Changes made in the caption package bundle ========================================== Please note that this document does not reflect bugfix-releases (which are marked with a letter after the version number, for example v3.4m), and that the dates given are the dates of the release w/o bugfixes. If you are interested in a complete changelog -- including bugfixes -- process the dtx files with \RecordChanges and \PrintChanges. caption package --------------- v1.0 (1994/10/27) - 1st published version v1.1 (1994/11/03) - New option `centerlast' v1.2 (1994/11/28) - Support of the `float' package added v1.3 (1995/01/09) - Support of \captionlabelfont in subcaptions added v1.4 (1995/01/30) - New option `nooneline' v2.0 (caption2, 1995/10/09) - New experimental version with many new commands and features - Support of the `longtable' package added v2.1 (caption2, 2002/02/26) - Adapted to version 2.1 of the subfigure package - New options for interaction with other packages (float,...) - New command \normalcaptionparams - New commands \captionof and \captionof* - New ifs \ifcaptionlabel and \ifignoreLTcapwidth - \realcaptionwidth renamed to \captionlinewidth v2.2 (caption2, 2007/04/06) - Internal change: Uses the caption3 kernel now v3.0 (2003/12/20) - Completely rewritten in cooperation with Frank Mittelbach and Steven Cochran v3.1 (2007/09/01) - Improved compatibility to supported document classes and packages, but decreased compatibility to non-supported document classes and packages - Support of the AMS & SMF document classes added - Support of the `beamer' document class added - Support of the `KOMA-Script' document classes added - Support of the `floatflt' package added - Support of the `fltpage' package added - Support of the `picinpar' package added - Support of the `picins' package added - Support of the `threeparttable' package added - Support of the `wrapfig' package added - Support of the `xtab' package added - Check against incompatible `ftcap' package added - Check against incompatible `nonfloat' package added - Check against incompatible `topcapt' package added - Does not process global options anymore to avoid conflicts with document class options - New option compatibility= - New options font+=, labelfont+= & textfont+= - New options hypcap= & hypcapspace= - New options list= and listformat= - New option options= - New options figurewithin= and tablewithin= - Starred variant of option margin*= added - Starred variant of option style*= added - Starred variant of option type*= added - Font options `normal', `normalcolor', `color', `normalfont' & `stretch' added - Default position changed from `bottom' to `auto' - New command \DeclareFloatingEnvironment resp. \DeclareCaptionType - New command \DeclareCaptionListFormat - New command \captionlistentry - Starred variant of \clearcaptionsetup added - Optional argument added to \clearcaptionsetup - Starred variant of \ContinuedFloat added - \captionsetup{...} inside longtables added - \captionsetup[singleline]{...} added - A \label before \caption will result in warning "\label before \caption ignored" - The counters lofdepth & lotdepth are supported now - Label formats have three arguments now - Optional argument added to \DeclareCaptionFormat; "format=plain" removed from single-line options of default format - Caption label format `brace' added v3.2 (2011/07/30) - Support of `beamer' document class improved - Support of `magyar' babel option added - Support of `sansmath' package added - Support of `titletoc' package added to \DeclareCaptionType & \DeclareCaptionSubType - Support of `tocbasic' package added to \DeclareCaptionType - New options calcmargin=, calcmargin*=, calcwidth=, and calcwidth*= - New option listtype= added - New option parboxrestore=partial/full - New options within= & without - Option slc= as abbreviation of singlelinecheck= added - Pre-defined text format `empty' added - New command \captionbox - New command \phantomcaption - New command \setcaptiontype as replacement for \captionsetup{type=...