492503 ] Multiple pictures and a white box
    I am trying to create a slide which uses the autumn background
    with the prosper package and has several postscript files on the
    same slide.
    To make the pictures clear, I added a white box and inserted the
    figues using the tabular command. The latex syntax is as follows
      \begin{slide}{\small Dispersive Considerations 1 $h$ 
      \hbox{$h=1$} & \hbox{$h=0.5$} \\ 
      \hbox{$h=0.25$} & \hbox{$h=0.125$} 
    The slide appears fine in the normal view of acrobat reader,
    however, when I change to full screen mode, additional black lines
    appear and the figures are no longer visible.
    When I use only one postscript file, set against a white
    background I do not get this problem....

2M) Incompatibility with french

  As kindly reminded as a bug report on SourceForge
    [ 505884 ] Bug with « french »
    How correct the bug with the package french of B. Gaulle ?

2N) Incorrect math alignment

  The following is reported by Angela on SourceForge:

    [ 506787 ] incorrect math alignment
    Math formulas involving subscripts are not typeset correctly. The
    PS file generated has correct formatting. The PDF file created
    with ps2pdf does not.
    The problem appears to truly belong to Prosper, since the same
    LaTeX formulae processed using, e.g. amsart class are typeset
    correctly both in PS and PDF.
    Example: compare the output of the following latex code under
    Prosper and under amsart.cls.
    Under Prosper: 
    ---------clip here------------------------------ 
    -------clip here-------------------------------- 
    Under amslatex: 
    --------clip here------------------------------- 
    --------clip here-------------------------------- 
    Everything is as it should be in both the Prosper and amslatex PS
    files and in the PDF generated from the amslatex PS file
    (generated by ps2pdf). The PDF created from the Prosper file is
    not typeset correctly.
    Any work around or bug fix would be very much appreciated. Despite
    this small but annoying bug, I must offer you my sincere
    congratulations and many thanks for this fine software!
    [ 564909 ] incorrect math alignment 

    I am having a problem already reported in January about math
    alignment in prosper as shown in the attached file. The postscript
    file is perfect and the problem appears whan I use ps2pdf.

    In the old bug report there was a follow up saying that dvipdf
    solves the problem but in my case it did not. I am using Debian

    gs 6.53-3 
    gs-common 0.3.3 
    dvipdfm 0.13.2-3 
    prosper 1.00.4-4 

    I would be very grateful if somebody could suggest a way around
    this problem
    \begin{slide}{Asymmetries definition} 

  PMN: one reason to this bug might be the fact that Prosper uses very
  large fonts.  Even when using postscript for the text, the math
  fonts are still taken from Computer Modern which are not
  scalable. So for large fonts, the correct font sizes for sub and
  superscripts does not exist and LaTeX does some quite heavy font
  substitutions (I've seen up to 1.26 pt).  If this is the case, the
  solution might be to provide an option to ask LaTeX to generate the
  font sizes in tighter sizes.

2O) Repeated chars before subscript skip one

  Ric has reported the following on SourceForge
    [ 507134 ] repeated chars before subscript skip one
    This may be related to bug #506787. 
    The following code produces correct ps, but in pdf one 
    of the A chars is missing. This only occurs with 
    matching chars (i.e. A A_X, but not A B_X). 
    A A_X 
    prosper.cls has CVS id prosper.cls,v 1.5. Other versions: 
    PDF is generated with pstopdf or dvipdf. 

2P) \scalebox does not take 2 arguments

  From SourceForge

    [ 523856 ] \scalebox does not take 2 arguments
    When using prosper, I cannot do smth like: 

      \scalebox{1 -1} {..} 

    It seems that \scalebox agrees to take only one parameter. It
    works fine with ever other class. As a result I cannot use Dia
    pstricks export.

