% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2000-2025 by Scott Pakin <scott+bf@pakin.org> % ----------------------------------------------------------- % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3a % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in: % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2006/05/20 or later. % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{bytefield.dtx} %</driver> %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] %<package>\ProvidesPackage{bytefield} %<*package> [2025/01/25 v2.9 Network protocol diagrams] %</package> % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{bytefield} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{rotating} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{calc} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{needspace} \usepackage{hypdoc} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage[figure]{hypcap} \usepackage{hyperxmp} \hypersetup{% pdftitle={The bytefield package}, pdfauthor={Scott Pakin}, pdfsubject={Protocol diagrams for LaTeX}, pdfkeywords={bits, bytes, bit fields, communication, network protocol diagrams, LaTeX2e, memory maps}, pdfcopyright={Copyright (C) 2000-2025, Scott Pakin}, pdflicenseurl={http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/}, pdfcaptionwriter={Scott Pakin}, pdfcontactemail={scott+bf@pakin.org}, pdfcontacturl={http://www.pakin.org/\xmptilde scott/}, pdflang={en-US}, baseurl={http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/bytefield/bytefield.pdf}, pdfstartview=Fit, colorlinks=false, bookmarksopen=true} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} \begin{document} \DocInput{bytefield.dtx} \PrintChanges \PrintIndex \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % \CheckSum{1205} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \changes{v1.0}{2000/07/02}{Initial version} % \changes{v1.1}{2002/09/14}{Restructured the \texttt{.dtx} file} % \changes{v1.4}{2011/01/09}{Made assignments to \cs{counting@words} % global to prevent vertical-spacing problems with back-to-back word % groups (bug fix due to Steven R. King)} % \changes{v1.4}{2011/01/16}{Split \cs{curlyspace}, \cs{labelspace}, and % \cs{curlyshrinkage} into \texttt{left} and \texttt{right} versions} % \changes{v2.0}{2011/01/18}{Made a number of non-backwards-compatible % changes, including replacing \cs{wordgroupr} and \cs{endwordgroupr} % with a \texttt{rightwordgroup} environment and \cs{wordgroupl} and % \cs{endwordgroupl} with a \texttt{leftwordgroup} environment and % also replacing a slew of user-visible lengths and macros with a % single \cs{bytefieldsetup} macro} % \changes{v2.5}{2020/10/20}{Redefine the \protect\cs{bitbox}, % \protect\cs{wordbox}, and \protect\cs{bitboxes} commands additionally % to accept key/value options} % \changes{v2.5}{2020/10/20}{Accept a new \protect\optname{bgcolor} % option to set a bit's background color} % \changes{v2.5}{2020/10/22}{Accept a new \protect\optname{perword} % option to execute a macro for each word in a word box. This addresses % a feature request by Victor Toni} % \changes{v2.6}{2020/10/29}{Accept new \protect\optname{curlystyle}, % \protect\optname{leftcurlystyle}, and % \protect\optname{rightcurlystyle} options to control the styling % (e.g.,~color) of curly braces. This addresses a feature request by % Victor Toni} % \changes{v2.8}{2023/09/24}{Corrected the documentation. Thanks to {\"O}mer % Faruk Birg{\"u}l for pointing out an error in one of the examples} % % \GetFileInfo{bytefield.dtx} % % \DoNotIndex{\&,\@ifstar,\@ifundefined,\@tempcnta,\@tempdima} % \DoNotIndex{\DeclareRobustCommand,\MessageBreak,\\,\addtocounter,\advance} % \DoNotIndex{\begin,\begingroup,\bgroup,\catcode,\ch@ck,\count,\cr,\csname} % \DoNotIndex{\def,\dimen,\dimendef,\edef,\egroup,\else,\end,\endcsname} % \DoNotIndex{\endgroup,\expandafter,\fi,\gdef,\global,\hspace,\if,\ifnum} % \DoNotIndex{\ifx,\ignorespaces,\insc@unt,\left,\let,\loop,\newbox} % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newcounter,\newenvironment,\newif,\newlength} % \DoNotIndex{\newsavebox,\next,\noexpand,\par,\protect,\raisebox,\ratio} % \DoNotIndex{\real,\relax,\renewcommand,\renewenvironment,\repeat,\right} % \DoNotIndex{\sbox,\setcounter,\setlength,\settowidth,\space,\string} % \DoNotIndex{\strip@pt,\the,\unskip,\usebox,\usepackage,\value,\vbox} % \DoNotIndex{\vspace,\wlog,\xdef,\{,\},\\} % % % \title{The \textsf{bytefield} package\thanks{This document % corresponds to \textsf{bytefield}~\fileversion, dated \filedate.}} % \author{Scott Pakin \\ \textit{scott+bf@pakin.org}} % % \sloppy % \maketitle % % ^^A Define an environment for command/environment delcarations. % \newsavebox{\declbox} % \newenvironment{decl}{^^A % \begin{lrbox}{\declbox}\begin{tabular}{l}}{^^A % \end{tabular}\end{lrbox}^^A % \vspace{3ex}\noindent\hspace*{-3em}\fbox{\usebox{\declbox}}\vspace*{2ex}} % % ^^A Define an ellipsis that permits a subsequent line break. % \newcommand{\ellipsis}{$\ldots$\linebreak[0]} % % ^^A Define an environment for showing sample bytefield diagrams. % \newenvironment{bffigure}{% % \bigskip % \noindent\hspace*{3em}% % }{% % \bigskip % } % % ^^A Define something like \cs to use within \StopEventually. % \DeclareRobustCommand{\cseq}[1]{\texttt{\string#1}} % % ^^A Index a package. This code was adapted from \SpecialEnvIndex. % \makeatletter % \def\SpecialPkgIndex#1{^^A % \@bsphack % \index{#1\actualchar{\protect\sffamily#1} (package)\encapchar usage}^^A % \index{packages:\levelchar#1\actualchar{\protect\sffamily#1}^^A % \encapchar usage}^^A % \@esphack % } % % ^^A The following was adapted from hypdoc's redefinition of \SpecialEnvIndex. % \expandafter\ifx\csname c@HD@hypercount\endcsname\relax % \else % \let\HDorg@SpecialPkgIndex\SpecialPkgIndex % \renewcommand*\SpecialPkgIndex[1]{^^A % \@bsphack % \begingroup % \HD@target % \let\HDorg@encapchar\encapchar % \edef\encapchar usage{^^A % \HDorg@encapchar hdpindex{usage}^^A % }^^A % \HDorg@SpecialPkgIndex{#1}^^A % \endgroup % \@esphack % } % \fi % \makeatother % % ^^A Define a logical style for package names. % \DeclareRobustCommand{\pkgname}[1]{^^A % \textsf{#1}^^A % \SpecialPkgIndex{#1}^^A % } % % % ^^A Index an option. This code was adapted from \SpecialEnvIndex. % \makeatletter % \def\SpecialOptionIndex#1{^^A % \@bsphack % \index{#1\actualchar{\protect\sffamily#1} (option)\encapchar usage}^^A % \index{options:\levelchar#1\actualchar{\protect\sffamily#1}^^A % \encapchar usage}^^A % \@esphack % } % % ^^A The following was adapted from hypdoc's redefinition of \SpecialEnvIndex. % \expandafter\ifx\csname c@HD@hypercount\endcsname\relax % \else % \let\HDorg@SpecialOptionIndex\SpecialOptionIndex % \renewcommand*\SpecialOptionIndex[1]{^^A % \@bsphack % \begingroup % \HD@target % \let\HDorg@encapchar\encapchar % \edef\encapchar usage{^^A % \HDorg@encapchar hdpindex{usage}^^A % }^^A % \HDorg@SpecialOptionIndex{#1}^^A % \endgroup % \@esphack % } % \fi % \makeatother % % ^^A Define a logical style for package-option names. % \DeclareRobustCommand{\optname}[1]{^^A % \texttt{#1}^^A % \SpecialOptionIndex{#1}^^A % } % % ^^A We use this box to help center protocol diagrams. % \newsavebox{\protocoldiagram} % % % \begin{abstract} % The \pkgname{bytefield} package helps the user create illustrations for % network protocol specifications and anything else that utilizes fields of % data. These illustrations show how the bits and bytes are laid out in a % packet or in memory. % \end{abstract} % % % \vspace{\baselineskip} % \begin{center} % \fbox{% % \begin{minipage}{0.65\linewidth} % \textsc{Warning}: \pkgname{bytefield} version~2.\textit{x} breaks % compatibility with older versions of the package. See % Section~\ref{sec:upgrading} for help porting documents to the new % interface. % \end{minipage}% % } % \end{center} % \vspace{\baselineskip} % % % \section{Introduction} % % Network protocols are usually specified in terms of a sequence of bits % and bytes arranged in a field. This is portrayed graphically as a % grid of boxes. Each row in the grid represents one word (frequently, % 8, 16, or 32~bits), and each column represents a bit within a word. % The \pkgname{bytefield} package makes it easy to typeset these sorts % of figures. \pkgname{bytefield} facilitates drawing protocol diagrams % that contain % % \begin{itemize} % \item words of any arbitrary number of bits, % \item column headers showing bit positions, % \item multiword fields---even non-word-aligned and even if the total % number of bits is not a multiple of the word length, % \item word labels on either the left or right of the figure, and % \item ``skipped words'' within fields. % \end{itemize} % % Because \pkgname{bytefield} draws its figures using only the \LaTeX{} % \texttt{picture} environment, these figures are not specific to any % particular backend, do not require PostScript or PDF support, and do % not need support from external programs. Furthermore, unlike an % imported graphic, \pkgname{bytefield} pictures can include arbitrary % \LaTeX{} constructs, such as mathematical equations, |\ref|s and % |\cite|s to the surrounding document, and macro calls. % % % \section{Usage} % \label{sec:usage} % % \subsection{A first example} % \label{sec:first-example} % % The Internet Engineering Task Force's Request for Comments (RFC) % number~3016 includes the following ASCII-graphics illustration of % the RTP packetization of an \mbox{MPEG-4} Visual bitstream: % % \begin{verbatim} % 0 1 2 3 % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 % +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ % |V=2|P|X| CC |M| PT | sequence number | RTP % +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ % | timestamp | Header % +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ % | synchronization source (SSRC) identifier | % +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ % | contributing source (CSRC) identifiers | % | .... | % +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ % | | RTP % | MPEG-4 Visual stream (byte aligned) | Pay- % | | load % | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ % | :...OPTIONAL RTP padding | % +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ % \end{verbatim} % % \noindent % The following \LaTeX\ code shows how straightforward it is to typeset % that illustration using the \pkgname{bytefield} package: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[bitwidth=1.1em]{32} % \bitheader{0-31} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{RTP \\ Header} % \bitbox{2}{V=2} & \bitbox{1}{P} & \bitbox{1}{X} % & \bitbox{4}{CC} & \bitbox{1}{M} & \bitbox{7}{PT} % & \bitbox{16}{sequence number} \\ % \bitbox{32}{timestamp} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \bitbox{32}{synchronization source (SSRC) identifier} \\ % \wordbox[tlr]{1}{contributing source (CSRC) identifiers} \\ % \wordbox[blr]{1}{$\cdots$} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{RTP \\ Payload} % \wordbox[tlr]{3}{MPEG-4 Visual stream (byte aligned)} \\ % \bitbox[blr]{16}{} % & \bitbox{16}{\dots\emph{optional} RTP padding} % \end{rightwordgroup} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % Figure~\ref{fig:rtp-mpeg4} presents the typeset output of the % preceding code. Sections~\ref{sec:basic-cmds} and~\ref{sec:options} % explain each of the environments, macros, and arguments that were % utilized plus many additional features of the \pkgname{bytefield} % package. % % \begin{figure}[hbp] % \centering % \begin{lrbox}{\protocoldiagram} % \begin{bytefield}[bitwidth=1.1em]{32} % \bitheader{0-31} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{RTP \\ Header} % \bitbox{2}{V=2} & \bitbox{1}{P} & \bitbox{1}{X} % & \bitbox{4}{CC} & \bitbox{1}{M} & \bitbox{7}{PT} % & \bitbox{16}{sequence number} \\ % \bitbox{32}{timestamp} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \bitbox{32}{synchronization source (SSRC) identifier} \\ % \wordbox[tlr]{1}{contributing source (CSRC) identifiers} \\ % \wordbox[blr]{1}{$\cdots$} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{RTP \\ Payload} % \wordbox[tlr]{3}{MPEG-4 Visual stream (byte aligned)} \\ % \bitbox[blr]{16}{} % & \bitbox{16}{\dots\emph{optional} RTP padding} % \end{rightwordgroup} % \end{bytefield} % \end{lrbox} % \makebox[0pt][c]{\usebox{\protocoldiagram}} % \caption{Sample \pkgname{bytefield} output} % \label{fig:rtp-mpeg4} % \end{figure} % % % \subsection{Basic commands} % \label{sec:basic-cmds} % % This section explains how to use the \pkgname{bytefield} package. It % lists all of the exported macros and environments in approximately % decreasing order of usefulness. % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialEnvIndex{bytefield} % |\begin{bytefield}| \oarg{options} \marg{bit-width} \\ % \meta{fields} \\ % |\end{bytefield}| % \end{decl} % % The \pkgname{bytefield} package's top-level environment is called, not % surprisingly, ``|bytefield|''. It takes one mandatory argument, which % is the number of bits in each word, and one optional argument, which % is a comma-separated list of \meta{key}=\meta{value} pairs, described % in Section~\ref{sec:options}, for formatting the bit-field's layout. % One can think of a |bytefield| as being analogous to a |tabular|: % words are separated by~``|\\|'', and fields within a word are % separated by~``|&|''. As in a |tabular|, ``|\\|'' accepts a % \meta{length} as an optional argument, and this specifies the amount % of additional vertical whitespace to include after the current word is % typeset. % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\bitbox} % |\bitbox| \oarg{sides} \marg{width} \oarg{options} \marg{text} \\ % \SpecialUsageIndex{\wordbox} % |\wordbox| \oarg{sides} \marg{height} \oarg{options} \marg{text} % \end{decl} % % The two main commands one uses within a \pkgname{bytefield} % environment are |\bitbox| and |\wordbox|. The former typesets a field % that is one or more bits wide and a single word tall. The latter % typesets a field that is an entire word wide and one or more words % tall. % % The first, optional, argument, \meta{sides}, is a list of letters % specifying which sides of the field box to draw---[|l|]eft, [|r|]ight, % [|t|]op, and/or [|b|]ottom. The default is ``|lrtb|'' (i.e.,~all % sides are drawn). The second, required, argument is the width in bits % of a bit box or the height in words of a word box. The third argument % is an optional, comma-separated list of \meta{key}=\meta{value} pairs, % described in Section~\ref{sec:options}. The fourth, required, % argument is the text to typeset within the box. It is typeset % horizontally centered within a vertically centered |\parbox|. Hence, % words will wrap, and ``|\\|'' can be used to break lines manually. % % The following example shows how to produce a simple 16-bit-wide field: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \wordbox{1}{A 16-bit field} \\ % \bitbox{8}{8 bits} & \bitbox{8}{8 more bits} \\ % \wordbox{2}{A 32-bit field. Note that text wraps within the box.} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % The resulting bit field looks like this: % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \wordbox{1}{A 16-bit field} \\ % \bitbox{8}{8 bits} & \bitbox{8}{8 more bits} \\ % \wordbox{2}{A 32-bit field. Note that text wraps within the box.} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the total number of % bits in each row adds up to the number of bits in a single word (the % mandatory argument to the |bytefield| environment); % \pkgname{bytefield} does not currently check for under- or overruns. % % Here's an example of using the \optname{bgcolor} option to fill each % box with a different color: % % \begin{verbatim} % \definecolor{lightcyan}{rgb}{0.84,1,1} % \definecolor{lightgreen}{rgb}{0.64,1,0.71} % \definecolor{lightred}{rgb}{1,0.7,0.71} % \begin{bytefield}[bitheight=\widthof{~Sign~}, % boxformatting={\centering\small}]{32} % \bitheader[endianness=big]{31,23,0} \\ % \bitbox{1}[bgcolor=lightcyan]{\rotatebox{90}{Sign}} & % \bitbox{8}[bgcolor=lightgreen]{Exponent} & % \bitbox{23}[bgcolor=lightred]{Mantissa} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \definecolor{lightcyan}{rgb}{0.84,1,1} % \definecolor{lightgreen}{rgb}{0.64,1,0.71} % \definecolor{lightred}{rgb}{1,0.7,0.71} % \begin{bytefield}[bitheight=\widthof{~Sign~}, % boxformatting={\centering\small}]{32} % \bitheader[endianness=big]{31,23,0} \\ % \bitbox{1}[bgcolor=lightcyan]{\rotatebox{90}{Sign}} & % \bitbox{8}[bgcolor=lightgreen]{Exponent} & % \bitbox{23}[bgcolor=lightred]{Mantissa} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % Within a |\bitbox| or |\wordbox|, the \pkgname{bytefield} package % defines |\height|, |\depth|, |\totalheight|, and |\width| to the % corresponding dimensions of the box. Section~\ref{sec:tricks} gives an % example of how these lengths may be utilized. % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\bitboxes} % |\bitboxes| \oarg{sides} \marg{width} \oarg{options} \marg{tokens} \\ % |\bitboxes*| \oarg{sides} \marg{width} \oarg{options} \marg{tokens} \\ % \end{decl} % % The |\bitboxes| command provides a shortcut for typesetting a sequence % of fields of the same width. It takes essentially the same arguments % as |\bitbox| but interpets these differently. Instead of representing % a single piece of text to typeset within a field of width % \meta{width}, |\bitboxes|'s \meta{tokens} argument represents a list % of tokens (e.g,~individual characters), each of which is typeset % within a separate box of width \meta{width}. Consider, for example, % the following sequence of |\bitbox| commands: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{8} % \bitbox{1}{D} & \bitbox{1}{R} & \bitbox{1}{M} & \bitbox{1}{F} & % \bitbox{1}{S} & \bitbox{1}{L} & \bitbox{1}{T} & \bitbox{1}{D} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{8} % \bitbox{1}{D} & \bitbox{1}{R} & \bitbox{1}{M} & \bitbox{1}{F} & % \bitbox{1}{S} & \bitbox{1}{L} & \bitbox{1}{T} & \bitbox{1}{D} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \noindent % With |\bitboxes| this can be abbreviated to % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{8} % \bitboxes{1}{DRMFSLTD} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % Spaces are ignored within |\bitboxes|'s \meta{text} argument, and % curly braces can be used to group multiple characters into a single % token: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{24} % \bitboxes{3}{{DO} {RE} {MI} {FA} {SOL} {LA} {TI} {DO}} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{24} % \bitboxes{3}{{DO} {RE} {MI} {FA} {SOL} {LA} {TI} {DO}} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % The starred form of |\bitboxes| is identical except that it suppresses % all internal vertical lines. It can therefore be quite convenient for % typesetting binary constants: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitboxes*{1}{01000010} & \bitbox{4}{src\strut} & % \bitbox{4}{dest\strut} & \bitbox{4}{const\strut} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitboxes*{1}{01000010} & \bitbox{4}{src\strut} & % \bitbox{4}{dest\strut} & \bitbox{4}{const\strut} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\bitheader} % |\bitheader| \oarg{options} \marg{bit-positions} % \end{decl} % % To make the bit field more readable, it helps to label bit positions % across the top. The |\bitheader| command provides a flexible way to % do that. The optional argument is a comma-separated list of % \meta{key}=\meta{value} pairs from the set described in % Section~\ref{sec:options}. In practice, the only parameters that are % meaningful in the context of |\bitheader| are |bitformatting|, % |endianness|, and |lsb|. See Section~\ref{sec:options} for % descriptions and examples of those parameters. % % |\bitheader|'s mandatory argument, \meta{bit-positions}, is a % comma-separated list of bit positions to label. For example, % ``|0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14|'' means to label those bit positions. The % numbers must be listed in increasing order. (Use the % \optname{endianness} parameter to display the header in reverse % order.) Hyphen-separated ranges are also valid. For example, % ``|0-15|'' means to label all bits from~0 to~15, inclusive. Ranges % and single numbers can even be intermixed, as in ``|0-3,8,12-15|''. % % The following example shows how |\bitheader| may be used: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{32} % \bitheader{0-31} \\ % \bitbox{4}{Four} & \bitbox{8}{Eight} & % \bitbox{16}{Sixteen} & \bitbox{4}{Four} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % The resulting bit field looks like this: % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{32} % \bitheader{0-31} \\ % \bitbox{4}{Four} & \bitbox{8}{Eight} & % \bitbox{16}{Sixteen} & \bitbox{4}{Four} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialEnvIndex{rightwordgroup} % |\begin{rightwordgroup}| \oarg{options} \marg{text} \\ % \meta{rows of bit boxes and word boxes} \\ % |\end{rightwordgroup}| \\ % \\ % \SpecialEnvIndex{leftwordgroup} % |\begin{leftwordgroup}| \oarg{options} \marg{text} \\ % \meta{rows of bit boxes and word boxes} \\ % |\end{leftwordgroup}| % \end{decl} % % When a set of words functions as a single, logical unit, it helps to % group these words together visually. All words defined between % |\begin{rightwordgroup}| and |\end{rightwordgroup}| will be labeled on % the right with \meta{text}. Similarly, all words defined between % |\begin{leftwordgroup}| and |\end{leftwordgroup}| will be labeled on % the left with \meta{text}. |\begin{|\meta{side}|wordgroup}| must lie % at the beginning of a row (i.e.,~right after a ``|\\|''), and % |\end{|\meta{side}|wordgroup}| must lie right \emph{before} the end of % the row (i.e.,~right before a ``|\\|''). % % The optional argument is a comma-separated list of % \meta{key}=\meta{value} pairs from the set described in % Section~\ref{sec:options}. In practice, only \optname{curlystyle}, % \optname{leftcurlystyle}, and \optname{rightcurlystyle}, make sense % within the context of a |\begin{|\meta{side}|wordgroup}|. % % Unlike other \LaTeX\ environments, |rightwordgroup| and % |leftwordgroup| do not have to nest properly with each other. % However, they cannot overlap themselves. In other words, % |\begin{rightwordgroup}|\ellipsis |\begin{leftwordgroup}|\ellipsis % |\end{rightwordgroup}|\ellipsis |\end{leftwordgroup}| is a valid % sequence, but |\begin{rightwordgroup}|\ellipsis % |\begin{rightwordgroup}|\ellipsis |\end{rightwordgroup}|\ellipsis % |\end{rightwordgroup}| is not. % % The following example presents the basic usage of % |\begin{rightwordgroup}| and |\end{rightwordgroup}|: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitheader{0,7,8,15} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Header} % \bitbox{4}{Tag} & \bitbox{12}{Mask} \\ % \bitbox{8}{Source} & \bitbox{8}{Destination} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \wordbox{3}{Data} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \noindent % Note the juxtaposition of ``|\\|'' to the |\begin{rightwordgroup}| and % the |\end{rightwordgroup}| in the above. The resulting bit field % looks like this: % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitheader{0,7,8,15} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Header} % \bitbox{4}{Tag} & \bitbox{12}{Mask} \\ % \bitbox{8}{Source} & \bitbox{8}{Destination} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \wordbox{3}{Data} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \noindent % As a more complex example, the following nests left and right labels: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitheader{0,7,8,15} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Header} % \bitbox{4}{Tag} & \bitbox{12}{Mask} \\ % \begin{leftwordgroup}{Node IDs} % \bitbox{8}{Source} & \bitbox{8}{Destination} % \end{leftwordgroup} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \wordbox{3}{Data} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitheader{0,7,8,15} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Header} % \bitbox{4}{Tag} & \bitbox{12}{Mask} \\ % \begin{leftwordgroup}{Node IDs} % \bitbox{8}{Source} & \bitbox{8}{Destination} % \end{leftwordgroup} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \wordbox{3}{Data} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \noindent % Because |rightwordgroup| and |leftwordgroup| are not required to nest % properly, the resulting bit field would look the same if the % |\end{leftwordgroup}| and |\end{rightwordgroup}| were swapped. Again, % note the justaposition of ``|\\|'' to the various word-grouping % commands in the above. % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\skippedwords} % |\skippedwords| % \end{decl} % % Draw a graphic representing a number of words that are not shown. % |\skippedwords| is intended to work with the \meta{sides} argument % to |\wordbox|, as in the following example: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \wordbox{1}{Some data} \\ % \wordbox[lrt]{1}{Lots of data} \\ % \skippedwords \\ % \wordbox[lrb]{1}{} \\ % \wordbox{2}{More data} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \wordbox{1}{Some data} \\ % \wordbox[lrt]{1}{Lots of data} \\ % \skippedwords \\ % \wordbox[lrb]{1}{} \\ % \wordbox{2}{More data} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\bytefieldsetup} % |\bytefieldsetup| \marg{options} % \end{decl} % % Alter the formatting of all subsequent bit fields. % Section~\ref{sec:options} describes the possible values for each % \meta{key}=\meta{value} pair in the comma-separated list that % |\bytefieldsetup| accepts as its argument. Note that changes made % with |\bytefieldsetup| are local to their current scope. Hence, if % used within an environment (e.g.,~|figure|), |\bytefieldsetup| does % not impact bit fields drawn outside that environment. % % % \subsection{Formatting options} % \label{sec:options} % % A document author can customize many of the \pkgname{bytefield} % package's figure-formatting parameters, either globally or on a % per-figure basis. The parameters described below can be specified in % six locations: % % \begin{itemize} % \item as package options (i.e.,~in the % |\usepackage|\oarg{options}|{bytefield}| line), which affects all % |bytefield| environments in the entire document, % % \item anywhere in the document using the |\bytefieldsetup| command, % which affects all subsequent |bytefield| environments in the % current scope, % % \item as the optional argument to a |\begin{bytefield}|, which % affects only that single bit-field figure, or % % \item as the optional argument to a |\bitheader|, which affects only % that particular header. (Only a few parameters are meaningful in % this context.) % % \item as the optional argument to a |\begin{leftwordgroup}| or % |\begin{rightwordgroup}|, which affects only that particular word % group. (Only a few parameters are meaningful in this context.) % % \item as the second optional argument to a \cs{bitbox}, \cs{wordbox}, % or \cs{bitboxes}, which affects only that particular box. (Only a % few parameters are meaningful in this context.) % \end{itemize} % % Unfortunately, \LaTeX\ tends to abort with a ``\texttt{TeX capacity % exceeded}'' or ``\texttt{Missing \cs{endcsname} inserted}'' error % when a control sequence (i.e.,~|\|\meta{name}) or |\|\meta{symbol}) is % encountered within the optional argument to |\usepackage|. Hence, % parameters that typically expect a control sequence in their % argument---in particular, \optname{bitformatting}, % \optname{boxformatting}, \optname{leftcurly}, and % \optname{rightcurly}---should best be avoided within the % |\usepackage|\oarg{options}|{bytefield}| line. % % \begin{decl} % \optname{bitwidth} = \meta{length} \\ % \optname{bitheight} = \meta{length} % \end{decl} % % The above parameters represent the width and height of each bit in a % bit field. The default value of \optname{bitwidth} is the width of % ``|{\tiny 99i}|'', i.e.,~the width of a two-digit number plus a small % amount of extra space. This enables |\bitheader| to show two-digit % numbers without overlap. The default value of \optname{bitheight} % is~|2ex|, which should allow a normal piece of text to appear within a % |\bitbox| or |\wordbox| without abutting the box's top or bottom edge. % % As a special case, if \optname{bitwidth} is set to the word % ``|auto|'', it will be set to the width of ``|99i|'' in the current % bit-number formatting (see \optname{bitformatting} below). This % feature provides a convenient way to adjust the bit width after a % formatting change. % % \begin{decl} % \optname{endianness} = |little| \emph{or} |big| % \end{decl} % % Specify either little-endian (left-to-right) or big-endian % (right-to-left) ordering of the bit numbers. The default is % little-endian numbering. Contrast the following two examples. The % first formats a bit field in little-endian ordering using an explicit % |endianness=little|, and the second formats the same bit field in % big-endian ordering using |endianness=big|. % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=little,bitwidth=0.11111\linewidth]{8} % \bitheader{0-7} \\ % \bitbox{1}{Res} & \bitbox{1}{BE} & \bitbox{1}{CF} % & \bitbox{3}{$\mbox{Name\_Len}-1$} & \bitbox{2}{Len\_Len} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=little,bitwidth=0.11111\linewidth]{8} % \bitheader{0-7} \\ % \bitbox{1}{Res} & \bitbox{1}{BE} & \bitbox{1}{CF} % & \bitbox{3}{$\mbox{Name\_Len}-1$} & \bitbox{2}{Len\_Len} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big,bitwidth=0.11111\linewidth]{8} % \bitheader{0-7} \\ % \bitbox{2}{Len\_Len} & \bitbox{3}{$\mbox{Name\_Len}-1$} % & \bitbox{1}{CF} & \bitbox{1}{BE} & \bitbox{1}{Res} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big,bitwidth=0.11111\linewidth]{8} % \bitheader{0-7} \\ % \bitbox{2}{Len\_Len} & \bitbox{3}{$\mbox{Name\_Len}-1$} % & \bitbox{1}{CF} & \bitbox{1}{BE} & \bitbox{1}{Res} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \begin{decl} % \optname{bitformatting} = \meta{command} \emph{or} \marg{commands} % \end{decl} % % The numbers that appear in a bit header are typeset in the % \optname{bitformatting} style, which defaults to |\tiny|. To alter % the style of bit numbers in the bit header, set % \optname{bitformatting} to a macro that takes a single argument (like % |\textbf|) or no arguments (like |\small|). Groups of commands % (e.g.,~|{\large\itshape}|) are also acceptable. % % When \optname{bitformatting} is set, \optname{bitwidth} usually needs % to be recalculated as well to ensure that a correct amount of spacing % surrounds each number in the bit header. As described above, setting % |bitwidth=auto| is a convenient shortcut for recalculating the % bit-width in the common case of bit fields containing no more than 99 % bits per line and no particularly wide labels in bit boxes that % contain only a few bits. % % The following example shows how to use \optname{bitformatting} and % \optname{bitwidth} to format a bit header with small, boldface text: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[bitformatting={\small\bfseries}, % bitwidth=auto, % endianness=big]{20} % \bitheader{0-19} \\ % \bitbox{1}{\tiny F/E} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T0} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T1} % & \bitbox{1}{\tiny Fwd} & \bitbox{16}{Data value} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \noindent % The resulting bit field looks like this: % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}[bitformatting={\small\bfseries}, % bitwidth=auto, % endianness=big]{20} % \bitheader{0-19} \\ % \bitbox{1}{\tiny F/E} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T0} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T1} % & \bitbox{1}{\tiny Fwd} & \bitbox{16}{Data value} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \begin{decl} % \optname{boxformatting} = \meta{command} \emph{or} \marg{commands} % \end{decl} % % The text that appears in a |\bitbox| or |\wordbox| is formatted in the % \optname{boxformatting} style, which defaults to |\centering|. To % alter the style of bit numbers in the bit header, set % \optname{boxformatting} to a macro that takes a single argument (like % |\textbf| but not |\textbf|---see below) or no arguments (like % |\small|). Groups of commands (e.g.,~|{\large\itshape}|) are also % acceptable. % % If \optname{boxformatting} is set to a macro that takes an argument, % the macro must be defined as a ``long'' macro, which means it can % accept more than one paragraph as an argument. Commands defined with % |\newcommand| are automatically made long, but commands defined with % |\newcommand*| are not. \LaTeX's |\text|\dots\ formatting commands % (e.g.,~|\textbf|) are not long and therefore cannot be used directly % in \optname{boxformatting}; use the zero-argument versions % (e.g.,~|\bfseries|) instead. % % The following example shows how to use \optname{boxformatting} to % format the text within each box horizontally centered and italicized: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[boxformatting={\centering\itshape}, % bitwidth=1.5em, % endianness=big]{20} % \bitheader{0-19} \\ % \bitbox{1}{\tiny F/E} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T0} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T1} % & \bitbox{1}{\tiny Fwd} & \bitbox{16}{Data value} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \noindent % The resulting bit field looks like this: % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}[boxformatting={\centering\itshape}, % bitwidth=1.5em, % endianness=big]{20} % \bitheader{0-19} \\ % \bitbox{1}{\tiny F/E} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T0} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T1} % & \bitbox{1}{\tiny Fwd} & \bitbox{16}{Data value} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \begin{decl} % \optname{bgcolor} = \meta{color} % \end{decl} % % Bit and word boxes are normally left unfilled. The \optname{bgcolor} % option fills them with a specified background color. A document will % need to include the \pkgname{color}, \pkgname{xcolor}, or similar % package to expose color names to \pkgname{bytefield}. The % \optname{boxformatting} option described above can be used to set the % foreground color. % % \begin{decl} % \optname{leftcurly} = \meta{delimiter} \\ % \optname{rightcurly} = \meta{delimiter} % \end{decl} % % Word groups are normally indicated by a curly brace spanning all of % its rows. However, the curly brace can be replaced by any other % extensible math delimiter (i.e.,~a symbol that can meaningfully follow % |\left| or |\right| in math mode) via a suitable redefinition of % \optname{leftcurly} or \optname{rightcurly}. As in math mode, ``|.