% Package manyind.sty, Wilberd van der Kallen 2019.
% Variation on \usepackage[multind]{robustindex}, now without pagerefs in indexes.
% https://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~kalle101/mind.html
% Copyright 2019 Wilberd van der Kallen
% This file may be distributed under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public
% License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any
% later version.  The latest version of this license is in
%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 1999/12/01 or later.

  many indexes]


\AtBeginDocument{\def\ind@nr#1{\string\indnr\mindchoice d\gr@bltr#1-\relax b{} #1}%
    \@indexfile {}{\string \indexentry
    {\ind@nr #1}{\thepage}}%

\PackageWarning{manyind}{There are \the\c@mindexctr\space indexes. Did you run makeindex

\newcommand{\ind@nr}{\relax}% We prepend the argument of \index with a string used by
% makeindex for its lexicographic sorting. Thus it ends up in the ind file in a place 
% based on which index is active and what the first letter of the index entry is.















\newcommand{\indexpreamble}{\relax}% compare the preamble of makeindex

   % This creates a hyperlink destination.
   % Compare phantomsection in hyperref.
   % An index is not to be followed immediately by a subsection.
        {\ifx\c@chapter\undefined section\else chapter\fi}{\indexname}%





\def\mgobblepgeref, #1 {}



\def\gr@bltr#1#2\relax{\ifcat A#10\the\uccode`#1\else 060\fi}%
% to keep "a" and "A" together.

\newcommand{\altsort}% to place some entries after the alphabet
{\def\gr@bltr##1##2\relax{\ifcat A##10\the\uccode`##1\else##1\fi}}

% But first some code for embellishing an index. Our hacking brakes the insertion of 
% \indexspace at appropriate places. We have to work hard to restore that. While we
% are at it, we may as well add the possibility to insert a letter T after the
% \indexspace that precedes the entries that start with t or T.
% First we describe the default style, that does not insert the T.
% To get the T one changes the style like this
% \renewcommand{\indexcapstyle}[1]{\indexspace\textbf{#1}\par}%

\newcommand{\nxtletre}{\def\item{\letr@test}}% about next letter in alphabet

\newcommand{\mindc@pitalhead}[1]{% Preparing for a heading; not printed.
    \@indexfile {}{\string \indexentry
    {\string\indnr \mindchoice d\gr@bltr#1\relax a @\protect\nxtletre


\newcommand{\capitals@inindex}[1]{% Will be called by \mnew@index with full alphabet.


\def\mfind@capitals#1#2\relax{% To deal with 26 letters.
\mindc@pitalhead #1%

\newcommand{\letr@test}{\relax}% To test if entry starts with new letter.





% All this just to embellish an index. Now more support for multiple indexes.



\setcounter{multindctr}{999}% Fewer than 899 indexes expected.

% This tels the mouth of TeX not to send too much to the stomach.
% It should only forward the part that belongs to the active index.

\def\indnr#1 {}% The \indnr part is used for sorting by makeindex and needs to be ignored
               % by TeX thereafter.  

% \multindpreamble may serve as hook for further code.


\def\jmptonine#1 9{\relax}

Package needs \string\make index in preamble. Detected}\fi
    \@indexfile {}{\string \indexentry
    {\string\indnr 999b @\string\mindcutpoint\string\jmptonine}{9}}%                              
\PackageInfo{manyind}{index #1 has number \mindchoice.}%
    \@indexfile {}{\string \indexentry
    {\string\indnr\the\c@multindctr d091 @\string
    \relax\string\jmptonine% restores \item
    \@indexfile {}{\string \indexentry
    {\string\indnr\the\c@multindctr a @%
