\PassOptionsToPackage{cmyk,table}{xcolor} \documentclass[conference,flushend]{iaria} \pdfoutput=1 % pdflatex hint for arxiv.org (within first 5 lines) % en-US = [english]/[american]/[USenglish] \usepackage[babel=true,english=american]{csquotes} \usepackage[english]{babel} % en-US % IARIA requires uppercase TABLE, and babel intervenes in the tablename \addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand\tablename{TABLE}} % en-UK = [british] /[UKenglish] %\usepackage[babel=true,english=british]{csquotes} %\usepackage[british]{babel} % en-UK %% IARIA requires uppercase TABLE, and babel intervenes in the tablename %\addto\captionsbritish{\renewcommand\tablename{TABLE}} % Allows to hyphenate a word that contains a dash: % https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2193307/how-do-i-get-latex-to-hyphenate-a-word-that-contains-a-dash \usepackage[shortcuts]{extdash} % Use \-/ for a breakable dash that does not prevent the remainer of the word to be hyphenated \usepackage[alwaysadjust]{paralist} \usepackage[caption=false,font=footnotesize]{subfig} % Class iaria.cls loads biblatex / biber with predefined options \addbibresource{embedded.bib} \addbibresource{cpn_all_all.bib} \usepackage[ babel=true, % Enable language-specific kerning. Take language-settings from the languge of the current document (see Section 6 of microtype.pdf) expansion=alltext, protrusion=alltext-nott, % Ensure that at listings, there is no change at the margin of the listing nopatch=eqnum, % fix unable to apply patch eqnum final % Always enable microtype, even if in draft mode. This helps finding bad boxes quickly. % In the standard configuration, this template is always in the final mode, so this option only makes a difference if "pros" use the draft mode ]{microtype} \begin{filecontents}[overwrite]{embedded.bib} @online{ieee2015howto, author = {Michael Shell}, title = {How to Use the {IEEEtran} \LaTeX\ Class}, url = {http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf}, year = {2015} } @online{ieee2018formattingrules, author = {{IEEE}}, title = {Conference Template and Formatting Specifications}, url = {https://www.ieee.org/content/dam/ieee-org/ieee/web/org/conferences/Conference-template-A4.doc}, year = {2018} } @online{iaria2014formattingrules, author = {{IARIA}}, title = {Formatting Rules}, url = {http://www.iaria.org/formatting.doc}, year = {2014} } @online{iaria2009editorialrules, _author = {Cosmin Dini}, author = {{IARIA}}, title = {Editorial Rules}, url = {https://www.iaria.org/editorialrules.html}, year = {2009} } @online{languagetool, author = {{LanguageTooler GmbH}}, title = {{LangueTool}}, url = {https://languagetool.org/overleaf} } @online{overleaf, author = {{Digital Science UK Limited}}, title = {{Overleaf}}, url = {https://www.overleaf.com} } \end{filecontents} \usepackage{fontawesome} % i.a., \faWarning{} \usepackage{relsize} % i.a., \textsmaller{...} \usepackage{lipsum} % for blindtext % ====================================================================== % https://www.silbentrennung24.de/ % https://www.hyphenation24.com/ \hyphenation{block-chain block-chains Ethe-re-um} % Capitalization: https://capitalizemytitle.com/style/Chicago/ \title{The \textsmaller{IARIA} Example of its \textsmaller{CTAN} Package and \LaTeX{} Class} \author{ \IEEEauthorblockN{Christoph P.\ Neumann\,\orcidlink{0000-0002-5936-631X}} \IEEEauthorblockA{% Department of Electrical Engineering, Media, and Computer Science\\ Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden\\ Amberg, Germany\\ % Diferring from IEEE ("Email"), IARIA requires "e-mail": e-mail: \texttt{c.neumann@oth-aw.de} % Multiple authors and their e-mail addresses: %e-mail: {\tt$\lbrace$j.smith\,|\,c.neumann$\rbrace$@oth-aw.de} } } \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This paper demonstrates an example of a paper, based on the \texttt{iaria} \LaTeX{} class. The example is intended for beginners, e.\,g., undergraduate students. It contains a basic outline template and usually fills it with dummy text. Graphic exclamation marks highlight important remarks. % \{\,\faWarning{} For beginners: Do NOT remove the abstract, this section is mandatory. Do NOT use special characters, symbols, or math in your title or abstract. Do NOT use cites in your abstract.\} \end{abstract} % A list of IEEE Computer Society appoved keywords can be obtained at % http://www.computer.org/mc/keywords/keywords.htm \begin{IEEEkeywords} % Diferring from IEEE, IARIA requires also the keywords in Bold and Italic (and lower case): template; lorem ipsum. \end{IEEEkeywords} \section{Introduction} The \textsmaller{IARIA} formatting is based on \textsmaller{IEEE} style. The unofficial \textsmaller{IARIA} \LaTeX\ class is based on \textsmaller{IEEE}tran class \cite{ieee2015howto}. The \textsmaller{IARIA} formatting rules \cite{iaria2014formattingrules} are adopted from the \textsmaller{IEEE} template and formatting specifications \cite{ieee2018formattingrules}. In addition, be aware of the supplementary \textsmaller{IARIA} editorial rules \cite{iaria2009editorialrules} \faWarning{} that provide a beginner-friendly set of further advices. It is recommended to use a grammar tool, e.\,g., the LanguageTool \cite{languagetool} browser plugin in combination with Overleaf \cite{overleaf}. \lipsum[22] \{\faWarning{} \textsmaller{IARIA} editorial rules: Introduction must end with a paragraph describing the structure of the paper!\} The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In Section~II, … \section{Related work \textbar{} Methods} \lipsum[23] \section{Results} \lipsum[24] \section{Discussion \textbar{} Evalution} \lipsum[25] \section{Conclusion and Future Work} \{\faWarning{} \textsmaller{IARIA} editorial rules: Last section must be \textquote{Conclusion and Future Work}!\} \lipsum[26] \{\,\faWarning{} For beginners: you must not leave the bibliography blank. Add appropriate references to your related work.\} % %\vspace{\baselineskip} A selection of previous \textsmaller{IARIA} publications of the CyberLytics lab % % %% INSTRUCTION: Remove the irrelevant ones and cite %% the ones that are actually related on technological %% level or that address the same domain. %% This listing is just as a stimulus: \cite{% LeNe24goalHijackingLLMs,% LeNe24vocattllm,% PANP23seccloudfogai,% StNe23foodfresh} % % are included as reference and further example. % ======== References ========= \begingroup \sloppy \printbibliography \endgroup \end{document}