December 19, 2002

Xfig is a menu-driven tool that allows the user to draw and manipulate objects
interactively in an X window.  The resulting pictures can be saved, printed
on postscript printers or converted to a variety of other formats (e.g. to
allow inclusion in LaTeX documents).

xfig 3.2.4 is available from and, and usually
from any CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) site such as
See for a long list of CTAN sites.

Be sure to set binary mode when transferring.

These are the files:

xfig.3.2.4.full.tar.gz			tar file with everything
xfig.3.2.4.code_only.tar.gz		tar file with source only
xfig.3.2.4.docs_only.tar.gz		tar file with docs only (man pages, html)
xfig.3.2.4.libraries_only.tar.gz	tar file with only Fig Object Libraries

And, now it comes with a binary RPM: xfig-3.2.4.i386.rpm

You also need to get TransFig version 3.2.4.  TransFig contains the post-
processor (fig2dev) needed by xfig to convert fig files to one of several output
formats, such as PostScript, pic, LaTeX etc.  The TransFig package can always
be found at the same site as xfig.

Please send email about any questions/bug fixes/contributions etc. about
TransFig or xfig to

Brian V. Smith
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
I don't speak for LBNL; they don't pay me enough for that.

Following is a description of the CHANGES for 3.2.4.


The xfig copyright has changed slightly since the previous version.
It now states that:

	Any party obtaining a copy of these files is granted, free of charge, a
	full and unrestricted irrevocable, world-wide, paid up, royalty-free,
	nonexclusive right and license to deal in this software and
	documentation files (the "Software"), including without limitation the
	rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish and/or distribute copies of
	the Software, and to permit persons who receive copies from any such
	party to do so, with the only requirement being that this copyright
	notice remain intact.

The previous notice allowed the *selling* of xfig or any code in xfig. This is
not allowed now, unless xfig is simply included in a collection of programs
(e.g. on a CD) that you are selling.


