% From mitthesis package % Documentation: https://ctan.org/pkg/mitthesis \ProvidesFile{mitthesis-lucida.tex}[2024/10/13 v1.04 Load Lucida fonts] %% Lucida Bright and Lucida Bright Math fonts (available from the TeX Users Group) \ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Lucida Bright and Lucida Bright Math fonts} \ifpdftex \RequirePackage[LY1]{fontenc} \RequirePackage[expert,vargreek,altbullet]{lucidabr} % switch text and math fonts % some other options: seriftt (much larger quad size!), lucidasmallscale % 2024/10/13 \RequirePackage{bm} \else \RequirePackage[warnings-off={mathtools-colon,mathtools-overbracket}]{unicode-math} % suppress tiresome warnings about lack of integration between mathtools and unicode-math % unicode-math loads the fontspec package % FEATURE DESCRIPTION DEFAULT % dlig discretionary ligatures (f-ligatures in typewriter fnt) off % liga standard ligatures (f-ligatures, not monospaced fonts) on % onum old style numbers (Lucida Bright only) off % smcp small caps (Lucida Bright, upright only) off % zero slashed zero (sans and monospaced fonts) off % locl script/language specific (localized) forms on % % FEATURE FONT DESCRIPTION % ss01 Lucida Sans & Typewriter use dotted zero: 🶠vs. default 0. % ss01 use Lucida-standard shapes: % Lucida Grande Mono ØOQ vs. default 0OQ; % Lucida Console ØOQ vs. default 0OQ. \setmainfont{LucidaBrightOT}[% main rm Ligatures=TeX, Extension=.otf, UprightFont=*, ItalicFont=*-Italic, BoldFont=*-Demi, BoldItalicFont=*-DemiItalic, % BoldItalicFeatures={Color=Purple4}, % fixed 2024/10/13 % UprightFeatures={Color=Salmon3}, Scale=0.93,% increased from 0.92, 2024/10/13 % Numbers ={OldStyle}, ] % \setsansfont{LucidaSansOT}[% main sans Ligatures=TeX, Extension=.otf, UprightFont=*, ItalicFont=*-Italic, BoldFont=*-Demi, BoldItalicFont=*-DemiItalic, Scale=MatchUppercase, ] % \setmonofont{LucidaSansTypewriterOT}[% main typewriter Ligatures=TeX, Extension=.otf, UprightFont=*, ItalicFont=*-Oblique, BoldFont=*-Bold, BoldItalicFont=*-BoldOblique, Scale=MatchLowercase,% changed from MatchUppercase, 2024/10/13 ] %% MATH FONTS % % ss01 alternate Latin lower case math italic identical to text italic. This option is not recommended as Greek 𜈠(nu) and Latin 𑣠(vee) become too similar % ss02 smaller arrows (original Type 1 size): ⇑ vs. default ⇑. % ss03 attempt to imitate Type 1 fonts % ss04 calligraphic alternative (similar to the Type 1 design) to the math script alphabet % ss05 use a slashed-zero style for the empty set character (U+2205): Ø vs. default ∅ % ss08 emphasize right and bottom edges of the d’Alembertian operator (U+29E0, \laplac), to follow the design of the Laplace operator (U+2206, \increment, Δ); the default design emphasizes the left and upper edges. Also available in the bold math font. % \setmathfont{LucidaBrightMathOT}[% main math Scale=MatchUppercase, Extension=.otf, BoldFont=LucidaBrightMathOT-Demi.otf, % BoldFeatures={Color=Chartreuse4}, RawFeature ={+ss04,+ss08}, % ] %% LucidaMath-OT contains a *serif* typerwriter font. If you prefer a sans serif typerwriter font, you can use the following two settings. % % \setmathfont{LucidaSansTypewriterOT}[% <== NB: setting a text font where math font should go. % Scale=MatchUppercase, % range=tt, % Color=NavyBlue, % Extension=.otf, % script-features = {}, % sscript-features = {}, % BoldFont=LucidaSansTypewriterOT-Bold.otf, % BoldFeatures={Color=Salmon3}, % ] % % % \setmathfontface\mathtt{LucidaSansTypewriterOT-Bold}[% bold upright typewriter font in boldmath. % version=bold, % Scale=MatchUppercase, % Extension=.otf, % ] % \setmathfont{LucidaBrightMathOT}[% range={scr},% to make scr differ from cal RawFeature={-ss04}, Scale=MatchUppercase, Extension=.otf, BoldFont=LucidaBrightMathOT-Demi.otf,% could be overridden by bold separate version ] \setmathfont{LucidaBrightMathOT}[% -Demi .. sufficient this way, since bold set above. range={bfscr},% need to call \symbfscr manually - bug in unicode-math version & range interaction RawFeature={-ss04}, Scale=MatchUppercase, Extension=.otf, BoldFont=LucidaBrightMathOT-Demi.otf, ] %% Fix unicode-math operator font not set up for bold face (default \mathrm). See https://github.com/wspr/unicode-math/issues/468 \setoperatorfont\normalfont % % note \mathbfit = \symbfit % The specialized one-off Lucida fonts: \newfontface\LucidaBlackletter{LucidaBlackletterOT}[% Scale=0.95,% <== NB Extension=.otf, ] \newfontface\LucidaCalligraphy{LucidaCalligraphyOT}[% Scale=MatchUppercase, Extension=.otf, ] \newfontface\LucidaHandwriting{LucidaHandwritingOT}[% Scale=MatchUppercase, Extension=.otf, ] % GrandeMono and Console fonts: \newfontface\LucidaGrandeMonoDK{LucidaGrandeMonoDK}[% Scale=MatchUppercase, Extension=.otf, UprightFont=*, ItalicFont=*-Italic, BoldFont=*-Bold, BoldItalicFont=*-BoldItalic, ] \newfontface\LucidaConsole{LucidaConsoleDK}[% Scale=MatchLowercase,% <=== NB Extension=.otf, UprightFont=*, ItalicFont=*-Italic, BoldFont=*-Bold, BoldItalicFont=*-BoldItalic, ] \fi