LaTeX Style For No Starch Press

This is the ``official'' LaTeX style for No Starch Press,  The class is intended to typeset books for
this publisher---both hard copies and electronic books.

The suite provides main class, nostarch.cls, hyperref interface
nshyper.sty and MakeIndex style


Version 2.4
    Better handling of URLs (thanks to David Carlisle)

Version 2.3
    Compatibility with amsmath restored

Version 2.2
    New environments: note and aside
    Subfigure package is now the default

Version 2.1
    Urls now correspond to the requirements of NoStarch: italic font,
    low tilde, splitting according to the NoStarch rules
    Bibliography updates
    New formatting for captions.
    Longtable is now loaded by default
    New code for colored rows

Version 2.0:
    Incorporated the changes by Alex Freed and other members of
    the NoStarch team over the years.

Version 1.1:  

    Added interface to listings package
    Formatting changes
    Some bug fixes

Version 1.2

    Formatting changes

Version 1.3:

    Bug fixes
    Added user-settable parameters for the table of contents

Version 1.4

    Updated to keep with listings package