------------------------------------------------------- paperTeX: class change history ------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2010 by Ignacio Llopis <lloptor@gmail.com> ------------------------------------------------------- v.1.2b (30 June 2010) ------------------------- - set papertex@imgsize = 0 in command \image. - very thanks to Janosch Maier. v.1.2a (27 February 2007) ------------------------- - anysize package is replaced by geometry. - new ``a3paper'' option. - 12pt can now be used (it did not work before). - fixed some documentation bugs. - \authorandplace default alignment = left. v.1.2 (25 January 2007) ------------------------- - \minraggedcols counter added. - \raggedFormat style command added. - thanks to Will Henney & Donald Arseneau for the idea. v.1.1c (20 January 2007) ------------------------- - specification of ``a4paper'' option when loading ``article'' class. - \makeindex command removed (it produced an empty .idx file). - very thanks to Dan. v.1.1b (18 January 2007) ------------------------- - solved problem with hyperlinks in the main index. added \phantomsection (s). - ``shortnews'' environment can now be refered. new label parameter. - very thanks to Randy Yates. v.1.1a (15 January 2007) ------------------------- - corrected a big error in documentation (I said usepackage{papertex} but papertex is a class!!). - very thanks to Christoph Bier. v.1.1 (10 January 2007) ------------------------ - ``amssymb'' package is not needed anymore. It was used only to draw a \blackbox. - instead: \newcommand{\innerTextFinalMark}{\rule{0.65em}{0.65em}}. - very thanks to Robert Fuster. v.1.0 (6 July 2006) -------------------- - first release. Ignacio Llopis <lloptor@gmail.com> http://nachollopis.com