#License and Copyright 2010-2013 Enrico Gregorio imakeidx 2014-… Maïeul Rouquette indextools The LATEX Project Public License 1.3 #What is it This packÂage enÂables the user to proÂduce and typeÂset one or more inÂdices siÂmulÂtaÂneÂously. The packÂage is known to work in LATEX docÂuÂments proÂcessed with pdfLATEX, X∃LATEX and LuaLATEX. If makeinÂdex is used for proÂcessÂing the inÂdex enÂtries, no parÂticÂuÂlar setup is needed when TEX Live is used. UsÂing xindy or other proÂgrams, it is necÂesÂsary to enÂable shell esÂcape. Shell esÂcape is also needed if splitinÂdex is used. This is a fork of imakeidx, with new feaÂtures and fixed bugs.