\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{niceverb}[2015/11/21 v0.62 minimize doc markup (UL)] %% Copyright (C) 2009-2012, 2014 2015 Uwe Lueck, %% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu %% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below -- %% %% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under %% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either %% version 1.3a of the License, or any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY. %% %% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via %% %% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu %% %% ==== &\newlet ==== %% |\newlet<cmd><cnd>| counters the risk of mistyping <cmd> %% with `\@ifdefinable', and even saves some code lines: \providecommand*{\newlet}[2]{\@ifdefinable#1{\let#1#2}} \@onlypreamble\newlet %% %% ==== Switching Category Codes ==== %% Underscore as a ``private letter," using 'stacklet' with v0.5: \RequirePackage{stacklet} \PushCatMakeLetter\_ %% 2012/08/27 %% v0.3 introduced `\AssignCatCodeTo' and `\MakeNormal'. %% v0.5 abolishes the former again and uses %% former 2012/08/28 %% 'actcodes' for some part of `\catcode' switching: \RequirePackage{actcodes} %% |\CatCode{\<character>}| %% (or simply |\CatCode\<character>|) %% saves one token per use and works when the category code %% of \qtd{&`} (``single left quote") has changed. %% As of v0.5, it may be defined by a different package: \providecommand*{\CatCode}{\catcode`} %% \provi... 2012/08/27 % \newcommand*{\CatCode}[1]{\catcode`#1 } %% no better 2010/02/27 %% `\CatCode' is near to be moved into the 'catcodes' bundle, %% and basic commands from 'stacklet' and 'actcodes' %% may be reimplemented using it %% ('manycats'; 'allcats' for loading entire 'catcodes' %% in good order). %% %% |\AssignCatCodeTo{<number>}{\<char>}| \ %% \ 2012/08/28 %% no longer is considered %% useful (counted tokens in `memory.tex') and replaced by %% `\CatCode'. % \newcommand*{\AssignCatCodeTo}[2]{\catcode`#2=#1\relax} %% |\MakeLetter\<char>| is replaced by the 'stacklet' package---I %% thought, but \emph{here} it is also needed to declare %% the ``private letters" of the package that is documented. %% This should be ``variable." OK, the new (v0.5) `\private_letters' %% is a step towards this: \newcommand*{\private_letters}{\CatCode\@11\CatCode\_11\relax} %% |\MakeOther\<char>| and |\MakeActive\<char>| were implemented %% here before v0.5, now they are in 'actcodes'~... % \def \MakeOther {\AssignCatCodeTo{12}} %% % |\MakeActive\<char>| just revives the meaning of <char> %% % it had most recently %% % (as an &\active character ... %% % maybe ``Undefined control sequence" unless ...) %% % This is fine for reviving 'niceverb' functionality %% % after having disabled it by `\MakeNormal'\linebreak[0]---provided %% % no other package used <char> actively in the meantime ... %% % % \providecommand*{\MakeActive}[1]{\CatCode#1\active} %% % We take a copy |\MakeActiveHere| of `\MakeActive' %% % as the latter may become a dangerous thing for compatibility %% % with 'hyperref'. %% % % \@ifdefinable\MakeActiveHere{% %% % % \let\MakeActiveHere\MakeActive} %% % % %% <- TODO aliascid + elsewhere 2010/03/12 %% |\MakeActiveLet\<char>\<macro name>| %% % is provided by 'actcodes' %% % (which does not provide `\MakeActive'). %% rm. 2012/09/27 %% % We take a copy |\MakeActiveLetHere| as well: %% likewise is in 'actcodes'. 'niceverb' takes a copy %% |\MakeActiveLetHere| of it for dealing with 'hyperref' %% (see \secref{hyperref}). %% 'hyperref'-compatibility of mere `\MakeActive' %% is not provided any longer: \newlet\MakeActiveLetHere\MakeActiveLet %% %% |\MakeAlign\&| can be used to restore the meaning of `&' after we %% %% have made it `\active'. %% % \providecommand*{\MakeAlign} {\AssignCatCodeTo4} %% For restoring the usual category codes of \TeX's special %% characters later, we store them now. %% (I.e., these characters are listed in the macro `\dospecials' %% that expands to %% $$\mbox{\tt\def\do{\string\do\unskip\string}\dospecials}$$ %% their category codes are %% {\CatCode\#6%% was \AssignCat... 2012/08/27 %% \CatCode\$3%% fifinddo-interference!? TODO 2010/02/27 %% \CatCode\&4%% fifinddo-interference!? TODO 2010/02/27 %% \def\do#1{\def\do##1{, %% \the\CatCode##1}\the\CatCode#1}\dospecials} %% respectively; ``end of line", ``ignored", ``letter", ``other", and %% ``invalid" are missing---cf. {\it \TeX book} Chap.\,7.) \def\do#1{\expandafter % \chardef \csname normal_catcode_\string#1\expandafter \endcsname %% <- v0.6 2014/03/22: First I thought ``too few `\expandafter's"; %% actually the original `\expandafter' has no effect -> \chardef \csname normal_catcode_\string#1\endcsname \CatCode#1\relax} \dospecials %% Tests: %% %\withcsname\show normal_catcode_\string\\\endcsname %% 2014/03/22 %% ``normal category code" of `\' is %% \expandafter\the\csname normal_catcode_\string\\\endcsname, %% ``normal category code" of `$' is %% \expandafter\the\csname normal_catcode_\string\$\endcsname; %% ``normal category code" of `&' is %% \expandafter\the\csname normal_catcode_\string\&\endcsname.%%% %% \footnote{\LaTeX's \cs{nfss@catcodes} is similar, %% but it makes space-like characters ignored. %% Also cf. 'ltfinal.dtx'. %% TODO: &\RestoreNormalCatcodes.} %% 2010/03/06 %% % \newcommand*{\make_iii_other}{\MakeOther\\\MakeOther\{\MakeOther\}} %% <- replaced 2009/04/05 %% |\MakeNormal\<char>| saves you from remembering ... \newcommand*{\MakeNormal}[1]{% \@ifundefined{\norm_catc_str#1}% {\MakeOther#1}% {\CatCode#1\csname\norm_catc_str#1\endcsname\relax}} \newcommand*{\norm_catc_str}{normal_catcode_\string} %% TODO add ^^I and ^^M %% TODO save char tokens %% 2012/08/27 %% We take a copy |\MakeNormalHere| of `\MakeNormal' as %% with `\MakeActive'. \newlet\MakeNormalHere\MakeNormal %% %% ==== Robustness by &\IfTypesetting\ or So ==== %% \label{sec:iftype} %% It seems we need some own ways %% of robustifying (as opposed to \LaTeX's `\protect' and %% 2014/03/20 %% `\DeclareRobustCommand'---sometimes, %% especially for certain active characters) %% to achieve various %% compatibilities---using %% %\begin{center} %% \[|\IfTypesetting{<if>}{<unless>}|\]%%%. %% %\end{center} %% It also saves some `\expandafter's. \providecommand*{\IfTypesetting}{% % \relax %% <- This `\relax' suppressed ligatures of single right quotes! %% %%^ arrow 2014/03/20 %% %% removed 2010/03/23 \ifx \protect\@typeset@protect \expandafter \@firstoftwo \else \expandafter \@secondoftwo \fi} %% %\begin{center} %% \[|\nvSelfProtect{<cmd-char>}{<typeset>}|\] %% %\end{center} %% is another idea. %% In ``typesetting mode," <typeset> is run. %% Otherwise a single unexpanded token <cmd-char> remains. %% TODO bad at `\shipout'. %% No `\protect' appears, and as opposed to \LaTeX's %% protection mechanism, running <typeset> does not %% require a second macro name. %% The idea is that %% %`\nvSelfProtect{<cmd-char>}{<typeset>}' %% `\nvSelfProtect{#1}{#2}' %% is the \emph{definition} (substitution text---on %% token level) of <cmd-char>.