2Q) Problem with prosper and \psgrid

  Reported by Christoph on SourceForge

    [ 551407 ] problem with prosper and \psgrid

    I have a problem with prosper.cls and pstricks.sty: \psgrid does
    not work, LaTeX reports an error and the resulting postscript file
    is broken. With article.cls everything works fine. Please help.
    I use prosper version: 
    \typeout{CVSId: $Id: TODO,v 1.6 2002/08/05 14:47:04 turtleturtle Exp $} 
    The error message is: 
    ! Undefined control sequence. 
    \GenericError ... 
    \errhelp \@err@ ... 
    l.15 \end 
    This is a test. 

2R) Problem with final PDF

  From SourceForge

    [ 531947 ] problem with final PDF
    I have the diagram described below in my slides. When I compile the
    slides into postscript, it looks OK, but once I turn it into PDF, the
    middle arrow becomes slanted and the text within the second box breaks
    into two parts.
    An additional problem is that the PDFtransition command seems to have
    no effect.
    Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem ?
    \begin{array}{c@{\hskip 2cm}c} 
    \hskip 2cm 
    \rnode{model}{\psframebox[linecolor=white,linewidth=.05,framesep=.5,framearc=.3]{\white Model}} 
    \aput{:U}{\rnode{learn}{\mbox{\small Learning}}} 

2S) Problem with epsfig or includegraphics 

  Olli J. Marttila submitted the following on SourceForge

    [ 476863 ] problem with epsfig or includegraphics 

    problem with epsfig or includegraphics I am using prosper for creating
    slides for examination paper answers. Answers in question are written
    in LaTeX and printed without problems. The material has been divided
    in blocks suitable to be transferred on slides. There is no problem to
    create text slides but there are figures, both in .eps and in .pdf
    form, that do not translate. Text in question follows:
    \begin{slide}{Fotonisäteilyn vaimeneminen \\ 
    ja elektronienergian kasvu} 
    \item[e. ] 
    The preamble is as follows: 
    The .dvi file cannot be shown; instead an error message 
    PostScript problem 
    GhostScript error 
    is displayed. 
    I repeat, that a similar error message is not 
    displayed when the conventional text slides a created; 
    only on this one does not play. 

2T) Output rotation

  From SourceForge

    [ 532877 ] Output rotation

    I tried to do a presentation with prosper and it did not work. I'm
    using teTeX, dvips -Ppdf, ps2pdf on Mandrake 8.1 with Acrobat 4 as
    my viewer. The typefaces come out OK, but every slide is slightly
    off center and rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

2U) Error displaying ps file in Yap

  By David Scott onSourceForge

    [ 489794 ] Error displaying ps file in Yap
    I am using miktex 2.1 with WinEdt 5 and Windows 98. I have
    gathered all the files I need so that I can latex my prosper
    slides. This appears to work without any problems.
    However when I try and view the dvi produced I get the message:
    Loading page 1... 
    bad pa special 
    unimplemented special: papersize=210mm,297mm 
    phvbo8r: checksum mismatch 
    32: no glyph! 
    phvr8r: checksum mismatch 
    32: no glyph! 
    phvr8r: checksum mismatch 
    32: no glyph! 
    Sending C:\Program Files\texmf\dvips\base\ 
    -r85.714286x85.714286 -g708x1001 -sDEVICE=bmp256 -q -DBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER 
    -sOutputFile=andle -start: c:\progra~1\gstools\gs7.00\gs7.00\bin\gswin32c.exe 
    -r85.714286x85.714286 -g708x1001 -sDEVICE=bmp256 -q -DBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER 
    -sOutputFile=%handle%24 - 
    Sending C:\Program Files\texmf\dvips\base\ 
    creating bitmap file C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\mikD0C2.TMP 
    wrote 0 bytes 
    Error: PostScript problem: 
    GhostScript error
    I am using Yap 0.98n for viewing the dvi files.
    I am able to use the same latex file to produce dvi, postscript
    and pdf on our sun solaris machine.