	o Binary and source RPM files available for systems with rpm (RedHat
	  Package Manager).
	o Examples moved to Libraries/Examples so they are installed in a
	  convenient place for viewing (via the library feature)
	o "Front" and "Back" labels in depth manager to show relative
	  positioning of depths on drawing.
	o The mu (micro) character is now entered using "Compose | u" instead
	  of "Compose / u"
	o If you wish to place a library object at the position it was
	  originally created, e.g. for laser printer labels, hold down the Shift
	  key and press mouse button 3 (`place at orign posn') to place it.
	o New URL for chemtool, a chemical structure editor:
	o The minimum and maximum depth of objects are shown in the edit panel
	  for compound objects
	o EMF (Enhanced Metafile) export driver (TransFig/fig2dev) based on CGM
	  driver. Converted by M. Schrick
	o SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) beta driver (for TransFig/fig2dev) from
	  Anthony Starks with major improvements by Martin Kroeker
	  (  Some caveats when using
	  Mozilla-SVG to view these: 
	    1. the file must be exported with magnification = 6.6% (0.066 in
	       fig2dev) to scale to screen coords
	    2. the file suffix must be ".xml"
	o The xfig documentation is nearly entirely GIF-free (TM).  Only the
	  frames images use GIF because they use a transparent background, which
	  many browsers don't honor.  PNG is used for all other images.
	o Xfig reference manual now available in PDF besides html.  The English
	  version is in Doc/xfig_en.pdf and the Japanese in Doc/xfig_jp.pdf.
	  These are also available in the Help menu.
	o Dimension lines - Hold the shift key down while drawing a polyline,
	  and after specifying the two endpoints a "dimension line" is created,
	  which is actually a compound object containing the line drawn (with
	  arrowheads if auto arrow mode is on) in the current color, "tick"
	  lines at each endpoint, text showing the length of the line in the
	  current units, and a box around the text filled in the current fill
	  color.  If this compound object is rescaled or one or more endpoints
	  are moved, the actual length is recalculated and the text is updated.
	o New Xfig logo courtesy of Marc-Aurele Darche.
	o Can now paste text in text mode using Shift+Middle-mouse-button in
	  addition to F20 and Sun's Paste key (F18).
	o If xfig is compiled with #define WHEELMOUSE uncommented in the
	  Imakefile, the wheel may be used for several things (see html docs
	  under Miscellaneous/Wheel Mouse).
	o New grid/positioning option for inches mode: -grid_unit.  If the value
	  given is "1/10", "ten", "tenth", "1/10" or "10", (e.g. -grid_unit ten)
	  then the grid and point positioning is in decimal inches.  Otherwise
	  they are in 1/16 inch units (as before).  When in this mode, the grid
	  step sizes are 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 inch and the positioning steps are
	  0.05, 0.10, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 inch.
	o Background (-g to fig2dev) option for tk export honored now.
	o New command-line argument -correct_font_size (X resource
	  Fig.correct_font_size) to make xfig use real points for font sizes
	  instead of units of 1/80 inch.  xfig has always claimed that the font
	  size units are points (1/72inch), but in fact they were 1/80 inch.
	  This new option is not the default because it will break some figures
	  by making the text too large compared to other Fig objects, but it
	  will be the default in a future version.
	  The corresponding argument to fig2dev is -F (xfig automatically sets
	  this when calling fig2dev).
	o Added "Stop" button to stop loading library.
	o Much more efficient when copying large imported pictures - existing
	  pixmap is used instead of creating new one.  This also precludes the
	  need to remap colors when running out of colors when the colors are
	o When changing an attribute of an imported picture that doesn't change
	  the picture itself (e.g. depth), the pixmap is not regenerated,
	  therefore saving time.  The same is true when copying a picture.
	o New X resource Fig.ghostscript and command-line argument -ghostscript
	  by which you can tell xfig what your ghostscript is called (e.g. "gs"
	  or "gswin32").
	o Can now add ASCII (EPSI) preview to EPS export. See export panel.
	o Can now add monochrome or color TIFF preview to EPS export.  This is
	  needed by Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, etc. to display the EPS on the
	  screen. Select from the pulldown menu of export languages.  You must
	  have fig2dev 3.2.4 for these features. See export panel.
	o Translations of LATEX.AND.XFIG document into two popular Chinese
	  encodings (GB2312 and Big5).  These are called LATEX.AND.XFIG.zh_CN
	  and LATEX.AND.XFIG.zh_TW respectively.
	  From Mendel Chan
	o When text becomes too small to see (e.g. small zoom), xfig will
	  "Greek" it, meaning it draws a gray line segment for each word in the
	o When resizing canvas to a smaller height, the number of buttons per
	  row of the mode (side) panel increases so that it doesn't protrude
	  into the indicator (bottom) panel
	o Smarter redraw when turning on depths from the depth manager.  If
	  depth N is turned on and there are no active depths < N, only depth N
	  is drawn - otherwise, the canvas is erased and the whole figure is
	o If the user's pointer (mouse) buttons are switched (usually 3 2 1)
	  xfig will automatically flip the mouse hints messages. This overrides
	  the -flipvisualhints command-line argument.
	o If the user clicks on or modifies an existing text, and presses
	  return, the new text on the next line will use the attributes of the
	  first text instead of the attributes from the indicator panel.
	o Note in README and Imakefile about not casually setting the DESTDIR
	  make variable.