\footnote{This %% may go into a separate package under a different name later.} \newcommand*{\nvSelfProtect}[2]{% \ifx \protect\@typeset@protect \nv_expand_else{#2}% %% braces 2014/03/26 % \else \protect#1\fi} \else \noexpand#1\fi} %% works 2014/03/28 \def\nv_expand_else#1\else#2\fi{\fi#1} %% %% 2014/03/27 %% Sometimes ``control sequences" get definitions with %% `\svSelfProtect' below whose first argument then is %% an active character---the ``control sequence" then %% is the ``permanent alias" of the active character. %% This is a somewhat ``indirect self"-protection. %% At other places, the ``self"-protection is more %% direct. Then |\NewSelfProtectedCommand{<cmd>}{<def>}| avoids %% mistakes from mistyping <cmd> and saves some code. %% It works like `\newcommand*', provides the %% `\svSelfProtect', and your definition <def> needs to contain %% the second argument of `\svSelfProtect' only. %% \emph{Arguments} are not supported currently %% (TODO---well, 3 applications 2014/03/27):{\sloppy\par} \newcommand*{\NewSelfProtectedCommand}[2]{% \newcommand*#1{\nvSelfProtect#1{#2}}} \@onlypreamble\NewSelfProtectedCommand %% TODO 3 applications for the permanent alias case, %% saving catcode changes ... %% 2014/03/28 %% %% \strong{Testing:} \newcommand*{\nvShowProtectedEdef}[1]{% \protected@edef\@tempa{#1}\show\@tempa} %% %% ==== Shared Shorthand Macros ==== %% |\begin_min_verb| is a beginning shared by some macros here. %% It begins like \LaTeX's `\verb', apart from the final `\tt'. %% %% 2014/03/18: %% `\bgroup' is needed for `\hbox' and must be balanced by %% an `\egroup' counterpart later. \newcommand*{\begin_min_verb}{% \relax \ifmmode \hbox \else \leavevmode\null \fi \bgroup \tt} %% For typographical additions (``decorations") to the verbatim material, %% we collect it in a box register addressed by |\niceverb_savebox|: \newsavebox\niceverb_savebox %% |\SetNiceVerbSaveBox| starts reading the (``meta-")verbatim %% material: \newcommand*{\SetNiceVerbSaveBox}{% \setbox\niceverb_savebox\hbox\bgroup} %% |\NVerb|, |\HardNVerb|, or |\NiceMaybeMetaVerb| %% with an optional argument about as `[\<id>_egroup]' should follow, cf. %% \secref{nverb}.---There have been two applications %% only up to now (2014/03/19), but this may change soon.%%%\footnote{% %% % Thought of &\qtdnverb, but this doesn't need this kind %% % of treatment.} %% 2014/03/20 %% %% introduced in v0.6 %% %% |\TheNiceVerbSaveBox| allows referring to the verbatim material %% collected, in order to place it a \emph{single time}---and no %% surrounding braces are needed: \newcommand*{\TheNiceVerbSaveBox}{\box\niceverb_savebox} %% TODO: %% \begin{center} %% |\NewNiceVerbDecoration{\<deco>}{\<end-name>}{<start>}{<end-code>}| %% \end{center} %% might save from typing `\<end-name>' twice and from typing %% the two `\egroup's. %% %% %\section{&\+*[<opt>]{<mand>} `{verbatim}' ``o''} %% 2014/03/28 %% TODO left quote verb moving: braces get lost. %% 2014/03/28 %% %\nvShowProtectedEdef{``''&\+<name>} %% === Implementation of the ``Nice" Syntax === %% ==== &\NVerb ==== %% \label{sec:nverb} %% Discovered mistakes in this section 2014/03/19, %% 2014/03/20 %% with respect to robustness. \ %% (i)~`\NVerb' not really was meant to be a user command, %% to appear in documentation code (rather to be internal). \ %% (ii)~The attempt to make it robust was incomplete. \ %% (iii)~The code for ``not typesetting" was strange. \ %% (iv)~It is difficult to imagine that somebody attempts %% to use ``verbatim" code, e.g., in a section title %% (while with our `&'/`\string' it's ok). %% \emph{At least handy replacement for &\textsf.} \ %% 2014/03/28 %% Well, let's see. May be I once find a useful application. %% So I repair the code---`\protect' before &\_...`_false'. %% |\NVerb<char><code><char>|: \newcommand*{\NVerb}{% \protect\_no_nice_meta_verb_false \NiceMaybeMetaVerb} %% |\HardNVerb<char><code><char>| does not recognize meta-variables: \newcommand*{\HardNVerb}{% \protect\_no_nice_meta_verb_true \NiceMaybeMetaVerb} \newif\if_no_nice_meta_verb_ %% v0.6 equips both |\NVerb[<end-cmd>]| and %% 2014/03/18 %% |\HardNVerb[<end-cmd>]| with an optional argument for a single %% parameter-less macro for what to do after reading %% verbatim text---for boxing or quoting etc.\footnote{The %% goal resembles that of &\collectverb in Martin Scharrer's %% \ctanpkgref{newverbs}. A difference in implementation is %% that the character delimiting the verbatim text %% is used as a parameter delimiter for a new/temporary macro. %% So the verbatim characters are fixed. Our approach will be %% collecting the verbatim material in a box, if we need %% something more complex than %&\niceverb_normal_egroup. %% \cs{niceverb_mormal_egroup}. %% This allows changing category codes with &\MetaVar again, %% although there hasn't been a need for this so far. %% It might be useful for allowing shorthand macros in %% &\MetaVar's argument.} %% |\niceverb_egroup| then is useless and removed. %% Macros that were assigned to it before v0.6 move into %% the new optional arguments.---Actually, the next macro %% |\NiceMaybeMetaVerb| shared by `\NVerb' and `\HardNVerb' %% gets the optional argument: TODO!? % \newcommand*{\nice_maybe_meta_verb}[1]{% \newcommand*{\NiceMaybeMetaVerb}[2][\niceverb_normal_egroup]{% %% `\newcommand' with v0.6 must suffice for robustness, %% so removing 2014/03/20: % \IfTypesetting{% %% Mainly avoid `\verb''s noligs list which overrides definitions %% of some active characters, while 'cmtt' doesn't have any %% ligatures anyway. \begin_min_verb \let\do\MakeOther \dospecials %% Turn off 'niceverb' specials: \MakeOther\|\MakeOther\`\MakeOther\'% \if_no_nice_meta_verb_ \MakeOther\<% %%% \else \MakeActiveLet\<\MetaVar %% 2010/12/31 \else \MakeActiveLetHere\<\MetaVar %% 2011/06/20 \fi % \MakeActiveLetHere #2\niceverb_egroup \MakeActiveLetHere #2#1% %% 2014/03/18 %% After the previous line has worked, we use `\def' %% instead of `\let', so there is no longer a need %% to choose a command name for the verbatim delimiter %% -- well, \strong{no}, don't define the same %% macro several times. Also, the same ``end" macro %% might be used for different purposes, e.g., %% when a macro in an eventual expansion of the ``end" macro %% is modified. % \MakeActiveDef #2{#1}% %% 2014/03/18 \verb@eol@error %% TODO change message 2009/04/09 % }{\string\NVerb \string#1}} %% <- both `\string' very strange %% (second one finds <char>---maybe it's active---but %% then its next occurrence delimiting the verbatim code %% will harm too!), %% also redirecting to `\NVerb'. %% (May have been ok for entries to auxiliary files.) %% New difficulties come from the optional argument, %% which needs protection as well.