\ProvidesPackage{fddial0g}[2011/09/13 v0.2 dialogues with fifinddo (UL)] 
%% copyright (C) 2011 Uwe L\"uck, 
%%   http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu 
%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below -- 
%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under 
%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either 
%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY. 
%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via 
%%   http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu 


%% == Setting and Using Variables ==
%% %% aus `fddialog.sty' in `blog/convert/' 2011/09/12:
%% |\MakeSet{<id>}{<set>}| declares an internal variable `<id>'
%% and defines a command `<set>' so that `<set>{<value>}'
%% will assign <value> to <id>:
%% It would be nice if there were a warning when in an evaluation 
%% of a variable it turns out that it has not been ``declared" by 
%% `\MakeSet' or not been set by the according setting command. 
%% However, all the evaluations seem to happen in expansion 
%% (e.g., during `\typeout'), so \LaTeX's `\PackageError' 
%% (not even `\GenericError') is not helpful,
%% and `\errhelp' cannot be set specifically (in time). 
%% It may tell more generally about `\MakeSet', but I am not sure 
%% about what errors can occur in processing the dialogues at all.
%% At least we can get a real `\errmessage' using something else 
%% that has not been defined:
            {\FDD_undeclared_variable `#1'}%
            {\FDD_undefined_variable  `#1'}}%
%% |\UseSet{<id>}| expands to <id>'s value. 
%% |\EvalBooleanSet{<id>}|:
        \FDD_on_setstring\@gobble{#1}%% \if id
        \csname\FDD_use#1\endcsname  %% true/false
%% |\IfEmptySet{<id>}{<if>}{<unless>}|:
%% TODO present variable names by tokens!? (namemod)
%% |\DebugShowSet{<id>}|:
%% == In/Out Variables ==
%% |\ResultFile| gets a different meaning here
%% in order to keep the dialogue nice. 
\MakeSet {in-f}{\InputFile}
%% == `.cfg' ==
%% |\TryDialogue{<file-name-base>}{<settings>}|
%% loads file `<file-name-base>.cfg' if \TeX\ can find it, 
%% otherwise executes <settings>:
                                * using settings from `#1.cfg'. *
%% == Screen ==
    The screen shows most recent settings commands.^^J%
    You can modify initial settings in 
%% |\DialogueLoop| is the last mandatory command in the 
%% main script file. It needs an earlier definition of 
%% |\VarShowSettings|. |\LBrk| can be used for a 
%% screen line break:   %% TODO \MessageBreak \relax!?
      \VarShowSettings                  %% specific to purpose
           {Run with these settings? 
            (Y)es? (C)hange? (Otherwise quit.)}% 
    \csname FDD_action_\action \endcsname 
%% For defining |\VarShowSettings|:
%         \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
%             \string\csname\FDD_set#1\endcsname
        {\number\predecessor_of{#1} }{#2}}%
      \ifcase #1\or0\or1\or2\or3\or4\or5\or6\or7\or8\or9\fi}
  \ifcase #2 


%% == Changing Settings == 
%% When the user types `c' or `C', she is asked to input 
%% replacement text for the macro |\change|. 
%% This macro then is executed, and |\DialogueLoop|
%% is invoked again:
    \typein[\change]{^^JType setting command(s).}%
    \change \DialogueLoop}
%% == Running with Current Settings ==
%% When the user types `y' or `Y', the following macro is executed. 
%% It invokes |\VarRunSettings| that must be defined 
%% before `\DialogueLoop' is executed:
    \VarRunSettings                     %% specific to purpose
%% == The End ==


v0.1    2011/08/23  first, uploaded with NICETEXT r0.43 
v0.2    2011/09/12  merged with something earlier/better, messages 
        2011/09/13  messages more carefully: ...undefined_var..., 
                    \EvalBooleanSet, \TimesDo with two digits