% From mitthesis package
% Documentation: https://ctan.org/pkg/mitthesis

\ProvidesFile{mitthesis-termes-stix2.tex}[2024/10/12 v1.06 Load TeX Gyre Termes text font with STIX2 math font, Heros sans serif font, and Inconsolata monospaced font]

%% TeX Gyre Termes text font and Heros sans serif font with STIX2 math font and Inconsolata monospaced font
% These fonts are available at: 
%				http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre 
%				https://github.com/stipub/stixfonts 
%				https://ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/inconsolata
% Install these as system fonts on your computer
	\ClassError{\ClassName}{The termes-stix2 fontset requires a unicode engine. Defaulting to CMR fonts}{To use the class option [fontset=termes-stix2], use a unicode engine such as LuaLaTeX.}
	\ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Loading TeX Gyre Termes text font with STIX2 math font, Heros sans serif font, and Inconsolata monospaced font}
    % suppress tiresome warnings about lack of integration between mathtools and unicode-math
    % unicode-math loads the fontspec package
    \setmainfont{TeXGyreTermesX}[% Presumes these are system fonts! Available at: http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre
		WordSpace = {1,1.4,1},%% This stretch matches newtxtext a little better. 1.4
    	Extension = .otf,
    	UprightFont = *-Regular,
    	ItalicFont = *-Italic,
    	BoldFont = *-Bold,
    	BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic,
		SlantedFont = *-Italic,
		Numbers = Lining,
	\setsansfont{texgyreheros}[% Presumes these are system fonts! Available at: http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre
		WordSpace = {1,1.4,1},
		Extension = .otf,
    	UprightFont = *-regular,
    	ItalicFont = *-italic,
    	BoldFont = *-bold,
    	BoldItalicFont = *-bolditalic,
		Numbers = Lining,
    	Scale=0.91,% same as for newtx; former value 0.9 too small 2022/01/15
	\setmonofont{Inconsolatazi4}[% This otf font ships with the LaTeX Inconsolata package (it's in TeX Live)
        Scale=1,% reset to 1, 2024/10/12 %1.03,% rescaled from 1, 22/03/10
        Extension = .otf,
        UprightFont = *-Regular,
        ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
        BoldFont = *-Bold, 
    	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no bold italic face
        RawFeature = {+ss01,+ss02,+ss03},
	\setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular}[% nice glyphs, but \mkern sometimes needed %% https://github.com/stipub/stixfonts
    	Extension = .otf,
%		BoldFont = *,% STIX Two Math has no bold face
%       Color=NavyBlue, 
    	RawFeature = {+ss01, -ss02, -ss08},
   % ss01 -- switch calligraphic to script; +ss02 -- variants of g, u, v, w, z; +ss08 -- upright integrals
   \setmathfontface\mathbf{STIXTwoText-Bold.otf}[]% to not get Termes bold, https://github.com/stipub/stixfonts
   \setmathfontface\mathrm{STIXTwoText-Regular.otf}[]% to get roman letters from STIX, not Termes
   \newcommand*{\FRAC}[1]{{\addfontfeature{Fractions=On}#1}}% use OpenType feature for fractions, \FRAC{1/2} 