---Ok, the optional %% argument is not protected, and active characters %% <char> must ``protect themselves," so use of %% `\IfTypesetting' changes, cf. \secref{iftype}. } %% %2009/04/11: about `etc.' [preceding a box!? 2010/03/14] %% [2014/03/19 removing/hiding %% remarks from 2009f. that I don't understand anymore~...] \newcommand*{\niceverb_normal_egroup}{% \egroup \niceverb_maybe_rq %% 2011/09/09 for \AddQuotes \ifmmode\else\@\fi} % \@ifdefinable\niceverb_egroup %% rm 2014/03/18 % {\let\niceverb_egroup\niceverb_normal_egroup} %% %% ==== Single Quotes Typeset Meta-Code ==== %% |\LQverb| will be a ``permanent alias" %% for the active left single quote. %% %% The verbatim feature must not act when another single left %% quote is ahead---we assume a double quote is intended then, %% and we typeset it %% (thus the left quote feature does not allow to typeset %% something verbatim that starts with a single left quote). %% %Rather, double quotes should be typeset then. rm. 2014/03/25 %% In page headers, a `\protect' %% could %%% may %% 2014/03/28 %% be in the way %%%.\footnote{% %% % See \code{\string\show\cs{let_token}} below---tried %% 2014/03/24 %% % with section title in `niceverb.tex'.} %% before v0.6. %% (A hook for `\relax'ing certain things in %% `\markboth' and `\markright' would have been an alternative. %% TODO) %% 2014/03/24 \MakeActive\` \newcommand*{\LQverb}{% % \IfTypesetting{\lq_double_test}{\protect`}} %% New approach v0.6: \nvSelfProtect`\lq_double_test} % \IfTypesetting{\lq_double_test}{\noexpand`}} \MakeOther\` \newcommand*{\lq_double_test}{% %% This test settles the next catcode, so better switch to ``other" %% in advance (won't harm if left quote isn't next): %% TODO switch what? %% 2014/03/27 \begingroup \let\do\MakeOther \dospecials \MakeOther\|%% 2010/03/09! \futurelet\let_token \lq_double_decide} \newcommand*{\lq_double_decide}{% \ifx\let_token\LQverb \endgroup ``\expandafter \@gobble %% ... alternative ... % \expandafter `% %% does not recognize next left quote---why? TODO---Corresponding %% right quotes will become ``other" due to %% having no space at the left. %% TODO to be changed with 'wiki.sty'. \else % \ifx\let_token\protect %% rm. 2014/03/28 % % \show\let_token %% indeed before v0.6, 2014/03/24 % \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \lq_double_decide_ii % \else \endgroup \niceverb_maybe_qs %% 2011/09/09 % \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \NVerb % \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \'% %% <- 2015/11/20 with one conditional less, less \expandafter -> \expandafter \NVerb \expandafter \'% % \fi \fi} %% `\lq_double_decide_ii' continues test behind `\protect'. \newcommand*{\lq_double_decide_ii}[1]{% \futurelet\let_token \lq_double_decide} %% %% ==== Ampersand (or &\cstx) Typesets Meta-Code ==== %% |\CmdSyntaxVerb| will be a permanent alias for the active `&'. \MakeActive\& \newcommand*{\CmdSyntaxVerb}{% \IfTypesetting{% \begin_min_verb %% v0.3 moves the previous line from &\cmd_syntax_verb %% %% <- shows bug is fixed 2010/03/09 %% where it is too late to establish private letters %% according to next line which was in `\begin_min_verb' %% earlier---an important bug fix! \private_letters %% v0.5 \cmd_syntax_verb % }{\protect&\string}} % }{\noexpand&\string}} %% ... with `\string', in an `\edef', the following %% command cannot be properly typeset, so }{\noexpand&\noexpand}} %% 2014/03/26 %% TODO actually test non-typesetting, maybe introduce %% macros that perform tests anywhere ... %% %e.g., `\typeout'~... %%% \typeout{``}\show& %% 2014/03/27 \MakeNormal\& \newcommand*{\cmd_syntax_verb}[1]{% \string#1\futurelet\let_token \after_cs} %% However, `&' (or `\CmdSyntaxVerb') %% may fail with private letters, %% % (there should be a hook for them), %% todo 2010/02/28, %% %% rm 2014/03/17 after v0.5 %% especially in \emph{macro arguments}\footnote{%% 2010/03/05 %% TODO: 'vfoot2e.sty' -- see notes.} %% and with 'hyperref' in titles of %% 2010/03/11 %% \emph{sections bearing \cs{label}s}, %% so we provide something like |\cs{<characters>}| from %% '\ctanpkgref{tugboat}.sty'. %% 'doc.sty'.%% corr. 2011/05/27 \DeclareRobustCommand*{\cs}[1]{% % \begin_min_verb \backslash_verb #1\egroup} %% ... fails with `_' in footnote today (2014/03/19) so: \begin_min_verb \withcsname\string#1\endcsname\egroup} %% v0.6 \newcommand*{\backslash_verb}{\char`\\} %% %% 2011/06/27: undid 2011/05/27 %% Moreover, typing `&\par' in ``short" \emph{macro arguments} %% fails, you better type `\cs{par}' then. Likewise, %% `\cs{if<letters>}' and `\cs{fi}' is safer in case %% you want to skip some part of the documentation %% (e.g., a package option skips commented code) %% by \cs{if}`<letters>'\cs{fi}. %% Finally, there will be PDF bookmarks support for `\cs' %% rather than for a real `&' or `\CmdSyntaxVerb' analogue like %% |\cstx{<characters>}*[<opt>]{<mand>}| as follows. %% corr. 2014/03/27 \DeclareRobustCommand*{\cstx}[1]{% %% corr. 2010/03/17 % \begin_min_verb \backslash_verb #1% %% v0.6 like above: \begin_min_verb \withcsname\string#1\endcsname \futurelet\let_token \after_cs} \newcommand*{\after_cs}{% \ifcat\noexpand\let_token a\egroup \space \else \expandafter \decide_verb \fi} \newcommand*{\test_more_verb}{\futurelet\let_token \decide_verb} \newcommand*{\decide_verb}{% \jumpteg_on_with\bgroup\braces_verb \jumpteg_on_with[\brackets_verb \jumpteg_on_with*\star_verb \egroup} %% CAUTION/TODO wrong before (... if cmd without arg %% use \ then or choose usual verb... %% or \MakeLetter\( etc. ... or \xspace \newcommand*{\jumpteg_on_with}[2]{% \ifx\let_token#1\do_jumpteg_with#2\fi} %% TODO cf. 'xfor', 'xspace' (&\break@loop); %% `\DoOrBranch#1'\,...