\ProvidesPackage{wiki}[2008/07/02 v0.2 LaTeX through Wiki markup]
%% <- vorige Aenderungen gg. 2008/06/25 verworfen 
%% == Legal    == 
%% (C) 2008 Uwe Lueck http://contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu
%% License: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/
%% == Features == 
%% The `wiki' package enables LaTeX users to use some of the 
%% markup used in editing Wikipedia pages, cf. 
%%     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Cheatsheet
%% or German:
%%     http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe:Bearbeitungshilfe
%%     http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe:Textgestaltung
%% Advantages of such a kind of markup are: 
%%  1. easier and faster to type than LaTeX code; 
%%  2. intuitive, understandable at a glance; 
%%  3. in reading the source code of the document, 
%%     the markup doesn't much distract from the ''text'' 
%%     to be printed. 
%% There is a binary `easylatex' available on CTAN which is more 
%% powerful than the `wiki' package; the idea here is that a ''macro 
%% package'' doing something similar is easier to use and to customize. 
%% === What the Package Supports ===
%% 1. ''Italics'' are marked up by surrounding pairs of apostrophes, 
%%    '''boldface''' needs one apostrophe more on each side. 
%%    Boldface and italics may be nested or overlap. 
%%    (This endangers quoting, but I have dealt with it.)
%% 2. Surrounding ``equals'' symbols (`=') mark up section headings 
%%    etc.: `== Section ==', `=== Subsection ===', down to 
%%    `===== Subparagraph ====='. 
%% 3. If a line starts with `*', it becomes an item in an 
%%    `itemize' environment. Likewise, `#' creates an `enumerate' 
%%    environment, and `;' makes an item in a `discription' 
%%    environment (differs from Wiki! -- since I don't understand
%%    what the Wiki version is good for). `:' makes a `quote' --
%%    while on Wikipedia instead is used for comments on talk 
%%    pages. But it is also used for indented math displays, 
%%    so it may be combined with $...$ here. 
%%    An indented line is typeset ''verbatim''. Each of these
%%    environments is ended by a code line without leading blank 
%%    spaces. 
%% === Limitations ===
%% 1. The markup ``language'' provided here replaces a few most 
%%    common LaTeX commands only in their most simple versions. 
%%    (Yet I think that already this makes the code more readable; 
%%     the more special cases are very rare.) E.g., it's not 
%%    possible to suppress the italic correction as with 
%%    `\textit{...\nocorr}'. However, in ``normal'' cases it 
%%    should be possible to use the more powerful LaTeX markup 
%%    mixed with ``Wiki'' markup. 
%% 2. The parsing algorithms employed here differ in outcome to 
%%    those of Wikipedia in difficult cases. 
%% 3. Tables, nesting lists, links, Wiki templates and tags 
%%    are not supported -- and I don't expect that I can afford 
%%    improving this soon! 
%% 4. I still have encountered problems that I didn't understand ...
%% == Package Options and User Commands  ==
%% \usepackage[<options>]{wiki}, of course. There are <options> 
%% `noEnvironments', `noFonts', `noHeadings' giving up 
%% functionality for lists etc., for italics and boldface, 
%% for section headings etc., respectively. 
%% There are commands \wikimarkup, \wikiEnvironments, 
%% \wikiFonts, \wikiHeadings to turn respective functionality on 
%% (unless disabled by package option). \nowikimarkup, 
%% \nowikiEnvironments, \nowikiFonts, \nowikiHeadings turn them 
%% off. 
%% '''Vital:''' The package does ''not'' execute \wikimarkup 
%% because this would have strange effects, e.g., packages 
%% loaded later may break. The user must put activating 
%% commands into the `document' environment, maybe just preceding 
%% the first heading. 
%% Dangers to be avoided by \nowiki... are: 
%% * \wikiHeadings (which also is executed by \wikimarkup) 
%%   disables TeX assignments using `='. 
%% * \wikiEnvironments (executed by \wikimarkup) executes macros 
%%   at every end of a code line (containing no comment marke), 
%%   and it tries to typeset a following line verbatim if it is 
%%   indented. 
%% == Implementation and Further Remarks == 

%% === Commands for Category Codes      === 
% \RequirePackage{fdcodes}
  %% <- TODO -- or do away ... -> 
% \providecommand*\MakeLetter[1]{\catcode`#1=11\relax}
  %% <- Declaring characters usable in command strings
  %%    Todo: print arrow indicators like ``->'' as real arrows
\providecommand*\MakeOther [1]{\catcode`#1=12\relax}

% \MakeLetter\_ %% own macros somewhat LaTeX3-style
%% Todo \newcommand <-> \def !?