|'' % means ``no symbol'', as in the following example (courtesy of % Steven~R. King): % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[rightcurly=., rightcurlyspace=0pt]{32} % \bitheader[endianness=big]{0,7,8,15,16,23,24,31} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{0Ch} % \bitbox{8}{Byte 15 \\ \tiny (highest address)} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 14} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 13} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 12} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{08h} % \bitbox{32}{Long 0} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{04h} % \bitbox{16}{Word 1} & \bitbox{16}{Word 0} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{00h} % \bitbox{8}{Byte 3} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 2} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 1} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 0 \\ \tiny (lowest address)} % \end{rightwordgroup} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}[rightcurly=., rightcurlyspace=0pt]{32} % \bitheader[endianness=big]{0,7,8,15,16,23,24,31} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{0Ch} % \bitbox{8}{Byte 15 \\ \tiny (highest address)} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 14} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 13} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 12} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{08h} % \bitbox{32}{Long 0} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{04h} % \bitbox{16}{Word 1} & \bitbox{16}{Word 0} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{00h} % \bitbox{8}{Byte 3} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 2} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 1} % & \bitbox{8}{Byte 0 \\ \tiny (lowest address)} % \end{rightwordgroup} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \begin{decl} % \optname{leftcurlyspace} = \meta{length} \\ % \optname{rightcurlyspace} = \meta{length} \\ % \optname{curlyspace} = \meta{length} % \end{decl} % % \optname{leftcurlyspace} and \optname{rightcurlyspace} specify the % space to insert between the bit field and the curly brace in a left or % right word group (default:~|1ex|). Setting \optname{curlyspace} is a % shortcut for setting both \optname{leftcurlyspace} and % \optname{rightcurlyspace} to the same value. % % \begin{decl} % |leftlabelspace| = \meta{length} \\ % |rightlabelspace| = \meta{length} \\ % |labelspace| = \meta{length} % \end{decl} % % |leftlabelspace| and |rightlabelspace| specify the space to insert % between the curly brace and the text label in a left or right word % group (default:~|0.5ex|). Setting |labelspace| is a shortcut for % setting both |leftlabelbrace| and |rightlabelspace| to the same value. % % \bigskip % % Figure~\ref{fig:rightspace} illustrates the juxtaposition of % \optname{rightcurlyspace} and |rightlabelspace| to a word group and % its label. The \optname{leftcurlyspace} and |leftlabelspace| % parameters are symmetric. % % \begin{figure}[htbp] % \[ % \begin{array}{*5{@{}c}@{}} % \cline{1-1} % \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\cdots\quad\meta{bit-field rows}} % & % & \left.\rule{0pt}{3ex}\right\} % & % & \meta{label} \\[2ex] \cline{1-1} % & \underbrace{\hspace*{6em}}_{\mathtt{rightcurlyspace}} % & % & \underbrace{\hspace*{6em}}_{\mathtt{rightlabelspace}} \\ % \end{array} % \] % \caption{Role of \texttt{rightcurlyspace} and \texttt{rightlabelspace}} % \label{fig:rightspace} % \end{figure} % % \begin{decl} % \optname{leftcurlyshrinkage} = \meta{length} \\ % \optname{rightcurlyshrinkage} = \meta{length} \\ % \optname{curlyshrinkage} = \meta{length} % \end{decl} % % In \TeX/\LaTeX, the height of a curly brace does not include the tips. % Hence, in a word group label, the tips of the curly brace will extend % beyond the height of the word group. % \optname{leftcurlyshrinkage}\slash \optname{rightcurlyshrinkage} is an % amount by which to reduce the height of the curly brace in a % left\slash right word group's label. Setting \optname{curlyshrinkage} % is a shortcut for setting both \optname{leftcurlyshrinkage} and % \optname{rightcurlyshrinkage} to the same value. Shrinkages default % to~|5pt|, and it is extremely unlikely that one would ever need to % change them. Nevertheless, these parameters are included here in case % a document is typeset with a math font containing radically different % curly braces from the ones that come with \TeX/\LaTeX\ or that % replaces the curly braces (using \optname{leftcurly}\slash % \optname{rightcurly}, described above) with symbols of substantially % different heights. % % \begin{decl} % \optname{leftcurlystyle} = \meta{command} \\ % \optname{rightcurlystyle} = \meta{command} \\ % \optname{curlystyle} = \meta{command} % \end{decl} % % Provide a macro that will be invoked before the code that draws left, % right, or both curly braces. The macro must accept either zero or one % argument. It can be used, for example, to color the curly brace: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[curlystyle=\color{blue}]{16} % \bitheader{0-15} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Sign-extended} % \bitbox{4}{Tag} & \bitbox{12}{Data} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}[curlystyle=\color{blue}]{16} % \bitheader{0-15} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Sign-extended} % \bitbox{4}{Tag} & \bitbox{12}{Data} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \noindent % or % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitheader{0-15} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}[curlystyle=\color{blue}]{Sign-extended} % \bitbox{4}{Tag} & \bitbox{12}{Data} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitheader{0-15} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}[curlystyle=\color{blue}]{Sign-extended} % \bitbox{4}{Tag} & \bitbox{12}{Data} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \begin{decl} % \optname{lsb} = \meta{integer} % \end{decl} % % Designate the least significant bit (LSB) in the bit header. By % default, the LSB is zero, which means that the first bit position in % the header corresponds to bit~0. Specifying a different LSB shifts % the bit header such that the first bit position instead corresponds to % \meta{integer}. Note that the \optname{lsb} option affects bit % \emph{positions} regardless of whether these positions are labeled, as % demonstrated by the following two examples: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{32} % \bitheader[lsb=0]{4,12,20,28} \\ % \bitbox{16}{ar\$hrd} & \bitbox{16}{ar\$pro} \\ % \bitbox{8}{ar\$hln} & \bitbox{8}{ar\$pln} & \bitbox{16}{ar\$op} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{32} % \bitheader[lsb=0]{4,12,20,28} \\ % \bitbox{16}{ar\$hrd} & \bitbox{16}{ar\$pro} \\ % \bitbox{8}{ar\$hln} & \bitbox{8}{ar\$pln} & \bitbox{16}{ar\$op} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{32} % \bitheader[lsb=4]{4,12,20,28} \\ % \bitbox{16}{ar\$hrd} & \bitbox{16}{ar\$pro} \\ % \bitbox{8}{ar\$hln} & \bitbox{8}{ar\$pln} & \bitbox{16}{ar\$op} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{32} % \bitheader[lsb=4]{4,12,20,28} \\ % \bitbox{16}{ar\$hrd} & \bitbox{16}{ar\$pro} \\ % \bitbox{8}{ar\$hln} & \bitbox{8}{ar\$pln} & \bitbox{16}{ar\$op} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \begin{decl} % \optname{perword} = \meta{command} % \end{decl} % % Provide a macro that will be invoked once for each word in a word box % after the regular content is rendered. The macro will be passed two % arguments: the word number (starting from~0) and the total number of % words in the word box. Furthermore, the macro will be invoked within % a one-word-wide box positioned at the base of the word. % \optname{perword} can therefore be used for delineating words within a % word box, numbering words, or performing other such annotations. As a % simple example, the following code draws a gray line at the bottom of % each word in the ``Descriptive text'' word box: % % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\wordline}[2]{\color[rgb]{0.7,0.7,0.7}\hrulefill} % \begin{bytefield}[bitwidth=4em]{8} % \bitheader[lsb=1,bitformatting=\small]{1-8} \\ % \wordbox[lrt]{7}[perword=\wordline]{Descriptive text (60 bytes)} \\ % \bitbox[lrb]{4}{} & \bitbox{4}{subsys data offset} \\ % \bitbox{4}{subsys data offset} & \bitbox{2}{version} & % \bitbox{2}{endian indicator} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \newcommand{\wordline}[2]{\color[rgb]{0.7,0.7,0.7}\hrulefill} % \begin{bytefield}[bitwidth=4em]{8} % \bitheader[lsb=1,bitformatting=\small]{1-8} \\ % \wordbox[lrt]{7}[perword=\wordline]{Descriptive text (60 bytes)} \\ % \bitbox[lrb]{4}{} & \bitbox{4}{subsys data offset} \\ % \bitbox{4}{subsys data offset} & \bitbox{2}{version} & % \bitbox{2}{endian indicator} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % % \subsection{Common tricks} % \label{sec:tricks} % % This section shows some clever ways to use \pkgname{bytefield}'s commands % to produce some useful effects. % % \paragraph{Odd-sized fields} % To produce a field that is, say, 1\textonehalf{} words long, use a % |\bitbox| for the fractional part and specify appropriate values % for the various \meta{sides} parameters. For instance: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitheader{0,7,8,15} \\ % \bitbox{8}{8-bit field} & \bitbox[lrt]{8}{} \\ % \wordbox[lrb]{1}{24-bit field} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitheader{0,7,8,15} \\ % \bitbox{8}{8-bit field} & \bitbox[lrt]{8}{} \\ % \wordbox[lrb]{1}{24-bit field} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \paragraph{Ellipses} % To skip words that appear the middle of enumerated data, put some % |\vdots| in a |\wordbox| with empty \meta{sides}: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitbox{8}{Type} & \bitbox{8}{\# of nodes} \\ % \wordbox{1}{Node~1} \\ % \wordbox{1}{Node~2} \\ % \wordbox[]{1}{$\vdots$} \\[1ex] % \wordbox{1}{Node~$N$} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \bitbox{8}{Type} & \bitbox{8}{\# of nodes} \\ % \wordbox{1}{Node~1} \\ % \wordbox{1}{Node~2} \\ % \wordbox[]{1}{$\vdots$} \\[1ex] % \wordbox{1}{Node~$N$} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \noindent % The extra |1ex| of vertical space helps vertically center the |\vdots| % a bit better. % % \paragraph{Narrow fields} % There are a number of options for labeling a narrow field (e.g.,~one % occupying a single bit): % % \newsavebox{\defaultOK} % \begin{lrbox}{\defaultOK} % \begin{bytefield}{8} % \bitbox{1}{OK} & \bitbox{7}{Data} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{lrbox} % % \newsavebox{\bitwidthOK} % \begin{lrbox}{\bitwidthOK} % \bytefieldsetup{bitwidth=\widthof{OK~}}\relax % \begin{bytefield}{8} % \bitbox{1}{OK} & \bitbox{7}{Data} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{lrbox} % % \newsavebox{\tinyOK} % \begin{lrbox}{\tinyOK} % \begin{bytefield}{8} % \bitbox{1}{\tiny OK} & \bitbox{7}{Data} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{lrbox} % % \newsavebox{\verticalOK} % \begin{lrbox}{\verticalOK} % \begin{bytefield}{8} % \bitbox{1}{\tiny O \\ K} & \bitbox{7}{Data} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{lrbox} % % \newsavebox{\rotateOK} % \begin{lrbox}{\rotateOK} % \begin{bytefield}{8} % \bitbox{1}{\rotatebox{90}{\small OK}} & \bitbox{7}{Data} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{lrbox} % % \newsavebox{\resizeOK} % \begin{lrbox}{\resizeOK} % \begin{bytefield}{8} % \bitbox{1}{\let\bw=\width\resizebox{\bw}{!}{~OK~}} & \bitbox{7}{Data} \\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{lrbox} % % \bigskip % % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \emph{Default}: & \raisebox{-4ex}{\usebox{\defaultOK}} \\ % |\bytefieldsetup{%| % & \multirow{2}*{\raisebox{-4ex}{\usebox{\bitwidthOK}}} \\ % | bitwidth=\widthof{OK~}}|: & \\[2ex] % |\tiny OK|: & \raisebox{-4ex}{\usebox{\tinyOK}} \\ % |\tiny O \\ K|: & \raisebox{-4ex}{\usebox{\verticalOK}} \\ % |\rotatebox{90}{\small OK}|: & \raisebox{-4ex}{\usebox{\rotateOK}} \\ % |\let\bw=\width| & \multirow{2}*{\raisebox{-4ex}{\usebox{\resizeOK}}} \\ % |\resizebox{\bw}{!}{~OK~}|: & \\[2ex] % \end{tabular} % % \paragraph{Multi-line bit fields} % Presentations of wide registers are often easier to read when split % across multiple lines. (This capability was originally requested by % Chris L'Esperance and is currently implemented in \pkgname{bytefield} % based on code provided by Renaud Pacalet.) The trick behind the % typesetting of multi-line bit fields is to pass the \optname{lsb} % option to |\bitheader| to change the starting bit number used in each % bit header: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big,bitwidth=2em]{16} % \bitheader[lsb=16]{16-31} \\ % \bitbox{1}{\tiny Enable} & \bitbox{7}{Reserved} % & \bitbox{8}{Bus} \\[3ex] % \bitheader{0-15} \\ % \bitbox{5}{Device} & \bitbox{3}{Function} & \bitbox{6}{Register} % & \bitbox{2}{00} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big,bitwidth=2em]{16} % \bitheader[lsb=16]{16-31} \\ % \bitbox{1}{\tiny Enable} & \bitbox{7}{Reserved} % & \bitbox{8}{Bus} \\[3ex] % \bitheader{0-15} \\ % \bitbox{5}{Device} & \bitbox{3}{Function} & \bitbox{6}{Register} % & \bitbox{2}{00} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % Note the use of the optional argument to |\\| to introduce three % \mbox{x-heights} of additional whitespace between the two rows of % bits. % % \paragraph{Rotated bit labels} % A problem with using very large bit numbers is that the labels run % into each other, as in the following example: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big]{8} % \bitheader[lsb=995]{995-1002} \\ % \bitbox{4}{A} & \bitbox{4}{B} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big]{8} % \bitheader[lsb=995]{995-1002} \\ % \bitbox{4}{A} & \bitbox{4}{B} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % One solution is to use the \optname{bitformatting} option and the % \pkgname{graphicx} package's |\rotatebox| command to rotate each bit % label by 90\textdegree. Unfortunately, the naive use of % \optname{bitformatting} and |\rotatebox| does not typeset nicely: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big]{8} % \bitheader[lsb=995, % bitformatting={\tiny\rotatebox[origin=B]{90}}]{995-1002} \\ % \bitbox{4}{A} & \bitbox{4}{B} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big]{8} % \bitheader[lsb=995, % bitformatting={\tiny\rotatebox[origin=B]{90}}]{995-1002} \\ % \bitbox{4}{A} & \bitbox{4}{B} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % The two problems are that (1)~the numbers are left-justified, and % (2)~the numbers touch the top margin of the word box. To address these % problems we use |\makebox| to construct a right-justified region that % is sufficiently wide to hold our largest number plus some additional % space to shift the rotated numbers upwards: % % \begin{verbatim} % \newlength{\bitlabelwidth} % \newcommand{\rotbitheader}[1]{% % \tiny % \settowidth{\bitlabelwidth}{\quad 9999}% % \rotatebox[origin=B]{90}{\makebox[\bitlabelwidth][r]{#1}}% % } % % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big]{8} % \bitheader[lsb=995,bitformatting=\rotbitheader]{995-1002} \\ % \bitbox{4}{A} & \bitbox{4}{B} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \newlength{\bitlabelwidth} % \newcommand{\rotbitheader}[1]{^^A % \tiny % \settowidth{\bitlabelwidth}{\quad 9999}% % \rotatebox[origin=B]{90}{\makebox[\bitlabelwidth][r]{#1}}^^A % } % % \begin{bytefield}[endianness=big]{8} % \bitheader[lsb=995,bitformatting=\rotbitheader]{995-1002} \\ % \bitbox{4}{A} & \bitbox{4}{B} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \paragraph{Unused bits} % The \optname{bgcolor} option can be used to represent unused bits by % specifying a background fill color---light gray looks nice---and empty % text: % % \begin{verbatim} % \definecolor{lightgray}{gray}{0.8} % \begin{bytefield}{32} % \bitheader{0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28} \\ % \bitbox{8}{Tag} & \bitbox{8}{Value} & % \bitbox{4}[bgcolor=lightgray]{} & % \bitbox{12}{Mask} \\ % \wordbox{1}{Key} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \definecolor{lightgray}{gray}{0.8} % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}{32} % \bitheader{0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28} \\ % \bitbox{8}{Tag} & \bitbox{8}{Value} & % \bitbox{4}[bgcolor=lightgray]{} & % \bitbox{12}{Mask} \\ % \wordbox{1}{Key} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \paragraph{Aligning text on the baseline} % Because \pkgname{bytefield} internally uses \LaTeX's |picture| % environment and that environment's |\makebox| command to draw bit % boxes and word boxes, the text within a box is centered vertically % with no attention paid to the text's baseline. As a result, some % bit-field labels appear somewhat askew: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[bitwidth=1.5em]{2} % \bitbox{1}{M} & \bitbox{1}{y} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \begin{bytefield}[bitwidth=1.5em]{2} % \bitbox{1}{M} & \bitbox{1}{y} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % A solution is to use the \optname{boxformatting} option to trick % |\makebox| into thinking that all text has the same height and depth. % Here we use |\raisebox| to indicate that all text is as tall as a % ``|W|'' and does not descend at all below the baseline: % % \begin{verbatim} % \newlength{\maxheight} % \setlength{\maxheight}{\heightof{W}} % % \newcommand{\baselinealign}[1]{% % \centering % \raisebox{0pt}[\maxheight][0pt]{#1}% % } % % \begin{bytefield}[boxformatting=\baselinealign, % bitwidth=1.5em]{2} % \bitbox{1}{M} & \bitbox{1}{y} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \newlength{\maxheight} % \setlength{\maxheight}{\heightof{W}} % \newcommand{\baselinealign}[1]{^^A % \centering % \raisebox{0pt}[\maxheight][0pt]{#1}^^A % } % \begin{bytefield}[boxformatting=\baselinealign, % bitwidth=1.5em]{2} % \bitbox{1}{M} & \bitbox{1}{y} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \paragraph{Register contents} % Sometimes, rather than listing the \emph{meaning} of each bit field % within each |\bitbox| or |\wordbox|, it may be desirable to list the % \emph{contents}, with the meaning described in an additional label % above each bit number in the bit header. Although the % \pkgname{register} package is more suited to this form of layout, % \pkgname{bytefield} can serve in a pinch with the help of the % |\turnbox| macro from the \pkgname{rotating} package: % % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\bitlabel}[2]{% % \bitbox[]{#1}{% % \raisebox{0pt}[4ex][0pt]{% % \turnbox{45}{\fontsize{7}{7}\selectfont#2}% % }% % }% % } % % \begin{bytefield}[bitwidth=1em]{16} % \bitlabel{1}{Carry} & \bitlabel{1}{Reserved} & % \bitlabel{1}{Parity} & \bitlabel{1}{Reserved} & % \bitlabel{1}{Adjust} & \bitlabel{1}{Reserved} & % \bitlabel{1}{Zero} & \bitlabel{1}{Sign} & % \bitlabel{1}{Trap} & \bitlabel{1}{Interrupt enable} & % \bitlabel{1}{Direction} & \bitlabel{1}{Overflow} & % \bitlabel{2}{I/O privilege level (12--13)} & % \bitlabel{1}{Nested task} & \bitlabel{1}{Reserved} \\ % \bitheader{0-15} \\ % \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{1} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & % \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{1} & % \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{1} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & % \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \vspace{3\baselineskip} ^^A Allow extra room for the rotated headers. % \begin{bffigure} % \newcommand{\bitlabel}[2]{% % \bitbox[]{#1}{% % \raisebox{0pt}[4ex][0pt]{% % \turnbox{45}{\fontsize{7}{7}\selectfont#2}% % }% % }% % } % \begin{bytefield}[bitwidth=1em]{16} % \bitlabel{1}{Carry} & \bitlabel{1}{Reserved} & % \bitlabel{1}{Parity} & \bitlabel{1}{Reserved} & % \bitlabel{1}{Adjust} & \bitlabel{1}{Reserved} & % \bitlabel{1}{Zero} & \bitlabel{1}{Sign} & % \bitlabel{1}{Trap} & \bitlabel{1}{Interrupt enable} & % \bitlabel{1}{Direction} & \bitlabel{1}{Overflow} & % \bitlabel{2}{I/O privilege level (12--13)} & % \bitlabel{1}{Nested task} & \bitlabel{1}{Reserved} \\ % \bitheader{0-15} \\ % \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{1} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & % \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{1} & % \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{1} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & % \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} & \bitbox{1}{0} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % % \subsection{Not-so-common tricks} % % \paragraph{Omitted bit numbers} % It is occasionally convenient to show a wide bit field in which the % middle numbers are replaced with an ellipsis. The trick to % typesetting such a thing with \pkgname{bytefield} is to point the % |bitformatting| option to a macro that conditionally modifies the % given bit number before outputting it. One catch is that % \pkgname{bytefield} measures the height of the string ``|1234567890|'' % using the current bit formatting, so that needs to be a valid input. % (If \optname{bitwidth} is set to ``|auto|'', then ``|99i|'' also has % to be a valid input, but we're not using ``|auto|'' here.) The % following example shows how to \emph{conditionally} modify the bit % number: If the number is |1234567890|, it is used as is; numbers % greater than~9 are increased by 48; numbers less than~4 are % unmodified; the number~6 is replaced by an ellipsis; and all other % numbers are discarded. % % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\fakesixtyfourbits}[1]{% % \tiny % \ifnum#1=1234567890 % #1 % \else % \ifnum#1>9 % \count32=#1 % \advance\count32 by 48 % \the\count32% % \else % \ifnum#1<4 % #1% % \else % \ifnum#1=6 % $\cdots$% % \fi % \fi % \fi % \fi % } % \begin{bytefield}[% % bitwidth=\widthof{\tiny Fwd~}, % bitformatting=\fakesixtyfourbits, % endianness=big]{16} % \bitheader{0-15} \\ % \bitbox{1}{\tiny F/E} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T0} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T1} % & \bitbox{1}{\tiny Fwd} & \bitbox{12}{Data value} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \newcommand{\fakesixtyfourbits}[1]{% % \tiny % \ifnum#1=1234567890 % #1 % \else % \ifnum#1>9 % \count32=#1 % \advance\count32 by 48 % \the\count32^^A % \else % \ifnum#1<4 % #1% % \else % \ifnum#1=6 % $\cdots$^^A % \fi % \fi % \fi % \fi % } % \begin{bytefield}[^^A % bitwidth=\widthof{\tiny Fwd~}, % bitformatting=\fakesixtyfourbits, % endianness=big]{16} % \bitheader{0-15} \\ % \bitbox{1}{\tiny F/E} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T0} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny T1} % & \bitbox{1}{\tiny Fwd} & \bitbox{12}{Data value} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \paragraph{Memory-map diagrams} % While certainly not the intended purpose of the \pkgname{bytefield} % package, one can utilize word boxes with empty \meta{sides} and % word labels to produce memory-map diagrams: % % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\descbox}[2]{\parbox[c][3.8\baselineskip]{0.95\width}{% % \raggedright #1\vfill #2}} % \begin{bytefield}[bitheight=4\baselineskip]{32} % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Partition 4} % \bitbox[]{8}{\texttt{0xFFFFFFFF} \\[2\baselineskip] % \texttt{0xC0000000}} & % \bitbox{24}{\descbox{1\,GB area for VxDs, memory manager, % file system code; shared by all processes.}{Read/writable.}} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Partition 3} % \bitbox[]{8}{\texttt{0xBFFFFFFF} \\[2\baselineskip] % \texttt{0x80000000}} & % \bitbox{24}{\descbox{1\,GB area for memory-mapped files, % shared system \textsc{dll}s, file system code; shared by all % processes.}{Read/writable.}} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Partition 2} % \bitbox[]{8}{\texttt{0x7FFFFFFF} \\[2\baselineskip] % \texttt{0x00400000}} & % \bitbox{24}{\descbox{$\sim$2\,GB area private to process, % process code, and data.}{Read/writable.}} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Partition 1} % \bitbox[]{8}{\texttt{0x003FFFFF} \\[2\baselineskip] % \texttt{0x00001000}} & % \bitbox{24}{\descbox{4\,MB area for MS-DOS and Windows~3.1 % compatibility.}{Read/writable.}} \\ % \bitbox[]{8}{\texttt{0x00000FFF} \\[2\baselineskip] % \texttt{0x00000000}} & % \bitbox{24}{\descbox{4096~byte area for MS-DOS and Windows~3.1 % compatibility.}{Protected---catches \textsc{null} % pointers.}} % \end{rightwordgroup} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \newcommand{\descbox}[2]{\parbox[c][3.8\baselineskip]{0.95\width}{% % \raggedright #1\vfill #2}} % \begin{bytefield}[bitheight=4\baselineskip]{32} % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Partition 4} % \bitbox[]{8}{\texttt{0xFFFFFFFF} \\[2\baselineskip] % \texttt{0xC0000000}} & % \bitbox{24}{\descbox{1\,GB area for VxDs, memory manager, % file system code; shared by all processes.}{Read/writable.}} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Partition 3} % \bitbox[]{8}{\texttt{0xBFFFFFFF} \\[2\baselineskip] % \texttt{0x80000000}} & % \bitbox{24}{\descbox{1\,GB area for memory-mapped files, % shared system \textsc{dll}s, file system code; shared by all % processes.}{Read/writable.}} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Partition 2} % \bitbox[]{8}{\texttt{0x7FFFFFFF} \\[2\baselineskip] % \texttt{0x00400000}} & % \bitbox{24}{\descbox{$\sim$2\,GB area private to process, process % code, and data.}{Read/writable.}} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{Partition 1} % \bitbox[]{8}{\texttt{0x003FFFFF} \\[2\baselineskip] % \texttt{0x00001000}} & % \bitbox{24}{\descbox{4\,MB area for MS-DOS and Windows~3.1 % compatibility.}{Read/writable.}} \\ % \bitbox[]{8}{\texttt{0x00000FFF} \\[2\baselineskip] % \texttt{0x00000000}} & % \bitbox{24}{\descbox{4096~byte area for MS-DOS and Windows~3.1 % compatibility.}{Protected---catches \textsc{null} % pointers.}} % \end{rightwordgroup} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % The following variation uses variable-height regions in the memory map: % \changes{v2.1}{2012/09/02}{Included in the documentation a variable-height % memory-map example suggested by Martin Demling} % % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\memsection}[4]{% % % define the height of the memsection % \bytefieldsetup{bitheight=#3\baselineskip}% % \bitbox[]{10}{% % \texttt{#1}% print end address % \\ % % do some spacing % \vspace{#3\baselineskip} % \vspace{-2\baselineskip} % \vspace{-#3pt} % \texttt{#2}% print start address % }% % \bitbox{16}{#4}% print box with caption % } % % \begin{bytefield}{24} % \memsection{ffff ffff}{0040 0000}{15}{-- free --}\\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{internal memory} % \memsection{003f ffff}{002f c000}{4}{Special Function % Registers}\\ % \memsection{002f bfff}{0007 0000}{3}{-- reserved --}\\ % \memsection{0006 ffff}{0000 0000}{8}{Internal Flash} % \end{rightwordgroup}\\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{bffigure} % \newcommand{\memsection}[4]{^^A % \bytefieldsetup{bitheight=#3\baselineskip}^^A % \bitbox[]{10}{^^A % \texttt{#1}^^A % \\ \vspace{#3\baselineskip}\vspace{-2\baselineskip}\vspace{-#3pt}^^A % \texttt{#2}^^A % }^^A % \bitbox{16}{#4}^^A % } % \begin{bytefield}{24} % \memsection{ffff ffff}{0040 0000}{15}{-- free --}\\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{internal memory} % \memsection{003f ffff}{002f c000}{4}{Special Function Registers}\\ % \memsection{002f bfff}{0007 0000}{3}{-- reserved --}\\ % \memsection{0006 ffff}{0000 0000}{8}{Internal Flash} % \end{rightwordgroup}\\ % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % % \subsection{Putting it all together} % % The following code showcases most of \pkgname{bytefield}'s features in a % single figure. % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{bytefield}[bitheight=2.5\baselineskip]{32} % \bitheader{0,7,8,15,16,23,24,31} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{\parbox{6em}{\raggedright These words were taken % verbatim from the TCP header definition (RFC~793).}} % \bitbox{4}{Data offset} & \bitbox{6}{Reserved} & % \bitbox{1}{\tiny U\\R\\G} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny A\\C\\K} & % \bitbox{1}{\tiny P\\S\\H} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny R\\S\\T} & % \bitbox{1}{\tiny S\\Y\\N} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny F\\I\\N} & % \bitbox{16}{Window} \\ % \bitbox{16}{Checksum} & \bitbox{16}{Urgent pointer} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \wordbox[lrt]{1}{Data octets} \\ % \skippedwords \\ % \wordbox[lrb]{1}{} \\ % \begin{leftwordgroup}{\parbox{6em}{\raggedright Note that we can display, % for example, a misaligned 64-bit value with clever use of the % optional argument to \texttt{\string\wordbox} and % \texttt{\string\bitbox}.}} % \bitbox{8}{Source} & \bitbox{8}{Destination} & % \bitbox[lrt]{16}{} \\ % \wordbox[lr]{1}{Timestamp} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{\parbox{6em}{\raggedright Why two Length fields? % No particular reason.}} % \bitbox[lrb]{16}{} & \bitbox{16}{Length} % \end{leftwordgroup} \\ % \bitbox{6}{Key} & \bitbox{6}{Value} & \bitbox{4}{Unused} & % \bitbox{16}{Length} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \wordbox{1}{Total number of 16-bit data words that follow this % header word, excluding the subsequent checksum-type value} \\ % \bitbox{16}{Data~1} & \bitbox{16}{Data~2} \\ % \bitbox{16}{Data~3} & \bitbox{16}{Data~4} \\ % \bitbox[]{16}{$\vdots$ \\[1ex]} & % \bitbox[]{16}{$\vdots$ \\[1ex]} \\ % \bitbox{16}{Data~$N-1$} & \bitbox{16}{Data~$N$} \\ % \bitbox{20}{\[ \mbox{A5A5}_{\mbox{\scriptsize H}} \oplus % \left(\sum_{i=1}^N \mbox{Data}_i \right) \bmod 2^{20} \]} & % \bitboxes*{1}{000010 000110} \\ % \wordbox{2}{64-bit random number} % \end{bytefield} % \end{verbatim} % % \noindent % Figure~\ref{fig:complex-diagram} shows the resulting protocol diagram. % % \begin{figure}[phtb] % \centering % \begin{lrbox}{\protocoldiagram} % \begin{bytefield}[bitheight=2.5\baselineskip]{32} % \bitheader{0,7,8,15,16,23,24,31} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{\parbox{6em}{\raggedright These words were taken % verbatim from the TCP header definition (RFC~793).}} % \bitbox{4}{Data offset} & \bitbox{6}{Reserved} & % \bitbox{1}{\tiny U\\R\\G} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny A\\C\\K} & % \bitbox{1}{\tiny P\\S\\H} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny R\\S\\T} & % \bitbox{1}{\tiny S\\Y\\N} & \bitbox{1}{\tiny F\\I\\N} & % \bitbox{16}{Window} \\ % \bitbox{16}{Checksum} & \bitbox{16}{Urgent pointer} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \wordbox[lrt]{1}{Data octets} \\ % \skippedwords \\ % \wordbox[lrb]{1}{} \\ % \begin{leftwordgroup}{\parbox{6em}{\raggedright Note that we can display, % for example, a misaligned 64-bit value with clever use of the % optional argument to \texttt{\string\wordbox} and % \texttt{\string\bitbox}.}} % \bitbox{8}{Source} & \bitbox{8}{Destination} & \bitbox[lrt]{16}{} \\ % \wordbox[lr]{1}{Timestamp} \\ % \begin{rightwordgroup}{\parbox{6em}{\raggedright Why two Length fields? % No particular reason.}} % \bitbox[lrb]{16}{} & \bitbox{16}{Length} % \end{leftwordgroup} \\ % \bitbox{6}{Key} & \bitbox{6}{Value} & \bitbox{4}{Unused} & % \bitbox{16}{Length} % \end{rightwordgroup} \\ % \wordbox{1}{Total number of 16-bit data words that follow this % header word, excluding the subsequent checksum-type value} \\ % \bitbox{16}{Data~1} & \bitbox{16}{Data~2} \\ % \bitbox{16}{Data~3} & \bitbox{16}{Data~4} \\ % \bitbox[]{16}{$\vdots$ \\[1ex]} & \bitbox[]{16}{$\vdots$ \\[1ex]} \\ % \bitbox{16}{Data~$N-1$} & \bitbox{16}{Data~$N$} \\ % \bitbox{20}{\[ \mbox{A5A5}_{\mbox{\scriptsize H}} \oplus % \left(\sum_{i=1}^N \mbox{Data}_i \right) \bmod 2^{20} \]} & % \bitboxes*{1}{000010 000110} \\ % \wordbox{2}{64-bit random number} % \end{bytefield} % \end{lrbox} % \makebox[0pt][c]{\usebox{\protocoldiagram}} % \caption{Complex protocol diagram drawn with the \pkgname{bytefield} % package} % \label{fig:complex-diagram} % \end{figure} % % % \subsection{Upgrading from older versions} % \label{sec:upgrading} % % \pkgname{bytefield}'s user interface changed substantially with the % introduction of version~2.0. Because documents written for % \pkgname{bytefield}~v1.