12 Dec 1203 (14 Dec 2019):  Protected the poemline counter
definition to avoid a clash with memoir.  Version 2.2.

9 Nov 1203 (9 Nov 2019):  Protected the index commands so
that the package works with classes that don't include
indices.  Also removed two spurious "{"s.  Thanks to David
Carlisle for pointing out the issues to me.  Version 2.1.

2 May 1203 (2 May 2019):  Added ability to arbitrarily label
both the left and right sides of the line.  Version 2.0.

X Sept 1202 (10 Sept 2018):  Removed *requirement* for
hyperref by inserting a fake definition for \phantomsection,
which is the only hyperref command used.

17 June 1201 (19 June 2017):  Version 1.0, initial release.