\,`#1' or so. %% found 2010/03/05 %% %% <- `...' fix 2011/01/19 \def\do_jumpteg_with#1#2\egroup{\fi#1} \def\braces_verb#1{\string{#1\string}\test_more_verb} \def\brackets_verb[#1]{[#1]\test_more_verb} \def\star_verb*{*\test_more_verb} %% not needed with \Auto... OTHERWISE useful in args! %% %%2010/03/15: %% As 'latex.ltx' has `\endgraf' as a permanent alias for the %% primitive version of `\par' and `\endline' for `\cr', %% we offer |\endcell| as a replacement for the original `&': \let\endcell& %% %% ==== Escape Character Typesets Meta-Code ==== %% \label{sec:esc} %% |\BuildCsSyntax| will be a permanent alias for the active escape %% character. \DeclareRobustCommand*{\BuildCsSyntax}{% \futurelet\let_token \build_cs_syntax_sp} \newcommand*{\build_cs_syntax_sp}{% \ifx\let_token\@sptoken \@% %% 2010/12/30 \else %% TODO ^^M!? \expandafter \start_build_cs_syntax \fi} \newcommand*{\start_build_cs_syntax}[1]{% \edef\string_built{\string#1}% %% #1 may be active.---With Donald Arseneau's 'import.sty' (e.g.), %% \qtd{&_} may be needed to be `\active' with the meaning of %% `\textunderscore', therefore restoring its category code %% needs some more care than with v0.32 and earlier: \edef\before_build_cs_sub{\the\CatCode\_}% \private_letters %% v0.5 \test_more_cs} \newcommand*{\test_more_cs}{% \futurelet\let_token \decide_more_cs} \newcommand*{\decide_more_cs}{% \ifcat\noexpand\let_token a\expandafter \add_to_cs \else % \MakeNormalHere\_ %% Restoring \qtd{&_} more carefully with v0.4 %% (`\begingroup' ... `\endgroup'!?): %% %% 2010/03/27 \CatCode\_\before_build_cs_sub \MakeOther\@% % \expandafter \in@ \expandafter % {\csname \string_built \expandafter \endcsname % \expandafter}\expandafter{\niceverbNoVerbList}% %% <- useless braces 2014/07/17 -> \expandafter \in@ \csname \string_built \expandafter \endcsname \expandafter {\niceverbNoVerbList}% \ifin@ \csname \string_built \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \endcsname \else \begin_min_verb \backslash_verb\string_built \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \test_more_verb \fi \fi} %% TODO such \if nestings with ifthen!? %% cf.: % \let\let_token,\typeout{\meaning\let_token} %% TEST TODO fuer xspace!? (\ifin@) \newcommand*{\add_to_cs}[1]{% \edef\string_built{\string_built#1}\test_more_cs} %% %% |\AutoCmdSyntaxVerb| starts, |\EndAutoCmdSyntaxVerb| \emph{ends} %% ``auto mode." \newcommand*{\AutoCmdSyntaxVerb}{% \MakeActiveLetHere\\\BuildCsSyntax} \newcommand*{\EndAutoCmdSyntaxVerb}{\CatCode\\\z@} %% |\NormalCommand{<characters>}| executes `\<characters>' %% in ``auto mode." \newcommand*{\NormalCommand}{} \let\NormalCommand\@nameuse %% %% 2010/03/11: %% Once I may want to use this feature in {\it Wikipedia}-like %% section titles as supported by 'makedoc', yet I cannot really %% apply the present feature soon, so this must wait ... %% (There is a special problem with `\newlabel' and 'hyperref' ...) %% %% Former tests: % \futurelet\LetToken\relax \relax % \show\LetToken \typeout{\ifcat\noexpand\LetToken aa\else x\fi} %% %% |\niceverbNoVerbList| is the list of macros that will be %% \emph{executed} instead of being typeset. \newcommand*{\niceverbNoVerbList}{% \begin\end\item\verb\EndAutoCmdSyntaxVerb\NormalCommand \section\subsection\subsubsection} %% TODO!? %% |\AddToMacro{\niceverbNoVerbList}{<macros>}| can be used to %% add <macros> to that list. \providecommand*{\AddToMacro}[2]{% %% TODO move to ... 2010/03/05 \expandafter \def \expandafter #1\expandafter {#1#2}} %% <- was very wrong 2010/03/18 %% Hey, or just |\AddToNoVerbList{<macros>}|: %% 2010/03/28 \newcommand*{\AddToNoVerbList}{\AddToMacro\niceverbNoVerbList} %% %% ``Auto mode" probably ain't mean a thing if it ain't invoked using %% \[|\AutoCmdInput{<file>}|\] for typesetting <file> in ``auto mode:" \newcommand*{\AutoCmdInput}[1]{% \begingroup \AddToMacro\niceverbNoVerbList{\ProvidesFile}% %% <- removed `\endinput', will be code! 2010/04/05 \AutoCmdSyntaxVerb \input{#1}% \EndAutoCmdSyntaxVerb \endgroup } %% %% ==== Meta-Variables ==== %% |\MetaVar<var-id>>| will be a permanent alias for the active \qtd{&<}. %% v0.6 simplifies `\pdfstringdefDisableCommands'. %% was \PDF... % \def\MetaVar#1>{% \MakeActive\< \newcommand*{\MetaVar}{\nvSelfProtect>\nvMetaVar} \MakeOther\< \def\nvMetaVar#1>{% \mbox{\normalfont\itshape $\langle$#1\/$\rangle$}} %% As opposed to 'ltxguide.cls', this works outside verbatim as well. %% TODO: offer without angles as well %% moved down 2014/03/25 %% %% ==== Hash Mark is Code ==== %% |\HashVerb<digit>| will be a permanent alias for the active hash mark. \newcommand*{\HashVerb}[1]{{\tt\##1}} %% %% ==== Single Right Quotes for &\textsf ==== %% \label{sec:rqsf} %% |\RQsansserif| will be a permanent alias for the active single %% right quote. %% %% One essential %% 2014/03/25 %% problem with the single right quote feature %% %problem with the ``single right quote feature" %% is that a single right quote may be meant to be an apostrophe. %% This is certainly the case at the right of a letter. %% On the other hand, we assume that it is \emph{not} an apostrophe %% (i)~in vertical mode (opening a new paragraph), %% (ii)~after a horizontal skip. %% %% %% 2014/03/25: %% Another problem is that with and \LaTeX\ %% (as with Plain \TeX---\meta{The \TeX book}\ p.~357), %% the right single quote is needed for primes in math mode, %% and \LaTeX\ enforces this in `\@outputpage' preparing %% `\write's (why? TODO) as well as page headers. \MakeActive\' \newcommand*{\niceverb_rq_choice}[1]{% %% 2014/03/27 %% We make a deal with `\active@math@prime': in math mode, %% the prime functionality acts; outside, the ``right quote %% sansserif mode" acts. %% Test: $a'$ now works with 'niceverb'.---For %% page headers, in expanding without typesetting, %% the expansion of `\RQsansserif' must contain another active %% single right quote. \nvSelfProtect'{\ifmmode \expandafter\active@math@prime \else \expandafter#1% \fi}} %% The following `\do_rq_sansserif' is what |\DoRQsansserif| %% below was before v0.6. This, too, must be changed for %% `\active@math@char', and earlier use of `\DoRQsansserif' %% in `\niceverb_rq_sf_test' must be replaced. \@ifdefinable\do_rq_sansserif {\def\do_rq_sansserif#1'{\textsf{#1}}} \newcommand*{\RQsansserif}{% % \IfTypesetting{\niceverb_rq_sf_test}{\protect'}} \niceverb_rq_choice\niceverb_rq_sf_test} \MakeOther\' %% Another macro just to avoid more sequences of `\expandafter': \newcommand*{\niceverb_rq_sf_test}{% \ifhmode \ifdim\lastskip>\z@ % \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \DoRQsansserif \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \do_rq_sansserif \else \ifnum\niceverb_spacefactor \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \do_rq_sansserif %%% \DoRQsansserif \else '\fi \fi \else \ifvmode % \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \DoRQsansserif \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \do_rq_sansserif \else '\fi \fi} % \nvShowProtectedEdef{'niceverb'} \MakeOther\' %% |\DoRQsansserif| %% 2010/03/10 %% is \emph{another} (possible) alias for the %% active single right quote, below. \newcommand*{\DoRQsansserif}{% \niceverb_rq_choice\do_rq_sansserif} %% 2014/03/27 %% The following cases are typical and cannot be decided by the %% previous criteria: %% (i)~parenthesis, (ii)~footnotes and after ``horizontal" %% environments like `\[<math>\]', (iii)~section titles, %% (iv)~`\noindent'. %% We introduce some dangerous tricks---redefinitions of %% % \LaTeX's internals `\@footnotetext' and `\@sect' %% %% <- 2010/03/16 -> %% \LaTeX's internal `\@sect' and of \TeX's primitives %% `\noindent' and `\ignorespaces' as well as by %% a signal `\spacefactor' value of 1001. %% %In page headers, \LaTeX\ equips the single right quote with the %% %meaning of `\active@math@prime' which must be overridden. %% %TODO more serious! v0.6 %% %% |\nvAllowRQSS| becomes more powerful with v0.6, %% for \secref{listmv}: \NewSelfProtectedCommand{\nvAllowRQSS}{% \MakeActiveLetHere\'\RQsansserif \niceverb_rqsf %% 2014/03/27 \niceverb_ignore} %% 2010/03/16 %% These and the entire right quote functionality are %% activated by %% removed todo 2010/03/10 %% \[|\nvRightQuoteSansSerif| %% \mbox{\quad and disabled by\quad} %% |\nvRightQuoteNormal|\]---at %% `\begin{document}'---where we collect previous settings---or %% later: \AtBeginDocument{% \edef\before_niceverb_parenthesis{\the\sfcode`\(}% \newlet \before_niceverb_ignore \ignorespaces %% 2010/03/16 \newlet \before_niceverb_sect \@sect %% \newlet 2014/03/25 \newlet \before_niceverb_noindent \noindent} %% 2010/03/08 %% We assume that `\@sect' has the same %% % We assume that `\@footnotetext' and `\@sect' have the same %% parameters there as in \LaTeX\ %% (even if redefined by another package, like 'hyperref'). \def\niceverb_sect#1#2#3#4#5#6[#7]#8{% \before_niceverb_sect{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% % [{\protect\nvAllowRQSS #7}]% % {\protect\nvAllowRQSS #8}} %% With v0.6, a more general |\NiceVerbMove{<text>}| %% is introduced, defined in \secref{listmv}: [\NiceVerbMove{#7}]% {\NiceVerbMove{#8}}} %% 2010/03/20: \newcommand*{\niceverb_spacefactor}{\spacefactor=1001\relax} \newcommand*{\niceverb_noindent}{% \before_niceverb_noindent \niceverb_spacefactor} \newcommand*{\niceverb_ignore}{% \ifhmode \niceverb_spacefactor \fi \before_niceverb_ignore} %% %% Here are the main switches. With v0.6, |\nvRightQuoteSansSerif| %% is divided into two parts, for \secref{listmv}: \newcommand*{\niceverb_rqsf}{% %% 2014/03/27 % \MakeActiveLet\'\RQsansserif \sfcode`\(=1001 %% enable in parentheses 2009/04/10 %% I also added \HardNVerb+\sfcode`/=1001+ in the preamble %% of 'makedoc.tex'. %% 2010/03/15 % \let\@footnotetext\niceverb_footnotetext \let\ignorespaces\niceverb_ignore %% 2010/03/16 % \let\@sect\niceverb_sect \let\noindent\niceverb_noindent} %% 2010/03/08 \newcommand*{\nvRightQuoteSansSerif}{% \niceverb_rqsf \MakeActiveLet\'\RQsansserif \let\@sect\niceverb_sect \def\niceverb_rqsf_kind{\nvAllowRQSS}} %% <- It really must be `\def' in order to transmit the %% choice to the table of contents. %% %% With v0.6, in dealing with moving things in %% \secref{listmv}, section titles are handled %% in a more complex way. We divide the former %% |\nvRightQuoteNormal| into two parts: \newcommand*{\niceverb_rq_normal}{% % \MakeNormal\'% %% 2010/03/21 \sfcode`\(=\before_niceverb_parenthesis\relax \let\ignorespaces\before_niceverb_ignore %% 2010/03/16 \let\noindent\before_niceverb_noindent} %% 2010/03/08 \MakeActive\` \newcommand*{\nvRightQuoteNormal}{% \MakeNormal\'% %% 2010/03/21 \niceverb_rq_normal \let\nv_rqsf_kind\@empty \ifnum\CatCode\`=\active %% `=' missing 2015/11/09 \ifx`\LQverb \else \let\@sect\before_niceverb_sect \fi \else \let\@sect\before_niceverb_sect \fi} \MakeOther\` %% |\nvAllRightQuotesSansSerif| %% 2010/03/10 %% (after `\begin{document}'!) %% forces the `\textsf' feature %% \emph{without} testing for apostrophes. You then must be %% sure---DANGER! CARE!---to %% use \qtd{&\rq} only for obtaining an apostrophe and the %% double quote character \qtd{&"} for closing double quotes, %% or our `\dqtd{<text>}' for the entire quoting.{\sloppy\par} \newcommand*{\nvAllRightQuotesSansSerif}{% \niceverb_rq_normal %%% \nvRightQuoteNormal %% 2014/03/27 %% That's one use of |\DoRQsansserif| with v0.6: \MakeActiveLet\'\DoRQsansserif \def\niceverb_rqsf_kind{\nvAllRQSS}} %% 2014/03/27 %% <- must be `\def' for transmissions. \NewSelfProtectedCommand{\nvAllRQSS}{% \niceverb_rq_normal %% That's the other use of |\DoRQsansserif| with v0.6: \MakeActiveLetHere\'\DoRQsansserif} %% [Hiding remarks from 2010f.\ (`\ctanpkgref') 2014/03/23] %% %I started v0.31 (signal `\sfcode'=1000, lowercase letters %% %get `\sfcode'=1001) because %% %\NVerb+\href{http://ctan.org/pkg/<pkg>}{<pkg>}+ failed. %% %However, what I actually needed was |\ctanpkgref{<pack-name>}|: %% % \DeclareRobustCommand*{\ctanpkgref}[1]{% %% % \href{http://ctan.org/pkg/#1}{\textsf{#1}}} %% %... moves to 'texlinks.sty' 2011/01/24. %% %% ==== Boxes Highlighting Commands and Syntax ==== %% With v0.3, we include one kind of command syntax boxes %% whose <content> is (in 'niceverb' syntax) %% delimited as \GenCmdBox+|<content>|+. %% %% 2010/03/14: %% \newsavebox!? moves up 2014/03/19 %% |\GenCmdBox<char><content><char>}| works like %% `\NVerb<char><content><char>' except putting the latter's result %% into a framed (or coloured or ...) box.{\sloppy\par} \newcommand*{\GenCmdBox} {\_no_nice_meta_verb_false \gen_cmd_box} %% |\HardVerbBox| is a variant of `\GenCmdBox' with the meta-variable %% feature disabled %% (for the documentation of the present package). \newcommand*{\HardVerbBox}{\_no_nice_meta_verb_true \gen_cmd_box} \newcommand*{\gen_cmd_box}{% % \let\niceverb_egroup\nice_collect_verb_egroup %% rm 2014/03/18 % \setbox\niceverb_savebox \hbox\bgroup %% <- 2014/03/19 -> \SetNiceVerbSaveBox % \if_no_nice_meta_verb_ % \expandafter \HardNVerb % \else \expandafter \NVerb \fi %% <- 2014/03/19 -> [TODO use generalization] \NiceMaybeMetaVerb[\nice_collect_verb_egroup]% } \newcommand*{\nice_collect_verb_egroup}{% \egroup \egroup \ifvmode \expandafter \VerticalCmdBox \else \ifmmode \hbox \fi \expandafter \InlineCmdBox \fi % {\box\niceverb_savebox}% %% <- 2014/03/19 -> \TheNiceVerbSaveBox %% %Modifying invocation of `\niceverb_normal_egroup' 2011/11/05 %% %according to remark of 2010/03/15 for saving nesting level: %% (Removing a remark that I don't understand 2014/03/19.) \ifmmode\else\@\fi % \let\niceverb_egroup\niceverb_normal_egroup %% rm 2014/03/19 } %% |\nvCmdBox| will be the permanent alias for \qtd{&|}. \newcommand*{\nvCmdBox}{\GenCmdBox\|} %% |\VerticalCmdBox{<content>}| %% may eventually start a `decl' environment %% as in 'ltxguide.cls', looking ahead for another \qtd{&|} %% in order to (perhaps) append another row. %% Another possibility is first to do some %% \[`\if@nobreak\else \pagebreak[2]\fi'\] %% etc. and then invoke `\InlineCmdBox'. %% The user can choose later by some `\renewcommand'. %% We do the perhaps most essential thing here %% (again cf. `\begin_min_verb'):{\sloppy\par} \newcommand*{\VerticalCmdBox}{% %% v0.6 encourages a page break here %% according to the above idea, in order to avoid %% a page break after explaining subsequent code %% (TODO: that's a major functionality change): \if@nobreak\else \pagebreak[2]\fi \leavevmode\InlineCmdBox} %% (2011/11/05 removing `\null'.) %% The command declaration boxes in the documentation of %% Nicola Talbot's \ctanpkgref{datatool} %% would be an especially nice realization of %% `\VerticalCmdBox'.