\textit{x} will not build properly under later % versions of the package, this section explains how to convert documents % to the new interface. % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\wordgroupr} % |\wordgroupr| \\ % \SpecialUsageIndex{\endwordgroupr} % |\endwordgroupr| % \end{decl} % % These have been replaced with the |rightwordgroup| environment to make % their invocation more \LaTeX-like. Use |\begin{rightwordgroup}| % instead of |\wordgroupr| and |\end{rightwordgroup}| instead of % |\endwordgroupr|. % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\wordgroupl} % |\wordgroupl| \\ % \SpecialUsageIndex{\endwordgroupl} % |\endwordgroupl| % \end{decl} % % These have been replaced with the |leftwordgroup| environment to make % their invocation more \LaTeX-like. Use |\begin{leftwordgroup}| % instead of |\wordgroupl| and |\end{leftwordgroup}| instead of % |\endwordgroupl|. % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\bitwidth} % |\bitwidth| % \end{decl} % % Instead of changing bit widths with % |\setlength{\bitwidth}{|\meta{width}|}|, use % |\bytefieldsetup{bitwidth=|\meta{width}|}|. % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\byteheight} % |\byteheight| % \end{decl} % % Instead of changing bit heights with % |\setlength{\byteheight}{|\meta{height}|}|, use % |\bytefieldsetup{bitheight=|\meta{height}|}| (and note the change from % ``|byte|'' to ``|bit|'' for consistency with \optname{bitwidth}). % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\curlyspace} % |\curlyspace| \\ % \SpecialUsageIndex{\labelspace} % |\labelspace| % \end{decl} % % Instead of using |\setlength{\curlyspace}{|\meta{dist}|}| and % |\setlength{\labelspace}{|\meta{dist}|}| to alter the horizontal space % that appears before and after a curly brace, use % |\bytefieldsetup{curlyspace=|\meta{dist}|}| and % |\bytefieldsetup{labelspace=|\meta{dist}|}|. Note that, as described % in Section~\ref{sec:basic-cmds}, left and right spacing can be set % independently if desired. % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\curlyshrinkage} % |\curlyshrinkage| % \end{decl} % % Instead of using |\setlength{\curlyshrinkage}{|\meta{dist}|}| to % reduce the vertical space occupied by a curly brace, use % |\bytefieldsetup{curlyshrinkage=|\meta{dist}|}|. Note that, as % described in Section~\ref{sec:basic-cmds}, left and right curly-brace % height can be reduced independently if desired. % % \begin{decl} % \SpecialUsageIndex{\bitwidth} % |\bitwidth| \oarg{endianness} \marg{bit-positions} % \end{decl} % % The meaning of |\bitwidth|'s optional argument changed with % \pkgname{bytefield}~v2.1. In older versions of the package, the % optional argument was one of ``|l|'' or ``|b|'' for, respectively, % little-endian or big-endian bit ordering. Starting with version~2.1, % the optional argument can be any of the parameters described in % Section~\ref{sec:options} (but practically only |bitformatting|, % |endianness|, and |lsb|). Hence, ``|l|'' should be replaced with % |endianness=little| and ``|b|'' should be replaced with % |endianness=big|. Although more verbose, these new options can be % specified once for the entire document by listing them as package % options or as arguments to |\bytefieldsetup|. % % \bigskip % % As a crutch to help build older documents with minimal modification, % \pkgname{bytefield} provides a |compat1| package option that restores % the old interface. This option, invoked with % |\usepackage[compat1]{bytefield}|, may disappear in a future version % of the package and should therefore not be relied upon as a long-term % approach to using \pkgname{bytefield}. % % % \StopEventually{^^A % % \section{Future work} % % \pkgname{bytefield} is my first \LaTeX\ package, and, as such, there % are a number of macros that could probably have been implemented a % lot better. For example, \pkgname{bytefield} is somewhat wasteful % of \meta{dimen} registers (although it did get a lot better with % version~1.1 and again with version~1.3). The package should really % get a major overhaul now that I've gotten better at \TeX\slash % \LaTeX\ programming. One minor improvement I'd like to make in the % package is to move left, small curly braces closer to the bit field. % In the following figure, notice how distant the small curly appears % from the bit-field body: % % \begin{bffigure} % \bytefieldsetup{bitheight=4ex} % \begin{bytefield}{16} % \begin{leftwordgroup}{Too distant} % \wordbox{1}{Something} % \end{leftwordgroup} \\ % \begin{leftwordgroup}{Looks okay} % \wordbox{4}{Something else} % \end{leftwordgroup} % \end{bytefield} % \end{bffigure} % % \noindent % The problem is that the curly braces are left-aligned relative to % each other, while they should be right-aligned. % } % % % \section{Implementation} % % \newcommand{\usermacro}{^^A % \Needspace{2\baselineskip}^^A % \marginpar{\huge\raisebox{-1.5ex}[0pt][1.5ex]{\strut\hspace{18pt}$\star$}\par}^^A % } % % This section contains the complete source code for \pkgname{bytefield}. % Most users will not get much out of it, but it should be of use to % those who need more precise documentation and those who want to extend % (or debug~\smiley) the \pkgname{bytefield} package. % % In this section, macros marked in the margin with a ``{\Large % $\star$}'' are intended to be called by the user (and were described % in Section~\ref{sec:usage}). All other macros are used only % internally by \pkgname{bytefield}. % % \subsection{Required packages} % % Although |\widthof| and |\heightof| were introduced in June~1998, % te\kern-1.5pt\TeX~2.0---still in widespread use at the time of this % writing (2005)---ships with an earlier |calc.sty| in the |source| % directory. Because a misconfigured system may find the |source| % version of |calc.sty| we explicitly specify a later date when loading % the |calc| package. % \changes{v1.2a}{2005/07/31}{Specified an explicit package date when % loading the \pkgname{calc} package to avoid loading an outdated % version. Thanks to Kevin Quick for discovering that outdated versions % of \pkgname{calc} are still being included in \TeX{} distributions.} % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{calc}[1998/07/07] \RequirePackage{keyval} % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Utility macros} % % The following macros in this section are used by the box-drawing macros % and the ``skipped words''-drawing macros. % % \begin{macro}{\bf@newdimen@old} % \LaTeX's |\newdimen| defines new \meta{dimen}s globally. % |\bf@newdimen@old| defines them locally. It simply merges % \LaTeXe's |\newdimen| and |\alloc@| macros while omitting |\alloc@|'s % ``|\global|'' declaration. The ``|old|'' in the name implies that % |\bf@newdimen@old| is intended for use with older versions of \LaTeX. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@newdimen@old#1{\advance\count11 by 1 \ch@ck1\insc@unt\dimen \allocationnumber=\count11 \dimendef#1=\allocationnumber \wlog{\string#1=\string\dimen\the\allocationnumber\space (locally)}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@e@alloc} % Since 2014, \LaTeX\ has provided an internal |\e@alloc| macro that is % used to define |\newcount|, |\newdimen|, |\newskip|, etc. |\bf@e@alloc| % is a version of |\e@alloc| modified to allocate only within the current % scope. (It elides all uses of |\global|.) We use |\bf@e@alloc| to % define |\bf@newdimen|, which allocates a locally scoped \meta{dimen}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@e@alloc#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \advance#3\@ne \e@ch@ck{#3}{#4}{#5}#1% \allocationnumber#3\relax #2#6\allocationnumber \wlog{\string#6=\string#1\the\allocationnumber\space (locally)}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@newdimen} % \changes{v1.1}{2002/09/15}{Bug fix: Added \cs{bf@newdimen} to greatly % reduce the likelihood of ``\texttt{No room for a new \string\cs{dimen}}'' % errors (reported by Vitaly A. Repin)} % \changes{v1.3}{2010/10/31}{Added support for $\varepsilon$-\TeX's larger % local \meta{dimen} pool (code provided by Heiko Oberdiek)} % \changes{v2.3}{2015/10/28}{Rewrote the macro based on discussions with % David Carlisle to avoid producing ``\texttt{No room for a new % \cs{dimen}}'' errors in newer versions of $\varepsilon$-\TeX\ % (see \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/275042})} % \changes{v2.9}{2025/01/25}{Rewrite \cs{bf@newdimen} yet again so as to % allocate \meta{dimen}s locally in newer versions of \LaTeX. Thanks to % Qian Jin for the bug report} % \pkgname{bytefield} allocates a number of \meta{dimen}s, largely for % positioning curly braces. Because \TeX\ supports only 255 % \meta{dimen}s, these normally would run out quickly for documents % containing many bit fields. $\varepsilon$-\TeX\ provides many more % \meta{dimen}s that the original \TeX, but it still would be preferable % not to consume them unnecessarily. % % This is where |\bf@newdimen| comes in. If the \pkgname{elocalloc} % package is loaded, |\bf@newdimen| is bound to \pkgname{elocalloc}'s % |\locdimen| macro. Otherwise, if |\e@alloc| is defined---this is the % common case---then |\bf@newdimen| is defined in terms of |\bf@e@alloc| % just like |\newdimen| is defined in terms of |\e@alloc|. As a last % resort, |\bf@newdimen| is bound to |\bf@newdimen@old| for use with old % versions of \LaTeX. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % Is \pkgname{elocalloc} loaded? % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname locdimen\endcsname\relax % \end{macrocode} % No. Are we running a reasonably recent \LaTeX? % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname e@alloc\endcsname\relax % \end{macrocode} % No. Use |\bf@newdimen@old|, which was designed in terms of primitives % found in older versions of \LaTeX. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\bf@newdimen=\bf@newdimen@old \else % \end{macrocode} % We are running a reasonably recent \LaTeX\@. Define |\bf@newdimen| % in terms of |\bf@e@alloc|, which allocates \meta{dimen}s locally. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\bf@newdimen{% \bf@e@alloc\dimen \dimendef {\count11}\insc@unt\float@count }% \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % \pkgname{elocalloc} is loaded. Define |\bf@newdimen| in terms of % \pkgname{elocalloc}'s |\locdimen| macro. % \begin{macrocode} \let\bf@newdimen=\locdimen \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bytefield@height} % \begin{macro}{\ifcounting@words} % When |\ifcounting@words| is \textsc{true}, add the height of the next % \texttt{picture} environment to |\bytefield@height|. We set % |\counting@wordstrue| at the beginning of each word, and % |\counting@wordsfalse| after each |\bitbox|, |\wordbox|, or |\skippedwords| % picture. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\bytefield@height} \newif\ifcounting@words % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\inc@bytefield@height} % We have to define a special macro to increment |\bytefield@height| % because the \pkgname{calc} package's |\addtolength| macro doesn't seem % to see the global value. So we |\setlength| a temporary (to get % \pkgname{calc}'s nice infix features) and |\advance| |\bytefield@height| % by that amount. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\bytefield@height@increment} \DeclareRobustCommand{\inc@bytefield@height}[1]{% \setlength{\bytefield@height@increment}{#1}% \global\advance\bytefield@height by \bytefield@height@increment } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Top-level environment} % % \begin{macro}{\entire@bytefield@picture} % Declare a box for containing the entire bytefield. By storing % everything in a box and then typesetting it later (at the % |\end{bytefield}|), we can center the bit field, put a box around it, % and do other operations on the entire figure. % \begin{macrocode} \newsavebox{\entire@bytefield@picture} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{bytefield} % \usermacro % \changes{v2.4}{2017/09/15}{Make the code resilient to changes in % \texttt{\string\string\string\baselinestretch}. Thanks to % Karst Koymans for the bug report} % \begin{macro}{\bits@wide} % \begin{macro}{\old@nl} % \begin{macro}{\amp} % The |bytefield| environment contains the layout of bits in a sequence % of words. This is the main environment defined by the % \pkgname{bytefield} package. The argument is the number of bits wide % the bytefield should be. We turn |&| into a space character so the % user can think of a \pkgname{bytefield} as being analogous to a % \texttt{tabular} environment, even though we're really setting the % bulk of the picture in a single column. (Row labels go in separate % columns, however.) % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{bytefield}[2][]{% \bf@bytefieldsetup{#1}% \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{}% \selectfont \def\bits@wide{#2}% \let\old@nl=\\% \let\amp=&% \catcode`\&=10 \openup -1pt \setlength{\bytefield@height}{0pt}% \setlength{\unitlength}{1pt}% \global\counting@wordstrue \begin{lrbox}{\entire@bytefield@picture}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\\} % \usermacro % We redefine |\\| within the |bytefield| environment to make it aware % of curly braces that surround the protocol diagram. % \changes{v2.1}{2011/06/12}{Augmented the definition % of~\texttt{\string\string\string\\} to accept an optional argument, % just like in a \texttt{tabular} environment} % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand{\\}[1][0pt]{% \unskip \vspace{##1}% \amp\show@wordlabelr\cr \ignorespaces\global\counting@wordstrue\make@lspace\amp}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \vbox\bgroup\ialign\bgroup##\amp##\amp##\cr\amp }{% \unskip \amp\show@wordlabelr\cr\egroup\egroup \end{lrbox}% \usebox{\entire@bytefield@picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \subsection{Box-drawing macros} % % \subsubsection{Drawing (proper)} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitformatting} % Format a bit number in the bit header. |\bf@bitformatting| may be % redefined to take either a single argument (\`a~la |\textbf|) or no % argument (\`a~la |\small|). % \changes{v1.4}{2011/01/15}{Introduced this macro at Steven R. King's % request to enable users to alter the bit header's font size} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\bf@bitformatting}{\tiny} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@boxformatting} % Format the text within a bit box or word box. |\bf@boxformatting| % takes either a single argument (\`a~la |\textbf|) or no argument % (\`a~la |\small|). The text that follows |\bf@boxformatting| is % guaranteed to be a group that ends in |\par|, so if % |\bf@boxformatting| accepts an argument, the macro should be defined % with |\long| (e.g.,~with |\newcommand| but not with |\newcommand*|). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\bf@boxformatting}{\centering} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitwidth} % Define the width of a single bit. Note that this is wide enough to % display a two-digit number without it running into adjacent numbers. % For larger words, be sure to |\setlength| this larger. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\bf@bitwidth} \settowidth{\bf@bitwidth}{\bf@bitformatting{99i}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitheight} % This is the height of a single bit within the bit field. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\bf@bitheight} \setlength{\bf@bitheight}{4ex} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\units@wide} % \begin{macro}{\units@tall} % These are scratch variables for storing the width and height (in % points) of the box we're about to draw. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\units@wide} \newlength{\units@tall} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@call@box@cmd} % \begin{macro}{\bf@call@box@func} % Define any box-drawing macro that accepts the same set of four % arguments. It takes as input the name of a macro that is defined with % formal parameters |[#1]#2[#3]#4|. \cs{bf@call@box@cmd} then invokes % that macro, passing it a set of lines to draw out of the set % ``\texttt{lrtbLRTB}''~(|#1|), a number of bits or words~(|#2|), a list % of key/value pairs~(|#3|), and arbitrary text to typeset~(|#4|). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\bf@call@box@cmd}[1]{% \def\bf@call@box@func{#1}% \bf@call@box@cmd@i } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@call@box@cmd@i} % \begin{macro}{\bf@call@box@arg@i} % \begin{macro}{\bf@call@box@arg@ii} % Store the set of lines and the bit/word count and invoke % \cs{bf@call@box@cmd@ii}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\bf@call@box@cmd@i}[2][lrtb]{% \def\bf@call@box@arg@i{#1}% \def\bf@call@box@arg@ii{#2}% \bf@call@box@cmd@ii } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@call@box@cmd@ii} % \begin{macro}{\bf@call@box@arg@iii} % \begin{macro}{\bf@call@box@arg@iv} % Store the key/value parameters and the text to typeset then invoke the % macro originally passed to \cs{bf@call@box@cmd}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\bf@call@box@cmd@ii}[2][]{% \def\bf@call@box@arg@iii{#1}% \def\bf@call@box@arg@iv{#2}% \bf@call@box@func } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bitbox} % \usermacro % Put some text~(|#4|) in a box that's a given number of bits~(|#2|) % wide and one byte tall. An optional argument~(|#1|) specifies which % lines to draw---|[l]|eft, |[r]|ight, |[t]|op, and/or |[b]|ottom % (default: |lrtb|). Additional drawing parameters can be provided via % another optional argument~(|#3|). % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\bitbox}{\bf@call@box@cmd{\bf@bitbox}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitbox} % Implement all of the \cs{bitbox} logic. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@bitbox{% \bgroup \expandafter\bf@parse@bitbox@arg\expandafter{\bf@call@box@arg@i}% \setlength{\units@wide}{\bf@bitwidth * \bf@call@box@arg@ii}% \expandafter\bf@bytefieldsetup\expandafter{\bf@call@box@arg@iii}% \@ifundefined{bf@bgcolor}{% }{% % \end{macrocode} % If \optname{bgcolor} was specified, draw a colored rule of the full % size of the box. % \begin{macrocode} \rlap{% \draw@bit@picture{\strip@pt\units@wide}{\strip@pt\bf@bitheight}{% \color{\bf@bgcolor}% \rule{\width}{\height}% }% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Draw the user-provided text on top of the rule (if any). % \begin{macrocode} \draw@bit@picture{\strip@pt\units@wide}{\strip@pt\bf@bitheight}{% \bf@call@box@arg@iv }% \egroup \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\wordbox} % \usermacro % Put some text~(|#4|) in a box that's a given number of bytes~(|#2|) % tall and one word (|\bits@wide| bits) wide. An optional % argument~(|#1|) specifies which lines to draw---|[l]|eft, |[r]|ight, % |[t]|op, and/or |[b]|ottom (default: |lrtb|). Additional drawing % parameters can be provided via another optional argument~(|#3|). % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\wordbox}{\bf@call@box@cmd{\bf@wordbox}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@wordbox} % Implement all of the \cs{wordbox} logic. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@wordbox{% \bgroup \expandafter\bf@parse@bitbox@arg\expandafter{\bf@call@box@arg@i}% \setlength{\units@wide}{\bf@bitwidth * \bits@wide}% \setlength{\units@tall}{\bf@bitheight * \bf@call@box@arg@ii}% \expandafter\bf@bytefieldsetup\expandafter{\bf@call@box@arg@iii}% \@ifundefined{bf@bgcolor}{% }{% % \end{macrocode} % If \optname{bgcolor} was specified, draw a colored rule of the full % size of the box. % \begin{macrocode} \rlap{% \draw@bit@picture{\strip@pt\units@wide}{\strip@pt\units@tall}{% \color{\bf@bgcolor}% \rule{\width}{\height}% }% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Draw the user-provided text on top of the rule (if any). % \begin{macrocode} \draw@bit@picture{\strip@pt\units@wide}{\strip@pt\units@tall}{% \bf@call@box@arg@iv }% % \end{macrocode} % Invoke the user-provided \cs{bf@per@word} macro once per word. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{bf@per@word}{}{\bf@invoke@per@word{\bf@call@box@arg@ii}}% \egroup \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\draw@bit@picture} % Put some text (|#3|) in a box that's a given number of units (|#1|) % wide and a given number of units (|#2|) tall. % We format the text with a |\parbox| to enable word-wrapping and explicit % line breaks. In addition, we define |\height|, |\depth|, |\totalheight|, % and |\width| (\`a la |\makebox| and friends), so the user can utilize % those for special effects (e.g., a |\rule| that fills the entire box). % As an added bonus, we define |\widthunits| and |\heightunits|, which % are the width and height of the box in multiples of |\unitlength| % (i.e., |#1| and |#2|, respectively). % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\draw@bit@picture}[3]{% \begin{picture}(#1,#2)% % \end{macrocode} % First, we plot the user's text, with all sorts of useful lengths % predefined. % \begin{macrocode} \put(0,0){\makebox(#1,#2){\parbox{#1\unitlength}{% \bf@set@user@dimens{#1}{#2}% \bf@boxformatting{#3\par}}}}% % \end{macrocode} % Next, we draw each line individually. I suppose we could make a special % case for ``all lines'' and use a |\framebox| above, but the following % works just fine. % \begin{macrocode} \ifbitbox@top \put(0,#2){\line(1,0){#1}}% \fi \ifbitbox@bottom \put(0,0){\line(1,0){#1}}% \fi \ifbitbox@left \put(0,0){\line(0,1){#2}}% \fi \ifbitbox@right \put(#1,0){\line(0,1){#2}}% \fi \end{picture}% % \end{macrocode} % Finally, we indicate that we're no longer at the beginning of a word. % The following code structure (albeit with different arguments to % |\inc@bytefield@height|) is repeated in various places throughout this % package. We document it only here, however. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcounting@words \inc@bytefield@height{\unitlength * \real{#2}}% \global\counting@wordsfalse \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@invoke@per@word} % Invoke \cs{bf@per@word} once per word, passing it the (0-indexed) word % number and total number of words. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bf@invoke@per@word}[1]{% \begin{picture}(0,0)% \@tempcnta=0 \@tempdima=#1\bf@bitheight % \end{macrocode} % Make various useful dimensions available to \cs{bf@per@word}. % \begin{macrocode} \bf@set@user@dimens{\strip@pt\units@wide}{\strip@pt\units@tall}% \loop \advance\@tempdima by -\bf@bitheight \bgroup \put(-\strip@pt\units@wide, \strip@pt\@tempdima){% \expandafter\bf@per@word\expandafter{\the\@tempcnta}{#1}% }% \egroup \advance\@tempcnta by 1\relax \ifnum#1>\@tempcnta \repeat \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@set@user@dimens} % \mbox{}\vspace*{-1ex} % \begin{macro}{\width} % \usermacro % \begin{macro}{\height} % \usermacro % \begin{macro}{\depth} % \usermacro % \begin{macro}{\totalheight} % \usermacro % \begin{macro}{\widthunits} % \usermacro % \begin{macro}{\heightunits} % \usermacro % Given a width in bits~(|#1|) and a height in words~(|#2|), make a % number of box dimensions available to the author: \cs{width}, % \cs{height}, \cs{depth}, \cs{totalheight}. Additionally, make the % arguments available to the author via the \cs{widthunits} and % \cs{heightunits} macros. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bf@set@user@dimens}[2]{% \bf@newdimen\width \bf@newdimen\height \bf@newdimen\depth \bf@newdimen\totalheight \width=#1\unitlength \height=#2\unitlength \depth=0pt% \totalheight=#2\unitlength \def\widthunits{#1}% \def\heightunits{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bitboxes} % \usermacro % \changes{v2.2}{2014/06/01}{Added this macro based on an idea proposed % by Andrew Mertz} % \begin{macro}{\bitboxes*} % \usermacro % Put each token in |#3| into a box that's a given number of bits (|#2|) % wide and one byte tall. An optional argument (|#1|) specifies which % lines to draw---|[l]|eft, |[r]|ight, |[t]|op, and/or |[b]|ottom % (default: |lrtb|). The |*|-form of the command omits interior left % and right lines. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\bitboxes}{% \@ifstar {\bf@call@box@cmd{\bf@bitboxes@star}}% {\bf@call@box@cmd{\bf@bitboxes@no@star}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@relax} % Define a macro that expands to |\relax| for use with |\ifx| tests % against |\bf@bitboxes@arg|, which can contain either tokens to typeset % or |\relax|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@relax{\relax} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitboxes@no@star} % Implement the unstarred version of \cs{bitboxes}. This macro simply % expands its text argument into a list of tokens followed by \cs{relax} % then invokes \cs{bf@bitboxes@no@star@i}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@bitboxes@no@star{% \expandafter\bf@bitboxes@no@star@i\bf@call@box@arg@iv\relax \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitboxes@no@star@i} % Walk the subsequent tokens one-by-one until \cs{relax} is encountered. % For each token, invoke \cs{bf@bitbox} (the internal version of % \cs{bitbox} for which \cs{bf@call@box@arg@}\meta{number} are all % defined. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@bitboxes@no@star@i#1{% \def\bf@call@box@arg@iv{#1}% \ifx\bf@call@box@arg@iv\bf@relax \let\next=\relax \else \bf@bitbox \let\next=\bf@bitboxes@no@star@i \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitboxes@star} % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitboxes@sides} % Implement the starred version of \cs{bitboxes}. This macro simply % stores the original \meta{sides} argument in \cs{bf@bitboxes@sides}, % expands its text argument into a list of tokens followed by two % \cs{relax}es, and invokes \cs{bf@bitboxes@star@i}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@bitboxes@star{% \edef\bf@bitboxes@sides{\bf@call@box@arg@i}% \expandafter\bf@bitboxes@star@i\bf@call@box@arg@iv\relax\relax \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitboxes@star@i} % \begin{macro}{\bf@call@box@arg@iv} % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitboxes@arg@ii} % \begin{macro}{\next} % Process the first token in the text argument passed to \cs{bitboxes*}. % If it's also the last token (indicated by its being followed by % \cs{relax}), draw an ordinary bit box with all sides present. If it's % not the last token, draw a bit box with the right side suppressed and % invoke \cs{bf@bitboxes@star@ii} on the remaining tokens. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@bitboxes@star@i#1#2{% \def\bf@call@box@arg@iv{#1}% \def\bf@bitboxes@arg@ii{#2}% \ifx\bf@bitboxes@arg@ii\bf@relax \bf@bitbox \let\next=\relax \else \edef\bf@call@box@arg@i{\bf@bitboxes@sides R}% \bf@bitbox \def\next{\bf@bitboxes@star@ii{#2}}% \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitboxes@star@ii} % \begin{macro}{\bf@call@box@arg@iv} % \begin{macro}{\bf@bitboxes@arg@ii} % \begin{macro}{\next} % Process the second and subsequent tokens in the text argument passed % to \cs{bitboxes*}. If the next token in the stream is the final one % (indicated by its being followed by \cs{relax}), draw a bit box with % the left side suppressed. If it's not the final token, draw a bit box % with both the left and right sides suppressed and invoke itself % recursively on the remaining tokens. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@bitboxes@star@ii#1#2{% \def\bf@call@box@arg@iv{#1}% \def\bf@bitboxes@arg@ii{#2}% \ifx\bf@bitboxes@arg@ii\bf@relax \edef\bf@call@box@arg@i{\bf@bitboxes@sides L}% \else \edef\bf@call@box@arg@i{\bf@bitboxes@sides LR}% \fi \ifx\bf@call@box@arg@iv\bf@relax \let\next=\relax \else \bf@bitbox \def\next{\bf@bitboxes@star@ii{#2}}% \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % \subsubsection{Parsing arguments} % % The macros in this section are used to parse the optional argument to % \cs{bitbox}, \cs{wordbox}, and \cs{bitboxes}, which is some subset of % $\{ |l|, |r|, |t|, |b|, |L|, |R|, |T|, |B| \}$ and defaults to % ``|lrtb|'' for all three user macros. If the argument is empty, no % lines are drawn. Lowercase letters in the argument display, % respectively, the left, right, top, or bottom side of a box. % Uppercase letters undo the effect of the corresponding, prior, % lowercase letter and are used internally by \cs{bitboxes} to suppress % internal left and right lines. % % \begin{macro}{\ifbitbox@top} % \begin{macro}{\ifbitbox@bottom} % \begin{macro}{\ifbitbox@left} % \begin{macro}{\ifbitbox@right} % These macros are set to \textsc{true} if we're to draw the % corresponding edge on the subsequent |\bitbox| or |\wordbox|. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifbitbox@top \newif\ifbitbox@bottom \newif\ifbitbox@left \newif\ifbitbox@right % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@parse@bitbox@arg} % This main parsing macro merely resets the above conditionals and % calls a helper function, |\bf@parse@bitbox@sides|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@parse@bitbox@arg#1{% \bitbox@topfalse \bitbox@bottomfalse \bitbox@leftfalse \bitbox@rightfalse \bf@parse@bitbox@sides#1X% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@parse@bitbox@sides} % The helper function for |\bf@parse@bitbox@arg| parses a single letter, % sets the appropriate conditional to \textsc{true}, and calls itself % tail-recursively until it sees an~``|X|''. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@parse@bitbox@sides#1{% \ifx#1X% \else \ifx#1t% \bitbox@toptrue \else \ifx#1b% \bitbox@bottomtrue \else \ifx#1l% \bitbox@lefttrue \else \ifx#1r% \bitbox@righttrue \else \ifx#1T% \bitbox@topfalse \else \ifx#1B% \bitbox@bottomfalse \else \ifx#1L% \bitbox@leftfalse \else \ifx#1R% \bitbox@rightfalse \else \PackageWarning{bytefield}{Unrecognized box side `#1'}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \expandafter\bf@parse@bitbox@sides \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Skipped words} % % \begin{macro}{\units@high} % This is the height of each diagonal line in the |\skippedwords| % graphic. Note that |\units@high|~$=$ |\units@tall|~$-$ % \textit{optional argument to} |\skippedwords|. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\units@high} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\skippedwords} % \usermacro % Output a fancy graphic representing skipped words. The optional argument % is the vertical space between the two diagonal lines (default: |2ex|). % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\skippedwords}[1][2ex]{% \setlength{\units@wide}{\bf@bitwidth * \bits@wide}% \setlength{\units@high}{1pt * \ratio{\units@wide}{6.0pt}}% \setlength{\units@tall}{#1 + \units@high}% \edef\num@wide{\strip@pt\units@wide}% \edef\num@tall{\strip@pt\units@tall}% \edef\num@high{\strip@pt\units@high}% \begin{picture}(\num@wide,\num@tall) \put(0,\num@tall){\line(6,-1){\num@wide}} \put(\num@wide,0){\line(-6,1){\num@wide}} \put(0,0){\line(0,1){\num@high}} \put(\num@wide,\num@tall){\line(0,-1){\num@high}} \end{picture}% \ifcounting@words \inc@bytefield@height{\unitlength * \real{\num@tall}}% \global\counting@wordsfalse \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Bit-position labels} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bit@endianness} % \pkgname{bytefield} can label bit headers in either little-endian ($0, % 1, 2,~\ldots, N-1$) or big-endian ($N-1, N-2, N-3,~\ldots, 0$) fashion. % The |\bf@bit@endianness| macro specifies which to use, either ``|l|'' % for little-endian (the default) or ``|b|'' for big-endian. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\bf@bit@endianness}{l} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@first@bit} % Normally, bits are numbered starting from zero. However, % |\bf@first@bit| can be altered (usually locally) to begin numbering % from a different value. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\bf@first@bit}{0} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bitheader} % \usermacro % Output a header of numbered bit positions. The optional argument (|#1|) % is ``|l|'' for little-endian (default) or ``|b|'' for big-endian. % The required argument (|#2|) is a list of bit positions to label. % It is composed of comma-separated ranges of numbers, for example, % ``|0-31|'', ``|0,7-8,15-16,23-24,31|'', or even something odd like % ``|0-7,15-23|''. Ranges must be specified in increasing order; use the % \optname{lsb} option to reverse the labels' direction. % \changes{v2.1}{2011/06/17}{Changed the optional argument to accept % \meta{key}!