             [2012/03/18 some packages by D. Arseneau (ul)]
\title{A Few Packages by Donald Arseneau}
\author{Uwe L\"uck\thanks{applying \url{http://ctan.org/pkg/nicetext}}}
% \listfiles

%% Preprocessing:
% \CopyFDconditionFromTo{PScomment}{comment}
%% nolbreaks:
%% Replacements:
\SetPatternCodes{\MakeOther\\\MakeOther\ }
\MakeExpandableAllReplacer{LaTeX}{LaTeX }{\LaTeX{} }{LEAVE}
% \MakeExpandableAllReplacer{TeX}{\TeX }{\TeX{} }{LEAVE}
\PrependExpandableAllReplacer{braces}[\Delimiters<>]<{ }><`{ }'>


%% notoccite:
\MakeExpandableAllReplacer{LaTeX}{LaTeX }{\LaTeX{} }{LEAVE}
{  \caption [}{\DISPLAY\caption[}
\PrependExpandableAllReplacer{toc}{ toc}{ `.toc'}


%% optional:
% \SetPatternCodes{\MakeOther\\\MakeOther\ }
\PrependExpandableAllReplacer{LaTeX}[\MakeOther\ ]%
{LaTeX }{\LaTeX{} }
\PrependExpandableAllReplacer{tildes}[\MakeOther\ ]%
{HOW TO USE}{\SECT{How to Use}}
% \SetPatternCodes{\MakeOther\~}
% \PrependExpandableAllReplacer{tildes}[\MakeOther\~]{U}{X}
  %% <- TODO \MakeOther\~ hangs up


%% Typesetting:
\usepackage{hyperref,niceverb,wiki} %% niceverb after hyperref!
\makeatletter \MakeLetter\_
% {\MakeActive\"\gdef\DQcode#1"{\dqtd{\texttt{#1}}}}
% {\MakeActive\"\gdef\DQcode#1"{\texttt{#1}}}
   \let\do\MakeOther \dospecials \tt \let"\endgroup}
   \let\do\MakeOther \dospecials \tt \def"{\endgroup''}}}
%% weird problems:
% \newcommand*{\startDQcode}
%             {``\begingroup\MakeActiveLetHere\"\enddQcode\tt}
% \def\endDQcode{\endgroup"}

  This document demonstrates the present 
  (i.e., 'nicetext' bundle release v0.4)
  capabilities of 'makedoc' and 'niceverb' 
  to typeset \LaTeX\ quality documentation from 
  third-party package files having ASCII comments only, 
  without modifying such package files manually.\footnote{See 
                         for more on these packages.}
  Such packages usually mark comments by lines starting with 
  \lq`% '\rq. This is somewhat difficult when the ``comment mark" 
  may at the same time be used for ``commenting out" in place of 
  ``true commenting." As opposed to 'substr.sty' that conforms to the 
  easier \lq`%% '\rq\ style, the packages 'nolbreaks' and 'notoccite' 
  by Donald Arseneau exemplify the \lq`% '\rq\ commenting style. 

  The ASCII documentation of packages of this kind
  does not always clearly indicate when switching to `\tt' is appropriate. 
  This problem is solved here by string replacements very specific 
  to the package files. 
  The setup for these replacements 
  (in the source file 'arseneau.tex') 
  still may be simplified. 
  %% <- 2010/03/29

  Moreover, some similar packages cannot be properly typeset with 
  'nicetext' at present because 'makedoc''s loop is too rigid to deal with 
  (i)~ASCII indents, displays, lists and with (ii)~instructions 
  after `\endinput'. (On 2010/04/05, we try addressing (i) with 
  'wiki.sty', applied to Donald Arseneau's 'optional'. 
  A 'nicetext' bug with replacing tildes shows up.)

  It should be clear that all the package desriptions are Donald Arseneau's, 
  'nicetext' just formats them.


% \MakeActiveLet\_\textunderscore
% \MakeActive\*\def*{\texttt{\string*}}
% \MakeActiveLetHere\"\startDQcode
%  \errorcontextlines=6


\section{'optional'} %% 2010/04/02
% \AddToNoVerbList{\tracingmacros}
\let~\relax %% TODO replacement bug 2010/04/05
