  title={\pn} Proposal Template,short=Template,barRM=6,bazRM=6]
We can state the state of the art and similar things before the summary in the boxes

  To develop a template file for {\pn} proposals

  We abstract an example from existing proposals

    {Requirements analysis}
    {{\pn} Specification }
    {First demonstrator ({\tt{article.cls}} really)}
    {First prototype}
    {Final Template, ready for release}
Furthermore, this work package contributes to {\pdataRef{deliv}{managementreport2}{label}} and

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% LocalWords:  wp-temple.tex workpackage fromto pn bazRM wpheadertable wpdelivs
% LocalWords:  wpobjectives wpdescription wpdeliv req dissem tt article.cls
% LocalWords:  pdataRef deliv systemsintReport