} - New command \setcaptionsubtype as replacement for \captionsetup{subtype} - "Hyperref support is turned off because hyperref has stopped early" is not a warning anymore but an information instead v3.3 (2013/01/06) - Revised handling of continued floats and sub-captions - New option box= and appropriate command \DeclareCaptionBox - New option list-entry= (see also endfloat package documentation) - Support of multiple optional arguments added to \captionsetup (see bicaption package documentation) - Adapted to the elsarticle document class - Adapted to the current version of memhfixc package, provided by the memoir document class - Fixed compatibility problem with breqn and nag packages - Corrects incorrect load order hyperref-float now (needs hyperref v6.82q or newer) - New switch \ifsinglelinecaption for usage inside own commands added v3.4 (2019/09/11) - Label format `autodot' added (for usage within documents using KOMA-Script document class) - Label format `unnumbered' added - \ContinuedFloat renamed to \continuedfloat (since this is not a preamble command) - \caption will always be re-defined now, unless `compatibility' is set to `true' (or an incompatible package is loaded) v3.5 (2020/08/30) - If a document class defines \caption@documentclass, an adaption to the caption package will be loaded as caption-<documentclass>.sto - New commands \SetCaptionDefault, \AtCaptionPackage, and \AfterCaptionPackage for usage in document classes or document class adaptions - Document class support re-written (using the new commands above) - New commands \caption@switchdefault and \caption@restoredefault for usage in babel language packages - Babel language support re-written (using the new commands above); furthermore it's independent on the load order now - Support for the babel language option `latvian' added - New command \DeclareCaptionSinglelinecheck - New commands \ForEachCaptionType and \ForEachCaptionSubType - Options "figure*" resp. "table*" will be applied additionally in "figure*" resp. "table*" environments (twocolumn mode only) - Option and font option "hypersetup" added which expands to \hypersetup (if defined) resp. nothing (otherwise) v3.6 (2022/02/20) - Fallback to versions "v1", "v3.0", "v3.1", "v3.2", "v3.3", "v3.4", and "v3.5" added - The caption-subcaption counter handling is now independent on the "position=" setting - Option "compatibility=true" dropped in favor of "\usepackage{caption}[=v1]" - Option "parboxrestore=partial/full" removed (was obsolete since v3.5) - \captionsetup{margin={...,}} sets only the left margin, \captionsetup{margin={,...}} only the right one - The font option "stretch" does not require the setspace package anymore - New command \nextfloat to influence the (new) counter handling - New command \DeclareCaptionPosition to declare custom postion settings - New command \AtCaptionSingleLineCheck to add re-definitions to the single-line-check - New command \captiontext to typeset a caption without counter increment and without list entry - Optional argument added to \setcaptiontype (which specifies options to be applied additionally) - New environments `captiongroup' and `captionblock' - Adapted to the `tablefootnote' package bicaption package ----------------- v0.9 (2010/09/19) - 1st published version (see also v1.0 (2011/09/03) - Support for list entries added v1.1 (2012/12/26) - \captionmainlanguage and \selectcaptionlanguage added v1.2 (2016/03/27) - \DeclareLangDependantCaptionOption added v1.3 (2020/10/25) - Option "bi-separator" and command \DeclareBiCaptionSeparator added v1.4 (2020/12/25) - Support of all available caption fallback versions since "v3.2" added v1.5 (2021/01/04) - Support of the listings package added v1.6 (2023/02/19) - Command \bicaptionsetup added ltcaption package ----------------- v1.0 (2007/04/15) - 1st version v1.1 (2007/09/01) - Adapted to the NTG document classes (Support of \CaptionLabelFont & \CaptionTextFont added) - Adapted to the `floatrow' package by Olga Lapko - New macro \LTcaptype - New environment longtable* v1.2 (2008/03/28) - New skip \LTcapskip v1.3 (2011/09/12) - New macro \CaptionLabelSeparator v1.4 (2013/06/01) - Adapted to the memoir document class (v3.7b) subcaption package ------------------ v1.0 (2008/03/16) - 1st published version v1.1 (2011/08/17) - New caption option subrefformat= - New command \phantomsubcaption v1.2 (2018/05/13) - Values `B' and `T' for the optional argument <outer-pos> added to the environments `subfigure' and `subtable' v1.3 (2019/08/31) - New command \subfloat for easy transition from the `subfig' package v1.4 (2020/12/25) - Support of all available caption fallback versions since "v3.1" added v1.5 (2022/01/07) - New environments subcaptiongroup and subcaptionblock - New command \subcaptionlistentry to make an entry into the list of figures resp. tables - New command \subcaptiontext to typeset a sub-caption without counter increment and list entry - Default value of the optional argument <outer-pos> changed from `c' to either `b' or `t' v1.6 (2023/02/19) - New command \subcaptionsetup to set options specifically for sub-captions - Counter ownership revised