% semtrans.sty
% Transliteration of semitc languages (arabic, hebrew, ethiopian languages)

% (\textcopyleft) Copyleft 1997 J"org Knappen
% Licence: GNU licence version 2

% The following commands are defined:
% \Alif, \Ayn    left and right half ring
% \U             breve below (e. g. \U h)
% \D             diaeresis below (e. g. \D d: Oromo retroflex d)
% \T             turn a letter (e. g. \T e: schwa)
% For the turning of letters, the package fraphicx is required.

  [1998/02/10 v 1.0 specials for transliterated semitic languages (jk)]

% Alif, Ayn and \U are from the exotex package by Peter S. Olivier 
% 1988/08/08

% Definitions translated into LaTeX2e by JK

% \mathchardef\lhook="012C   \mathchardef\rhook="012D
% \def\ain{\kern+1pt$\lhook$} \def\alef{\kern+1pt$\rhook$}  



% \U: breve below character

   \vbox to .2ex{\hbox{\u{}}\vss}\hidewidth}}

% \D: diaeresis below character (modelled after \U)

   \vbox to .2ex{\hbox{\"{}}\vss}\hidewidth}}

% \T: turn (=rotate 180 degrees) character