	o Picture objects are drawn as filled gray boxes when their layer is
	  inactive in gray mode.
	o xfig no longer requires fonts that are named "-adobe-..." (e.g. for
	  RedHat systems with URW fonts).
	o Updating the attribute panel from a compound object will retrieve
	  (only) the smallest depth from the compound.
	o When scaling an object, the line thickness is no longer scaled with it
	o New measuring modes: angle, length, area and tangent. See Editing
	  section in html docs.  From Alex Durner.
	o New feature to add tangents and normal lines to curves.  See Editing
	  section in html docs.  From Alex Durner.
	o Splash screen on startup. Disable with -nosplash (resource Fig.splash).
	  Interior logo by  Marc-Aurèle Darche.
	o New command-line option -grid_color (resource grid_color) to set the
	  color of the canvas grid (default: red).
	o New option to print grid when exporting or printing (see printing/
	  exporting section in html docs).
	o When drawing an arc by specifying the center point, a circle is drawn
	  showing the radius of the arc as the user drags the mouse, then when
	  the first end point is clicked an arc is drawn as the mouse is dragged.
	  The user then clicks in the direction the arc should go, followed by
	  the final angle to complete it.
	o If the Ruler unit is Imperial (in), you may have xfig display
	  measurements using fractions where possible.  If a measurement can be
	  shown as an integer multiple of 64ths of an inch (or 32nds, 16ths,
	  etc.) it will show it as such (e.g. 3-5/64 in), otherwise a decimal
	  value will be shown (e.g. 3.085 in).
	o When opening a compound object, if the middle button us used to open
	  the compound, all other objects on the canvas are kept visible.
	  From Alex Durner.
	o When opening a compound object, the "point positioning" indicator is
	  enabled, allowing you to set the bounds of the compound according to
	  the indicator when you close the compound.
	o Zero-crossing lines on canvas have own command-line parameter
	  (-zero_lines) and resource (Fig.zero_lines) for setting color separate
	  from page border color.
	o Smooth factor when exporting to bitmap format is now a pull-down menu
	  with: No smoothing, Some smoothing, More smoothing.
	o When flipping compound objects with text, a vertical flip will now
	  shift the text to maintain its relative position to the other objects
	  in the compound and its angle is rotated by 180 degrees minus the
	  original angle.  This behavior will for example, keep the orientation
	  of a text inside a polygon consistent with the polygon.
	  A horizontal flip of a compound containing text will change the angle
	  in the same way.
	o Three-D borders for buttons, etc reduced from 2 to 1 pixel for "lean"
	  look (resource Fig*shadowWidth in
	o Additional JPEG file format (EXIF) added for import. These usually
	  come from digital cameras.
	o Validation for integer spinners - doesn't allow non-numeric input when
	  typing in values directly.
	o When scaling an object, the scale factor is shown in the message.
	  window in addition to the width/height. From Alex Durner.
	o New url for pstoedit (mentioned in installation.html).
	o When picking points of an object at high zoom, the tolerance has been
	  reduced to make it easier to pick the correct point.
	o When "graying" inactive depths, the inactive objects are drawn first
	  followed by active objects ensuring visibility of active objects.
	o xfig now draws "grayed out" picture objects (inactive depth) as a gray
	  box with the filename only.
	o Line style in edit panel now shows graphic of style instead of
	  textual description.
	o Cap style in edit panel was inadvertantly left off open-splines.
	o Popup dialog to edit behavior of spline point now pops up near the
	  point being edited.
	o When cancelling drawing a picture object from the popup editor, the
	  empty object is removed rather than showing a <empty> in the box.
	o Pressing Return or Escape in popup message window will dismiss it.
	o In picture browser popup, double clicking or clicking and pressing
	  Return will apply the selected picture AND close the browser.
	o New popup query if updating the depth in a compound object would
	  result in any depth exceeding the maximum.  The popup gives the user
	  the option to cancel the depth update part.
	  From Marcus Eger (
	o More consistent placement of Cancel/Ok/Set etc. buttons in dialogs.
	  Generally, the Cancel button is first followed by the others, and
	  where possible, they are at the bottom of the dialog.
	o More meaningful message "Cut buffer is empty" if there is no .xfig
	  file in the user's home directory.
	o New MetaPost driver for TransFig 3.2.4 supported.
	o New option for binary CGM export (must have TransFig 3.2.4 too). The
	  ralcgm program is required for this option.
	o In popup edit panel for compound objects, one may easily shift a
	  compound object by changing either corner's x, y values and pressing
	  return or scale it by changing the width and/or height and pressing
	o "condensed" alias for "narrow" fonts (urw changed their helvetica-
	   narrow to helvetica-condensed).
	o Pressing escape in a popup dialog will dismiss it.
	o Zoom/Unzoom (Shift-Z/z) changes zoom by a factor of 1.5 instead of
	  adding or subtracting 1 from the zoom value. Also, the zoom/unzoom is
	  centered on the canvas.
	o Exporting to JPEG doesn't require compiling with USE_JPEG defined in
	o Minimum and maximum depths of objects in a compound are displayed in
	  popup edit panel.
	o Named styles where user can save attributes that are often used for
	  quick access.  For example, the user may want dashed, thick, red lines
	  often so he can save those attributes and call it (e.g.) "thickred",
	  and easily call it up later.  See the html docs in Main Menus (the
	  View/Manage Styles...) menu entry.