\footnote{I find the documentation %% of Martin Scharrer's \ctanpkgref{newverbs} package %% similarly impressive.} %% %% |\InlineCmdBox{<content>}|, according to our idea, should not %% change baseline skip, even with some `\fboxsep' and `\fboxrule'. %% (However, it may be a good idea to increase the overall %% normal baseline skip.) %% We therefore replace actual height and depth of the content by %% the height and depth of math parentheses. \newcommand*{\InlineCmdBox}[1]{% \bgroup %% ... needed in math mode with `\begin_min_verb'. \fboxsep 1pt \kern\SetOffInlineCmdBoxOuter \smash{\SetOffInlineCmdBox{\kern\SetOffInlineCmdBoxInner \InlineCmdBoxArea{#1}% \kern\SetOffInlineCmdBoxInner}}% \mathstrut \kern\SetOffInlineCmdBoxOuter \egroup } %% The default choice for |\SetOffInlineCmdBox| is `\fbox': \newlet\SetOffInlineCmdBox\fbox %% You can `\renewcommand' it to change `\fboxsep', `\fboxrule' %% etc. or to use a `\colorbox' with the 'color' package, e.g., %% I used the following setting so far: %% %% 2010/03/10 %% \begin{verbatim} %% \RequirePackage{color} %% \renewcommand*{\SetOffInlineCmdBox} %% {\colorbox[cmyk]{.1,0,.2,.05}} %% \end{verbatim} %% |\SetOffInlineCmdBoxInner| enables controlling the inner %% horizontal space to the box margin independently of %% `\fboxsep'. %% %% We set it to 0\,pt. as default (it is a macro only, %% %% for a while). \newcommand*{\SetOffInlineCmdBoxInner}{-\fboxsep\thinspace} %% This choice is inspired by `\cstok' for ``boxed" things %% in Knuth's 'manmac.tex' which formats {\it The \TeX book}. %% %% <- 2010/03/10 %% %% |\SetOffInlineCmdBoxOuter| allows that the box hangs out into the %% margin horizontally. %% We set it to 0\,pt as default (it is a macro only, for a while). \newcommand*{\SetOffInlineCmdBoxOuter}{\z@} %% The height and depth of the frame should be the same for all %% inline boxes, we think. %% The present choice |\InnerCmdBoxArea| for the spacing %% respects code characters rather than the height and depth %% of the angle brackets that surround meta-variable names. \newcommand*{\InlineCmdBoxArea}[1]{% \smash{#1}\vphantom{gjpq\backslash_verb}} %% \GenCmdBox+\cmdboxitem|<content>|+ is another variant of %% `\GenCmdBox'. It should replace `\item[<content>]' in the %% `description' environment. %% 2010/03/15 \newcommand*{\cmdboxitem}{% % \bgroup % \let\niceverb_egroup\cmd_item_egroup % \global %% TODO!? 2010/03/15 % \setbox\niceverb_savebox \hbox\bgroup %% <- 2014/03/19 -> \SetNiceVerbSaveBox % \NVerb} %% <- 2014/03/19 -> \NVerb[\cmd_item_egroup]} \newcommand*{\cmd_item_egroup}{% \egroup \egroup %%% \egroup %% 1 less 2014/03/19 \item[\InlineCmdBox\TheNiceVerbSaveBox]} %% %% 2014/03/19: %% Does it work? %% \begin{description} %% \cmdboxitem+\foo{<arg>}+ could be defined for a test. %% \cmdboxitem+\bar{<arg>}+ could be defined for a test as well. %% \end{description} %% %% === When 'niceverb' Gets Nasty === %% These things are new with v0.3. %% ==== Meta-Variables ==== %% This is even newer than v0.3. %% 2011/05/09 %% %% In case you actually need $\lt$ and $\gt$ in math mode, %% |\lt| and |\gt| are ``provided" as aliases: \providecommand*{\gt}{>} \providecommand*{\lt}{<} %% %% ==== Quotes ==== %% %% WRONG 2010/03/05: %% % The left quote feature for meta-code requires that the right quote %% % feature---for replacing `\textsf'---is activated---no, rather: %% % that the right quote \qtd{&'} is `\active'. %% % %% In order to get \emph{real} single quotes, you could use `\lq <text>\rq', %% maybe appending a `\ ', but the code |\qtd{<text>}| may look better %% and be easier to type. \providecommand*{\qtd}[1]{`#1'} %% provide 2012/11/27 %% However, here we get the problem that the left quote in %% \NVerb\+\qtd{`<code>'}+ will be unable to switch into %% verbatim mode entirely---then use `&', %% e.g., \qtd{&\qtd{&&&&}} typesets \qtd{\qtd{&&}}, i.e., %% the ampersand in single (non-verbatim) quotes. % todo \qtdverb!? alternative meaning for \LQverb!? 2010/03/06 % rather rare, & takes less space 2010/03/09 %% ... see approaches below~... %% %% |\AddQuotes| automatically surrounds code with single quotes. %% I have so often felt that it was a design mistake %% to drop them (2011/09/09): \newcommand*{\AddQuotes}{% \let\niceverb_maybe_qs\niceverb_add_qs} \newcommand*{\niceverb_add_qs}{% %% In a math display, quotes are suppressed even with `\AddQuotes': \ifmmode\else `\let\niceverb_maybe_rq\niceverb_rq \fi} \newlet\niceverb_maybe_rq\relax \newcommand*{\niceverb_rq}{'\let\niceverb_maybe_rq\relax} %% You can undo this by |\DontAddQuotes|: \newcommand*{\DontAddQuotes}{\let\niceverb_maybe_qs\relax} %% The default will be the behaviour that we had before: \DontAddQuotes %% With v0.6, |\qtdnverb<char><m-verb><char>| encloses the %% ``meta-verbatim" material with single quotes: \newcommand*{\qtdnverb}{% %% Useless after `\AddQuotes': %% mod. 2015/11/20 \ifx\niceverb_maybe_qs\niceverb_add_qs \expandafter \NVerb \else \lq \expandafter\NVerb\expandafter [\expandafter\niceverb_egroup_rq\expandafter]% %% <- The comment mark proved essential 2015/11/20. %% The line was commented out previously, obviously I had forgotten %% that the feature didn't work. \fi} %% Completing the work v0.62: \newcommand*{\niceverb_egroup_rq}{\niceverb_normal_egroup\rq} %% |\dqtd{<text>}| can be used for enclosing in \emph{double} quotes %% with the dangerous `\nvAllRightQuotesSansSerif' (see above). \providecommand*{\dqtd}[1]{``#1"} %% 2012/11/27 %% %% ==== 'hyperref' ==== %% \label{sec:hyperref} %% This is for\slash about compatibility with the 'hyperref' package. %% (One preliminary thing: in doubt, don't load 'niceverb' earlier %% than 'hyperref'.) %% TODO 2010/03/14 %% %% We need some substitutions for PDF bookmarks with %% 'hyperref'. We issue them at `\begin{document}' when we know %% if 'hyperref' is at work.