# nstc-proposal: LaTeX classes for NSTC grant proposals (åœ‹ç§‘æœƒå°ˆé¡Œç ”ç©¶è¨ˆç•« LaTeX æ–‡ä»¶æ ¼å¼) (See [below](#概è¦) for ä¸æ–‡è§£èªª) ## Overview This package consists of LaTeX classes for preparing grant proposals to National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, that is: * CM03 * CM302 which support typesetting in both Chinese and English and are compatible with pdfLaTeX and XeTeX. ## Installation ### CTAN installation Run the following command in a terminal (or use any TeX package manager) to install: ```bash tlmger install nstc-proposal ``` ### Manual Installation 1. Run the following command in a terminal to build files and examples: ```bash latex nstc-proposal.ins ``` 2. Copy the generated `.cls` files to a directory searchable by LaTeX. Hint. Run the following command to locate the local texmf directory: ```bash kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFLOCAL ``` Placing the generated files under any subdirectory of the directory shown above should work. 3. Compile tex files under `example` by pdfLaTeX or XeTeX and see if the package has been installed properly. ## Usage See `nstc-proposal.pdf`. ## Development `nstc-proposal` was written and is maintained by [Liang-Ting Chen](https://l-tchen.github.io). Please report any bug or feature request on GitHub (<https://github.com/L-TChen/nstc-proposal>). ## License The `nstc-proposal` class is distributed under the conditions of the LATEX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. ## æ¦‚è¦ æ¤å¥—件æ供準以下å°ç£åœ‹ç§‘æœƒå°ˆé¡Œè¨ˆåŠƒç”³è«‹æ›¸çš„æ–‡ä»¶æ ¼å¼ï¼š * 表 CM03 * 表 CM302 並且支æ´ä¸è‹±æ··æŽ’,相容 pdfLaTeX è·Ÿ XeTeX ç·¨è¯ã€‚ ## 安è£æ–¹å¼ ### CTAN å®‰è£ åœ¨çµ‚ç«¯æ©Ÿä¸‹åŸ·è¡Œä»¥ä¸‹å‘½ä»¤å®‰è£ï¼ˆæˆ–是用任何一個 TeX 的套件管ç†ç¨‹å¼ï¼‰: ```bash tlmger install nstc-proposal ``` ### æ‰‹å‹•å®‰è£ 1. 在終端機下執行以下命令生æˆæª”案跟範例: ```bash latex nstc-proposal.ins ``` 2. 把生æˆå‡ºä¾†çš„ `.cls` 檔案複製到 LaTeX å¯ä»¥æœå°‹å¾—到的目錄下。æ示:把檔案放在 `kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFLOCAL` 下的任一å目錄應該就å¯ä»¥ã€‚`TEXMFLOCAL` 路徑å¯ç”¨ä»¥ä¸‹æŒ‡ä»¤å¾—到: ```bash kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFLOCAL ``` 3. 用 pdfLaTeX 或是 XeTeX ç·¨è¯ `example` 目錄底下的檔案,看是å¦æœ‰å®‰è£æˆåŠŸã€‚ ## ä½¿ç”¨æ–¹å¼ è«‹åƒè€ƒ `nstc-proposal.pdf`。 ### 文件é¸é … æ–‡ä»¶æ ¼å¼ç¹¼æ‰¿è‡ª `article` é¡å¤–æ供以下é¸é …: * `libertine`: 英文å—型改用 Linux Libertine(來自 [libertine](https://ctan.org/pkg/libertine) 套件)。 * `kaiti` (需用 XeTeX ç·¨è¯ï¼‰: ä¸æ–‡å—型改用 macOS 內建的常州è¯æ–‡ã€Œæ¥·é«”-ç¹ã€ã€‚ ### 文件定義之指令 以下指令å¯ç”¢ç”Ÿ CM03 çš„ç« ç¯€å稱與說明: * `\ProposalBackground`: ç ”ç©¶è¨ˆç•«ä¹‹èƒŒæ™¯ * `\ProposalMethod`: ç ”ç©¶æ–¹æ³•ã€é€²è¡Œæ¥é©ŸåŠåŸ·è¡Œé€²åº¦ * `\ProposalPlan`: é 期完æˆä¹‹å·¥ä½œé …ç›®åŠæˆæžœ * `\ProposalIntegration`: æ•´åˆåž‹ç ”究計畫說明 è‹¥æ˜¯ç·¨è¼¯è»Ÿé«”æœƒæ ¹æ“š `\section` åˆ¤æ–·åŽŸå§‹ç¢¼æ ¼å¼ï¼Œæ”¯æ´ç¨‹å¼ç¢¼æ‘ºç–Šæˆ–目錄之類的功能,則建è°ç›´æŽ¥ä½¿ç”¨ `\section` æŒ‡ä»¤è¼¸å…¥ç« ç¯€åç¨±ï¼Œæœ€å¾ŒåŠ å…¥ `\vskip1em` ä¿ç•™è¶³å¤ 的留白。