\ProvidesFile{substr.tex}[2012/03/18 documentation for substr.sty]
       \url{http://ctan.org/pkg/substr} for more about 
       Functions with \LaTeX}
\author{Harald Harders\thanks{Joint work with Heiko Oberdiek, 
                              one line + documentation tool
                              by Uwe L\"uck.}}
% \listfiles

%% Preprocessing 'substr.sty':

%% Replacements:
               [\MakeOther\ ]{LaTeX }{\LaTeX{} }
\PrependExpandableAllReplacer{Hist}[\MakeOther\ ]%
{History of this package:}{\SECT{History of this package:}}



\usepackage{hyperref,makedoc,niceverb} %% niceverb after hyperref!
\newcommand*{\COPYRIGHT}{\MEDSK\textbf{Copyright} }
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}             %% for v1.2

\usepackage{ragged2e}                   %% 2012/03/18


  This documentation of 'substr.sty' has been typeset 
  by automatical ASCII\slash UTF\hbox{-}8~$\to$ \LaTeX\ 
  enhancement provided by 'makedoc.sty' and 'niceverb.sty''s 
  ``auto mode."\footnote{See 
                         for more on these packages.}
  Some extended formatting---kind of sectioning, 
  switches to `\tt'---have been achieved by string replacements 
  specific to the comment text of the package file 
  (see source file 'substr.tex').

  'substr.sty' especially demonstrates the rather rare 
  \lq`%% '\rq\ style of package comments that is somewhat 
  favoured by 'makedoc' because this way ``true comments" 
  are easily distinguishable from mere ``commenting out."
%   The idea to use 'parskip.sty' for formatting the documentation 
%   (as opposed to the version of the present file of one week ago) 
%   is due to the quite recent 
%   'import.tex'\footnote{\url{http://ctan.org/pkg/import}} 
%   that 
%% ???
% \MakeJobDoc{3}{\ProcessInputWith{comment}}

2010/03/18   sent to CTAN
2010/03/27   removed `\usepackage{substr}'
2010/03/28   extended formatting by replacing words
2010/03/29   \SetPatternCodes etc.
2010/03/30   import -> substr; see source file
2011/08/20   \ProvidesFile for fileinfo
2012/03/18   use \MakeCloseDoc*, \enlargethispage, ragged2e