\documentclass[pagesize=auto, DIV=10, fontsize=14pt, parskip=full]{scrartcl}




\title{The \pkg{onepagem} package\thanks{This manual corresponds to \pkg{onepagem.sty}~v1.01a, dated~28 Mar 1996.}}
\author{Mike Piff\thanks{\mail{M.Piff@sheffield.ac.uk}}}
\date{28 Mar 1996}



If the document has only one page, omit page number. (onepagempty)
The page number must be produced by means of \cmd{\thepage}.
Needs two passes through \LaTeX\ to work, as it writes to the {\tt .aux} file.

The first version was a joke put on CTAN to illustrate how useful
\cmd{\AtEndDocument} is.  This one works\dots