2V) \vfill and \vspace*{\fill}

  The following bug has been reported by Nicolas Malandain
  <> on Tue, 12 Feb 2002 11:13:08 +0100

    I don't know why but the latex command \vfill or \vspace*{\fill}
    doesn't work with prosper. Any idea ?

3A) Figure number when using caption

    J.G. Zhou <> reported (Fri, 14 Sep 2001 09:53:01
    +0100) the following:

        I used the prosper.cls which is great. However, I got a little
        problem figures in my slide file -- use of
        always generates a caption as "Fig. 0", no matter how many
        figures are included in myslide.tex.
    Fred Labrosse suggested the following, which I am however not sure
    is correct.  In particular, note that the figure environment is
    used above.
      This is not a prosper problem but a LaTeX feature.  \caption is
      meant to be used in figure (and others) environment and uses a
      counter incremented in this environment.  Since you don't use
      the figure environment, the relevant counter is not incremented
      and keeps its value of 0.
      2 solutions.  The first is to use the figure environment but I
      doubt you really want to since it is a floating environment (and
      I am not even sure it is defined in prosper).  The other one is
      to increment the counter: \refstepcounter{figure} before using
    Final comments from J.G. Zhou 
      Thanks for your suggestions. I tried it. Unfortunately, none
      work for me.  Also I noticed one difference between pdf and ps
      mode for slide. What I mean is that if
      \documentclass[pdf,...]{prosper} is used, the \caption always
      generates "Figure 0:...". However, if
      \documentclass[ps,...]{prosper}, \caption works fine. So I don't
      understand what causes this problem.  Could you got any idea or

4A) \inslides Command

  a command combining the functionality of \fromSlide, \onlySlide, and
  \untilSlide with a more flexible way to specify the pattern.
  Something like

    \inSlides{-3,5-6,8,10-}{text appearing on various overlyas} 

  Of course, this should also appear in a starred version

4B) A portrait mode

4C) A notes mode
  In the style of seminar

4D) Generalize \itemstep
  The formatting used by the command should be made more user
  customizable, e.g., by introducing \itemstepCurrentStart and
  \itemstepCurrentEnd.  These commands should both take one argument:
  the item's number.  

  The current behavior of \itemstep would then be achieved using

  While highlighting the current item could be achieved with


4E) Formatting options to commands

  Similar in style to 4D the functionality and the formatting of the
  prosper commands should be divided.  There should be a standard way
  to each command to change the formatting.  This can be compared to
  the hacks of emacs functions.

4F) Turn of slide number

  The following has been requested by Richard Sudarmono <>
  on Fri, 7 Dec 2001 14:08:01 +0100
    could anybody tell me, how can I get rid of the slide number?  (I
    find only the 'total' & 'nototal' option, which don't help to
    solve the problem).

4G) Optional hyphenation

  Some people want to have hyphenation in the slides.  To do this the
  effect of raggedright should be canceled.

4H) Navigation buttons

  Some people would like navigation buttons to navigate through the

  An alternative suggestion is by Pedro Jorge Caridade
  <> on Wed, 20 Feb 2002 10:24:12 +0000

    Is it possible and in a simple way to overpass several layers in
    one slide by, for example, clicking on the slide title. (If it was
    just one slide it's ease with the nexpage command).

4I) Placement and form of slide number
  On Thu, 6 Jun 2002 16:07:00 -0500, "Luis A Escobar" <>
  asked the following suggestion:

    Has somebody done the work of modifying prosper.cls to modify the
    placement of the slide number?
    I would like to create a slide number of the type chapter # -
    slide #, i.e., 10-22, chapter 10 slide 22. Also i would like to
    get rid off the "-p" that shows with the slide number.

  And the following is requested by Stephen Eglen on SourceForge:

    Option to remove slide caption? 

    many thanks for providing prosper. I just used it to create my
    first presentation. I was just wondering though if there is an
    easy way to remove the \slidecaption in the bottom right corner? I
    could find an option to not include the total page numbers, but
    how do I remove both the caption and the page count? For now I
    commented out the line in prosper.cls that writes the caption, but
    that seems a bit drastic!