NEW LIBRARIES and Examples:

	o Poster advertizing German version of "Little Shop of Horrors" in
	  Libraries/Examples/poster.fig.  From Kai-Martin Knaak
	o Three new Examples from Carlo Kopp (in Libraries/Examples):
	   Python-4.fig  - RAFAEL Python 4 all aspect agile heatseeking missile
	   YF-23A.fig    - Development example of the USAF's Northrop-MDC YF-23A
	   tsr2-side.fig - Notional camouflages for BAC TSR.2 production aircraft.
	o Many new country flags in the Libraries/Flags directory. Now
	  organized by region of the world (e.g. Africa, Europe, MiddleEast).
	o New flags of Bosnia and Slovenia with vector coat of arms in
	  Libraries/Flags directory from Roman Maurer
	o New maps of Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and
	  Slovenia (Libraries/Maps/Europe)
	o New maps of Russia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
	  and Uzbekistan (Libraries/Maps/Asia)
	o New Avery label templates in Libraries/Labels directory, including a
	  CD label, Avery_5931, done by William Chimiak.
	o New Avery and PerfectData Corp CD label templates in Libraries/Labels
	  directory, done by Len Hickey.
	o New computers and printers in Libraries/Computers library from Ernst
	o New network library devices Extreme Networks Inc. Black Diamond and
	  Summit 5i network switches, Net Gear Hub, and new CODECs in
	  Audiovisual library from Bill Chimiak
	o New DSP component library from Jakub Stastny (
	o Standard welding bevels library from Erik Engh (Libraries/Welding)
	o Canadian map from Seymour Green
	o A Uno hand (card game) drawn by Roland Rosendfeld


