This is the package hletter to produce header and letters with user defined keywords. V 4.2

The file supplied are:

 1.  README          this file

 2.  hletter.cls     \
 3.  hhead.sty        |   the package files which read files 6--9
 4.  hsetup.sty       |   and optionally uses files 10--15
 5.  mergeh.sty      /

 6.  sample-hdefine.clo      \
 7.  sample-hlete.clo         |  example definition files; copy to user's tex
 8.  sample-hletf.clo         |  path without "sample-" and modify
 9.  sample-hletg.clo        /

10.  Bruennhilde.eps  \
11.  Gccs.eps          |
12.  signat.eps        |  example logos and signature images,
13.  Bruennhilde.jpg   |  with the test files
14.  Gccs.jpg          |
15.  signat.jpg       /

16.  Hletter.pdf      the documentation

17.  Testmerge.dat     \
18.  Testheader.tex     |  test files to produce letters,
19.  Testletter1.tex    |  headings and a merge letter. The .dat file is
20.  Testletter2.tex    |  the list of {addresses, openings} used by merge.
21.  Testletter3.tex    |
22.  Testmerge.tex     /

Files 6--15 (when suitably modified and renamed) should be place in a subdirectory
which is in the tex search path, e.g., localtexmf\tex\hletter.  Files 17--22 should
be placed in a working directory.