%% === Package Options      ===
\DeclareOption{noFonts}       {\let\wikiFonts         \empty
                               \let\nowikiFonts       \relax}
\DeclareOption{noHeadings}    {\let\wikiHeadings      \empty
                               \let\nowikiHeadings    \relax}
\DeclareOption{noEnvironments}{\let\wikiEnvironments  \empty
  \def\W_active_return{ \futurelet\@let@token\W_on_firsttoken}}
  %% \[no]wikiVerbatim must wait, too complex 2008/07/01 

%% === Auxiliaries for both Fonts and Headings ===

    \ifx\wikiFonts   \empty \else \@tempswatrue \fi
    \ifx\wikiHeadings\empty \else \@tempswatrue \fi
  \let\W_samesymb  =#1%% repeated symbol 
  \def\W_repllist  {#2}% replacing strings
  \def\W_incase_all{#3}% final replacement
  \expandafter \W_splitlist \W_repllist \@nil
    \ifx\W_repllist\empty \def\W_next##1{\W_incase_all}\fi

%% === Italics and Boldface ===

%% ==== Code    ====
    \ifx\wikiFonts\empty \else 
%% Cf. LaTeX's `\DeclareTextFontCommand':
  \ifx\@let@token\W_rq_robust \else \expandafter \maybe@ic \fi}
%% <- Doesn't support \nocorr. 

\def\W_rq_robust{%% will become meaning of single right quote.
    \ifmmode \rq \else 
      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \W_start_samecnt
  \else \rq \fi}
%% Remark: 
%% LaTeX's \rq expands to ``other'' apostrophe: 
\CheckCommand*\rq{'} %% Must be before `\catcode`\'
%% \wikiFonts -- restoring `...' and ``...'' -- + \nowikiFonts: 
%% requiring single left quote \active as well: 
  \def`##1'{\lq ##1\rq}%
\MakeOther\` \MakeOther\'

%% ==== Remarks ====
%% Wiki: a''b'''cd typesets `b' in italic with an apostrophe, 
%%       a''b'''c'''d typsets all after `a' in italic with bold `b'. 
%%       One might use make a difference depending on \lastskip. 
%%       Wikimedia seems to read more ahead, maybe entire paragraphs. 
%%       %% <- Todo: try here!? (Test!) 
%% Todo: Variants using \textit and \textbf (option, switching 
%%       command)
%% german.sty's "` and "' are not affected. 
%% Merit: ``...'' resembles ''...''; indeed Wikipedia Guidelines 
%%        demand to think which of both is appropriate in a
%%        certain situation. 

%% A test about \ifx with active characters: 
%\catcode`\`=\active \let`\rq \let'\rq
%\ifx`'\typeout{OHHH}\else \typeout{OCH}\fi  %% OHHH
%% <- how typeset code commented out!? (^!? diff. comment char.!?)
%%    indent %! TODO or no space after %!! TODO!! 
%%    xEDIT: dann Alt C/D fuer Kommentar/Dok./auskomm. (!?) !!

%% === Section Headings     ===

    \ifx\wikiHeadings\empty \else 
  %% in case without math mode in heading
    \ifmmode \normalequals \else 
      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \W_start_samecnt
  \else \normalequals \fi}

\def\W_sec       #1=={\section{#1}}
\def\W_subsec    #1==={\subsection{#1}}
\def\W_subsubsec #1===={\subsubsection{#1}}
\def\W_para      #1====={\paragraph{#1}}
\def\W_subpara   #1======{\subparagraph{#1}}


%% Todo: think of reimplementation by the start-line 
%%       mechanism which is going to be used for lists. 

%% === Environments         ===
    \ifx\wikiEnvironments\empty \else

%% ==== Prepare Dealing with Indents ====

\nowikiEnvironments%% TeX <return> restored

\MakeActive{\ }%
\space\catcode`\ \active\let \W_indent% 
%% <- \W_indent will start verbatim 
}{}%% end of \@ifundefined which is true without noVerbatim
%% Much doubling for saving time (!??):
\space\catcode`\ \active\let \W_restore_space% 
%% <- \W_indent will start verbatim 
% \def\W_restore_space{\catcode`\ 10\relax}%
  %% <- was vital for a math display in a list ->
\def\W_restore_space{\catcode`\ 10\ignorespaces}%
\W_restore_space%% TeX blank space restored

%% ==== Start and End List-Like Environments ====

%% \W_on_firsttoken may be edited (preamble or .cfg):
 %  \show\@let@token
  \let\W_next\relax %% must be before \W_skip... works
  \ifx\@let@token\W_active_return \expandafter \W_par \fi
  %% <- found by guessing/with \show\@let@token
  \let\W_item\relax       %% must precede `quote'
  \W_on_startenv{:}{quote}%% instead of quotation 2008/07/01

      \expandafter \W_skiprest_item%

    \expandafter \W_gobbling_item 

%% ==== Verbatim Environment         ====

  \@verbatim \frenchspacing\@vobeyspaces}


    \expandafter \@gobble %% gobble one space
    \expandafter \W_next

%% TODO: enable user to switch between environment ``encodings'' 
%%       or to disable some of them (edit \W_on_firsttoken)

    \fi %% from \ifx\wikiEnvironments \else

%% === Turning Wiki Markup On and Off ===


% \wikimarkup %% strange effects here, to be put into document


%% todo: tables, links, templates, (pseudo-)html-tags ... 
%% TODO: credits: easylatex etc. 
%% TODO: useful for: ... intuitive markup, ``poor man's WYSIWYG'', 
%%       ASCII-WYSIWYG. 
%% Todo: improve Wiki markup: ``tab'' indents instead of `:'
%%       as in testing for end of list: after finding one 
%%       leading space, test for another.