4J) Global options

  It should be possible to provide other than prosper's.  Since the
  consensus appear to be that style files start with PPR, that could
  be achieved by testing whether a file PPR<option> exists.  If not,
  the options is passed as a global option.

4K) Dimensions in PROSPER 
  The following is a bug report from SourceForge

    I am trying to make a new style file for PROSPER. However I have seen
    that the dimensions used are scaled by a factor of 2. For example, if
    I want to put a Logo at the position (-1.0 cm, -1.0 cm) relating the
    default base, I have to set the logo position to (-0.5, -0.5). I
    thought that could be a problem with the dimensions of PSTricks (when
    included) but I appears to be indpendent of

4L) Long pages

  Requested on SourceForge

    [ 314296 ] Page formating of long pages

    Unfortunately, prosper seems not to be able to handle
    long pages correctly by inserting page breaks
    In the example given blow, a page break is inserted
    after the 11. item. prosper does not insert such a page
    break and in addition, the 12. item is not visible on
    the slide and no error message is created.
    Is there any chance, that the standard behaviour of the
    seminar package can be added to prosper?

  Response from Frédéric Goualard:

    Hum... I do not remember what is exactly the original behaviour of
    seminar in that case. I will have a look at that. However, I think
    that slides are usually written on a "per-page" basis.

4M) In .dtx format with and .ins file

  This is standard LaTeX.  Possibly we should also upload it to CTAN.

4N) Remove use of \myitem

  From Frédéric Goualard's TODO: get rid of \myitem{}{} to use a more
  standard way of modifying bullets

4O) Graphic modeller 

  From Frédéric Goualard's TODO: a graphical modeller for easily
  devising new Prosper styles (in [incr Tcl])

4P) Add control on \fromSlide and friends

  From Frédéric Goualard's TODO: add control on parameters for macros

4Q) Get rid of seminar

5A) Article option

  This has been mentioned, but I'm not sure how this is different from
  the notes mode.

5B) Hypermedia options

  A number of people includes video clips.  It might be convenient to
  add some kind of general support for this.  

5C) Features of prosper demo
  After posting the Prosper demo somebody mentioned that some features
  need to be incorporated.  I have not checked what yet. 

  The demo is at

5D) Problems with glitter, blind, etc

  There seems to be some confusion on how to get glitter, blind,
  etc. to work.  The following is reported on SourceForge:

    glitter blind etc not working:

    When i veiw the 'tour' i get the glitter effect but when i compile
    locally myself i dont. Do i have an old version of something that
    doesnt support this type of effect ?

  And also

    [ 529669 ] Transition effects doesnt work in 1.00.4
    I have tried The transition effects in both Linux SuSE 6.2
    "heavily" modified and FreeBSD 4.4 Release.
    In both architectures the version 1.00.3 work perfectly, but
    1.00.4 doesnt seem to produce the correct transition effects
5E) Acrobat 5.05 and prosper = no go

  From SourceForege    
    [ 578762 ] Acrobat 5.05 and prosper = no go?
    It seems that acrobat 5.05 and prosper doesn't get well
    along... My system is a linux RH7.3. I downloaded prosper and
    tried to compile the prosper-tour.tex, following the instruction,
    and changing the style to "frames". Using acroread 4.05 the
    documents is almost correctly presented (the lines on the
    commutative diagrams are missing, and some math symbol is quite
    pesky). But the same pdf file is impossible to read in acroread
    5.05, having all the colors wrong in all the page but the
    first. As a nice effects... now the only visible thing are the
    lines on the commutative diagrams.

5F) As a Style File

  Allow using Prosper as a style file instead of a class
  file. Actually, this has already been done by a guy at INRIA who
  offered me the code he had written.