\footnote{An alternative approach would be %% using %% \ctanpkgref{afterpackage} %% by Alex Rozhenko.} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{% \newcommand*{\PDFcstring}{% %% moved here 2010/03/09 \134\expandafter\@gobble\string}% %% ASCII octal encoding \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{% \let\nvAllowRQSS\empty %% not \relax 2010/03/12 \let\NiceVerbGeneral\empty %% 2014/03/27 \let\nvAllRQSS\empty %% 2014/03/27 \MakeActiveLetHere\<<% %% 2014/03/28 %% 2010/03/12 \MakeActiveLetHere\`\lq \MakeActiveLetHere\'\rq \MakeActiveLetHere\&\PDFcstring \def\cs{\134}% %% 2010/03/17, 2011/06/27 %% The typesetting version of `\BuildCsSyntax' (\secref{esc}): 2014/07/16 %% %% showfile.tex 2014/07/12 \withcsname\def BuildCsSyntax \endcsname{\cs}% %% ... disables `\niceverbNoVerbList'; better switch off %% auto mode with section headings TODO %% 2014/07/17 %% (modify `\@startsection') \let\decide_more_cs\bookmark_more_cs }% %% Moreover, in order to avoid spurious %% 2010/03/14 %% \texttt{Label(s) may have changed} with 'hyperref', %% a single right quote must be \emph{read} as active %% by a `\newlabel' if and only if it has been active when %% `\@currentlabelname' was formed.\footnote{This uses %% \cs{@onelevelsanitize}, therefore &\protect doesn't %% change the behaviour of ``active" characters.} %% as `\active'. We use `\protected@write' as this cares for %% `\nofiles'. `\@auxout' may be `\@partaux' for `\include'. \newcommand*{\niceverb_aux_cat}[2]{% %% 2010/03/14 \protected@write\@auxout{}{\string#1\string#2}}% %% v0.5 restricts ``activating" to `\MakeActiveLet': % \renewcommand*{\MakeActive}[1]{% % \MakeActiveHere#1% % \niceverb_aux_cat\MakeActiveHere#1}% \renewcommand*{\MakeActiveLet}[2]{% \MakeActiveLetHere#1#2% % \niceverb_aux_cat\MakeActiveHere#1}% \protected@write\@auxout{}{% \string\MakeActiveLetHere\string#1\string#2}}% \renewcommand*{\MakeNormal}[1]{% \MakeNormalHere#1% \niceverb_aux_cat\MakeNormalHere#1}% }{}% } %% % todo doesn't 'babel' have the same problem? 2010/03/12 %% ==== 'hyper-xr' ==== %% 2010/03/21 %% With the 'hyper-xr' package creating links into external documents, %% preceding `\externaldocument{<file>}' with %% `\MakeActiveLet\&\CmdSyntaxVerb' may be needed. %% I do not want to redefine something here right now as %% typo 2010/11/09 %% I have too little experience with this situation. %% %% ==== Listings and Moving ==== %% 2014/03/26f. %% \label{sec:listmv} %% Working on v0.6, in testing I discovered a problem with %% the \emph{listing environments}. The present documentation %% uses code listings with 'makedoc', which build on the %% 'moreverb' package and eventually call \LaTeX's %% `\@noligs' macro.\footnote{\ctanpkgref{moreverb} %% is used, and its listing environments use \cs{@verbatim} %% from the \ctanpkgref{verbatim} package, then %% \cs{verbatim@font} calls \cs{@noligs}~...} %% The problem also appears with the `{verbatim}' environment %% from the \LaTeX\ kernel ('latex.ltx') as well as from the %% \ctanpkgref{verbatim} package---with anything that calls %% \LaTeX's `\@noligs'. The latter assigns special meangings %% to the active characters listed in the `\verbatim@nolig@list', %% three of them need a different meaning with 'niceverb'. %% When a page break happens after such an environment has been %% entered (this may well be when the environment falls to the %% beginning of the next page), these settings are used in %% \LaTeX's `\@outputpage' for running the `\write's of the page %% as well as for page headers. And this happens quite often %% in a package documentation! %% %% The problem was reported by Walter Schmidt with respect to %% math primes as `latex/3104' in 1999. I cannot reproduce %% rm. to 2015/11/09 %% it, and I see two reasons in recent `latex.ltx' code %% why it cannot happen anymore. However, one remedy in `latex.ltx' %% is activating `\active@math@prime' in `\@resetactivechars' %% of `\@outputpage'. %% But this is bad for 'niceverb''s single right quote. %% We override the `\active@math@prime' functionality and %% verbatim `\@noligs' by appending %% some protection of the characters collected %% in `\verbatim@nolig@list' %% % local restorement |\useNiceVerbHere| of our syntax. %% to `\@resetactivechars'. %% This solves the problem for `\write's at `\shipout'. %% |\do_protect_noligs| is used for this purpose; %% actually it is applied in |\useNiceVerb| %% (\secref{allonoff}):{\sloppy\par} \newcommand*{\do_protect_noligs}[1]{% %% 2014/03/28 \MakeActiveLetHere#1\relax} %% `Here' missing 2015/11/09 %% |\nvResetPages| can be used to restore \LaTeX's %% `\@resetactivechars'. I don't add it to `\noNiceVerb' %% because it could corrupt `\write's, so should be used with care. %% % Actually I think that our new version of `\@resetactivechars' %% % is better than \LaTeX's, I think I can recommend to use it %% % always and even to modify `latex.ltx' accordingly. %% % TODO!? math headings? without 'niceverb' restore right %% % single quote for math prime after `\shipout'. \AtBeginDocument{% \newlet\latex_reset_actives\@resetactivechars} \newcommand*{\nvResetPages}{% \let\@resetactivechars\latex_reset_actives} %% |\NiceVerbMove{<text>}| with v0.6 is for ``moving" arguments so that %% 'niceverb' syntax operates \emph{locally} at the destination, %% I think of table of contents and page headers. %% It is automatically used by 'niceverb''s variant of \LaTeX's %% sectioning commands (\secref{rqsf}); while with `\markboth', `\markright', %% `\addcontentsline' etc. you must it include yourself (currently, TODO?). %% This is meant as a remedy against \LaTeX's and \ctanpkgref{verbatim}'s %% `\@noligs' with respect to page headers. However, %% another purpose is that you could switch off the 'niceverb' %% syntax at the beginning of your document (by `\noNiceVerb'), %% though certain entries to the table of contents can use %% 'niceverb' syntax without affecting other entries %% (where some active characters may have different meanings, %% perhaps from a different package). \newcommand*{\NiceVerbMove}[1]{% %% What goes to `.aux' files must not have underscores: {\NiceVerbGeneral\niceverb_rqsf_kind#1}} \NewSelfProtectedCommand{\NiceVerbGeneral}{% %% %... TODO only 2 applications of `\NewSelfProtectedCommand'!? %% % %% % Here is |\useNiceVerbHere|: % \newcommand*{\useNiceVerbHere}{% %% 2014/03/28 \let\MakeActiveLet\MakeActiveLetHere \useNiceVerbI} % \newcommand*{\NiceVerbGeneral}{% % \nvSelfProtect\NiceVerbGeneral\useNiceVerbHere} %% %% ==== Turning off and on