v1.30 (2022-02-09): * jmlrutils.sty: - fixed counter name in lemma definition when cleveref option on v1.29 (2022-01-29): * jmlr.cls: - added cleveref option - fixed draft option - bug fix #168: Float-only last pages not counted for page numbering https://www.dickimaw-books.com/bugtracker.php?key=168 * jmlrutils.sty: - added cleveref option - added \jmlralgorule - added \jmlrminsubcaptionwidth * jmlrbook.cls: - obsoleted (https://www.dickimaw-books.com/faq.php?itemlabel=latex20201009) Production editors will need to set the first page number of each article manually. v1.28 (2020-09-21): * jmlr.cls: Bug fixes: - fixed twoside option (which should be the default) - \thanks now uses mpfootnote instead of footnote counter with matching \footnotemark and \footnotetext optional arguments. v1.27 (2020-03-26): * jmlrutils.sty: Bug fix: subfigure and subtable references were producing extraneous text (added check for LaTeX kernel version) v1.26 (2020-01-31): * jmlr.cls: - removed \vbox from \@jmlrmaketitle to allow for extremely long author/affiliation list. Added \ignorespaces before \@author to allow for spacing the contents in the code for clarity at the start of a long author list. v1.25 (2020-01-17): * jmlr.cls: - Added check for graphics.sty 2019/07/01 (which now detokenizes filename) * jmlrutils.sty: - Added \proofname v1.24 (2017-08-01): * moved non-class related code into new package jmlrutils.sty * fixed bug in \includeteximage v1.23 (2017-03-09): * added pmlr class option v1.22 (2015-04-11): * added oneside and twoside class options v1.21 (2015-02-24): * jmlr.cls - added check for jmlr2e and pseudocode - fixed bug in \thanks to fix footnote marker issue if there's more than one \thanks * jmlrbook.cls - added \nopagebreak after \@editorialteam v1.20 (2014-10-15): * jmlrbook.cls - added \jmlrprefaceheader, \jmlrlocation v1.19 (2014-09-29): * jmlrbook.cls - changed \chapter* to \chapter in preface environment v1.18 (2013-10-17): * jmlrbook.cls - patched to work with auxhook - added draft and final options - add \booklinebreak * jmlr.cls - Added calc and etoolbox as required packages - Added draft and final options and removed \ds@draft - Added starred version of \newtheorem - Added \theorembodyfont, \theoremheaderfont, \theorempostheader and \theoremsep v1.17 (2012-05-30): * jmlr.cls - added \titletag - added warnings if obsolete font commands (such as \bf) used * jmlrbook.cls - added 'articlet' page style - \importarticle sets title page style to articlet - \importpaper disables \jmlryear, \jmlrworkshop, \jmlrvolume and \jmlrissue - html title page uses jmlrvolume instead of volume - added optional argument to \logo v1.16 (2012-05-15): * jmlr.cls - added \@post@hyperref hook * jmlrbook.cls - added code to deal with \c@lenddoca clash v1.15 (2012-05-12): * jmlrbook.cls - added 'algocf' and 'definition' counters to reset list in \zeroextracounters - added \theHalgocf - removed dependence on \ps@headings in \ps@jmlrbook - added \markleft v1.14 (2012-04-24): * jmlrbook.cls - modified \jmlrwritepdfinfo to write book author and title information to aux file - fixed bug in fetching time zone information v1.13 (2012-02-25): * jmlrbook.cls - added pdfxa option - added \jmlrwritepdfinfo - changed preface environment to use \chapter* instead of \chapter * jmlr.cls - added \@pre@hyperref hook v1.12 (2012-01-05): * jmlr.cls - removed prehyperref package option. - renamed \jmlr@prehyperref to \jmlrprehyperref - added tabularx to list of problem packages. - provided default value of \@shortitle - added \titlebreak - added optional argument to \Name (\jmlrauthors now redefines \@jmlr@authors instead of \@jmlrauthors) - added chapter number to \theHsection to ensure unique hyperlinks in book * jmlrbook.cls - Moved loading setspace and fink before jmlr.cls loaded - changed \thechapter to \theHchapter in definition of \theHalgorithm etc - added \theHfootnote, \theHtable, \theHfigure - in \importpubpaper etc, changed \@shortitle to \@title in toc * makejmlrbook v0.31 - footnotes in abstract files changed to in-line parentheses. - --batchtex option now also passes "-interaction=batchmode" to htlatex - added debugging option --noexecute v1.11 (2011-03-24): * jmlr.cls - fixed typo: WC\&P -> W\&CP - added \jmlrabbrnamelist (used by makejmlrbook) * jmlrbook.cls - now requires fink package - added preface environment and \prefacename - added algorithm2e old commands (in case some authors are using an older version). * makejmlrbook (v0.3): - added changes made by Olivier Chapelle to add JMLR menu on the left side of the page and use description environment for each paper of the TOC. - added --extractpreface option - set hyperref draft mode for abstract only html pages. - abstract html source files now input original aux files to allow for citations. v1.10 (2011-01-05): jmlr.cls * now loads xkeyval * now loads hyperref (instead of jmlrbook loading it) * added class option prehyperref={stuff to do before hyperref loaded} * added class option tablecaption=<position> (where <position> can either be top or bottom). * fixed 10pt, 11pt and 12pt class options, which weren't having any effect. * modified \thanks to ensure hyperlink works correctly. * added \mdseries to definition of \addr. * added \startpage (used by jmlrmakebook). * modified \artpart and \bookpart to correct bookmark level number jmlrbook.cls * code loading hyperref moved to jmlr.cls * added 10pt, 11pt and 12pt class options. * Removed redundant redefinition of \@bookpart makejmlrbook (v0.2): * Uses \startpage to set initial page number for stand-alone articles. * Makes subdirectories in html directory for each article. * copies any image files generated by tex4ht into html directory. * added time stamp at the end of each of the generated html file. v1.09 (2010-12-01): jmlr.cls * now loads article.cls instead of scrartcl.cls * Fixed sub-captions so that they don't exceed the width of the sub-figure/table to which they refer. * added \nametag, \reprint, \algocfconts, \theHsubfigure, \booktocpreamble, \@partapp. * Made \objectref robust jmlrbook.cls * Reset start and end document hook to avoid problems caused by defining duplicate commands. * Moved redefinition of \jmlrpremaketitlehook outside of import macros. * Moved \refstepcounter from \jmlrmaketitlehook to \jmlrpremaketitlehook * Added \jmlrimporthook * Added \label to \jmlrmaketitlehook v1.08 (2010-07-27): * Fixed \thanks so that the footnote symbol is raised and isn't followed by a full stop. v1.07 (2010-06-30): * Added check for two column v1.06 (2010-06-17): jmlr.cls * Added tablecaptiontop and tablecaptionbottom class options v1.05: jmlrbook.cls * Added \productioneditors v1.04: * Added Perl script makejmlrbook jmlrbook.cls * Added patch to fix references in print mode * Added code to work with makejmlrbook jmlr.cls * Added code to work with makejmlrbook v1.03: jmlrbook.cls * Added patch to combnat jmlr.cls * Added \editors, \editorname and \editorsname v1.02: jmlrbook.cls: * Added \issue jmlr.cls * Added \jmlrissue v1.01 : jmlrbook.cls: * added \importpaper * added \titlebody, \SetTitleElement and \IfTitleElement to make it easier to customise the front page of the book. jmlr.cls: * fixed the last page anchor. v1.0 : Initial release