(merge-rule "\*" "" :eregexp)
(markup-locclass-list :open ": " :sep ", ")
% Compile with --shell-escape

\hypersetup{colorlinks, hidelinks, pdfauthor={Robert
    Alessi}, pdftitle={icite and BibLaTeX}}



\usepackage[citecmd=autocite, defaultindex=none]{icite}


\makeindex[name=\jobname-primary, title={Index locorum citatorum}]


\textbf{\textsf{icite sample file}} --- \cczero\ This
file is public domain

This file demonstrates how \textsf{icite} can be used to produce an
index of passages cited in combination with Bib\LaTeX.

The relevant part of the preamble which is used here follows:
\usepackage[citecmd=autocite, defaultindex=none]{icite}


\makeindex[name=icite-biblatex-primary, title={Index locorum citatorum}]


\item |citecmd=autocite| instructs \textsf{icite} to use the
  |\autocite| command to insert the citations in the body text.
\item |defaultindex=none| disables indexing by default.
\item |\IndexSubtypeAs{ancient}{icite-biblatex-primary}| makes an
  exception for authors whose |entrysubtype| field matches the string
  |ancient| and instructs \textsf{icite} to have them indexed in an
  index named\\ |icite-biblatex-primary|.
\item To actually produce the index,
  |\printindex[icite-biblatex-primary]| is needed at the end of the

\section*{Body text}
Plato, \emph{Laches}: first
citation\icite[\plat{179}[a][1--4]]{Plato:Laches}. And
another\icite[\plat*{179}[c][5]{180}[a][1]]{Plato:Laches}, and

Plato, \emph{Theaetetus}: first
citation\icite[\plat*{142}[c][2]{142}[d][3]]{Plato:Theaetetus}. And
another\icite[\plat{142}[d][4--5]]{Plato:Theaetetus}, and

Aristotle, \emph{Politica}: first
citation\icite[\arist*{1252}[a][25]{1252}[b][27]]{Aristotle:Politica}. And
another\icite[\arist{1253}[a][5]]{Aristotle:Politica}, and

This passage should not be indexed\icite[44--78]{Reynolds.Wilson1994}.


\section*{Bibliographical database}