% From mitthesis package
% Documentation: https://ctan.org/pkg/mitthesis

\ProvidesFile{mitthesis-newtx.tex}[2024/06/28 v1.04 Load newtx text and math fonts]

	\ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Loading newtx fonts with inconsolata typewriter}
    \RequirePackage[subscriptcorrection,varvw,helvratio=0.91]{newtx}% stix2, upint
    \RequirePackage[varl,varqu,hyphenate,mono]{inconsolata}% sans typewriter font; mono = fixed word spacing, hyphenate = allow hyphenation 
	\let\textsuperscript\textsu% newtx changes the default superiors font; this is needed to get commas aligned in sequential footnotes
	\ClassWarning{\ClassName}{The newtx font set requires pdflatex.  Defaulting to LMR fonts}
    % suppress tiresome warnings about lack of integration between mathtools and unicode-math.
    % Unicode-math loads the fontspec package, but the default fonts are not selected by fontspec in this case.