	o Undo of join/split now works correctly.
	  From Pieter-Tjerk de Boer (
	o Pulldown menu for object library didn't always go away while loading
	o If -library_dir was relative path, any imported pictures in library
	  files wouldn't be found.
	o If in text draw mode and user uses Alt- accelerator, the compose LED
	  would stay on
	o Middle mouse emulation for 2-button mice wasn't accepting Alt-Right-
	  click, only Meta-Right-click.
	o If one created a new figure and didn't save it before exporting, the
	  export command was malformed resulting in an error message.
	o Numeric locale setting moved to routines that read and write Fig files
	  so that the user's numeric convention is used in everything else.
	o Point positioning was truncated in the negative X and Y regions of the
	  canvas instead of being rounded.
	o -b (border margin) wasn't being passed to fig2dev for PDF and PSTEX
	o xfig only recalculate the bounds of compound objects being read if
	  there are no bounds following the "6" or they are all 0.  This fixes
	  the problem introduced in 3.2.3d where objects that were bound at a
	  certain point positioning were rebound at the current positioning.
	o When xfig reads in a .fig file (merge_file or load_lib_obj) it will
	  not put the file into another compound if it contains only one
	  compound. This will prevent the double compounding of library objects
	  or merged files.
	o If a compound with more than 64 strings was edited, xfig segfaulted
	  because the limit wasn't checked.  This is fixed, and the limit has
	  been increased to 200.
	o Typo in figx.h. "#ifdef XAW3d" instead of "#ifdef XAW3D" (capital "D")
	o If the XFIGDOCDIR directory didn't already exist, install.doc failed.
	o The "make install.all" directive did not install the executable, as
	  the README file said is would.  This has been fixed.
	o Deleting a region (middle mouse button delete) of a figure resulted in
	  all other objects dissappearing after a screen refresh.
	o If the user mistakenly clicked the *left* mouse button on a point
	  where he wanted to *split* a line, the ability to split was turned off.
	o Toplevel library directory wasn't included in library menu when it
	  contained .fig files.
	o Subdirectories without any .fig files appeared in the library menus,
	  contrary to the documentation.
	o If xfig was renamed to anything else, the command-line arguments and
	  X resources weren't parsed by the Intrinsics.  This is fixed.
	o Some versions of "make" don't like the blank line produced by the
	  "#ifdef I18N" in the install.html section of the Imakefile, so it has
	  been reworked to get around that bug.
	o Array placement with horizontally/vertically constrained copy works now
	o Html "options" page showed "-pa" as abbreviation for -paper_size, when
	  in fact it is now "-pap" because of the new "-pageborder" option.
	o If display zoom was large (> 20) and grid was turned on, very large
	  pixmap was being created for the grid.
	o Inconsistancy with "char" vs "unsigned char" in get_canvas_clipboard().
	o Text input and editing more efficient when redrawing large fonts.
	o Box curve indicator now appears when in "convert box<->arcbox" mode.
	o If user called xfig with empty (but existing) file, the filename was
	  not retained for subsequent save.
	o Cleaned up redrawing of corner markers when editing objects from popup
	  edit panel.
	o Scaling arcbox didn't report scaling messages.
	o When scaling rotated ellipses, scaling messages were overwritten.
	o Improved redraw when moving/scaling/copying objects and screen is
	o Drawing units indicator was not updated when reading Fig file.
	o Cleaned up "move point" code.  When moving a corner point of a box or
	  compound or the radius or diameter of a circle or ellipse, it would
	  first make the object dissappear until the mouse was moved.  This
	  doesn't happen anymore.
	o Command-line -userunit (X resource Fig.userunit) were overwritten when
	  reading Fig file.  Now it is only changed if units are inconsistent
	  with value in file.  E.g. if file has "Inches" and xfig has "cm", xfig
	  changes to "in" when reading file.
	o A few files were left open that should be closed.
	o If the print and/or export panels are up and the figure units are
	  changed from/to Metric/Imperial, the figure size wasn't updated in
	  the print/export panel(s).
	o Missing link from editing.html file to "Paste Objects" in
	o Bug in array place item - didn't work when number of X copies and
	  Y copies = 1.
	o Bug in *undo* of array place - didn't account for adding back object
	o (dx, dy) values weren't displayed when moving the midpoints of a line
	  or arc.
	o While drawing freehand (middle mouse button start), if the user wanted
	  to delete points by holding down the shift key and pressing the left
	  button, moving the mouse would still add points to the object
	o PNGINC Imakefile variable added to specify where png.h is located (was
	  already there in fig2dev)
	o The depth counts were erased when deleting a region of a figure.
	o If you choose one object from a library to place on the canvas and
	  then popup the library panel and choose another object, the depths
	  from the temporary object following the pointer weren't accounted for.
	o Added "Fig*AllowShellResize: false" to the app-defaults file to fix a
