The gmiflink.sty LaTeX package is a work of Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski, <natror at o2 dot pl> 1. Copyright 2005, 2006 by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski This program is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the details of that license. 2. Introduction The gmiflink.sty package protects you against an error when a link is dangling and typesets some plain text instead of a hyperlink then. It is intended for use with the hyperref.sty package. I used it for typesetting the names of the objects in a documentation of a computer program. If the object had been defined a \hyperlink to its definition was made, otherwise a plain object's name was typeset. I also use this package in automatic making of hyperlinking indexes. It provides the macros \gmiflink, \gmifref and \gmhypertarget for conditional making of hyperlinks in your document. \gmhypertarget makes a \hypertarget and a \label of the given name. \gmiflink makes a \hyperlink to the given \hypertarget if the correspondent label exists, otherwise typesets an ordinary text. \gmifref makes a (hyper-)\ref to the given label if the label exists, otherwise it typesets an ordinary text. 3. Installation Just put the gmiflink.sty somewhere in the texmf/tex/latex branch. Creating a /texmf/tex/latex/gm directory may be advisable if you consider using other packages written by me. Then you should refresh your TeX distribution's files' database most probably. 4. Contents The distribution of this package consists of the following three files. gmiflink.sty README gmiflink.pdf 5. Documentation The last of the above files (the .pdf) is a documentation compiled from the .sty file by running LaTeX (twice) on the gmiflink.sty file: xelatex gmiflink.sty in the directory you wish the documentation to be in, you don't have copy the .sty file there---TeX will find it. Compiling of the documentation requires the packages: gmdoc (gmdoc.sty and gmdocc.cls), gmverb.sty, gmutils.sty and also some standard packages: hyperref.sty, xcolor.sty, geometry.sty, multicol.sty, lmodern.sty, fontenc.sty that should be installed on your computer by default. If you have not installed the mwart.cls class (available on CTAN in mwcls package), the result of your compilation may differ a bit from the .pdf provided in this .zip archive in formattings: If you have not installed mwart.cls, the standard article.cls will be used.