README for project pax (PDFAnnotExtractor) TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= A. Project pax B. Copyright, License C. Files D. Author E. Requirements F. Download G. Installation H. Use I. History A. PROJECT PAX ============== If PDF files are included using pdfTeX, PDF annotations are stripped. This project tries a solution without altering pdfTeX. A Java program (pax.jar) parses the PDF file that will later be included. It writes the data of the annotations in a file that can be read by TeX. Then a LaTeX package (pax.sty) extends the graphics package. If a PDF file is included, the package looks for the file with the annotation data, reads them and puts the annotations in the right place. Project status: experimental B. COPYRIGHT, LICENSE ===================== Copyright (C) 2006-2008, 2011, 2012 Heiko Oberdiek. The project consists of two parts: * The Java program pax.jar with sources. The Perl wrapper License is GPL, see license/gpl.txt. * The LaTeX package pax.sty. License is LPPL 1.3. The file README belongs to both parts. The Java program uses the PDF library PDFBox, see C. FILES ======== The project is available in CTAN ( CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/pax/ There are the following files: * README This file. * The whole project, ready to unpack in a TDS (texmf) tree. The files inside * doc/latex/pax/README This file. * scripts/pax/pax.jar The Java program. * scripts/pax/ Perl wrapper for calling the Java program in pax.jar. * source/latex/pax/license/LaTeX/lppl.txt License (LPPL) for the LaTeX package. * source/latex/pax/license/PDFAnnotExtractor/gpl.txt License (GPL) for the Java program. * source/latex/pax/src/ source/latex/pax/src/ source/latex/pax/src/ source/latex/pax/src/ source/latex/pax/src/ Java source files. * source/latex/pax/src/MANIFEST.MF Manifest file for the JAR file. * source/latex/pax/src/build.xml Ant build file for generating the JAR file. * tex/latex/pax/pax.sty The LaTeX package. D. AUTHOR ========= Heiko Oberdiek <heiko.oberdiek at> E. REQUIREMENTS =============== * Java 1.4+. * PDFBox 0.7.2 or 0.7.3. However, PDFAnnotExtractor does not work with the recent versions of PDFBox, currently only the older versions 0.7.2 or 0.7.3 are supported. The older versions are available at SourceForge: * The Perl wrapper (optional) needs: * Perl * kpsewhich * java in PATH The option --install also requires: * wget or curl * unzip * texhash or mktexlsr F. DOWNLOAD =========== 1. Download from CTAN: 2. Download PDFBox-0.7.3.jar from (22 MB) Or install PDFBox as RPM package or whatever. G. INSTALLATION =============== Examples are given for linux. 3. Install PDFBox (from its home page, RPM package, ...). The wrapper looks for the JAR file in directories: /usr/share/java/ /usr/local/share/java/ TDS:scripts/pax/lib/ (TDS:scripts//) assuming one of the following names: pdfbox.jar PDFBox.jar pdfbox-0.7.3.jar PDFBox-0.7.3.jar pdfbox-0.7.2.jar PDFBox-0.7.2.jar Alternative for 2. and 3. * Continue with 4. and 5.a). * Call `pdfannotextractor --install' (or with option --debug). It downloads PDFBox from its homepage and installs it in TEXMFVAR(VARTEXMF) below TDS:scripts/pax/ 4. Unzip inside the TDS tree, where you want to put this project, e.g.: unzip pax-tds -d /usr/local/share/texmf Don't forget to update the database (texhash, mktexlsr, ...). 5.a) Install the wrapper Perl script as `pdfannotextractor' somewhere in your PATH (/usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, ...). 5.b) Or write a wrapper script or whatever to ease the call of the Java program, e.g.: #!/bin/sh java -cp pax.jar:pdfbox.jar pax.PDFAnnotExtractor "$@" Version of PDFBox ----------------- Developing the pax project I have used and tested version 0.7.2, also the current version 0.7.3 seems to be fine. Older versions are not supported at all, they may work or do not. H. USE ====== As example I am using usrguide.pdf (with links from project latex-tds) that will be included in test.tex: %%% cut %%% test.tex %%% cut %%% \documentclass[a4paper,12pt,landscape]{article} \usepackage[ hmargin=1in, vmargin=1in, ]{geometry} \usepackage{pdfpages} % pdfpages loads graphicx \usepackage{pax} \iffalse \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{ filebordercolor={1 1 0}, } \fi \begin{document} \includepdf[pages=-,nup=2x1]{usrguide} \end{document} %%% cut %%% test.tex %%% cut %%% First run the Java program on usrguide.pdf: $ java -jar pax.jar usrguide.pdf It generates usrguide.pax. Next run pdflatex on test.tex twice at least: $ pdflatex test $ pdflatex test Then the links should work. Additionally package hyperref can be used (replace \iffase by \iftrue). Then the links can be configured using hyperref settings. (But keep in mind, the colored links by option colorlinks can't be changed in included documents. I. History ========== 2006/08/24 v0.1a * First release. 2006/09/04 v0.1b * Bug fix in PDFAnnotExtractor.add_dest()/named destinations. 2007/06/29 v0.1c * \l@addto@macro renamed to \PAX@l@addto@macro to avoid collision with classes of KOMA-Script. 2007/06/30 v0.1d * Use of package `etexmcds'. 2007/07/12 v0.1e * The Java program can be called with several files. 2007/07/16 v0.1f * PDF files are explicitely closed to avoid warnings. 2007/07/18 v0.1g * Compiled for Java 1.4. 2007/07/19 v0.1h * JAR file without TDS tree. 2008/10/01 v0.1i * Perl wrapper `' added. * Section `Installation' from README rewritten. * Class-Path removed from MANIFEST.MF. 2011/04/22 v0.1j * Update of email address and updating version dates for all files. 2011/07/06 v0.1k * Package `pax' uses package `kvsetkeys' to avoid problems with incompatible `xkeyval'. 2012/04/18 v0.1l * Option --version added to 2022/06/07 v2022/06/07 * Port to recent pdfanotator * New developper Bastien Roucariès <rouca !at!>