The package provides easy access to ancient greek names of days and months 
of various regions of Greece. In case the hostorical information about a 
region is not complete, we use the Athenian name of the month. Moreover 
commands and options are provided, in order to completely switch to the 
"ancient way", commands such as \today.

In the meanwhile (since 2001) I have found, through more history research, 
that the way \today should be structured must be a bit different. I will 
fix this in a later release.

The package prefers to be useful (say to Greek Gentiles) than to be 
historically accurate (for example a 13th month used in the ancient 
calendar is not implemented here as it would not be useful). However, 
even historians who are not gentiles may find interesting the information 
presented in the package.

Antonis Tsolomitis
License type: lppl