% --------------------------------------------------- % Date: 12.12.2018 % Version: v0.1 % Autor: Felix Faltin % Repository: https://github.com/faltfe/iodhbwm % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- -- Class options -- --- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[ load-dhbw-templates, % Allow \dhbw* commands debug, % Provide \lipsum, \blindtext language = ngerman, % Set main document language auto-intro-pages = custom % Takes care about titlepage, abstract, ToC, etc. ]{iodhbwm} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- - Necessary setup - --- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- \dhbwsetup{ intro/print toc=true } % Define custom color \definecolor{DHBW-dark-red}{HTML}{93404A} % Anchor points (hooks) are used to load hyperref. % The settings must be set AFTER loading hyperref, % why \AtBeginDocument must be used. \AtBeginDocument{% \hypersetup{% linkcolor=DHBW-dark-red } } % If all color settings are to be deactivated, % this can be done with the `hidelinks` option. % However, the class offers the options print and print-, % who take care of the colored display. %\AtBeginDocument{% % \hypersetup{% % hidelinks % } %} % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- Begin actual content -- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} \Blinddocument \end{document}