2.52  2024-12-15  - revert changes for the test of on top left of page
2.51  2024-10-02  - added option nonFloatTopSkip, preset to 2pt like \interlineskip
                    only valid for nonFloats and caption not on top
2.50  2024-04-06  - first try for a check on page beginning
2.49  2024-03-17  - bugfix for checkoddpage and FULLPAGE option
2.48  2024-03-03  - added option fboxLines to get patial lines of \fbox
                    (package fbox)
2.47  2023-10-16  - added type doubleFullPage for images with a width
                    of 2\paperwidth, but variable height and possible 
                    text on both pages.
2.46  2023-05-16  - bugfix for doublePAGE and options for package caption
                  - bugfix for doublePAGE labels: <label>,<label-2><label-cap>,
2.45  2023-01-28  - bugfix for doubleFULLPAGE images which followed
                    fullpage images ... 
                  - added option "forceLeft" for doublepage flloats
2.44  2022-11-21  - support "floats" with caption in the margin 
2.43  2022-11-07  - fix for empty caption: don't use \caption 
2.42  2022-10-02  - fix for twoColumnCaption and multi(sub)floats 
2.41  2022-09-01  - another fix full page floats without pagenumber and 
                    without using package floatpag
2.40  2022-07-20  - fix full page floats without pagenumber. We now use
                    package floatpag and \thisfloatpagestyle
2.39  2022-05-01  - fix for using package calc and global length setting
2.38  2022-04-02  - added option l for capWidth to get a caption with linewidth,
                    if also using the option wide for the object
2.37  2022-02-28  - fix bug for doublepage floats in twoside and twocolumn mode
                    and captions after the image
2.36  2022-02-22  - fix bug for outer captions (was wrong)
2.35  2021-10-09  - add \parskip for vertical negative space 
2.34  2021-09-23  - fix for nonFloat and forceOutput 
2.33  2021-07-14  - fix for doublePAGE, needs length setting inside the macro 
2.32  2021-06-29  - make multi and multisubflots caption align with the bottom
                  - added graphicx option doublefullPage
                  - prevent vertical centering for a doublepage on the  right
                    page, if there is no text.  
2.31  2021-06-26  - suppress "Overful hbox" message for full page or 
                    double page floats
2.30  2021-06-20  - fix for introduced bug for multifloats
2.29  2021-06-15  - some more fixes for doublepage objects
                  - added option sameHeight for same text height on left
                    and right page with a doublepage object
                  - added bindCorr=inner for doublepage objects to
                    use only the textwidth for both pages
2.28  2021-06-09  - fix for missing type that leads to nonFloat _and_ onlyText
                  - fix for \thehv@pfigure and \thehv@ptablee
2.27  2021-06-07  - added \tabcaptionbelow
                  - fix bug with vertical alignment for top captions
                  - fix for local caption and subcaption setting
2.26  2021-05-31  - allow option wide in twocolumn mode
                  - allow a stretched minipage for 
                    multifloat and multisubfloat by using
                    option vFill
2.25  2021-05-18  - support of \twocolumn mode
2.24  2021-05-12  - allow a caption on the bottom of a preceding or a 
                    following page of double page floats (left-right)
                  - new option for a binding correction of doublepage floats
2.23a 2021-05-07  - fix for caption number in multifloat pages
2.22  2021-05-06  - fix for default placement and vertical space for
                    full page images
2.21  2021-05-04  - fix for several bugs (onlyText, spaces,...)
2.20  2021-04-29  - use better macronames for setting the defaults
                    and defining an own style
2.19  2021-03-15  - fix for vertical spacing of doubleFULLPAGE
2.18  2021-03-12  - add support for doublepage objects
2.17  2020-10-31  - fix for label setting of non floating objects
2.16  2019-08-31  - fix for \hvFloat* and full page images
2.15  2019-05-13  - added optional arguments capFormat and subcapFormat
                    which will pass the key values to \caption or
                    \subcaption from package caption/subcaption
2.14  2019-05-10  - changed floatCapSep into a dimen
2.13  2019-04-08  - fix for trailing spaces
2.12a 2019-04-04  - fix for wrong index
2.12  2019-04-04  - added option left/right for twocolumn mode
2.11  2019-03-29  - fix for sub float pages
                  - added examples.zip
2.10  2019-03-21  - added support for multi float pages
                  - added support for subfloat pages
2.00  2019-03-14  - added support for wide floats, inner/outer captions,
                    fullpage objects for one- or twocolumn mode.
1.2b  2017-12-22  - added option all for hvfloat-fps
1.2a  2017-09-16  - new package for global float setting
1.2   2017-04-28  - fix bug with caption (no entry in lof)
1.1   2012-03-04  - added environment hvFloatEnv
                  - don't load package ifthen
                  - load package caption by default
0.9   2003        - Rotating floating objects and captions in different ways

hvfloat.tex:    the source of the documentation

0.03 2020-06-20  - dont't give a message when package is loaded
0.02 2017-09-20  - small changes
0.01 2017-09-16  - first CTAN version