% This example file for NIH submissions was originally written
% by Bruce Donald (http://www.cs.duke.edu/brd/).
% You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file.
% last revision:
\def\mydate{2005-06-09 13:58:03 brd}

%%%%%%% Two column control
\dotwocoltrue   % two col
%\dotwocolfalse   % one col




\def\citeusmark{$^{\textstyle \star}$}


%\usepackage{nih}		% PHS 398 Forms
%\usepackage{nihblank}		% For printing on Blank PHS 398 Forms

\def\Paper{grant application}


%Note from brd
\long\def\todo#1{{\bf{To do:}} #1}
\def\ICRA{IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}





\def\sheading#1{{\bf #1:}\ }
%\def\sheading#1{\bigskip {\bf #1.}}

\def\ssheading#1{\noindent {\bf #1.}\ } 

\long\def\hyp#1{\begin{hypothesis} #1 \end{hypothesis}}

\def\cbk#1{[{\em #1}]}

\newcommand{\EOP}{\nolinebreak[1]~~~\hspace*{\fill} $\Box$\vspace*{\parskip}\vspace*{1ex}}
%my way of doing starred references


\def\Jigsaw{{\sc Jigsaw}}
\def\dan{{\ensuremath{d_{\alpha \mathrm{N}}}}}
\def\jconst{{\ensuremath{^{3}\mathrm{J}_{\mathrm{H}^{\mathrm{N}}\mathrm{H}^{\alpha}}}} }



\def\CR{\hspace{0pt}}           % ``invisible'' space for line break

%\dbspacingtrue  % For double spacing
\dbspacingfalse  % For normal spacing



% \def\codesize{\normalsize}

% Can use macros \be, \ee, \en as shortcuts
%  for \begin{enumerate}, \end{enumerate}, \item
%  respectively.

\def\be{\begin{enumerate}}   % Begin Enumerate
\def\ee{\end{enumerate}}     % End Enumerate
\def\en{\item}               % ENtry (item)
\def\bi{\begin{itemize}}     % Begin Itemize
\def\ei{\end{itemize}}       % End Itemize
\def\bv{\begin{verbatim}}    % Begin Verbatim
\def\ev{\end{verbatim}}      % End Verbatim

\def\matlab{{\sc matlab} }
\def\amber{{\sc amber} }
\def\KSM{{K^*}} % K-Star Math
\def\KSTM{{\tilde{K}^*}}  % K-Star Tilde Math (appx K*)
\def\KOP{{$K^{\dagger}_{o}$}}  % K-Star Optimal partial
\def\KOPM{{K^{\dagger}_{o}}}  % K-Star Optimal partial Math
\def\KP{{$K^{\dagger}$}}  % K-Star partial
\def\KPM{{K^{\dagger}}}  % K-Star partial Math
\def\KTPM{{\tilde{K}^{\dagger}}}  % K-Star Tilde partial Math
\def\KSO{{$K^*_{o}$}} % K-Star Optimal
\def\KSOM{{K^*_{o}}}  % K-Star Optimal Math
\def\CBFB{{CBF-$\beta$}}   % Core binding factor beta
\def\rhl#1{{\em \underline{RYAN}: *\{{#1}\}*}}
\def\set#1{{\left\{ #1 \right\}}}






\setcounter{page}{20} % or whatever

%\noindent{\Large\bf Research Plan}

\section{Specific Aims}

\noindent Realization of novel molecular function requires the ability
to alter molecular complex formation. Enzymatic function can be
altered by changing enzyme-substrate interactions via modification of
an enzyme's active site. A redesigned enzyme may either perform a
novel reaction on its native substrates or its native reaction on
novel substrates.  We propose a novel algorithm for protein redesign,
which searches over possible active site mutations and combines a
statistical mechanics-derived ensemble-based approach to computing the
binding constant with the speed and completeness of a branch-and-bound
pruning algorithm. We will develop an efficient$\ldots$