=\meta{value} pairs instead of just ``\texttt{l}'' and % ``\texttt{b}''} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\bitheader}[2][]{% \bf@parse@bitbox@arg{lrtb}% \setlength{\units@wide}{\bf@bitwidth * \bits@wide}% \setlength{\units@tall}{\heightof{\bf@bitformatting{1234567890}}}% \setlength{\units@high}{\units@tall * -1}% \bf@process@bitheader@opts{#1}% \begin{picture}(\strip@pt\units@wide,\strip@pt\units@tall)% (0,\strip@pt\units@high) \bf@parse@range@list#2,X, \end{picture}% \ifcounting@words \inc@bytefield@height{\unitlength * \real{\strip@pt\units@tall}}% \global\counting@wordsfalse \fi \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@parse@range@list} % This is helper function~\#1 for |\bitheader|. It parses a % comma-separated list of ranges, calling |\bf@parse@range| on each % range. % \changes{v1.1}{2002/06/24}{Bug fix: Swapped order of arguments to % \texttt{\string\bslash\space ifx} test (suggested by Hans-Joachim % Widmaier)} % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@parse@range@list#1,{% \ifx X#1 \else \bf@parse@range#1-#1-#1\relax \expandafter\bf@parse@range@list \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\header@xpos} % \begin{macro}{header@val} % \begin{macro}{max@header@val} % Define some miscellaneous variables to be used internally by % |\bf@parse@range|: $x$~position of header, current label to output, % and maximum label to output ($+ 1$). % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\header@xpos} \newcounter{header@val} \newcounter{max@header@val} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@parse@range} % This is helper function~\#2 for |\bitheader|. It parses a % hyphen-separated pair of numbers (or a single number) and displays the % number at the correct bit position. % \changes{v2.1}{2011/06/16}{Added code due to Renaud Pacalet for shifting % the bit header by a distance corresponding to % \texttt{\string\string\string\bf@first@bit}, used for typesetting % registers split across rows} % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@parse@range#1-#2-#3\relax{% \setcounter{header@val}{#1} \setcounter{max@header@val}{#2 + 1} \loop \ifnum\value{header@val}<\value{max@header@val}% \if\bf@bit@endianness b% \setlength{\header@xpos}{% \bf@bitwidth * (\bits@wide - \value{header@val} + \bf@first@bit - 1)}% \else \setlength{\header@xpos}{\bf@bitwidth * (\value{header@val} - \bf@first@bit)}% \fi \put(\strip@pt\header@xpos,0){% \makebox(\strip@pt\bf@bitwidth,\strip@pt\units@tall){% \bf@bitformatting{\theheader@val}}} \addtocounter{header@val}{1} \repeat } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@process@bitheader@opts} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@l} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@b} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@l@default} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@b@default} % This is helper function~\#3 for |\bitheader|. It processes the % optional argument to |\bitheader|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\bf@process@bitheader@opts}{% \let\KV@bytefield@l=\KV@bitheader@l \let\KV@bytefield@b=\KV@bitheader@b \let\KV@bytefield@l@default=\KV@bitheader@l@default \let\KV@bytefield@b@default=\KV@bitheader@b@default \setkeys{bytefield}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bitheader@l} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bitheader@b} % For backwards compatibility we also accept the (now deprecated) |l| as % a synonym for |endianness=little| and |b| as a synonym for % |endianness=big|. A typical document will specify an |endianness| % option not as an argument to |\bitheader| but rather as a package % option that applies to the entire document. If the \optname{compat1} % option was provided to \pkgname{bytefield} (determined below by the % existence of the |\curlyshrinkage| control word), we suppress the % deprecation warning message. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bitheader}{l}[true]{% \expandafter\ifx\csname curlyshrinkage\endcsname\relax \PackageWarning{bytefield}{% The "l" argument to \protect\bitheader\space is deprecated.\MessageBreak Instead, please use "endianness=little", which can\MessageBreak even be declared globally for the entire document.\MessageBreak This warning occurred}% \fi \def\bf@bit@endianness{l}% } \define@key{bitheader}{b}[true]{% \expandafter\ifx\csname curlyshrinkage\endcsname\relax \PackageWarning{bytefield}{% The "b" argument to \protect\bitheader\space is deprecated.\MessageBreak Instead, please use "endianness=big", which can\MessageBreak even be declared globally for the entire document.\MessageBreak This warning occurred}% \fi \def\bf@bit@endianness{b}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{Word labels} % % \subsubsection{Curly-brace manipulation} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@leftcurlyshrinkage} % \begin{macro}{\bf@rightcurlyshrinkage} % Reduce the height of a left (right) curly brace by % |\bf@leftcurlyshrinkage| (|\bf@rightcurlyshrinkage|) so its ends don't % overlap whatever is above or below it. The default value (5\,pt.) was % determined empirically and shouldn't need to be changed. However, on % the off-chance the user employs a math font with very different curly % braces from Computer Modern's, |\bf@leftcurlyshrinkage| and % |\bf@rightcurlyshrinkage| can be modified. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@leftcurlyshrinkage{5pt} \def\bf@rightcurlyshrinkage{5pt} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@leftcurlyspace} % \begin{macro}{\bf@rightcurlyspace} % \begin{macro}{\bf@leftlabelspace} % \begin{macro}{\bf@rightlabelspace} % Define the amount of space to insert before a curly brace and before a % word label (i.e.,~after a curly brace). % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@leftcurlyspace{1ex} \def\bf@rightcurlyspace{1ex} \def\bf@leftlabelspace{0.5ex} \def\bf@rightlabelspace{0.5ex} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@leftcurly} % \begin{macro}{\bf@rightcurly} % Define the symbols to use as left and right curly braces. These % symbols must be extensible math symbols (i.e.,~they will immediately % follow |\left| or |\right| in math mode). % \begin{macrocode} \let\bf@leftcurly=\{ \let\bf@rightcurly=\} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@leftcurlystyle} % \begin{macro}{\bf@rightcurlystyle} % Define the default formatting for left and right curly braces as ``do % nothing special''. % \begin{macrocode} \let\bf@leftcurlystyle=\relax \let\bf@rightcurlystyle=\relax % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\curly@box} % Define a box in which to temporarily store formatted curly braces. % \changes{v1.2}{2004/06/14}{Bug fix: Defined \cs{curly@box} globally % (suggested by Stefan Ulrich)} % \begin{macrocode} \newbox{\curly@box} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\store@rcurly} % \changes{v2.7}{2021/08/17}{Properly align right curly braces under % Lua\string\LaTeX\ (bug reported by Georgi Nikiforov)} % \begin{macro}{\curly@height} % \begin{macro}{\half@curly@height} % \begin{macro}{\curly@shift} % \begin{macro}{\old@axis} % Store a ``\}'' that's |#2| tall in box |#1|. % The only unintuitive thing here is that we have to redefine % |\fontdimen22|---axis height---to~0\,pt.\ before typesetting the curly % brace. Otherwise, the brace would be vertically off-center by a few % points. When we're finished, we reset it back to its old value. % \begin{macrocode} \def\store@rcurly#1#2{% \begingroup \bf@newdimen\curly@height \setlength{\curly@height}{#2 - \bf@rightcurlyshrinkage}% \bf@newdimen\half@curly@height \setlength{\half@curly@height}{0.5\curly@height}% \bf@newdimen\curly@shift \setlength{\curly@shift}{\bf@rightcurlyshrinkage}% \setlength{\curly@shift}{\half@curly@height + 0.5\curly@shift}% \addtolength{\curly@shift}{-\fontdimen22\textfont2}% \global\sbox{#1}{\raisebox{\curly@shift}{% \bf@rightcurlystyle{% $\left. \vrule height\half@curly@height width 0pt depth\half@curly@height\right\bf@rightcurly$% }% }}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\store@lcurly} % \changes{v2.7}{2021/08/17}{Properly align left curly braces under % Lua\string\LaTeX\ (bug reported by Georgi Nikiforov)} % \begin{macro}{\curly@height} % \begin{macro}{\half@curly@height} % \begin{macro}{\curly@shift} % These are the same as |\store@rcurly|, etc.\ but using a ``\{'' % instead of a ``\}''. % \begin{macrocode} \def\store@lcurly#1#2{% \begingroup \bf@newdimen\curly@height \setlength{\curly@height}{#2 - \bf@leftcurlyshrinkage}% \bf@newdimen\half@curly@height \setlength{\half@curly@height}{0.5\curly@height}% \bf@newdimen\curly@shift \setlength{\curly@shift}{\bf@leftcurlyshrinkage}% \setlength{\curly@shift}{\half@curly@height + 0.5\curly@shift}% \addtolength{\curly@shift}{-\fontdimen22\textfont2}% \global\sbox{#1}{\raisebox{\curly@shift}{% \bf@leftcurlystyle{% $\left\bf@leftcurly \vrule height\half@curly@height width 0pt depth\half@curly@height\right.$% }% }}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Right-side labels} % % \begin{macro}{\show@wordlabelr} % This macro is output in the third column of every row of the % |\ialign|ed bytefield table. It's normally a no-op, but % |\end{rightwordgroup}| defines it to output the word label and then % reset itself to a no-op. % \begin{macrocode} \def\show@wordlabelr{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\wordlabelr@start} % \begin{macro}{\wordlabelr@end} % Declare the starting and ending height (in points) of the set of rows % to be labeled on the right. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\wordlabelr@start} \newlength{\wordlabelr@end} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{rightwordgroup} % \usermacro % Label the words defined between |\begin{rightwordgroup}| and % |\end{rightwordgroup}| on the right side of the bit field. The first, % optional, argument is a list of parameters, as defined in % Section~\ref{sec:options}. The second, mandatory, argument is the % text of the label. The label is typeset to the right of a large curly % brace, which groups the words together. % \changes{v2.6}{2020/10/29}{Suppress spaces following the % \protect\cs{end}\protect\texttt{\{rightwordgroup\}}} % \changes{v2.6}{2020/10/31}{Accept key/value options} % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{rightwordgroup}[2][]{% % \end{macrocode} % We begin by ending the group that |\begin{rightwordgroup}| created. This % lets the |rightwordgroup| environment span rows (because we're technically % no longer within the environment). % \begin{macrocode} \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\wordlabelr@start} % \begin{macro}{\wordlabelr@params} % \begin{macro}{\wordlabelr@text} % |\begin{rightwordgroup}| merely stores the starting height in % |\wordlabelr@start| and the user-supplied text in |\wordlabelr@text|. % |\end{rightwordgroup}| does most of the work. % \begin{macrocode} \global\wordlabelr@start=\bytefield@height \gdef\wordlabelr@params{#1}% \gdef\wordlabelr@text{#2}% \ignorespaces }{% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\wordlabelr@end} % Because we already ended the group that |\begin{rightwordgroup}| % created we now have to begin a group for |\end{rightwordgroup}| to % end. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \global\wordlabelr@end=\bytefield@height % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\show@wordlabelr} % Redefine |\show@wordlabelr| to output |\bf@rightcurlyspace| space, % followed by a large curly brace (in |\curlybox|), followed by % |\bf@rightlabelspace| space, followed by the user's text (previously % recorded in |\wordlabelr@text|). We typeset |\wordlabelr@text| within % a |tabular| environment, so \LaTeX\ will calculate its width % automatically. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\show@wordlabelr{% \sbox{\word@label@box}{% \begin{tabular}[b]{@{}l@{}}\wordlabelr@text\end{tabular}% }% \settowidth{\label@box@width}{\usebox{\word@label@box}}% \setlength{\label@box@height}{\wordlabelr@end-\wordlabelr@start}% % \end{macrocode} % Evaluate any parameters passed to |\begin{rightwordgroup}| right % before we render the curly brace. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\bf@bytefieldsetup\expandafter{\wordlabelr@params}% \store@rcurly{\curly@box}{\label@box@height}% \bf@newdimen\total@box@width \setlength{\total@box@width}{% \bf@rightcurlyspace + \widthof{\usebox{\curly@box}} + \bf@rightlabelspace + \label@box@width }% \begin{picture}(\strip@pt\total@box@width,0) \put(0,0){% \hspace*{\bf@rightcurlyspace}% \usebox{\curly@box}% \hspace*{\bf@rightlabelspace}% \makebox(\strip@pt\label@box@width,\strip@pt\label@box@height){% \usebox{\word@label@box}% }% }% \end{picture}% % \end{macrocode} % The last thing |\show@wordlabelr| does is redefine itself back to a no-op. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\show@wordlabelr{}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@currenvir} % Because of our meddling with |\begingroup| and |\endgroup|, the % current environment is all messed up. We therefore force the % |\end{rightwordgroup}| to succeed, even if it doesn't match the preceding % |\begin|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@currenvir{rightwordgroup}% \ignorespacesafterend } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{environment} % % \subsubsection{Left-side labels} % % \begin{macro}{\wordlabell@start} % \begin{macro}{\wordlabell@end} % Declare the starting and ending height (in points) of the set of rows % to be labeled on the left. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\wordlabell@start} \newlength{\wordlabell@end} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\total@box@width} % Declare the total width of the next label to typeset on the left of % the bit field, that is, the aggregate width of the text box, curly % brace, and spaces on either side of the curly brace. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\total@lbox@width} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\make@lspace} % This macro is output in the first column of every row of the % |\ialign|ed bytefield table. It's normally a no-op, but % |\begin{leftwordgroup}| defines it to output enough space for the next word % label and then reset itself to a no-op. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\make@lspace{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{leftwordgroup} % \usermacro % This environment is essentially the same as the |rightwordgroup| % environment but puts the label on the left. However, the following % code is not symmetric to that of |rightwordgroup|. The problem is that we % encounter |\begin{leftwordgroup}| after entering the second % (i.e.,~figure) column, which doesn't give us a chance to reserve space % in the first (i.e.,~left label) column. When we reach the % |\end{leftwordgroup}|, we know the height of the group of words we wish % to label. However, if we try to label the words in the subsequent % first column, we won't know the vertical offset from the ``cursor'' at % which to start drawing the label, because we can't know the height of % the subsequent row until we reach the second % column.\footnote{Question: Is there a way to push the label up to the % \emph{top} of the subsequent row, perhaps with % \texttt{\string\vfill}?} % % Our solution is to allocate space for the box the next time we enter a % first column. As long as space is eventually allocated, the column % will expand to fit that space. |\end{leftwordgroup}| outputs the label % immediately. Even though |\end{leftwordgroup}| is called at the end of % the \emph{second} column, it |\put|s the label at a sufficiently % negative $x$ location for it to overlap the first column. Because % there will eventually be enough space to accomodate the label, we know % that the label won't overlap the bit field or extend beyond the bit-field % boundaries. % \changes{v2.6}{2020/10/29}{Suppress spaces following the % \protect\cs{end}\protect\texttt{\{leftwordgroup\}}} % \changes{v2.6}{2020/10/31}{Accept key/value options} % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{leftwordgroup}[2][]{% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\wordlabell@start} % \begin{macro}{\wordlabell@params} % \begin{macro}{\wordlabell@text} % We store the starting height, optional parameters (see % Section~\ref{sec:options}), and label text, all of which are needed by % the |\end{leftwordgroup}|. We immediately parse the parameters % because they may affect the \cs{store@lcurly} invocation below. % \begin{macrocode} \global\wordlabell@start=\bytefield@height \gdef\wordlabell@params{#1}% \gdef\wordlabell@text{#2}% \bf@bytefieldsetup{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % Next, we typeset a draft version of the label into |\word@label@box|, % which we measure (into |\total@lbox@width|) and then discard. % We can't typeset the final version of the label until we reach the % |\end{leftwordgroup}|, because that's when we learn the height of the % word group. Without knowing the height of the word group, we don't % how how big to make the curly brace. In the scratch version, we make % the curly brace 5\,cm.