Readme for pdfx package (pdfx.sty)

pdfx.sty is a LaTeX package which helps to create PDF/X and
PFD/A, PDF/E and PDF/VT compliant PDF documents with pdfTeX.


Create a directory $TEXMF/tex/latex/pdfx and copy pdfx.sty, *.xmp,
*.icc, *.def and glyphtounicode-cmr.tex to this directory.  Update
the file database of your TeX system.


Composite documentation and code is available in src/pdfx.dtx. Run
TeX/LaTeX on pdfx.ins to extract pdfx.sty from pdfx.dtx.  If you
[pdf]LaTeX pdfx.dtx, you will get pdfx.pdf which is the human readable

A Makefile is provided in the src directory. Following steps will
create the documentation on GNU/Linux or similar operating system:

 make pdf
 make out
 make index
 make changes
 make pdf

'make all' does all the above, as a single command-line call.

'make out' is for manipulating the bookmarks file to create QUICK
LINKS in the pdf document.


The package is released under LaTeX Project Public Licence.


CV Radhakrishnan <>
Han The Thanh <>
Ross Moore <>
Peter Selinger <>