altogether ==== %% \label{sec:allonoff} %% These commands are new with v0.3. %% %% |\noNiceVerb| \emph{disables} all 'niceverb' features. \newcommand*{\noNiceVerb} {\MakeNormal\`% \MakeNormal\&% \MakeNormal\<% \MakeNormal\#% \nvRightQuoteNormal \MakeNormal\|% \let\@sect\niceverb_before_sect} %% 2014/03/27 %% |\useNiceVerb| \emph{activates} all the 'niceverb' features %% (apart from ``auto mode"). With v0.6, it is divided %% into two parts for `\NiceVerbMove' in \secref{listmv}: \newcommand*{\useNiceVerbI}{\MakeActiveLet\`\LQverb %% TODO to be changed with 'wiki.sty' v0.2 \MakeActiveLet\&\CmdSyntaxVerb \MakeActiveLet\<\MetaVar \MakeActiveLet\#\HashVerb \nvRightQuoteSansSerif \MakeActiveLet\|\nvCmdBox} \newcommand*{\useNiceVerb} {\useNiceVerbI %% 2014/03/27 \let\@sect\niceverb_sect \g@addto@macro\@resetactivechars{% % \useNiceVerbHere %% 2014/03/28 \let\do\do_protect_noligs \verbatim@nolig@list %% 2014/03/28 }} %% %% %% === Minor Final Things === %% ==== Activating the 'niceverb' Syntax ==== %% 'niceverb' features are activated at `\begin{document}' %% so (some) other packages can be loaded \emph{after} 'niceverb'. %% For v0.3, we do this after possible settings for %% compatibility with 'hyperref'. \AtBeginDocument{\useNiceVerb} %% %% ==== Leave Package Mode ==== \PopLetterCat\_ %% 2012/08/27 \endinput %% %%==== VERSION HISTORY ==== v0.1 2009/02/21 very first, sent to CTAN v0.2 2009/04/04 ...NoVerbList: \subsubsection, \AddToMacro, 2009/04/05 \SimpleVerb makes more other than iii 2009/04/06 just uses \dospecials 2009/04/08 debugging code for rq/sf, +\relax 2009/04/09 +\verb@eol@error, prepared for new doc method, removed spurious \makeat..., -\relax (ligature), 2009/04/10 ('-trick 2009/04/11 \@ after \SimpleVerb 2009/04/14 noted TODO below 2009/04/15 change v0.1 to 2009/02/21 v0.30 2010/02/27 short, more explained, \AssignCatCodeTo, use \MakeActive for re-activating, \MakeNormal 2010/02/28 fixed @ and _ with & by moving \begin_min_verb; replaced \lq by `; Capitals in Titles 2010/03/05 \SimpleVerb -> \NVerb; use \MakeActive + \MakeNormal; \rq -> '; renamed some sections; \lq_verb -> \LQverb, \niceverb_meta -> \MetaVar, \param_verb -> \HashVerb 2010/03/06 removed \MakeAlign; removed @ and _ todo below; \NVerb makes ` and ' other; \nvAllowRQSF allows ' in column titles, 2010/03/08 \LQverb and & work in column titles, \RQverb works with \noindent; bookmark substitutions 2010/03/09 extended notes on 'hyperref' (in)compatibility; \MakeLetter\@ in \CmdSyntaxVerb only; |...| implemented as \prepareCmdBox etc.! 2010/03/10 \colorbox example, \thinspace; ltxguide!; removed todo; ..._exec -> \DoRQsansserif; minor doc changes in ``Nasty" 2010/03/11 doc changes in ``Escape Character ..." and ``Ampersand" 2010/03/12 \niceverb_aux_cat, \MakeActiveHere etc., \IfTypesetting, \noNiceVerb, \useNiceVerb, corr. bracing mistake in \MakeNormal! 2010/03/14 0.31 -> 0.3; \HardNVerb, \GenCmdBox, \prepareCmdBox -> \nvCmdBox 2010/03/15 \endcell; \cmdboxitem; remark on \sfcode`/ 2010/03/16 corr. -> \endline; advice on \cs{par}, \cs{if...}, \cs{fi}; redefined \ignorespaces for RQ feature 2010/03/17 corr. `\fututelet', corr. \cs PDF substitution 2010/03/18 |\niceverbNoVerbList|, |\AddToMacro| etc.; corr. \AddToMacro; \lastskip-fix of \niceverb_ignore, another fix of \niceverb_noindent 2010/03/19 another fix of \niceverb_ignore: \spacefactor 2010/03/20 ... again: \niceverb_spacefactor NOT DISTRIBUTED, just stored saved as separate version v0.31 2010/03/20 right quote feauture: letters get \sfcode=1001 `column title' -> `page headers', \ctanpkgref NOT DISTRIBUTED, just stored as separate version v0.32 2010/03/21 taking best things from v0.30 and v0.31 2010/03/23 removed \relax from \IfTypesetting SENT TO CTAN v0.4 2010/03/27 restoring `_' with "auto mode" safer 2010/03/28 \AddToNoVerbList 2010/03/29 note above, renamed v0.4 SENT TO CTAN v0.41 2010/04/03 v0.33 -> v0.4 2010/04/05 corrected \AutoCmdInput list SENT TO CTAN as part of NICETEXT release r0.41 v0.41a 2010/11/09 typo corrected v0.42 2010/12/30 corr. `\ ' emulation in auto mode 2010/12/31 \MetaVar in ...maybe_meta... 2011/01/19 `...' fix 2011/01/24 \ctanpkgref moves to texlinks.sty 2011/01/26 update (C) with nicetext RELEASE r0.42 v0.43 2011/05/09 \gt, \lt 2011/05/27 \cs uses \@backslashchar 2011/06/20 \MakeActiveLetHere in \nice_maybe_meta_verb !!! 2011/06/27 2011/05/27 undone 2011/08/20 `r0.42', `v0.43' with nicetext RELEASE r0.43 v0.44 2011/09/09 \AddQuotes, \DontAddQuotes with nicetext RELEASE r0.44 v0.45 2011/11/05 mod. \niceverb_collect_egroup/\VerticalCmdBox, tried \output problem without avail 2011/12/05 clarified "r0.44" with nicetext RELEASE r0.5 v0.5 2012/08/27 using 'catcodes', \providecommand\CatCode, rm. \AssignCatCodeTo, \private_letters 2012/08/28 fixed \private_letters; rewording for filling lines 2012/09/27 corrections about \MakeActive... with nicetext RELEASE r0.6 v0.6 2012/11/27 \[d]qtd only \provide'd v0.61 2014/03/18 doc.: rm. TODO on private letters hook, folding history tighter, RM CODE COMMENTED OUT IN 2011; \VerticalCmdBox gets \pagebreak[2] 2014/03/19 doc.: strange replaced, restructured, Command-Highlighting Boxes -> Boxes Highlighting ...; opt. arg. for \NVerb etc. replaces \niceverb_egroup, \cs/\cstx enhanced, reimpl.s with \SetNiceVerbSaveBox, \nice_maybe_meta_verb -> \NiceMaybeMetaVerb 2014/03/20 reworking robustness -- doc., ...; doc. on `Shared ...', \qtdnverb 2014/03/21 "debugging": \noexpand vs. \protect 2014/03/22 ... continued; mod. \MakeNormal 2014/03/23 ..., hiding ... 2014/03/24 TODO on left quotes, doc. test there, rm. babel-TODO 2014/03/25 doc. about left quotes shorter, rm. earlier page breaks, doc. problems with right quotes; \newlet; dealing with \active@math@prime 2014/03/26 corr. test for right single quote, more about \active@math@prime, corr. \CmdSyntaxVerb 2014/03/27 different treatment of \active@math@prime ... main work for sec:listmv and independent switching for rqsf, \NewSelfProtectedCommand (3 applications); doc. corr., TODO; \typeout test 2014/03/28 test section; [TODO?]; \nvShowProtectedEdef, \MetaVar: protection and hyperref version; remark \NVerb; [\NiceVerbHere]; \protect test with RQ removed; \do_protect_noligs fixed and used 2014/07/16 \BuildCsSyntax with hyperref 2014/07/17 remarks on \BuildCsSyntax and removing useless braces there (hours of trying better) 2015/02/23 doc.: \PDFstring -> \pdfstring 2015/04/07 doc.: page headings -> page headers 2015/11/09 bugfixes \nvRightQuoteNormal and \do_protect_noligs; doc. typo fix with nicetext RELEASE r0.66 v0.62 2015/11/20f. \qtdnverb was disabled! doc.: fn. on \qtdnverb obsolete