~tall. This should be more than large enough to % reach the maximum curly-brace width, which is all we really care about % at this point. % \begin{macrocode} \sbox{\word@label@box}{% \begin{tabular}[b]{@{}l@{}}\wordlabell@text\end{tabular}}% \settowidth{\label@box@width}{\usebox{\word@label@box}}% \store@lcurly{\curly@box}{5cm}% \setlength{\total@lbox@width}{% \bf@leftcurlyspace + \widthof{\usebox{\curly@box}} + \bf@leftlabelspace + \label@box@width}% \global\total@lbox@width=\total@lbox@width % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\make@lspace} % Now we know how wide the box is going to be (unless, of course, % the user is using some weird math font that scales the width of a curly % brace proportionally to its height). So we redefine |\make@lspace| to % output |\total@lbox@width|'s worth of space and then redefine itself % back to a no-op. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\make@lspace{% \hspace*{\total@lbox@width}% \gdef\make@lspace{}% }% % \end{macrocode} % We now end the group that |\begin{rightwordgroup}| created. This lets % the |leftwordgroup| environment span rows (because we're technically % no longer within the environment). % \begin{macrocode} \endgroup \ignorespaces }{% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Because we already ended the group that |\begin{leftwordgroup}| created % we have to start the |\end{leftwordgroup}| by beginning a group for % |\end{leftwordgroup}| to end. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % The |\end{leftwordgroup}| code is comparatively straightforward. We % calculate the final height of the word group, and then output the % label text, followed by |\bf@leftlabelspace| space, followed by a % curly brace (now that we know how tall it's supposed to be), followed % by |\bf@leftcurlyspace| space. The trick, as described earlier, is % that we typeset the entire label in the second column, but in a $0 % \times 0$ |picture| environment and with a negative horizontal offset % (|\starting@point|), thereby making it overlap the first column. % Before typesetting the curly brace we re-parse the optional parameters % because we're in a new group from the one in which we parsed them % before, and the parameters can affect the second \cs{store@lcurly} % invocation just they could have affected the first. % \begin{macrocode} \global\wordlabell@end=\bytefield@height \bf@newdimen\starting@point \setlength{\starting@point}{% -\total@lbox@width - \bf@bitwidth*\bits@wide}% \sbox{\word@label@box}{% \begin{tabular}[b]{@{}l@{}}\wordlabell@text\end{tabular}}% \settowidth{\label@box@width}{\usebox{\word@label@box}}% \setlength{\label@box@height}{\wordlabell@end-\wordlabell@start}% \expandafter\bf@bytefieldsetup\expandafter{\wordlabell@params}% \store@lcurly{\curly@box}{\label@box@height}% \begin{picture}(0,0) \put(\strip@pt\starting@point,0){% \makebox(\strip@pt\label@box@width,\strip@pt\label@box@height){% \usebox{\word@label@box}}% \hspace*{\bf@leftlabelspace}% \usebox{\curly@box}% \hspace*{\bf@leftcurlyspace}} \end{picture}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\@currenvir} % Because of our meddling with |\begingroup| and |\endgroup|, the % current environment is all messed up. We therefore force the % |\end{leftwordgroup}| to succeed, even if it doesn't match the preceding % |\begin|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@currenvir{leftwordgroup}% \ignorespacesafterend } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{environment} % % \subsubsection{Scratch space} % % \begin{macro}{\label@box@width} % \begin{macro}{\label@box@height} % \begin{macro}{\word@label@box} % Declare some scratch storage for the width, height, and contents of % the word label we're about to output. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\label@box@width} \newlength{\label@box@height} \newsavebox{\word@label@box} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Compatibility mode} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@enter@compatibility@mode@i} % \pkgname{bytefield}'s interface changed substantially with the move to % version~2.0. To give version~1.\textit{x} users a quick way to build % their old documents, we provide a version~1.\textit{x} compatibility % mode. We don't enable this by default because it exposes a number of % extra length registers (a precious resource) and because we want to % encourage users to migrate to the new interface. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bf@enter@compatibility@mode@i}{% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\bitwidth} % \begin{macro}{\byteheight} % \begin{macro}{\curlyspace} % \begin{macro}{\labelspace} % \begin{macro}{\curlyshrinkage} % Define a handful of lengths that the user was allowed to |\setlength| % explicitly in \pkgname{bytefield}~1.\textit{x}. % \begin{macrocode} \PackageInfo{bytefield}{Entering version 1 compatibility mode}% \newlength{\bitwidth}% \newlength{\byteheight}% \newlength{\curlyspace}% \newlength{\labelspace}% \newlength{\curlyshrinkage}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \settowidth{\bitwidth}{\tiny 99i}% \setlength{\byteheight}{4ex}% \setlength{\curlyspace}{1ex}% \setlength{\labelspace}{0.5ex}% \setlength{\curlyshrinkage}{5pt}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\newbytefield} % \begin{macro}{\endnewbytefield} % \begin{environment}{bytefield} % Redefine the |bytefield| environment in terms of the existing % (new-interface) |bytefield| environment. The difference is that the % redefinition utilizes all of the preceding lengths. % \begin{macrocode} \let\newbytefield=\bytefield \let\endnewbytefield=\endbytefield \renewenvironment{bytefield}[1]{% \begin{newbytefield}[% bitwidth=\bitwidth, bitheight=\byteheight, curlyspace=\curlyspace, labelspace=\labelspace, curlyshrinkage=\curlyshrinkage]{##1}% }{% \end{newbytefield}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\wordgroupr} % \begin{macro}{\endwordgroupr} % \begin{macro}{\wordgroupl} % \begin{macro}{\endwordgroupl} % Define |\wordgroupr|, |\endwordgroupr|, |\wordgroupl|, and % |\endwordgroupl| in terms of the new |rightwordgroup| and % |leftwordgroup| environments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\wordgroupr{\begin{rightwordgroup}} \def\endwordgroupr{\end{rightwordgroup}} \def\wordgroupl{\begin{leftwordgroup}} \def\endwordgroupl{\end{leftwordgroup}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bytefieldsetup} % Disable |\bytefieldsetup| in compatibility mode because it doesn't % work as expected. (Every use of the compatibility-mode |bytefield| % environment overwrites all of the figure-formatting values.) % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand{\bytefieldsetup}[1]{% \PackageError{bytefield}{% The \protect\bytefieldsetup\space macro is not available in\MessageBreak version 1 compatibility mode% }{% Remove [compat1] from the \protect\usepackage{bytefield} line to make \protect\bytefieldsetup\MessageBreak available to this document.\space\space (The document may also need to be modified to use\MessageBreak the new bytefield interface.) }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\wordgroupr} % \begin{macro}{\endwordgroupr} % \begin{macro}{\wordgroupl} % \begin{macro}{\endwordgroupl} % Issue a helpful error message for the commands that were removed in % \pkgname{bytefield}~v2.0. While this won't help users whose first % invalid action is to modify a no-longer-extant length register such as % |\bitwidth| or |\byteheight|, it may benefit at least a few users who % didn't realize that the \pkgname{bytefield} interface has changed % substantially with version~2.0. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\wordgroupr}{% \PackageError{bytefield}{% Macros \protect\wordgroupr, \protect\wordgroupl, \protect\endwordgroupr, \MessageBreak and \protect\endwordgroupl\space no longer exist% }{% Starting with version 2.0, bytefield uses \protect\begin{wordgroupr}... \MessageBreak \protect\end{wordgroupr} and \protect\begin{wordgroupl}...% \protect\end{wordgroupl}\MessageBreak to specify word groups and a new \protect\bytefieldsetup\space macro to \MessageBreak change bytefield's various formatting parameters.% }% } \let\endwordgroupr=\wordgroupr \let\wordgroupl=\wordgroupr \let\endwordgroupl=\wordgroupr % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{Option processing} % % We use the \textsf{keyval} package to handle option processing. % Because all of \pkgname{bytefield}'s options have local impact, options % can be specified either as package arguments or through the use of the % |\bytefieldsetup| macro. % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@bitwidth} % \begin{macro}{\bf@bw@arg} % \begin{macro}{\bf@auto} % Specify the width of a bit number in the bit header. If the special % value ``|auto|'' is given, set the width to the width of a formatted % ``|99i|''. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{bitwidth}{% \def\bf@bw@arg{#1}% \def\bf@auto{auto}% \ifx\bf@bw@arg\bf@auto \settowidth{\bf@bitwidth}{\bf@bitformatting{99i}}% \else \setlength{\bf@bitwidth}{#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@bf@bitheight} % Specify the height of a bit in a |\bitbox| or |\wordbox|. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{bitheight}{\setlength{\bf@bitheight}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@bitformatting} % Specify the style of a bit number in the bit header. This should be % passed an expression that takes either one argument (e.g.,~|\textit|) % or no arguments (e.g.,~|{\small\bfseries}|). % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{bitformatting}{\def\bf@bitformatting{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@boxformatting} % Specify a style to be applied to the contents of every bit box and % word box. This should be passed an expression that takes either one % argument (e.g.,~|\textit|) or no arguments % (e.g.,~|{\small\bfseries}|). % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{boxformatting}{\def\bf@boxformatting{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@leftcurly} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@rightcurly} % \begin{macro}{\bf@leftcurly} % \begin{macro}{\bf@rightcurly} % Specify the symbol to use for bracketing a left or right word group. % This must be an extensible math delimiter (i.e.,~something that can % immediately follow |\left| or |\right| in math mode). % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{leftcurly}{\def\bf@leftcurly{#1}} \define@key{bytefield}{rightcurly}{\def\bf@rightcurly{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@leftcurlyspace} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@rightcurlyspace} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@curlyspace} % \begin{macro}{\bf@leftcurlyspace} % \begin{macro}{\bf@rightcurlyspace} % Specify the amount of space between the bit fields in a word group and % the adjacent left or right curly brace. The \optname{curlyspace} % option is a shortcut that puts the same space before both left and % right curly braces. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{leftcurlyspace}{\def\bf@leftcurlyspace{#1}} \define@key{bytefield}{rightcurlyspace}{\def\bf@rightcurlyspace{#1}} \define@key{bytefield}{curlyspace}{% \def\bf@leftcurlyspace{#1}% \def\bf@rightcurlyspace{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@leftlabelspace} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@rightlabelspace} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@labelspace} % \begin{macro}{\bf@leftlabelspace} % \begin{macro}{\bf@rightlabelspace} % Specify the amount of space between a left or right word group's curly % brace and the associated label text. The |labelspace| option is a % shortcut that puts the same space after both left and right curly % braces. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{leftlabelspace}{\def\bf@leftlabelspace{#1}} \define@key{bytefield}{rightlabelspace}{\def\bf@rightlabelspace{#1}} \define@key{bytefield}{labelspace}{% \def\bf@leftlabelspace{#1}% \def\bf@rightlabelspace{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@leftcurlyshrinkage} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@rightcurlyshrinkage} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@curlyshrinkage} % \begin{macro}{\bf@leftcurlyshrinkage} % \begin{macro}{\bf@rightcurlyshrinkage} % Specify the number of points by which to reduce the height of a curly % brace (left, right, or both) so its ends don't overlap whatever's % above or below it. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{leftcurlyshrinkage}{\def\bf@leftcurlyshrinkage{#1}} \define@key{bytefield}{rightcurlyshrinkage}{\def\bf@rightcurlyshrinkage{#1}} \define@key{bytefield}{curlyshrinkage}{% \def\bf@leftcurlyshrinkage{#1}% \def\bf@rightcurlyshrinkage{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@leftcurlystyle} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@rightcurlystyle} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefieldcurlystyle} % \begin{macro}{\bf@leftcurlystyle} % \begin{macro}{\bf@rightcurlystyle} % Specify a macro that takes either zero or one argument and that % precedes the text that draws a left curly brace, right curly brace, or % either curly brace. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{leftcurlystyle}{\def\bf@leftcurlystyle{#1}} \define@key{bytefield}{rightcurlystyle}{\def\bf@rightcurlystyle{#1}} \define@key{bytefield}{curlystyle}{% \def\bf@leftcurlystyle{#1}% \def\bf@rightcurlystyle{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@endianness} % \begin{macro}{\bf@parse@endianness} % Set the default endianness to either little endian or big endian. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{endianness}{\bf@parse@endianness{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bf@parse@endianness}[1]{% \def\bf@little{little}% \def\bf@big{big}% \def\bf@arg{#1}% \ifx\bf@arg\bf@little \def\bf@bit@endianness{l}% \else \ifx\bf@arg\bf@big \def\bf@bit@endianness{b}% \else \PackageError{bytefield}{% Invalid argument "#1" to the endianness option% }{% The endianness option must be set to either "little" or "big".\MessageBreak Please specify either endianness=little or endianness=big. }% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@lsb} % Specify a numerical value for the least significant bit of a word. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{lsb}{\def\bf@first@bit{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@bgcolor} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@bgcolor} % Specify a background color for a bit box or word box. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{bgcolor}{\def\bf@bgcolor{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@per@word} % \begin{macro}{\KV@bytefield@per@word} % Specify a macro to invoke for each word of a word box. The macro must % take two arguments: the word number (0-indexed) and the total number % of words. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{bytefield}{perword}{\def\bf@per@word{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bytefieldsetup} % \usermacro % \changes{v2.0}{2011/01/18}{Introduced this macro to provide a more % convenient way of configuring \pkgname{bytefield}'s parameters} % \begin{macro}{\bf@bytefieldsetup} % Reconfigure values for various \pkgname{bytefield} parameters. % Internally to the package we use the |\bf@bytefieldsetup| macro % instead of |\bytefieldsetup|. This enables us to redefine % |\bytefieldsetup| when entering version~1 compatibility mode without % impacting the rest of \pkgname{bytefield}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bf@bytefieldsetup}{\setkeys{bytefield}} \let\bytefieldsetup=\bf@bytefieldsetup % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % We define only a single option that can be used only as a package % option, not as an argument to |\bytefieldsetup|: |compat1| instructs % \pkgname{bytefield} to enter version~1 compatibility mode---at the % cost of a number of additional length registers and the inability to % specify parameters in the argument to the |bytefield| environment. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{compat1}{\bf@enter@compatibility@mode@i} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\bf@package@options} % \begin{macro}{\next} % We want to use |\bf@bytefieldsetup| to process \pkgname{bytefield} % package options. Unfortunately, |\DeclareOption| doesn't handle % \meta{key}=\meta{value} arguments. Hence, we use |\DeclareOption*| to % catch \emph{all} options, each of which it appends to % |\bf@package@options|. |\bf@package@options| is passed to % |\bf@bytefieldsetup| only at the beginning of the document so that the % options it specifies (a)~can refer to ex-heights and (b)~override the % default values, which are also set at the beginning of the document. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bf@package@options{} \DeclareOption*{% \edef\next{% \noexpand\g@addto@macro\noexpand\bf@package@options{,\CurrentOption}% }% \next } \ProcessOptions\relax \expandafter\bf@bytefieldsetup\expandafter{\bf@package@options} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \Finale \endinput