bibleref-german 2011/04/02 v1.0a Copyright (c) 2011 Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)> ************************************************************ Contents of README 1. Package description 2. Documentation 3. Version history 4. Acknowledgements 5. Licence 6. Files 1. Package description ---------------------- The package bibleref-german provides translations and various formats for the use of bibleref in German documents. The German naming of the bible books complies with the 'Loccumer Richtlinien' (Loccum guidelines). Apart from that, the Vulgate (Latin bible) is supported. Any suggestions concerning this package are highly appreciated. 2. Documentation ---------------- The English documentation of bibleref-german can be found in the file 'en-bibleref-german.pdf'. This file is intended for viewing on a computer screen. A printable version can be compiled from the file 'en-bibleref-german.tex'. You only have to comment the line \input{bibleref-german-screen} (i.e. put a % sign in front of it) and uncomment the line \input{bibleref-german-print} (i.e. delete the % sign at the beginning of this line). Note: The fonts may not be installed on your system. The following fonts were used for the documentation: * Linux Libertine in running text * Linux Biolinum (part of the Libertine package) for headings * BeraMono as typewriter font These fonts are freely available. If you do not have these fonts installed in your system or do not want to install them, you can easily use another font. The relevant settings can be found in the file 'bibleref-german-preamble.tex'. 3. Version history ---------- see file CHANGES 4. Acknowledgements ------------------- I would like to thank Sebastian Kuhnert for advice and assistance. 5. Licence ---------- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. The Current Maintainer of this work is Dominik Waßenhoven. 6. Files -------- This work consists of the following files: * README % this file, including licence * LIESMICH % the README in German * CHANGES % version history * bibleref-german.sty % package file * de-bibleref-german.pdf % German documentation * de-bibleref-german.tex % German documentation * en-bibleref-german.pdf % English documentation * en-bibleref-german.tex % English documentation * bibleref-german-preamble.tex % preamble for documentation * bibleref-german-print.tex % settings for print version * bibleref-german-screen.tex % settings for screen version