	  problem that some window managers have with xfig continually resizing
	o When saving path of imported picture, xfig thought path was relative
	  to current directory when it wasn't
	o Added "|| defined(apollo)" in fig.h to include sys/types.h
	o Doc/FORMAT3.2 file had imported picture description line reversed with
	  points lines
	o Doc/FORMAT3.2 file had incorrect values for object types in the first
	  part of section 3.
	o Segfault when merging a Fig file with only color objects (no drawing
	o No message when toggling on/off depth manager
	o If xfig couldn't open ~/.xfigrc for writing (e.g. because of
	  permissions) it would segfault
	o Segfault when converting a 2-point line to a polygon.
	  Bugfix from Tom Sato.
	o Segfault when creating a closed spline with three points, where the
	  last two points are coincident.
	  Bugfix from Tom Sato.
	o Typo in attributes.html in describing the selection of the previous or
	  next attribute with mouse buttons 2 and 3 respectively.  For mouse
	  button 2 it should read "previous" and for button 3 "next".
	o Typo in Doc/FORMAT3.2 and Doc/html/fig-format.html for backward_arrow
	  said "(0: no forward arrow, 1: on)" instead of ... no backward ...
	o Added $(DUSESMALLICONS) to dependencies for main.c in Imakefile
	o Reduced height of object edit panels by only displaying 3 comment
	  lines and 6 x,y pairs before scrolling.
	o Special texts weren't filtered by the depth filter when exporting to
	  combined ps/latex or pdf/latex
	o Various typographical errors found by Daniel Frèrejacque
	o Segfault if fast export (Alt-Shift-X) is done before either the file,
	  export or browse panel was created
	o When xfig was compiled with WHEELMOUSE support, zooming was always
	  "centered" even not zooming with wheel
	o Typo in resource file for pasting text using F8 key
	o When doing a panic save (segfault, etc.), xfig now closes any open
	  compound objects first
	o Bug in importing GIF file.  File descriptor changed between first open
	  and final close.
	o Bug in Imakefile with JPEGINCDIR
	o Had to include SimpleMenu.c and header files because of changes to
	  some Xaw SimpleMenu implementations that were incompatible with xfig's
	  own SmeBSB object
	o Bug in "Figure size" label in export panel caused segfault sometimes
	o Macro call (up_part) in e_update.c caused problems on HP/UX ANSI
	o Same compiler takes issue with empty action records in w_style.c:
	  library_actions[] ={}; Removed because it isn't used anymore.
	o After pressing the "Reread" button in imported picture edit popup, the
	  Shrink, Expand and Original size buttons were disabled
	o Bug in SmeCascadeP.h when not using 3D widget set (Xaw3d)
	o One remaining use of sys_errlist[] should have been changed to
	  strerror() in f_util.c
	o Pressing Escape while drawing an object caused segfault
	o When line type is dotted and the dot gap is < 0.5, XSetDashes()
	  produced "Bad Value" error.  Found by Tom Sato
	o init_break_tag() and init_break_only() each had an extraneous parameter
	  (loc_tag) which wasn't used and wasn't passed by the caller anyway. This
	  caused havoc with (at least) the gcc optimizer on an Alpha processor.
	  Found by Jay Estabrook.
	o If you open a dimension line compound object and close it with zoom != 1,
	  the text is drawn unzoomed
	o Didn't allow smoothing when exporting to AutoCAD slide file.
	o Changing browser or pdfviewer in dialog had no effect.
	o Fixed problem with RedHat imake rules not installing Doc/
	o When making a compound object including lines that have arrowheads and
	  large coordinates (>= 100000), an incorrect bounding box was produced.
	  This same bug was in fig2dev 3.2.3d and earlier.
	o Drawing an arc by starting with the center and dragging it out now
	  reports the angles of the endpoints after clicking on first endpoint
	  instead of incorrectly reporting the radius.
	o Checks that closed splines have at least 3 points when reading Fig
	  file and removes any that have fewer.
	o Exporting with color TIFF preview option missing parameter when
	  calling fig2dev
	o Export grid option disabled for languages other than PS/EPS/PDF/bitmaps
	o Not really a bug, but the message that tells the user when xfig is
	  converting a figure from an older file format to the current format
	  has been removed.
	o When changing the height of xfig, the number of buttons per row on the
	  mode (left) panel increase OR decrease as needed.
	o When reading a Fig file with different units (metric/imperial) than
	  the current figure didn't change the ruler tick spacing.
	o Chemical Process Flowsheet library Valve_horizontal and Valve_vertical
	  valves reversed.
	o Bug in forcing absolute path for picture objects in libraries
	o Bug where xfig may change the Major/Minor printing/export grid tick
	  values from "None" to 0.0
	o When an imported picture is compressed but the .fig file has the
	  uncompressed name, export failed.
	o Xfig allowed "splitting" a picture box into a polyline.  This has been
	  fixed to disallow it.
	o Queries user if hasn't saved named styles after adding or deleting same.
	o Print-to-batch-file didn't call print_to_file with all parms
	o xfig crashed if the window manager deleted the color popup panel in
	  the popup editors