例如: ```latex \section{ç ”ç©¶è¨ˆç•«ä¹‹èƒŒæ™¯} è«‹è©³è¿°æœ¬ç ”ç©¶è¨ˆç•«æ‰€è¦æŽ¢è¨Žæˆ–解決的å•é¡Œã€ç ”究原創性ã€é‡è¦æ€§ã€é 期影響性åŠåœ‹å…§å¤–æœ‰é—œæœ¬è¨ˆç•«ä¹‹ç ”ç©¶æƒ…æ³ã€é‡è¦åƒè€ƒæ–‡ç»ä¹‹è©•è¿°ç‰ã€‚å¦‚ç‚ºé€£çºŒæ€§è¨ˆç•«æ‡‰èªªæ˜Žä¸Šå¹´åº¦ç ”ç©¶é€²åº¦ã€‚ \vskip1em ``` ### 表 CM03 範例 ```latex \documentclass{nstc-cm03} \usepackage{microtype} \begin{document} \ProposalBackground \ProposalMethod \ProposalPlan \ProposalIntegration \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{sample} \end{document} ``` 以 LaTeX 或 XeTeX ç·¨è¯æˆ–åŠ ä¸Šé¸é … `libertine` 的四種çµæžœå¦‚下 | | LaTeX | XeTeX | |-----------|-------|-------| | (é è¨ç„¡é¸é …) |[proposal.pdf](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/17560415/proposal.pdf) | [proposal-xetex.pdf](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/17560554/proposal-xetex.pdf) | | `libertine` | [proposal-libertine.pdf](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/17560517/proposal-libertine.pdf) |[proposal-libertine-xetex.pdf](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/17560558/proposal-xetex-libertine.pdf)| ### 表 CM302 範例 è‹¥ç”¨æ ¼å¼ `nstc-cm302` 則會改為表 CM302 æ–‡ç»ç›®éŒ„ä¹‹æ ¼å¼ï¼š 1. 文件標題改為「五ã€è‘—作目錄⋯⋯〠2. éš±è— LaTeX é è¨ä¹‹å¼•ç”¨ç« 節å稱 3. å–消 CM03 相關指令 `\ProposalBackground`ã€`\ProposalMethod`〠`\ProposalPlan`ã€`\ProposalIntegration` é¿å…誤用。 引用載入之 `.bib` 檔裡所有的論文,åªéœ€è¦ç”¨ `\nocite{*}` å³å¯ã€‚例如以下檔案: ```latex \documentclass{nstc-cm302} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{doi} \usepackage{microtype} \begin{document} \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{abbrv} \bibliography{sample} \end{document} ``` 便能產出æ¤[çµæžœ](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/17573002/bibliography.pdf)。 ## è¨è¨ˆ ### æ–‡ä»¶æ ¼å¼è¨å®š 國科會è¦å®šé é¢å°ºå¯¸ A4,一å€è¡Œè·[^1],å—åž‹å¤§å° 12 點,以åŠé é¢é‚Šç•Œ 2 公分,其他如å—型並無特別è¦å®šã€‚ ### é 載套件 æ–‡ä»¶æ ¼å¼é™¤è¨å®šæ ¼å¼å¿…è¦çš„套件外,å¦è¼‰å…¥ `amsmath` ä»¥åŠ `amsthm` 兩套件以åŠï¼š * å—型相關套件 * 用 LaTeX ç·¨è¯æ™‚é¡å¤–載入 `CJKutf8` * 用 XeTeX ç·¨è¯æ™‚é¡å¤–載入 `fontspec`. `unicode-math`, `xeCJK` ### ä¸æ–‡å—åž‹ * 若用 TeX ç·¨è¯ï¼Œå—型則為「文鼎 PL ä¸æ¥·ã€[^2](來自 [`arphic`](https://ctan.org/pkg/arphic) 套件) * 若用 XeTeX ç·¨è¯ï¼Œå—åž‹é¸ç”¨é †åºå¦‚下: 1. 標楷體(Windows ä»¥åŠ macOS 13.2 以å‰å…§å»ºï¼‰ 2. 標楷體-ç¹ï¼ˆmacOS 13.3 以後內建) 3. 文鼎 PL ä¸æ¥·ï¼ˆä¾†è‡ª [`arphic-ttf`](https://ctan.org/pkg/arphic-ttf?lang=en) 套件) ### 英文å—åž‹ Times 家æ—(如 Times New Roman)的 TeXGyre Termes(來自 [`newtx`](https://ctan.org/pkg/newtx) 套件) ## 開發ç¶è· 本套件 `nstc-proposal` 是由[陳亮廷](<https://l-tchen.github.io>)所撰寫ç¶è·ã€‚ 發ç¾ä»»ä½•éŒ¯èª¤æˆ–æ˜¯æœ‰ä»»ä½•éœ€æ±‚ï¼Œè«‹å›žå ±åˆ° GitHub 上的專案網站 <https://github.com/L-TChen/nstc-proposal。> ## 版權è²æ˜Ž The `nstc-proposal` class is distributed under the conditions of the LATEX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. [^1]: æ ¹æ“š Wikipedia çš„[說明](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leading#cite_ref-4),Word 97–2010 的一å€è¡Œè·å¯¦å‰‡ç‚º 1.15 å€çš„è¡Œè·ï¼ˆleading)之後為 1.08 å€ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ä¸æ¸…楚到底行è·å¯¦è³ªè¦å®šå¤šå°‘。æ¤æ–‡ä»¶æ ¼å¼è¡Œè·ä»¥ `setspace` 套件的 `\onehalfspacing` è¨å®šè¡Œè·ï¼Œå°å‡ºå¾Œè‚‰çœ¼æ¯”å°ç´„略相ç‰åœ‹ç§‘會網站下載的範例檔。 [^2]: 文鼎å—型公眾授權å—型法律è²æ˜Ž[在æ¤](https://www.arphic.com.tw/2022/01/21/plfont/)。