\ProvidesFile{makedoc.cfg}[{2013/03/25 documentation settings}] 
\author{Uwe L\"uck\thanks{%
%% 'hyperref':
%     bookmarks=false,                  %% 2010/12/22
%     bookmarksnumbered,
    bookmarksopen,                      %% 2011/01/24!?
    bookmarksopenlevel=2,               %% 2011/01/23
%     pdfpagemode=UseNone,
%     pdfstartpage=10,
    pdfstartview=FitH,                  %% 2012/11/26 again
%     pdfstartview=0 0 100,             %% 2011/08/22
%     pdfstartview={XYZ null null 1},   %% 2011/08/25
%     pdfstartview={XYZ null null null},%% 2011/08/25
%     pdfstartview={XYZ null null .5},    %% 2011/08/26
%     pdffitwindow=true,          %% 2011/08/22
    citebordercolor={ .6 1    .6},
    filebordercolor={1    .6 1},
    linkbordercolor={1    .9  .7},
     urlbordercolor={ .7 1   1},   %% playing 2011/01/24
    pdfauthor={Uwe L\374ck}% 
%% metadata, |\MDkeywords{<text>}|, |\MDkeywordsstring|:
%% %% 2011/08/22:
    \hypersetup{pdfkeywords=\MDkeywordsstring}%% TODO!?
%% |\MDaddtoabstract{<par-head>}|, `:' added:
  \newcommand*{\MDaddtoabstract}[1]{%           %% 2012/05/10
%% \pagebreak[2]
%% |\printMDkeywords|:
%     \global\let\MDkeywordsstring\relax    %% `%' 2012/11/12
%% The previous definitions mainly are useful with a variant 
%% |\begin{MDabstract}| of \LaTeX's `{abstract}' environment:
                  \hspace{1sp}%% for niceverb
                  \global\let\MDabstract\relax    %% 2012/11/12
                  \global\let\endMDabstract\relax %% 2012/11/12
%% |\[MD]docnewline| 2012/11/12 from `readprov.tex':
%% <- `\leavevmode' for use with `\paragraph'.
%%    Sometimes needs to be preceded by a space.
%% |\MDfinaldatechecks[<tex-script>]| with \ctanpkgref{filedate}:
%       \clearpage %% 2013/03/25 no avail -- with `filedate'!
      \noNiceVerb                       %% 2013/03/22
%% Use other packages:
\RequirePackage{readprov}               %% 2010/12/08
\RequirePackage{hypertoc}               %% 2011/01/23
\RequirePackage{texlinks}               %% 2011/01/24
\RequirePackage{relsize}                %% 2011/06/27
\RequirePackage{color}                  %% 2011/08/06
\RequirePackage{lmodern}                %% 2012/10/29
\RequirePackage{filedate}               %% 2012/11/12
\RequirePackage{filesdo}                %% 2013/03/22 
%% \pagebreak[3]
%% Logical markup:\qquad  |\strong{<chars>}|, |\meta{<chars>}|, 
%% |\acro{<chars>}|, |\pkg{<chars>}|, 
%% |\code{<chars>}|, |\file{<chars>}|:{\sloppy\par}
  \def\do#1#2{\@ifdefinable#1{\let#1#2}}%% 2012/07/13
  \do\strong\textbf \do\file\texttt \do\acro\textsmaller 
  %% <- wrong tests before 2012/07/13
  \do\meta\textit   \do \pkg\textsf \do\code\texttt
        \let\file\textrm                            %% 2011/11/09
        \let\code\textrm                            %% 2011/11/20
        \let\pkg \textrm                            %% 2012/03/23
  %% TODO 2011/07/22 -> `htlogml.sty'
%% |\qtdcode{<text>}|: 2012/10/24:
%% |\pkgtitle{<package-name>}{<caption>}| 
\newcommand*{\pkgtitle}[2]{%            %% 2012/07/13
    \pkg{\huge #1}\\---\\#2\thanks{This 
       document describes version 
       of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}}
%% TODO: %% |\TODO| bad with `mdoccorr.cfg'
\newcommand*{\TODO}{\textcolor{blue}{\acro{TODO}}}  %% 2012/11/06
%% `\MDsampleinput[{<file>}' was added 2012/11/06. 
%% Problems with `myfilist.tex' were due to 'parskip.sty'
%% there. On 2012/11/12, we change the former simple macro to a 
%% much more complex
%% |\MDsamplecodeinput[<add-hfuss>]{<file>}| 
        \vskip\bigskipamount \hrule
%         \nobreak\vskip\medskipamount
%% Previous mistake (same below) due to manual change 
%% of `\topsep' in the file `myfilist.tex' (2012/11/30).
            \hfuzz=\textwidth \advance\hfuzz#1\relax
        \noNiceVerb \verbatiminput{#2}%
%         \nobreak\vskip\medskipamount 
        \hrule \vskip-\parskip 
        \bigskip %%% \bigbreak
%% `\bigbreak' made much larger space in `myfilist.tex'.
%% |\ctanpkgdref{<pkg-id>}| adds the printed link to 
%% `ctan.org/pkg' as a footnote. There is a little space 
%% for coloured link borders:
